COMS 3356 Leadership & Communication

Closing the Loop:  More videos were added to the content of the course by experts such as Lee Cockerell (VP of Operations of Walt Disney World and author of Creating Magic: 10 Leadership Skills from Disney); Gert Hofstede; and Randy Pausch to help students learn the theories and concepts better.  An additional case study was added to give students another chance to critically evaluate a the strengths and limitations of a real world example of a manager.  Online quizzes allowed students to assess their knowledge from the textbook and assigned readings before completing discussions, activities, and journals.  Journal entries were incorporated to allow students to evaluate their own leadership style in light of the theories and best practices addressed in the course. Answers to questions: 1. Have changes been made in the way instructors (faculty or graduate students) teaching your core courses in oral communication are trained, oriented, or supervised? Supplemental material has been increased to help instructor(s) prepare for lectures. 2. Have changes been made in the base syllabus for your core courses in response to assessment results? Journal entries were lowered to only be worth 200 points of the 1000 point course. 3. Have you adjusted the way the courses are assessed, the examinations, or the base content in the areas listed above in response to assessment results? Additional online reading quizzes were added. Additional content was added to help students foster a better understanding of leadership. (Including more lecture videos published by the instructor). 4. Have you made any changes in the way content is delivered such as adding on-line modules, improving classroom technology, using on-line quizzes or exams, making lectures available to students on-line, or flipping the classroom? Yes. When the course was taught face to face, online exams and quizzes were utilized. Additional videos were included in the course (both face to face and online). For face to face sections, reading assignments were assigned online and then discussed in class; for online sections more discussion boards were incorporated into the course. 5. Have you made any changes in how students are provided with help to improve their comprehension of the material such as on-line tutoring, face-to-face or group help sessions, etc. Online: a discussion board for the final presentation video link was added. This allowed students to give each other feedback on their final presentations. Face to face: peer critiques were added for the audience to complete during final presentations, and then given to the speaker.