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Term 1 Week 3 Thursday 14th February 2013

Quote for the Week: The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication. – Cecil B. DeMille, 1881-1959

DATES TO REMEMBER: * P&C Meeting - 3.45pm 11/03/13 * First Term - 29/01/13 – 28/03/13 * Parent Information Night - 18/02/13 * Book Club Due - 19/02/13 * Life Ed Van - 27 & 28/02/13 * Artslink - 11/03/13

FROM THE PRINCIPAL website and the office. The amended Dress Code will be This week has seen the transition phased in over the course of 2013 of some students to other allowing families time to purchase classrooms. Feedback from the necessary and appropriate students and teachers indicates items of dress. Whilst a student that all classes have settled well cannot be disciplined for not and it’s business as usual. wearing part or all of the school Dress Code uniform, the school can request a The school, in conjunction with the specific piece of inappropriate P&C, has revised our Dress Code clothing be removed / replaced, to align with requirements of the keep the student from play, or Education (General Provisions) disallow participation in off- Act 2006. The Dress Code is campus events, for safety readily available from the school’s reasons. The P&C goes to great lengths to keep the cost of them attending school. We uniforms at a reasonable level and appreciate parents limiting the for some families, they are tax amount of time students spend deductible. away from school. Absences for trips to theme parks, shopping and NAPLAN preparation (National so on are not appropriate reasons Assessment Program Literacy for being away from school. Under and Numeracy) the Education Act parents must In May every year, students in advise their child’s school if they years 3, 5, 7 and 9 across are absent for all or part of the Australia participate in a series of day. Explanations for absences literacy and numeracy tests known can be done in a variety of ways at as NAPLAN. In 2012, Minden Minden – phone, email made significant progress in ([email protected]) KIT improving its NAPLAN results. Book note, in person. However, there is always room for improvement and we are starting Learning Goals our preparation early this year so Over the course of the next week, as to provide our students with the parents should receive a letter best possible opportunity for from their child regarding some success. learning goals they have been working on with their teacher. The school, in conjunction with our Please discuss the learning goals Support Teacher Literacy and with your child and consider ways Numeracy- Mrs Joan Manz- has in which you can support them. coordinated a support program for Please see your child’s teacher if students in years 3, 5 and 7. For you want to clarify anything about this to be successful we require the goals or would like some ideas assistance from parents who are of what you can do. able to work with small groups of students each Wednesday. Mrs Hats Manz will instruct and supervise There has been some confusion students and parents during this this week regarding what happens time. If you can help out, please when a student forgets their hat. complete the attached form and Students without a hat are return to the school by next permitted to play in a shaded area Tuesday, 19 February. in the school e.g. the Sports Centre, but are not permitted to go Student Absence into a sunny area e.g. the oval. Throughout the year, children will We do not encourage borrowing of become sick or need to attend hats from the office or other family matters that will prevent students due to the risk of This week, our lucky Gotcha exposure to head lice. winners were Lachlan Holman, Kaleb Kross, Alyssa Beauclerc. Parent Teacher Information Night Parents and Citizens Association A reminder that this event will take News place next Monday 18th February. P&C Meeting: 3.45pm on th Starting at 5:30pm, each teacher Monday 11 March 2013. will give a 15 minute presentation over 3 different time slots. The Hi to all presentations will be held in Thank you to the parents and staff classrooms with a 5 minute who turned up to our P&C interval in between sessions. The Meeting. program looks like this: We are having a DISCO on Friday Monday 18th February. 22nd March. At this disco there Tim Class & Class & Class & Class & Class & Class & e Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher will be no theme. The times will be Prep Yr 2/3 room Yr 1/2 room Yr 3/4 5:30 Yr 4/5 Yr 6/7 as follows: Samant room Simone room – room room ha Rule Nancy Whyatt Amy 5:45 Lesley Seamus Years Prep to 3 - 4.30-5.30pm & Glen William & Nothdur pm Hillhouse O’Leary Wagner s Teresa ft Dinner Break 5.30-6.00pm McKay Prep Yr 2/3 Years 4 to 7 6.00-7.30pm room Yr 1/2 room Yr 3/4 5:50 Yr 4/5 Yr 6/7 Samant room Simone room – room room There is a $2.00 entry fee and a ha Rule Nancy Whyatt Amy 6:05 Lesley Seamus & Glen William & Nothdur pm Hillhouse O’Leary sign in and out register. Wagner s Teresa ft McKay Prep Yr 2/3 room Yr 1/2 room Yr 3/4 Working Bee 6:10 Yr 4/5 Yr 6/7 Samant room Simone room – room room ha Rule Nancy Whyatt Amy 6:25 Lesley Seamus This will take place on & Glen William & Nothdur pm Hillhouse O’Leary Wagner s Teresa ft Sunday May 5th and we will give McKay more information to you as we get closer to the date. If parents are unable to attend these sessions on Monday 18th Donations February, please make an The school has four major raffles alternative time with your child’s throughout the year - EASTER, teacher. MOTHER’S DAY , FATHER’S DAY and CHRISTMAS. All these The P&C will be operating a free add up so if you can help out for Sausage Sizzle BBQ on the night one or two of these with a as well commencing at 5.00pm. donation of goods, vouchers or money it will help keep the cost down. We will let you know when Assembly Awards we need the donations. Volunteering All Year Levels (Prep to Yr 7) I know a lot of our parents work, will be visiting the Life yet if you have some time during Education Van on 27 and 28th the week, please consider February. volunteering in a classroom – it is We realise all the classes were not so rewarding. Contact the office mentioned on the Life Ed for further information. Permission Form, but all teachers have decided from those modules P&C Membership which their class will be visiting. P&C Membership is due for renewal. Applications forms are School Money Collections and available at the office. Permissions Regards Students are asked to bring all Bernadette Shaw - 0410725218 payments (clearly marked with P&C Association. student's name and class) as well as permissions to the office and Tuckshop place in the slot on the Anyone who is able to help in noticeboard just inside the office tuckshop particularly on a Monday door. or Friday, please contact Muriel on 0434059377. Newsletter Please remember to mark clearly From this week onwards the your child’s name, class and newsletter will be distributed teacher on their tuckshop orders. fortnightly. The next issue will be in Week 5. Donations We are asking for any donations Office Hours of vinegar, paper towels, small The office will be closed each paper plates, paper bags, small Wednesday morning between spoons, foil, gladwrap etc to help 8.00 and 9.00am for our staff keep the prices down. They can meeting. be home brand items. Head Lice Uniforms We have had a reported case of Our uniform convenor is Colleen headlice. Diesing please call her on 54268087 for uniform purchases.  Parents please regularly inspect Size 4 blue shirts are now your child’s head to detect the available for $20.00 each. presence of lice or lice eggs.

