A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology s93

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A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology s93

from A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LITERARY THEORY, CRITICISM AND PHILOLOGY http://www.unizar.es/departamentos/filologia_inglesa/garciala/bibliography.html by José Ángel GARCÍA LANDA (University of Zaragoza, Spain)



A Contrario 13.1 (2010). Monograph issue on "La temporalité du récit: fiction, médias et histoire." http://www.cairn.info/revue-a-contrario-2010-1.htm 2010

Advances in Social Cognition 8 (1995).

Aisthesis: Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell'estetico Vol. 8.1 (2015) Firenze University Press http://www.fupress.net/index.php/aisthesis/issue/current 2015

A Parte Rei: Revista de Filosofía http://serbal.pntic.mec.es/~cmunoz11/ 2005-06-15 A Parte Rei. YouTube channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/parterei 2011

Academic Computing 4 (Jan. 1990).

Academy of Management Journal 39 (1996).

Das Achtzehnte Jahrhundert

Acta Juridica (1977).

Acta Psychologica 26 (1967). Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales Ed. Pierre Bourdieu EHESS Vol. 4 (July 1975).

Adults Learning. Journal.

The Advocate 7 Aug. 1984.

Aestuaria. Ed. Josefa Feria Martín. Huelva: Diputación Provincial. Vol. 2 (1994)

African Studies 11 (1952).

After Image 4 (1972).

Afrika und Übersee

Alcores: revista de historia contemporánea 1 (2006).

Alkalmazott nyelvtudomány

All Area 2 (1983).

Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie

Altalános nyelvészeti tanulmányok

Alter: Revue de phénomenologie 1.3 (1995).

Alternatives 16 (1991).

Ámbitos 26 (2014).

América: Cahiers du CRICCAL

América Sin Nombre

American Anthropologist 58 (June 1956).

American Antiquity 55.4 (1990). American Atheist 31.9 (Austin, TX, 1989).

American Behavioral Scientist 12 (1968).

The American Benedictine Review 23 (1972).

American Bureau of Ethnology iii.

American Economic Review 75 (1985).

American Educational Research Journal 14 (1977).

American Ethnologist 14 (1987).

American Heritage 14 (1963).

American Historical Review 34 (1929). American Historical Review 3 (1978).

American Imago 45 (1989).

American Journal of Archaeology http://www.ajaonline.org/ 2007-02-11

American Journal of Education 96 (1988).

American Journal of Legal History 6 (1962).

American Journal of Philosophy 79 (1963).

American Journal of Physical Anthropology 84 (1990).

American Journal of Psychiatry 127.1 (1970).

American Journal of Psychology 488 (1945).

American Journal of Sociology 69 (1963). Chicago: U of Chicago P.

American Journal of Theology and Philosophy American Museum Journal Vol. 16 (1916).

American Naturalist 114 (1979).

American Neptune. Peabody Essex Museum journal on maritime history and arts. Ed. Donald Marshall. Peabody Essex Museum, East India Sq., Salem, MA 01970-3783. E-mail: [email protected]

American Philosophical Quarterly 2 (1965).

American Political Science Review 67 (1973).

American Psychologist 41 (1986).

American Review of Sociology 10 (1984)7.

American Scholar 60.2 (Washington, DC, Spring 1991).

American Sociological Review 18 (1953).

American Sociologist 17 (1982).

The American Spectator 24 (March 1991).

Analecta Husserliana 14 (1983).

Anales de Historia del Arte. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid 1989- http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/revistasBUC/portal/modules.php? name=Revistas2&id=ANHA 2007-01-25

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Análisis: Revista de Investigación Filosófica. Departamento de Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia Universidad de Zaragoza https://papiro.unizar.es/ojs/index.php/analisis 2015

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Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities. Ed. Gerard Greenway. 44 Abbey Road. Oxford OX2 0AE. UK E-mail: [email protected] Vol. 1 (1996). (Best Journal award 1996).

Anglo-Norman Studies 13 (1990).

Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Cografya Fakültesi Dergisi 53.2 (2013).

Annales: Economies, sociétés, civilisations 27 (1972). Ed. Lucien Febvre and Marc Bloch, 1928, To 1956 (Febvre). Ed. Fernand Braudel. 1956-. Vol. 27 (1972).

Annales historiques de la Révolution française 45 (1973).

Annali Università degli studi di Napoli, Istituto di storia economica e sociale. Vol. 1 (1960).

Annals of Medical History 7 (1935).

Annual Review of Sociology 5 (1979).

Annual of Psychoanalyis 6 (1978).

Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Vol. 9 (Philadelphia, 1897). Vol. 364 (1966).

L'Année Sociologique 22 (1973).

Annuaire de l'EPHA 5 (1958-59).

Annuaire du Collège de France 40 (1960).

Annual Review of Anthropology 14 (1985).

Annual Review of Psychology 12 (1961).

Antaeus 61 (Autumn 1988).

Anthropologia (March 1874).

Anthropological Journal of Canada 10.1 (1972).

Anthropological Memoirs iii. I.

Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History 34.

Anthropological Quarterly 61.3 (July 1988).

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Anthropology of Religion eJournal Social Science Research Network http://www.ssrn.com/link/Anthropology-Religion.html 2014

Anthropology Today. Quarterly. RAI, 50 Fitzroy St., London W1P 5HS

Antioch Review 43 (Spring (1985).


Antiquity 45 (1981).

Anuario de Derecho Penal y Ciencias Penales 7 (1954).

Anuario de Estudios Medievales 3 (1966).

Anuario de Filosofía del Derecho 7 (1990).

Anuario del Departamento de Filosofía, Madrid: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Vol. 8 (1992).

Anuario Español de Legislación. Aranzadi.

