Meeting of Working Group 2D
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Meeting of Working Group D on Reporting under the Water Framework Directive
from 10:00 to 18:00 h on 15 April 2013
Charlemagne Building – Room GASP Rue de la Loi 170, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium (Metro Schuman)
Draft Minutes [version 0.0, 19.04.2013]
Version History Version Date Authors Status and description Distribution 0.0 19/04/2013 MKO, GKA Zero draft for the COM DG ENV, EEA, ETC/ICM 0.1 10/05/2013 MKO, GKA Comments from the EEA (ARO) DG ENV incorporated 1.0 Comments from the COM, EEA, MSs and other ETC/ICM incorporated participants 2.0 Comments from all participants WG F incorporated
Note: Documents and ppts are available on CIRCABC x22nd Meeting 15 April 2013
1 2 Meeting Participants: Name Agency/Country Abbreviation Jacques Delsalle DG Environment, JD Chair Balazs Horvath DG Environment BH Marta Moren Abat DG Environment MMA Joachim D’Eugenio DG Environment JDE Christof Mainz DG Environment CM Jose Rizo Martin DG Environment JRM Beate Werner EEA BWE Agnieszka Romanowicz EEA ARO George Karavokiros NTUA GKA Maggie Kossida NTUA MKO Anita Kuenitzer ETC/ICM AKU Mette Wolstrup Atkins MWO Sarah France WRC SFR Member States Ernst Uberreiter AT AT Elise Beke BE BE Ilke Dieltjens BE BE David Samoy BE BE Rudy Vannevel BE BE Ho?ek Zden?k CZ CZ Ingrid Baber DE DE Meike Gierk DE DE Manuela Pfeiffer DE DE Rain Elken EE EE Concepcion Marcuello ES ES Antton Keno FI FI Cécile Gözler FR FR Maria Psychogiou GR GR Gabriella Jelinek HU HU Tom Stafford IE IE Gediminas Dudenas LT LT Kristina Fedorovica LV LV Michael Schembri MT MT Lars Stalberg NO NO Piotr Piorkowski PL PL Agata Wlodarczyk PL PL Corina Cosmina Boscornea RO RO Mihail Costache RO RO Ann-Karin Thoren SE SE Martina Mlinaric SI SI Renata Grofova SK SK
Abbreviations used: COM: EU Commission EEA: European Environment Agency ETC/ICM: European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal and Marines Water WFD: Water Framework Directive RBMPs: River Basin Management Plans UWWTD: Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive FRMPs: Flood Risk Management Plans
3 Detailed minutes per agenda item
0. Adoption of the Agenda - Document: agenda JD (DG Environment, Chair) welcomed the participants to the meeting. He informed the meeting about a small change in the order of the agenda items (move 2a to a letter time block). The Agenda was adopted.
1. Adoption of the Minutes of the last Meeting of WG D on 26 September 2012 Document: draft minutes No comments. The minutes were approved.
2. WFD reporting ppt: Status of WDF Reporting a) Status of WFD reporting (Atkins) - Update on status of reporting and validation process - Update of summary of WISE electronic delivery - Status of 2012 interim report on the implementation of the Programmes of Measures
MWO (Atkins) gave a presentation on the status of the reporting and validation process. The state of play on RBMPs and WISE reporting has not changed since the last meeting in September 2012. BE reported several SW xml files in October – however still not complete dataset; GR: Complete most of xml – however missing RBMPs adoption; ES: ES017 and ES018 not complete, islands missing, RBMPs not adopted; BE: Miss some RBMPs. PT: Miss the RBMP for the islands. With regards to the state of the validation process (as of 15/04/2013): EE: still need to point the files to use for the validation as several versions appear on CDR; PT: no errors from validation in CDR – however several mismatches of codes between xml files, these issues were sent to PT on the 19.03.2012 Regarding the update of Summary of WISE electronic delivery there is currently activity under the RBMP obligation – some MS still update information. The latest WFD Master database update was in December 2012 (also reflected in views), the views have been updated on the basis of MSs’ feedback during autumn. Finally, regarding the status of the 2012 interim report on the implementation of Programme of Measures, all reported data has been imported into the Master database and on 15.03.2013 the Master database has been delivered for the compliance assessment.
