18Th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012
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18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012
Welcome to The 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition Hosted by the Church of Archangel Michael and Saint Mena Staten Island, NY
With the Grace of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, the blessings of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, and under the guidance of His Grace Bishop David, the Hymn Competition Staff welcomes you to the 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition.
Mission Statement:
The Hymn Competition plans to achieve the following objectives:
Increase the number of those who know and use the beautiful hymns of our church in praising our Lord. Unify the hymns among our Coptic congregations.
Your dedication and hard work, along with that of our priests and hymn teachers, will be rewarded in the Heavenly Jerusalem.
May God Bless You!
1 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012 Table of Contents
Rules and Regulations……………………………………………..3
First Group..….……………………………………………………6
Second Group……………………………………………………...7
Third Group…………………………………………………..…...9
Fourth Group……………………………………………………..13
Fifth Group……………………………………………………….14
2011 Participants ...………………………………………………15
2011 Winners…….………………………………………………18
Participating Churches Over the Years..…………………………19
2 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012
Rules and Regulations Location: Church of Archangel Michael and Saint Mena 4095 Amboy Road Staten Island, New York (718) 966-5278
Applications: A completed application for each participant, the participating church’s registration form, and the required registration fee of $10.00 per competitor must be received at least two weeks prior to the competition's start date.
Number of Competitors: Groups 1-4 There is no minimum number of participants; however, there is a maximum of ten participants (per group, per church).
Group 5 The minimum number of participants in the fifth group is five. There is not a maximum number of participants in this group. However, all groups of ten or more will be judged equally and as if they were only ten participants. Teams of less than ten will be scored according to the number of participants. A two point deduction is applied by each judge for the number of participants below ten.
Age Limitations: Group 1: Must not have exceeded 8th birthday by start of event. Group 2: Must not have exceeded 13th birthday by start of event. Group 3: Must not have exceeded 18th birthday by start of event. Group 4: Must not have exceeded 22nd birthday by start of event. Group 5: No age limitation.
3 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012 Scoring the Contestant:
A panel of three priests will judge and score the hymns. Each participant will be required to sing two hymns, the first is decided by the participant and the second is selected at random from the hymns of that group. A participant can enter in only one of the four groups (not applicable to the Fifth Group). Each participant in the Third and Fourth Groups will be required to read the appointed portion of a hymn in the Coptic language. Participants that decline the hymn chosen at random and select another will have points deducted at the discretion of the judges. Judges will grade the competitor based on the following criteria: . Tune and rhythm (60%) . Spirituality of performance (10%) . Word pronunciation (10%) . Recitation of memorized prayer (10%) . Ability to read the Coptic language (10%) [Third and Fourth Groups only] The top three scorers in each of the first four groups will be awarded. Use of written material is allowed, preferably in the language in which the hymn is sung. However, material is not allowed for the memorized portion. The Fifth Group will be scored based on a complete number of ten competitors. Teams of less than ten will be scored according to the number of participants (i.e. two points are deducted by each judge for the number of participants below ten).
4 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012
Awarding of Prizes:
The top three participants in each of the first four groups will be awarded first, second, and third places for the group in which they have participated. The top three scoring teams in the Fifth Group will be awarded first, second, and third places for the Fifth Group. One award will be given to the church with the highest number of winners. This award is calculated based on the following:
o Each Church with a winning member will be credited with seven points for each first place award, six points for each second place award, and five points for each third place award. o The Church with the top score is the recipient of this award.
An additional award will be given to the church with the highest total-combined score of all its participants (i.e. scores of all competitors in all groups from each church will be totaled). The Church with the highest score will win this award.
5 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012
FIRST GROUP 11. Tenhwc `erok@ ten`cmou We praise You, we bless `erok@ tensemsi `mmok@ You, we serve You, we tenouwst `mmok. worship You.
12. Ni,eroubim ceouwst The Cherubim worship You, and the Seraphim glorify `mmok@ nem niceravim You, proclaiming and ce]wou nak@ euws `ebol eujw saying: `mmoc@ "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of Je `agioc `agioc `agioc@ Kurioc Hosts. Heaven and earth are cabaw;@ `plyryc o ouranoc ke y full of Your holy glory." gy@ tyc `agiac cou doxyc.
