Name: ______

Multiple Meaning Words Practice

1. Can you ______me while I do this trick? I wear a ______to help me remember the time. a. see b. watch

2. How high can you go on the ______? She ______the bat so hard that she always hits a homerun. a. ladder b. swings

3. When I grow up, I want to be a television ______. You can wish on a shooting ______. a. star b. actor

4. The box was easy to carry because it was ______. The helper always turns the ______on and off. a. small b. light

5. We need to ______the package to Grandma right away. The family took a cruise on the giant ______. a. ship b. send

6. The man bought a diamond ______for his girlfriend. I heard the bell ______after lunch. a. necklace b. ring

7. I fixed the hole in my shirt with a ______. This weekend the boys are going to a pumpkin ______. a. patch b. scissor

8. The little baby is just learning how to ______over. Would you like butter to put on your ______? a. walk b. roll

9. Which of these words is a multiple meaning word? a. sun b. fun c. spring

10. Which of these words is a multiple meaning word? a. friend b. box c. work Name: ______Multiple Meaning Words Practice

Hein 2008 Directions: Read each sentence. Find the word that fits best in BOTH sentences.

1. Carlos ran around the ______. He stood in front of her and tried to ______her from the traffic. a. block b. track c. walk

2. The clowns always ______to the children in the audience. The huge ______carried the ship ashore. a. play b. storm c. wave

3. If frightened, my dog will ______. The ______of the oak tree had rotted. a. bark b. bite c. seed

4. Mother planted tulip ______each spring. We replace all of the ______in our lamps when they burn out. a. flowers b. lights c. bulbs

5. I lost my pencil ______. He hoped the police many would solve the ______of his missing wallet. a. case b. mystery c. box

6. The teacher asked the students to ______the front of the room. The little boy had a huge smile on his ______. a. sit b. face c. mouth

7. She received a ______for parking in the wrong space. The child said, “I feel ______today.” a. sick b. fine c. ticket

8. She held her hair together with a ______. The couple loved to dance to the music made by the ______. a. band b. bow c. singer

9. Mom bakes ______to eat with our dinner. The child ______down the hill until he gets to the bottom. a. cookies b. rolls c. plays

Hein 2008 Name: ______

Multiple Meaning Words Practice

Directions: Choose the sentence that uses the underlined word the same way.

1. A king is a ruler of his country. O A ruler can measure inches and centimeters. O A president is like the ruler of our country’s government. O A ruler is a tool that helps us to measure the length of an object.

2. There was a large bug crawling on her desk. O Bees, flies, and ants are examples of bugs. O The little brother liked to bug his big sister when she played with her friends. O It isn’t nice to bug people when they want to be left alone.

3. He was acting stranger today than normal. O My Dad says, “Never talk to a stranger.” O You should never follow a stranger to their car. O The book I read was stranger than any other I’ve read before.

4. The officer teaching the safety tips was so dull that the students fell asleep. O I think watching t.v. is dull. I wish there was something more fun to do. O Dull pencils are hard to write with. O The rock was shiny, not dull.

5. When we practice earthquake drills, everyone ducks and covers under their desks. O I like to feed the ducks at the park. O When we play dodge ball, our team ducks down to avoid being hit. O Ducks are animals that can swim, walk, and fly.

6. That new student seems very bright. She already passed her tiger facts! O The bright geologist knew many facts about rocks and soil. O The lights in the classroom were very bright. O The sun is shining very bright today.

Hein 2008