Pickens County Board of Commissioners

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Pickens County Board of Commissioners


I. Call to Order Chairman Jones called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Commissioner Barnes and Commissioner Denney were in attendance. II. Prayer - Jason Segers Pledge of Allegiance III. Amendments to Agenda 1) Item 3 under Consent Agenda – Signed Resolution appointing member to Library Board 2) Executive Session after Guests and Comments IV. Approval of Agenda Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve the Agenda; Commissioner Denney seconded; all voted aye. V. Finance Report CFO Faye Harvey reported that the September 2014 Financial Report reflects nine months of the 2014 fiscal year. Expenditure budgets should be 75% or less. General Fund Revenue collections for the period ending September 30, 2014 total $8,345,617 or 39.65% of the total amount budgeted. General Fund expenditures for the first nine months of 2014 are at $14,770,901 or 70.18% of budgeted amounts. Overall, expenditures are 4.82% under the allowable level. The Public Works (Road Department) is over budget at 87.13% - due to seasonal road projects, mowing and paving. Paving projects which began after July 1, 2014 will be paid with 2014 SPLOST proceeds. The budgets should adjust as the year goes on; however, a budget amendment may be required later in the year for the Road Department. The Economic Development budget is at 83.35%. The Economic Development amount is a monthly contribution paid to the Chamber of Commerce to support that Department. The October 2014 contribution to the Chamber was paid on September 25, 2014. The Enterprise fund – Airport – is over budget at 88.10%. Expenditures through September 30th are $241,975; however, Airport revenue from rentals and fuel sales total $262,897.83 for the same period, revenues exceed expenditures by $20,922.50. Mrs. Harvey stated that line item budget reports were distributed to department heads and elected officials on October 10, 2014 and that she has copies if anyone wishes to review them. Mrs. Harvey had a Request for an Amendment of the FY 2014 General Fund Budget as follows: Expenditures: Decrease Contingency amount in General Admin. Budget ($533,105 to $470,440) – Decrease of $62,665. Increase General Government Buildings - $52,665; Increase Fire Department Repairs and Maintenance line - $10,000; Increase Parks and Recreation budget – Function 6122 Recreation Centers” $1,500; Decrease Parks and Recreation budget – Function 6124 “Swimming Pool - $1,500. (Expenditure increase - $62,655 and Contingency decrease $62,655.) Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve the request; Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; all voted aye. VI. Consent Agenda 1) Signed Red Ribbon Week Proclamation (Young Marines) 2) Signed Domestic Violence Awareness Month Proclamation 3) Signed Resolution Appointing Bill Miller to the Pickens County Library Board of Trustees for the remainder of Jeff Stancil’s term. October 8, 2014 – June 30, 2017. 4) Signed Joint Proclamation between Pickens County and the City of Jasper proclaiming October 23 – October 31, 2014 as Pickens County Red Ribbon Week. VII. Old Business None VIII. New Business None IX. Action Items A. Approve Minutes 1) Public Hearing – September 18, 2014 2) Regular Board Meeting –September 18, 2014 3) Work Session – October 2, 2014 Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve the Minutes from the September 18th Public Hearing, the September 18th regular meeting and the October 2nd Work Session; Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; all voted aye. B. Rezone Request 1) RZ-9-14-1164 - Howard Vallimont 494 Hill City Road, Jasper, GA Rural Residential (RR) to Agricultural (AG) 040-081 - 8.27 Acres Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve the Rezone Request; Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; all voted aye. 2) RZ-9-14-1165 - Clint Weatherby & Blake Loggins 736 South Main Street, Jasper, GA Rural Residential (RR) to Highway Business (HB) JA15-059 - 0.49 Acre Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve the Rezone Request; Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; all voted aye. C. Dam Operation Permit for Grandview Lake Dam Commissioner Barnes made a motion for the Chairman to submit Application for Dam Operation Permit; Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; all voted aye. D. Grant application Resolution (Ga. Dept. of Natural Resources’ Recreational Trails Program) If the county gets approval for the state grant, the existing walking trails at Roper Park will be renovated and the trail will be extended to the Community Center. Commissioner Barnes made a motion to authorize the Chairman to sign the Resolution; Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; all voted aye. E. EMS Collection/Write-off Policy Commissioner Barnes made a motion to adopt the Policy; Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; all voted aye. F. Meeting and Work Session rules and protocol / Public Participation This item was tabled for discussion in November. G. Agreement with GA Technology Authority / MVRs Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve the Agreement; Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; all voted aye. H. Debris Management Plan Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve the Debris Management Plan; Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; all voted aye. I. Airport Authority Legislation Resolution to be carried by Pickens’ House Representative to present local legislation to reduce the number of members on the Authority. Commissioner Denney made a motion to approve the Resolution; Commissioner Barnes seconded the motion; all voted aye. J. Proposed lease for vehicles / Sheriff’s Department Chairman Jones had several question for the Sheriff. Sheriff Craig emphasized the poor condition of his fleet and that he has four currently out of service. He said the cost of repair for the four cars would be between $6,000 to $8,000 and then would require ongoing maintenance. He said the vehicles he would be replacing have between 180,000 to 300,000 miles on them. The monthly payments on the loan will be $10,000 per month. The Sheriff’s office receives four percent of total SPLOST revenue the county collects each month. The July 2014 SPLOST disbursement for the Sheriff’s office totaled $14,244.93. CFO Faye Harvey said that with the monthly SPLOST revenues coming in nearly $5,000 over the $10,000 monthly payment and that she feels comfortable that the debt will be paid in full with SPLOST dollars. Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve the purchase; Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; all voted aye. X. Guests and Comments 1) Kathleen Kelly – Questions regarding sheriff’s vehicles were answered by Sheriff Craig ; voting machines – will be in 2015 budget meetings -0 looking at phasing them in to be ready for 2016 election; ; water damage in Administration Office Building in regard to insurance payment. 2) Bart Connelly - Debris Management Plan; IT Director/GIS Mapping – Mr. Connelly asked if the Debris Management Plan will be placed on the county website. 3) Donnie Craig - Sheriff Craig stated that if anyone has any questions about his budget he will be happy to go over his budget and answer any questions before the meeting. He said to call him. 4) Rev. Max Caylor – Thanked the Board for openness in regard to the Budget meetings. He said he was glad all Elected Officials will be available in case citizens have questions or input.

K. Executive Session Commissioner Barnes made a motion to go into Executive Session; Commissioner Denney seconded; There was unanimous approval to go into Executive Session for the following matters: 1) Consultation with the county attorney to discuss pending or potential litigation, settlement, claims, administrative proceedings, or other judicial actions brought or to be brought by or against the county or any officer or employee or in which the county or any officer or employee may be directly involved as provided in O.C.G.A. § 50- 14-2(1) and 2) Discussion or deliberation on the appointment, employment, compensation, hiring, disciplinary action or dismissal, or periodic evaluation or rating of a county officer or employee as provided in O.C.G.A. § 50-14-3(b)(2).

The Commissioners and County Attorney went into Executive Session at 6:50p.m. Executive Session adjourned at 7:40 p.m. with no action taken. Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve the Executive Session Minutes; Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; all voted aye.

The Commissioners and County Attorney returned to the meeting at 7:43 p.m. stating that no action was taken.

XI. Adjournment Commissioner Barnes made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; all voted aye. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

These Minutes were approved on November 20, 2014.

Commission Meetings are videotaped and may be viewed at www.knowpickens.com.

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