MMA (DG ENV) asked the MSs who have not reported yet, or have partially reported (BE, GR, ES, PT) to update the COM on the current status and progress of their reporting. In BE the RBMPs are not adopted yet. Some data groups have been uploaded but not all of them. GR is trying to accelerate the procedure. One week ago 5 RBMPs (out of 14 RBDs in total) have been approved. Another 5 of the RBMPs are in the final stage, while 2 more RBMPs are in the final stage of consultation and thus it is estimated that these will be submitted in 1-2 months. The remaining 2 will be sent in about 6 months. In ES authorities are working on approving the plans and as soon as this is done they will be uploaded in WISE. 4 ES RBMPs have been approved, but the information is not yet on WISE. No feedback from PT due to lack of representation in the meeting. b) Publication of WFD aggregated reports in WISE (EEA) ARO (EEA) informed the group that the content of the reports has been finalized. There are problems of visualization as the dataset was prepared by contractor for internal view. But the data are present, therefore the link to them can be provided on request. Publication is expected soon. c) Implications of the update of Art. 5 (ENV) Document: Art.5 Review_MSs’planned actions
4 BHO (DG ENV): In the last meeting it was discussed that the COM would like to be informed on the intentions of the MSs regarding the updating of Art.5. In WFD there is an obligation to review and update Art.5 by the end of this year (but no obligation to report these updates in 2013). The COM addressed to the MSs a question to identify to which extend they plan to update Art.5. Fifteen MSs replied, and a summary document was compiled and distributed before this meeting. In summary, some MSs indicated that they will do very minor changes, others indicated that some datasets (e.g. delineation of water bodies or economic analysis) will be substantially changed. All MSs replied that they do not intend to report in WISE in 2013; they will incorporate these changes in the next reporting phase (2016). Thus, the COM does not need to initiate now a reporting process.
A discussion has been initiated regarding complication that may arise if the MSs update some codes or IDs (e.g. as result of changing the delineation of water bodies) and these are not promptly communicated in WISE. EEA (ARO) and ETC/ICM (AKU) flagged the fact that these codes are interlinked with many datasets in WISE and/or are used in different products and reports. If updates happen without correctly flagging and identifying the changes (e.g. in a separate column) then tracking-back and linking with data from previous reporting cycle and WISE datasets is highly endangered. At this moment the EEA needs to put a lot of efforts into keeping track of all the changes. Furthermore, with the developments of INSPIRE directive more problems can be faced by MS/COM/EEA if not proper attention is made at this stage of discussion.
DG ENV (MMA) encouraged MSs to think of a safeguarding process because if links are lost between the 1st and 2nd round of RBMPs reporting we won’t be able to evaluate the SoE and progress made. Some questions were further raised by the MSs on how to best assign new IDs to WBs linking them to the original WB (e.g. in case of splitting a WB in two) (DE), on the interaction of the revision of Art.5 with the post-Blueprint activities (water accounts, e-flows, etc.) to be launched (ES), on the link between the WFD and the Inspire Directive (DE)
The COM (JD) pointed out that the Blueprint products to be further developed can really benefit from the updates of Art.5 as well. In general, it will be beneficial to know whether updated information is available and if so, where it could be retrieved/extracted from (i.e. from the national databases). Thus, the COM addressed a request to the MSs to inform them upon completion of the updating process, on the changes made, the availability of the data, where they are stored, etc.
An additional question has been raised by DE whether the Go4 has clarified the need for a WG on Inspire (this need was detected in the Floods WG). The COM (BHO) highlighted that there are needs for pilot projects in various fields. But these should be separate projects (e.g. on floods, WFD, etc.) yet coordinated.
