Lost River Junior/Senior High School

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Lost River Junior/Senior High School


On behalf of our staff at Lost River Junior/Senior High School, I extend a warm welcome to all new and returning students. We are looking forward to a positive and r ewarding school year. We have an staff and student body and tremendous support from our parents and community that will help us accomplish great things in the year ahead.

Success at Lost River Junior/Senior High School particially depends on you. Giving your best effort in the classroom and the various activities available through Lost River Junior/Senior High School will allow you to succeed and create a positive learning environment and culture at Lost River. We encourage you to get involved, have fun, and expand your horizons.

The information that follows will assist you in understanding the expectations for you while attending Lost River Junior/Senior High School. If you or your guardians have questions or concerns, please call the school at 798-5666. Always remember to be Respectful, Responsible, and Safe.


Mr. Steve Johnson, Principal


Board of Directors District Office Administration (883-5000) Mr. Steve Lowell Mr. Mike Noonan Superintendent Mr. Greg Thede Mrs. Denise Kandra Mrs. Jill O’Donnell Director of Curriculum Mr. James Huntsman Mr. John Rademacher Secondary Curriculum Director Mr. Jeff Bullock Director of Personnel Mr. Mark Grief

This student handbook is intended place information in one location for quick reference the various policies and procedures of Lost River Junior/Senior High School. Students are encouraged to be familiar with the contents of the student handbook in order to meet the expectations of our school. Knowing the contents of this handbook should enable everyone to follow uniformly the policies of our school.

Lost River reserves the right to make revisions in this handbook when deemed necessary by the school administration.

STUDENT BODY OFFICERS 2015-16 Vice President Cassidy Brewer Treasurer Tacoma Leon President Mirian Cobian Secretary TBD 1 Class Officers th For the Raiders of Lost River High Class of 2016 (12 ) CLUB MEETINGS President-Manny Hernandez For the Glory of the School I Love Vice President-Emily Parks Our Praises we shout to the sky With advisor approval, club officers may schedule mo Secretary-Hugo Ventura nthly meetings with the Administration. Meetings ma Rep-Alejandro Vera On to Victory for the Raiders will be y be schedule during study hall or at other times if app As the Black and Gold go by roved. Class of 2017 (11th) President-Daniel Valadez For the Raiders here give a mighty Vice President-John Diaz cheer BOOSTER CLUB Secretary-Sarah addington To the Honor of Lost River High, The Lost River Booster Club is an organization of par th HEY!! Class of 2018 (10 ) HEY!! ents with a purpose to support activities and athletic President-Rachel Parks R-A-I-D-E-R-S Lost River Raiders programs and to create a better understanding betwe Vice President-Chelsea O’Grady en the school and the community. Meetings, program Secretary-Hannah McAuliffe s, and projects are designed to meet this purpose. Mo SCHOOL COLORS nthly meetings are held on the second Wednesday of e ach month. Class of 2019 (9th) President-Israel Ruedas Black and Gold Vice President-Yajira Cobian BOOSTER CLUB OFFICERS Secretary-Baler Mann Treasurer-Irene Aguirre President Denise Kandra Vice President Cindy O’Grady Class of 2020 (8th) President-Maddison Hartman Meetings are the 2nd Monday of each month Vice President-Lizbeth Cazarez at 6:00 in the staff lounge at Lost River. Secretary-Aiden McAuliffe Please come and join us.

Class of 2021 (7th) President Vice President MASCOT Secretary Rep THE RAIDERS SCHOOL SONG

Give a cheer so bold for the Black and Gold


2 (541) 798-5666 | (541) 723-3001 | FAX (541) 798-5072


Principal: Mr. Steve Johnson Vice Principle: Angie Wallin Secretary: Monica Addington Attendance Secretary: Linda Barrows

School Website: http://www.kcsd.k12.or.us


Language Arts/Leadership Mr. Jeff Vincent Language Arts Mrs. Laurie Ross Physical Education Mr. Kyle Petrik Social Studies/Government Mr. Jeff Salvati Physical Education/Health Mr. Kevin Bigby Social Studies Ms. Kyerstin Spark-Stahl Voc Agriculture/Tech Mrs. Priscilla Hall Mathematics Ms. Jody Beake ESL/Biology Mrs. Teresa Piacenza Mathematics Mr. Seth Matthews Resource Mrs. Connie Cisneros Science Mr. Jens Kudsen Spanish Miss. Xochitl Espinoza Business Mr. Sergio Cisneros


Mrs. Jennifer Johnson Miss. Elidia Perez Mrs.Shania Hinton Mrs. Joy Storer Miss. Estefany Aguirre

CUSTODIAL CAFETERIA TRANSPORTATION Head Custodian Mr. Rodney Ingram Head Cook Kim Scott Bus Driver Mrs. Davida Croy Custodial Mr. Frank Odesea Asst. Cook Kathy Eittreim Bus Driver Mr. George Wallin Sweeper Mr. John Ricketts Bus Driver Mrs. Kelly Gallup Bus Driver Mrs. Denise Paulsen

ADDING/DELETING PROCEDURES As part of secondary progress, students in grades 9-12 have an option to delete and add courses at the beginning of each semester. It is the building

