1. What Is the Largest Number You Can Make Using 8, 4, 6 and 2? (8,642)

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1. What Is the Largest Number You Can Make Using 8, 4, 6 and 2? (8,642)

MM 6-1 MM 6-3

1. What is the largest number you can make 1. Divide 810 by 9. (90) using 8, 4, 6 and 2? (8,642) 2. What is 600 + 40 + 8 – 2? (646) 2. What is 500 – 20? (480) 3. 6 x 6 (36), 7 x 7 (49), 8 x 8 (64), 9 x 9 3. 6,000 – 2,000 – 400 = (3,600). (81).

4. Start with 6 and follow me; add 7, add 2, 4. What is 50 + 60 + 40? (150) add 4, add 3. (22) 5. Round 3.682 to the nearest tenth. (3.7) 5. 9 x 4 (36), 9 x 5 (45), 9 x 6 (54), 9 x 7 (63). 6. Estimate the product of 49 and 14. (500)

6. Round .856 to the nearest tenth. (.9)

7. Divide 250 by 5. (50)

MM 6-2 MM 6-4

1. What is 15 less than 75? (60) 1. What is the smallest number you can write using 5, 9, 6, 2 and 8? (25,689) 2. Estimate: 59 – 33. (30) 2. Ten people were in line. I was the 7th 3. Divide 360 by 4. (90) person; how many people were behind me? (3) 4. 50 + 70 / 6 = (20). 3. What is 100 + 50 + 150? (300) 5. Round 6.596 to the nearest one. (7) 4. Start with 55 and follow me; add 5, 6. 5 x 6 (30), 5 x 7 (35), 5 x 8 (40), 5 x 9 subtract 2, add 4, subtract 7. (55) (45). 5. Round to the nearest ten: 67 (70), 32 7. Round 461 to the nearest ten. (460) (30), 113 (110), 98 (100).

6. 621 – 142 = (479).

7. Double 40, subtract 10, add 30 and divide by 2. (50) MM 6-5 MM 6-7

1. Estimate: 46 + 42 + 9. (100) 1. What is the largest number you can write using 9, 1, 5, 4 and 3? (95,431) 2. Start with 6, add 4, double, and subtract 2. (18) 2. If you were the 8th person in line, how many people would be in front of you? 3. 10 quarters, 2 dimes and 4 pennies is (7) how much? ($2.74) 3. How many toes on 5 pairs of feet? (150) 4. What comes next? 200, 222, 224, 226. (228) 4. Start with 81 and follow me; subtract 11, add 5, subtract 10 and add 5. (70) 5. Double 18. (36) 5. Write the decimal 4 and 3 tenths. (4.3) 6. Round 844 to the nearest ten. (840) 6. 8 x 4 / 2 = (16). 7. 720 / 9 = (80). 7. Estimate the difference between 89 and 33. (60)

MM 6-6 MM 6-8

1. Round .851 to the nearest hundredth: 1. Round the following to the nearest (.85), to the nearest tenth (.9). tenth: .61 (.6), .142 (.1), .86 (.9), .34 (.3).

2. Estimate the difference between 84 and 2. Estimate the product of 66 and 71. 29. (50) (4,900)

3. Double 42. (84) 3. 10 x 4 / 8 = (5).

4. 1,600 / 400 x 2 = (8). 4. How would you write 8 and 2 hundredths in decimal form? (8.02) 5. Start with 5, double, multiply by 2, divide by 4. (5) 5. Double 36. (72)

6. Estimate the sum of $3.41, $6.74, and 6. Start with 22 and follow me; add 20, $4.75. ($15) divide by 7, divide by 3. (2)

7. If Joe had $3, Keith had $4 and Kim had 7. What is 39 + 46? (85) $1, how much money would they have together? ($8) MM 6-9 MM 6-11

1. Round to the nearest 10: 42 (40), 86 (90), 1. Round $1.56 + $3.42 to the nearest 152 (150). dollar. ($5.00)

2. Double 32, divide by 8. (8) 2. Estimate the difference between 102 and 22. (80) 3. I drove 42 miles on Monday, 80 miles on Tuesday and 33 miles today. How many 3. What is 360 – 40? (320) miles total? (155) 4. What is next: 121, 125, 129, 133 (137). 4. Double 50, divide by 10. (10) 5. 720 / 8 = (90). 5. Estimate to the nearest hundred the sum of 655 and 102. (800) 6. Double 90, divide by 3. (60)

6. Round .556 to the nearest tenth. (.6) 7. Write 10 and 6 tenths in decimal form. (10.6) 7. 9 x 3 – 3 and / 8. (3)

MM 6-10 MM 6-12

1. What is the largest number you can make 1. Estimate the difference between 32 and using 3, 2, 6, 1, 4, 8? (864,321) 19. (10)

2. If there are 11 people in line, which 2. What is 70 + 70 + 60? (200) person is in the very middle? (6th) 3. Count backwards 89, 88, 87, 86 (85, 84, 3. How much is 51 + 49? (100) 83, 82, 81, 80).

4. What is 60 – 6? (54) 4. 360 / 9 = (40).

5. Estimate the sum of 33 and 56. (90) 5. Round 851 to the nearest 10. (850)

6. Double 200 and divide by 80. (5) 6. 1,000 / 2 / 5 / 10 = (10).

7. 640 / 80 = (8). 7. Follow me: 4, 8, 16, 32 (64, 128, 256). MM 6-13 MM 6-15

1. What is the smallest number you can 1. How would you write four and eleven make using 9, 9, 4 and 2? (2,499) hundredths? (4.11)

2. There are 5 people ahead of you; you are 2. Divide 640 by 80. (8) (6th) in line. 3. Round 6.541 to the nearest one. (7) 3. 59 – 11 = (48). 4. 7 x 7 (49), 7 x 8 (56), 7 x 9 (63). 4. What is 6,000 - 2,000 + 500? (4,500) 5. How many inches are there in 3 feet? 5. Divide 180 by 2. (90) (36)

6. 60 x 2 / 4 = (30). 6. What is 8 less than 40? (32)

7. I had 18 candy bars. If you would break 7. Estimate the product of 62 and 46. each one in half I would have (36) (3,000) pieces.

MM 6-14 MM 6-16

1. Estimate the sum of 429 and 305. (700) 1. What is the largest number you can make using 3, 8, 4, 1? (8,431) 2. 9 x 5 (45), 9 x 6 (54), 9 x 7 (63). 2. If you were the 10th person in line, how 3. Two people divided a pint of ice cream; many in front of you? (9) how many cups did each person get? (1) 3. What is 600 – 100 - 20? (480) 4. What is 8,000 – 5,000 / 600? (5) 4. What is 6 less than 40? (34) 5. How many fingers do you have on 6 hands? (30) 5. 50 x 5 = (250).

