Appendix E: CERN/ALICE Memoranda of Understanding

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Appendix E: CERN/ALICE Memoranda of Understanding

4 April 2002 Page 1 Appendix E: CERN/ALICE Memoranda of Understanding

1. CERN-RRB-2002-034 (Annexes DELETED) MOU for Maintenance and Operations

2. CERN-RRB-D 00-41 (Annexes DELETED) MOU for Construction of the Detector

3. CERN-RRB-2005-007 MOU for ALICE Computing

Appendix E Appendix E: MOU CERN-RRB-2002-034 (Maintenance and Operations)

Memorandum of Understanding for Maintenance and Operation of the ALICE Detector


The EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, hereinafter referred to as CERN, Geneva, as the Host Laboratory on the one hand

and a Funding Agency/Institution of the Error: Reference source not found Collaboration on the other hand. Preamble

(a) A group of Institutes from CERN Member and non-Member States, and CERN, has agreed to collaborate to form the Error: Reference source not found Collaboration. This Collaboration has proposed to CERN an experiment to study particle interactions at the highest possible energies and luminosities to be reached with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). These Institutes have secured the support of their Funding Agencies to enable them to participate in the Error: Reference source not found Collaboration.

(b) Agreement to this Collaboration has been effected through the signature of Memoranda of Understanding (Error: Reference source not found RRB-D 00-41) between each Funding Agency or Institute, as appropriate, in the Collaboration and CERN as the Host Laboratory. These Memoranda of Understanding for construction (Construction MoUs) collectively define the Collaboration and its objectives, and the rights and obligations of the collaborating Institutes in construction matters during the construction period.

(c) In their Article 6.6, the Construction MoUs specify that the responsibilities for the maintenance and operation (M&O) of the Error: Reference source not found detector are to be laid down in a separate Memorandum of Understanding on maintenance and operation procedures (M&O MoU), to be signed by all the Parties. Agreement is effected as for construction, i.e. through Memoranda of Understanding between each Funding Agency or Institute, as appropriate, in the Collaboration and CERN as the Host Laboratory. While the Construction MoUs remain valid, their provisions take precedence over those of the M&O MoUs.

(d) The Resources Review Board (RRB) referred to in Preamble (g) of the Construction MoU is defined therein to have the following roles with respect to M&O :

 reaching agreement on a maintenance and operation procedure and monitoring its functioning

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 endorsing the annual maintenance and operation budgets of the detector

The management of the Collaboration reports regularly to the RRB on technical, managerial, financial and administrative matters, and on the composition of the Collaboration.

(e) The present M&O MoUs are not legally binding, but the Funding Agencies and Institutes recognise that the success of the experiment depends on all members of the Collaboration adhering to their provisions. Any default will be dealt with in the first instance by the Collaboration and if necessary then by the RRB.

Annexes o All the Annexes are an integral part of this MoU. o Annexes 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 shall be identical to Annexes 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 (including any amendments thereto) of the Construction MoU. When the latter ceases to be valid, amendments to these Annexes shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this M&O MoU.

Parties to this MoU o The Parties shall be all the Institutes of the Collaboration as listed in Error: Reference source not found and their Funding Agencies, and CERN as the Host Laboratory. Error: Reference source not found lists the Funding Agencies and their duly authorised representatives. The Funding Agency may be an Institute or an established institution acting on behalf of one or more Institutes. o The collaborating Institute(s) and the Error: Reference source not found Collaboration will hereinafter be referred to as “Institute(s)” and “Collaboration”, respectively.

Purpose of this MoU o This MoU addresses the pre-exploitation and exploitation phases of the Error: Reference source not found detector. Its purpose is to define the procedure for determining the maintenance and operation (M&O) costs in these phases along with the mechanisms by which they are reviewed and by which the charges and responsibilities for the execution of this work are distributed amongst the Parties. It sets out organisational, managerial and financial guidelines to be followed by the Collaboration. It does not address the offline computing needs of the Collaboration. These will the subject of a separate Memorandum of Understanding for LHC Computing as described in the document "Proposal for Building the LHC Computing Environment" (CERN/3279 Rev.).

