Regular City Council Meeting

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Regular City Council Meeting


JULY 23, 2003

Mayor Jeff Thompson called the City Council meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were Harlan Beek, Dave Peschong, Dennis Zimmerman and Jean Soine. Others present were Steve Helget; City Administrator, Jennifer Welling, Secretary; Pete Carlson, SEH; City Attorney, Bill Spooner; Bonnie Jo Hanson, Paynesville Press; Tom Fordyce, Jim Freilinger, Bill Deneen, USAquatics; Ben Schaffer, USAquatics; Jackie Braun, Gerry Mehr, Kyle Nehowig, Mary Janotta, Jim Groebner, SEH; Tom Foster, SEH; Benita Crow, SEH; Laurey Malling, Robert See, and Alice Nyhlen, Cable Coordinator.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Thompson reviewed the Consent Agenda items that included a motion to approve the minutes from the following meetings July 9, 2003 Regular City Council, July 9, 2003 Liquor License Fees Public Hearing, July 9, 2003 Koshiol Variance Public Hearing, July 9, 2003, TIF District No. 1-9 Public Hearing, June 25, 2003 Airport Commission, May 20, 2003 EDAP Board, June 17, 2003 EDAP Board and June 9, 2003 Human Rights Commission.

A motion to approve vouchers #62976 - #63031 totaling $177,058.21. Payroll vouchers #62940 - #62975 in the amount of $23,865.99, void #62967 - #62970. ACH on 7- 10-03 for Federal Withholding in the amount of $5,651.90 and on 7-10-03 for State Withholding totaling $1,081.27.

Motion was made by Zimmerman to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Peschong and unanimously carried.


The Council reviewed Schedules I and II for Lump Sum Pension Plans – Reporting Form Year 2003 – State Fire Aid 2004. It was indicated that there was no changes made from last year, for the exception of the retired firefighters were not listed.

Motion was made by Peschong to approve Resolution 2003-40 Approving The Firefighters Relief Association Report. Seconded by Beek and unanimously carried.

(Please see Attachment #1 – the above-referenced Resolution which has been made a part of these minutes.)


It was noted that the changes to the Ordinance included the composition of the Commission and the terms running from September 1st to August 31st, to run with the school year to accommodate the youth advisory members.

Motion was made by Beek to approve Ordinance No. 56, 2nd Series. Seconded by Soine and unanimously carried.

(Please see Attachment #2 – the above-referenced Ordinance which has been made a part of these minutes.)

The Festival of Ethnic Traditions will be held on Sunday, August 3, 2003.


Helget informed the Council that EDAP has been working on new signs for several months. It is being proposed to have four new signs made for each entrance to the City by Winslow Woodcarving Studio of North Mankato. The proposed signs are made from a very durable material and paint with a long life expectancy. The signs would take approximately eight weeks to complete. The cost of the four signs is estimated at $14,957.50. These funds would come from EDAP’s Operating Fund. Helget assured the Council that this Studio does a quality job and the City would be pleased with the finished product.

Motion was made by Beek to approve Letter of Understanding and Contract with Winslow Woodcarving Studio. Seconded by Zimmerman and unanimously carried.

Motion was made by Soine to approve the initial payment of $7,400.00, payable to Winslow Woodcarving Studio. Seconded by Peschong and unanimously carried.



Helget presented the proposal for engineering services for the design and construction phases for the Paynesville Municipal Airport Hangar with SEH.

Motion was made by Peschong to approve the proposal for engineering services for the design and construction phases for the Paynesville Municipal Airport Hangar with SEH. Seconded by Zimmerman and unanimously carried.


Tom Foster and Benita Crow of SEH presented the Plans and Specifications for the Paynesville Municipal Airport Hangar. The hangar is a 10 unit Tee Hanger designed with a series of “T’s” lying back to back. This is the most efficient design for plane storage. The hangar will have some dead space on the east and west ends. The east end will be used for garage equipment, rental space or helicopter storage. The west end will be used as an arrival/departure area to include a waiting area, office space, unisex- handicapped accessible bathroom and utility room to store hot water heater and pressure tank. The building will have baseboard electric heat.