3. Blueprint to Safeguard Europe's Water Resources – results and follow-up (ENV) ppt: A Blueprint to safeguard Europe’s water resources: main results and follow-up
JD (DG ENV) gave a ppt on the main results and follow-up of the Blueprint. The Blueprint and related assessments have demonstrated that there are still important knowledge gaps and failures in the dissemination and proper integration into decision making. The implementation and monitoring of the Blueprint will use WFD-CIS as platform. In the first phase (2013-2015), the objective will be to provide support for preparation of the next RBMPs by 2015 and to strengthen the knowledge base and tools that will support the assessment of these plans and the review of the WFD. Further operational objectives relate to the building of a strong knowledge base which goes beyond compliance checking into supporting EU-wide impact assessments, production of relevant indicators, ecosystem services accounting and consistent assessments of water resources across the EU. Products/work focus in 2011/12: - JRC Report: A multi-criteria optimisation of scenarios for the protection of water resources in Europe - EU Water Balances project (2011/12) with support from EEA
5 Three new calls have been launched this year (funds from EU Parliament) to support identified post- Blueprint building blocks: - Produce revised and complete EU water balance at sub-catchment level and monthly resolution by end 2014 - Geolocalised database of water use in thermal power plants and manufacturing cooling processes - Costs, benefits and implementation of natural water retention measures
MSs addressed questions regarding the process and progress towards policy integration as indicated in the Blueprint (IE), the indicators to be developed and the possible requirements for additional reporting in order to produce the necessary data (SK), technical issues related to the definition of hydrological entities that have been (e.g. for the water accounts) or will be used in the relevant future products. JDE and MMA reflected on the intentions of the COM to do more integration across the reporting of the Directives trying to reduce the burden, to make use of all the available data in order to formulate adequate indicators, and to streamline so that maximum capitalization of the available data and information can be achieved. Along the same lines, EEA (ARO) communicated its objective to take stock of all the data and work done, and assess what is needed, what can be used in more efficient way, and how to better develop adequate indicators.
4. Future WFD reporting a) Lessons learnt from the first WFD reporting (WRc) Documents: WFD reporting Lessons Learned (short version) WFD reporting Lessons Learned (with Appendixes) ppt: WFD reporting Lessons Learned
SFR (WRC) gave a presentation on the lessons learnt from the completed WFD reporting exercise. The objective of this assessment is to form the basis for reviewing, and if necessary revising the reporting guidance and schemas. It has drawn upon the findings of similar documents prepared after the publication of the first two Commission implementation reports, and presents feedback gathered from all interested stakeholders on the last completed reporting exercise (on RBMPs). In addition, a comparison has been made between the information requested in the schemas, and the information used in the assessments to identify areas for improvement in reporting, and where information is not needed and could be removed. The Report has also looked to identify synergies with other reporting streams to identify opportunities for future streamlining
BH explained that this is indeed a mid-term goal for COM to establish a decentralised system and reduce the reporting burden. It will require some time, and we have the pilot projects. But still there is a need to improve reporting for the 2nd round of RBMS, so something should be undertaken to review the WFD schemas this year (short-term). Some of the results/conclusions of this study/report will be achieved later, but some should be achieved this year. COM required MS to provide all the feedback possible to this report, how much changes are needed in the reporting sheets, where, etc. MMA clarified that COM intention is to have a first discussion on the SCG meeting (on May 2) and then have at the end of the year how we can learn and benefit the next cycle of the report. b) Structured implementation and information frameworks – SIIFs (ENV) ppt: SIIF UWWD pilot
