Lesson 2: Principles of Design

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Lesson 2: Principles of Design

Lesson 2: Principles of Design

Materials: - Overhead – Canada’s Greatest Inventions, or projector and website www.cbc.ca/invention - PowerPoint Presentation – Design - Handouts - “Brainteasers” - “Package Design” or “Design a Paper Tower”

Introduction: A) The importance of design a. What are some of the most important inventions or our time? b. Refer to www.cbc.ca/invention for Canada’s greatest inventions (or use attached reference sheet, Canada’s 50 Greatest Inventions.) c. Discuss some of the great Canadian inventions of our time. d. What role did design play in the creation of these inventions? e. What stages do you think are involved in design? f. Do you think these creations were based on their original design or were changes and modifications made to the design? g. Why is design important before you make something?

Procedure: A) Use the power point presentation (found on cyber school under Middle Years PAA) to give students notes on the design process. 1. Background Information 2. Research 3. Brainstorming 4. Building 5. Testing 6. Assessment

B) Brainstorming Practice 1. Present students with handout titled, “Brainteasers.” Students can work on these in groups of two to four students. 2. Discuss solutions and the process as a class afterwards.

C) Review how to properly develop a design log. (Use design log sheets as a model.) You may want to use the following as notes or as verbal reinforcement:

Using a Design Log: Keeping accurate records of experiments and designs is an important part of engineering design. A design log combines aspects of a journal and a laboratory notebook. A journal is often used to reflect on experiences, or to express and develop ideas. Your task is to use your design log to record procedures in words and pictures, to record experimental data and to analyze results.

D) Design Practice 1. Students will design a paper tower or a product package to spec. In their same groups, students will then build and design a paper tower according to the specs presented on the handout titled, “Design a Paper Tower.” or “Package Design.”

Evaluation: Use the attached rubric to assess designs based on the principles of design. Handout: Canada’s 50 Greatest Inventions:

The following is a list of Canada’s greatest inventions as voted by the people of Canada. The vote took place in 2007 and was posted on www.cbc.ca/invention

1. Insulin, Treatment for Diabetes [1921, Frederick Banting, Charles Best] 2. Telephone [1876, Alexander Graham Bell] 3. Light Bulb [1874, Henry Woodward, Mathew Evans] 4. Five Pin Bowling [1908, Thomas F. Ryan] 5. Wonderbra [1964, Louise Poirier] 6. Pacemaker [1950, John Hopps, Wilfred Bigelow, John Callaghan] 7. Robertson Screw, 1908 [Peter Robertson] 8. Zipper [1913, Gideon Sundback] 9. Electric Wheelchair [1952, George Klein] 10. Poutine [1957, Fernand Lachance] 11. Cobalt-60 “Bomb” Cancer Treatment [1951, Harold Johns] 12. Java Programming Language [1994, James Arthur Gosling] 13. Bloody Caesar [1969, Walter Chell] 14. Canadarm [1975, Spar Aerospace/NRC] 15. Standard time [1878, Sir Sandford Fleming] 16. Electron Microscope [1939, James Hillier, Albert Prebus] 17. Ski-Doo [1922, Armand Bombardier] 18. BlackBerry [1999, Mike Lazaridis] 19. Radio Voice Transmission [1900, Reginald Fessenden] 20. Birchbark Canoe [First Peoples] 21. Basketball [1892, James Naismith] 22. Retractable Beer Carton Handle [1957, Steve Pasjack] 23. UV Degradable Plastics [1971, James Guillet] 24. Instant Replay [1955, CBC’s Hockey Night in Canada] 25. Goalie Mask [1959, Jacques Plante] 26. Marquis Wheat [1908, Sir Charles Saunders] 27. Pablum [1930, Alan Brown, Theodore Drake, Frederick Tisdall] 28. Lacrosse [First Peoples] 29. Electric Oven [1892, Thomas Ahearn] 30. Steam Fog Horn [1853, Robert Foulis] 31. Walkie-Talkie [1942, Donald L. Hings] 32. Alkaline Long-Lasting Battery [1959, Lewis Urry] 33. Paint roller [1940, Norman Breakey] 34. Electronic Music Synthesizer [1945, Hugh Le Caine] 35. WeeVac 6 [1990, Wendy Murphy] 36. Green Garbage Bag [1950, Harry Wasylyk, Larry Hansen, Frank Plomp] 37. Snowblower [1925, Arthur Sicard] 38. Self-propelled Combine Harvester [1937, Thomas Carroll] 39. Instant Mashed Potatoes [1962, Edward Asselbergs] 40. Explosives Vapour Detector [1985, Lorne Elias] 41. Marine Screw Propeller [1833, John Patch] 42. Plexiglas [1931, William Chalmers] 43. Key Frame Animation [1969, Nestor Burtnyk, Marcelli Wein] 44. CPR Mannequin: “ACTAR 911” [1989, Dianne Croteau, Richard Brault] 45. G-Suit [1941, Wilbur Rounding Franks] 46. Ardox Spiral Nail [1954, Allan Dove] 47. Automatic Lubricating Cup [1872, Elijah McCoy] 48. Crash-Position Indicator-CPI [1957, Harry Stevinson] 49. Caulking Gun [1894, Theodore Witte] 50. Separable Baggage Check [1882, John Mitchell Lyons] Handout: “Principles of Design” Brain Teasers

