1 New Gloucester Planning Board 2 Minutes of May 15, 2012 3 4 Members Present: Jean Libby, Tami Wayboer, Steven Maschino, and Wanda Brissette 5 6 Members Absent: Amy Arata, Pamela Slye, and Joe Bean 7 8 Town Staff: Paul First, Town Planner; Debra Parks, CEO 9 10 Others Present: John Rousseau, applicant; Abby Sheridan, owner 11 12 Business Items: Minutes 3/27/12, Barnstormers informational exchange/pre-application 13 14 1. Call to Order 15 16 J. Libby called the meeting to order at 7:0opm. This is the May 15th Planning Board Meeting. 17 18 19 2. Approval of Minutes 20 a. March 27, 2012 21 22 W. Brissette made a motion to approve the minutes of March 27th, seconded by T. Wayboer. 23 24 Motion approved 3-0-1. T. Wayboer abstained. 25 26 27 3. Informational Exchange/Pre-application 28 a. Barnstormers 29 Abby Sheridan & John Rousseau 30 137 Sabbathday Road 31 Residential C, Groundwater Protection 32 0002-0003-K 33 34 P. First said John Rousseau and Abby Sheridan of Barnstormers, Inc. are considering moving their 35 business to the Homestead Lumber site for their lumber salvage and resale business. The Planning 36 Board approved a site plan for this location for Homestead in 2003. The applicants are proposing 37 the addition of a new building for lumber processing and milling at that site. Since the timing of the 38 project doesn’t allow the applicant the ability to bring a full application to the Board prior to their 39 purchase, they are here tonight to at least try to have an informational exchange and get sense of the 40 approval process, as well as some initial feedback. They will then be coming to the Board with a full 41 application at a later date. 42 43 A. Sheridan said Barnstormers has been operating out of Thompson’s Point in Portland, but we 44 need to relocate because of some development going on down there. We found this piece of 45 property here in New Gloucester, and it looks like it might be a good location for Barnstormers to 46 relocate. 47 48 J. Rousseau said I started Barnstormers in 1995. I started out with an appreciation of the old, and 49 refinishing it. I have learned to take and recondition old rough barn lumber and reuse it by planing 50 it down and selling it as boards or timber stock for people interested in accenting their homes or 51 want to be green by using a reclaimed lumber product. By adding value to this product and 52 recycling history, I have found a market for this product. I have a fair amount of equipment to 53 process lumber. I think my business is probably on par with Joe Sullivan. I have worked with Joe 54 over the years, and we have basically the identical equipment. One of the things we’re looking to do 55 in the next 12 months is put on an addition to enclose our sawmill. All the planing equipment 56 would be indoors. Most of the milling equipment will be kept in the main building, and the rest 57 would be used for storage. I would like to use the proposed expansion to have an enclosed building 58 for the sawmill.

1 New Gloucester Planning Board 5/15/12 Page 1 of 3 59 60 J. Libby said where does your material come from? 61 62 J. Rousseau said old barns, homes, warehouses, old schools, old mills. 63 64 S. Maschino said are you importing any lumber from out of state? 65 66 J. Rousseau said I do import throughout New England, and in Canada some as well. Occasionally I 67 will bring in wood from Pennsylvania or Ohio as well. 68 69 J. Libby said the processing aspect of this project is what is changing from the existing use. As you 70 get to the application phase, town staff will lead you through the process. One consideration is the 71 noise ordinance, which I’m sure you’ll meet. The biggest percentage of the plan has already been 72 approved. We have to address what happens to your waste, but you’re already doing it, so you’re 73 well aware what the questions are and your answers. It sounds like this should be a fairly 74 straightforward application process. 75 76 W. Brissette said there is currently a building pretty close to the edge of the property. Is that in 77 nonconformance in terms of setback? 78 79 D. Parks said it currently meets the side setback. 80 81 P. First said that is from Google Maps, and the parcel lines are not completely accurate. The parcel 82 like should be closer to what you see as the line of occupation. 83 84 J. Libby said where is the nearest residence? 85 86 J. Rousseau said I believe there are two residences across the street, and one to the north of the 87 property. There are also some residences behind the auto salvage yard. 88 89 J. Libby said the site is currently well buffered. I don’t see any problems, and I do agree that we 90 have to amend the existing site plan for this project. How much are you going to have to transport 91 from your existing site to New Gloucester? 92 93 J. Rousseau said I have a lot of equipment to move, and some inventory as well. I am planning to 94 have a barn sale before moving up here to decrease my inventory. 95 96 P. First said do you have enough storage at this site to keep your inventory under a roof? 97 98 J. Rousseau said yes, plus we like to keep it dry and prevent deterioration. 99 100 W. Brissette said I would ask Debby and Paul if there are any current changes that need to be made 101 to bring it up to current code. 102 103 D. Parks said part of their application will include a floor plan, and we will have the Fire Marshall 104 look at that. That would cover anything as far as safety code. We can work with anything else that 105 might come up as well. 106 107 A. Sheridan said in terms of using the waste product, John has been designing a pellet operation. 108 109 J. Rousseau said we’d like to expand Barnstormers a bit more. As a green, sustainable business, 110 we’d like to go one step further and incorporate a small-scale pellet operation by taking our planer 111 chips and sawdust and making a pellet. We are in the process of putting together a small operation, 112 and we’d like to know if the town would be receptive to that. 113 114 J. Libby said I think if you meet the standards of section 5 and the safety codes, then that is fine. 115 Light industrial is allowed in this district. If you’re thinking about doing this in the next couple of 116 years, it might be a good idea to bring it all to the board as one application for the sake of simplicity. 117

2 New Gloucester Planning Board 5/15/12 Page 2 of 3 118 4. Other Business 119 120 There is no other business. 121 122 123 5. Future Meetings 124 125 The next meeting will be on Tuesday June 5th if there is business. 126 127 6. Adjournment 128 129 A motion to adjourn was made by T. Wayboer at 7:32 pm, seconded by W. Brissette. Motion 130 approved 4-0. 131 132 133 Respectfully submitted, 134 Jessa Berna, Assistant Planner

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