Contractors can bid both for a steel or wood frame building. Wood will likely have a lower initial cost; however steel will last longer. Also electric and plumbing will be bid separately so local contractors will be able to submit bid proposals.

The total cost of the hangar is estimated at $378,000.00. It is being proposed to open bids on Tuesday, August 12, 2003 at 11:00 a.m.

Beek questioned if a septic system is needed. Foster indicated that a holding tank would be installed, as it is not worth while to construct a drain field now.

Helget asked what the building time line would be? Foster stated that a steel frame building would take longer (4 months) from bid to build. Construction would start in September and erection of the building in November and December with occupancy in January and February.

Motion was made by Zimmerman to approve Plans and Specifications for the Paynesville Municipal Airport Hangar and authorize advertisement for bids. Seconded by Soine and unanimously carried.


Helget presented the Absolute, Irrevocable, And Perpetual Ingress and Egress Easement with Dennis and Catherine Rothstein. This was part of the settlement in purchasing their land for the airport.

Spooner commented that the legal description is hard to understand and that this easement gives Rothstein’s permission to cross anywhere in parcel No. 13. ORDERLY ANNEXATION

The Council reviewed the Joint Resolution 2003-41 For Orderly Annexation with Paynesville Township. This would annex the new airport property into the City limits.

Thompson commented that this Resolution is similar to other orderly annexations the City has done with the Township. Spooner agreed.

There was some discussion on reimbursing the Township for property taxes on the airport land. Many questions were unanswered and the Council requested Helget and Spooner to follow up on this with the County, John Martin and the Township.

Motion was made by Zimmerman to approve Joint Resolution 2003-41 For Orderly Annexation with Paynesville Township. Seconded by Peschong and unanimously carried.

(Please see Attachment #3 – the above-referenced Resolution which has been made a part of these minutes.)


The paving is complete. Lighting, runway painting and landscaping still remain. By August 12, 2003 the project should be substantially complete.


Carlson informed the Council that he was told that paving was going to start yesterday; however today he was told that Thursday or Friday pavement would be laid. Fine grading is currently being done.

Helget suggested that the barricades be put back up due to high traffic volumes and for dust control.

There is also some grading to be completed on the north side of the pond.

Carlson added that the final costs for the project would be presented to Council on August 23, 2003 with the Final Assessment Public Hearing to be set for September 24, 2003.


Helget introduced members from the Aquatic Park Committee in attendance as well as Bill Deenen and Ben Schaffer from USAquatics. Last fall the City and Township agreed to complete a feasibility study and determine a location, design, and cost of the project.

The Township Board has been presented the Feasibility Study and was in favor of the facility; however has concerns with the costs and what their participation will be.

Bill Deenen, USAquatics presented the Feasibility Study. A site has not yet been determined; however the facility would include:  Bathhouse  Mechanical Room  Concession Stand  Lap Pool  Two Drop Slides  Plunge Pool  Numerous Pay Features  Shade Structures  Sand Lot

The facility is designed for use by the whole family and to enjoy it for long periods of time. Additional features can be developed later to bring people in.

There was some discussion on revenues vs. expenses. Helget reported that the Committee has visited other City Aquatic Parks and learned more about what works and what doesn’t. The Committee’s next step will be to re- approach the School District for a definite answer to the proposed location (parcel of land north of the high school parking lot). Then educating the community will need to take place before a referendum is held in both the City and Township.

Zimmerman commented that he appreciated all the time & effort the Committee put towards a very attractive and positive facility. Thompson also thanked the Committee.

It was noted that there would be savings of approximately $30,000.00 by using the existing school’s north parking lot.


Thompson stated that he would be attending the Mayor’s Conference in October to be held in Duluth, MN.

Motion was made by Beek to approve the attendance of Jeff Thompson to the Mayor’s Conference. Seconded by Soine and unanimously carried.


Thompson reviewed the following informational items August Meeting Schedule, Mark Dayton Media Advisor Meeting Notice, 2nd Quarter Public Works Report, Hwy. 23 Concerned Citizen Letter and June Fund Balances.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Steven Helget, City Administrator

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