SAISA Planning Agenda Minutes

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SAISA Planning Agenda Minutes

SAISA Planning Agenda Minutes

Friday, 13 th March

9am to 10am

1. Art

A. As AES has never attended or hosted this event, we might have to “trade” it to another school?? (AES – Marty)

B. a. We do not want any interference in the program. Leave the actual program up to the art teachers. Ads and Directors need only to be involved with the logistics. Art teachers to be given existing framework (guidleines) and offer suggestions for change, to be reviewed in new school year hosted in Delhi (art teachers) b. Two days is completely inadequate. We are asking for four days in order to achieve any kind of meaningful depth and breadth. Two days are not enough for a cultural experience and social interaction. (option: 2 to 3 days) – Proposal – from AD – Motion for consent agenda. c. Stipends must be given to all the teachers hosting SAISA Art and a smaller stipend for those teachers bringing groups of students. There are many hours of preparations involved by the visiting teams. d. The SAISA Art must be held earlier in the year. Since this is an academic program, there are so many benefits from the event that would enhance learning and performance throughout the year. There is very little available in terms of Professional Development for artists in the region. Even NESA (LS – Luke – this was feedback from the Art teachers at the recent SAISA Art event)



1. AES not to host art next year as they have moved in a different direction. The hosting will be left and revisited when completing the tentative calendar at the end of the meeting. 2. Structure for SAISA Art:  Although the art teachers do want structure dictated to their program (art teachers want to focus on the cultural experience as all SAISA schools and their environments are unique), the Ad’s believe guidelines are needed, and the current art guidelines ( agreed upon at the previous SAISA planning meeting are appropriate) allow for creative flexibility. 3. Suggested that art and music teachers attend a SAISA meeting (2 or 3 teachers to get together) 4. The current Art guidelines to be given to the art teachers so that they are aware of the structure to make the changes they require in a special meeting. MOTION: Have one meeting scheduled where the Art teachers meet in Delhi in the fall to modify the Art guidelines

MOTION (OSC): That the SAISA Art teachers follow the existing Art format, and offer recommendations, adding specific program structures to suit the host school’s art requirements. 2nd – LAS For – 7 Against – 2 Abstain – MCS Carried

Discussion: Heads to decide if the Art teachers should attend a planning meeting prior to next year’s festival


2. Math

We need to clarify the structure of the 11/12th grade category for next year. (AIS/D – Mike)


Math changes made to the existing Math Rules:(Please refer to math attachment)

 Number 1 – Eligibility – allow a 9th/10th grade student to substitute in the 11th/12th grade competition  Number 5 – Individual competition – accepted  Number 8 – Prizes – accepted  Number 9 – Social activity – accepted  Number 10 – Logistics – recommendation: that each school sends a chaperone for each division

Proposal (AIS/D) – To accept all the SAISA Math rule changes. 2nd ASB For: 10 Carried

3.Music A. SAISA music host school: preferably someone other than us. We hosted last year and it would be nice if Lincoln picked it up however if another school is able to do it great! That said if we are asked to host saisa music next year we'll do it but it would be nice to have a couple years in between hosting. We may be interested in switching Track and Field with LS on this one! (AIS/D – Mike)

.B. There used to be representation by all the music people at this planning meeting and now there isn’t really any other than the ADs and Heads. For the future can each school send a music delegate so that they may meet separately and plan? (KAS – Scott) – Art too.

Music Discussion for heads: Music teachers to attend a planning meeting before the music festival.

4. Soccer

A. Girl’s Soccer Tournament: If Chennai hosts the event we would have to play on a modified size field for both games. We can run two games side by side of a field 70 m x 45m with goals that are 16m x 8m (as apposed to the standard measurements of 100m x 55m and 24m x 8.4m. Second option is that we have to play all games on one field playing from early am until well into the evening (we do now have lights on the field so playing at night is an option). (AIS/C – Elizabeth)

B. 1. Trophies - it would be nice to have one to keep (something to have besides from the traveling trophy). For GBB last weekend, we did trophies for places 1-8 -- nothing special, but good to have something to hold onto. They did it for Soccer in Chennai last year and it was much appreciated.