Anuario Filosófico. Dir. Jaime Nuviola (U de Navarra).

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L'Arc 24 (1964).

Archaeologia 19.

Archaeology (July/Aug. 1995).

Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte

Archiv für die gesamte Psychologie

Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie

Archiv für Sozialgeschichte. Hannover: Verlag für Literatur und Zeitgeschehen. Vol. 5 (1965).

Archiv orientálni

Archives de Philosophie. France. Vol. 21 (1958).

Archives de Philosophie du Droit.

Archives de Psychologie 5.17 (1905).

Archives of Psychology 272.38 (1942).

Archivio di Filosofia 53 (1985).

Archivio storico per la Calabria e Lucania 27 (1958).

Archivio storico per le province napoletane ns 40 (1960).

Área abierta Universidad Complutense de Madrid http://www.ucm.es/info/cavp1/Area%20Abierta/portal1.htm 2007-01-25 Das Argument (March 1968).

Argument 31.2 (1989).

Arguments (1962).

Arkhiv russkoy revolyutsii. Russian émigré journal. Berlin. Vol. 22 (1937).


Arquitectura viva 2 (1988).


Art Bulletin 27 (1945); 75 (1993).

L'Art cinématographique 2 (Paris, 1927).

Art Forum 26.8 (April 1988).

Art History. Journal of the Association of Art Historians. Ed. Marcia Painton. Oxford: Blackwell. Vol. 12.2 (June 1989).

Art in America 74.6 (June 1986).

Art International 13.8 (1969).

Art Monthly Contemporary Visual Art Magazine. Suite 17, Charing Cross Road, London WC2 0DG.

Art Quarterly of National College Fund (1992). Arte, individuo y Sociedad Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid Vol. 15 (2003). http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/revistasBUC/portal/modules.php? name=Revistas2&id=ARIS 2007-01-25

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Arts and Sciences (Cornell) 4.2 (1983).

Arts Magazine 60.5 (January 1986).

Asclepio 49.1 (1997).

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Asia-Pacific Economic Review 1 (1995). Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

Asparkía. Investigació Feminista 11 (2000).

Association for Computers in the Humanities Newsletter 10 (Summer 1988).

Assuming Gender. Cardiff University.

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Astrolabio. Revista Internacional de Filosofía (Barcelona, 2008). Atlantic Literary Review 3.1 (January-March 2002) (V. S. Naipaul special issue).

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Aula Orientalis: Revista de Estudios de Próximo Oriente Antiguo

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 20.2 (2004).

The Australasian Journal of Philosophy

Australian & New Zealand Journal of Sociology 22.2 (July 1986).

Australian Financial Review

Australian Geographer 21 (1990).

Australian Journal of Educational Technology 7.1 (1991).

Australian Journal of Irish Studies

Australian Journal of Screen Theory 7 (1980).

Austrian Studies

Autopsia 1 (2010). Special issue: "Vox redux: Ventriloquism."

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Bijdragen: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie en Theologie

Black Scholar 20.4 (1989).

The Bloomsbury Review 24.5 (2004).

Boletín de estudios orteguianos. Madrid, 1994.

Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia 195.2 (1998). Boletín del Instituto de Estudios giennenses 160 (Jaén, 1996).

Boletín del Museo e Instituto Camón Aznar 94 (August 2004).*

Bollettino dell'Istituto di Diritto Romano 71 (1968).

Book Review 8.5 (April 1984).

Border Crossings 11.3 (1992).

Boston University Law Review 66.3-4 (1986).

Brentano-Studien XII. Verlag Roell, 2009.*

Britain and the World Sponsored by the British Scholar Society Ed. Gregory A. Barton (Australian National U) Edinburgh UP 2011

British Journal for the History of Philosophy

The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science

British Journal of Disorders of Communication 3 (1968).

British Journal of Photography http://www.bjp-online.com/ 2013

British Journal of Political Science 20.4 (Cambridge, 1990).

British Journal of Psychology 45 (1954).

British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 6 (1967).

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Bulletin of the Hegel Association. (Great Britain). Ed. J. M. Bernstein.

Bulletin of the History of Dentistry.

Bulletin of the Institute for Historical Research (London University) 41 (1968).

Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library 67 (1985).

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Burlington Magazine 105 (1963):.

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Le Cahier du Collège International de Philosophie 3 (March 1987).

Cahiers de Civilisation Médievale 7 (1964).

Cahiers du Chemin (Paris: Gallimard) 2 (January 1968).

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Cahiers du GRIF 13 (1976).

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Cahiers philosophiques

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Cambridge Historical Journal 12 (1956).

Cambridge Law Journal Nov. 1980.

Canadian Dimension 27.7 (1990).

Canadian Forum 26 (1946).

Canadian Geographer 33.1 (Spring 1989).

Canadian Journal of Economics 14 (1981): 470-87.

Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory 3 (1979). Canadian Journal of Psychology 37 (1983).

Canadian Journal of Sociology 19 (1994).

Cardozo Law Review 11.5-6 (July/August 1990).

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Columbia Law Review 79 (1979).

Combat 8 (August 1945).

Commentary 59.5 (May 1975).

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Common Sense 13 (Edinburgh, 1993).

Commonweal 10.9 (6 May 1983).

Commonwealth Review 2.1-2 (New Delhi, 1990).

Communication 12 (1989).

Communication and Cognition 29.2 (1996).

Communication Quarterly 33.2 (Spring 1985).

Communication Research 14 (1987).

Communication Yearbook 12 (1989).

Comparative Studies in Society and History 13 (1970). Comprehensive Psychiatry 13 (1972).

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Comunicación y Pedagogía 223 (2007).

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Cosmos: The Yearbook of the International Cosmological Society 2 (1986). Ed. Emily Lyle.

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