3 principal's decision as to when to allow students to change classes. Should there be a need for alternative educational programs, the However, the following are guidelines for all buildings: student and parent/guardian need to meet with the building Principal 1. Parents will be notified of all deletions and additions. and discuss options. Refer to the Klamath County School District 2. Students will be allowed to delete or add during the first two (2) "Student Rights and Responsibilities" handbook for the complete weeks of each semester. The building will decide the time frame policy statement. and ensure it is in their student handbook. 3. Students requesting a deletion after the published time frame can AREA REGULATIONS be required to stay in the class assigned. During breaks and/or lunch, students may use the front lawn area for 4. Students will also receive the appropriate grade for the semester social and informal activities. Other areas of the campus, which are if it is past the deletion time frame. off limits unless supervised by a Lost River staff, include the football 5. It will always be the principal's discretion to make decisions about stadium, ball diamonds, parking areas, gym, or areas beside or behind individual students on a case-by-case basis, keeping in mind: the school. Students observed in an off limit area may be given a. Placement; detention or suspension. b. Schedule openings; c. Building procedures; and ATHLETIC/ACTIVITY ELIGIBILITY— d. Supervision of students. In addition to meeting the OSAA academic standards, athletes participating in KCSD athletics must maintain at least a 2.00 point ADMISSION average (GPA) and have no failing grades during any of the following A student seeking enrollment in the district must meet all academic, KCSD grading periods listed below: age, immunization, tuition and other eligibility prerequisites for  End of the first six week grading period admission as set forth in state law, board policy and administrative  End of the second six week grading period regulations. Students and their parents should contact the office (541-  End of the First Semester (determines eligibility for next 798-5666) for admission requirements. semester To attend Lost River each student must live within the attendance boundaries, prescribed by the Klamath County School District, with  End of fourth six week grading period their parent or legal guardian. If the student is not a resident he/she  End of fifth six week grading period must obtain permission from the principal and the superintendent to  End of Second Semester (determines eligibility for next attend school. semester) NOTE: Students who are participating in athletics and/or ADVANCE MAKE-UP Principals may see fit to excuse students from school when activities and who are not passing classes can be removed from circumstances are justifiable. In cases where an absence is anticipated practices and/or games and/or competitions until grades have for reasons other than illness, the following procedure should be improved to a passing level by the coach and/or principal. followed. Advance Approval and Advance Planning: Students must be in attendance in their assigned classes all day in A student should discuss planned absences with his/her principal. If order to be considered eligible to practice, travel, or compete in all approval is obtained, the student shall then go to his/her teachers for athletics or activities. Any exceptions must receive prior administrative upcoming assignments and due date for the completed work. Refer to approval. This includes doctor/dentist appointments. Preapproval KCSD “Rights and Responsibilities” handbook for complete policy must be done 24-hrs. in advance of the absence. statement. Being more than 10 minutes late to school/class is defined as being absent. ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION Athletic Behavior: Students ejected from any athletic contest will be subject to OSAA sanctions that can/will include a monetary fine and 4 suspension from future contests and possible practices. The fines should expect, therefore, that every absence may adversely affect the must be paid prior to resuming competition. Any athlete being student's learning. ejected twice in one year will be removed from further competition Refer to the KCSD "Student Rights and Responsibilities" handbook for for the entire school year from all sports. However, if an the complete policy statements regarding attendance and tardies. administrative appeal is filed that sanction may be waived.  Absences and Scheduled Events The office must receive all school related ‘Student Activity” (SA) lists ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION FEE from the teacher one day prior to the scheduled event. Activity and In order for the district maintain an interscholastic athletic program, athletic team rosters will be provided and periodically updated high school students will be assessed a $100.00 fee to participate in through the attendance office. district-funded and approved sports programs. The maximum for any  Student Responsibilities: one family is $400 in a school year. Participation fee deadlines are: Students must obtain an admit slip from the office for all excused or Fall Sports: September 14 unexcused absences before school begins on the day he/she returns. Winter Sports: December 14 On the students return to school after an absence, they must bring a Spring Sports: March 14 note signed by the parent that describes the reason for the absence. An athlete WILL NOT be able to play or practice after the above date Students who arrive after school has begun must sign in with the until this fee is paid or if student owes previous athletic/school fees. If attendance office. a student is eliminated from the activity program or removes Students who must leave school before the end of the school day (i.e., himself/herself from participation prior to the first contest, he/she illness, medical, dental, court, or other special appointments or shall receive a full refund. Prorated refunds occur when the student is emergencies) must sign out in the office BEFORE leaving the school forced to leave the activity because of conditions beyond their control. grounds. NOTE: A parent contact is required before a student may No refund will be made after one-half of the contests have been legally leave the campus once he/she has arrived at school. played. Students will be held responsible for class work missed during all excused and unexcused absences. Students must request make-up ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION FEE work from teachers and complete it in a timely manner. Before a student is allowed to practice for any sport, the  Non-Attendance Follow-up student/athlete must have on file all required paperwork for KCSD and Klamath County School District has revised its follow-up procedures Lost River. This will include, but might not be limited to: for Irregular or Non-Attendance circumstances in accordance with  Current physical state law and district policy. Policy in the "Student Rights and  Current participation form Responsibilities" handbook states that, "absences totaling more than  Current Impact test twelve (12) days in a semester period could be considered irregular attendance and may result in failure to earn credit." ATHLETIC UNIFORM POLICY  Follow-up procedures will include: All uniforms and athletic gear must be turned in and inventoried by A letter of notice will be mailed to parents and student on accruing the head coach and approved by the athletic director prior to starting five (5) total absences during a semester period. another sport. A letter of notice will be mailed and a parent-administrative conference can be required upon the accrual of nine (9) total absences ATTENDANCE: ABSENCES. TARDIES, TRUANCY to discuss absences, student performance, and the possibility of Lost River High School operates on the premise that regular school failure to earn credit. attendance is absolutely essential to learning and success in school. The classroom teacher will keep attendance daily, reporting all Oregon State Law recognizes Lost River High School's attendance absences except -student activities (SA) [field trips, team trips] to the policy in ORS 339. This attendance policy makes an important attendance secretary. distinction between excused and unexcused absences. Unexcused  Tardies absences from school are simply not acceptable. Students and parents 5 To attain rigor and excellence within our school, all students must be  National Honor Society in-class on time and ready to participate. Criteria for selection into Lost River Jr/Sr High School National Honor At Lost River, instructional time is viewed as a precious resource. Society will be based equally on the four areas of scholarship, Consequently we view chronic tardiness as a serous problem. Tardies leadership, service, and character. The selection procedure will be as are cumulative throughout the semester. Students will be assigned a follows: lunch detention for each tardy. If they receive the tardy before lunch  Students' academic records will be reviewed to determine time they will serve it on the day they received it. If it is received in the scholastic eligibility. afternoon they will be assigned detention for the following day.  Students who are eligible scholastically will be notified. When the bell rings, teachers having classes will close their doors and  Eligible members will complete the STUDENT INFORMATION begin teaching immediately. Each hallway will have designated staff FORM. members identifying students who are tardy to class (in the halls,  Eligible members must submit a teacher’s recommendation restrooms, etc.).Staff members on duty will issue the student a lunch to the chapter advisor along with their completed Student detention slip noting name, grade, period, and which day they are Information Form. assigned. The staff member will monitor the student as they head to  All faculty members will be invited to make comments on their class after giving the student a copy of the tardy. The original eligible members. tardy slip will be recorded in the office.  Student discipline records, including referrals, will be Arriving later than 10 minutes into a class period constitutes an reviewed by the faculty council. absence.  The Student Information Form will be reviewed by the faculty  Truancy council. A student who is absent from school or from any class without  Candidates meeting all four areas of scholarship, leadership, permission will be considered truant and will be subject to disciplinary service and character criteria will be inducted into the action including detention, suspension, expulsion and/or ineligibility to chapter. participate in athletics or other activities.  Students will be notified if they will be inducted or will be Please refer to the Klamath County School District's "Student Rights notified which area they need to improve on and then are and Responsibilities" handbook for the complete policy statement. encouraged to go through the process the following year.  If a student in National Honor does not continue to maintain AWARDS AND HONORS the level of academic status required and/or they do not In the event that any student is to be recognized for his/her achievements by a meet the citizenship standard through behavior issues, they designated school official, that student has the right to request such can be asked to withdraw from the NHS at that time. recognition not be made. Should a parent wish for a student’s achievement to not be recognized please BULLETIN BOARDS make this request in writing to the schools administrators no later than Bulletin board use is restricted to school related business and any item October. placed on the board must be approved by the school administration. Any public or private use of bulletin boards must be approved by the Students will be recognized for academic achievements as follows: administration. Any messages and/or flyers placed around the school 1. At the end of each six week period and at the end of fall and must have prior approval of the administration and/or Klamath County spring semester. School District. Honor Roll—3.00-3.49 Grand Honor Roll-----3.50-3.99 BUS RULES Principal’s Honor Roll-----4.00 Buses are furnished for the convenience of students living outside of 2. Nomination and/or selection to National Honor Society the approved walking distance from school. To ensure the safe 3. Individual honors in various subjects operation of the buses, the State Board of Education has set up certain 4. Athletic Recognition 6 regulations to be observed by all who ride the bus. Pupils who refuse Times Cell Phones CAN NOT BE USED to obey promptly the direction of the driver, or refuse to obey  During passing periods, when moving from one regulations may forfeit their right to ride. Students will not be allowed class to the next to leave the bus other than at their assigned stop or at school without  In the halls and/or bathroom area when a parent note. Students who are not part of a normal bus route may studnets are using a hall pass not ride without a parent note and administrative approval. Upon arrival to school, students are under school supervision and are not to The following consequences will be in effect for students whose leave school property. Please refer to the KCSD “Student Rights and phones are confiscated: Responsibilities Handbook” for the complete policy statement. 