B. 2. A coaches meeting at the end of each day would have helped to clear the air on any controversial issues. (LS – Luke)


 AIS/C mentioned that they could host SAISA girl’s soccer next year. Two options: 1. Use two fields but one field is smaller (10m less in width) 2. Play on one field only, but as the event will take longer, have the option to play under flood lights. It was decided to revisit the suggestion when planning the calendar later in the meeting.  Trophies – individual school to provide individual member trophies for their teams, if they place in the tournament

Proposal (LS) – In addition to the traveling trophies, permanent trophies for 1st, 2nd, 3rd are awarded to the teams 2nd – OSC For – 8 Against – 2 Carried

Discussion: AIS/C is missing from a traveling trophy. At the time that the trophy is renewed, updates (if any) needed to be added (corrected). The last school’s name on the trophy should make the new trophy. (ASB) – Brij – will put the official SAISA logo on the website for all future trophies to be made.


A. More recognition for the better athletes in the Basketball Tournament!

This would be in addition to the current "SAISA Tournament Player Award"

Proposal: Get medals, nice ones worth holding on to, which would recognize the tournament's best players. (Cost is very low and would mean a lot to a HS athlete to be earned and be recognized as an "All-Tournament Player." (We may want to re-look closer at the names of these awards...see below) How it Works: Each coach selects one player to be given the "Coaches Award", which can mean any number of things depending upon who each coach wants to recognize and why. (This is the same as our current award). In addition, have a ballot for coaches to nominate 12 players from other teams (not their own) and have the top three votes worth 4 points, the next three be worth 3 points, next three at 2 points and last three be worth 1 point each. This would allow the Tournament Director to establish the top 10 players from the tournament for the "All Tournament Award" while still having a player from each team be honored/recognized with the "Coaches Award". The ISST, large European athletic organization as well as the IASAS Organization have used this point system for many years and the point system seems to work well in basketball (AIS/D – Mike)

Has been brought up in the past but AD’s have never agreed/finalized a set format.


Proposal (AIS/D) – Re introduce the “All Star” team. Discussion followed about how to select the “All Star” team. This would be applied to all team sports.

MOTION (AIS/D) – To further persue the proposal put forward by AIS/D as per agenda 2nd – MCS For – 6 Against – 3 Abstain – 1 Scott, Mike (AIS/D), Elizabeth and Luke to draft criteria for the proposal above and communicate to the other Ad’s via email, with the purpose of introducing it for the next school year (2009-2010).

6. Swimming

A. Are there any provisions/allowances for people with disabilities? For instance, we could possibly swim with the team who has Cerebral Palsy and cannot physically move his body to fit within the definitions of the breaststroke. What about a one-armed person who cannot touch the wall with two hands? (AIS/D – Mike)

B. 1: Give every competitor a point for participating.

B. 2: Anything that’s a timed final should be seeded. More clarity on the seeding process and if it will be part of the 200 IM? Everyone agrees not to seed sprints.

B. 3: Social option needs closer examination since the "dance" is not productive. Comments were...

Not everyone was happy with the dance, suggestions included each age group (all different schools together) goes out to a restaurant together, they eat and chat then go home. Each different age group goes to a different restaurant. A variety of choices for students. Send swimmers back to their hosts earlier.

B. 4: Unlimited numbers can enter the 50 free events? All agree this needs further discussion. (OSC – Mike) –


Discussion (AIS/D) – students with disabilities – can we make allowance for these students to participate in SAISA events:  School to communicate to hosting AD what the disability is (include medical information). The hosting AD to then get feedback from all SAISA Ad’s for approval prior to the tournament  Follow para-olympic rules that are already in existence as SAISA adaptions.

Discussion: Give every participant a point for participating. At the close of the discussion it was agreed that the swimming points systems remain as they are.

MOTION (OSC) – Any individual timed final in swimming will be seeded (clarification on seeding – fastest swimmers in the same race). 2nd AIS/C For – 10 Carried

Discussion: Can a bell ring be added for the last lap reminder, for swimmers. AIS/C suggested a colored marker line on the individual lane pool side indicating to the swimmer that it is their last lap.