JDE (DG ENV) gave a presentation of the Structured Implementation and Information Frameworks (SIIF) and the ongoing pilot application in France regarding the UWWTD data. The SIIF-UWWTD principles for the national level are to change from reporting to information management (SEIS), to ensure transparency and public access (also 2003/4/EC), to keep information regularly updated, to reduce administrative burden and to follow the SEIS principle “report once, use many”. The current SIIF-UWWTD exercise has 7 tasks (as listed bellow) and aims at strengthening national information systems for compliance, linking to EU UWW-WISE and making WISE interoperable 6 Task 1: Compiling overview on existing national systems (done) Task 2: Analysing directive and reporting guidelines Task 4: Identify additional information needs on actions taken by MS to address these compliance gaps by remedial action – develop data template Task 5: Launch test cases / pilot MS (CY, LT, LV, SI, PL) Task 3: Recommendations for national SIIFs (Guidelines) Task 6: Link national and EU-level SIIF (SIIF project) Task 7: Develop Partnership Implementation Agreements
FR raised the issue that a major problem in this system is to have information regularly updated (because of the time and resources it takes) so at the end we may not be successful in reducing administrative burden. The cost for FR to implement the system was not that high and it had also a another benefit for the MS as this decentralised system allowed good national monitoring. Should a system like this be in place, the reporting to the COM is then very easy and straightforward. c) Proposals for a revised WISE typology of pressures for littoral waters and hydromorphology (FR) ppt: revised typology measures WFD MSFD
FR gave a presentation on the WFD- MSFD common list of coastal and transitional pressures. This work initiated from the difficulty in reporting significant pressures according the WISE typology of pressures in March 2010. Taking opportunity of works in the framework of the initial assessment for the MSFD a common list of pressures for both MSFD and WFD has been set up. Some pressures only fit for MSFD (under water noise). Based on the WISE typology of pressures for surface water the items under “transitional and coastal water management” and “other pressures” have been differentiated to either a pressure or a driver. The “introduction of marine litters” and the “pressures on population” have been connected to the 2010 WISE typology. Similarly, regarding hydromorphology, elements of the Annex II of the WFD have been connected to the 2010 WISE typology. The results of this work seek to identify and withdraw redundancies, accurately differentiate between what is a driving force, pressure, alteration and impact, and keep only pressures for the WISE typology. The list has been compiled in coordination with experts of the 2 directives while on going national validation is also applied. Work is still in progress (connections and glossary), feedbacks and improvements are welcomed. DG ENV commented that this type of “synchronization/streamlining” of terminologies is very important, and making links between WFD and MSFD is very beneficial for both ends. d) Tasks for next CIS period (open discussion) Open discussion facilitated by JDE (DG ENV).
On the reporting and the updating of schemas: UK commented that they would like to have a detailed timeline for the reviewing of the schemas of Art.5 and of the RBMPs. Since there are discussions about moving to a decentralized system for the 2016 reporting, it would be important to know (as soon as possible) what are the elements to be changed in the schemas (maybe by the end of December ?). If finally we move to a decentralized reporting it may be a waste of effort to review the schemas now. On the same issue DE supported that we must put forward the updating of the schemas as soon as possible, with a step-by-step approach, and talk about the decentralized system on the broader perspective. AT touched in fact that an overall goal should be to reduce the administrative burden. Many of the reported data have not been used, thus we must prioritize the data to report and also consider the principle “report once-use many times”. In updating the schemas AT also emphasized the need to be careful to maintain the connections and links in terminologies and IDs, or else we risk to not be able to show the improvements from 1st to 2nd cycle. The inter-linkages with other directives must also be considered (e.g. Floods directive PoMs in relation to WFD), Inspire, and the Blueprint. The COM (BHO) pointed out the discussion about the need to revise the Reporting sheets goes on for more than a year now. COM has limited resources, and is looking for MSs who are willing to start this 7 exercise. Lots of feedback has been receive on the statement that we should reduce the reporting burden, but very few comments on what to reduce and how to change the reporting sheets. That is why the COM initiated the pilot projects. But without feedback from MS is very difficult to achieve. As soon as feedback has been received we can start the exercise on updating the reporting sheets.