6. Divide 600 x 2. (300) 6. Round .731 to the nearest one. (1)

7. Steve has $4.22 and Jim has $10; how 7. 3,600 / 60 = (60). much more does Jim have? ($5.78) MM 6-17 MM 6-19

1. What is 5 less than 49? (44) 1. What is the smallest number you can make using 9, 7, 1, 8? (1,789) 2. Round .463 to the nearest tenth. (.5) 2. If you were 7th in line, how many in front 3. If you had $7.40 and you lost $5 how of you? (6) much do you have left? ($2.40) 3. 330 + 70 = (400). 4. Double 16 / 8 (4). 4. What number is 6 less than 20? (14) 5. 9 x 8 (72), 9 x 9 (81), 9 x 7 (63). 5. 4 quarters, 2 dimes and 3 pennies = 6. What is 39 and 25? (64) ($1.23).

7. Divide 300 by 6. (50) 6. 40 – 20  4. (5)

7. Write 6 and 42 hundredths in decimal form. (6.42)

MM 6-18 MM 6-20

1. Round .276 to the nearest hundredth. 1. Estimate the sum of 45 and 43. (90) (.28) 2. 220 – 10 / 3 = (70). 2. How many toes on 8 feet? (40) 3. 8 quarters, 4 dimes, 3 nickels and 2 3. Divide 100 by 10. (10) pennies = ($2.57).

4. What is 12 less than 30? (18) 4. 280 / 7 = (40).

5. Estimate the difference between 92 and 5. Write 5 hundred thirty-six thousandths. 48. (40) (.536)

6. 8 x 6 (48), 8 x 8 (64), 8 x 9 (72). 6. 60 x 3 / 9 = (20).

7. Double 60 / 30. (4) 7. If you were 10th in line, how many are in front of you? (9) MM 6-21 MM 6-23

1. Jenny mowed 5 lawns a week for 12 1. How many fingers on 8 hands? (40) weeks. How many lawns did she mow totally? (60) 2. What number is 4 less than 90? (86)

2. 3 quarters, 6 nickels and 4 pennies; how 3. Start with 4; double it; add 8; subtract 12. much? ($1.09) (4)

3. Estimate the sum of 156 and 231. (390) 4. Round 741 to the nearest hundred. (700)

4. 640 / 80 = (8). 5. 36 – 8 = (28).

5. 1,600 / 400 = (4). 6. Estimate the difference of 89 and 33. (60) 6. Write 83 hundredths in decimal form. (.83) 7. 20 x 80 = (1,600).

7. Start with 4, 10, 16, 22, 28. (34, 40, 46)

MM 6-22 MM 6-24

1. 7 x 5 + 4 = (39). 1. Write the decimal for 5 and six hundredths. (5.06) 2. If you were 11th in line, how many in front of you? (10) 2. 4 quarters and 2 dimes is how much money? ($1.20) 3. 660 + 20 = (680). 3. 66 + 9 = (75). 4. 120 x 2 = (240). 4. Round 741 to the nearest 10. (740) 5. Estimate this sum: 42 and 66. (110) 5. 630 / 9 = (70). 6. 30 x 5 = (150). 6. What is 4 5/7 – 3 2/7? (1 3/7) 7. 20 x 80 = (1,600). 7. A car going to the airport can hold 8 people. 3 seats were empty. Two people are carrying their bags in their laps. How many seats are full? (5) MM 6-25 MM 6-27

1. Give the next number: 961, 971, 981, 1. 500 – 20 = (480). 991, (1,001). 2. Write the number that is 5 hundreds, 8 2. What number is 40 less 63? (23) tens, and 7 ones. (587)

3. Round to the nearest hundredth: 13.169. 3. How much is 46 tens? (460) (13.17) 4. 3 x 21 = (63). 4. If you are 8th in line, how many people are in front of you? (7) 5. Start with 9; add 8; subtract 6; subtract 4; add 5; subtract 7; add 4. (9) 5. How much is 92 tens? (920) 6. How many tens make 780? (78) 6. 43 – 8 = 35. What is 43 – 18? (25) 7. Round 679 to the nearest hundred. (700) 7. 800 – 30 = (770).

MM 6-26 MM 6-28

1. Round 35 to the nearest 10. (40) 1. You pay $10 for a $4.98 dinner; how much change do you get? ($5.02) 2. 3 x 33. (99) 2. 40 x 20 = (800). 3. Double 43. (86) 3. 600 – 30 = (570). 4. 400 – 10 = (390). 4. Reduce to lowest terms: 3/12. (1/4) 5. How much is 6 dimes and 3 nickels? ($.75) 5. 32 + 5 = (37).

6. Write: 3 hundreds, 6 tens, 4 ones. (364) 6. Estimate the difference of 226 and 175. (50)

7. Find the average of 5, 8, and 2. (5) MM 6-29 MM 6-31

1. Estimate the sum of 12, 29 and 66. (110) 1. Give the standard number: 1 hundred 7 ones. (107) 2. 65 + 5 = (70). 2. 8 + 1 + 6 = (15). 3. 4,000 – 300 = (3,700). 3. Round to the nearest dollar: $6.89. ($7) 4. What comes next? 376, 374, 372, 370, (368). 4. How much is 1 quarter and 3 pennies? ($.28) 5. Double 32. (64) 5. 100 x 67 = (6,700). 6. Reduce to lowest terms: 5/20. (1/4) 6. 72 / n = 8. (9) 7. What is 65 + 31? (96) 7. Estimate: 13 x 28. (300)

MM 6-30 MM 6-32

1. 320 + 45 = (365). 1. 300 + 600 + 800 = (1,700).

