Scheme for Financial Management of Schools Proposed Update
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Hampshire Schools Forum
Date 9 July 2014 Time 14:00 – 17:00 Location Ashburton Hall, EII Court, Winchester, SO23 8UG
Present Nursery Peter Higgs Primary Paul Street (substitute), Roy Lee, Dave Collins, Simon Walker, Charlotte Bailey, Colin Broadley, Jilly Myers, Ella Palmer, Chris Robinson, Ian Waine, Martina Humber Secondary Sylvia Vine, Robin Gray, Andrew Turk, Grahame Sammons Special Anna Dawson, Rob Thompson Education Sue Wright Centres Academy Sandy Bailey (substitute), Jim Duckham, John Mason, Julie Turvey, Chris Willsher EY Jane Dyke, Cara Parker TLP Penny Clarke, Liz Muir
Also Cllr Peter Edgar, Derek Myers, Andrew Minall, Josie Matthews, John Present Coughlan, Martin Kent, Felicity Roe, Helen Hardy (clerk)
Apologies Nursery Primary Craig Williams, Esther Jones Secondary Ria Allen Academy Ross Bowell Special Philip Coverdale Other Dawn Murphy, Claire Holly members Officers Gordon Shinn Elected Cllr Keith Mans Members
1 Welcome and Apologies Apologies were noted and recorded as above. The Chair welcomed new members Dave Collins and Ella Palmer from the Primary Heads group. Paul Street and Sandy Bailey were welcomed as substitutes. Cllr Peter Edgar thanked John Mason for his 26 years of service to school governance in schools and across the county, especially during the challenges of school reform and for his help keeping the family of Hampshire schools together. John has given tremendous advice, help and support over the years. Cllr Edgar presented John with a special award for his service. Robin Gray added the thanks of all the governors in Hampshire for John’s help and service over the many years.
1 2 Declaration of Interests Jilly Myers declared an interest in paper 5 as her husband is the Virtual School Headteacher and author of the paper. 3 Minutes of 1 May 2014 The minutes of the meeting of 1 May 2014 were accepted as a true and accurate record with the inclusion of Chris Robinson in the attendance list. Item 8, paragraph 5: add “ to trade union representatives” Recommendation 8.2 “…remaining participating teaching unions…” There were no matters arising not covered by agenda items. 4 Glazing and Window Safety in Schools Initial work on the survey has been started. An electronic survey tool is being purchased. Trial surveys will take place during July 2014 then a ten month intensive period of surveying schools. A lead surveyor has been identified. Offers are being made to two further surveyors this week. Work will be prioritised with two surveyors focused on special schools, secondary schools, PRUs and BSUs with a separate surveyor focussing on primary schools. Multi storey buildings and “those with more robust use” taking priority. A member asked if it is necessary to record high-level glazing as non-compliant, could it be recorded as not-checked and could council / school records be checked to see if the glass is safety- compliant. This will be looked at but the follow on risk assessment will have to treat unchecked windows as non-compliant. A member asked if all schools will receive reports at the same time and that work will all have to be done at the same time. Officers confirmed that reports will be issued based on the rolling survey programme. They are hopeful that there will be less work required than resulted from the 1999 surveys but the primary function of the surveys is to establish exactly how much work is required. 5.1 Schools Forum noted the proposals for managing glazing and window safety in schools and formally supported the processes outlined above. 5 Pupil Premium – Changes from April 2014 The details of these changes have been shared with all the headteacher groups and committees and with special schools at a separate meeting. The Virtual School Headteacher (VSHT) will be responsible for managing that part of the Pupil Premium budget for Looked after Children (LAC) which is allocated directly to the local authority and this is a statutory post. The FAQ section of the paper covers the non-statutory guidance. There has been a significant increase in the Pupil Premium grant to £1,900 for LAC, even if only
2 LAC for one day. The centrally allocated funding will be used for central services, specifically ensuring that an officer or inspector will attend Personal Education Plan (PEP) meetings for every LAC. The money will also be used to provide training for designated LAC teachers, including work with teaching schools to develop the programme. Some money will also be used for programmes where evidence shows them to be effective – paired reading project, transition project from KS2 to year 7, education psychology support and a VS Deputy HT. Attainment of LAC is still not as good as it should be compared with national figures. A member expressed support for the new VSHT and central funding but expressed some concern (reflecting the views of other HTs) that there is a lack of continuity of those staff attending PEP meetings, there are varying skill levels of those staff, that no real feedback is given by them and that some LAC might not be willing to open up in front of strangers. Officers explained that the intent is that it will be the same person attending PEP meetings each time but that this is not always possible because of the way PEPs are scheduled. Two of the officers have worked for the Virtual School for 4 years and the inspectors for a year but they continue to attend training. Consultation with other authorities has shown that they also have Virtual School representatives at PEP meetings. Officers apologised that feedback has not always been provided as it should have been. John Coughlan thanked Forum members for their feedback and assured them that the service would learn from it. However, progress in this area is too slow and the authority must improve and thus will continue with evidence-based schemes. A core body of expertise must be developed to help schools with this difficult issue. A member asked if these are new officer posts. Derek Myers confirmed that they are additional posts, having changed what some people are doing to focus on PEPs. Continuity for LAC is the priority wherever possible. A member asked if there is evidence that having officers involved in PEP meetings is beneficial. Derek confirmed that he has worked with VSHT colleagues in high-performing authorities and their experience shows that it does work, for example in Dudley. A member asked if LAC and carers have been consulted about this as they are not mentioned in the paper. Derek explained that the views of LACs and carers are taken into account at the PEP meetings where decisions are made about spending the PPG. A member asked if “life experience” can be funded through Pupil Premium – Derek explained that whatever is important for the LAC should be included in their PEP. A member asked if the way funding for LAC is spent has to be