13. Xere ne w ]par;enoc@ ] Hail to you O Virgin, the ourw `mmyi `n`aly;iny@ ,ere very and true queen, hail to `psousou `nte pengenoc@ the pride of our race, who are`jvo nan `nEmmanouyl. gave birth to Emmanuel. Ten]ho `aripenmeu`i@ w ] We ask you to remember us, `proctatyc `etenhot@ nahren O our trusted advocate, pen=o=c I=y=c P=,=c@ `ntef,a before our Lord Jesus Christ, nennobi nan `ebol. that He may forgive us our sins.
14. Hiten ni`precbia@ `nte picalpictyc `n]`anactacic@ Mi,ayl `par,wn `nna nivyou`i@ P=o=c ari`hmot nan `mpi,w `ebol `nte nennobi.
15. Agioc `o :eoc@ agioc ic,uroc@ agioc `a;anatoc@ `amyn =a=l.
A B G D E < Z Y : I K L M N X O P R C T U V < " W S F Q H J { } # SECOND GROUP 6 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012 21. Amyn `amyn `amyn@ ton ;anaton cou kurie kataggelomen@ ke tyn `agian cou `anactacin@ ke tyn `analy'in cou `ntyc ouranic ce `omologoumen@ ce `enoumen ce eulogoumen ci eu,arictoumen kurie@ ke de`ome;a cou `o ;eoc `ymwn.
22. @asf (=z) `nrompi afjokou Saint George has `ebol@ `nje vy=e=;=u Gewrgioc@ completed, seven whole `ere pi`sbe `nouro `n`anomoc@ years, while he was judged eu]hap `erof `mmyni. daily, by seventy lawless kings. `Mpou`svwnh `mpeflogicmoc@ They could not change his oude pefnah] etcoutwn@ mind, nor his upright faith, oude tefnis] `n`agapy@ nor his great love, for `eqoun `e`pouro P=,=c. Christ the King.
Nafer'lin nem Dauid@ He was singing with je aukw] `eroi `nje nie;noc tyrou@ David, saying "All the alla qen `vran `nI=y=c panou]@ nations encircled me, but ai[i `mpa[i `m`psis nemwou. with the name of my Lord Jesus, I took revenge upon them. Ounis] gar pe pektaio@ w pa=o=c Great is your honor, O my `pouro Gewrgioc@ `ere P=,=c master prince George, for rasi nemak@ qen Ieroucalym `nte Christ rejoices with you, in `tve. the heavenly Jerusalem. 23. Allylouia allylouia allylouia (from Ps.151) 7 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012 24. Ge Peniwt etqen nivyou`i@ mareftoubo `nje pekran@ marec`i `nje tekmetouro@ je vwk pe pi`wou sa ni`eneh. Je `f`cmarw`out `nje `Viwt nem `psyri@ nem pi`pneuma e;ouab@ ]`triac etjyk `ebol@ tenouwst `mmoc ten]`wou nac. 25. Qen `vran `m`viwt@ nem `psyri nem pi=p=n=a =e=;=u@ ]`triac =e=;=u `n`omooucioc. Axiac axiac axiac ] `agi`a Mari`a ]par;enoc. 26. TERCE GOSPEL When the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name, has come, He shall teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I have said unto you. My peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world gives do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. You have heard how I said unto you, “I go away, and come again unto you.” If you loved Me, you would rejoice, because I said, “I go unto the Father”: for My Father is greater than I. And now I have told you before it comes to pass, that, when it comes to pass, you might believe. I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world comes, and has nothing in Me. But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave Me commandment, so I do: arise, let us go from here. I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away: and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bring forth more fruit. Now you are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. Abide in Me, and I in you. Glory to God forever. Amen. # THIRD GROUP 8 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012 