Page E1-2 Appendix E: MOU CERN-RRB-2002-034 (Maintenance and Operations) o Exploitation refers to the time after data-taking for physics has commenced at the LHC. Pre-exploitation refers to the time before this and in particular, for individual sub- detector/system components of the Error: Reference source not found detector, to the time after they have been commissioned. o M&O comprises all of the actions needed to fulfil the Error: Reference source not found Collaboration co-ordination function and to operate and keep in good working order the individual components of the Error: Reference source not found detector, along with their respective infrastructure and facilities. o The Error: Reference source not found project is executed in the normal framework of the CERN scientific programme, approved by the CERN Council and subject to the bilateral Agreements and Protocols between CERN and non-Member States. o In case of conflict between relevant Co-operation Agreements or Protocols entered into by CERN and the present MoU, the former prevail.

Duration of this MoU and its Extension o The initial period of validity of this MoU covers the pre-exploitation phase of the Error: Reference source not found detector and the expected first five years of physics running, i.e. from 1 May 2002 to 31 December 2011. o The validity of this MoU will be extended automatically at its expiry for successive periods of five years beyond the initial period unless the RRB determines otherwise. This provision notwithstanding, the MoU will automatically cease to be valid when the LHC programme is declared closed by the CERN Council. o The provisions of this MoU will apply to elements of the Error: Reference source not found detector as they begin to incur M&O costs, as distinct from the costs that belong to the construction phase and are defined in Article 2.2 of the Construction MoU. o Any Funding Agency may withdraw its support from the Collaboration by giving not less than eighteen months notice in writing to the Collaboration and the Director General of CERN. In such an event, reasonable compensation to the Collaboration will be negotiated through CERN and confirmed by the RRB. o Any Institute may withdraw from the Collaboration according to the procedures agreed by the Collaboration, subject to the General Conditions for Experiments Performed at CERN (Error: Reference source not found), and by giving notice in writing to its Funding Agency. o Any Institute that joins the Collaboration in accordance with the Collaboration rules during the period of validity of this MoU shall accept the agreements in force and will be expected to make an appropriate contribution to the M&O. This will be negotiated by the

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Collaboration (which reserves the right to request additional contributions from such Institutes) and endorsed by the RRB.

The Error: Reference source not found Detector and Collaboration o The detector for the Error: Reference source not found experiment has been described in detail in the Technical Proposal submitted to the LHCC in December 1995 and in the subsequent sub-detector/system Technical Design Reports. It consists of a number of sub- detector/system units as listed in Error: Reference source not found. o The current management structure of the Collaboration is described in Error: Reference source not found. o The technical participation of the Institutes in detector construction, grouped by Funding Agency, is set out in Error: Reference source not found. o The Collaboration shall update Annexes 5 and 6 annually to reflect the situation on 1 January of the current year.

Responsibilities of the Institutes for the Maintenance and Operation of the Error: Reference source not found Detector, and of CERN as Host Laboratory o Responsibility for the M&O of the Error: Reference source not found detector rests jointly with the Collaboration as a whole and with CERN as Host Laboratory, within the General Conditions for Experiments Performed at CERN. It is a fundamental principle that each Institute within the Collaboration shall participate in both maintenance and operation and contribute a fair and equitable share of common costs. o It is also a fundamental principle that an Institute, which has contributed a component of equipment, will also contribute to the necessary scientific and technical manpower support to operate that component and maintain it in good working order. o Within the fundamental principles set out in Articles 6.1 and 6.2 above, the Collaboration shall, for each M&O cost item, decide whether the cost is to be borne at the common expense of the Collaboration or not. The M&O cost items are thereby divided into two categories : Common Items, comprising those costs that the Collaboration has agreed to bear at its common expense, and Sub-detectors/systems that are the responsibility of individual Institutes or groups of Institutes.