On the PoMs: IE raise the issue of PoMs. MSs are now working towards developing the next phase of PoMs and have a better view of the requirements, yet there is still a lack of clarity of what measures fall under the WFD and some problems with definitions. Furthermore, if one looks at the measures in parallel with the Nitrates Directives, etc. there is confusion between obligatory, legislative, supplementary, etc. Since also resources are limited, there is a need for mechanisms to prioritize the measures to implement in interaction with other pieces of legislation. Thus, we need to clearly think whether the current approach is advisable for achieving WFD objectives in the next reporting cycle, or if we should consider a more integrated approach.
On benchmarking, assessments, and WISE glossary: The COM (JDE) mentioned their interest in benchmarking in the UWWTD. In this sense it is important that EEA also review its indicators. For better assessments, on the marine side, the assessment questions have been identified up-front, something that the WFD can also use as gained experience now. It is absolutely important to have a priority setting and integrated approach, but not use it as an “excuse” to get out of reporting obligations. Furthermore, it is crucial to establish a WISE glossary that covers all pieces of water legislation and set of reference data in order to achieve interoperability (this needs to be used as the centerpiece of the reporting). FR commented that to this direction they are also interested in a benchmarking exercise.
Next steps: The COM (MMA) defined a short, mid and long horizon for the activities to be undertaken. On the immediate actions is to complete the lessons learned documents. The COM suggested the production of a short document to be presented at the SCG in May, using the “lessons-learned report” as a basis. On the mid-term perspective, there is a need to update the guidance documents and then reporting schemas. On the long-term perspective the work to focus is on the integration of the different reporting obligations. JDE (COM) further added on the contents of the document for the SCG in May, which should include - Executive summary of lessons learned - Outline of the steps for the revision of the guidance document and the schemas - Long-term perspective: towards integration and centralized system, Comments on the existing report “lessons learned” to be received by next week (Monday 22/04). If in addition some MSs want to be more involved in the drafting of the document this is very welcome (April 25th). The COM stated that it will accept comments after the 22nd as well, but won’t be able to use them for the SCG document. AT commented that these are rather very short deadlines.
5. Information on reporting activities other than WFD a) Overview of state of play of reporting under other Directives (ENV/EEA) a. Floods Directive BHO (COM) updated on the current situation and progress towards finalizing of the reporting schemas. About 3 weeks ago the Floods drafting group agreed on the schemas for the flood hazard and risk maps, and for the flood risk management plans (FRMPs). This week a meeting of the WG F will take place where all the schemas will be discussed. We hope for the approval of the flood hazard and risk maps schemas (as proposed by the drafting group) and the proposed timeline for the next activities which foresees: 19/04/2013 to 19/05/2013: testing of schemas and xls database (testing of the full process, including uploading, etc.) 03/06/2013: submission of the final schemas to the MSs, which gives them half a year to provide the reporting.