31. Acpazec;e allilyouc en vilymati `agiw. `amyn kurie `ele`ycon kurie `ele`ycon kurie `ele`ycon@ `ete vai pe I=y=c P=,=c `psyri `mV] cwtem `eron ouoh nai nan. `Ctwmen kaloc@ `ctwmen eulaboc@ `ctwmen ektenwc@ `ctwmen en`iryny@ `ctomen meta vobou ;eou ke `tromou ke kata nuxeoc. Pi`klyroc nem pilaoc tyrf qen outwbh nem ousep`hmot nem oucemni nem ou,arwf. Fai `nnetenbal `e`pswi `e`pca `n]`anatoly@ `ntetennau `epi;uciac tyrion@ `ere picwma nem pi`cnof `nte Emmanouyl pennou] ,y `e`hryi `ejwf. `Ere ni`aggeloc `ohi `eratou nem niar,y`aggeloc@ niceravim na picoou (^) `ntenh@ nem ni,eroubim e;meh `mbal@ euhwbc `nnouho e;be `;metacai`e `nte pefnis] `nwou `nat`ser;ewrin `mmof ouoh `nat`scaji `mmof@ euhwc qen ou`cmy `nouwt@ euws `ebol eujw `mmoc@ je `agioc `agioc `agioc@ kurioc cabaw;@ `plyryc o ouranoc ke y gy@ tyc `agiac cou doxyc. 32. Af] `m`pounof `nnen`'u,y@ `nje `per`vmeu`i `mpekran =e=;=u@ pa=o=c I=y=c P=,=c@ pa=c=w=r `n`aga;oc. (2) Bon niben ce`cmou `erok@ na nivyou`i nem na `pkahi@ pa=o=c I=y=c P=,=c@ pa=c=w=r `n`aga;oc. (3) + Ge gar `n;ok `mmauatk@ `kem`psa `nten`cmou `erok@ pa=o=c I=y=c... (4) + Dikewc ke `axiwc@ `kem`psa `mpiwou nem pitaio@ pa=o=c I=y=c P=,=c... (5) Eue`cmou `epekran e;ouab@ `nje nivuly tyrou `nte `pkahi@ pa=o=c I=y=c... (6) Coou (^) `nhudri`a `mmwou@ akaitou `nyrp efcwtp@ pa=o=c I=y=c P=,=c... (7) + Sasf (=z) `ncop `mpi``ehoou@ ]na`cmou `epekran =e=;=u@ pa=o=c I=y=c... (8) + Ydewc ten`cmou `erok@ `anon tyren qa peklaoc@ pa=o=c I=y=c P=,=c... (9) `:metcai`e `mpekran =e=;=u@ qen rwou `nny=e=;=u `ntak@ pa=o=c I=y=c... (10) Icjen swrp sa rouhi `mmyni@ ]na`cmou `epekran =e=;=u@ pa=o=c I=y=c P=,=c... 9 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012 (11) + Kata sennifi niben `e]natytou@ ]na`cmou `epekran =e=;=u@ pa=o=c I=y=c... (12) + Lwiji niben `nte `vnobi@ hitou `ebolqen nen'u,y@ pa=o=c I=y=c P=,=c... (13) Meu`i niben `nte pijaji@ marououei cabol `mmoi@ pa=o=c I=y=c... (14) Nifi niben ce`cmou `erok@ kata `pcaji `mpi`provytyc@ pa=o=c I=y=c P=,=c... (15) + Xa`pswi gar `nar,y niben@ `n;ok pe `pouro `nte niourwou@ pa=o=c I=y=c... (16) + Ouwou nak nem pekiwt@ nem pi`pneuma `e;ouab@ pa=o=c I=y=c P=,=c.... (17) Pekran holj ouoh `f`cmarwout@ qen rwou `nny=e=;=u `ntak@ pa=o=c I=y=c... (18) Rwi gar na`cmou `erok@ ouoh palac na]wou nak@ pa=o=c I=y=c P=,=c... (19) + Ce ontwc ten`cmou `erok@ ce ontwc ten]`wou nak@ pa=o=c I=y=c... (20) + Tennaqici an `eneh@ tennakyn an en`cmou `erok@ pa=o=c I=y=c P=,=c... (21) Umnologi`a niben `n`cmou@ tenouwrp `mmwou `e`pswi harok@ pa=o=c I=y=c... (22) Vwk pe piwou nem pitaio@ nem ]eu,arictia@ pa=o=c I=y=c P=,=c... (23) + 33. Auen piar,y`ereuc@ hijen Pencwtyr@ pisouswousi `mmyi@ `n,anobi `ebol. Vai `etafenf `e`pswi@ `nou;uci`a ecsyp@ hijen + (pi`ctauroc)@ qa `poujai `mpengenoc. Afswlem `erof@ `nje pefiwt `n`aga;oc@ `m`vnau `nte han`arouhi@ hijen ]golgo;a. Afouwn `m`vro@ `mpiparadicoc@ aftac;o `nAdam@ `etefar,y `nkecop. `Ebol hiten Maria@ `tseri `nIwakim@ ancouen pisouswousi `mmyi@ `n,anobi `ebol. 34. N;o te ]soury `nnoub `nka;aroc@ etfai qa pijebc `n`,rwm et`cmarw`out. Tenouwst `mmok `w P=,=c@ nem pekiwt `n`aga;oc@ nem pi`ppneuma =e=;=u@ je ak`i akcw] `mmon nai nan. 35. Al =a=l =a=l. Cwtem taseri `anau rek pemasj@ `ari`pwbs `mpelaoc nem `pyi tyrf `nte peiwt. =a=l =a=l =a=l. Je `a piouro `ere pi;umin `epecai je ouyi `n;of pe pet=o=c. =a=l =a=l =a=l. 36. PSALM 121 I was glad for those who said to me, “We will go into the house of the Lord.” Our feet stood in the courts of Jerusalem, Jerusalem which is built as a city that is closely compacted together. For there the tribes went up, the tribes of the Lord, as a testimony for Israel, confessing the name of the Lord. For there are set thrones for 11 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012 judgement, even thrones for the house of David. Ask for the things which are for the peace of Jerusalem: and for the prosperity to those who love you. Let peace be within your strength, and prosperity in your heavy towers. For the sake of my brothers and my companions, I have indeed spoken peace concerning you. Because of the house of the Lord our God, I have diligently sought good things for you. ALLELUIA. # FOURTH GROUP 41. Allylouia (Alli-el-korban) 42. Nim gar qen ninou]@ etoni `mmok `P[oic@ `n;ok pe `Vnou] `mmyi@ et`iri `nhan`svyri. (2) Akouwnh `ntekjom@ `ebol qen nilaoc@ akcw] `mpeklaoc@ `n`hryi qen pekswbs. (3) Aksenak `e`amen]@ ak`ini `e`pswi@ `n]e,malwcia@ qen pima `ete `mmau. (4) Aker`hmot nan `nkecop@ `n]`eleu;eria@ hwc nou] `n`aga;oc@ je aktwnk akcw] `mmon. (5) A Pi`,rictoc pennou]@ twnf `ebol qen nye;mwout@ `n;of 12 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012 pe `t`apar,y@ `nte ny`etauenkot. (6) Afouonhf `eMaria@ ]magdaliny@ afcaji nemac@ `mpairy] efjw `mmoc. (7) Je matame na`cnyou@ hina `ntousenwou@ `e]galile`a@ cenanau `eroi `mmau. (8) Ac`i `nje Maria@ sa nima;ytyc@ pejac je ainau `e`P[oic@ ouoh nai petafjotou nac. (9) Kalwc qen oume;myi@ acswpi qen oufirwous@ `nje ;ye;ouab Maria@ ]magdaliny. (10) Ac`i `epi`mhau@ qen `vouai `nte nicabbaton@ ackw] qen ou`cpoudy@ `nca `t`anactacic `m`P[oic. (11) Acnau `epiaggeloc@ efhemci hijen pi`wni@ efws `ebol efjw `mmoc@ je aftwnf `f,y `mpaima an. (12) E;be vai ten]`wou naf@ enws `ebol enjw `mmoc@ je `k`cmarwout `w Pa[oic Iycouc@ je aktwnk akcw]. 43. Amwini marenouwst@ `n]`triac e;ouab@ `ete `Viwt nem `Psyri@ nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab. 45. Xere ;ye;meh `n`hmot@ ]par;enoc `n`at;wleb@ pikumillion etcwtp@ `nte ]oikoumeny tyrc. Pilampac `nat[eno@ `psousou `nte ]par;eni`a@ pi`ervei `natbwl `ebol@ ouoh pi`sbwt `nte pinah]. (Sherat el-Kiahki) 46. THE GLORIA Let us praise with the angels, saying, “Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, and good will toward men.” We praise You. We bless You. We serve You. We worship You. We confess You. We glorify You. We give thanks to You for Your great glory, O Lord, King of heaven, God the Father, the Almighty; O Lord, the one and Only-Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, Who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. You, Who takes away the sin of the world, receive our prayers unto You. Who sits at the right hand of 13 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012 the Father, have mercy on us. You only are the Holy; You only are the Most High, Lord, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit; glory to God the Father. Amen. Every day I will bless You, and praise Your holy name forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen. From the night season my soul awakes early unto You, O my God, for Your precepts are a light upon the earth. I was meditating on Your ways, for You have become a helper unto me. In the