Discussion: Need to review the social activities – decided to discuss this under the general items.

Discussion: Unlimited numbers can enter the 50m freestyle? No agreement to change.

10:00 am to 10:30am – Coffee and refreshments

10:30am to 12:30pm

7. Athletics

A. Swimming and Track - re-visit an all SAISA event, maybe with allowing only 2 athletes per school to compete in each event, not 3. Teams in hotels to help with hosting issues. (LAS – Louise)

B. I have some questions over the T&F 3rd and 4th weekends (ASB – Brij)

C. Is the scoring system in SAISA West Track the same as SAISA East and if so why as the team numbers and participant numbers are different? (KAS – Scott)


Proposal (LAS): Can SAISA West schools join SAISA East with swimming and track due to the history of cancellations of events in Pakistan?  SAISA West schools do not send full teams but only send students with competitive times.  SAISA West schools only compete as “invitational”.  SAISA West swim meet and track still continue  SAISA East schools can accommodate the extra number of students  Perhaps extend swim and track to 3 days?

MOTION ( ) – SAISA East and SAISA West combine for 2009-2010 swim and track meets on a trial basis only, and will be reviewed at the 2010 SAISA planning meeting. If the host school cannot house and transport SAISA West teams, SAISA West schools will incur all costs involved. 2nd – LAS For: 8 Against: 1 Abstain: 1 Carried

Discussion (KAS): The scoring system – the points awarded should be decreased for meets with less than 6 teams.

Proposal: To look into the scoring system for the SAISA West meet to comply with IAAF.

8. Tennis

A. Review all rules and set them to clearly cover the way the tournament actually has been run. Revisit the whole tie breaker concept.

Round Robin Tie-Breaker change

a. Head-to-head competition b. Set (Games won between tied teams) between tied teams. c. Point (Games) differential between tied teams. d. Overall set differential.Eliminated e. Overall point differential. Will leave in!

After a team is eliminated, the remaining tied teams start again at step A.

Rephrase – because we aren’t playing sets – only 1 match. Replace Set with games won. Also then continue to place the remaining tied players based on their game record rather than going back to head to head (was the request from several coaches). Establish that individual seeds are first placed by Head-to-head and if tied then go with the game differential between tied teams and finish off ranking the tied teams.

Establish how points are to be scored throughout the tournament. Is it keeping 1 point for a win and 0 for a loss of the Match – as we did here in Chennai…or adding all of the game wins … as is the norm for tennis tournaments in other leagues. Establish a point system for overall categories to be established by the total # of games won. (AIS/C – Elizabeth) Change to point per game won!

B. Sometimes in tennis, it is advantageous to have doubles teams set up as 1-3, 2-4 (because of style of play, strengths/weaknesses, etc). Could we look at possibly relaxing the rule stating doubles must be 1-2, 3-4?

Teams would still have to declare which of the two teams is their number 1 and number 2 doubles of course, and also would have to abide by the same code of honor we use when seeding our singles players, meaning be honest and don't try to manipulate your doubles seeding. (AIS/D – Mike)

Doubles teams can be any combination of single order players, but must declare which partnerships are seeded one and two. (number 7) Tennis

Discussion  If it is a three way tie, the head to head is irrelevent  Tie breaker rule to be rephrased – playing sets to playing games  Replace set differential to games won

MOTION (AIS/C) – Change the way the tie break rule is written in tennis to: 1. Head to head competition 2. Games won (between tied teams) 3. Game differential 4. Overall point differential 2nd – LAS For – 9 Against – 1 Carried

Discussion Eastablish how points are to be scored throughout the tournament

MOTION (AIS/C) – Team scores will be kept on the number of games won throughout the tournament. 2nd – AIS/D For – 9 Abstain – 1 Carried

Discussion: Allowing flexibility in doubles combinations

MOTION (AIS/D) – Under number 7 of the doubles rules add: Doubles teams can be any combination of the individual players, but must declare which partnership is seeded 1 + 2. 2nd – AIS/C For – 10 Carried

9. Officiating/General Concerns

A. We need to review and decide on our pool rotations for the coming year at least. We could do this each year, every two years, or every three years, as done most recently. Possible ways to do it: 2) Based on school size, like what was done most recently 1) Based on placement of teams the previous year 3) Based on set, balanced rotation of all teams for all sports 4) Based on completely random drawing for each sport. We need to review all our school enrollments, in case this is used for pool selection.

