Temple Hill Elementary School

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Temple Hill Elementary School

Temple Hill Elementary School

“Where All Students Achieve Success”

Comprehensive School Improvement Plan

2008-2009 Comprehensive School Improvement Plan 2008-2009 Action Plan

School Name: Temple Hill Elementary School Component: Curriculum Subcomponent: School Vision: Temple Hill School is a collaborative learning community dedicated to promoting caring, cooperative, responsible, life- long learners of all ages and stages. In this community, everyone deserves the opportunity to develop to their fullest academic, social and creative potential. We believe that our motto "Where All Students Achieve Success" supports this vision.

Standards/ Present Desired Timelines Activities to Accomplish: Funding Person Indicators performance Level amount/ Responsible Addressed: level. (include Curriculum maps will be revised to reflect up- source narrative) Annually to-date curriculum changes, make connections Standard 1.1.a; 2/3 3-Proficient between disciplines, and incorporate higher Board $ Certified Staff 1.1.b; l. l. c; and moving order thinking skills. Program of Studies, Core 1.1.f; 1.1.g Why: to 4 Content, and D.O.K. will be monitored. Curriculum Cost of J. Hall Curriculum is maps are Maps will Professional development will focus on identified academy S. Alexander aligned with revised on a be areas of need in the curriculum. District and --PD $ D.Wallace academic continual basis, expanded school professional development will focus on S. Chenoweth expectations, but are in need and reflect curriculum revisions, essential questions, and core content, of essential essential unit development. Barren County P.D. and program of questions for questions, Academy will help with district curriculum studies. Schools focus and other connections initiatives. coordinate revisions. Some and higher- curriculum maps are order ERIG Grant to cover Literacy Lab Grant S. McPherson standards, close different for the thinking Funded R. Shirley gaps, review same grade skills curriculum, and levels. Higher provide a order thinking common skills and academic core connections are for all students. needed. Comprehensive School Improvement Plan 2008-2009 Action Plan

School Name: Temple Hill Elementary School Component: Assessment Subcomponent: School Vision: Temple Hill School is a collaborative learning community dedicated to promoting caring, cooperative, responsible, life- long learners of all ages and stages. In this community, everyone deserves the opportunity to develop to their fullest academic, social and creative potential. We believe that our motto "Where All Students Achieve Success" supports this vision.

Standards/ Present Desired Timelines Activities to Accomplish: Funding Person Indicators performance Level amount/ Responsible Addressed: level. source More levels Annually Teachers will participate in district grade level Standard 2: 2/3 3 and 4 on academies focusing on instructional strategies Cost for J. Hall 2.1.a; 2.1.b; assessments and assessment to improve the quality and PD S. Alexander 2.1.c; 2.1.d; Why? —reflecting variety of assessments that are used to evaluate academy 2.1.e; 2.1.f; variety of student learning. participa 2.1.g; 2.1.h. We have assessment nts—PD Teachers made strides and use of $ Teachers in utilizing analysis of Teachers will employ a variety of assessments of collaborate on different student student performance, including open response Board $ assessment types of work to items, learning logs, projects and performances, Teachers which is multiple improve culminating events, teacher-made tests, etc. frequent, assessments instruction Staff will utilize the three different types of rigorous, and —further and student writing according to the Barren County Writing aligned with work is performanc Plan. Teachers standards. needed on e. J. Hall Standards are developing The variety of assessments will be incorporated S. Chenoweth communicated rubrics. Proficient On-Going within the school program to allow students a and are Teacher/ variety and choice in responding to learned articulated by Student information. Evidence collection will reflect the students. Test writing variety of assessments and the improvement of scores, multiple samples to quality assessments utilizing rubrics. assessments and improve Teachers student work writing K-6 Monthly analysis and feedback on student work Principal are analyzed to collections will be provided to improve provide instruction and student performance. Student feedback on proficiency standards will be applied in this learning. process. This will be done during common Teachers planning and documented at least once per month.

Copying Teachers Teachers and students will develop and utilize costs— S. Alexander specific academic rubrics, which reflect higher- Board $ order thinking skills and application.

Scrimmage tests will be conducted to gauge Cost of S. Alexander student progress. All teachers will score substitut scrimmage tests and results will be used to make es as needed program and assessment changes. needed— Board $ Scoring Teams will score writing portfolios so Scoring that they will be familiar with the requirements Teams of the portfolio. C. Simmons Comprehensive School Improvement Plan 2008-2009 Action Plan

School Name: Temple Hill Elementary School Component: Instruction Subcomponent: School Vision: Temple Hill School is a collaborative learning community dedicated to promoting caring, cooperative, responsible, life- long learners of all ages and stages. In this community, everyone deserves the opportunity to develop to their fullest academic, social and creative potential. We believe that our motto "Where All Students Achieve Success" supports this vision.