2. Estimate: 220 / 4. (50) 2. Round to the nearest hundred: 5,602. (5,600) 3. 7,000 – 3,000 – 100 = (3,900). 3. Round to the nearest 10 cents: $.62. 4. Start with 6, add 7, add 2, add 4, add 2. ($.60) (21) 4. 457 x 10 = (4,570). 5. 700 – 10 = (690). 5. Find the average of 6, 4 and 5. (5) 6. What comes next: 439, 442, 445, 448 (451). 6. Estimate 17 + 42. (60)

7. Estimate 35 x 6. (240) 7. 16,000 / 8 = (2,000). MM 6-33 MM 6-35

1. 200 + 400 + 400 = (1,000). 1. Round to the nearest tenth: .47. (.5)

2. Round to the nearest 10: 482. (480) 2. Eight sets of twins; how many children in all? (16) 3. (7 x 6) + (5 x 4) = (62). 3. How many seconds in a minute? (60) 4. 1,000 + 60 + 9 = (1,069). 4. 9 7/8 – 4 1/8 = (5 ¾). 5. 860 x 10 = (8,600). 5. 3 6’s are 18; what are 6 6’s? (36) 6. Round to the nearest hundred: 756. (800) 6. What number times 2 = 18? (9) 7. Estimate: 45 + 80 + 22 = (150). 7. Reduce 9/36. (1/4)

MM 6-34 MM 6-36

1. Write the decimal: one and eight 1. 7 chickens; how many legs? (14) thousandths. (1.008) 2. Reduce 12/20. (3/5) 2. How many dimes in $1? (10) 3. Which decimal is greater: 6.06 or 6.71? 3. 320 / 8 = (40). (6.71)

4. Round to the nearest dollar: $29.20. 4. 58 – 4 = (54). ($29) 5. Half of 26. (13) 5. Start with 4, add 2, add 3, subtract 1, add 2. (10) 6. How many minutes in an hour? (60)

6. 87 – 3 = (84). 7. Round to the nearest hundredth: 15.691. (15.69) 7. What is the smallest number you can make with 2, 9 and 4? (249) MM 6-37 MM 6-39

1. 21 x 50 = (1,050). 1. 1/5 + 2/5 = (3/5).

2. 7/10 – 4/10 = (3/10). 2. Least common denominator of 5, 2. (10)

3. Least common denominator of 3, 2. (6) 3. 41 x 30 = (1,230).

4. Which is the greater fraction: 3/8 or 7/8? 4. Simplify 4/16. (1/4) (7/8) 5. What comes next: 13, 18, 23, 28 (33). 5. Simplify 7/21. (1/3) 6. Change to a mixed number: 9/8. (1 1/8) 6. What comes next: 1, 3, 6, 10, (15). 7. Which is greater: 1/8 or ½? (1/2) 7. Change to mixed number: 5/3. (1 2/3)

MM 6-38 MM 6-40

1. Simplify 15/20. (3/4) 1. Change to a mixed number: 7/4. (1 ¾)

2. What comes next: 19, 16, 13, 10, (7). 2. What is next: 12, 9, 6 (3).

3. Change to mixed number: 10/6. (1 4/6, 1 3. Which is smaller: 6/9 or 1/9? (1/9) 2/3) 4. 1 1/6 + 2 2/6 = (3 3/6, 3 ½). 4. 2 ¼ + ¾ = (3). 5. Least common denominator for 6, 4. (12) 5. 48 x 20 = (960). 6. 6 x 80 = (480). 6. Which is the smaller fraction: 1/3 or 1/5? (1/5) 7. Simplify 4/20. (1/5)

7. Least common denominator for 3, 9. (9) MM 6-41 MM 6-43

1. Estimate: 526 x 5. (2,500) 1. Change to an improper fraction: 1 1/8. (9/8) 2. 420 / 6 = (70). 2. 1/3 of 30 = (10). 3. What is 70 x 30? (2,100) 3. 250 / 5 = (50). 4. Start with 13, subtract 3, divide by 10, multiply by 17, add 5, divide by 11. (2) 4. What is 70 x 20? (1,400)

5. ½ of 22 is (11). 5. How many fourths in 7 ½? (30)

6. How many thirds in 2 1/3? (7) 6. Estimate: 421 x 8. (3,200).

7. Change to an improper fraction: 1 9/11. 7. Start with 7, times 2, add 6, divide by 5. (20/11) (4)

MM 6-42 MM 6-44

1. How many ½’s in 9 ½? (19) 1. Start with 10, divide by 2, add 6, times 3, subtract 3. (30) 2. Change to an improper fraction: 2 1/7. (15/7) 2. What is 60 x 40? (2,400)

3. 8,100 / 9 = (900). 3. 4,900 / 7 = (700).

4. What is 30 x 90? (2,700) 4. Change to an improper fraction: 1 ¾. (7/4) 5. ¼ of 36 = (9). 5. 1/8 of 40 is (5). 6. Estimate: 387 x 9. (3,600) 6. How many 6th’s in 4 5/6? (29) 7. Start with 8, add 1, times 2, divided by 3, add 9. (15) 7. Estimate: 748 x 8. (5,600) MM 6-45 MM 6-47

1. Write the number 7 thousand and 62. 1. 5 7/10 – 2 4/10 = (3 3/10). (7,062) 2. Estimate: 8,271 + 640. (8,600) 2. What is 518 + 7? (525) 3. ½ of 36 = (18). 3. 2 3/8 – 1 2/8 = (1 1/8). 4. What is 392 + 9? (401) 4. 1/6 of 42 = (7). 5. 6 + 2 + 7 + 4 + 3 + 8 + 1 = (31). 5. Estimate 5,872 – 1,621. (4,000) 6. Write: 3 hundred 2 and 4 tenths. (302.4) 6. Lowest terms for ¼ + ¼. (1/2) 7. Lowest terms for 2/10 + 4/10. (3/5) 7. 3 + 2 + 27 + 8 + 5 + 5 = (50).

MM 6-46 MM 6-48

1. 13 + 8 + 1 + 6 + 7 + 9 + 2 = (46). 1. Lowest terms for 2/9 + 4/9. (2/3)

2. Estimate: 642 + 3,918. (4,600) 2. 1/3 of 45 = (15).

3. Write: 16 and 12 hundredths. (16.12) 3. Write: 645 thousand 5 hundred. (645,500). 4. Lowest terms for 3/6 + 1/6. (2/3) 4. Estimate: 17,400 – 9,920. (7,000). 5. 1/8 of 96 = (12). 5. What is 386 + 15? (401) 6. 6 ¾ - 4 ¼ = (2 ½). 6. 4 + 11 + 5 + 6 + 3 + 9. (38) 7. What is 918 + 3? (921) 7. 7 5/12 – 2 4/12 = (5 1/12). MM 6-49 MM 6-51

1. Estimate 386 x 4. (1,600) 1. Closest whole number to 21 6/11. (22)

2. 1/8 + ¼ = (3/8). 2. How many thirds in 2 2/3? (8)

3. 550 – 24 = (526). 3. Estimate 873 x 6. (5,400)

4. Least common multiple of 5, 15. (30) 4. Least common multiple of 2, 3. (6)

5. How many 7ths in 35? (5) 5. 780 – 51 = (729).

6. Change 4 4/5 to 5ths. (24/5) 6. Change 2 3/5 to 5ths. (13/5)

7. Closest whole number to 7 5/7. (8) 7. 1/10 + 2/5 = (1/2).

MM 6-50 MM 6-52

1. 1,000 – 101 = (899). 1. Change 4 1/7 to an improper fraction. (29/7) 2. Closest whole number to 11 ¼ = (11). 2. 1 ½ + 1 ¼ = (2 ¾). 3. Least common multiple of 6, 8. (24) 3. 420 – 23 = (397). 4. 2/6 + ½ = (5/6). 4. Closest whole number to 2 ½. (3) 5. Change 6 1/3 to an improper fraction. (19/3) 5. Least common multiple of 4, 12. (24)

