PAORFC Young Player
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This form should be completed for all youth players within the club who have NOT previously registered, are re-registering or have data amendments. Please complete each section in BLOCK CAPITALS and return to the Club Membership Secretary along with TWO passport size photographs YES / NO and any fee’s due PAID £ CASH/CHQ/DEBIT Please tick where appropriate New Registration Re-registration Data Amendment Club Transfer First Names: Surname: D.O.B. Home Address:
Postcode: Male/Female Home Tel: Mobile Tel: Emergency Contact: Email address: Ethnic Origin (Please tick (✔) where appropriate):-
White: British Mixed: White & Black Caribbean Asian and Asian British: Indian Black or Black British: Caribbean White: Irish Mixed: White & Black African Asian and Asian British: Pakistan Black or Black British: Africa White: Other Mixed: White & Asian Asian and Asian British: Bangladesh Black or Black British: Other Chinese Mixed: Other Asian and Asian British: Other Other Ethnic Group Previous Clubs / Representative Playing History (please give details etc., using a separate sheet if necessary)
Playing Position: Unspecified Front Row Forward Back Plays at school: Yes / No Medical Conditions/allergies (Asthma, Epilepsy, Allergic to penicillin) Please give full details using back of form if necessary: (Completing this section is not obligatory but the Club & RFU in the interests of child safety strongly recommend that you do so).
*Medical treatment will be arranged by a club official as appropriate and necessary by medical personnel unless indicated below while informing the parent / guardian as soon as reasonably possible. Name and Address of Doctor
School/Education Establishment Name and Address:
Contact Number: Postcode: Name of Parents/Guardians for Family Membership Mother Occupation DOB Mobile No: Father Occupation DOB Mobile No: Address of Parent/Guardian (if different from above):
Postcode: Contact Telephone Number: Email address: Other Family Playing Members and age groups
If you do not wish your child to be photographed/videoed or have any images published tick here If you do not wish to be contacted by e-mail (this is the clubs primary means of communication tick here If you do not wish your child to have medical treatment tick here PLYMSTOCK ALBION OAKS RFC Any Additional Information You Feel is Relevant
As an adult could you offer any skills to the club (eg first aid, admin, general)
Data Protection Act The information you have supplied will on this form only be used for purposes of club administration in accordance with the principles of the Data Protection Act. By completing and signing this form you have consented to, and accept responsibility for, having these registration details recorded in a database for the purposes of Club administration. If these details are not your own, then you may also be held responsible for any errors, omissions or failure to obtain permission to register any of the information supplied. As a member of Plymstock Albion Oaks it is your responsibility to ensure your details are correct. This information will be saved such that it will only be visible to Officers of Plymstock Albion Oaks RFC. If you wish your details to be made available to other members of this Club, you must request this in writing to the Hon. Sec. of Plymstock Albion Oaks RFC. I declare that the information is correct and I am legally entitled to give my consent. In signing this form I agree that the above named player can be bound by the laws and resolutions of the Rugby Football Union and its constituent body and the rules of Plymstock Albion Oaks Rugby Football Club. Your players payment includes a £20 social membership fee, which will entitle you to full club membership benefits including access to international ticket ballots, catering facilities and preferential access to the function room. In addition to this there will be promotional prices available to you upon presentation of your membership card. If you wish to Gift Aid the donation element of the players payment please sign accordingly in section 3.
I will inform the club if any of my/our relevant details change Signed (player): Date
Signed (parent / guardian): Date
Countersigned (Club Official): Date
For club use only
Allocated Team Lead Coach Team Admin
Registration fee received Albion pass issued Fixtures booklet issued
PAORFC database updated RFU form submitted
(tick when completed) PLYMSTOCK ALBION OAKS
Section 3 RFC
Gift Aid declaration – for past, present & future donations
Plymstock Albion Oaks Rugby Football Club Limited
Please treat as Gift Aid donations the non membership element of the players payment and all qualifying gifts of money made Today in the past 4 years in the future
Please tick all boxes you wish to apply.