1st warning – Phone will be confiscated and given back at the end of the day. CAFETERIA 2nd warning – Phone will be confiscated and only returned to a parent In order to keep the cafeteria clean and attractive students should or guardian. observe the following rules: 3rd warning – Phone will be confiscated and only returned to a parent 1. Keep the cafeteria line orderly. Be considerate of others and or guardian. There may also be additional disciplinary not crowd. consequences. 2. Return all trays and dishes to the counter. 3. If you spill it or drop it, pick it up. CHECK OUT PROCEDURES 4. DO NOT SIT ON THE TABLES. Students who are transferring to another school or who are 5. Unbecoming cafeteria behavior will result in loss of cafeteria withdrawing either temporarily or permanently should bring a written privileges and/or work assignments. request from their parents or guardian to the principal, stating the 6. Students will be allowed a MAXIMUM of five charges ONLY. reasons for leaving. No student will be officially dropped from attendance rolls until official notice is received by his/her parents. This CAFETERIA PRICES official notice may be done by having the student personally take the Currently KCSD is able to provide Lost River students one (1) basic Student Withdrawal Form to his/her teachers for signatures or this breakfast and lunch per student FREE of charge. Return visits to the form may be transmitted by the office. salad bar will also be free to students. If a student wishes to have an additional main item of the meal, milk CLOSED CAMPUS and/or juice, the student will be charged for this item. In order to have Areas of the campus which are considered closed and off limits during these items, the student MUST HAVE a positive balance on their meal the school day include: the football stadium, ball diamonds, tennis account. NO STUDENT IS ALLOWED TO CHARGE a food item. courts, parking areas, area behind the school, or the area behind the shop building. Students observed in the off limits areas can be given CELL PHONE POLICY detention or suspension. Students may have cell phones with them or in their locker, however, Students are not to leave the campus for any reason without parent phones are not to be seen or heard in any classrooms at any time. If permission and signing out with the office before departing. they are seen or heard, the teacher will ask for the phone and turn it into the office to be picked up at the end of the day. If a student CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS refuses to comply with a staff directive, he or she will be disciplined Student clubs, athletics and/or academic groups may establish rules of for defiance. conduct and consequences for misconduct that are stricter than those Times Cell Phones CAN BE USED for students in general. If a violation is also a violation of the Student  Before and after school Code of Conduct, the consequences specified by the district shall apply  Lunch and morning break in addition to any consequences specified by the organization. Clubs  In class under the authority of the teacher for and organizations will be required to adhere to the rules and ONLY academic use regulations as outlined in the Activities Handbook. These include 7 academic requirements, proper paperwork and attendance/tardy rules Pass/Fail Administrative Rule The mark of “P” shall be the equivalent of the letter grade “C” or COMPLAINTS better. In general, this means a passing score greater than 70%. Any complaint against a school employee must be done in writing. Courses graded on the Pass/Fail system shall award the mark of “F” if Complaint forms are available at the Lost River High School office. No a student does not achieve the equivalent score for the letter grade of complaint will be investigated unless the complaint form is filled out “C.” completely and signed by the party making the complaint. The KCSD "Student Rights and Responsibilities" Handbook lists a Other than the exceptions listed below, required credits for four-level grievance procedure which the county school board has graduation in English, math, science, social studies, health, physical adopted to resolve grievances. Whenever a concern may arise, please education, and arts/languages/CTE shall be given a letter grade and contact your teachers, school counselor, or administrator in order to are not eligible for the mark of “P”. receive assistance with your concerns. Exceptions: CONFERENCES Core classes transcripted by other accredited institutions with the Conferences are scheduled twice each year, once in the fall and once mark of “P” shall be transcipted in the same way. in the spring to review student progress. Students and parents may also expect teachers to request a Core credit awarded through “credit by proficiency” and through conference 1) if the student is not maintaining passing grades or mastery of the “essential skills” shall be awarded the mark of “P” or achieving at the expected level of performance; 2) if the student is not “CE” unless the awarding panel determines otherwise. maintaining behavior expectations; or 3) in any other case the teacher considers necessary. CREDIT BY EXAM Lost River encourages a student or parent in need of additional Klamath County School District will offer credit and/or competencies information or with questions or concerns to confer with the earned by examination. Those courses for which credit by examination appropriate teacher or administrator. A parent who wishes to confer may be earned will be determined by the superintendent or his with a teacher may call the office for an appointment before or after designee. Examinations for these courses will be provided by the school, during the teacher's preparation period or request that the district curriculum department and will be given the second week of teacher call the parent to arrange a mutually convenient time. each semester. Credit by examination is to be considered a process for ascertaining CREDITS / GRADES student competency and awarding credit for a particular course Credit towards graduation is granted students in grades 9-12 for each offered at the high school without the student having to enroll or class in which the student successfully completes the minimum participate in the course. attendance and course work requirements. The student will receive All students must file an application with the school one-half (1/2) unit of credit at the end of the semester for each class counseling/guidance department at least three (3) days prior to the successfully completed. Incomplete grades will automatically revert to date of examination. The application must include approval indicated an “F” grade if the required coursework is not corrected within two by a signature of a parent or guardian. All applications must receive weeks following the grading period. The general guidelines for grades the approval of the building principal and the district curriculum are as follows, but some classes will have modified grading based on director. Students may attempt the examinations only twice and these the course content: attempts may not occur within the same semester. Students may not Grades: attempt credit by examination for a course in which they are enrolled. A = 90 - 100% D = 60 - 69% A student may not attempt credit by examination for a sequential B = 80 - 89% F = 59% or less course below the level at which the student has or is enrolled or below C = 70 - 79% the general level of expectation for students. A credit earned (CE) will 8 be given only if the examination is passed. No student may earn more 1. Students who wish to bring a guest must secure a guest pass from than four (4) credits through credit by examination that will count the office one week prior to the dance. Guest passes will be toward graduation. The district curriculum director and the building issued to high school students only. principal shall administer this program. They will work with building 2. No one is permitted to leave the dance and return. department chairpersons and individual teachers to assist with: 3. Students who fail to conform to acceptable behavioral standards 1. Developing examinations either written or based on will be removed from the dance and can have additional observable indicators of competence which shall clearly consequences assigned. demonstrate learner outcomes of the course being 4. Administration approval must occur before dances can be placed challenged on the activity calendar. 2. Determining standards of performance or examinations 5. A club or class sponsoring the dance must complete the dance which will be accepted as evidence of satisfactory completion organizational form 1-week before the dance. of course requirements 6. Appropriate dress, as established by the handbook, must be met 3. Determining when an appropriate examination has been by all students attending the dance. devised to measure course completion equivalency and when 7. Students must be in school all day or have administrative approval the test shall be used in order to attend. 4. Establishing examination dates and locations a. Anyone 19 or older may not attend without the Principal’s 5. Publishing credit by examination procedures and courses for approval. which credit by examination may be attempted 6. Reviewing student requests for credit by examination where DIRECTORY INFORMATION guidelines are not sufficient Please refer to the Klamath County School District's "Student Rights 7. Scoring examinations. and Responsibilities" handbook for the complete policy statement. When a student successfully passes an examination for a course by the process of credit by examination, he/she shall be given credit for the DISCIPLINE course. The enrollment requirement of the course, if any, shall be  Discipline/Consequence Plan waived. Credit (CE), but no grade for the course will be noted on Successful schools set high standards and then work to achieve his/her transcript and the course will count toward graduation those standards with students, staff, and the community. As a requirements, both in units and in required course enrollment. school we must do everything possible to ensure that the teaching and learning process is not disrupted and we provide a CREDIT - JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS TAKING CLASSES FOR HIGH SCHOO safe environment. L CREDIT Discipline is administered at Lost River Junior/Senior High School in Junior high students who take high school courses have the option of conjunction with the parent(s) and is based on a philosophy designed taking the class for high school credit. If they choose to take it for high to produce behavioral changes that will enable the students to school credit, then it becomes part of their permanent record. Junior develop the self-discipline necessary to function successfully in their high students need to make a decision on which they choose prior to educational and social environment. the end of the official grading period. As in other areas, these students The major objective of discipline in the school is to teach the following have until the last four weeks of each semester to decide whether fundamental concepts for living which is expressed in the school they wish to receive credit. poster: At Lost River Junior/Senior High School DANCES AND SOCIAL EVENTS students will be All activities must be cleared with the proper advisor and administrator in Respectful – Responsible - Safe advance of any planning or announcement. Adult chaperons must be And be a positive representative of our provided as well as staff members for all approved events. Dances will end School at all times. at eleven unless cleared through the principal. 