Standards/ Present Desired Timelines Activities to Accomplish: Funding Person Indicators performance Level amount/ Responsible Addressed: level. 90% of all students will be reading at or above source Levels 3 Annually grade level by the end of this school year based Cost of J. Hall Standard 3. and 4 on our MAP testing and others forms of added J. Hammer measurements. personn R. Edwards 3.1.a; 3.1.b; Improve- el as 3.1.c; 3.1.e; 2 and 3 ments will Literacy will be emphasized throughout all needed, 3.1.g; 3.1.h be noted in academic areas. Schedules and flexible BD. $ Why? the various grouping will be implemented as a means of M. Miller Varied types of providing additional time on task, reflected as a PD $ B. Schalk instructional Instructional instruction need in teacher surveys. strategies which strategies that are Cost of M. Owens are aligned with have been provided to Accelerated Reader and Accelerated Math scanner S. Chenoweth goals, address a targeted to students. programs will be implemented in an efficient for AM/ variety of whole group manner with a management system. SBDM learning styles, instruction and $ and are more different- All available resources such as parent working monitored on iation, teaching one-on-one, volunteers, The Learning Core Personn J. Hall an ongoing to various (TLC), migrant program personnel, el costs/ basis will be learning styles instructional assistants and the literacy lab will Sch & used in all will take place. focus on reading with individuals and small SBDM classrooms. groups, as well as literacy for all. (Schedules) Grant J. Hall Our Literacy Plan will be implemented in Funds S. McPherson alignment with the Academic Business Plan for the district. It will incorporate the early literacy program focusing on the Linda Mood Bell Model to enhance phonemic awareness in our early readers.

Materia ls cost/ SBDM$ B. Perkins Primary classroom teachers will concentrate on grammar and mechanics in writing through the PD $ Shurley English Program with the following J. Hall minimal goals: K—Introduce, model complete sentence 1---Write complete sentences 2---Construct paragraphs 3---Construct multiple paragraphs Teachers will receive PD in writing program Materia Teachers implementation. Proficient writing displayed. ls cost/ SBDM$ B. Lile/JR

Authentic, real-life connections will be made to enhance student learning. Lesson plans, PD $$ J. Hall Essential Questions, observations, and evidence Textboo Teachers collected will reflect these connections. k $$

Curriculum differentiation and a variety of teacher differentiated strategies will be utilized PD$ M. Owens to meet the needs of students. Trojan PD V. team Academy will help align to meet district goals. Central Office

Professional development will be provided in the areas of teaching strategies and instruction. Materia Principal Harry Wong will Openning day training will be ls cost/ Teachers provided to all Barren County Staff. Trojan PD SBDM$ Academy will help align to meet district goals.

Teacher lessons will demonstrate a variety of KETS$/ V-Team instructional strategies. Lesson plans, student Text $/ M. Owens work, and observable activities will reflect these SBDM$ B. Lile strategies. and supply $ Technology will be utilized in science including various software programs designated for this purpose along with the Internet where appropriate. (For example: Brainpop, Smart Boards, Science Court, Real Science, Videos, Tech Compass Learning, Odyssey, Software, Kidbiz Funds C. Simmons 3000 etc.) SBDM Teachers Title I E.C.E. Staff

All students and teachers will demonstrate knowledge and use of technology as measured by student products. Technology will be used in all areas of the curriculum. Kidbiz 3000, Read, Service Write, Gold, Compass Learning, and Learn/ C. Simmons smartboards will be integrated into these subject KyCIA/ S. Alexander areas. Partner ships A variety of service agencies will be used to help 6th Grade Tch teachers and students implement science SBDM$ C. Simmons strategies (Mammoth Cave; State committee on E. Bruton Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment; S. Chenoweth Regional Service Center, etc.) 6th grade will travel to Ratcliffe Kentucky to the space center Personn C. Simmons for training as part of a culminating activity el costs Teachers worked on prior to attending. for science Following instruction, 5th and 6th grade students coord/ R. Edwards will participate in the Barren County Science PE/Art/ Artist in Fair. Projects will be displayed. Music- Residence District E. Bruton Hands-on activities in science will be allocati emphasized. Experiments utilizing inquiry on. PD E. Bruton learning will be provided to all students. for all on Arts and Humanities instruction will be infused infusing R. Edwards in all areas of the curriculum. Thematic-based -PD$ instruction will be provided and meet the needs Grant of a variety of learners. (PD provided) funds sought Temple Hill will make application for the services of an Artist in Residence. R. Edwards J. Britt Travel B. Schalk costs/ sub cost Arts and Humanities teachers will visit schools SBDM$ P. Gentry with exemplary programs, continue to develop the program at Temple Hill, and provide SBDM$ Teachers professional development for the staff.