Page E1-4 Appendix E: MOU CERN-RRB-2002-034 (Maintenance and Operations) o Error: Reference source not found lists the M&O cost items agreed by the Collaboration to be Common Items. o Error: Reference source not found lists for the second category, by sub-detector/system, the deliverables provided by the Institutes, the CORE value of these deliverables and the sharing among Institutes. Also summarised are the CORE values of the deliverables for particular sub-detectors/systems by Funding Agency. o The general obligations of CERN in its role as Host Laboratory and of the Institutes (including CERN in this role) are contained in the General Conditions for Experiments Performed at CERN (Error: Reference source not found), which in case of contradiction or ambiguity shall prevail over the main body of this MoU.

Maintenance and Operation Categories o The M&O expenses can be divided into the following three categories : Category A. M&O expenses that are shared by the entire Collaboration (cf. Article ?? above). Error: Reference source not found lists the headings under which Category A costs are categorised. Category B. M&O expenses that are borne by part of the Collaboration, i.e. by single Institutes or groups of Institutes, and their Funding Agencies (cf. Article ??above). The headings in this category are defined with reference to the distribution of responsibilities amongst the various Institutes for the construction of the Error: Reference source not found Detector as given in Error: Reference source not found. Error: Reference source not found lists the headings under which Category B costs are categorised and the Institutes concerned. It is agreed that an Institute having responsibility under a Category B heading will contribute to providing the necessary financial, scientific and technical support, as well as replacement or spare parts, for normal operation of that equipment and for the routine maintenance needed to keep it in good working order. If problems arise that require major modifications, responsibility will lie with the Collaboration as a whole. The Collaboration will propose on a case-by-case basis the events to which this provision will apply. The proposal will be submitted for approval to the next RRB meeting, which will also be asked to approve the provision of the necessary resources. Category C. General maintenance and operation expenses that are provided to the Collaboration by CERN, acting in its role as Host Laboratory. Subject to the General Conditions for Experiments Performed at CERN (Error: Reference source not found), these are more precisely described in the list given in Error: Reference source not found.

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Approval and Oversight o Oversight of the M&O costs for the Error: Reference source not found detector shall lie with the RRB, which will meet normally twice per year, in spring and autumn. The RRB shall have the responsibility for approving the levels and sharing of the Category A costs. It shall also approve the overall level of Category B costs and the sharing of these costs as proposed by the Collaboration. o The RRB shall be assisted in this aspect of its work by a Scrutiny Group that it shall appoint. The role of the Scrutiny Group is to analyse critically the Collaboration's M&O reports and estimates, refine the Category A estimates in consultation with the Collaboration and advise the RRB on the course of action to take. o The Scrutiny group shall operate according to the procedures set out in Error: Reference source not found.

Cost Sharing o Subject to exceptions that may be agreed on a case-to-case basis by the RRB, the following guidelines are agreed for the sharing of M&O costs : o For Category A, the costs are to be shared amongst the Funding Agencies or Institutes in proportion to the number of their scientific staff holding PhD or equivalent qualifications who are entitled to be named as authors of scientific publications of the Collaboration. To this end, the Collaboration shall maintain a list, by Funding Agency and Institute, of these persons (Error: Reference source not found). The Collaboration shall update this list annually to reflect the situation on 30 September. The updated list is to be ready in time for the autumn meeting of the RRB (see Article below). o Funding Agencies or their Institutes must normally pay their share of Category A costs in cash. In exceptional circumstances some of the Category A costs could eventually be paid in kind with the agreement of the RRB, subject always to a minimum fixed cash amount per Institute. In such cases the cash value attributed to the in-kind contribution shall also be agreed by the RRB. The Collaboration shall propose annually to the RRB the minimum fixed cash amount to be applied in the following year. o CERN will pay from its operating budget the energy costs falling on Member States. In recognition of the contributions made to the construction of the LHC machine by some non-Member States, CERN will treat these countries in a manner analogous to Member States and will partially pay the energy costs that fall on their Funding Agencies and Institutes. The non-Member States for which CERN will partially pay the energy costs are listed in Error: Reference source not found.

