Gods and Goddesses of Olympus Mrs.Chausse
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Mythology September 2008 Gods and Goddesses of Olympus Mrs.Chausse
Greek God Roman God Symbols Domain Myth/Story Jupiter or jove Thunderbolts Ruler of universe; special Europa- Zeus turns self to bull to pursue Zeus Statue of victory in diety of mankind, her carries her off other personification of the sky Took her to new land Europe Jupiter or Jove Eagle Guardian of peace; presides Three sons – appointed judges of Olympic Games over Mt Olympus infernal regions Juno Peacock Queen of heaven; goddess of Callisto – Zeus interested in her ; hera Hera cuckoo the atmosphere and marriage takes girls speech turns her into bear Mother of Mars, Hebe, drives her to the forest – bears bear son Vulcan- Iris is her attendant Arcas Zeus finds her and transfers to the sky with her son Minerva Peace, Olive tree Jupiter headache/ asks Vulcan to open Athena Defensive war, his head Needlework Minerva comes out full grown with Wisdom –chases glittering armour , spear dullness away Apollo Laurel wreath Sun, medicine, music, Son of Jupiter and Latona (Leto) Apollo Phoebus Laurel tree poetry, fine arts Goddess of dark nights Banished Latona to earth – no one was to help or pity her Reapers stir up water making it undrinkable for Leto- Jupiter turns them to frogs At seashore reaches to Neptune for help who sends dolphin to take hter to Delos Apollo and Diana divinities of sun and moon are her children Diana Bow and arrows Moon, Niobe laughed at Leto’s claim that her Artemis Chase, hills children Apollo and Diana were unsurpassed inbeauty, intelligence, power Mythology September 2008 Gods and Goddesses of Olympus Mrs.Chausse
N had 14 children; N orders people not to worship them; L sends her children to slay all Niobes offspring gods turn niobe to stone in pity Statue said to still have tears falling Allegory- Niobe represents winter; tears thaw; apollos arrows of sunshine end winter
Diana drives moon car every night Goddess of moisture Daughter of Jupiter and Dione or sprang Aphrodite Venus Beauty from sea; Carried by sea nymphs to gods who are amazed at her beauty Refuses marriage even of Zeus To punish her he says she will marry Vulcan – loveless marriage she abandons him
Mercury Magic wand alled Messenger of gods Zeus affair with Maia produces Hermes Hermes Caduceus (from God of thieves As a baby Hermes invented the lyre Apollo) reconciled Eloquence, commerce, rain, Kills two of Apollos sheep gives Apollo fighting wind , special patron of the lyre he made from tortoise shell Winged sandals travelers, shepherds , cheats Winged cap Ares Mars Armour War Ilia bears his twin sons Romulus and Plumed helmet Personification fo the angry Remus; parents of Ilia bury her alive Poised spear clouded sky leave sons exposed in wilderness; they Shield survive nursed by a she wolf adopted by Bull shepherd Romulus kills Remus after founding land that will become rome Mythology September 2008 Gods and Goddesses of Olympus Mrs.Chausse
Iron ruler killed and body hid under robes Orders he be worshipped
Hephaestus Smith tools God of fire and forge Zeus hangs Juno from a chain from Patron of blacksmiths and heaven; Vulcan saves her by yanking artisians chain Zeus catches him and flings him Vulcan from heavan Injured leg lame for life Established forge in mt aetna
Neptune trident Waters on earth- Tried to overthrow Zeus-plot discovered Earthquakes Zeus condemns him to earth to build Poseidon troy for Laomedon who promises compenstation; Apollo also banished Seamen and horse trainers from heaven agrees to help by playing worship him his lyre and moving stones with the sweet sounds When Laomedon does not follow through Neptune creates a monster that eats the inhabitants and destroys much of the troy Sacrifice a virgin to him He disappears for a year Returns for anther virgin- finally Hesione kings only daughter turn He says he will give a reward to anyone who slays the monster Hercules does Laomedon again does not follow through Hercules returns with a force to defeat Mythology September 2008 Gods and Goddesses of Olympus Mrs.Chausse
the Trojans- kills king takes family to Greece as slaves Reason Apollo and Neptune support Greeks in Trojan War Pluto Septre and key Underworld Wife proserpina daughter of Ceres Dead and riches Hades Ceberus three headed dog gaurds gate Charon rows people across in his boat Must give coin Bacchus Chariot drawn by Tutor Silenus, a satyr – half man, half leopards and panthers Wine and revelry goat follows him on an ass Dionysus Bacchus rides his chariot Grape vine wreath Midas asked Bacchus to allow everything he touched to turn to gold When Midas is upset Bacchus tells him to wash his hand in the Pactolus River Sands turn gold Demeter Ceres Shaft of wheat Goddess of vegetation Daughter taken to underworld to marry Hades; Demeter will not allow anything to grow until she returns Vesta Hestia Flames represent Goddess of fire, family Vestal virgins- admitted at 6 serve ten purity of goddess hearth guardian angel of years learning how to fulfill duties as mankind guardians of the sacred fire 10 years doing it 10 years training new group keep vows or be buried alive wore pure white with purple border Mythology September 2008 Gods and Goddesses of Olympus Mrs.Chausse
other privledges admired by all