Proceedings of the Pierce County, North Dakota, Board of County Commissioners s4
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January 6, 2015
The Pierce County Board of County Commissioners met in regular session on January 6, 2015. Chairman Johnston called the meeting to order at 8:00 A.M., with members Christenson, Brossart, Migler and Larson present. Also present was Tim Chapman, Pierce County Tribune.
Chairman Johnston led the Pledge of Allegiance.
A motion was made by Migler and seconded by Christenson, to accept the December minutes as mailed. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Migler and seconded by Larson, to approve those bills previously paid and those yet unpaid were ordered paid. Motion carried.
Board reviewed Officer fee reports and hourly workers time sheets.
A motion was made by Christenson and seconded by Brossart, to approve Treasurer’s checks #5350- 5376 in the amount of $5,252.12 for the month of December. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Christenson and seconded by Migler, to accept the financial report for the month of December. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Christenson and seconded by Migler, to appoint Mike Brossart, as a member of the Pierce/McHenry Housing Board. Motion carried.
Board reviewed bills from Balta Wildlfe Club, for which the county participates. A motion was made by Migler and seconded by Brossart, to make payment from the County Park Fund, in accordance with agreement. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Christenson and seconded by Larson, to re-appoint Dr. Jeff Vaagen, as County Coroner and Ken Reed, as Deputy County Coroner. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Migler and seconded by Brossart, to approve the software support agreement with Software Innovations in the amount of $7,900.00 for 2015. Motion carried.
A motion as made by Christenson and seconded by Larson, to amend the 2014 budget as follows: Expenditures- General Fund from $1,216,019.47 to $1,360,517.40; 2011 FEMA $110,764.67; 2013 FEMA- $373,901.95; Farm to Market- from $180,000.00 to $1,237,700.60; Health Insurance from $217,623.36 to $218,678.76; Law Enforcement (Dispatch & Prisoner Costs) from $217,197.47 to $448,601.34; NDSU Activity Fund from $1,500.00 to $1,835.18; NDSU Pesticide from $3,000.00 to $3,615.92; Water Resource Board from $34,950.31 to $54,590.75; City-County Library from $115,910.79 to $124,690.25; Ambulance from $53,558.94 to $60,098.27; Lake Region District Health from $104,916.28 to $111,304.84; Library Elevator Project from $12,000.00 to $34,701.00; Insurance Reserve from $16,000.00 to $18,072.67. Motion carried. Josh Siegler, Sheriff, gave the board an update on his department and some equipment that needs to be updated. He informed the board that he would like to purchase body camera for his officers, with the approximate cost of $400.00 per camera. Also discussed was Drug Task Force that he would like to implement down the road with possibly McHenry and Bottineau County.
Board recessed to sit on the HACTC Board at 9:00 A.M.
Mike Graner, Director of Operations, HACTC and Daren Heidbreder, Chief of Security, joined the meeting. A motion was made by Migler and seconded by Christenson, to approve those bills previously paid and those yet unpaid were ordered paid for the month of November. Motion carried.
Mike Graner gave the board an update on the financials and that he would have a report ready for the board in February for the fiscal year 2014. Mike shared with the board that the HACTC would like to belong to the Chamber and that Shelly Block would come to the board’s February meeting and explain to the board what the benefits are for the HACTC to belong and that there is a cost.
Mike Graner gave the board an update on the inmate population for the month of December. A motion was made by Larson and seconded by Brossart, to approve the financial report for the month of November. Motion carried.
Kelsey Siegler, Tax Director/Planning & Zoning Administrator, met with the board and shared with them that on December 18, 2014 the Planning and Zoning board recommended to the Pierce County Commission, that a permit fee of $20.00 will be charged for all Ag buildings, with enforcement fee of $50.00. After further discussion, a motion was made by Christenson and seconded by Larson, that a fee of $20.00 will be charged for all Ag buildings. Motion carried.
Kelsey went over the Addendum to the Contract with Vanguard Appraisals that will be done this year. A motion was made by Migler and seconded by Larson, to approve the addendum to the contract with Vanguard Appraisals. Motion carried.
Carrie Vallier, 9-1-1 Coordinator, met and gave the board an update on the 9-1-1 mapping. Carrie said she will be attending a meeting on January 14th of this month and would report back to the board. Carrie said for the GIS mapping, the maintenance fee would cost $3600.00 and asked the board to consider purchasing the maintenance fee that would be integrated with Zuercher Technologies. A motion was made by Christenson and seconded by Brossart, to include the GIS mapping maintenance agreement with Zuercher Technologies Contract. Motion carried.
