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1. Personal Information s1

Dr. Bashar Hani Al-Omari

Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Traffic/Transport Engineering Consultant Jordan University of Science & Technology Gulf Engineering House Irbid 22110, Jordan P.O.Box 27108, Riyadh 11417, KSA Tel.: + 962 (2) 7201000 Ext (22102) Tel.: + 966 (1) 4537171 Ext (318) Fax : + 962 (2) 7095123 Fax : + 966 (1) 4539292 Mobile: + 962 796571481 Mobile: + 966 598574813 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: www.just.edu.jo Web : www.daralkhalij.com

1. PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: October 26, 1967 Nationality: Jordanian Marital Status: Married Number of Children: Four

2. EDUCATION Ph.D., Civil Engineering (Highway & Traffic), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), Illinois, USA (1996). Dissertation Title: " Delay Models for Intersections Controlled by Stop Signs". M.Sc., Civil Engineering (Transportation), Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST), lrbid - Jordan, 1991. Thesis Title: "Using Optimization Models for Residential Land planning & Dwelling Layout System Design". B.Sc., Civil Engineering (Transportation), Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST), lrbid-Jordan, 1989. Senior Project: Geometric Design of Irbid City Ring Road.


A. Academic Experience:  Vice Dean of Research, Jordan University of Science & Technology, September 2003 – June 2004.  Assistant Dean of Research, Jordan University of Science & Technology, September 2000 – August 2003.  Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Jordan University of Science & Technology, May 2003 – Present.  Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Jordan University of Science & Technology, November 1996 – May 2003.  Part-Time Traffic Engineer, Champaign-Urbana Urbanized Area Transportation Study (CUUATS), Urbana, Illinois, USA, 1993 - 1996.  Research Assistant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), Illinois, USA, 1992 – 1993.  Teaching Assistant, Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST), Irbid-Jordan, 1990 – 1991.

B. Practical Experience:  Transportation and Traffic Engineering Consultant, Gulf Engineering House, September 2008 – Present.  Manager of Transportation and Traffic Engineering, Gulf Engineering House, July 2004 – August 2008.

 Comprehensive Traffic Study for Irbid Municipality (2002 – 2004): This is a two year ongoing study with my colleagues at JUST (Prof. Hashem Al-Masaeid and Prof. Turki Obeidat) for evaluating the existing highway network at Irbid Greater Municipality and make sure that it satisfies the requirements according to the traffic safety and mobility standards and suggest the suitable improvements. It involves: - Traffic volume studies, Capacity analysis at the road segments and intersections, Traffic circulation studies, Traffic safety studies, Intersection traffic control studies, Spot speed studies, Pedestrian studies, Parking studies, Pavement condition studies, and Highway drainage studies.

The following reports were written as part of the study and submitted to Irbid Municipality:

Report # 1: Analysis and Design of “Al-Naqabat” Intersections. Report # 2: Analysis and Design of “Amman Terminal” Street Network. Report # 3: Speed Profiles and Speed Limits at Irbid Major Arterials Report # 6: Traffic Analysis for the Signalized Intersections in Irbid City. Report # 7: Traffic Analysis for the Major Intersections Controlled by Roundabouts in Irbid City. Report # 8: Traffic Analysis for the Major Stop Controlled Intersections in Irbid City. Report # 9: LOS Analysis for the Major Arterials in Irbid City. Report # 11: Analysis of Pedestrian Safety in Irbid City.

 Feasibility Study of Azraq / Zarqa Road (2003): This was part of a consultancy by Arabtech-Jardaneh Consulting Engineers & Architects for the Ministry of Public Works and Housing. The study contained traffic forecast update for two scenarios (with & without crude oil transport traffic between Iraq and Jordan), and road capacity analysis for economic analysis.