9 Lost River Junior/Senior High School also must recognize the needs of Students will be allowed to make up schoolwork upon their return the community, the difference between seventh and eighth grade from the suspension if that work reflects achievement over a students and high school age students. With this in mind, the following greater period of time than the length of the suspension. is the consequence and management plan to ensure we operate a well Students will be allowed to make up and receive credit for daily managed school that provides for safety and expresses to our students assignments, laboratory experiments, class discussions or the responsibility for appropriate behavior. Part of our plan is to keep presentations, quizzes, unit examinations, mid-term and final students in school and only suspend students when absolutely examinations without an academic penalty. necessary. With this in mind, Lost River will be using detention for Assignments provided for the student during the suspension students who display inappropriate behavior. period shall be due on the date the student returns to school from  Consequences/Follow-Up the suspension. Very seldom do student discipline problems fit exactly into our Students will be granted the number of days equal to the pre-established categories. As such, circumstances of each suspension period to have completed and submitted all other incident will guide the teachers and administration in assigning make-up work to the appropriate teachers for grading. consequences for inappropriate behavior. We also believe in progressive discipline, in which repeated discipline problems will DISCRIMINATION/HARASSMENT result in progressively more severe consequences. Refer to the Non-Discrimination Policy KCSD "Student Rights and Responsibilities" handbook for the It is the policy of Klamath County School District and Lost River Jr/Sr complete policy statement. High School and the State Board of Education that there will be no  Detention discrimination or harassment on Klamath County School District’s Detention for students may be assigned during school. It is the grounds. Discrimination based on race, color, sex, marital, religion, student's responsibility to ensure they are at detention on time. If national origin, age, or handicap in any educational programs, activity, students miss detention, they will be assigned additional or employment will not be tolerated. Persons having questions about consequences up to suspension from school. Students are equal opportunity and nondiscrimination should contact the Principal expected to bring sufficient materials to study during this time. of Lost River School or the Superintendent of the county schools.  Suspension Refer to the KCSD’s “Student Rights and Responsibilities" handbook A student may be suspended from school for willful violations of for complete policy statement. the Student Code of Conduct, including conducts which materially and substantially disrupts the rights of others to an education, DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALS endangers the student or other students or district property. An All aspects of school-sponsored publications, including videos, opportunity for the student to present his/her view of the alleged newspapers, yearbooks, poster, etc. are completely under the misconduct will be given. Each suspension will include a supervision of the teacher and principal. Students may be required to specification of the reasons for the suspension, the length of the submit each publication to the administration for approval. Refer to suspension, a plan for readmission and an opportunity to appeal the KCSD’s “Student Rights and Responsibilities” handbook for the decision. complete policy statement. Every reasonable and prompt effort will be made to notify the Principal---798-5666 Superintendent---883-5000 parents of a suspended student. While under suspension, a student may not attend after school DRESS AND GROOMING activities and athletic events, be present on district property nor The school does not intend, nor shall it attempt, to regulate fashion or participate in activities directed or sponsored by the district. taste. However, it shall attempt to instill a sense of respect towards Refer to KCSD’s “Student Rights and Responsibilities” handbook self, others, and the school by encouraging proper dress. Further, any for the complete policy statement. form of dress which impairs the safety of the student, or which tends  Suspension Make-up Work to disrupt the educational process, or be lewd or suggestive shall not meet the standard of the school. Hats, hoods, bandana’s, or any other 10 head coverings are not to be worn inside the school building. In Refer to the KCSD “Student Rights and Responsibilities” addition, totally bare shoulders, bare backs and bare midriffs or handbook for the complete policy statements. middle areas are not to be exposed.  Tobacco Patrons – Patrons are prohibited from using tobacco products Certain items are specifically NOT TO BE WORN at school; they in the building, on school grounds and in school vehicles 24 include, but are not limited to the following: hours per day. Halter tops, tops with spaghetti straps, crop tops, shorts and miniskirts Students – Students are prohibited from possessing or using (shorter than mid thigh), sagging baggy pants, long belts, gang colors, tobacco products at school, while traveling in school vehicles, alcohol/tobacco/drug shirts and hats as well as any written word that during school activities, and on school grounds 24 hours a may be offensive to others. In addition, all clothing that allows underg day, regardless of age. arments to be seen will not be permitted. Any student found possessing or using tobacco on campus, at activities, or while adjacent to the campus will receive a MIP Backpacks are not to be worn or taken to class. They are to remain in l citation and suspension from school. Further tobacco ockers at all times during the school day. Refer to the KCSD "Student R violations will result in additional citations, referral to ights and Responsibilities" handbook for the complete policy statemen counseling and/or suspension. Expulsion will be considered t. for those who violate the tobacco policy three or more times. Refer to KCSD “Student Rights and Responsibilities” DRUGS, ALCOHOL, TOBACCO handbook for the complete policy statement. An aggressive intervention program to eliminate drug, alcohol and tobacco use has been implemented throughout the district. As part of EARLY GRADUATION POLICY this program, an age-appropriate drug, alcohol and tobacco A student who, for educational and vocational reasons, wishes to prevention curriculum will be taught annually to all students. Refer to graduate from high school in less time than the ordinary grade 9-12 the KCSD “Student Rights and Responsibilities” handbook for the sequence may request permission to complete graduation complete policy statements. requirements on an altered schedule. The student and his/her  Alcohol parents/guardians will consult with high school administration to Any student drinking, under the influence of alcohol, or develop a graduation plan. possessing an alcoholic beverage while on the school In order to pursue this opportunity, students shall state their intention grounds, including the parking areas or during any school in writing, accompanied by a written plan stating how the student sponsored activity on or off campus will be immediately proposes to meet the necessary requirements for early graduation to suspended with the possible recommendation for expulsion the superintendent no later than October 15 of their junior year. In for the remainder of the current semester or the upcoming the event the October 15 date cannot be met, a letter of explanation semester. Refer to the KCSD “Student Rights and outlining the circumstances that prevented complying with the Responsibilities” handbook for the complete policy October 15 deadline shall be sent to and approved by the statements. superintendent. Transfer students and special circumstances may be  Controlled Substance reviewed and approved by the superintendent. Any student who is found with illegal drugs in his/her school locker or in his/her possession or under the influence of ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND ACCESSORIES illegal drugs on the school grounds, including the parking The guidelines for electronic device use is as follows: areas or during any school sponsored activity, on or off Times Devices CAN BE USED campus will be immediately suspended with the possible  Before and after school recommendation for expulsion from school for the remainder  Lunch and morning break of the current semester and/or the upcoming semester.  In class under the authority of the teacher Times Devices CAN NOT BE USED 11  During passing periods, when moving from one EMERGENCY DRILLS -- FIRE AND EARTHQUAKE class to the next Instruction on fire and earthquake dangers and drills for students in  In the halls and/or bathroom area when grades K-8 shall be conducted for at least 30 minutes each school studnets are using a hall pass month. At least one fire drill will be conducted each month for grades Devices being used without permission or becoming a disruption will K-12. At least two drills on earthquakes for students in grades K-8 will be confiscated and given to the office for the remainder of the school be conducted each year. day. Bringing such items to school is discouraged as they can interfere A map/diagram of the fire escape route to be followed is posted near with the educational process, and they are vulnerable to theft. all classroom doorways and reviewed with students. When the fire alarm is sounded, students must follow the direction of staff quickly, EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSURES quietly and in an orderly fashion. In the event bad weather causes school closure or a delayed opening, the radio stations listed below will begin announcing this information EXCUSING FROM A PARTICULAR CURRICULUM/PROGRAM EXEMPTIONS at approximately 6:00 a.m. or as soon as a decision is reached. Schools It is the right of parents to excuse their children from any curriculum, will be open unless closure or a delayed opening is announced by the state required program, or learning activity they find to be District. objectionable for religious or moral reasons. Students may also be Please do not telephone the stations, the school, the bus shop, or excused because of handicapping conditions. The building principal the school district office. Those lines must remain clear for other calls will authorize this exclusion upon written request of the parents. related to the closure or delayed opening. Students will not be responsible for any of the material taught during Arrangements have been made with the stations to broadcast the their absence. The teacher may choose to assign the student work on information to you. a different topic in lieu of the one being taught in class. Such an alternative assignment shall not exceed the regular class work in District Website: www.kcsd.k12.or.us difficulty or time required to complete it. KAGO KFLS KKJK AM Radio 1150 1450 960 (Spanish) EXEMPTION FROM COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE FM Radio 99.5 96.5 92.5 The school may grant an exemption from compulsory attendance to the parent of a student who is 16 or 17 years of age or an KISS KYFS KKRB emancipated minor provided the student is: FM Radio 102.9 106.9 102.10 1. Employed full-time 2. Employed part-time and enrolled in school part-time; or Television KOTI KDKF KTVL 3. Enrolled in a community college or other State-registered Antenna Ch. 2 Ch. 31 Ch. 10 alternative education program. Cable Ch. 2 Ch. 13 Ch. 10 All such requests must be submitted in writing to the principal and Frequent announcements will be made. School closure results in include documentation of the student’s employment by the employer, automatic cancellation of the school activities program unless or enrollment status by the school. The school requires notification information to the contrary is specifically released by the school or the should the student’s employment status be terminated. district. Be sure your child knows where to go if an emergency is Requests will be considered only following a conference with the declared and schools are closed early. Most parents have made student and parent or emancipated student and a review of credits arrangements with a neighbor who lives close by to take care of their earned for graduation, grades, disability, if applicable, standardized children when no one is at home. This should be within walking assessment results, teacher evaluations, counselor appraisal, distance of your home. immediate plans, short-range and career goals and any other pertinent information.

