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*If You Are Planning to Come to My Office, Please Make an Appointment

+SPN 1121 Elementary Spanish II TR 11:40-1:20 Bldg 3 rm. 131 Fall 2013- Aug 26 – Dec 13 Instructor: Professor Tiki Hagan Telephone: TBA Office: TBA Office Hours*: By Appointment E-mail: [email protected]

*If you are planning to come to my office, please make an appointment


Blitt & Casas. (2011) Exploraciones. Heinle/Cengage Learning ISBN10: 1-4130-0068-1, ISBN13: 978-1-4130-0068-9

REQUIRED WEBSITE: hlc.quia.com COURSE CODE: GJPC687 Optional and/or recommended:  Spanish –English dictionary, (Cuyás, Collins, Larousse, Oxford, or Vox).  English Grammar for Students of Spanish: The Study Guide for Those Learning Spanish (English Grammar Series); Spinelli  501 Spanish Verbs; Kendris

On-line requirements and proficiencies: Internet browsing, file management, typing and word processor editing.

Course Description: For students without two years of recent high school Spanish completed within the last three years or department approval. The class will emphasize everyday use of the language, integrating basic grammar, vocabulary, composition, and culture through a conversational approach to Spanish. This class is not open to native or heritage speakers. A minimum grade of “C” is required if being used to satisfy the General Education Foreign Language proficiency requirement.

Course Objectives:

Our objective is for students to achieve a novice level of proficiency in the target language (in writing, speaking, reading, and listening) as well as some awareness of the Hispanic culture, which will allow students to continue to the next course. In addition to competencies acquired at the end of this course, at the end of the semester you will be expected to be able to use the target language at an intermediate - novice level by the end of the semester. Core Competencies:

In addition to our program competencies, Valencia faculty has defined four interrelated competencies (Value, Think, Communicate, and Act) that prepare students to succeed in the community. These competencies are outlined in the College Catalog. In this course, through classroom lecture and discussion, group work, and other learning activities, you will further develop your mastery of these core competencies.

Class Competencies:

This course will develop your mastery in the following areas: Reading skills (literal/critical comprehension); listening skills (literal/critical comprehension); speaking skills (composing and transmitting the message, using oral skills suitable to topic, purpose and audience).

Withdrawal Policy  Students may withdraw themselves for a “W” up until the withdrawal deadline. (November 1, 2013 )

 After the withdrawal deadline, students can no longer be withdrawn and will be awarded the grade that is earned.

 The professor can withdraw the student before the deadline for excessive absences. (3 absences; see class policy)

 Professor will not withdraw student after the withdrawal deadline.

Scenarios:  Student may withdraw his/herself at any time before the withdrawal date.

 If a student is absent 3 times before the withdrawal deadline, the professor may withdraw the student or the student may withdraw his/herself from the class for a grade of “W”.

 If a student is absent 2 times before the withdrawal deadline and the 3rd absence occurs after the withdrawal deadline, the student can no longer be withdrawn from the class and will be awarded the grade that is earned.

 If a student is absent one time before the withdrawal date and the next two absences occur after the withdrawal date, the student will not be withdrawn and will receive the grade that is earned

 If all three absences occur after the withdrawal date, the student will not be withdrawn and will receive the grade that is earned

 Students who remain in the class after the withdrawal date will receive an automatic F if they do not take the final exam. Grading: Your grade will be calculated as follows for each course.

Chapter exams and quizzes – Presentations –

Homework - Participation –

Writing - Final Exam

Midterm Exam

GRADING: Your grade will be calculated as follows: 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 59 - 0 F

Exams & Quizzes :  Throughout the course you will have chapter exams.  Throughout the course you will have small quizzes which will be scheduled and/or given as pop quizzes.  ALL TESTS WILL BE ADMINISTERED IN CLASS.  The lowest grade will be dropped per semester. If you miss one EXAM, it will be considered your lowest grade to be eliminated.  If you are late for a test, you will most likely miss the listening part and lose points on the exam/quiz. You will not be allowed to take this part of the exam/quiz.  You are not permitted to leave the classroom under any circumstances during a test or quiz. If you leave the room during an exam or quiz, your exam/quiz will be taken up and you will not be able to continue taking it. It will be assumed that you are finished with the test.  Listening comprehension parts of exams and quizzes will be repeated as many times as the professor deems necessary. Do not ask the professor to repeat the listening parts.  There will be NO MAKE-UP EXAMS regardless of excuse. If you miss ONE exam, regardless of your excuse, it will be considered your lowest exam grade and will be dropped. All other exams will be calculated into your grade.