 Pre-Feasibility Study of Irbid Ring Road ( 2003): This was part of a consultancy by Arabtech-Jardaneh Consulting Engineers & Architects for the Ministry of Public Works and Housing. The study contained project staging, traffic forecast, road capacity analysis, and building trip and time saving matrices for economic analysis.  Traffic Study for the Proposed Irbid Ring Road (2002): This was part of a consultancy by Arabtech-Jardaneh Consulting Engineers & Architects for the Ministry of Public Works and Housing. The project contained a proposed full ring road around Irbid Greater City in addition to a partial ring road at the southern part of the City with a total length of about 55 km. The study included the analysis of :

- Traffic volume counts, - Vehicle classification data, - Origin-destination data, and - Vehicle axle load survey data. Furthermore, the study involved the planning analysis for: - The required number of lanes at each segment, and - The recommended type of control (Signals, Roundabouts and Interchanges; Trumpets, Diamonds, Partial Cloverleafs, and Full Cloverleafs) at each intersection along the proposed highway.

 Part-Time Traffic Engineer at CUUATS (1993 – 1996): This was at Champaign-Urbana Urbanized Area Transportation Study (CUUATS), Urbana, Illinois, USA. During this work, I have been involved in a number of traffic engineering studies, mainly:

- Intersection capacity, delay, and level of service analysis for a total of 110 traffic signals in the Cities of Urbana and Champaign, - Traffic impact studies for new developments at different locations at the campus of the University of Illinois, - Pedestrian gap study at two school areas in the City of Urbana, - Signal coordination of several corridors in the two Cities, - Travel time and delay study for the major corridors in the two Cities, - Traffic control warrants analysis for several intersections, and Other studies

The following are the major reports that were written for the City of Urbana, City of Champaign, University of Illinois, or IDOT:

Report #1: “Speed and Delay Study” February 1994. Report #2: “Signalized Intersection Level of Service Study” July 1994. Report #3: “Traffic Impact Study for the Office of Admissions and Records and the Spurlock World Heritage Museum” October 1995. Report #4: “Estimation of RTOR Volumes for Signalized Intersections” Dec. 1995. In addition to several technical memorandums.

 Research Assistant, UIUC, USA, (1992 – 1993): Worked on Two Projects in Pavement Management Systems with Professor Michael Darter for Illinois Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration under the Pavement Model Enhancements for the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) and wrote the following two reports: Report #1: "Relationships Between International Roughness Index and Present Serviceability Rating" September 1992. Report #2: "Effect of Pavement Deterioration Types on IRI and Rehabilitation" June 1993. 4. RESEARCH INTERESTS

Traffic Analysis and Design, Traffic Accident Analysis, Traffic Simulation, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Highway Geometric Design, Pavement Management Systems, Transportation Economical Analysis, Transportation Environmental Impacts.

5. COMPUTER SOFTWARE Familiar with the basic computer software (Word, Excel, Power Point, …) in addition to the following specialized Traffic Software: HCS, SIDRA, PASSER II, CORSIM, TEXAS, & TRANSYT-7F.