12 Approved exemptions will be in writing and include information on include FFA, FBLA, and ROBOTICS. The fee for 1-year alternative education programs of instruction or instruction combined participation will be: with counseling that may be available.  1 Activity $25 Exemptions will be granted for a limited time only, must be renewed  2 Activities $40 on a semiannual basis and will be reviewed by the school no later than  3 Activities $60 the second week of each semester.  Family Max Fee $150 Parents will be notified of the need to reapply for an exemption no later than the second week of each semester or return the student to FIELD TRIPS school until a high school diploma or GED is earned or until the Field trips may be scheduled for educational, cultural, or other student reaches age 18. extracurricular purposes. All students are considered to be "in school" while participating in district-sponsored field trips. Students are FEES subject to the schools' student conduct rules, applicable board policy Materials that are part of the basic educational program are provided and other rules as may be deemed appropriate by the field trip without charge to a student. A student is expected to provide his/her supervisor. Students attending field trips must meet criteria own supplies of pencils, paper, erasers, pens, and notebooks, etc. established by the supervising teacher and administration and adhere  ALL students will be provided a student ID card if they are to Lost River’s No “F” Policy. present when school pictures are taken. The ID card WILL All students must ride the bus to all school sponsored trips. Students NOT allow a student to enter a home sporting event for free. will NOT be allowed to drive to activities in their vehicles. The only  A Student Activity Card to allow FREE admission to HOME exception would be with PRIOR administrative approval and parent school activities can be purchased for $10.00. Only a permission. Administrative approval must be obtained AT LEAST one purchased Student Activity Card will allow students to enter day prior to the trip or permission to drive WILL BE DENIED. games at no charge. Should a student not possess his/her activity card, student prices shall be charged for admission. FIGHTING Other fees may be charged students for participation in It is assumed that it takes two (or more) to fight and each party is clubs/activities outside of the classroom. Some general fees are listed equally guilty. Any fight may result in both parties being suspended. below: This includes all behaviors as students are coming to school, riding the o Student Activity Card $10.00 bus, and eating in the cafeteria or anywhere on the school premises. o Yearbook $40.00 This includes during school hours and at school events as well. Fighting o Activity Participation Fee See below will result in suspension. Please refer to the Klamath County School o High School Athletic Participation $100.00 (per sport) District's "Student Rights and Responsibilities" handbook for the * The prices above can be changed upon administrative complete policy statement. approval based on circumstances at the time. * A student who loses either their PE or regular locker lock will FUND RAISING be assessed an $8 fee for replacement. Private locks cannot Student organizations, clubs or classes, athletic teams, outside be used at school. organizations and/or parent groups may occasionally be permitted to * A student who loses and/or damages classroom supplies can conduct fund-raising drives. An application for permission must be be charged for replacement costs (Safety glasses, science made to the principal at least ten days before the event. equipment, etc) All funds raised or collected by or for school approved student groups will be receipted, deposited and accounted for in accordance with Activity Participation FEE Oregon law and applicable district policy and procedures. All such Students who participate in activities will be assessed a fee funds will be expended for the purpose of supporting the school's based on the total activities they are involved with. Activities extracurricular activities program. The principal is responsible for administering student activity funds. 13 High School students will be placed in classes determined by the number of credits they have earned at the end of a school year. GAMES AND AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Changes in grade level will be made prior to the first semester and will Students must be in attendance for all seven periods or all classes they be maintained for the entire school year. Any exceptions will need to are enrolled in order to attend games, dances, or other after school be approved by the principal. The guidelines are as follows: activities on the day of the event. If the event is scheduled for a Freshman 0 – 3.5 Junior 11 – 17.5 Saturday or non-student day, attendance must be on the last school Sophomore 4 – 10.5 Senior 18 or more day previous to the scheduled event. Any exceptions must have prior administrative approval. An incomplete will automatically convert to an “F” grade if it is not If you are attending the game or school sponsored activity as a resolved by submitting work which meets the requirements within 2 spectator all Lost River rules and policies are in place and enforced. weeks following the grading period.