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CERN Management shall propose annually in its Medium Term Plan (The Scientific Activities of CERN and Budget Estimates for the Years n - n+3) the overall size of these energy payments for the following year, so that they may be incorporated in the M&O budget presented to the RRB for approval in October. The payments are shared amongst the countries concerned according to a formula, the current version of which is explained in Error: Reference source not found. Any modifications to the arrangements for these payments will also be proposed in the context of the Medium Term Plan. o For Category B, the costs are to be shared by the Funding Agencies and Institutes concerned in a manner that the Collaboration shall propose to the RRB. o For Category C, the costs are paid by CERN from its operating budget. o The boundary between Category A and Category B costs is determined by the Collaboration as explained in Article 6.3 above. Category C costs are determined by the CERN Director General, having regard to the General Conditions for Experiments Performed at CERN and, in particular, the need to provide a safe and secure environment for the operation of the Error: Reference source not found detector.

Procedure o Proposals for providing and sharing Category A M&O costs according to the criteria set out in Article 9 above, including the proposal for the minimum fixed cash amount per Institute, will be drawn up annually by the Collaboration and submitted to the RRB at its spring meeting. At the same meeting, the Collaboration will report on Category B costs and on the proposed responsibilities and commitments for these, while CERN will report on Category C costs. The information for all Categories will comprise the M&O expenses for the previous year and the proposals for the following year, along with estimates for the three subsequent years. The Scrutiny Group will then operate during the summer, with the aim of agreeing the estimates for Category A for the following year, so that they can be endorsed at the autumn meeting of the RRB. It will also make critical comment on the arrangements for Category B costs. o The RRB will approve the M&O budget for the following year at its autumn meeting. o Unless explicitly mentioned, all proposals and estimates are to be expressed in Swiss Francs, using the calculated CERN index for materials cost variations. o For Category A expenses, a common Maintenance and Operation account (M&O Account) will be opened in the name of the Collaboration. All payments made by CERN on behalf of the Collaboration and the related receipts will be shown in that account. o CERN will issue invoices in Swiss Francs to the Funding Agencies of the Collaboration for their M&O contributions. The detailed procedure for the payment of Category A contributions is set out in Error: Reference source not found.

Page E1-7 Appendix E: MOU CERN-RRB-2002-034 (Maintenance and Operations) o For Category A, the Resources Co-ordinator (see Error: Reference source not found) and other named individuals as necessary will be authorised by the Collaboration to sign commitments and payments relating to the above-mentioned account within the limits of the agreed annual budget for Category A. The authorised signature levels for these persons will be subject to the standard CERN rules for Team Accounts. o The Resources Co-ordinator shall report annually to the autumn meeting of the RRB on the functioning of the M&O arrangements for Categories A and B, and shall point out any cases of default (see Article below). At the same meeting CERN Finance Division shall report on the status of the Collaboration accounts for Category A and those parts of Category B for which accounts exist at CERN. o If, for any reason, the RRB should fail to reach agreement on the M&O costs or on their sharing, the arrangements that it last agreed will continue to apply until agreement is reached.

Rights and Benefits of Institutes o The Institutes participating in the Collaboration are entitled to join the pre-exploitation and exploitation phases of the project and to participate in the scientific exploitation of the data acquired. Further details are set out in the document “General Conditions for Experiments Performed at CERN” (Error: Reference source not found).

Administrative and Financial Provisions o General financial matters and purchasing rules and procedures for the LHC experiments, including the rules that apply for Common Fund operations, are dealt with in accordance with the "Financial Guidelines for the LHC Collaborations" (CERN/FC/3796). o Under the provisions of the CERN basic Convention dated 1st of July 1953 and revised on 17 January 1971, any Institute's staff and property located at CERN shall be subject to the authority of the CERN Director-General and shall comply with the CERN regulations. o Default on provision of the agreed contributions for M&O shall engage the procedure for resolution of disputes described in Article 14.1 below and may result in specific action against the defaulter. Should the outcome of the dispute resolution procedure imply a loss of M&O contributions to the Collaboration, the question of recovery from the loss is for the RRB to address.