1. Bashar H. AI-Omari and Michael Darter, "Relationships Between International Roughness Index and Present Serviceability Rating" Transportation Research Record, No. 1435, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C. 1994, pp. 130-136. 2. Bashar H. AI-Omari and Michael Darter, "Effect of Pavement Deterioration Types on IRI and Rehabilitation" Transportation Research Record, No. 1505, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C. 1995, pp. 57 - 65. 3. Ghassan H. Abu-Lebdeh, Rahim F. Benekohal, and Bashar H. AI-Omari, "Models for Right-Tum-on-Red and Their Effects on Intersection Delay" Transportation Research Record, No. 1572, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C. 1997, pp. 131 - 139. 4. Hashem Al-Masaeid, Bashar Al-Omari and Ahmad Al-Harahsheh “Vehicle Parking Demand for Different Land Uses in Jordan” ITE Journal, May 1999, pp. 79 – 84. 5. Bashar Hani Al-Omari and Rahim F. Benekohal, “Hybrid Delay Models for Unsaturated Two-Way Stop Controlled Intersections” Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume 125, Issue 4, July 1999, pp. 291 - 296. 6. Hashem Al-Masaeid, Khaled Al-hammouri and Bashar Al-Omari “Consistency of Horizontal Alignment Under Adverse Weather Conditions” Road and Transport Research, September 1999. 7. Bashar Al-Omari “Effect of Major Street Platooning on Traffic Delay at Two-Way Stop Controlled Intersections” Highway Research Bulletin, Indian Roads Congress, Number 67, December 2002, pp. 169-178. 8. Bashar Al-Omari and Hashem Al-Masaeid “Effect of Speed Humps on Traffic Delay in Jordan” Road and Transport Research Journal, Vol. 11 No. 4, December 2002, pp. 49-55. 9. Bashar Al-Omari and Hashem Al-Masaeid “Red Light Violations at Rural and Sub-Urban Signalized Intersections in Jordan” Traffic Injury Prevention Journal, Volume 4, Number 2, June 2003, pp. 169-172. 10. Bashar Al-Omari and Gnani Mahalingam “Using Traffic Simulation for Pedestrian Gap Studies” Highway Research Bulletin, Indian Roads Congress, Number 68, 2003, pp. 157- 164. 11. Bashar Al-Omari, Hashem Al-Masaeid and Yahia Al-Shawabkah “Development of a Delay Model for Roundabouts in Jordan” Journal of Transportation Engineering (ASCE), January 2004. 12. Al-Omar Raid, Alyousef Bashar, Al-Omari Bashar " Analysis of Non-Stop Traffic at Isolated Signalized Intersection by Means of Discrete Event Simulation" International journal of simulation modeling, vol. 6, no. 4, 2007, pp. 230-241. 13. Bashar Al-Omari & Madhar Ta'amneh "Validating HCS and SIDRA Software for Estimating Delay at Signalized Intersections in Jordan" Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 1, No. 4, October 2007, pp. 375-393.