GANG ACTIVITY GRADE REDUCTION / CREDIT DENIAL The presence of gangs and gang-like activities can cause a substantial Punctual and regular attendance is essential to the academic success disruption with school and school activities. “Gang” means a group of students. District staff may consider a student's attendance in that identifies itself through the use of a name, unique appearance or determining a grade reduction or credit denial, though attendance will language, including hand signs, the claiming of geographical territory not be the sole criterion used. Such decisions will not be based on or the espousing of a distinctive belief system that frequently results non-attendance due to religious reasons, a student's disability or an in criminal activity. No student on or about school property or at any excused absence, as determined by district policy. school activity: At the beginning of each school year or course, teachers will inform 1. Shall wear, possess, use, distribute, display or sell any students and parents how attendance and class participation are clothing, jewelry, emblem, badge, symbols, sign or other related to the instructional goals of the subject or course. Due process items which are evidence of membership or affiliation in any will be provided to any student whose grade is reduced or credit gang. denied for attendance rather than for academic reasons. 2. Shall commit any act, or use any speech, either verbal or nonverbal (gestures, graffiti, writing, handshakes, etc.) GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS showing membership or affiliation in a gang. In order to graduate from high school in the district, a student must 3. Shall use any speech or commit any act or omission in successfully complete 24 units of credit. The state of Oregon requires furtherance of the interests of gang or gang activity including, all students to complete a certain series of courses. A student in the but not limited to: regular high school program is required to complete the following a. Soliciting others for membership in gangs courses: Language Arts (4 units); Mathematics (3 units); Science (3 b. Requesting any person to pay protection or units); U.S. History (1 unit); Global Studies (1 unit); Government (.5 otherwise intimidating or threatening anyone unit); Economics (.5 unit); Physical Education (1 unit); Health c. Committing any other illegal act or other violation of Education (1 unit); Career Development (.5 unit); Applied Arts, Fine school district policies Arts, or Foreign Language (3 unit); and Electives (5.5 units) for a total d. Inciting other students to act with physical violence of 24 units. upon any other person. In addition to the credit requirement, students must demonstrate 4. Students may be suspended and/or recommended for proficiency in the following essential skills to receive a diploma: expulsion for these types of conduct as stated in the District Reading, Writing, and Math. Means and standards for demonstrating Code of Conduct. proficiency are set by the Oregon Department of Education with a list published at the beginning of each academic school year. Assessments GRADE LEVEL CLASSIFICATION which can meet the criteria for Essential Skills can include passing state assessments, meeting a set score for PSAT/SAT, passing the 14 compass assessment or two work samples. For more details, contact If your student has health needs which may require nursing services, the school. please contact your school principal, or the KCSD Health Services at 541-851-8740. GYM There will be no food or drink allowed in the gym during school hours. HONORS PROGRAM & DIPLOMA FRAMEWORK All footwear must be athletic tennis shoes. No outdoor shoes allowed All KCSD High Schools offer an Honors Program & Diploma on the basketball playing surface at anytime. The intent of the KCSD Honors Diploma is to ensure a course of HALL PASSES academic study that prepares the student for university admission and Any student who is out of class for any reason during the class period college success. must have an appropriately completed building hall pass. If you have to go the office or restrooms, you must have a hall pass from the Required Components: teacher who is responsible for you during that period.  GPA for the first seven semesters.  Minimum of 28 total credits. HARASSMENT  Minimum of 24 graded credits. The district prohibits any form of harassment, including harassment  Four Credits of: through electronic means, i.e. text messaging, which is known as o English cyberbullying. “Sexting”, is the transmitting of sexual images or o Science dialogue via cell phones or the internet and is in most instances an o Math (or through the equivalent of Math 111 or illegal activity. If a student receives a “sexting” message they should 112). not forward it to anyone and should notify school administrators or  Two credits of World Language. the school resource officer immediately. A student may be subject to  Eight or more credits in Advanced, Honors, AP, or College discipline, up to and including expulsion, for a violation. A student may Level classes as determined by the school. also be referred to law enforcement for a violation. The district will take any report of cyberbullying/sexting seriously and will investigate For the Graduating Class of 2017 and beyond, Valedictorians and credible reports promptly. Students are encouraged to report an Salutatorians shall be based on the highest GPA of seniors who will incident immediately to a teacher or principal, who will take earn an Honors Diploma. In the event that no student will earn an appropriate action. Students who make a report are expected, but not Honors Diploma, Valedictorians and Salutatorians will be determined required, to preserve evidence of cyberbullying. For example, a on GPA only. student may save or bring a copy of an email, text message, picture or other electronic transmission that the student believes was intended HOMEWORK to harm, insult or humiliate. The use of Facebook or another social Homework is assigned to provide students an opportunity to practice network site is prohibited at school and is covered under this policy. independently what has been presented in class, to improve the learning processes, to aid in the mastery of skills and to create and HEALTH SERVICES stimulate interest. School health services are provided by registered nurses in Klamath Whatever the task, the experience is intended to be complimentary to County School District to support students with complex, chronic the classroom process and is a vital part of the class grade. Students health needs; to support health education for students and staff; and who are absent for a period of two or more days must allow the to provide school health services that comply with national, state and teacher 24 hours to prepare make-up work. local mandates. The KCSD nurses believe that each student’s health has a direct effect on his/her educational achievement and that ILLNESS OR INJURY OCCURRING AT SCHOOL healthy students are better learners.