Board reviewed abatement applications submitted by Joline Pfau (2015-1) for tax year 2014 on W1/2 Lots 1 & 2 Block 5, Little Flower Addition, located in the City of Rugby.
Board reviewed abatement application submitted by Karen Buer (2015-2) for tax year 2014 on N100’ Lot 11 & N100’ of W20’ Lot 12, Block 2, Bigelows Addition, located in the City of Rugby.
A motion was made by Migler and seconded by Larson, to approve the abatement applications for tax year 2014 (2015-1 thru 2015-2) as recommended by the Tax Director, in accordance with homestead credit. Motion carried.
Board reviewed abatement application on parcel -1613-013, located in T157N, R73W, as possessory interest, and to cancel taxes in the amount of $21.74, due to no longer having possessory interest on this parcel. A motion was made by Christenson and seconded by Brossart, to cancel the taxes on parcel 01613-013. Motion carried.
Karin Fursather, Auditor-Treasurer, presented the Pledge of Assets from Merchants Bank, Bremer Bank and Ramsey Bank. Also reviewed, were the bank balances as of December 31, 2014. A motion was made by Larson and seconded by Christenson, to accept the Pledge of Assets as presented and declare Merchants Bank, Bremer Bank and Ramsey Bank as depositories. Motion carried.
Jessica Tagestad, Wold Engineering, met and gave the board an update on FEMA Road Project in Juniata Township. Jessica stated that they would do some surveying on this project. She also said the board should think of what road projects they would like to see completed for the State dollars that they should be receiving this year. Also discussed was the CMC route (Knox Road).
Commissioner Migler brought up that several keys have been lost and that the board should have the doors re-keyed. Migler also shared with the board that Envision would like to lease a portion of the Weed Board building. After further discussion, a motion was made by Migler and seconded by Brossart to offer a lease to Envision for a portion of the building for $500.00. Motion carried.
Discussion was held amongst the board on the guidelines for supervisors on township boards and that the law is not being followed.
Christenson shared that the heaters in the Memorial Hall are not working properly and that they should be replaced. He also said that the walk behind snow blower and rider are not working.
Galen J. Mack , States Attorney, joined the meeting.
Chairman Johnston asked Galen, about the 11 vehicles that are presently stored at the HACTC and what is the process to remove them? Also discussed with Galen were the guidelines for township supervisors to follow. Galen will write letters to the townships affected.
Board reviewed correspondence from Central Power Electric Cooperative, Inc., which they are requesting Environmental Review approval for the Rugby 230kV and 115kV projects listed in N1/2 of Section 12, T 156N, R73W and N1/2 of Section 7, T 156N, R72W. A motion was made by Christenson and seconded by Larson, to approve the request for Environmental Review from Central Power Electric Cooperative, Inc. for T 156N, R73W. Motion carried.
Board reviewed expenses from all county shops and blade operators. The fee of $145.00 per certified mile for blading and snow removal from township roads with motor grader will remain the same for 2015.
Board reviewed correspondence letter from NDSU Extension Service inviting a commissioner to participate in the performance review of the Pierce County Extension Agent. Rick Larson volunteered to participate in the performance review of the Pierce County Extension Agent, Yolanda Schmidt.
There being no further business, Johnston moved to adjourn at 12:00 noon. ______Karin Fursather, Auditor-Treasurer Duane Johnston, Chairman Pierce County, North Dakota Pierce County Board of County Commissioners
January 20, 2015
The Pierce County Board of County Commissioners met in special session on January 20, 2015. Chairman Johnston called the meeting to order at 9:20 a.m. with members Christenson, Brossart, Migler and Larson present.
Jessica Tagestad, Wold Engineering, met and gave the board an update on SB 2103 “Surge” Infrastructure Funding. Informed the board that they should think of what road projects they would what this funding to go towards and it will be discussed at their February meeting.
Chairman Johnston shared with the rest of the board information concerning the Community Service Board meeting. Johnston also shared with the board discrepancies on mileage and time sheet from the Community Service Coordinator.
There being no further business, Johnston moved to adjourn at 10:40 A.M.
______Karin Fursather, Auditor-Treasurer Duane Johnston, Chairman Pierce County, North Dakota Pierce County Board of County Commissioners