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Amendments o The Collaboration will make every effort to ensure that the information contained in the Annexes to this MoU is kept up-to-date. To this end it shall review the information at least annually in time for the autumn meeting of the RRB. o This MoU may be amended at any time with the agreement of its signatories or of their appointed successors. Any such amendments will be subject to the prior agreement of the RRB.

Disputes o As indicated in the Preamble (e), the primary mechanism for resolution of any disputes shall be negotiation within the Collaboration in the first instance and then if necessary in the RRB. Should these fail to conclude, the following three mechanisms shall apply, as appropriate. Any dispute between Funding Agencies shall be resolved by negotiation or, failing that, by arbitration through the President of the CERN Council, who will use defined arbitration procedures where they exist and will otherwise adopt one at his or her discretion. Any dispute between a Funding Agency and CERN will be resolved using standard CERN procedures for the resolution of such disputes. Any dispute between Institutes will be resolved according to Collaboration procedures. o It is understood that any issues that have arisen during the lifetime of the Construction MoU shall be without prejudice to the rights and obligations laid down in this M&O MoU. No party shall be entitled under this M&O MoU to reduce, retain or set-off any obligation due under the Construction MoU.

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The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)


Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)

[For the US Department of Energy]

declare that they agree on the present Memorandum of Understanding for the Error: Reference source not found Experiment.

Done in Geneva Done in Geneva on______on______


______Prof. Jos Engelen Dr. James Symons Chief Scientific Officer Director, Nuclear Sciences Division ALICE Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.

Page E1-10 Appendix E: MOU CERN-RRB-D 00-41 (Construction of the Detector)

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Page E2-10 MOU CERN-RRB-2005-007 (ALICE Computing)

Addendum No. 1 to the

Memorandum of Understanding for Maintenance and Operation of the Error: Reference source not found Detector

Core Computing

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(f) Whereas, in its Article 3.1, the Memorandum of Understanding for the Maintenance and Operation of the Error: Reference source not found Detector1 (hereinafter referred to as the M&O MoU) specifies that software and computing will be treated in a separate Memorandum of Understanding, it has now been decided to proceed as follows.

(g) The software development and maintenance of many products of use to more than one experiment and the provision of offline computing infrastructure are addressed by the Memorandum of Understanding for Collaboration in the Deployment and Exploitation of the LHC Computing Grid2.

(h) The development of detector-specific software (such as that for simulation, reconstruction and analysis) and software for physics analysis is considered to be an integral part of the research activities of the scientists in the Error: Reference source not found Collaboration and is therefore not subject to any Memorandum of Understanding.

(i) All other aspects of the experiment-specific Core Computing, in particular the contributions from the Error: Reference source not found Collaboration to the Error: Reference source not found Core Computing development, maintenance and support are addressed in the present Addendum to the M&O MoU, in recognition of the operational character of the ongoing development effort required during the life of the Collaboration.

: Annexes o All the Annexes are an integral part of this Addendum.

: Parties to this Addendum o The Parties shall be as for the M&O MoU, namely all the Institutes of the Error: Reference source not found Collaboration (as listed in the currently valid Annex 1 of that document) and their Funding Agencies, and CERN as the Host Laboratory. o The collaborating Institute(s) and the Error: Reference source not found Collaboration will hereinafter be referred to as “Institute(s)” and “Collaboration”, respectively.

: The Error: Reference source not found Core Computing o The scope of the Core Computing for the Collaboration is defined in 1 and is hereinafter referred to as “the Activities”.

1 CERN-RRB-2002-034 2 CERN-CRRB-2005-01

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: Responsibilities of the Institutes for the Activities o The Activities are described in a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), outlined in 2. o From the Institutes listed in the currently valid Annex 1 of the M&O MoU, those participating in the Activities are listed in 3. The Collaboration shall update 3 annually to reflect the situation on 1 January of the current year. o Resources necessary for Software Infrastructure services items are funded by the entire Collaboration as M&O Category A and/or on a voluntary basis through M&O Category B items. o 4 shows the detailed WBS of the Category A tasks. o The Institutes listed in 3 have, on a voluntary basis, committed resources towards the Activities shown in 5, by WBS item. These WBS items therefore constitute M&O Category B items.