Writing: Writing assignments will be given to evaluate the students’ writing skills. These writing assignments are designed to evaluate the progress of the student and the student alone. Rules and guidelines for writing assignments.  All writing activities are to be typed using 14 Font and double spaced.  DO NOT WRITE IN ENGLISH FIRST AND ATTEMPT TO TRANSLATE. This usually results in using an on-line translator or using a spanish-speaking friend to translate it.  If there is anything in your paper that would indicate to the professor that you used a translator or a spanish-speaking friend/family member, YOU WILL RECEIVE A ZERO on the assignment with no chance of a make-up. It could also result in you being dropped from the class or expulsion from Valencia College. (Indicators are sentence structure, grammar/verb conjugation not covered in class, advanced vocabulary, slang etc.)  Writing activities are due on the day the professor specifies.  Being absent the day the activity was assigned or the day it is due is not an excuse to not turn in your work. If you are absent you may email it me as long as I receive it before I leave for the day. If I don’t get your assignment by the time I leave for the day, you will get a ‘zero’. Do not ask if you can turn in an assignment late.  LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED REGARDLESS OF YOUR EXCUSE SUCH AS BUT NOT LIMITED TO: . I was absent and didn’t know what was due . My computer broke . I had to work late. . My printer doesn’t work . My printer ran out of ink . I was sick . My car had a flat tire . I was in jail . Etc, etc.  You will receive a ZERO if work is not handed in on time. If you are absent on the day the writing assignment is assigned, that is not an excuse to not do your work. Call a classmate to find out what you missed if you are absent.

The rubric for writing assignments is attached to this syllabus.

Homework in ilrn (quia) Ilrn is the course management system that you will use this semester in this course. The website is Hlc.quia.com. Student Activities Manual and textbook activities to be completed and any other activities assigned are listed on the Ilrn calendar. The activities represent extensive grammar-driven practice that will assist the student in internalizing the material they have learned. Homework will be completed on the dates that appear in the calendar in Ilrn.

I. THE PROFESSOR WILL NOT REMIND YOU EVERYDAY TO DO YOUR HOMEWORK. II. LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED REGARDLESS OF YOUR EXCUSE SUCH AS BUT NOT LIMITED TO:  I WAS ABSENT AND DIDN’T KNOW WHAT WAS DUE  My computer broke  I don’t have internet at my house.  I couldn’t gain access to the website.  I had to work late.  I was on vacation  I was busy moving to my new apartment  My computer had a virus  It was my birthday

Other Assignments: There will be other worksheets that can be obtained from Ilrn (hlc.quia.com) Sometimes these worksheets will be assigned as homework and sometimes they will be done in class.  Print out all worksheets as instructed by your professor. If you do not have worksheets with you, you will lose participation points.  If they are assigned as homework, they are expected to be turned in on the day the professor specifies.  If you are absent, it does not mean you can hand in your homework late. You may email your work to me as long as I receive it before I leave for the day which varies from day to day.  If you are absent it is recommended that you call a classmate to find out what you missed.  Assignments consisting of two pages or more MUST BE STAPLED. IF THEY ARE NOT STAPLED, THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO HAND IT IN LATE.

Presentations: Students will do various small presentations in class and one major presentation in Spanish.  If you are absent the day you are scheduled to give a presentation, you will be able to make it up during a time that the professor specifies. Your highest possible grade will be a “C” (19/25)  Rubric for presentations are attached to this syllabus. Attendance:  Regularity in classroom attendance is vital to academic success.  Students who do not maintain regular attendance and who fall behind in their work are subject to withdrawal by the instructor. Lack of attendance will result in a loss of participation points. If you are not in class, you cannot participate. However, you will not earn your participation points on attendance alone. You must participate in class. Points will be deducted if:  You are absent  You are doing work from another class  You are sleeping  Your laptop is open  You are listening to your Ipod  You don’t bring worksheets/books to class (You are unprepared)  You are interruptive Class participation includes: • Your use of Spanish in the classroom. • Your willingness to participate actively in all class activities. • Your cooperation during group and pair work. • Your respect and attitude toward the class and your peers. • Your daily preparation for each class.