14. Rahim F. Benekohal and Bashar H. AI-Omari, 'Development of Delay Models For Stop- Controlled Intersections Using Queuing Theory" Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Intersections Without Traffic Signals, Portland, Oregon USA, July 1997, pp. 26 - 35. 15. Bashar H. AI-Omari and Rahim F. Benekohal "Delay at Congested Unsignalized Intersections” Proceedings of the Traffic Congestion and Traffic Safety in the 21st Century Conference, Chicago, Illinois, June 1997, pp. 194 - 200. 16. Bashar H. AI-Omari "Techniques to Reduce Vehicular Emission (U.S. Experience)" Proceedings of the First Jordanian Conference on Traffic Engineering and Environment, Amman-Jordan, May 1997, pp. 125 - 133. 17. Bashar H. AI-Omari and Mohammad T. Abul-Ela, "Residential Land Planning for Low Income Groups” Proceedings of the Civil Engineering Scientific Week Conference, Amman - Jordan, October 1997 pp. 551 - 562. 18. Ghassan Abu-Lebdeh, Robert Eager and Bashar Al-Omari “ Traffic Safety and the Role of Cellular Phones” Proceedings of the “Traffic Safety in Jordan 2000” conference, Amman, Jordan, November 2000. 19. Bashar Al-Omari, Niveen Barqawi and Ghassan Abu-Lebdeh “Driver Comprehension of Selected Traffic Signs in Jordan” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC., January 2001. 20. Ghassan Abu-Lebdeh and Bashar Al-Omari “ Modeling Time Complexity of Micro-Genetic Algorithms for Traffic Management Problems” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC., January 2001. 21. Al-Hadidi, H. and Al-Omari, B. “Role of Research in the Development of Small and Medium Industries, JUST Experience” Proceedings of the Confeence “Role of Research in the Development of Small and Medium Industries” Algeria, June 2002. 22. Al-Omari, B. “Characteristics of Pedestrian Accidents in Jordan” Proceedings of the Conference “Safety on Roads: International Conference” Bahrain, October 2002. 23. Bashar Al-Omari “Effect of Highway Planning on Pedestrian Safety” Proceedings of the “Role of Urban Planning in Traffic Safety” Symposium, Amman - Jordan, April 2003. 24. Ghassan Abu-Lebdeh and Bashar Al-Omari “Configuring Micro-Genetic Algorithms for Solving Traffic Control Problems: The Case of Number of Generations” Proceedings of the 4th Int’l Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis, College Park, Maryland, USA, Sept 2003, pp70-77. 25. Bashar H. AI-Omari and Hashem Al-Masaeid "Effect of Speed Humps on Highway Capacity in Jordan” Proceedings of the 5th Asia-Pacific Transportation Development Conference” Taipei, Taiwan, February 2004. 26. Bashar Al-Omari and Iman Obeidat “Analysis of Pedestrian Accidents in Irbid City, Jordan” Proceedings of the Jordan International Conference on Sustainable Development of Transportation Systems” Amman, Jordan, April 2004. 27. Bashar Al-Omari and Fatin Abo Al-Bandora “Stated Response Analysis of the Effectiveness of Parking Pricing Strategy in Irbid City, Jordan” Proceedings of the Jordan International Conference on Sustainable Development of Transportation Systems” Amman, Jordan, April 2004. 28. Basim Jrew, Sawsan Fayadh, and Bashar Al-Omari “Development of Delay Model for Arterial Streets in Baghdad City” Proceedings of the Jordan International Conference on Sustainable Development of Transportation Systems” Amman, Jordan, April 2004. 29. Basim Jrew, Sawsan Fayadh, and Bashar Al-Omari “Development of Speed Model for Arterial Streets in Baghdad City” Proceedings of the Jordan International Conference on Sustainable Development of Transportation Systems” Amman, Jordan, April 2004. 30. Bashar Al-Omari & Madhar Ta'amneh "Suitability of Western Traffic Software for Developing Countries: The Case of CORSIM in Jordan", The Proceedings of the "3RD JORDAN INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORTATION CONFERENCE: DECISION MAKING IN THE TRANSPORT SECTOR" Amman, Jordan, March 2007. 31. Omar Al-Omari, Alaa Badawi, Abdulhalim Nsour and Bashar Al-Omari “Transport in Petra” proceedings of Transport in Petra Conference, Petra, May 2009.


1. Bashar AI-Omari and Rahim Benekohal "Delay Models for Unsignalized Intersections" Presented at the Poster Session of the 44th Annual Illinois Traffic Engineering & Safety Conference, Champaign, Illinois, USA, October 1995. 2. Bashar H. AI-Omari "Development of Delay Models for Stop Controlled Intersections Using Queuing Theory" Presented in the Seminar on Doctoral Student Research, at the 75th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, USA, Washington, D.C., January 1996. 3. Bashar H. AI-Omari, "The Effect of Traffic Engineering on Safety and Environment' Presented in the Traffic Safety Workshop Sponsored by the Jordan Society for the Prevention of Road Accidents-Mafraq Branch, Mafraq, May 1997. 4. Bashar H. AI-Omari, Mohammad M. Hamed and Hassan Y. Aukour "Traffic Congestion and Improvement of Ring Roads" Presented at the North Region Municipalities symposium, Sponsored by the Jordan University of Science & Technology and lrbid Municipality, lrbid, July 1998.

ONGOING RESEARCH .8 1. Comparison Between Computer Software for Estimating Delay at Signalized Intersections in Jordan. 2. Modeling for Vehicle Miles of Travel (VMT) Prediction in Jordan. 3. Effect of Driver and Vehicle Characteristics on Speed. 4. Analysis of Child Pedestrian Accidents in Irbid City.