: Procedure o The sharing of responsibilities for the Activities shall be subject to the same scrutiny and approval procedure as other M&O items, as described in Article 10 of the M&O MoU. To this end, 5 shall be updated by the Collaboration annually in time for the spring meeting of the RRB.

: Intellectual Property Rights o Rights to contribute pre-existing software: Members of the Collaboration contributing pre- existing software to the Collaboration shall ensure that they have, or that they have procured, the rights to contribute such software and that its use (which term in this article shall include any modification, enhancement, integration in other software or redistribution, but exclude use for commercial purposes) by the Members of the Collaboration in accordance with the terms of this Addendum, including the terms of this article, is in conformity with the legal provisions which apply to the use of such software . o Rights to contribute created software: Members of the Collaboration having created software in the execution of this Addendum shall ensure that they have, or that they have procured, the rights to contribute such software for use by the Members of the Collaboration for the purpose of the execution of this Addendum. o Granting of license: Each Member of the Collaboration contributing pre-existing software to the Collaboration or creating software in the execution of this Addendum (“the software”) herewith grants the other Members of the Collaboration the right to use the software for their own scientific purposes, including their participation in the Error: Reference source not found Experiment, as well as the right jointly, that is, through the Collaboration, to make the software publicly available, under an open source license in accordance with the terms defined in paragraph hereunder.

Page E3-3 MOU CERN-RRB-2005-007 (ALICE Computing) o Such license: shall stipulate that copyright in the software is vested in the contributing Member of the Collaboration and that it may include voluntary contributions; shall permit the installation, use, reproduction, display, modification and redistribution of the software, with or without modification, it being understood that any such redistribution, shall reproduce the above copyright notice and these license conditions, and acknowledge the Collaboration in the user documentation and/or the software; shall stipulate that any licensee publishing or distributing any modifications, enhancements or derivative works of the software without contemporaneously requiring users to enter into a separate written license agreement shall be deemed to have published or distributed such modifications, enhancements or derivative works under the conditions defined in this paragraph; shall stipulate that the Members of the Collaboration provide no warranties or representations and accept no liability of any kind with respect to the software. o Except as provided elsewhere in this article, including in paragraphs and above, the Members of the Collaboration provide no warranties or representations of any kind with respect to the software to each other. They shall have no liability to each other with respect to the software, it being understood that each Member of the Collaboration shall bear the consequences of its own use of the software.

: Final Provisions o This Addendum is not binding on the Parties, it being understood however that the success of the Error: Reference source not found Collaboration depends on all Collaboration members adhering to its provisions.

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Annex 1 : Error: Reference source not found Core Computing (the Activities)

1.1 ALICE Computing Project The scope of the ALICE Computing Project is to provide the Collaboration with the framework, resources and software needed to extract the physics content from the data collected by the ALICE experiment and thus realise its physics potential and ultimate goal. The ALICE Computing Project is organized as shown in the following chart. Funding Responsibility

Comp. Common M&O-A Detector Physics WGs

Proj. Project


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Infrastr. & Services

Core Computing

Computing Project

It has the ultimate responsibility for the coordination of the following activities, classified by responsibility: 12.1 Subdetector Software. This is the software for the simulation, reconstruction and analysis of the data coming from a subdetector and for its calibration and alignment. The responsibility for the development and maintenance of this software lies with the subdetector project. 12.2 Physics analysis software. This is the software that analyses the reconstructed data and extracts the physics results. The responsibility for this software rests with the Physics Working Groups organized by the Physics Board that is chaired by the Physics Coordinator. 12.3 Core Computing  Core Software. This is the software that is common to all the subdetectors such as the transport Monte Carlo and the general framework for I/O, event processing, visualisation, simulation, calibration, alignment and reconstruction. ALICE-specific middleware belongs to this category. Responsibility for this software rests with the Core Computing Project.  Infrastructure and Services. This includes main areas:

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a) Central Support. Coordination, distribution and first line support of the ALICE software, coordination of the data processing activities and the coordination of the ALICE Virtual Organisation (VO) and distributed computing environment. It also covers relations with the LCG project. b) Offline Coordination. Planning of the computing resources for the processing of the ALICE data, management of the relations with the computing centres and institutions providing these resources and with the LCG bodies that coordinate these resources.