CLASS PARTICIPATION: A (90-100) Student prepares for the lesson, volunteers answers, responds correctly.(0-1abs) B (89-80) Student responds when called upon; answers are generally correct.(2-3 abs) C (79-70) Student has some problems with the subject, but makes an effort to be prepared, understand, and respond. (4-5 abs) D (69-60) Student does not respond correctly, is not prepared for class, does not have materials ready, and is absent frequently. (6-7abs) F (59-0) Student can’t answer questions, does other things not concerning class, and is absent most of the time.

Final Exam:

You will take one final comprehensive exam. The final exam will cover chapters 6-10

Powerpoints: Powerpoint will be used to assist the student with visual aids. These powerpoints can be obtained from hlc.quia.com You do not have to print out the Powerpoints but they will be at your disposal should you want to go back and review what was done in class.

Class Policy – Please Read I. Responsibility of the student:  The student is expected to bring textbook to class. It is not permitted to share textbooks in class. You will not be called upon and will not be allowed to participate in class without textbook.  The student is expected to bring paper and pencil/pen to class  The student is expected to be prepared in class.

II. Attendance and Tardiness: Attendance is crucial in a language class. If you are absent, you will be missing out on some important information. If you are absent 3 times, you will receive a notification from me stating that you are in danger of being dropped from the class. If you miss class 4 times you will be dropped from the class.

If you must be absent, it is your responsibility to know what was covered in class and what work was assigned. I highly encourage that you exchange emails and phone numbers with your classmates so that you may call each other in the event that you are absent. I will not respond to emails or voice mails such as “I was absent, what did we do in class”. Being absent is not an excuse for not doing your work.

You are expected to arrive on time for class. To encourage you to arrive on time, the classroom door will be locked 10 minutes after class begins. If you arrive 10 minutes after class begins, you will not be allowed in the classroom and you will be counted as absent.

III. Classroom Courtesy: Once you are in the class, you are expected to stay in the class until you are dismissed to leave by the professor. If you leave during the class, the door will be locked behind you and you will not be permitted back in the class. If you leave your belongings, you will have to wait until class is over to pick up your things. Please make sure you go to the bathroom and get something to eat or drink before you come to class. Early departure from the class with 30 minute remaining or more will count as an absence. Valencia College Expected student conduct: 10-03 Student Code of Conduct

Specific Authority:1006.60, FS. Law Implemented:1006.60, FS.

Valencia Community College is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and learning, and to the development of responsible personal and social conduct. By enrolling at Valencia, a student assumes the responsibility for knowing and abiding by the rules of appropriate behavior as articulated in the Student Code of Conduct. The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the faculty. Faculty may direct students who engage in inappropriate behavior that results in disruption of a class to leave the class. Such students may be subject to other disciplinary action which may include a warning, withdrawal from class, probation, suspension, or expulsion from the college. Please read the Student Code of Conduct in the current Valencia Student Handbook.

Here is the link to Valencia’s Student Code of Conduct website: http://www.valenciacc.edu/policies/policydetail2.cfm?PolicyCatID=10&PolicyID=3

Students with Disabilities: Students who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first week of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities (West-SSB 102) determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities. The goal at the OSD is to open doors, remove barriers and assist you in any way they can. The key to success is matching your needs to the services provided. Please contact this office to discuss your individual needs. Here is the link to Valencia’s OSD website: http://www.valenciacc.edu/osd

West Campus SSB, Rm. 102 Ph: 407-582-1523 Fax: 407-582-1326 TTY: 407-582-1222

Valencia I.D. Cards Valencia ID cards are required for LRC, Testing Center, and IMC usage. No other form of ID at those locations will be accepted. Possession and utilization of a Valencia ID is mandatory in order to obtain these services. Disclaimer Statement: This outline may be altered, at the instructor’s discretion, during the course of the term. It is the responsibility of the student to make any adjustments as announced

Frequently Asked Questions 1. Does spelling count on assignments and tests? Yes 2. Is it important to put accent marks? Yes, in most cases leaving out the accent mark can change the meaning and/or pronunciation of a word 3. What do I need to do to pass the class? Do your homework, do well on exams and assignments, be prepared for class, do not miss class. 4. What do I need to do to bring my grade up? Make better grades 5. Can I do extra credit? No. Individual extra credit will not be given in this class.