8 A GIS Guidance Document is under revision (new version to be presented to the WG F for agreement). There will also be a document (current version 3) on the links between Floods Directive and WFD. The COM has also launched a contract on compliance checking of the Floods Directive. NL expressed some concern on the streamlining between WFD and Floods Directive that it may hold up the finalization of the Floods Directive schemas (if the update of the WFD schemas is pending), but the COM explained that the WFD updating will not hinter the finalization of the Floods Directive schemas, i.e. the analysis of streamlining will continue, but the outcomes will most probably be considered in the next WFD schemas and the schemas of the FRMPs. b. Drinking Water Directive JRM (DG ENV) updated on the current state. The last reporting exercise had a deadline in February 2012; in summer 2012 the reporting has been completed. Publication is foreseen for the second half of 2013. Parallel work on revision of Annex 2, 3 of the Directive has been initiated. c. UWWT Directive CMA (DG ENV) updated on the current status. The assessment of the 7th reporting exercise (based on data from 2009-10) is not yet online; the COM summary report is still under discussion to be published in May 2012. The 8th reporting exercise will be launched in summer 2013. The starting date of the reporting exercise is not yet fixed, since on one hand there is a transition phase for Croatia (new MS to join the reporting, effective from July 2013), while on the other hand the COM wishes to have finalized the quality assurance by end of 2013. d. Bathing Water Directive JRM (DG ENV) updated on the current status. The Draft report is ready, the final will be presented end of May 2013. 19 MSs have reported under the new version of the Directive, while the remaining 8 MSs reported under the old system. The draft report includes Croatia and Switzerland. e. Nitrates Directive BHO (DG ENV) updated on the current state on behalf of his colleagues. Reporting of Art.10 (according to Annex 5) took place within the last reporting cycle of the Nitrates Directive (MSs have the obligation to report every 4 years). MSs’ responses have been received from July-Oct 2012 (this reporting contains information which refers to the years 2008-2011). All MSs reported within the deadline or with some delays. The COM has been assessing the info (data files + textual reports). The overall reporting quality has been improved comparing to the previous reporting period. There are still some challenges related to the completeness of information, mainly on agricultural pressures, cost- effectiveness of the measures, and assessment of the future development of water quality, as well as issues related to gaps in the methodologies. COM works on aggregation of all the reports, including the development of a European-wide database. On the basis of this info (according to Art.11) a report will be published by the COM, addressed to the EU Parliament and Council by the end of summer 2013 (no concrete date defined). f. Marine Strategy Framework Directive
The Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Preparing from the programme of measures ppt: MSFD – Preparing from the PoMs
JDE (DG ENV) gave a presentation regarding the preparation of Programmes of Measures (PoMs) according to the Art.13 of the MSFD. The establishment of PoMs to achieve/maintain good environmental status (13.1) should be accomplished by 2015 at the latest. Reference needs to be made to existing measures in WFD, UWWD, BWD and EQS Directive (13.2). According to Annex VI there are 8 types of measures, relating to controls, management & coordination, tracing marine pollution, economic incentives, mitigation/remediation and awareness rising. These measures should be looked jointly with the WFD (i.e. WFD/MSFD joint measures) for nutrients, while measures for fisheries/MPAs are MSFD-only relevant. A reporting approach needs to be (in
9 collaboration with WFD WG D) drawing on lessons learned from the WFD and other legislation, and streamline as much as possible with the WFD reporting process. Future steps/timeplan: - May 2013: Develop joint work plan to be agreed by Water and Marine Directors - Autumn 2013: Develop approach and detailed way forward WFD reporting - Spring 2014: Develop reporting guidance and reporting sheets (agreed in May 14) - Autumn 2014: Develop reporting tools / schemas g. SoE reporting (EEA) ppt: Road map to 2013 UWWTD reporting, BWD reporting 201, roadmap to 2013 WISE SoE data request
AKU (ETC/ICM) gave a presentation on the roadmap to UWWTD 2013 reporting, the BWD 2012 reporting, the 2012 SoE reporting and roadmap to 2013 SoE reporting, based on inputs of the ETC/ICM colleagues
- Roadmap to UWWTD 2013 reporting: New MS- Croatia (effective from July 2013) will be invited to participate (voluntarily) in the data request. MSs will be recommended to use the UWWTD web application for data compilation, quality checks and data (xml) export. There are no changes to the data specifications. Additional QA/QC rules to be implemented both to the tabular and spatial datsets (introduction of INSPIRE relevant rules). The review/update of data delivery structures will take place form April to May (additional QA rules to be programmed in the web tool, reporting schemas and instructions, background documents, GDEM tool, forum site for the UWWTD reporting). A helpdesk will be provided from July to December. All MSs datasets need to be finalised by the end of December.