These activities are a shared responsibility of the whole Collaboration, as they are services for all the ALICE physicists and are hosted by the Core Computing Project at CERN.

More details of the Core Computing Project activities are given in 1.3 below.

1.2 ALICE Computing Project organisation: 1. The Computing is under the leadership of the Computing Coordinator. 2. The Offline infrastructure is coordinated by the Offline Coordinator, who is also the chair of the National Computing Board. 3. Four Project Activity Area coordinators coordinate the software development: Simulation, Reconstruction and algorithms, Production Infrastructure and Databases, and Framework. 4. Overall coordination for all project activities is realized through the Software and Computing Board (SCB) chaired by the Computing Coordinator and composed by the Offline Coordinator, the coordinators of the Computing Project Activity Areas, one or two representatives for each detector project and one representative for major national computing facilities. The DAQ and HLT project leaders are ex-officio members of the SCB. 5. Coordination of the provision of the computing resources in collaborating institutions is performed via the National Computing Board, chaired by the Offline Coordinator. 6. Coordination with the ALICE Physics Working Groups is ensured through the ALICE Physics Coordinator. 7. Representation within the ALICE Management is ensured through the Computing Coordinator being an ex-officio member of the ALICE Management Board. 8. The Computing and Offline coordinators ensure representation within the LCG project.

Page E3-6 MOU CERN-RRB-2005-007 (ALICE Computing)

Management LCG DAQ HLT US Grid EU Grid Board coord. coord. SC2, PEB, Software GDB, POB Projects

Regional Tiers Software and Computing Board Detector Projects Chair: Comp Coord Offline Coord. (Deputy PL) National Computing Board

Core Computing and Software

Project Activity Areas

Production Framework Simulation Reconstruction & Offline Coordination Infrastructure & Algorithms Databases.  Resource planning  Production  Framework  Detector Simulation  Tracking  Relation with funding environment development  Physics simulation  Detector agencies (simulation, (simulation,  Physics validation reconstruction  Relations with C-RRB reconstruction & reconstruction &  GEANT 4  Global analysis) analysis) integration reconstruction  Distributed  Persistency  FLUKA integration  Analysis tools computing technology  Radiation Studies  Analysis algorithms environment  Computing data  Geometrical  Physics data  Database challenges modeler challenges organisation  Industrial joint  Calibration & projects alignment  Tech. Tracking algorithms  Documentation

1.3 Organisation of the ALICE Core Computing Project The execution of this MoU concerns the Core Computing described above. The scope and responsibilities of this domain of activity will be described here in detail. 1. Scope: The scope of the ALICE Core Computing Project (hereafter AC2) covered by this addendum is defined as the development and maintenance of the experiment software framework and condition databases, the documentation and web, the software infrastructure, visualisation, and the production tools. It also includes ALICE software distribution and support, and its interfacing to the GRID and LCG software. Some areas of the project are shared with the ALICE DAQ and HLT project. 2. Responsibilities: The AC2 has the following responsibilities: a. Design, prototyping, deployment, maintenance and documentation of the software framework. b. Support for the possible central database services not provided by LCG. c. First line support and distribution of all software produced. Detailed questions may need to be reported to the original authors or current maintainer of the software. d. Development of a computing model and its validation in series of Physics and Computing Data Challenges. These are executed in collaboration with DAQ and HLT. These challenges imply organisation and operation of large-scale testing of increasingly complex prototypes for the distributed production of simulated data, and the subsequent reconstruction and analysis of these data. e. Implementation of the offline framework in the LCG Grid infrastructure and its interfacing with the LCG middleware. f. Provision of continuously operational software enabling the physicists to assess the functionality of the framework toward the final goal of extracting physics from the data.