SAISA Enrollments — March 2005 (Needs to be updated) Elementary Middle School High School Total AES 582 267 299 1148 AIS/D 315 (339) 151 (149) 182 (209) 648 (697) ASB 227 105 140 472 OSC 199 81 113 393 KAS 134 72 125 331 AISC 148 (386) 73 (137) 78 (175) 299 (698) LAS 109 71 108 288 ISOI 122 71 94 287 LS 102 38 88 228


SAISA Enrollments March 2009

Elementary Middle School High School Total AES 726 300 356 1,382 AISC 386 137 175 698 AISD 334 145 208 687 ASB 336 157 164 657 ISOI 135 77 63 275 KAS 136 81 114 331 LAS 216 83 165 464 LS 151 79 100 330 MCS 16 24 30 70 OSC 181 96 128 405

General Agenda Items

Pool Rotation Review

Discussion: What possible ways can the pool rotation be formulated?

 Based on school size  Based on placement of teams in tournaments the previous year  Based on a set balanced rotation for all teams for all sports  Based on a random draw for each sport.

Overall the pool rotation over the last 3 years worked well

MOTION Option 1 (AISD) – Keep the current matrix and extend for another 3 years Option 2 (AIS/D) – The pools would be decided on the placement of the teams the previous year. Schools that did not attend the tournament the previous year would be placed according to high school enrolment numbers. Pool A – 1, 4, 5, 8, 10 Pool B – 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 2nd ( ) For – 6 Against 4 (LAS, OSC, ASB, AIS/C) Carried

MOTION (ISOI) – Revisit the pool rotation after 2 years (2011) 2nd – OSC Carried unanimously What is the process for discussing possible new SAISA sports and academic events? Three events have surfaced recently in my discussions with coaches at AIS/D:

1) What’s the chance of pursuing a SAISA Cricket Invitational (East)? It’s been talked about, but seems there isn’t interest with other schools in the East? Still true? 2) Is anyone interested in coming to a “Badminton Invitational” next year? It would run concurrently with the Track and Field season. We could pilot it for a couple of years to gauge interest and then proceed from there. 3) Is there any chance of adding Speech and Debate as a SAISA event next year? Since none of the schools have a team right now it could be a small affair next year if it was done. AISD teacher can make suggestions for events and give information to schools on how to start up a program (its all on line at the national high school forensics (speech and debate) website).

New SAISA sport and academic events

Discussion with Heads – What is the process for adding events?

 SAISA Cricket – SAISA East cannot participate in Pakistan, therefore East would host. There are other formats of the game that would allow matches to be played on adapted fields. If a 6 player format, schools would take 2 teams.  Badminton – to be offered as an invitational event. Dhaka would like to invite any schools interested in attending on May 2, 2009.

Discussion: Combine SAISA raquet sports eg; tennis, table tennis and badminton

 Adding Speech and Debate – refer to AIS/C Forensics proposal to be discussed with Heads

Current “extra-team policy” states: High school • If a pool is missing two teams, the bottom team from the other pool slides over. • If a pool is missing one team, the host school has the choice of running a full round-robin tournament OR doing one of the following (in this order): 1) Enter its own “B-Team,” 2) Invite the B-team of another SAISA school, in order of size, OR 3) Enter another developmentally comparable local team There has been the suggestion that #2 above be changed to read: 2) invite the B-team of the school who was champion the previous year in that sport, then runner up, etc.