6. How many 4ths in 12? (48) 6. Estimate 516 x 3. (1,500)

7. Estimate: 215 x 7. (1,400) 7. How many 9’s in 108? (12) MM 6-53 MM 6-55

1. Write the number in the tenths place: 1. Add 1 quarter, 2 dimes, 1 penny. ($.46) 37.48. (4) 2. Give amount – 50 $10 bills. (500) 2. Round to hundreds: 4,637. (4,600) 3. Round to ones: 66.725. (67) 3. Which is greater .760 or .8? (.8) 4. Which is greater: 2/9 or 7/18? (7/18) 4. Write 53 thousandths. (0.053) 5. Write the number in the tens place: 5. Give the amount: ten 100 dollar bills. 98,765. (6) (1,000) 6. Write 17 hundredths. (.17) 6. Least common factor or 45, 10. (5) 7. Least common factor of 20, 4. (2) 7. Add 3 dimes, 2 nickels, 3 quarters. ($1.15)

MM 6-54 MM 6-56

1. Write 1,010 and 1 tenth. (1,010.1) 1. Round to tens: 463.5. (460)

2. Least common factors or 63, 14. (7) 2. Write 6 and 9 hundredths. (6.09)

3. Add 1 quarter, 1 dime, 3 nickels and 12 3. Which is less? 2/3 or ¾? (2/3) pennies. ($.62) 4. Least common factor of 13 and 39. (13) 4. Which is less: .004, .040. (.004) 5. Give amount: 400 $10 bills. (4,000) 5. Round to ten thousands: 32,840. (30,000) 6. Add 2 quarters, 1 nickel, and 3 pennies. 6. Write the number in the hundredths place ($.58) 914.503. (0) 7. Write the number in the thousands place: 7. Give amount: two hundred 63 $100 bills. 12,345. (2) (26,300) MM 6-57 MM 6-59

1. 100 more than 13,652 is? (13,752) 1. Give radius if diameter is 13. (6 ½)

2. Estimate the number the sum is closest 2. Start with 10, subtract 8, add 5, double, to: 54 + 120: 100 or 150. (150) add 10. (24)

3. Give the radius; the diameter is 50. (25) 3. Find perimeter: l = 3, w = 1 (8).

4. Start with 33; subtract 11, half, triple. 4. 639 / 9 = (71). (33) 5. Estimate the number the sum is closest 5. What is the next number? 41, 46, 51, 56 to: 543 + 19,480: 20,000 or 19,000. (61). (20,000)

6. Find perimeter: l = 6 ½, w = 2. (17) 6. 100 less than 32,875 is (32,775).

7. 955 / 5 = (191). 7. What is the next number: 1,097, 1,098, 1,099 (1,100).

MM 6-58 MM 6-60

1. Start with 18, subtract 12, double, add 4, 1. Estimate number the sum is closest to: 92 quarter. (4) + 92: 150 or 200. (200)

2. 721 / 7 = (103). 2. What is the next number: 9,002, 9,001, 9,000 (8,999). 3. 1,000 more than 15,708 is (16,708). 3. Give diameter if radius is 24.2. (48.4) 4. Find area: 1 = 37, w = 3 (111 sq.). 4. 1,000 less than 18,062 is (17,062). 5. Give diameter if radius is 35. (70) 5. Find area: l = 7, w = 3. (21 sq.) 6. Estimate number sum is closest to: 68 + 240: 300 or 200. (300) 6. Start with 5, add 9, double, subtract 8, double, add 100. (140) 7. What is the next number: 105, 115, 110, 120, (115). 7. 5,600 / 40 = (140). MM 6-61 MM 6-63

1. Change to a mixed number: 14/6. (2 1/3) 1. 5/8 + ¾ = (1 3/8).

2. Place value of 6 in 49.63. (tenths) 2. Answer to nearest whole number: 6 ¾ - 5 ¼. (2). 3. Answer to nearest whole number: 20 5/7 – 16 1/7 = (5). 3. Place value of 4 in 645.92. (tens)

4. 7/10 + 3/20 = (17/20). 4. Write: 5,000,042,000.

5. How many 9’s in 1,818? (202) 5. How many 12ths in 3 8/24? (40)

6. Write: 3,052,018. 6. Figures of same size, same shape are? (congruent) 7. Another name for a 90^ angle is? (right) 7. Change to mixed number: 68/12. (5 2/3)

MM 6-62 MM 6-64

1. How many 7ths in 4 2/14? (29) 1. Place value of 1 in 29.621. (thousandth)

2. Write the number 600,028. 2. 6 10/13 + 2 1/26 = (8 21/26).

3. Railroad tracks are an example of? 3. Answer to the nearest whole number: 13 (parallel lines) 9/10 – 8 6/10. (5)

4. Change to mixed number: 78/15. (5 1/5) 4. Two rays joined at endpoints make an? (angle) 5. Answer to nearest whole number: 14 5/9 – 3 2/9. (11) 5. Change to a mixed number: 65/9. (7 2/9)

6. Place value of 8 in 4,618.7. (ones) 6. Write the number 50,005,221.

7. 6/7 + 3/14 = (1 1/14). 7. How many 4ths in 10 ¾? (43) MM 6-65 MM 6-67

1. Change to a mixed number: 16/7. (2 2/7) 1. ¾ of 52 = (39).

2. 3/10 + 2/5 = (7/10). 2. You have $5 and you spend $2.25; how much is left? ($2.75) 3. You have $7.50; you spend half; how much left? ($3.75) 3. 6/11 + 2/33 = (20/33).