morning You shall hear my voice. Early I will stand before You, and You shall see me. # FIFTH GROUP 31. Acpazec;e Page 9 41. Al (Alli-el-korban) Page 13 33. Auen piar,y`ereuc Page 11 34. `N;o te ]soury Page 11 44. Tai soury (“Adreebi” Tune) Page 14 45. ST. GEORGE – NORRISTOWN (PHILA.), PA Monica Abdelmassih Mina Tawfiles Mina Hanna Filopater Aziz Mary Twofiles Kirellos Hanna Abanoub Aziz Mark Tawfiles Mina Youssef Monica Gergies Mariam Gergies Kirollos Morkos Anthony Michael Abanoub Morkos Marina Makkar Christine Michael Samuel Kolta Marina Youssef Jessy Twofiles Andrew Labib Germin Shenoda Mary Sharoud Peter Labib Marina Abdelmalek Kerelos Twofiles Amira Sharoud Diana Youssef Andre Alabd ST. MINA – HOLMDEL, NJ Hannah Ghaly Melodie Seadaros Kerlous Soliman Miriam Estefan Benjamin Rofail Monica Ragheb Maxium Rajla Priscilla Rofail Kevin Farah Merriam Rajla Peter Mounas Maya Androus Farid Estefam Ebraam Mousa Emily Mounas David Sawiris Daniel Rafla Parthenia Hanna- Myrna Awad Mary Hanna-alla alla Elaria Mousa Catherine Hanna-alla George Mousa 14 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012 ARCHANGEL MICHAEL – HOWELL, NJ Julia Takla Pierre Yacoub Anthony Metry Olivia Takla Mary Kamel Daniel Wassef Mark Azmy George Gayed Yousef Guirguess Mina Akhnouk Marina Mansour ST. GEORGE & ST. SHENOUDA – JERSEY CITY, NJ Julianna Basily Monica Mousa Mark Nashed Miriam Basily Moreen Mousa Ann Rezk Demiana Metry Michael Moussa John Rezk Karim Wassef Kyrollos Morkos Mario Farag Filopater Habib Angel Shihata Demiana Saleeb Monica Tamer Kerolos Shihata Johny Yaccoub Rebecca Seedhom Shadi Yacoub Peter Rezk Anton Yakoub Ebram Youssef Benjamin Youssef 2011 Participants (continued) ST. ANTONIOUS & ST. MINA – EAST RUTHERFORD, NJ Daniel Armanious Mariam Demian Marina Armanious George Gayed Michael Girgis Andrew Elfar Mary Gerges Mina Elfar ST. MARY & ST. GEORGE – ALBANY, NY Steven Sadek Thomas Samuel James Habib Thomas Morgan Mark Morgan Merihan Raouf Daniella Morgan Amy Awad Verina Mansour Thomas Seedhom Thomas Awad Mina Kodsi Stephen Seedhom Andrew Rophael Bavnouti Mansour Jonathan Seedhom Marina Azab Matthew Habib Rachael Elnagar Andrew Kaldas Marina Kodsi Daniel Shahata Malak Gawdat Mariam Gawdat Febronia Mansour John Habib Michael Gad Rebecca Samuel Michael Kaldas ARCHANGEL MICHAEL & ST. MENA – STATEN ISLAND, NY Joseph Farag Mora Rizk George Tawfellos Marina Samoul Rebecca Khiralla Kerlos Kelada Mariam Michail Magdoline Makar Daniel Boulos Olivia Yousef Samuel Girgis Daniel Girgis Maximus Rizk 15 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012 ST. MARK – CEDAR GROVE, NJ Anthony Sadek Gabby Banayotti Medhat Botrous Chloe Bekhit Marian Salib Attiat Helmy Ava Bekhit Nardin Salib David Yousef Valerie Naguib Mark Mosaad Parthenia Bogdady George Attallah Felopateer Boulos Marygina Sadek David Sadek Sandra Michael Alber Saleh Toni Mosaad Anthony Yousef Magdalena Botrous Daniel Yousef Silvia Abdelmalak Marina Botrous Anthony Armanious Sarah Gerges Stephen Meawad Daniel Armanious David Rezk David Banoub SamBanayotti David Banoub David Rezk Magdalena Botrous Stephen Meawad Sarah Gerges Joseph Farag Marina Botrous Anthony Yousef Veronica Farag 2011 Participants (continued) ST. MARY & ST. PHILOPATER – BELLEVILLE, NJ Joy Botros Mary Ibrahim Jason Botros Mark Istafanous Mariam Sabit Stephen Meggali Roberto Michael ST. MARK – JERSEY