Brain Teaser 1: A Penny A Piece 1. Cut a big circle out of a sheet of paper. Place seven pennies on the paper circle as follows:

2. Place six pennies, evenly spaced around the outer edge of the circle. Label the top penny “A” and the others, “B”, “C”, and so on going clockwise around the circle. Place one penny in the middle of the circle and label it “G.”

Challenge: Divide the circle into sections by drawing three straight lines so that there is only one penny in each section.

Log: On a piece of paper titled “Challenge 1 – A Penny a Piece,” write a summation of strategies (Brainstorming),attempts, and the eventual solution. Be descriptive.

Brain Teaser 2: Cups Up 1. Take three paper cups and put them in a row. Turn the first and third cups upside down, but leave the middle cup right side up.

Challenge: Your task is to get all the cups right side up but you must follow these rules: . You have only three moves . For each move, you must turn over two cups at a time, never one at a time:

Log: On a piece of paper titled “Challenge 2 Cups Up”, write a summation of strategies (Brainstorming), attempts, and the eventual solution. Be descriptive.

Brain Teaser 3: Three Moves

1. Study the following diagram. There are 10 letters in the triangle that is pointing up. A B C D EF G HIJ Challenge: Change the triangle so that it points down . You can move only one letter at time . You have only three moves to complete the task.

Log: On a piece of paper titled “Challenge 3, Three Moves, write a summation of strategies (Brainstorming), attempts, and the eventual solution. Be descriptive. Assignment: Package Design:

“Bodily H’odeurs” is an international corporation based in France that is responsible for producing many beauty and bath consumer products. Their latest creation, “Non- Scents” body spray is ready to be sold. A new box is required to hold a bottle of “Non-Scents.”

Challenge: Your challenge is to design and build a box to hold a bottle of “Non-Scents” body spray.

Specifications: . Work in pairs . The box dimensions must be: o Width: 5cm (2 inches) length o Depth: 4cm (1.5 inches) o Length: 15 cm (6 inches)

width depth

. The box must be made of a biodegradable paper product. . The package, or parts of the package, may be held together with adhesive (glue or tape) . The package must be able to be shipped flat and easily assembled upon reaching its destination . The package must have the following information a) A company logo b) Company Name c) Product Name d) Your design team name…. (Designed by ______) . The package must be attractive and appropriate for your target group. . The package must be designed, built, and ready for evaluation by: ______.