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g. Liaison with the LCG project and with the regional centres providing the computing resources for ALICE. h. Preparation of the ALICE Software and Computing TDR describing the ALICE Computing model. i. Review of the ALICE computing resource planned needs. j. Provide the Collaboration with the necessary justification of the present and planned computing needs to support the negotiation with the funding agencies to obtain the computing resources. k. Preparation and update of the multi-year resource planning. l. Review of the resources actually used by the Collaboration. m. Relations with the LCG management. 3. Project structure: ALICE has opted for a very lightweight AC2 team located mostly at CERN. The CERN team is constituted of a few personnel with long-term positions and a majority of personnel with short-term assignments. CERN and a few Collaboration institutes provide, on voluntary basis, personnel for AC2, both locally and at CERN. CERN has taken the major responsibility for this activity, while well identified sub-projects are executed either by institutes participating to the Computing Project having adequate skills (examples are the detector construction data base project, the LCG integration, the Virtual Monte Carlo or the ALICE WEB) or via collaboration with institutes not belonging to the Collaboration (e.g. for the coding rule checker project). 4. Project resources: The personnel for the Core Computing are people skilled in physics data processing and simulation, but also in areas such as OO analysis and design, C++ and other languages, databases and data management systems, computing systems, software process, quality control etc… In ALICE a large majority of these people have a physicist formation.

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Annex 2 : Error: Reference source not found outline Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the Activities

The complete activities in the ALICE Core Computing are described in task-oriented Activity Areas. They are:

AA1: Project (Computing & Offline) coordination

AA2: Framework development

AA3: Simulation Coordination

AA4: Reconstruction Coordination

AA5: Analysis tools Coordination

AA6: Databases and production infrastructure

AA7: Production and quality assurance

AA8: Program librarian

AA9: Persistency and computing data challenge

AA10: System support

AA11: Radiation studies

AA12: Documentation and WEB

AA13: Detector construction database

AA14: LCG integration

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Annex 3 : Institutes participating in the Activities

The following uses the short forms for institutes set out in Annex 1 of the Error: Reference source not found M&O MoU and the full addresses are to be found in Annex 13 of the same document.

Institute Activity Area Main responsibility Overall project coordination, Core software as CERN AA1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12 defined above. Interface with detector simulation transport CEADEN Cuba AA2,12 programs. Maintenance of the Web site. INFN Torino AA14 Integration of ALICE software with LCG grid. IN2P3 AA1,3 Overall project coordination, GEANT4 integration Kosice, Slovakia AA11 Radiation studies Warsaw TU AA6,13 Detector Construction DB. Sejong, Korea AA7 Grid MW and production support

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Annex 4 : Details of Category A tasks

The activities covered by Category A M&O tasks are a shared responsibility of the whole Collaboration, as they are services for all the ALICE physicists and are hosted by the Core Computing Project at CERN. They are grouped in the Infrastructure and Services category and include the following main areas:

1. Central Support. Coordination, distribution and first line support of the ALICE software, coordination of the data processing activities and the coordination of the ALICE Virtual Organisation (VO) and distributed computing environment (AA1, AA2, AA3, AA4, and AA5). This area includes also overall documentation and WEB Maintenance (AA10, AA12).

2. Offline Coordination. Planning of the computing resources for the processing of the ALICE data, management of the relations with the computing centres and institutions providing these resources and with the LCG bodies that coordinate these resources (AA1, AA7).

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Annex 5 : Details of Category B tasks

AA Main task 1 Project management 2 Framework development 3 Simulation 4 Reconstruction 5 Analysis tools 6 Databases & production infrastructure 7 Production & quality assurance GRID middleware and production support 9 Persistency & computing data challenges 10 System support 11 Radiation studies 13 Detector construction database 14 LCG validation

Page E3-12 CERN-RRB-2005-007

The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)


Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

(For the US Department of Energy)

declare that they agree on the present Addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding for Maintenance and Operations of the Error: Reference source not found Detector.

Done in Geneva Done in Geneva



______Prof. Jos Engelen Dr. James Symons Chief Scientific Officer Director, Experimental Nuclear Science Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

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