3 reported within schools. Derek confirmed that this must take place and that schools should know what impact the spending is having. A member asked where the funding goes for pupils who are dual- registered with a school and a PRU. Officers confirmed that funding goes to the school but the expectation is that schools will passport the money to PRUs and if this doesn’t happen the VSHT will get involved. A member asked about funding for those LAC who are achieving the national levels. Officers explained that it is important that these children are pushed harder to achieve the most they can. A member asked if officers also push the other side of the partnership (parents, those from Hampshire County Council who care for LAC). Derek confirmed that officers and inspectors are even-handed in their feedback. A member sought clarification around the figures in paragraphs 7.1 – 7.3. Officers explained that the PP and DSG figures / datasets are not connected hence the apparent discrepancy. A member asked what the evidence is for appointing the VSDHT – this covers only a small amount of the fund (£15000) and is an extension to their existing role to manage the fund and direct advisors. A member asked that Schools Forum review the progress of this Clerk project in Autumn 2015 after an academic year has passed. Officers agreed that this will happen. 8.1 Schools Forum supported the approach of the virtual school head in respect of the pupil premium for looked after children. 6 Scheme for Financial Management of Schools – proposed update Andrew Minall introduced the paper which sets out the changes needed to the Financial Management Scheme for Schools and the proposal to consult with all maintained schools. A Schools Communication will be sent to all schools about the changes and seeking feedback.
A member sought clarification that all changes are included. Officers clarified that this is the case.
5.1 Schools Forum agreed to all maintained schools being Clerk consulted on implementation of the proposed revised Scheme for Financial Management with the outcome of the consultation reported to the Schools Forum meeting in October 2014.
7 Schools Budget Update – 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16 The final position for 2013/14 shows an underspend of £6.1m, slightly higher than previously reported. EFS staff have met with
4 those schools which have high balances and will continue to follow up with those schools during the current financial year. Five more schools are now showing deficit balances in part due to falling number on roll and inflationary pressures.
5.1 Schools Forum noted the final 2013/14 year end budget position. 5.2 Schools Forum agreed the proposed approach for dealing with schools with high balances, as set out in paragraphs 2.15 and 2.16. 5.3 Schools Forum noted the current position on the 2014/15 budget. 5.4 Schools Forum agreed the transfer of £700,000 from the revenue budget (two year old trajectory funding) to capital for the purposes outlined in this report. 5.5 Schools Forum noted the current position on the 2015/16 budget and the potential implications of DfE proposals. 5.6 Schools Forum considered the consultation on Early Years Pupil Premium and funding for two year olds. 8 Schools Funding – Information on the Cap and MFG in 2014/15 schools budget shares The paper provides information on the MFG and the figures for the forthcoming years.
The paper sets out four options for dealing with the Capped Gains in 2014/15:
A – keep the status quo
B – remove the cap completely
C – allocate a one-off £1m to the AWPU funding factor
D – allocate a one-off £1m to those schools who have been capped.
Members felt that fairness must be the key principle. A member asked if there is funding available elsewhere which could be allocated to schools to help alleviate the effect of the Cap, for example from the budget underspend. A member asked about the possibility of transferring a lump sum to all schools - the impact on smaller schools would be significant.
The Primary Resources group leant towards options A or C
Decisions taken must be mindful of future for school budgets. Wrong to go back on decisions that were consulted upon widely and taken in good faith. Options C and D offer some flexibility and officers
5 agreed to look at these two options in more detail for the October meeting. Clerk Schools Forum considered the options outlined in section 6, and agreed that options C and D be explored more fully when the 2015/16 funding formula and budget are considered later in the year.
12 Any other business Chris Willsher had met recently with his local MP to discuss the impact of the increase on schools in employer contributions for National Insurance and pensions. The MP was unaware of this impact. Chris encouraged all schools to contact their MPs to raise this issue as the prospect of redundancies in schools in the run-up to the 2015 general election could provide a powerful lever for schools. Andrew Minall confirmed are working with the supplier as to whether the changes can be built in to financial planning tool to show the impact of these increases in the budget revision. Members expressed their regret that these changes are likely to result in schools not being able to afford to employ the best staff.
Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 22 October 2014, 9.30am at Winchester Racquets and Fitness, Bereweeke Road, Winchester SO22 6AN