9. TEACHING EXPERIENCE 1. Engineering Drawing 2. Surveying 3. Surveying Lab 4. Highway Design 5. Transportation Engineering 6. Traffic Engineering 7. Transportation Planning 8. Traffic Flow Theory ( MS Course) 9. Operations Research (PhD Course)

SUPERVISOR FOR MS THESIS .10 1. Yahia Al-Shawabka “Traffic Delay at Roundabouts in Jordan” (Graduated in August 2001). 2. Madhar Ta’amneh “Comparison Between Computer Software for Estimating Delay at Signalized Intersections in Jordan” (Graduated in January 2003). 3. Iman Obeidat “Analysis of Pedestrian Accidents in Irbid City”. (Graduated in September 2003). 4. Ashraf Ja’fari “Modeling for Vehicle Kilometers of Travel Prediction in Jordan”. (Expected to graduate in June 2004). 5. Ahmad Al-Harahsheh “Estimation of Vehicle Parking Demand for Different Land Uses in Jordan” (Co-Advisor, Graduated in 1997). 6. Khaled Al-Hammouri “Roadway Consistency Under Adverse Weather Conditions” (Co-Advisor, Graduated in 1998).

11. MEMBER IN MS THESIS DEFENSE COMMITTEES 1. Taleb Al-Rousan “Analysis of Urban Trips with Perceived Risks in Amman” December 1997. 2. Adel Al-Mashakbeh “Traffic Accidents Costs in Jordan” December 1997. 3. Aslam Al-Omari “Interaction Between Urban Planning, Transportation System, and Vehicle Emissions in Urban Arterials” January 1998. 4. Khaled Al-Akhras “Speed Flow Relationships for Multilane Divided Highways” February 1998. 5. Olfat Al-Haji “Development of A Knowledge-Based System for Pedestrian Road Crossing Behavior Through Video Cameras” April 1998. 6. Ali Abdul-Hussein “Analysis of Drivers’ Familiarity with the Urban Transportation Network” December 1998. 7. Sharaf Al-Kheder “Integration of GIS, GPS & Computer Vision Systems for Pavement Distresses Classification”, July 2002. 8. Ala’ Obeidat “Genetic Algorithm-Based Methodology for Structural Design Optimization”, May 2003.


1.Highway Design Projects (Alternatives, Earthwork Calculations and MHD, Horizontal Curves, Vertical Curves, Capacity Analysis, Pavement Design, Climbing Lanes, Super- elevation Design, Intersections, Interchanges, Drainage, Economical Analysis): Mohammed Jaradat, Imad Al-So’oub, Amani Al-Mutairi, Duraid Yousef, Tagreed Al-Qadi, Feras Abu-Helal, Yahia Al-Shawabkah, Rula Al-Omari, Tha’er Abu-Mallouh, Ahmad Jawarneh, Khuzam Al-Qudah, Badr Naser, Fairouz Awawdeh, Husam Al-Shurafa, Lamia’ Abu-Alasal, Ra’ed Abu-Touq, Omar Matalqah, Abdel-Fattah Mar’ey, Rezq Nu’aimat, Osaid Abu-Darweesh, Rahmah Mousa. 2. Traffic Signal Warrants Analysis: Fadi Barakat, Ahmad Bani-Hani. 3.Analysis of Hazardous (Accident Prone) Locations: Nadeer Amarin, Ra’ed Al-Duwairi. 4.LOS Analysis for Signalized Intersections: Madhar Ta’amneh, Otbah Ma’aitah. 5.Applying CORSIM Software for Signalized Traffic Network in Irbid City: Samer Al-Sa’ad. 6.Analysis of Driver Comprehension of Traffic Signs: Niveen Barqawi. 7.LOS Analysis for Major Arterials in Irbid City: Hassan Matalqah.

WORKSHOPS ATTENDED .13 1- “Project / Resource Capacity Management in Contract R&D” workshop that was organized by UNISCO, Arabian Gulf University, Arab Fund for Economic & Social Development, Arab League Educational, Cultural, & Scientific Organization, Islamic Educational Scientific & Cultural Organization, Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences and Jordan Royal Scientific Society. The workshop was part of a Joint Program for the training on management of scientific research and transfer of technology. It was held at the Royal Scientific Society, Amman – Jordan for five days during October of 2001. The workshop covered the following main topics: Basics of project management, Problems associated with project management, Direction of the solution, Time management, Outcomes-based project scooping and design, Project scheduling using critical chain methodology, Training on the project management software.