4. 1/6 of 612 is (102). 4. Write as a decimal: 52 10ths. (5.2)

5. Write as a decimal: 21 tenths. (2.1) 5. Which is greater: 9 or 64/7. (64/7)

6. Which is greater? 6 3/10 or 6 2/5. (6 2/5) 6. Simplify 90/100. (9/10)

7. Simplify 14/56. (1/4) 7. Change to mixed number: 20/8. (2 ½)

MM 6-66 MM 6-68

1. Which is greater: 416 ½ or 416 1/3. (416 1. Write as a decimal: 2,000 hundredths. ½) (20.00)

2. Simplify 8/36. (2/9) 2. Which is greater? 14 5/4 or 15? (14 5/4)

3. You have 7 nickels and spent $.28; what 3. Change to a mixed number: 49/3. (16 coins are left? (1 nickel, 2 pennies) 1/3)

4. 4/7 + 1/21 = (13/21). 4. You have 3 quarters and you spend 3 dimes; how much left? ($.45) 5. Change to a mixed number: 17/4. (4 ¼) 5. 7/10 + 5/10 = (1 1/5). 6. Write as a decimal: 16 hundredths. (.16) 6. Simplify 18/63. (2/7) 7. 3/8 of 24 = (9). 7. 1/14 of 112 = (8). MM 6-69 MM 6-71

1. Least common multiple of 6 and 4. (12) 1. What comes next? 3 ¼, 2 ½, 1 ¾, (1).

2. Angles greater than a 90^ are? (obtuse) 2. Estimate: 97 x 6. (600)

3. Estimate and give the sum 619 + 84. 3. Least common multiple of 9 and 10. (90) (700) 4. Angles less than 90^ are? (acute) 4. What comes next? ½, 1 ½, 2, 2 ½ (3). 5. Distance around a circle is 5. Distance around a rectangle is (circumference). (perimeter). 6. What is the difference between 10 1/5 6. Greatest common factor of 35 and 42. (7) and 11? (4/5)

7. What is the difference between 4 ½ and 7. Greatest common factor of 18 and 2? (2) 6? (1 ½)

MM 6-70 MM 6-72

1. Greatest common factor of 21 and 42. 1. Write 7/10 two ways. (7/10 or .7) (21) 2. What is 1/3 of 36? (12) 2. What is the difference between 5 ¾ and 8? (2 ¼) 3. Write the number 6 as a fraction. (6/1)

3. 30 x 60 = (1,800). 4. What is 1/5 of a dollar? ($.20)

4. Least common multiple of 3 and 5 = 5. How many feet in 12 yards? (36) (15). 6. What is 1/3 x 2/3? (2/9) 5. 750 + 320 = (1,070). 7. How many oz. in 2 lbs.? (32) 6. Angles measuring 90^ are (right).

7. What comes next? 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.8, (4.0). MM 6-73 MM 6-75

1. Write 2/3 of 36. (24) 1. A penny is what fractional part of a dollar? (1/100) 2. Write 45/100 as a fraction and as a decimal. (45/100, .45) 2. How many 8ths in 3 5/8? (29)

3. What is ¼ of a dollar? ($.25) 3. How many feet in 9 yards? (27)

4. What is 1/6 of 18? (3) 4. What is 1.5 x 10? (15)

5. How many yards in 18 ft.? (6) 5. Write 7/100 as a decimal. (.07)

6. What is the reciprocal of 3? (1/3) 6. What is 5 take away 2/5? (4 3/5)

7. What is ¼ / 2? (1/8) 7. What is the reciprocal of 1/6? (6)

MM 6-74 MM 6-76

1. What coin is 1/10 of a dollar? (dime) 1. Write 86 hundredths as a decimal. (.86)

2. What is ¼ of 36? (9) 2. Estimate: 652 – 382. (300)

3. How many feet in 20 yards? (60) 3. How many sixths are in 3 5/6? (23)

4. What is 3.5 x 10? (35) 4. What is 3,600 / 12? (300)

5. What is the reciprocal of 2/3? (3/2) 5. How much is 2 quarters, 3 dimes, and 2 nickels? ($.90) 6. Write .03 as a fraction. (3/100) 6. Estimate: 72 x 37. (2,800) 7. What is the reciprocal of 4/5? (5/4) 7. Start with 6, double, times 3, subtract 6, add 8. (38) MM 6-77 MM 6-79

1. Write 9/100 as a fraction and decimal. 1. Estimate 25 x 48. (1,500) (9/100, .09) 2. What is 4,800 / 6? (800) 2. What is 2,800 / 40? (70) 3. Write 6 and 8 hundredths as a decimal. 3. How many 4ths are in 5 ¾? (23) (6.08)

4. How much money does a half dollar, 1 4. 80 x 40 = (3,200). quarter, 2 nickels, and 3 pennies equal? ($.88) 5. How many tenths are in 5 3/10? (53)

5. Estimate: 946 – 399. (500) 6. Estimate 824 – 375. (400)

6. Estimate: 16 x 52. (1,000) 7. Start with 9, add 7, take ½ of that, divide by 4, add 8, subtract 10. (0) 7. Start with 16, take half of it, times 3, subtract 6. (18)

MM 4-78 MM 4-80

1. Write 24 thousandths as a fraction and a 1. What is 30 minutes later than 6:30? decimal. (24/1,000, .024) (7:00)

2. How much is 1 quarter, 3 dimes, 3 2. Write 2 ½ as a decimal. (2.5) nickels, and 3 pennies? ($.73) 3. What is 360 + 210? (570) 3. Estimate: 43 x 36. (1,600) 4. What is 4 7/8 – 1 ¼? (3 5/8) 4. How many thirds are in 8 2/3? (26) 5. I have $6, how many records can I buy 5. Estimate 367 – 134. (300) for $1.50 each? (4)

6. What is 6,400 / 8? (800) 6. Estimate 62 x 38. (2,400)

7. Start with 6 and follow me; add 7, add 2, 7. What is 8.45 ÷ 10? (.845) divide by 3, multiply by 4, subtract 3. (17) MM 6-81 MM 6-83

1. What is 5 5/6 – 1 ½? (4 1/3) 1. What is 750 + 240? (990)

2. What time is 45 minutes after 8:45? 2. What is 6 ¾ - 2 ½? (4 ¼) (9:30) 3. Estimate 872 x 6. (5,400) 3. I have $10. I want to buy a record for $7.80 and a pack of gum for $.40. How 4. Sue worked 45 minutes one day and 35 much change? ($1.80) minutes the next day. How much time did she work? (1 hour, 20 minutes) 4. Write 4 ¾ as a decimal. (4.75) 5. What is 7.3 x 100? (730) 5. What is 687.2 ÷ 100? (6.872) 6. Write 3 ¼ as a decimal. (3.25) 6. What is 860 + 130? (990) 7. What is 68 ÷ 10? (6.8) 7. Estimate 37 x 82. (3,200)

MM 6-82 MM 6-84

1. If a movie starts at 7:30 and gets over 1 1. How many quarts in a gallon? (4) hour and 30 minutes later, what time will it be? (9:00) 2. What is 2 x .07? (.14)