Also, what about the issue of adding B-Teams from larger schools? For instance, this past year at the basketball tournament, 8 teams showed up. We kept it at that because current rules say so, but what if we added two B-Teams from the larger schools (or schools that placed highest the previous year) in the tournament. I think it’s commonly understood these B-teams would add value to the tournament, but it’s certainly up for discussion. (AIS/D – Mike)

Extra Team policy

Invite the B-team of another SAISA School in order of High School size.

------B. SAISA Conduct Consequences

Penalties can be interpreted differently. Appears first two sentences contradict each other and further clarification as to what is meant by game/event. In tennis that would be 1 game out of the first match immediately after the infraction. Suspension from the next game/event. The consequences of violation of any of these items will be suspension from all activities for 24 hours. If the violation occurs on the last day of the event, the student will be suspended front all activities on the last day. It will be the responsibility of the student's home school to impose further appropriate disciplinary action.

C. Propose rephrasing for clarity of next game/event & all activities. Also clarity in an event such as tennis – where missing just the first game of a match is hardly much of a penalty. (AIS/C – Elizabeth)

SAISA Code of Conduct Consequences

MOTION (AIS/C) – To change the wording for consequences in number 2. 3. 4 to “suspension from all activities for 24 hours from the start of the event schedule 2nd – LAS For – Carried unanimously

12:30pm to 1:o0pm – Break for Lunch

1:30pm to 3:00pm

D. Sportsmanship:

Propose immediate sharing the results of voting in terms of the total votes given to each team in each sport – with the AD of that school. This may be a way of giving feedback to teams that are receiving high or low rating from their peers. This might help schools who are having trouble with specific team/coach/players to show the impact of their players on the school’s reputation. (AIS/C – Elizabeth) Sportsmanship

Moved to discuss Sportsmanship later in the meeting. ------E. ASB discussion/proposal on a. Standardized preliminary season / activity information form. b. Preliminary Season / Activity Information

(a) Standardized preliminary season / activity information form.

Rational  Having a standardized preliminary form will allow for better dissemination of information from host school. It will support new AD’s and allow visiting schools to find information in one place. Proposal

Preliminary information will be distributed on the official SAISA form

(B) Preliminary Season / Activity Information

Rational  Often preliminary information comes out between the first week of the season and the third. Would like to back this up by 6-9 weeks so that it comes out 7 weeks before the official start of the season. In the case of September sports / activities it comes out before the end of the previous school year which will support the work of incoming AD’s.

 Complications this year: Art: the final schedule came out after ASB students had been give details, costs etc. Art sponsors added a one night off site $35 per hard event. Would have been good to have has this in the student information letter.

 Greater need to book flights earlier.

 Will assist schools to turn information in by deadlines.

 Increased time frame for planning and distribution of information can only support our processes and host school organization.  What stops us from doing this?

Proposal Preliminary information will be distributed to the host school 14 weeks before the event. In the case of September sports / activities preliminary information will be distributed before the end of the previous school year.( ASB – Brij)

Prelimenary information form

MOTION (ASB) – To standardize the preliminary season/activity information form. This standardized form would help disseminate information from the host school, and would also help to support the new AD’s. 2nd – AIS/C For – 10 Carried unanimously

MOTION (ASB) – For the host school to send out the Preliminary information form to schools 7 weeks before the official start of the tournament. In the case of September sports/activities, the form goes out before the end of the previous school year. 2nd – AES For – 9 Abstain – 1 Carried

F. ASB discussion /proposal Current by-law 1. SAISA by-laws rule – VI “Chaperones must stay in the host family houses provided by the host school.” I do not know the history behind this rule. I know schools, including ASB, have diverged from this rule for good reasons. I know other conferences follow this rule tightly and run a continuum all the way to hotels for coaches.

 Where are we with this policy?  Do we support it without exception?  Is there room for special circumstances?  How does each of us deal with requests from coaches when they come? I guess I am asking these questions to see if there is room for adaption of this by-law. Proposal

“Chaperones must stay in the host family houses provided by the host school. Alternatively the visiting school may request a hotel stay for its chaperones. In such cases the host school does not have any responsibility for transport or other usual services” (ASB – Brij)

Discussion: of the SAISA by-law (VI) –“ Chaperones must stay in the host family houses provided by the host schooL”  Giving coaches the option would interfer with chaperone duties  Need to allow for exceptional circumstances

Decided not to change the rule as it is in the by-laws.