I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that I gave up to 5 April 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008.
Donor’s details Title ------First name or initial(s) ------Surname ------Full home address ------Postcode ------Date ------Signature ------
Please notify the charity or CASC if you: Want to cancel this declaration Change your name or home address No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.
If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code. PLYMSTOCK ALBION OAKS RFC YOUTH PLAYER REGISTRATION RECEIPT
Please ensure you read and understand the codes of conduct on the back of this form. By accepting this receipt you are accepting you and the player(s) agreement of those codes.
£______Paid Cash / Cheque / Debit Card
This represents my total payment, both membership and players payment or donation.
Club Officer ______Date______PLYMSTOCK ALBION OAKS RFC The good parent’s code Parents should
Parents are encouraged Remember that young people play rugby for their own enjoyment and not for that of their parents Be familiar with the coaching and training programme in order Encourage young people to play, do not force them that you can ensure your child is fully involved and the Focus on young players efforts, rather than winning coaches are aware of their abilities or losing Be familiar with the teaching and coaching methods used by Be realistic about young players abilities, do not observing the sessions in which your child participates force them towards a level that they are not capable Be aware that the Club has a duty of care and therefore, of achieving where appropriate, assist coaches with the supervision of Provide positive verbal feedback both in training and young players, particularly where numbers are large and there during the game is a need to transport youngsters to away games. REMEMBER THAT PERSISTENT, NEGATIVE Be involved with Clubs activities and share your expertise MESSAGES WILL ADVERSELY AFFECT THE Share concerns, if you have them, with the Club officials PLAYERS AND THE REFEREES PERFORMANCE Be familiar with the Good coaches code in particular AND ATTITUDE Coaches should recognise the importance of fun and Always support the club in their efforts to eradicate enjoyment when coaching young players loud, coarse and abusive behaviour from the game Coaches should keep winning and losing in perspective, Remember young people learn by example encourage young players to behave with dignity in all Always show the appreciation of good play by all circumstances young players both from your own Club and the It is important that all parents support coaches in instilling opposition these virtues
The good player’s code Player’s should
Recognise and appreciate the efforts made by Play because you want to do so, not to please coaches or parents coaches, parents, match officials and Remember that skill development, fun and enjoyment are the most administrators in providing the opportunity for important parts of the game you to play the game and enjoy the rugby Be attentive at all training and coaching sessions environment Work equally hard for yourself and your team – both will then Understand the values of loyalty and benefit commitment to adults and team mates Recognise good play by all players on your team and your opponents Recognise that every young player has a right to Be a sportsman win or lose expect their involvement in rugby to be safe and Play to the laws of the game and accept, without question, all free from all types of abuse referees’ decisions. Control your emotions. Verbal or physical abuse Understand that if an individual or group of of your team mates, opponents, or match officials is not acceptable. young players feel they are not being treated in Treat all players, as you would like to be treated. Do not interfere a manner that is acceptable, they have a right with, bully or take advantage of any player to tell an adult either at the Club or outside the game.
The good spectator’s code
Act as a positive role model to all young players Be familiar with, and abide by, the RFU child protection guidance in relation to verbal and emotional abuse Respect the club with regard to spectator behavior Spectators should
Remember children play sport for their enjoyment, not yours Acknowledge good individual and team performance from all players irrespective of the team for whom they play Respect match officials’ decisions. Remember they are volunteers providing an opportunity for the youngsters to play Never verbally abuse young players, match officials, fellow spectators or coaches. Such behaviour can create a negative environment for young players and their behaviour will often reflect this Acknowledge effort and good performance rather than the ‘win at all costs’ ethic Verbally encourage all youngsters in a positive way. If you do shout make sure its ‘for, not ‘at’ the players Encourage all players irrespective of their ability – never ridicule any individual player, regardless for whom they play