2. Communication and Interaction with Students in the University Education Workshop that was organized by the Consultation Center at the Jordan University of Science and Technology for 3 days during June of 2001.

3. General Workshop on the Technology for Education that was organized by the Consultation Center at the Jordan University of Science and Technology for 4 days during September of 1999.

JOURNAL REVIEWER .14 Referee for: 1. Traffic Injury Prevention Journal 2. Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering (JJCE) 3. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology (IJPRT). 4. Al-Manara Journal at Al-Albeit University

15. TRAINING COURSES a. Analysis & Design of Intersections and Roundabouts b. Using Computer Software for Analysis and Design of Stop-Controlled and Signalized Intersections (HCS, PASSERII & CORSIM). c. Traffic Engineering Studies (Volume, Speed, Delay, Parking & Pedestrian) d. Highway Transportation Planning.


a. Identification of Hazardous Locations. b. The Role of Traffic Engineering in Traffic Safety. c. Techniques for Congestion Management.


a. Ministry of Public Works - Irbid: Coordination of Traffic Signals in Al-Husun City. Location of Median Openings inside Aidoun City. Redesign of Traffic Signal at Huwwara Intersection. Redesign of Traffic Signal at JUST Entrance. Location of Median Openings inside Umqeis Village. Geometric Design of the Horizontal Curve at Hartha Entrance

b. Municipality of Irbid: A Plan for Major Improvements in Irbid Traffic Network. A Comprehensive Traffic Study for Irbid Street Network


1. A member in the Scientific Committee for the “Traffic Safety Conference in Jordan” that was Held in Amman (November 2000). 2. A member in the Scientific Committee for the “Traffic Solutions for Amman Major Intersections” Workshop that was held in Amman (November 2001). 3. A member in the Scientific Committee for the “Traffic Safety in Jordan 2002” Conference that was held in Amman (April 2002). 4. A member in the committee for evaluating the environmental and archaeological impacts of the proposed Irbid ring road (November 2002). 5. A member in the Scientific Committee for the “Accident Prone Locations” Workshop that was held in Amman (May 2003). 6. Chair for the “Traffic Safety Planning” Session at the “SORIC’02: SAFETY ON ROADS: AN INTERNATIONAL SECOND CONFERENCE” that was held in Bahrain, 21-23 October, 2002. 7. A member in the Organizing Committee for the “Jordan International Conference on Sustainable Development of Transportation Systems” that will be held in Amman (April 2004).

19. MEMBERSHIP IN SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES 1. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), USA 2. Indian Roads Congress, India. 3. Association of Jordanian Engineers. 4. Jordan Roads Society.

20. UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES  Technical Committee for Evaluation of JUST Traffic Network  Technical Committee for Evaluation of JUST Main Entrance.  Technical Committee for Evaluation of JUST Parking Needs at the Medical Campus.  Engineering Training Committee at the Department and Faculty Levels.  Graduate Studies Committee.  Graduation Committee.  Scientific Research Committee.  Library Committee.  Computer Committee.  Social Committee.  Coordinator for Transportation Group

21. REFERENCES 1. Dr. Saleh Swailmi, General manager, Gulf Engineering House, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 2. Dr. Mohammad Aboulela, Traffic and Transportation Engineering Department Manager, Gulf Engineering House, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 3. Prof. Turki Obeidat, Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education, Amman, Jordan. 4. Prof. Hashem Al-Masaeid, Vice President, Aal-Albeit University, Mafraq, Jordan 5. Prof. Abdallah Malkawi, Vice President, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan. 6. Prof. Taiseer Khedaywi, Civil Engineering Department, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan. 7. Prof. Fouad Gharaybeh, Civil Engineering Department, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan.

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