2. Estimate 287 x 4. (1,200) 3. What is 7 x .2? (1.4)

3. What is 4.63 x 100? (463) 4. What is 28 / 100? (.28)

4. Write 3 1/5 as a decimal. (3.2) 5. What is the reciprocal of 2/3? (3/2)

5. What is 8.46 x 100? (846) 6. What is ¾ of 20? (15)

6. What is 540 + 330? (870) 7. What is 8.9 – 5.6? (3.3)

7. What is 3 5/9 – 1 1/3? (2 2/9) MM 6-85 MM 6-87

1. How many weeks in a year? (52) 1. How many days in 6 weeks? (42)

2. What is 8.4 x 100? (840) 2. What is 7.7 – 4/3? (3.4)

3. What is 2/3 of 60? (40) 3. What is .76 x 100? (76)

4. What is 6.8 x 10? (68) 4. What is 7.2 + 3.6? (10.8)

5. What is 682 / 100? (6.82) 5. What is 78 / 100? (.78)

6. What is 7.3 + .4? (7.7) 6. What is the reciprocal of 1 ½? (2/3)

7. What is the reciprocal of 8? (1/8) 7. What is 3/5 of 30? (18)

MM 6-86 MM 6-88

1. How many feet in 36 inches? (3) 1. Round 649 to the nearest hundred. (600)

2. What is 6.87 x 100? (687) 2. 5 hours equals how many minutes? (300)

3. What is 8.6 + 3.5? (12.1) 3. What is 120 / 10? (12)

4. What is the reciprocal of ¾? (4/3) 4. Estimate to nearest whole number. 12.4 + 6.5. (19) 5. What is ¼ of 80? (20) 5. Write the digital time for 6 minutes to 8. 6. What is 8.4 x 100? (840) (7:54)

7. What is 76 / 100? (.76) 6. Which digit is in the tenths place: 68.453. (4)

7. Write 8.25 as a decimal. (8.25) MM 6-89 MM 6-91

1. Round 42.81 to the nearest whole 1. Estimate to the nearest whole number: number. (43) 10.5 + 10.05. (21)

2. In the number 673.528 which digit is in 2. Express 20/13 as a mixed fraction. (1 the hundredths place? (2) 7/13)

3. What is 450 / 10? (45) 3. Write the decimal 68.07. (68.07)

4. Write the decimal 0.368. (.368) 4. Round 9.824 to the nearest whole number. (10) 5. Estimate the sum to the nearest whole number: 6.18 and 5.9. (12) 5. Write the digital time for 20 minutes to 6. (5:40) 6. Write the digital time for a quarter past ten. (10:15) 6. What is 2,400 / 60? (40)

7. Express 17/2 as a mixed number. (8 ½) 7. In 478.653 which digit is in the tens place? (6)

MM 6-90 MM 6-92

1. Round 146.49 to the nearest whole 1. Name the decimal that 4 dimes and 5 number. (146) pennies represent. (.45)

2. What is 600 / 200? (3) 2. What is 9.4 – 6.3? (3.1)

3. Write the decimal 16.67. (16.67) 3. What is 9 x 0.1? (.9)

4. Write the digital time for 12 minutes to 1. 4. 5/8 = ?/40. (25) (12:48) 5. What is 293 / 100? (2.93) 5. In the number 2468.531 which digit is in the thousandths place? (1) 6. Round 6.28 to the nearest tenth. (6.3)

6. Estimate to the nearest whole number: 7. 3/5 of 100. (60) 4.7 + 8.6. (14)

7. Express 12/20 in lowest terms. (3/5) MM 6-93 MM 6-95

1. What is 5 x .01? (.05) 1. What is 82 / 10? (8.2)

2. Round 0.386 to the nearest hundredth. 2. What is 120 / 60? (2)

3. Name the decimal that 3 pennies 3. Name the decimal that 19 pennies represent. (.03) represent. (.19)

4. What is 3 4/5 – 2/5? (3 2/5) 4. Give the product in lowest terms: ½ x 5/6. (5/12) 5. What is 68.9 / 100? (.689) 5. What is 40 x 32? (1,280) 6. 3/8 of 16. (6) 6. Round .65 to the nearest tenth. (.7) 7. Write 82/100 as a decimal. (.82) 7. 2/3 = ?/6. (4)

MM 6-94 MM 6-96

1. Round .387 to the nearest hundredth. 1. Write 7 tenths as a fraction and as a (.39) decimal. (7/10, .7)

2. What is 8.46 x 100? (846) 2. What is 720 / 8? (90)

3. Give the product in lowest terms: 5/8 x 3. How many ounces in 2 pounds? (32) ½. (5/16) 4. 90 x 60 = (5,400). 4. What is 59.5 / 100? (.595) 5. What is ¾ of 48? (36) 5. How many 6ths in 1 5/6? (11) 6. 325 + 425 = (750). 6. Name the decimal that 8 dimes represent. (.80) 7. Estimate: 285 x 313. (900)

7. What is 5 x .09? (.45) MM 6-97 MM 6-99

1. How many feet in 1 mile? (5,280) 1. What is 3,000 / 50? (60)

2. Write 28 hundredths as a decimal. (.28) 2. 70 x 40 = (2,800).

3. What is 2/3 of 24? (16) 3. How many minutes in 1 ½ hours? (90)

4. Estimate: 872 x 317. (27,000) 4. What is 1/3 of 30? (10)

5. What is 3,600 / 90? (40) 5. Write 24 thousandths as a decimal. (.024)

6. 70 x 80 = (5,600). 6. Write 15/12 as a mixed number in lowest terms. (1 ¼) 7. 750 + 125 = (875). 7. Estimate 92 x 57. (5,400)

MM 6-98 MM 6-100

1. Write 9 hundredths as a decimal. (.09) 1. Estimate 68 x 24. (1,400)

2. Estimate: 360 x 429. (160,000) 2. Give another name for 10/7. (1 3/7)

3. What is ¼ of 32? (8) 3. What is 1/5 of 20? (4)

4. 30 x 80 = (2,400). 4. 7 5/8 = ?/8. (61)

5. How many meters in 1 km? (1,000) 5. 4/5 = ? tenths? (8)

6. 640 + 220 = (860). 6. What is 4 1/8 + 5/8? (4 ¾)

7. What is 4,800 / 800? (6) 7. How much is 1 quarter, 1 nickel, 2 dimes and 3 pennies? ($0.53) MM 6-101 MM 6-103

1. What is 3 5/8 + 2 1/8? (5 ¾) 1. 1 ¼ + 1 2/4 = (2 ¾).

2. 5/9 = ?/18? (10) 2. What is 1/3 of 27? (9)

3. How many thirds in 6 2/3? (20) 3. Estimate: 55 x 27. (1,800)

4. What is ¼ of 36? (9) 4. 2/4 = ___ halfs. (1)

5. Estimate: 365 x 20. (8,000) 5. How many 5ths in 3 1/5? (16)

6. Give another name for 8/5. (1 3/5) 6. Another name for 15/8. (1 7/8)

7. How much is 3 quarters, 1 nickel and 8 7. Start with 9, add 7, take ½ of that, divide pennies? ($.88) by 4, add 8, subtract 10. (0)

