School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences s3

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School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences s3


Draft Minutes of the First meeting 2008/2009 of the Computing and Mathematical Sciences School Board held at 2pm on 3rd November 2008 in room 353 Queen Mary, Maritime Greenwich Campus.

Present: Liz Bacon (Chair) Yasser Ades Ala Al-Zobaidie Miltos Petridis Phil Clipsham Peter Dench Cos Ierotheou Andrew Stanley Ryan Flynn Peter Morris Tony Mann Kevin Parrott

Secretary Marilyn Greenaway

8.4.1 Apologies for Absence Joan Knight Frank Razaghzadeh Bob Dolden Phil Clipsham Sati McKenzie Zeb Zevic Veronica Habgood

8.4.3 Matters arising All minutes were approved and all actions from the meeting have been completed.

8.4.4 Committee membership for 08-09 LB explained that the Committee membership for 08-09 is nearly complete except for students representatives and one support person. Discussion took place and the HoDs will ask student reps if they would like to be part of the committee. It was decided that FR would elect one of the technical support team to sit on the committee. Action: FR to elect a member of the technical team to sit on the committee.

8.4.5 ARPD LB mentioned that the deadline for the ARPD is 5th January 09. The following sections of the draft report were discussed in detail.  Strategic Issues  Challenges  Employability

Some amendments were suggested and contributions on key points for all sections were gathered. LB will update and circulate to the School for their comments once a final version is produced.

8.4.6 University Student Survey, National Student Survey and Action Plan LB congratulated staff on the outstanding results for the National Student Survey. The action plan was discussed and agreed. Discussion took place on the importance of involving Partner College students. The committee proposed that an event be held at Greenwich for the students or a member of staff from each dept visit each College. Miltos Petridis will look into this and come up with an action plan. LB mentioned the need to peak to our full cost colleges in London and PM will follow this up.

Action Miltos Petridis to come up with an action plan for the partner colleges and Peter Morris to talk to full cost centres.

8.4.7 First Destination Statistics The destination statistics were discussed for each of our courses and discussion took place on how to improve employment rates. Various ideas were put forward and it was suggested that an Alumni page for the School should be implemented. The committee agreed, and MP will come up with a proposal.

Action: MP to come up with a proposal for an Alumni webpage for the School.

8.4.8 School Budget KP gave an update on the School budget which is healthy this year however relied on good recruitment and the demographic population in the UK means there will be fewer 18 year olds from 2010 so we need to look at other sources of income and enhance our PT portfolio. Regarding staff development LB reminded KP that the SD budget should be split by dept so each HoD has there own budget.

Action: KP to give each HoD their individual budget for staff development.

8.4.9 Leadership and Management LB explained the document circulated to the Board. The document is a proposal for the Introduction of Targeted Leadership for Management Development for all levels of managment. It provides information regarding entry to and progression through the programmes which is open to all staff.

8.4.10 Minutes from the School Leaning and Quality Committee There were no minutes made available for the meeting. Therefore, these will be discussed at the next School Board meeting.

8.4.11 Minutes from the School Health and Safety Committee There has been no meeting held since the last School Board date.

8.4.12 Minutes from the Research Committee There has been no meeting held since the last School Board date.

8.4.13 Minutes from the Technical Resources Committee There has been no meeting held since the last School Board date.

8.4.14 A.O.B. Collaborations PM gave an update on collaborations. There is an approval event going ahead in Kigali on 5th November 08 and another one in Vietnam on 2nd Dec 08, which Margaret Noble will chair. The next meeting of the NCC Education Scrutiny Group will be held on 13th November when centres at 11 sites will be considered. There are also two more centres coming on board in Sept 2009. LB mentioned due to the growing number of centres more staff would be needed and this will be under further discussion.

PM mentioned that all PDG agreements have been discontinued as from Sept 2008.

AA mentioned he will follow up collaborations with the Koya University in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. He will also follow the proposed Arabization project for the BSc degrees by Al Alamiah institute in Saudi Arabia when he next visits other centres. However, this has to be agreed in principle with the pro vice chancellor and PNM will raise this issue with Margaret Noble at the next meeting.

Audio Files AA mentioned that he was unable to locate Mohammad’s audio files for SVU and LB suggested that Keeran Jamil re-record the scripts.

Health and Safety YA mentioned that he had measured the fire alarm noise level which is still high. LB explained that this was being dealt with by the University H & S and that YA should send his findings to Amrik Cheema our H & Safety officer who will forward them to the relevant person in Facilities Management.

Meeting ended at 4.15.

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