Facilitating Partner: Insert Name of Facilitating Partner Organisation Lodging This Submission
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Promising program submission template
Facilitating Partner: [insert name of Facilitating Partner organisation lodging this submission] Service provider: [insert name of Community Partner who will deliver the program] Program name: [insert name of program to be assessed]
Contact details
Facilitating Partner contact details: [Insert the name and position of the person from the Facilitating Partner organisation. We will contact this person in the first instance if we need more information.]
Email address:
Phone number:
Service provider contact: [Insert name and position of a contact person at the organisation delivering the program]
Email address:
Phone number:
1 Summary of Program
What is the aim of your program (1-2 sentences)? Make sure this relates to your program outcomes.
Describe the target participant group for the program, and why it was important to address their needs.
Provide a brief (1-2 paragraph) description of the program.
Assessment Criteria
1. Theoretical Background Instructions: Provide an explanation of the broad theories and/or research that informed the development of the program, what those theories mean in the context of the program and the target participant group, and indicate the source of that information (i.e., provide references). That is, this section should:
describe what the key underlying theories or research are; and
explain how those theories or research relate to the program and the needs of your participants (i.e., what do they mean for this program and for this target group, why are they relevant in this context?).
The amount of detail you provide will depend on the size and purpose of your program, but there should be clear reasons as to why this theory/research is an important basis for a program that addresses the needs of your target group. It should not just describe what the theory is.
This section should be at least 2-3 pages long.
Provide a description of the theory/research that underpins the program (ensure you cite relevant references).
2 Explain how this theory/research relates to the intended outcomes of this particular program and the needs of your target group.
2. Program logic or theory of change Instructions: Provide a copy of the program logic for the program. Other terms that are commonly used for models that depict a similar causal pathway for programs are logic model, theory of change, outcome model, outcome logic and outcome hierarchy—any of these are acceptable.
Read more about program logic models on our website and/or refer to this example program logic.
What are the measurable outcomes for your program that contribute to meeting the aim of the program?
3. Program Activities Instructions: Provide a description of the key activities undertaken in the program, and explain how those activities reflect what the evidence says about what is good practice in relation to the needs of your target group. That is, ‘connect the dots’ between the program activities and the program outcomes.
There should be clear links between the research evidence you’ve indicated underpins the program, the evidence about the best ways of engaging with your target group, and the program activities and content. In other words, you need to describe what the activities are, how the program is delivered and by whom, and explain how it is that these activities are expected to achieve the intended program outcomes.
If a program manual is available, please provide a copy. You do not need to fill in the details below if a manual is available that outlines the program activities in detail.
In what context is the program delivered (e.g. in a community centre, after-school care)?
3 Program activity #1
[Name of activity]
Provide a brief description of the activity.
Describe how the activity meets the needs of your target group and contributes to the intended program outcomes.
Program activity #2
[Name of activity]
Provide a brief description of the activity.
Describe how the activity meets the needs of your target group and contributes to the intended program outcomes.
Program activity #3
4 [Name of activity]
Provide a brief description of the activity.
Describe how the activity meets the needs of your target group and contributes to the intended program outcomes.
[Add more boxes if your program includes more than three key activities].
4. Program Evaluation Instructions: Include documentation showing the program has been evaluated. This documentation should be either of the following:
1. A copy of a completed evaluation report. The report should include information on all of the questions below.
Please indicate the name, author and date of any report/s attached to this submission.
Document title Author Date
2. A detailed outline of the evaluation in the boxes below.
Who conducted the evaluation?
What was the evaluation methodology? (i.e. how did you do the evaluation?) Why was this chosen as a good way to measure outcomes for this program?
5 How many participants were involved? How were they selected to participate?
How was the consent of the participants obtained? How was confidentiality maintained? Add any other ethical considerations that were taken into account during your evaluation.
What measures/tools were used in the evaluation (i.e. what questions were asked or measurement tools used)? Why were they chosen as good ways to measure outcomes for this program? How were they used (e.g. participants filled in the survey at the start of the program)
When and how often were the measures taken? (e.g. on intake, after the first four weeks of the program, at the end of the program, three months follow up)
How was the data from the evaluation analysed?
6 What were the findings of the evaluation? Please indicate what outcomes in your program logic were measured, and the findings for each of these outcomes. Include what worked and what didn’t work – both types of findings are valuable.
What were the main methodological limitations of your evaluation? That is, what were the strengths and weaknesses of your evaluation, and how might this have influenced the results of the evaluation?
Comment on the extent to which you are confident that the findings of the evaluation are a true reflection of the impact of your program.
5. Program staffing Describe how the program is delivered (e.g., groups are delivered by a facilitator; a key worker liaises with other services and clients; a social worker supervises volunteer mentors).
Describe what training or qualifications staff/volunteers need to deliver the program, and how this is reflected in the staffing of your program.
Thank you.
Please lodge this submission via https://aifs.gov.au/cfca/cfc-submission. You will receive a receipt acknowledging that your submission has been successfully lodged. The assessment process will take 4-6 weeks. We will contact the Facilitating Partner if more information is needed.
You can contact the assessment team at [email protected]