Schedule for 2 and 3 day events (review attched documents)

Discussion:  Is 4 games too much in one day for volleyball  Volleyball can play an extra game than basketball and soccer

MOTION (AIS/D) – To adopt the A10 (with option B) format for soccer, volleyball and basketball 2nd – OSC For – 10 Carried unanimously

MOTION (LS) – To adopt the 8 team format with a change in the wording to reflect that basketball, soccer and volleyball can be played with 1 or 2 venues. 2nd – AIS/D For – 10 Carried unanimously

MOTION (LAS) – To accept all the formats for volleyball, basketball and soccer with the exception of A10 option a, and B10 2nd – ISOI For – 9 Abstain – 1 Carried

------G. Website: can we do a quick walk through of the saisa-org site and how we want each school to use it as much as possible?

Website –

Discussion:  Brij demonstrated usage of the website  Past tournament information archived on the site  AIS/D and ASB will update the site with rule changes etc. AES acknowledged the hard work and initiative of the developers

Trophies: What are our standard team sport trophies vs. our standard swim/track/tennis? Traveling or keepers?


Discussion:  To change the wording in the Track and Field rules and regulations from ribbons to medals for the top 6 placings. Tennis  too many trophies awarded considering the number of participants  Change trophy awarding to Team standings - 1st to 3rd boys, 1st to 3rd girls with individual medals for 1st to 3rd boys, 1st to 3rd girls

Fees: Are coaches/chaperones charged either the $40 fee or the food fee?


Discussion: Reminder that next year the fees are $50. Chaperones and coaches are not charged.

Hosting: Do any SAISA schools make hosting mandatory for their participants? And/or give any benefits to multiple hosts?

Discussion: Some schools make hosting mandatory

KUDOS: saisa-org. website organizers, AISC for most returned ID’s

Tech: How does your school handle the “tech expectations” of the tournament/festival video/taping/live feed/copies?Talking about the slide show at the end of the tournament (AES-Marty)

Tech expectations for tournaments/festivals. Discussion: The expectations seem to be increasing each year. Should there be a video created and given to each school at the end of the tournament? Not mandatory. Any school wishing to set up live streaming etc. can approach AIS/D for a tech contact.

3:00pm to 3:30pm – Coffee and refreshments

3:30pm to 5:00pm

H. Build in a day or a half day for the traveling students to do a quality sight-seeing trip. This has been done in other quality schools/organizations and is a way for the students to gain valuable experiences they might not otherwise have.

Building in extra time at an event to allow for a cultural experience (AIS/D)

Discussion: Perhaps hosting AD can organize a block of time in the tournament schedule to allow for this? How feasible is this? Should this be an individual school issue?

Gather information on what the policy is at schools pertaining to students being expected to take tests/turn in papers or work upon returning after a sports trip; how many days are students given to make up work or before expected to take a test that was given while they were away or on their return (AIS/D – Mike)

What are academic expectations from schools for missed days? (AIS/D)

Discussion: Some feedback – One days grace for each days absence and completing work before leaving (LS) ------I. AISC would like you to consider adding a SAISA Forensics Invitational to the offerings for 2009- 2010. We are prepared to host the two-day competition and would suggest running it as a Saturday/Sunday event because of the room requirements. Discussion only, will decide with Heads.

Possible timing for the event: End of January Before Spring Break Before Winter Break ------

J. a) Site Directors at tournaments

Have a Site Director/ who is a knowledgeable Athletic staff member who makes themselves known to all coaches prior to every game. Their job is to sit at the official’s bench and make sure SAISA standards are upheld. Only the coaches should be able to approach the Officials when the Site Director is present. Discussion.