CITY, NJ Kerolos Abdalla Joseph Ayoub DanielMetri Mark Abdelmalek Mina Beshay Pavly Rizk Mary Dawod Beshoy Ghaly Beshoy Shenouda Nagy Fouad Abakir Hanna Mark Tawfik Peter Ghaly Mark Shakloul Kerolos Bernaba Peter Agaiby Romany Shakloul Rafael Bishay Johnathon Maximos George Wahba John Filtes Martin Soliman Melad Wahba Kyrillos Kelliny Martina Soliman Jerome Beshoy Mankarious Joshua Abdelmessiah Abdelmessih Paul Mankarious Bishoy Agaiby Kermina Hanna Basant Tawfik ST. ABRAAM – LONG ISLAND, NY Claire Nasseib Demetrios Mena Helen Albaire Angela Loka Andrew Loka Sabeena Maged Daniel Mena Christine Garas ST. ABANOUB & ST. ANTONIOUS – BAYONNE, NJ 16 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012 Nayel Kamel Amani Salama Marco Serour # 2011 WINNERS FIRST GROUP 1st Miriam Basily St. George & St. Shenouda – JC, NJ 2nd Anthony Sadek St. Mark – Cedar Grove, NJ 2nd Monica Ragheb St. Mina – Holmdel, NJ 3rd Hannah Ghaly St. Mina – Holmdel, NJ SECOND GROUP 1st Benjamin Rofail St. Mina – Holmdel, NJ 2nd Mark Nashed St. George & St. Shenouda – JC, NJ 3rd Mark Tawfiles St. George – Norristown (Phila.), PA 3rd Kyrollos Morkos St. George & St. Shenouda – JC, NJ THIRD GROUP 1st Anthony Yousef St. Mark – Cedar Grove, NJ 1st Kerolos Kelada Archangel Michael & St. Mena – SI 2nd Bavnouti Mansour St. Mary & St. George – Albany, NY 3rd Maximus Rizk Archangel Michael & St. Mena – SI FOURTH GROUP 1st Marina Botrous St. Mark – Cedar Grove, NJ 1st Daniel Girgis Archangel Michael & St. Mena – SI 2nd Daniel Boulos Archangel Michael & St. Mena – SI 17 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012 3rd Mina Elfar St. Antonious & St. Mina – E.Ruth,NJ FIFTH GROUP 1st St. Mark – Cedar Grove, NJ 2nd St. Mary & St. George – Albany, NY 3rd St. George – Norristown (Phila.), PA CHURCH AWARDS Overall Winner Archangel Michael & St. Mena – SI, NY Highest Score St. Mark – Cedar Grove, NJ Participating Churches Over The Years St. Abanoub & St. Antonious Bayonne NJ St. Mary & St. Philopater Belleville NJ St. Mary East Brunswick NJ St. George & St. Shenouda Jersey City NJ St. Mark Jersey City NJ St. Mark Cedar Grove NJ St. Antonious & St. Mina East Rutherford NJ St. Mina Holmdel NJ Archangel Michael Howell NJ Archangel Michael & St. Mena Staten Island NY St. Mary & St. George Staten Island NY St. Mary & St. George Albany NY St. Abraam Long Island NY 18 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012 St. George Brooklyn NY St. Mary & St. Anthony Queens NY St. Mary & St. Bakhomios Spring Valley NY St. Abraam Long Island NY St. Anthony Annville PA St. George Norristown (Phila.) PA St. Mary & St. Mina Cranston RI St. Mark Fairfax (WDC) VA St. Mary Savage (Baltimore) MD Credits A special thanks to all who made this program possible… Pen=o=c I=y=c P=,=c Peniwt ettaiyout ``nar,y`ereuc papa abba Senou] nem pefke`svyr abba Dauid pi`epickopoc to the judges for their dedication REV. FATHER MARCOS ABDELMESSIH REV. FATHER ANTHONY BASILY REV. FATHER SAMUEL BOULOS 19 18th Annual Coptic Hymn Competition 2012 all participating churches # Audio Sources The Higher Institute of Coptic Studies Cantor Tawfik Yousef Cantor Farag Abdelmessih Cantor Fahim Girgis Cantor Sadek Attallah Cantor Gad Lewis Cantor Ibrahim Ayad Jw `m`P=o=c Choir of Malawy (HGB Demetrious) Text Sources Tasbeha.org Agpeya.net St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society 20