- BWD 2012 reporting: All countries reported under the Directive 2006/7/EC in 2012. 18 MSs and Croatia are assessed under the Directive 2006/7/EC in 2012 compared to 16 MS in 2011, three in 2010 (LU, MT, HU) and two in 2009 (LU, MT). Nine MSs are assessed under transition period rules (AT, BG, FR, IE, IT, PL, RO, SI, UK, CH). The reporting has been assessed and some key results show that in 2012 92.5 % of all bathing waters in EU-27, 94.2 % of coastal and 70.2 % of inland bathing waters achieved the minimum quality standard set by the bathing water directive.
- 2012 SoE reporting and Roadmap to 2013 SoE reporting: Regarding the 2012 reporting per category, the following data have been reported: Rivers water quality incl. biological elements: data reported by 34 countries, not reported by AT, CH, CZ, HU, IT Lakes water quality incl. biological elements: data reported by 30 countries, no data reported by AT, CH, CZ, HU, IT, LI, LU, MK, SI Groundwater quality: data reported by 39 countries, not reported by HU Emissions to water: data reported by 18 countries Water quantity: data reported by 29 countries TCM water quality incl. biological elements: data reported by 25 countries; not reported by IT, MT, PT, TR The European datasets and accompanying reports for all reporting categories (except of lakes) will be ready for final approval by EEA task manager this week. Lakes dataset should follow one week later. Regarding the time schedule for the 2013 WISE SoE reporting the preliminary letter to countries on small changes to Data Dictionary and Scoring criteria will be sent on 31/05/2013, reply from countries is expected by 15/06 and a decision on changes will be made by 30/06. The announcement letter to countries will be distributed on 31/07/2013. b) Prefilling of OECD/Eurostat Joint Questionnaire on inland waters with reported information– state of play (EEA- ETC/ICM) ppt: Pre-filling of OECD/Eurostat JQ
10 AKU (ETC/ICM) gave a presentation on the state of pre-filling between the EEA WISE-SoE and Eurostat JQ IW dataflows. This pre-filling regards the Water Quantity and UWWTD data. Water quantity: 108 parameters in six tables of the JQ IW 2012 were relevant for pre-filling with WISE-SoE water quantity data. 5242 water quantity data records (values) in total from 21 countries have been provided to EUROSTAT for pre-filling. Other information which has been provided to EUROSTAT regarding the (spatial/temporal) aggregation of the values and the data provider was not used by Eurostat for the JQ. An example of how the prefilling was done for WATER Quantity has been provided by the Swiss NFP. UWWTD: data reported in 2011 were used to pre-fill tables 5,6 and 7 of the JQ IW The pre-filling facilitates the cross-checking of the data and the detection of errors in the data prone to correction. It also supports the principle “report once, use many times”. EEA, ETC/ICM and Eurostat will meet on 14 May to analyse the corrections of pre-filled data for SoE WQ, SoE emissions, UWWT. The COM (JDE) mentioned that ESTAT has created a joint task force on water statistics and accounts and are heading towards distributed systems where the data are used to fill in the water accounts tables at national level.