MM 6-102 MM 6-104

1. 4/12 = ?/6? (2) 1. What is 36.8 / 10? (3.68)

2. How many 4ths in 3 ¾? (15) 2. Write 76 thousandths as a decimal. (.076)

3. What is 3 1/3 + 2 1/3? (5 2/3) 3. How many 4ths in 8 ¼? (33)

4. What is ½ of 36? (18) 4. What is the reciprocal of 5/8? (8/5)

5. Another name for 13/2 is? (6 ½) 5. If a record costs $1.25 how much would 3 records cost? ($3.75) 6. Estimate 18 x 58. (1,200) 6. What is 2/3 of 12? (8) 7. Start with 9, take 1/3 of that, times 4, add 3, divide by 5. (3) 7. Write the number that is 6 tens, 3 hundreds, and 2 tenths. (360.2) MM 6-105 MM 6-107

1. What is the reciprocal of 6? (1/6) 1. How many yards in 21 feet? (7)

2. How many days in 5 weeks? (35) 2. 35, 30, 25, 20, (15).

3. What is 765 / 100? (7.65) 3. .9 x .5 = (.45).

4. 5 2/9 = ?/9? (47) 4. Area of a rectangle 8 ft. by 2 ft. (16 sq. ft.) 5. Write 35 hundredths as a fraction and a decimal. (35/100, .35) 5. 27 / 10 = (2.7).

6. What is ¼ of 16? (4) Then what is ¾ of 6. 3 ½ + 2 ½ = (6). 16? (12) 7. 2 – ½ = (1 ½). 7. If a model car costs $2.50 how much would 3 models cost? ($7.50)

MM 6-106 MM 6-108

1. How many weeks in 28 days? (4) 1. How many years in 36 months? (3)

2. Write 9 tenths as a fraction and as a 2. Area of a rectangle 14 ft. by 2 ft. (28 sq. decimal. (.9, 9/10) ft.)

3. How many feet in 5 yards? (15) 3. 7 1/8 + 3 7/8 = (11).

4. Write 3 5/8 as a fraction. (29/8) 4. .2 x .1 = (.02).

5. Garden seeds are 10/$1; how much 5. 63, 70, 77, (84). would 4 packages cost? ($.40) 6. 10 – 2 1/8 = (7 7/8). 6. What is 8.76 / 10? (.876) 7. 43 / 10 = (4.3). 7. What is the reciprocal of 1 ¼? (4/5) MM 6-109 MM 6-111

1. How many ounces in 3 lbs.? (48) 1. Estimate 39 x 23. (800)

2. 26, 20, 14, 8, (2). 2. What is ½ of 11? (5 ½)

3. .3 x .5 = (.15). 3. Start with 12, double, add 6, divide by 6. (5) 4. 13 1/6 + 2 5/6 = (16). 4. Estimate 456 / 49. (10) 5. 5 – 1 ½ = (3 ½). 5. Write the decimal three and one 6. Area of a rectangle 20 ft. by 5 ft. (100 sq. hundredth. (3.01) ft.) 6. 756 + 6 = (762). 7. 69 / 10 = (6.9). 7. If 1 can of dog food is $.19 how much for 3? ($.57)

MM 6-110

1. 82 / 10 = (8.2). MM 6-112

2. Area of a rectangle 9 cm by 9 cm. (81 sq. 1. Write the decimal 50 and 2 tenths. (50.2) cm.) 2. If 1 pen is $3, how much for 20? ($60) 3. 13 – 2 ¾ = (10 ¼). 3. 312 + 8 = (320). 4. How many days in 9 weeks? (63) 4. Estimate 45 x 62. (3,000) 5. 3 4/5 + 2 1/5 = (6). 5. Start with 36, add 12, divide by 6, take ½ 6. 60, 48, 36, (24). of that. (4)

7. .8 x .2 = (.16). 6. What is ½ of 7? (3 ½)

7. Estimate 321 / 59. (5) MM 6-113 MM 6-115

1. Estimate 642 / 6. (100) 1. What is 50% of 20? (10)

2. 459 + 7 = (466). 2. How much is 2 dimes, 3 nickels, 1 quarter and 7 pennies? ($0.67) 3. What is ½ of 15? (7 ½) 3. Perimeter of a triangle 3 cm on each side. 4. Write the decimal 3 thousand and 2 (9 cm) thousandths. (3,000.002) 4. 2/3 + 2/3 = (1 1/3). 5. If 1 apple is $0.05, how much for a dozen? ($0.60) 5. 1/9 of 18 = (2).

6. Start with 5, times 10, add 50, divide by 6. Area of a triangle with a base of 6 cm 10. (10) and height of 4 cm. (12 sq. cm.)

7. Estimate 71 x 42. (2,800) 7. Garden seeds are 10/$1. How much for 4 packages? ($.40)

MM 6-114 MM 6-116

1. If 5 pencils are $0.15, how much for 20? 1. Area of a triangle with a base of 10” and ($0.60) a height of 10”. (50 sq. inches)

2. Start with 9, add 9, subtract 6, subtract 4, 2. 4/5 + 4/5 = (1 3/5). add 5, subtract 7, add 4. (10) 3. How much for 1 pencil if 5 cost $2.50? 3. Estimate 29 x 32. (900) ($.50)

4. What is ½ of 5? (2 ½) 4. What is 25% of 100? (25)

5. 569 + 1 = (570). 5. 1/5 of 30 = (6).

6. Write the decimal 21 and 9 tenths. (21.9) 6. How much is 3 dimes, 7 pennies, and 1 quarter? ($0.62) 7. Estimate 262 / 3 = (100). 7. Perimeter of a pentagon 5 cm on each side. (25 cm.) MM 6-117 MM 6-119

1. If candy cost $1.40/lb. how much for ½ 1. Write 3% as a decimal. (.03) lb.? ($0.70) 2. If the diameter of a circle is 12 cm, what 2. 5/8 + 6/8 = (1 3/8). is the radius? (6 cm)

3. Area of a triangle with a base of 5 cm 3. Estimate 46 - 19. (30) and a height of 4 cm. (10 sq. cm) 4. Reduce 5/25. (1/5) 4. How much is 2 quarters, 1 dime, 1 nickel? ($0.65) 5. 5.6 + 1.3 = (6.9).

5. 50% of 60 = (30). 6. It is now 8:45, what time will it be in 30 minutes? (9:15) 6. ¼ of 12 = (3). 7. (5 x 6) + 7 = (37). 7. Perimeter of a square 8 ft. on each side. (32 ft.)