Log: Be sure to complete a log of the design process. Lesson 2 Principles of Design Evaluation Assignment: Package Design



Criteria Rating 1. Preparation 2. Structure is built to specifications 1 2 3 4 3. Design Sketches 1 2 3 4 4. Design Description 1 2 3 4 5. Construction 1 2 3 4 6. Appearance/Creativity 1 2 3 4

Principles of Design: Package Design Criteria: Criteria 1 2 3 4 Preparation Needed continual Needed occasional Did not need Worked prompting to reach prompting to reach prompting to reach consistently and goal goal goal actively to reach goal Structure is built One or less of the Two of the specs Three of the specs All of the specs are to Spec. specs are met are met are met but the met and exact. *check below* measurements are off Design Sketches Sketches are Sketches are Sketches are Sketches are inaccurate and present but more present and labeled present and without detail detail is necessary properly detailed with measurements Design Data is missing One of the Changes, Changes, Description and inaccurate following areas are modifications, and modifications, and missing from the design ideas are all design ideas are all description: identified identified and . Changes, descriptive. . Modifications, . Design ideas Construction Package is Package is built to Package is built to Package is built to unstable, not easily spec. but is not spec., easily spec., easily accessible, and not easily accessible or accessible, and is accessible, is built to spec. stable stable stable, and all glued (or taped) joints are hidden from view. Appearance Artwork and logo Artwork, logo, and Artwork, logo, and Artwork, logo, and are not appealing, presentation need presentation are presentation look Spelling and to be more creative creative and well professional, grammatical errors organized totally free of are present errors.

Specs: Package must be shipped flat and easily shipped Measurements as mentioned are used Package shows name, logo, company name, and product name Building a Paper Tower:

The infamous company “Towers are Us” has been given a contract to build support towers for NASA. Not since the Canada Arm has a technological undertaking been given to a Canadian company. These towers provide support for beacons that are necessary for the space program. These towers need not only be tall but also must be cost efficient. Thus, the proposed construction budget has a limited amount of building materials.

Challenge: In groups of ____, your challenge is to design and build a tower to the following specifications:

. The structure must be constructed from the one sheet of paper and the mailing label provided. . You will have 45 minutes to complete your design and construction . The structure must be freestanding. (It can’t be taped to the table) . The structure must be able to stand on it’s own for 10 seconds.

Log: Provide a log of the design process detailing your work. Lesson 2 Principles of Design Evaluation Assignment: Package Design



Criteria Rating 1. Preparation 1 2 3 4 2. Design Sketches 1 2 3 4 3. Design Description 1 2 3 4 4. Specifications 5. Construction 1 2 3 4

Principles of Design: Package Design Criteria: Criteria 1 2 3 4 Preparation Needed continual Needed occasional Did not need Worked prompting to reach prompting to reach prompting to reach consistently and goal goal goal actively to reach goal Design Sketches One of the views Both the top and Both top and side Both top and side are missing side view are views are present views are present present but and detailed and detailed. missing detail Clearly marked dimensions are included. Design Data is missing One of the Changes, Changes, Description and inaccurate following areas are modifications, and modifications, and missing from the design ideas are all design ideas are all description: identified identified and . Changes, descriptive. . Modifications, . Design ideas Structure is built None of the specs One of the specs Two of the specs All of the specs are to Spec. are met are met are met met and exact. *check below* Construction Tower does not Tower stands for Tower stands for Tower stands for stand for one- one minute test one-minute period one-minute period, minute test period period but more and is well is well constructed and is poorly attention to detail constructed. and is one of the constructed. is required Attention to detail two highest towers. is recognized Attention detail is clearly evident

Specifications: . Structure must be constructed from the one sheet of paper and the mailing label provided. . The structure cannot be taped or attached to the table in any other way or manner. . Structure is higher than 30 cm. DESIGN LOG Page: ______

Name: Design Team: Date:

For everything that you make in this unit, you must record your design work in a design log. You need both verbal descriptions and drawings for each design that you create. You should record your design, the knowledge or assumptions on which your design is based, the tests performed on your design, the results of the tests, changes or modifications that would enhance performance, any questions that you may have for your teacher.

Sketches Observations and Data



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