Disciplinary action needs to be taken against the Teacher-Coaches, Student-athletes & Schools that abuse the official/s and that bring the game into disrepute. Do we need a form to Evaluate Schools from a hosting school perspective that is sent back to their respective principal/ HoS? b: ADs of the SAISA schools need to reinforce what the Sportsmanship Award is for and equally what the SAISA Tournament Player Award is for.

The criteria for players selection is: sense of fair-play, team cooperation/contribution, personal effort, positive attitude towards own team and opponents, inspiration to other players/students, and display of leadership qualities.

There were some unsavory incidents during the games in Dhaka. These infractions of indiscipline were not in the spirit of what SAISA Athletics represents and needs to be brought to the attention of both the Schools’ Administration, their Athletic Directors and the SAISA School Heads.

Disciplinary action at events (OSC)

Discussion:  Do we need a form to evaluate schools from a hosting school perspective that is sent back to the respective principal/Heads of school?  Communicate sportsmanship results to each participating school  Hosting AD sends out overall behavior of the team to each school  Is there a need for a formal evaluation form?  OSC will work on developing the formal feedback form

Discussion:  LAS and LS Boy’s soccer match behaviour was not acceptable of coaches and players  A coaches meeting at the close of each day would be helpful  Action needs to be taken at the time – it is very difficult to deal with it after the incident  Suggestion that Boy’s soccer be on probation next year and that if there is poor behaviour/sportsmanship again, the tournament should be suspended the following year  The purpose of SAISA events is to promote collaboration, cooperation, sportsmanship etc.  Evaluation from the host school might help to address some of these issues

Proposal (AIS/D) – Statement of Sportsmanship letter to outline specific rules and consequences to be given to all coaches and players in all SAISA schools. AES will develop the letter for next years tournaments.

MOTION (AIS/D) – Develop a document to notify all participating teams that they are on probation for the 2009-2010 Boy’s soccer tournament. 2nd – LAS For – 10 Carried unanimously c) Depending on location and sport / activity there needs to be a more appropriate social activity for the students. Dances & or movie nights don’t appear to be effective. What are our options? Discussion.

Social activities at events

Discussion:  Each team have their own dinner during one evening  Single gender tournaments make dances less attractive  Social interaction between teams is important  A list will be created with ideas and option for social activites and circulated amongst the AD’s d) Closing ceremonies. Do these need to be made under agreed tech criteria so that each team is given equal footage, names, scores, placement, etc? Would suggest an agreed format help hosting schools? Discussion.

Closing ceremonies

Discussion: AES will circulate a format for all SAISA schools e; can we add the coaches hospitality room to the SAISA Evaluation Sheet. Should this Evaluation sheet be made available to all participating / SAISA schools? (OSC – Mike)

SAISA Evaluation Sheet

MOTION (OSC) – Add coaches hospitality room to SAISA evaluation form. ASB will develop the form 2nd – ASB For – 10 Carried unanimously ------

K. Clarify the rule that if a team borrows players “they cannot place” which could mean through 8th place. It is suggested that it be changed to “they cannot advance to the 1st through 4th winner’s side”. (LS – Luke)

Rule clarification for borrowing players

Discussion: The rule concerned with borrowing players means they play all the games at the event but forfeit all points. ------M. SAISA Virtual Schools Competition Would SAISA member schools be interested in a virtual seasonal sport skills competition for each sport that is part and parcel of the coaches’ practice – nothing additional? This would also encompass an individual fitness competition for SAISA athletes, gender differentiated. The rationale for this is to ensure that our athletes maintain an acceptable level of fitness (minimize injury) through out the year, taking into consideration the SAISA sport schedule.

Once a pilot has developed it would be introduced to the surrounding school sports organizations in Asia, Middle East and Africa, giving the conferences a universal virtual sports platform. (ISOI)

M. SAISA Virtual Schools Competition

Discussion: Shane will send out more information to all SAISA schools.

