Betchworth Parish Council s3
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MINUTES of the MEETING of the BETCHWORTH PARISH COUNCIL held on MONDAY 5th MARCH 2012, at 8pm in the Hamilton Room.
Present: Councillors Wilson, Hardy, Higgins, Stow, Taylor, and the Clerk. Also present were parishioners Peter Distin and Jim Alloway.
1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (495) Apologies were received from Councillors Tanner and Chalker, District Councillor Potter and PC Dominic Loraine.
2 MINUTES (496) The Minutes of the meeting held on 6th February had been circulated prior to the meeting and these were approved and duly signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
3 MATTERS ARISING (497) Chairman advised that he had recruited one parishioner as a Speedwatch volunteer once he had retired later in the year. Councillor Hardy had also identified a prospective volunteer. Noted that there was a need for potential recruits to be made aware that there was no come back to volunteers and that training was provided. Agreed to ask the school if they could canvas the pupil’s parents for recruits. Action: Clerk
(498) The meeting with the Hamilton Estate was confirmed as being at Betchworth House on 6th March at 2.30pm. Councillors Wilson, Hardy, Taylor and the Clerk to attend. The purpose of the meeting was queried and the Chairman advised that this was a regular liaison meeting which would probably discuss mainly footpath and general planning matters. Peter Distin wished to record his deep concern at the continuing problems with parking and obstruction in the entrance to the Walled Garden. Action : Councillors Wilson, Hardy, Taylor and the Clerk
4 CRIME AND ORDER (499) PC Dominic Loraine was unable to attend but had emailed details of local crime over the past month. There were five crimes recorded: - theft of electricity substation padlock, burglary (computer equipment), two cut horses’ tails and an affray at the Arkle Manor. Councillor Stow advised that only one horse had actually been attacked and that it had been very stressed.
5 PLANNING New Applications and Appeals (500) MO/2012/0147/PLAH The Old Nurseries, Old Reigate Road, Betchworth. Erection of detached garage / car port. Location of garage assumed to be in north east corner. No comment.
(501) MO/2012/0199/PLA Snowerhill Farm, Snowerhill Road, Betchworth. Erection of general purpose agricultural building. Single span agricultural barn to the rear of the farm which would be visible from the footpath to the south of Snowerhilll farm. No comment.
52 (502) MO/2012/0206/PLAH 6, Rykens Lane, Betchworth. Insertion of 3 No. additional rooflights to facilitate creation of room within roof space. (Resubmission of MO/2011/0971). New plan included a reduced dormer window and 3 rather than 2 rooflights. Lack of 2nd floor floor plan considered unhelpful. Agreed to make no comment, as previously, and leave MVDC to fully assess. MVDC to be reminded of the restricted development rights. Action : Clerk, letter
Results (503) MO/2011/1532/PLAH Pebblehill Cottage, Pebble Hill Road, Betchworth. Retention of trellis on boundary fence. Approved with Conditions.
(504) MO/2011/0668/SCC Reigate Road Quarry Security Lighting Scheme. The illumination by two flood lights on the rear (southern) elevation of the MRF without compliance with Condition 3. SCC Refused 23/2/12.
(505) The Clerk’s email/letter to the Planning Committee was commended. Noted that the lighting is still on pending submission of an appeal. Agreed to write to SCC insisting that the decision should be enforced immediately and until any such appeal is submitted. Action : Clerk, letter
Other Matters (506) Reigate Road Quarry Noted that the tunnel worksite had now been cleared and that only a heap of soil and of vegetation remained. Latter was expected to be removed to the quarry once the tunnel was in use. The roadside banks were beginning to green up but were subject to erosion nevertheless Councillors considered the use of concrete kerbing actually above the tunnel to be inappropriate in this rural situation. Were the kerbs an essential part of the design or just there to limit soil erosion? Action : Clerk, letter
(507) Barley Mow Site Contact made with Peter Charman who confirmed the present plans included the re-siting of the entrance to the A25. Reported that the VW activity in the NE corner was expecting to move to a new building. Agreed to encourage Mr. Charman to attend the next meeting to outline the current plans.
(508) School Path Lighting Councillors were not aware of any glare from the new downlighters. Chairman proposed that the Council should contribute £200 towards the costs of £410. Clerk confirmed that there were budgeted funds available to meet this expenditure. After further discussion the motion was seconded by Councillor Taylor and agreed for safety improvements.
(509) AONB Boundary Review Letter received from Surrey Hills AONB advising that Natural England had decided to undertake a desk study to scope the work involved in a review. It was hoped that any review could be achieved by consensus and it was expected in the event of a review that Parish Councils would be able to input their thoughts. No further action required for the moment.
6 FINANCE (510) The monthly Financial Summary and a Budget Review sheet had been circulated before the meeting. The Clerk drew attention to the continuing exceptional
53 income from the Burial Ground, and the overall increase of income for the year to £21,000. Routine expenditure on grounds maintenance and Council running costs was marginally underspent and a second photocopier cartridge would therefore be purchased. Action : Clerk
(511) The Discretionary and Capital Works elements were some £4000 beyond their original budget. Despite this the planned reduction of the Reserve Account had not been necessary and in fact £3500 had been added to the Reserve Account. Agreed to allocate £8000 of the reserves towards the proposed Jubilee Pavilion in the Burial Ground.