MM 6-118 MM 6-120

1. Area of a triangle with a base of 8 ft. and 1. If the radius of a circle is .9 km what is height of 3 ft. (12 sq. ft.) the diameter? (1.8 km)

2. What is 25% of 20? (5) 2. 7.3 + .4 = (7.7).

3. ¾ + ¾ = (1 ½). 3. It is now 3:20, what time was it 30 minutes ago? (2:50) 4. Perimeter of a rectangle 4 ft. x 6 ft. (20 ft.) 4. (8 x 3) + 10 = (34).

5. 1/6 of 24 = (4). 5. Estimate 92 + 77 = (170).

6. Toy cars are 2/$1.20. How much is 1? 6. Reduce 6/24. (1/4) ($.60) 7. What is 18% as a decimal? (.18) 7. How much is 3 quarters, 2 dimes, and 3 pennies? ($0.98) MM 6-121 MM 6-123

1. Reduce 9/63. (1/7) 1. What percent of 200 is 100? (50%)

2. (9 x 0) + 8 = (8). 2. How many 4ths in 1 ¾? (7)

3. If the radius of a circle is 24 mm what is 3. What is the volume of a box 8 cm x 4 the diameter? (48 cm) cm x 2 cm? (64 cubic cm)

4. What is 75% as a decimal? (.75) 4. Write as a mixed number 15/4. (3 ¾)

5. It is now 8:10; what time was it 30 5. It is 10^ above zero. The temp drops 12 minutes ago? (7:40) degrees; what is the new temp? (-2^)

6. Estimate 960 – 889. (100) 6. 25 eggs = ___doz. ___ egg. (2, 1)

7. 4.7 + 2.1 = (6.8). 7. (8 + 4) x 2 = (24).

MM 6-122 MM 6-124

1. 6.3 + 2.5 = (8.8). 1. 2 x (30+ 10) = (80).

2. What is 100% as a decimal? (1.00) 2. How many thirds in 2 2/3? (8)

3. It is now 10:25; what time will it be in 30 3. What is the volume of a box 3 cm x 3 cm minutes? (10:55) x 3 cm? (27 cu cm)

4. Estimate 92 x 18. (1,800) 4. What percent of 400 is 100? (25%)

5. The diameter of a circle is 7 mm; what is 5. 50 inches = ___ yd. ___ in. (1, 14) the radius? (3.5 mm) 6. Write as a mixed number 7/2. (3 ½) 6. Reduce 25/75. (1/3) 7. It is 15^ above zero; the temp goes down 7. (4 x 3) + 9 = (21). 12 degrees; what is the new temp? (+3^) MM 6-125 MM 6-127

1. What is the volume of a box 5’ x 3’ x 2’? 1. Round to the nearest tenth 8.67. (8.7) (30 cu’) 2. 26.2 / 10 = (2.62). 2. Give another name for 10/7. (1 3/7) 3. 5 ¼ - ¼ = (5). 3. The temp is +15 in the afternoon; it drops to –20 at night; how many degrees did it 4. 36 / n = 12. (3) drop? (35^) 5. ¾ of 32 = (24). 4. How many 5ths in 1 4/5? (9) 6. Write as an improper fraction 3 3/7. 5. (6 + 5) x 2 = (22). (24/7)

6. 18 oz. = ___ lb. ___ oz. (1, 2) 7. Write the number midway between 15 and 21. (18) 7. What percent of 100 is 10? (10)

MM 6-126 MM 6-128

1. Write as a mixed number 8/5. (1 3/5) 1. 4 x 12 = 6 x n. (8)

2. It is +20 in the a.m. The temp drops 30 2. .28 / 10 = (.028). degrees; what temp is it now? (-10^) 3. ½ of 60 = (30). 3. 5 ft. = ___ yd. ___ ft. (1, 2) 4. Write the number midway between 9 and 4. (2 x 6) + (2 x 4) = (20). 27. (18)

5. What percent of 400 is 300? (75%) 5. 8 9/10 + 2 1/10 = (11).

6. How many halves in 3 ½? (7) 6. Write as an improper fraction 2 1/6. (13/6) 7. What is the volume of a box 10’ x 5’ x 2’? (100 cu. ft.) 7. Round to the nearest tenth .88. (.9) MM 6-129 MM 6-131

1. Write the number midway between 150 1. 1.2 x 100 = (120). and 160. (155) 2. Round to the nearest 10: 877. (880) 2. Write as an improper fraction 5 3/10. (53/10) 3. What is the reciprocal of 3? (1/3)

3. Round to the nearest 10th 14.9. (14.8) 4. What is the formula for finding the area of a triangle? (1/2 b x h) 4. 6 3/10 + 3 3/10 = (9 3/5). 5. Your family bought a pizza; you eat 3/5 5. 1/7 of 56. (8) of it; how much is left? (2/5)

6. 85.35 / 10. (8.535) 6. How many shoes in 36 pair? (72)

7. 2 x 12 = n + 4. (20) 7. 7.7 - 4.3 = (3.4)

MM 6-130 MM 6-132

1. Round to the nearest 10th .881. (.9) 1. Your family bought a pizza; you eat 2/7 of it; how much is left? (5/7) 2. Write as an improper fraction 5 1/3. (16/3) 2. 8.9 - 5.6 = (3.3).

3. 7/8 of 40 = (35). 3. What is the reciprocal of 7/3? (3/7)

4. 5 x 12 = 50 + n. (10) 4. Round to the nearest 10: 109. (110)

5. 1.25 / 10 = (.125). 5. What is the formula for finding the area of a circle? (r squared times pi) 6. Write the number midway between 12 and 16. (14) 6. 4.63 x 100 = (463)

7. 9 2/3 – 6 1/3 = (3 1/3). 7. How many feet in 60 inches? (5) MM 6-133

1. 8.4 x 100 = (8,400).

2. What is the formula for volume? (l x w x h)

3. Your family bought a pizza; you ate 5/9 of it; how much left? (4/9)

4. How many quarts in 7 gallons? (28)

5. 6.5 – 4.4 = (2.1)

6. What is the reciprocal of 8/5? (5/8)

7. Round to the nearest 10: 444. (440)

MM 6-134

1. Round to the nearest 10: 215. (220)

2. 9.4 – 6.3 = (3.1)

3. How many inches in 4 ft.? (48)

4. 16.8 x 100 = (1,680)

5. What is the reciprocal of 1 ½? (2/3)

6. What is the formula for the area of a square or rectangle? (l x w)

7. Your family bought a pizza; you ate 5/8 of it; how much left? (3/8)

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