N. Calendar

SAISA Events Calendar 2009- 2010 Proposal

SAISA Events Calendar 2009 – 2010 Tentative




3rd weekend in September 18th – 20th Leadership Conference TBC September Fri, Sat, Sun 4th weekend in September 18th – 20th SAISA Girls’ Volleyball AES September Fri, Sat, Sun 4th weekend in September 18th – 20th SAISA Boys’ Volleyball LS September Fri, Sat, Sun SAISA Swim Meet 4th weekend in September 25th – 26th ASB (East) September Fri, Sat 4th weekend in September 25th – 26th SAISA Swim Meet (West) KAS/TBC September Fri, Sat November 19th – 21st SAISA Math AIS/D 1st weekend in March Thu, Fri, Sat November 19th – 21st SAISA Art AIS/D 1st weekend in March Thu, Fri, Sat

3rd weekend in November 20th – 22nd SAISA Girls' Soccer AISC November Fri, Sat, Sun

3rd weekend in November 20th – 22nd SAISA Boys' Basketball AES November Fri, Sat, Sun

Cricket (SAISA West 4th weekend in November 27th – 28th LAS Invitational) November Fri, Sat, Sun 1st weekend in February 5th – 7th SAISA Music LS February Fr, Sat, Sun 3rd weekend in February 19th-21st SAISA Tennis AIS/C February Fri, Sat, Sun 3rd weekend in February 19th-21st SAISA Boys' Soccer AES February Fri, Sat, Sun 3rd weekend in February 19th-21st SAISA Girls Basketball OSC February Fri, Sat, Sun

4th weekend in February 12th – 14th Invitational MUN OSC February Fri, sat, Sun

SAISA Planning Meeting 2nd weekend in March March 12th – 13th

SAISA Track & Field April 22nd – 24th AIS/D 4th weekend in April (SAISA East) Thu, Fri, Sat (opt) SAISA Track & Field April 16th – 17th ISOI 3rd weekend in April (SAISA West) Fri, Sat

Events may be Thur-Sat or Fri-Sun, depending on host school weekend.

AES=New Delhi • AISC=Chennai • AIS/D=Dhaka • ASB=Bombay • ISOI=Islamabad KAS=Karachi • LS=Lincoln • LAS=Lahore • MCS=Murree • OSC=Colombo

SAISA Events Calendar 2010- 2011 Proposal


HOSTING Scheduled EVENT & TOURNAMENT EVENT SCHOOL Weekend DATES 2009 - 2010 3rd weekend in September 17th – 20th Leadership Conference TBC September Fri, Sat, Sun SAISA Swim Meet 4th weekend in September 24th – 25th AIS/C (East) September Fri, Sat SAISA Swim Meet 4th weekend in September 24th – 25th TBC (West) September Fri, Sat 4th weekend in September 24th – 26th SAISA Girls’ Volleyball ASB September Fri, Sat, Sun 4th weekend in September 24th – 26th SAISA Boys’ Volleyball AIS/D September Fri, Sat, Sun 3rd weekend in November 19th – 21st SAISA Girls' Soccer AES November Fri, Sat, Sun 3rd weekend in November 19th – 21st SAISA Boys' Basketball OEC November Fri, Sat, Sun 3rd weekend in November 19th – 21st SAISA Art LS March Fri, Sat, Sun 3rd weekend in November 19th – 21st SAISA Math LS March Fri, Sat, Sun Cricket (SAISA West 4th weekend in November 19th – 21st KAS Invitational) November Fri, Sat, Sun 1st weekend in February 4th - 6th SAISA Music AIS/D February Th, Fr, Sat 3rd weekend in February 18th-20th SAISA Tennis AIS/C February Fri, Sat, Sun 3rd weekend in February 18th-20th SAISA Boys' Soccer TBC February Fri, Sat, Sun 3rd weekend in February 18th-20th SAISA Girls Basketball LS/AES February Fri, Sat, Sun 4th weekend in Invitational MUN TBC February 25th -27th February 2nd weekend in SAISA Planning Meeting March 11th – 12th March SAISA Track & Field 4th weekend in April 22nd – 23rd AIS/D (SAISA East) April Fri, Sat SAISA Track & Field 3rd weekend in April 15th – 16th ISOI (SAISA West) April Fri, Sat

*Weekends may be Fri - Sat or Sat - Sun depending on host school which may move events by one day.

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