(512) Agreed to accept an estimate of £400 for the binding of some 16 years of Minutes. Councillor Higgins to check size and style of earlier Minutes held at Woking History Centre. Action : Councillor Higgins
(513) A request for a donation to St Catherine’s Hospice was carefully considered in the light of its direct support to our community. There was already strong support via St Michael’s Church and other local initiatives and the request was therefore declined as an inappropriate use of public funds. Action : Clerk, letter
(514) The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques duly signed i.) Hamilton Room (Feb/Mar) £33.00 ii.) B Hawkins (Salary, Stamps) £469.49 iii.) HMRC (Tax on above) £108.60
And also subsequent to the meeting (see Minute 508 above) iv.) North Downs School £200.00
7 TRANSPORT, HIGHWAYS AND FOOTPATHS (515) Footpath to Brockham John Foreman had corrected the signage on the gates and improved the lock installations. However it was now thought that the two way latching locks had been incorrectly assembled from the start. Chairman to attempt to correct. Action: Councillor Wilson
(516) Footpath officer had reported further misuse of the dog bag dispensers along the School Path. Agreed to remove these after advising Ken Wright who had originally provided them. Clerk to contact the dog warden to investigate the provision and funding of a commercial dispenser. Action : Clerk
(517) Councillor Hardy advised that John Stone was engaging a tree surgeon to attend to the tree resting on some aerial cabling.
(518) Clerk had contacted Helyn Clack to explore the provision of a vehicle activated sign on Pebble Hill. Councillor Hardy would attend the next Highways Forum to discuss the problems of the pavement in The Street. Action: Councillor Hardy
54 (519) Chairman had been unable to contact Norbury Wood Products regarding the purchase of seats. He would pursue this or an alternative quote shortly. Action: Councillor Wilson
(520) Councillor Hardy reported on behalf of Councillor Chalker that he had surveyed and drawn up a plan for the Burial Ground. Councillor Tanner was now producing drawings for the Jubilee Pavilion, in readiness for planning permission if needed. Councillor Chalker had received offers of time and materials from local builders, and the BCQDJ committee were proposing to include it in a grant application. Item to be included on April Agenda. Action: Clerk
(521) Unclear how the proposed semi-circular seat was being progressed. Clerk to discuss with Councilor Chalker, obtain estimates, and co-ordinate with Kelly family. Action: Clerk
(522) Inquiry received from Pebblecombe W.I. re planting a Diamond Jubilee tree as they had done for both the silver and golden jubilees. Suggested that this could be a second English oak tree for the Burial Ground, as envisaged in the recent forward plan. Action : Clerk
(523) Letter received from the War Memorials Trust noting that the lettering on the War Memorial was becoming indecipherable. Clerk had replied saying that repairs were budgeted for 2012 and requesting advice as to a suitable contractor. Meantime Sherlock’s had agreed to inspect it and advise/estimate for the work.
9 SCHOOL and CHILDREN’S HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES (524) Notification of the resignation of the Headmaster of the North Downs School received with sadness. The School had requested a copy of the Betchworth Village Plan. Chairman to forward electronic copy to Clerk. Action : Councillor Wilson
(525) Councillor Hardy gave details of the Easter holiday activities being run by the Children’s Holiday team. Programme and risk assessments to be forwarded to Council’s insurers. Action : Clerk
10 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Active Papers (526) Consultation re drafting of Surrey Local Flood Risk Management Scheme. Action: Councillor Taylor to complete
(527) Invitation to Leigh Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday 22nd March, 7.30pm at Leigh Base. Chairman and Clerk agreed to attend.
55 Action: Councillor Wilson & Clerk
(528) Consultation on Road Safety and Anti-social driving strategy to be passed to Mike Alford Action : Clerk/Mike Alford
(529) SCAPTC Hot Topics Forum at Denbies on 25th April. No volunteers.
Passive Papers (530) Other Communications received as per Appendix 4 (Passive Items) were distributed for Councillors to peruse and report back as appropriate.
Other Matters (531) Request received for the replacement of the Skinner Memorial seat outside the Post Office. Agreed to share the cost with original donor. Action : Clerk
(532) Councillor Hardy requested that the Betchworth and Buckland Society should be included as an item on future Agendas. Action : Clerk
(533) She mentioned a number of issues arising from the recent meeting of the B&BS which included their usefulness as another planning issue voice, the need to include the Society in the revamp of the Welcome Pack and its role with CAMEL
11 DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS (534) Future meetings of the Council are on Monday 2 nd April and Wednesday 9 th May (AGM) both at 8.00pm in the Hamilton Room. Action: ALL
(535) The Annual Parish Meeting will be on 23rd April when Mr Ken Bare of the Surrey Hills Society will speak (max 20 minutes).
(536) Clerk would prepare an article for the April Parish Magazine. Action : Clerk
(537) The next meeting of the Rural Forum would be held at Ockley on Thursday 15th March. Action: Councillor Stow and the Clerk to attend.
(538) CPRE Localism Workshop on 24th March in the Leatherhead Institute at 9.30am. Action: Chairman and the Clerk to attend.
(539) Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30pm.