Exploratory activities, assemblies, and field trips will be provided which target social studies, C. Wilson science, specific curriculum needs, and arts and Climate humanities. FRC $ Committee

SBDM$ T. Russell Students will be exposed to cultural enrichment S. Chenoweth and diversity through a variety of cultural District/ P. Gentry activities. School $ ESS $ Additional instruction will be provided to at-risk J. Hall students through Day/ESS and Extended School Services. Attempts will be made to secure transportation as needed. Teachers Individual teacher professional growth plans J. Hall will reflect teacher needs as related to the J. Hammer Consolidated Plan. (File) ECE Tch SBDM$ Identified issues of equity will be addressed through instructional delivery and differentiation (GSSP and IEP documents), and Teachers Academic Assistance Plans for all students. Principal Lead Teacher Current Proficient Student work will be displayed. Teachers will collaborate in the analysis of student work to improve instruction. J. Hall (Evidence collections) J. Hammer

Students will be recogninzed via the Wall of SBDM$ Fame for all students scoring Distinguished on Teachers one or more areas of the KCCT Spring Exam. Student scoring Proficient will be recognized via names framed per grade level 3rd – 6th.

Graphic organizers will be used by all teachers across disciplines as a pre-writing tool, resulting in better student productions. O.R.E.O. or another form of graphic organizer will be utilized at all grade levels to help with open response mastery. The Four-Square Method will also be utilized to help students become proficient writers.

Comprehensive School Improvement Plan 2008-2009 Action Plan

School Name: Temple Hill Elementary School Component: School Climate Subcomponent: School Vision: Temple Hill School is a collaborative learning community dedicated to promoting caring, cooperative, responsible, life- long learners of all ages and stages. In this community, everyone deserves the opportunity to develop to their fullest academic, social and creative potential. We believe that our motto "Where All Students Achieve Success" supports this vision.

Standards/ Present Desired Timelines Activities to Accomplish: Funding Person Indicators performance Level amount/ Responsible Addressed: level. Our Attendance goal for this school year will be source Maintain Annually to again attain or surpass 96.5%. 4.1.f 3 level 3 with Board J. Hall increases to allocated STAFF level 4 Temple Hill staff will examine and implement Funds; 5.1.b 3 schedule changes to most effectively utilize PTA resources. Literacy Block will be uninterrupted funds; J. Hammer for the first 60 - 90 minutes of the school day. 5.1.d 3 Group guidance, individual guidance, small Why? groups with special emphasis, and support A common groups will be provided to students in all grade vision has not levels, P-6. ESS T. Russell been present FREC J. Hall And the staff P. Gentry Is just now Day ESS will be utilized to offer support for At- ESS Coor. beginning to Risk Students in the areas of Math/Writing. Look at ESS will be offered on Thursdays to offer Removing assistance to At-Risk Students. Board Barriers. Funds; P. Gentry STLP 4.1.a Temple Hill Family Resource Center will be available to Temple Hill students and families as an avenue to help reduce barriers to learning. Information will be given to families regarding the services available and a log of contacts will be maintained. Board $ School $ J. Hall

Temple Hill discipline committee in conjunction 4.1.k 3 with the SBDM council will reveiw a school wide discipline policy for: classrooms, lunchroom, hall, and playground. Rules will be posted. Classroom CHAMPS program for discipline and classroom teachers— management will be continued. Procedures and school climate Guidelines along with Problem-solving committee approaches will be posted and utilized in classrooms. J. Hammer Student work will be displayed in the hall and S. Alexander classrooms of Temple Hill Elementary School. S. Chenoweth The focus will be to display proficient student J. Hall work (3 or 4) but “works in progress” and a Teachers variety of student work will be displayed. FRC SBDM TOP DOGS Awards will be utilized to award Student and reward students for: Discipline, Academics, Funds Attendance and Additional Work. Caught being J. Hall good will also be continued to honor daily J. Hammer accomplishments. PTO recognition and other Teachers forms of recognition will be continued to PTO showcase our TOP DOGS!

*All Activities reflect compliance with School Based Decision Making Policies.

Submitted for approval to SBDM Council, July 17, 2008—Council approved plan.

SBDM MEMBERS: Jon Hall-Principal, Chairperson Bretta Schalk, Teacher Christina Simmons, Teacher Barry Perkins, Teacher Stacey Sutherland, Parent Susan Simmons, Parent Karen Wood, Recorder

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