General School News  Ensure that children do not attend school with untreated Please note: head lice.  Notify the school if your child is For information in regard to affected and advise when Student Banking please call and treatment has begun. see Lynn at the school office. All students (girls and boys) with collar length hair must have it tied Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) up at school at all times. Operating hours: Monday – Friday before school opening at 6.15am Support-A Reader-Program and after school closing at Mrs Joan Manz, Support Teacher 6.00pm. for Literacy and Numeracy, will be presenting the Support-A-Reader Program for interested parents or parent classroom volunteers. Mrs Manz will discuss various strategies to support literacy and time will be available for informal discussion. This will be held on a Tuesday or Wednesday morning. Please call into the office where there will be a form to register your MINDEN interest and a date that will suit. If you would like further details Joan Manz. please contact us on 0408- 409572. Book Club Pauline and Sharen Please return book club orders and payment to the office by Classroom News Tuesday 19/02/13. Prep News: The Queensland Times was not Active After-School able to photograph the Prep Class Communities (Sport) on Monday. After School Sport for Term 1 has We will inform you of the new commenced. Details are available date as soon as we are advised. from the office. Tuesday – Awesome Funky Fun and Fitness Year 1/2 News: Thursday – Qld Badminton We have started Reading Eggs, if This is a free program. Enrolment you have not supplied head forms are available at the office for phones they are helpful when anyone interested in participating listening to the words etc. in this program. Students are able to use Reading Eggs at home. Ask your School Banking child/children to bring home their passwords and then you can use the internet to access ABC Reading Eggs. Mrs Williams


Happy birthday from everyone at Minden State School.


Lowood Gymnastics Be active, get healthy while having fun. Join our gymnastics fitness classes for boys and girls 6years to teenagers Tuesday and Education Queensland Wednesday from 3.45pm Kindergym (18months – 4yrs) Metropolitan Region Wednesday 9.30am and 3.30pm Department of Education, First lesson free Training & Employment For more information call Sue on 0419778303 or Wouterina on 54268193 Or just come along and try it out at the Lowood Show Hall.

