Minutes of State Referee Meeting

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Minutes of State Referee Meeting



Don Minton started the Referee meeting at 7:00PM.

Present at tonight’s meeting were the following members – Don Minton, Jesus Zornoza, John Gugliotti (NW), Joe Maimone (Central), Glen Randmer (SW), Stan Kupinski, Steven Wollins, Doug Mariano, Carl Dal Bon, Tim Brennan, Kathy Zolad, and Sue Schultz.

Corrections to the minutes – Rick Eddy should be Rick Bryant and Glen Randner should be spelt Glen Randmer. These will be corrected.


Jessica Hyde: Jesus spoke regarding the report that Jessica had sent, as she is in Hawaii attending the Veteran’s Cup. We need more mentors as we have many campers. We would like to try to maintain the program. Thirty to thirty-two campers with only three mentors, this is not counting Jesus Zornoza, Steven Wollins and Jessica Hyde. We need people closer in age to the campers. Jesus suggested that we put some pressure on some of the former referees to help with the mentoring program. He also stated that Jessica has done a very nice job.

Carl Dal Bon: He would like to hold an Assignor Clinic at the CJSA office on Saturday, August 21 from 8:00AM – 5:00PM. He thinks that the numbers could be from eight to fifteen. He will let Sue know what the numbers are as the clinic date draws closer. He could also set up out in the lobby area if it gets too big for our conference room. Carl also felt that people are confused regarding assignor clinics and he hopes to clear things up for them with a new form on the website. Jesus felt that a monthly reminder to the club presidents could be helpful as they seem to wait until there is a crisis before they do anything. Carl wants anyone with questions to go right to the website and email him directly.

Steven Wollins: Steven stated that he has come up with a proposal regarding minimum ages for entry level courses.

Motion to accept this proposal was made by Steven Wollins, seconded by John Gugliotti. Then a discussion took place regarding the proposal as submitted.

After much discussion the following proposal was agreed upon by all present but one.

Proposal for minimum ages for entry level courses (Effective for all clinics beginning on September 1, 2004): Page 2 Minutes of 6/22/04

Grade 8 course:

For courses taught from June through August of the calendar year, the student must reach the age of 14 no later than August 31.

For courses taught during the fall season, 14 must be reached by the start date of the course.

For courses taught from December through May, the student must reach 14 by ay 1, or by the first date of the course if later than May 1.

Exceptions: A request must be sent to the SRA with copy to SDI in the form of a letter or an email. The student must be sponsored by a certified assignor and an adult who will act as mentor.

Grade 9 course:

All rules the same except minimum age of 12:

An 11 year old may take the course if an adult takes the course with them. Maximum of two students per adult.

Bridge course: One year in grade and reach 13 by the start of the course and appropriate number of games done.

Steven stated that the fees would vary but probably be around $45. Kathy felt that there should be a set fee as you are dealing with kids.

Don stated that the Grade 8 course covers a lot of games. Our list of referees – how many are working at all? Grade 9 is used as a filter to cut down on the non working referees. Let them come in at the Rec level and then if they show ability than let them go further.

Tim felt that Steve’s proposal holds merit as many that come in are under 14 and this way we can taylor-make the course to the group we have attending.

Carl felt that we should leave exceptions in there as Steve had it with a minor change. A letter should be sent on exceptions – no emails. Jesus would prefer email.

Steven had some issues regarding the facility not being properly equipped with all the necessary things used for the course. He feels that if the required equipment is not there then the instructor could walk out. Jesus stated that we have a better handle on this and Page 3 Minutes of 6/22/04 we should do better next year. There is one person that is responsible from the district for setting up the site and handling all of these issues. Jesus felt that this was a very good proposal as well. The younger referees are not maintaining and we are losing them.

Motion to accept the proposal with amendments was made by Tim Brennan, seconded by Jesus Zornoza. There was only one No vote. Motion carried.

Don thanked Steve for his work on the proposal.

There will be a Grade 8 course in August. A Grade 9 in Simsbury in July. We also have a request from SW.

There have been some inventory management problems. The special clinics that have been held were very successful. Regionals coming up and a Regional clinic as well. Kathy asked Steven if he was able to attend the workshop in Dallas and he told her that he was unable to as school begins at that time.

Jesus Zornoza: Jesus needs feedback from the group for the National Program regarding a letter he received dated June 2 from Julie regarding the workshop. Jesus is working on developing a website for referees as per the June 16 memo from the federation. He will put together a few questions that we are asked from the administrative point of view.

The data that has been submitted with the number of referees does not match ours. They are behind. We have 3606 referees in CT. We have had trouble with computers being infected with a virus. Jesus felt that we should use Hammerhead for this system. It would have to be kept somewhere, and maintained by someone and have a form of security with it. He had a proposal from Hammerhead that he will defer to Stan for his input.

There was some discussion regarding a mentoring program. Glen from SW mentioned that Monroe has had Greg Barrett working and setting up a mentoring program for them.

It was felt that the referee should be able to pick the mentor and have an express desire to be mentored. This becomes a foundation of their improvement that they have a need for and want to do. Don felt that perhaps a group could join and watch the Monroe program and see how Greg Barrett works his mentoring program. Jesus would just like to see us do something rather than talk about it. It is worth pursuing and should be developed into something.

Jesus has sent out a list of game priorities. This is for your information. The Pro game is a different story. Page 4 Minutes of 6/22/04

Stan Kupinski/Glen Randmer: Web information for data base registration and upgrade process can all be done via the web with passwords for all seven (7) ARS’s; etc. Stan suggested that everyone read the proposal and let him know by email any comments you might have regarding this process.

Joe Maimone, Assigning: CSL has semifinals on Wednesday at Falcon Field at 6 and 8PM. Finals Sunday at 6 and 8PM. Joe felt that the adult side was fine this past Spring but the youth side had some problems with games being assigned and referees were there but games had been changed by the teams without the referees knowledge. He is also looking to set up a fitness test and recert for adults and some college age kids on August 16. There will be a clinic for everyone interested on August 16 at 6:45PM and another on November 15.

Joe would like an Intermediate Clinic and an Advance Clinic set up in the State.

Glen Randmer: Glen stated that whatever you have just get it to him or let him know if anything that you see is wrong on the website. He has been working on assigning and many have not logged onto the site to see their assignments.

Stan had submitted his resignation to Mr. Carmody as head of assigning effective this Sunday, June 27, 2004.

With regard to the web Jesus wants to minimize the number of people that go to Hammerhead. Sue from the CJSA office will also be a contact.

Doug Mariano: Doug had no report. Don stated that we would like to have an activity report from him.

Bill Foley: Bill had no report.

Tim Brennan: Tim had no report.

New Business: John Gugliotti is having a Grade 8 Entry Level course in Norfolk, CT. It starts July 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 24, 2004 at the National Iron Bank Meeting Room. He is also putting together a recertification targeted at college age adults for the last week in July, but open to everyone.

For the Good of Soccer: Doug mentioned that we have a new Assessor, Carl Dal Bon. We have had a few upgrades recently so he will get together with Ann Powers to update her records. Doug had not received his badge and wondered if the information was sent. Also the referees pay has been the same for many years. Page 5 Minutes of 6/22/04

Don stated that we can have some badges ordered and given out for by a specific person for just such a purpose.

Don also stated that he has a genuine appreciation of what we all do. We need to find more people who will help us out. Our game is not important – we are serving people and players.

Our next meeting will be August 23, 2004 at 6:30 PM.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Gerry Koppe

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