6. WISE and GIS/IT developments (EEA) ppt: WISE lessons learned, SOE and WFD reporting, GIS/IT developments a) Updates of WISE map viewers - WFD, UWWTD, SoE biological elements (published in November 2012) - Planned updates
BWE and ARO (EEA) gave a presentation on the WISE: Lessons learned, SoE and WFD reporting, GIS/IT developments and practical implications. EEA and the COM (DG ENV, Eurostat, JRC) is developing form 2013 onwards the 2nd generation of WISE, which will integrate a wider range of data from all relevant directives and other data flows, and enable better cross-reference between the reported data and information, supporting thus better assessments. New technologies are under implementation (ArcGIS online, integration of tabular data under the spatial) which will improve integration in the assessments, dissemination and sharing. Drawing on the lessons learned from the reporting (need for better definition in ReportNet for reporting, i.e. following the DD and other features developed for the EEA reporting) and the dissemination experiences so far, there is a clear vision to re-structure the WISE elements securing INSPIRE-compliant spatial datasets and tabular datasets fit for integrated assessments. The new elements of the WISE 2.0 will include: - ArcGIS online (new maps will be already prepared following the new requirements: first maps will be ready in May - Inclusion of all data with ‘time line’ (this will allow looking at all the DB at specific time; none of the data is prepared in this way) - Website (this will be updated during the 2013 with new information and direct links to interactive maps or new products that will be on the EEA website) The long-term benefits from these developments include the improved accessibility to data and assessment tools, the possibility for integration with other data that are already and will be in the future on ArcGIS online, and the reduction of steps during production (e.g.DB, GIS layers, maps) which should speed up the process, In 2013 the following outcomes are expected: - ArcGIS online for experts - Specific entry page for the ArcGIS for experts (this depends on the ESRI developments, might be ready only next year) - Updated website ( - Changes to the EEA website (links between sources i.e. interactive webmap provides also links to source data that were used) - Whenever possible interactive maps will be based on ArcGIS online
11 IE commented that the new developments are exiting but challenging, and advised that a concrete “business architecture” (i.e. why are we asking for the information?) needs to be defined before moving to the data architecture. b) Reference GIS datasets – state of play - WISE Main Rivers and Main Lakes - Transitional and coastal water bodies + coastline - UWWTD sensitive areas - Monitoring stations
ARO (EEA) gave a presentation regarding the updating of the GIS layers: GWB layer: has been finalised, to be uploaded on the EEA website and SDI RBD layer: updating and some changes were made by Atkins before Easter TC: under revision in-house, however as the RBD layer was change links to the last version need to be made Coastline: second draft ready, CLC and erosion data will be included by the end of September; if linear ref. from MS should be included we need to be sure if it was reported. Main rivers: links to other databases needs to be included (end June), information on WB (end of year) – but first version might be uploaded to the EEA website in June Main lakes: layer has not been published but all the information is included in ECRINS (online since summer 2012)
NO asked whether EEA could check if they have received some latest data they sent, and EEA confirmed that they will do so.
7. AOB JDE (DG ENV) closed the meeting by summarising the tasks for the next CIS period. In the CIS Work Programme submitted to the SCG (22 March, 2013) it was highlighted that there is a need for continuation of the work of WG D, performing horizontal work on streamlining, harmonising the details of the reporting, and assisting the MS in the reporting (MSFD and next round of WFD). Furthermore, work in relation to the development of EU water balances and building of EU hydro- economic model are also relevant, as well as the elaboration of reporting sheets for the UWWTD.
The activities for the next period can be categorised in short-term, medium-term and long-term, as follows: Short-term: The COM will send to the WG the document that was drafted for the SCG. Comments and feedback on this, is appreciated by Monday 22/04 at the latest (of course there will be future options for additional feedback as well) to complement on what priorities should be set the for the next CIS period. We also welcome your comments on lessons learned document (by Monday 22) Mid-term: One big piece of work between now and end-of year is to produce a document on the basis of the “lessons learned Report” for submission to the SCG and WDs next month (May 2013). Based on these discussions, we will evaluate the need for a core drafting group to update the Guidance and Reporting Schemas from June to September (mid-term goal). The first draft will be circulated for comments before submission to the SCG meeting in September 2013, and will be then finalised in October 2013 with the goal to present it to the SCG meeting on 4-5/11/2013 and the WDs meeting at the end of December. Long-term: The goal is to work towards the development of distributed reporting system.
AT mentioned a relevant Workshop to be held in Brussels in June, on “Improving the involvement of RB Authorities in the CIS strategy as to have an effect on future RBMPs” and whether this group should have an input. Topics to be discussed in the Workshop include: 1. Integrating water management and WFD principles. 2. How the involvement of RB authorities should be improved to
12 make them more active under the CIS by providing input, sharing knowledge and implementing CIS guidance. JDE (DG ENV) will investigate this.