Unit 4: the Young Nation in Transition: from Jefferson to Jackson s1

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Unit 4: the Young Nation in Transition: from Jefferson to Jackson s1

Unit 4: The Young Nation in Transition: From Jefferson to Jackson Chapter 10-15 in American Pageant Ch. 7-9 and 11 in American Issues AP Curricular Framework Mass democracy Federalist Democratic Republicans Whigs 2nd Great Awakening Abolition Women’s Rights American System LA purchase 1820 Compromise

People John Adams Jefferson Hamilton Aaron Burr John Marshall Toussaint L’Ouverture Lewis and Clark Sacagawea James Madison Napoleon William Henry Harrison Prophet and Tecumseh Stephen Decatur Francis Scott Key Andrew Jackson James Monroe Henry Clay Daniel Webster John Quincy Adams John C. Calhoun Martin Van Buren Richard Allen John Wesley Charles G. Finney Frederick Douglass Sojourner Truth Elizabeth Cady Stanton Susan B. Anthony Horace Mann

Terms Federalist Jeffersonian Republicans Judiciary Act of 1801 Midnight Appointments Judicial Review Major Decisions for Marshall’s Court Marbury v. Madison McCulloch v. Maryland Cohens v. Virginia Gibbons v. Ogden Flectcher v. Peck Dartmouth v. Woodward Johnson v. McIntosh Worcester v. Georgia Cherokee Nation v. Georgia Constitutionality Judicial Activism vs. Judicial Restraint Barbary Coast Pirates Incident Louisiana Purchase Embargo Act Chesapeake and Leopard Affair American System Battle of Tippecanoe Mr. Madison’s War Privateer US Invasion of Canada Burning of Washington D.C. Battle of Baltimore Battle of New Orleans Treaty of Ghent Hartford Convention American System Erie Canal Infrastructure Era of Good Feelings Panic of 1819 Missouri Compromise Virginia Dynasty Second Great Awakening Political and social impact of the Second Great Awakening New Protestant Branches Social Reform Movements- Abolition, Women’s Rights, Public School Reforms, Prison Reform

Documents Marshall’s opinion Marbury v. Madison Jefferson’s Inaugural Address Jefferson primary source packet specifically on slavery War of 1812 Primary Source Packet Monroe Doctrine Jackson article Packet Jackson political cartoons Alexis de Tocqueville Democracy in America

Big Picture Questions  What is the significance of the election of 1800?  Was Jefferson’s election a revolution?  What are your views on the Jefferson administration?  What are the defining qualities of the Jeffersonian Republicanism?  Which views are more influential to the development of the U.S. Hamilton or Jefferson?  What were the causes and results of the War of 1812?  Assess the Monroe Doctrine and U.S. Foreign Policy during Era of Good Feelings  What is periodization? Was the Era of Good Feelings an appropriate name?  Republic vs. Democracy  What does Jackson’s popularity tell us about the U.S. at this time?  Assess Jackson’s presidency.  Was Jackson a true product of democracy or the byproduct of mob rule? Was Jackson the man that the Founders were worried about during the construction of Constitution?  What was the impetus for reform in the United States? Second Great Awakening, Social reform movements, common people, or Jackson and his followers?

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