Exploraciones – Fall 2013 agosto 27 Introduction to class. Repaso Elementary Spanish I. 29 repaso espanol I (spn 1120) – Assign Writing septiembre 3 Quiz on Spanish I verbs/writing assignment due-ch 6 reflexive verbs 5 ch 6-reflexive verbs- assign writing (reflexive verbs) 10 quiz reflexive verbs- preterito 12 ch 6 – preterit tense 17 ch 6 preterito 19 ch 6 preterito 24 Examen- pretérito/vocabulario. Presentaciones 26 capitulo 7 – vocabulario/números/pretérito irregulares. Presentaciones octubre 1 capitulo 7 - 3 quiz capitulo 7 (1st half)- vocabulario 7 8 capitulo 7 10 capitulo 7 15 quiz capitulo 7 (2nd half)- presentaciones 17 no hay clase (college night) 22 Presentaciones - capitulo 8 24 ch 8 29 ch 8 31 Midterm noviembre 5 parte 2 capitulo 8 7 capitulo 8 12 capitulo 8 14 prueba 8 19 Capitulo 10 21 Presentaciones- capitulo 10 26 Presentaciones - capitulo 10 27-29 Thanksgiving diciembre 3 capitulo 10 5 prueba 10- repaso examen final

Final exam – Thurs December 12th 10:00-12:30

Spanish 1121 Active Communication Criteria & Standards

Criteria Level of achievement Level of achievement Level of achievement (excellent) 5 - 4 (Acceptable) 3-2 (Not Acceptable) 1– points points 0 points Pronunciation Clear pronunciation. Understandable with More than 6 errors in Understanble. 4-5errors in pronunciation. & 2-3 errors in pronunciation. Not understandable. Fluency pronunciation. Adequate fluency Fluency appropriate to appropriate to level. level. Organization Generally organized & Limited organization & Disorganized & focused. focus. unfocused. Demonstrate coherence May demonstrate some Serious problems with & progression of ideas. lapses in coherence or coherence and progression of ideas. progression of ideas. Vocabulary Use vocabulary Adequate usage of More than 6 vocabulary pertaining to topic. vocabulary pertaining to errors & 2-3 errors topic. Adherence to topic 4-5 errors Demonstrate proper use 4-5errors of Inadequate of subject/verb; subject/verb; demonstration of gender/number gender/number subject/verb; Grammar agreement. agreement but gender/number Demonstrate ability to understandable. agreement/ more than 6 form complete 4-5 errors in forming errors. sentences/ 2-3 errors. complete sentences but Inability to form understandable. complete sentences/ more than 6 errors. Visuals Illustrate presentation Acceptable visuals No visuals well with visuals

Note: Students not speaking the required time or not following the guidelines will lose points on all criteria.

Writing Rubric – you will be grades on the following Organization 4-5 pts. Clear topic sentence/clear conclusion/clear transition of ideas

2-3 pts. One element missing(topic sentence,/conclusion/ transition of ideas)

0.1 pts. No topic sentence/lack of sequence/random sentences/no transition of ideas/no conclusion Grammar 4-5 pts. Demonstrates proper use of subject/verb agreement Proper usage of gender/number agreement/0-2 errors

2-3 pts. 3-6 errors in subject/verb agreement or gender/number agreement

0-1 pts More than 6 errors in subject/verb agreement or gender/number agreement

Sentence Structure 4-5 pts Demonstrates ability to form complete sentences/word order is clear/0-2 errors

2-3 pts 3-6 incomplete sentences

0-1 pts Inability to form complete sentences. More than 6 errors.

Vocabulary 4-5 pts Proficient use of vocabulary learned in class/Spelling is correct/very few errors/accents marks used correctly. 0-2 errors

2-3 pts 3-6 errors in use of vocabulary/3-6 spelling errors/3-6 omissions of accent marks or misusage of accent marks

0-1 pts More than 6 errors in usage of vocab/more than 6 spelling errors/more than 6 errors in usage of accent marks

Topic 4-5 pts Student included required information and wrote the required length

2-3 pts No more than half the required length missing

0.1 more than half the required length missing.

Note: Students not writing the required length will lose points on all criteria

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