15 At times a student may have signs or symptoms of illness and need to insurance does not apply to out - of - school activities unless insurance is be excluded from school until diagnosed and treated by a licensed purchased as a full - time plan). health care provider or until recovered. Conditions that may require exclusion until either diagnosed or LEAVING CAMPUS recovered include: See ATTENDANCE: ABSENCES. TARDIES, TRUANCY  Fever greater than 100.5;  Vomiting;  Rash with or without fever - new or sudden onset;  Diarrhea (3 watery or loose stools in one day) with or without LIBRARY fever; The library is open to students and teachers from 7:45 a.m. to 3:15  Weepy (fluid or pus-filled) skin lesions; p.m. Monday through Friday, except when classes are using the  Deep, barking cough or productive of colored mucous; library. Students wishing to select and check out books, to return or  Irritated eyes that are tearing, sensitive to light, with puffy renew books, or to check on over-due books are encouraged to do so lids and colored drainage; at break, before and after school.  Symptoms or complaints that prevent the student from Students may occasionally come to the library from their regular class participating in his/her usual school activities, such as with the permission of the teacher. Students will bring with them a persistent cough, with or without presence of fever; or valid pass signed by the teacher.  Student requires more care that the school staff can safely Students are to share the responsibility of keeping the library neat and provide. clean. A student who does not respect the right of others to work in an Only a licensed health care provide can determine a diagnosis and/or atmosphere conducive to study and research will be asked to leave prescribe treatment and provide instructions regarding the student’s the library. return to school. Students must maintain proper decorum at all times. Talking out loud If the student becomes too ill to remain at school, or has an injury or eating in the library is prohibited. No food or drink is allowed in the requiring medical evaluation the student will be released to the library. student’s parents or to another person as directed by parents on the student’s emergency form. School staff will administer emergency or LOCKERS minor first aid as necessary. The school will contact emergency Each student will be issued a lock and locker at the beginning of the medical personnel, if needed, and will attempt to notify the student’s year. A student will use the locker issued to him/her. The student is parents whenever a student has been transported for treatment. responsible for the care and contents of the locker. Searches of lockers may be conducted at any time there is reasonable cause to do INSURANCE so, whether or not the student is present. The student is responsible At the beginning of the school year, the school district will make for the return of the lock or to pay an $8 fee for its replacement. available to students and parents a low cost student accident Private/personal locks are not allowed to be used at Lost River without insurance program for grades K-12. Parents are responsible for paying administration approval. premiums (if coverage is desired) and for submitting claims through the school office. The district shall not be responsible for costs of Valuables should never be stored in PE or student lockers. Students treating injuries or assume liability for any other costs associated with are cautioned against giving their locker combination to anyone or not an injury. using a lock at all. Any lock that is not approved will be removed Before participating in a school-sponsored trip outside the district or in immediately. Please report locker problems to the office. Students school-sponsored athletics, students and parents must show evidence may be liable for suspension if they are in another student’s locker at that some form of accident insurance covers the student. (School any time. The school will not be responsible for the items in students’ lockers that are damaged-destroyed or stolen.