Education starts at home and parents and families are their children's first teachers. With this in mind, the free Parent Ready Readers training program provides parents and carers of children in Prep to Year 3 with some key strategies to use at home to support their child's reading and to develop a love of books prior to developing their reading abilities. The training runs for approximately 90 minutes and consists of four modules: What is literacy? Understanding the reading process Stages of reading Listening to your child read and reading to your child Participants receive a Parent Ready Readers booklet with training notes, reading activities and additional resources, which will help to build a lifelong love of reading. Session times for 2013- you may attend any venue that is convenient to you. Tuesday 19 March 2013 9.30am – 11.00am Woodcrest State College - Springfield Monday 29 April 2013 9.30 – 11.00am Albany Creek State School – Albany Creek Friday 19 July 2013 9.30 – 11.00am West End State School - West End Wednesday 16 October 2013 9.30 – 11.00am Warrigal Road State School– Eight Mile Plains Come along and find out how you can help your child enjoy reading! Children are welcome to attend with their Parents/Caregivers To reserve a place please email [email protected]


This year with the completion of the Sports Centre, we are able to present performances from ARTSLINK to the students of our school. ARTSLINK is an arts education initiative passionate about connecting young people and the arts. All the performances are linked to the Australian Curriculum, the Essential Learnings and QSA Senior Syllabi. There will be one performance a term and cost will be $6.00 per child. An envelope will be sent home for each family to be signed by parents and to enclose the payment for the performance. Please include each student's name and class and return with payment to the office by Friday 1st March 2013.

Our first performance in Term 1 showcases two of Australia’s most experienced circus theatre performers in a series of vignettes linked together in a cabaret style performance, exploring circus/physical theatre, new circus, movement, clowning and slapstick comedy. Students will be taken on a journey as they discover the exciting parallels between life and the circus. The Sault Poets are a highly skilled, versatile and professional duo who have been in demand nationally and internationally since 2001. Allie Wilde and Nick Cilento’s diverse range of skills include acrobatic balance, aerial performance, juggling and object manipulation, physical and text-based theatre and mask performance. The Sault Poets’ quirky characters, engaging audience interaction and jaw-dropping stunts are guaranteed to leave a lasting impression.

The Life Education Team and Harold

the Giraffe Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th February,


Life Education motivates and empowers young people to make smart life choices for a healthy future by providing information in their own learning environment.

COST: $8.00 per student – please pay to school office by Friday 22/02/2013 Every year this program is presented to all students of Minden State School as part of our curriculum studies, so it is expected that all students will attend. A purpose built education van will be located at the school for the period of the program. This van is filled with teaching resources to enhance the learning environment for the students. Below is a list of modules which have been selected by the teachers for their classes and a permission form which should be signed and returned with your payment.

MODULE: ‘Harold’s Mystery Tour’ – The class joins Harold and his friends on a mystery tour where they experience an ‘Amazing Body Adventure.’ The children explore appropriate remedies when feeling sick, issues of safety and ways to cope when feeling pressured.

MODULE: ‘ALL SYSTEMS GO’ – Inside a futuristic machine ‘The Venture’, the Captain and his crew take the class on a tour of the human body. Travelling through the blood we explore the functions of various body parts and how magnificent the human body really is .The students discuss issues and engage in activities centred on peer pressure, second hand smoking, safety with medicines, factors that influence the function of body systems. MODULE: ‘Harold’s Heroes’ – The children join Harold’s superhero team to make the world a safer, healthier place for everyone. Throughout the mission they discover the importance of clean air, safe use of medicine and safety in the environment.

MODULE: ‘BCYBERWISE’ – (NEW IN 2013!!!) The children explore cyber safety through animation, vox pops of children, relevant scenarios, discussion and problem solving. They explore topics such as building positive relationships online, responsible and safe online behaviours and strategies for dealing with cyber bullying including the role of the bystander. Come and learn what Life Education is all about – "------

I GIVE PERMISSION FOR MY CHILD/CHILDREN to participate in the Life Education Program at our school.

NAME …………………………………………………………………… CLASS ……………………………..

Signed………...... ………………………………….

Your contribution of only $8 for all students covers your child’s participation in the program, and a student workbook.

Return to Office by Tuesday 19 February


NAPLAN Support on Wednesdays  I am available to support a small group for NAPLAN preparation on Wednesdays. I understand I will be guided by the Support Teacher Literacy and Numeracy.

……………………………………………………………………………………… Name

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