16 LOITERING building’s site council, with its emphasis on student Students are not permitted in the building before or after school hours achievement and instructional improvement. or on weekends, except under the supervision of a faculty member. Each day that school is in session the building hours are 7:30 a.m. to PASS / NO PASS COURSES 3:45 p.m. It is policy that Klamath County School District students (grades 9-12) have the option to receive a Pass/No Pass for up to one (1) elective credit per year. A student could accumulate a total of four (4) credits of Pass/No Pass during his/ her four (4) years of high school. LOST AND FOUND The Pass/No Pass applies to elective classes only, or to classes that the Students are responsible for their personal property and all school student does not need as a required class and wishes to take as an district property issued to them for their use. Do not leave books, elective class purses, or other valuables unattended. Be careful that your locker is Pass/No Pass will be given for semester grades only locked and that your books are identified as assigned to you as per the A Pass/No Pass may affect the cumulative grade point average (GPA) teachers directions when they are issued. The school is not 1. Students opting for the Pass/No Pass must make their responsible for lost or stolen property. requests known in writing to a counselor as soon as possible, but not later than four (4) weeks before the end of the MAKE-UP WORK semester. A student may have at least one day for each day missed to make up 2. The request must be signed by the student's parent/guardian, work presented in class on the day the absence occurred. The teacher teacher, counselor, and principal in order to be implemented. (upon request) will give the assignments missed to the student and 3. The final determination will be made by the principal. Once they must complete and turn in this work for credit within the the Pass/No Pass form has been completed and approved, teacher’s prescribed time period. The teacher or administrator may the decision is irreversible make allowances for exceptional cases. Work or tests assigned prior 4. For students to receive or be eligible for Pass/No Pass, they to the absence are due when the student returns to school; athletic must have and activity absences fall within this expectation. Refer to KCSD a. Demonstrated appropriate attendance “Rights and Responsibilities” handbook for complete policy statement. b. Demonstrated appropriate citizenship; and c. Demonstrated appropriate efforts in achieving the PARENT INVOLVEMENT course objective. Education succeeds best when there is a strong partnership between home and school. As a partnership thrives on communication, the PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION district asks parents to: Please refer to the Klamath County School District's Student Rights and  Encourage their student to put a high priority on their Responsibilities handbook for the complete policy statement. education and to commit themselves to making the most of the educational opportunities the district provides PHYSICAL EXAMS AND CONCUSSION TESTING FOR ATHLETICS  Keep informed on district activities and issues. The Students must have a current physical examination performed by a newsletter, “Back to School” nights and parent/booster club physician prior to practice and competition in athletics. The exam meetings provide opportunities for learning more about the cannot be more than two years old. The physical examination is the district and school, principals email list and coffees responsibility of the parent/student and is to be paid for by the  Become a school volunteer. For further information contact parent/student. Record of the examination must be submitted to the the principal school and will be kept on file and reviewed by the coach prior to the  Participate in district and school parent organizations. The start of any sport season. Students shall not participate without a activities are varied, ranging from graduation activities to the record of passing a physical examination on file with the school. Any new student to Lost River must have a current physical within the past 17 2 years to be eligible to participate. An OSAA Physical Form must be  Safe used and submitted. This form can be found in the office. Keeping yourself and others free from harm The student must also have a valid concussion baseline test. A concussion test is good for 2-years. This test will be administrated by a Lost River staff and must occur before they can begin practices. PROMOTION, RETENTION AND PLACEMENT OF STUDENTS A student shall be placed or promoted from one grade to the next on the basis of academic, social, physical, and emotional development. Exceptions may be made when, in the judgment of the professional PLAGERISM staff, such exceptions are in the best educational interest of the Plagiarism, believe it or not, comes from a Latin verb that means, “to student involved. kidnap.” If you plagiarize you’re kidnapping and stealing others’ hard A decision to retain a student will be made only after prior notification work and intellectual property. It is academic and public dishonesty. and explanation to the student's parents. Parental decisions will be 1. Do not use someone’s words without referencing the source final. or including the information in quotation marks or a block Students in grades 9-12 will be promoted or retained in accordance quote; and with state and district graduation requirements. 2. Do not use someone’s ideas without referencing the source. If you plagiarize you are cheating. If you do cheat your work will be PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION awarded a zero. You may face additional consequences of discipline, During the school year, adherence to accepted student display of affec suspension, and/or expulsion. tion policy will be enforced by the entire staff. Students are permitted only to hold hands or to do a “catch and release” type hug during the s chool day or activity functions. Students violating this policy the first ti POSITIVE BEHAVIOR INVENTIONS SUPPORT me will have a conference with the administration. A repeated offense Lost River Jr/Sr High School is a PBIS school and therefore will make will result in a required parent conference. every effort to make sure that students are being: Respectful – Responsible - Safe REGISTRATION Universal Expectations To attend Lost River each student must live within the boundaries  Follow directions quickly and cooperatively. prescribed by the Klamath County School District with their parent or  Keep hands, feet, and objects to self. legal guardian. If the student is not a resident he/she must obtain  Walk at all times. permission from the principal and the superintendent to attend  Take proper care of property. school.  Use appropriate and kind language.  Procedures  Be on time and be prepared. 1. Fill out a Secondary Registration Form  Use an “inside” voice. 2. Provide a copy of the students birth certificate  Be helpful. 3. Provide a copy of immunization records  Follow dress code. 4. Receive a schedule of classes from counseling  Follow rules. 5. A lock and locker assigned to the student Always remember to be respectful, responsible, and safe. 6. Pay fees 7. If you are driving to school all cars that you may Guidelines for Success drive need to have a parking permit visible in the  Respectful window. Cooperating and recognizing the rights of others  Responsible RELEASE OF STUDENTS FROM SCHOOL Meeting expectations by making appropriate choices See ATTENDANCE: ABSENCES. TARDIES, TRUANCY 18 A parking lot is provided for the students who drive. The student may REPORTS TO STUDENTS AND PARENTS park only in the student parking lot, during regular school day hours. Written reports of student progress and absences shall be issued to Students may not return to their vehicles during the day without parents at least 6 times a year. At the end of the first three weeks of a approval from an administrator. Students are to use the parking lot reporting period, the school will report the student’s progress to the solely for the parking of vehicles. Parking Regulations: student and parent when the student’s performance is below average 1. Students will register their car in the office when the school or below the expected level. Weekly grade check forms are available year begins. from the office. Student/Parent need to request these forms. The 2. Lock cars. student will take the forms around on Friday to each of their classes to 3. Refrain from driving around school area. have teachers complete. Weekly grade checks will not be handed out 4. Report any accident. at the three week progress check or at the end of the six week grading 5. Park only in designated parking area. period. 6. Do not be in cars or lot during school hours. Students may not be in their vehicles without permission from the SEXUAL HARASSMENT administration. Lost River Jr./Sr. High School is committed to maintaining a learning 7. No unnecessary tire spinning, noise. environment that is free of sexual harassment. Refer to the KCSD 8. Observe all driving regulations as dictated by the State. "Student Rights and Responsibilities" handbook for the complete 9. Do not block others from being able to leave. policy statement. 10. To drive a vehicle on campus, an Oregon Operators License and appropriate insurance is required. TELEPHONE USE 11. Students are not to bring to school in their vehicle or on the Students will not be called from class for telephone calls unless an school bus, any weapons such as a shotgun, rifle, ammunition emergency exists. Messages will be taken or the student advised to or other possessions reasonable determined by the proper return the call between classes. school authority to be a threat to the safety or security of Students should refrain from asking to use the office phone unless an themselves or others. emergency arises. 12. Parking and driving on school district property is a privilege that may be revoked for driving infractions. Please obey speed limits and all driving laws. TWENTY-MINUTE RULE All students will try to remain in the classroom/office for the first 20 VIDEO SURVEILLANCE minutes of every class. This means no student, including office aides, KCSD School Board policy allows video surveillance on any school will be out of class during the first 20 minutes. An emergency is the property or on any transportation vehicle. Video surveillance shall be only exception and an adult will pick up the student from the used to promote the order, safety, and security of students, staff and classroom. property. Refer to KCSD "Student Rights and Responsibilities" handbook for complete policy statement. USE OF FACILITY Requests to use school facilities must be made through individual VISITORS school administration. A building use request must be completed, and Student visitors are prohibited. All parent visitors are to report approval must be given prior to use. The Klamath County School directly to the main office. Refer to the KCSD "Student Rights and District and Lost River School reserves the right to charge for use of Responsibility" handbook for the complete policy statement. facilities. Profit-making organizations may be charged for the use of the facility. WEAPONS Students shall not bring, possess, conceal, or use a weapon or other VEHICLES possessions reasonably determined by the proper school authority to 19 be a threat to the safety or security of themselves or others on school property or at any school activity. Any student who knows of other student (s) to bring, possess, conceal, or use a weapon or other possession determined to be a threat to school safety, may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Any student who violates these regulations will be subject to disciplinary action. Refer to the KCSD “Student Rights and Responsibilities” handbook for the complete policy statement.


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