General Safety & Environmental Procedures s1

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General Safety & Environmental Procedures s1



Procedure Number: GSP-307

Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS


1.0 PURPOSE...... 1

2.0 SCOPE...... 1

3.0 DEFINITIONS...... 1

4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES...... 6 4.1. Responsible Valero Representative (Person)...... 6 4.2. Supervisor or his Designated Representative...... 7 4.3. Maintenance Mechanic...... 7 4.4. Contractor Employees Performing Maintenance Work...... 7 4.5. Designated Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Representative...... 8 4.6. Designated Attendant (or hole watch)...... 8 4.7. Authorized Entrants...... 9 4.8. Fire Watch...... 9


6.0 SAFE WORK / HOT WORK PERMITTING PROCEDURES...... 10 6.1. General or Cold Work Procedure...... 10 6.2. Signing the Safe Work / Hot Work Permit...... 11 6.3. Administration of the Safe Work / Hot Work Permit...... 11

7.0 HOT WORK PERMITTING PROCEDURES (see GSP-301)...... 13 7.1. Activities Covered by this Procedure...... 13 7.2. Prerequisites...... 14 7.3. Hot Work Procedures and Planning...... 14

8.0 VEHICLE ENTRY PERMITTING PROCEDURES...... 18 8.1. Additional Procedures for Permitting Vehicle Entry...... 18 8.2. Signing the Vehicle Entry Permit...... 18

9.0 EXCAVATION PERMITTING PROCEDURES (See GSP-304)...... 19 9.1. Additional Procedures for Permitting Excavation Work...... 19 9.2. Signing the Safe Work / Hot Work Permit for Excavation Work...... 19 9.3. If the excavation is deeper than four (4) feet and must be entered:...... 20

10.0 CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PERMITTING PROCEDURES (see GSP-303)...... 20 10.1. Determining a Permit Required Confined Space...... 20 10.2. Permit Required Confined Space Program...... 23


12.0 TRAINING...... 27 12.1. Valero Employees...... 27

Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS

12.2. Contractors...... 27






Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS


The purpose of this procedure is to identify and control work place hazards. This procedure specifies the steps to be followed for permitting prior to performing any type of work. This procedure provides additional work permit requirements and information for work not covered in GSP-301, which is focused on “Hot Work” activities.


This procedure covers all personnel; company or contractor, working in or on Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company (Valero) owned, operated or maintained pipelines, rights-of-way or facilities.

This procedure outlines the permit requirements, procedures, limitations and forms used in the issuance of Safe Work / Hot Work permits, including cold work, hot work, vehicle entry, excavation and confined space entry permits. This procedure assures the consistent Safe Work / Hot Work permitting within Valero facilities.

Safe Work/Hot Work (GSP- 301), Confined Space Entry (GSP-303) and Excavation (GSP-304) procedures have been developed to provide more detailed and specific information to provide a better understanding of the additional hazards and regulatory compliance associated with these higher risk activities.


Acceptable Entry Conditions The atmospheric, access/egress, and work area conditions that must exist, as defined in the Confined Space Entry Procedure, GSP-303, before entry is permissible.

Atmospheric Testing The process by which the atmospheric hazards which may confront personnel performing gas testing, hot work, or authorizing controls for confined space entry, are identified and evaluated.

Attendant or Designated Attendant For confined space entry purposes, an individual stationed outside the confined space (sometimes referred to as a “hole watch” or “fire watch”).

307-1 Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS

Authorized Entrant An employee or contractor who is authorized under the terms of the confined space entry permit to enter and exit the space only after signing in and out.

Blanket Safe Work / Hot Work Permit A permit issued to allow work on a grouping of closely interrelated or similar pieces of equipment. Blanket permitting is sometimes utilized during new construction or turnaround activity.

Cold Work Any work activity which does not supply sufficient heat or spark energy to provide a potential ignition source for a flammable mixture. This does not include, for the purposes of permitting, confined space entry, hot work, vehicle entry, or excavation. See specific General Procedures for these areas.

Competent Person In excavation work, a competent person is a qualified person capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings, or working conditions which are hazardous or dangerous to those performing the work, and who has the authorization to take prompt corrective action to eliminate them.

Confined Space Is a space which is:  Sufficiently large enough and so configured that an individual can bodily enter and perform assigned work

 Has limited or restricted means for entry/egress

 Is not designed for continuous occupancy The confined space may exhibit one or more of the following conditions  Contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere

 Contains a material capable of engulfing an individual

 Has an internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by floors which slope downward and taper to a smaller cross-section

 Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard

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Examples of a confined space include, but are not limited to: 3.1. Tanks 3.2. Vessels 3.3. Drums 3.4. Sumps 3.5. External floating roofs on storage tanks when the roof is 4 feet or more below the top rim of the tank 3.6. The space above or below an internal floating roof on storage tanks 3.7. Excavations greater than 4 feet deep 3.8. Any pipe with a diameter capable of fitting a person

Energy Isolation Device A mechanical device that physically prevents the transmission or release of energy (see Lockout of Hazardous Energy GSP-302 for specific information about lockout and lockout devices

Energy Source Common examples of energy sources include, but are not limited to: electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical and thermal.

Entry The action by which an individual passes through and opening into a confined space. Entry is considered to have occurred as soon as any part of the entrant’s body breaks the “plane” of an opening into the space.

Fire Watch A person designated for observing hot work activities.

Hazardous Atmosphere An atmosphere which may expose authorized entrants to the risk of death, impairment of ability to exit, injury or acute illness from one or more of the following causes:  Flammable gas, vapor or mist in excess of 10 percent or more of the lower explosive or flammability limits (LEL or LFL)

 Atmospheric oxygen concentrations below 19.5% (deficient) or in excess of 23.5% (enriched)

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 Atmospheric concentration of any substance which could result in employee exposure in excess of its permissible exposure limits (PEL)

 Any other atmospheric condition that is Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH).

Hot Tap A method of drilling/cutting through pressure boundary while in service.

Hot Work Work that causes, has the potential to cause, or requires the use of open flames, arcs, sparks, or other forms of high temperature ignition sources that could initiate a fire or explosion in the presence or vicinity of flammable liquids, vapors and/or gases. Examples of hot work include but are not limited to: welding, burning, soldering, hot tapping/stoppling, drilling, grinding, sandblasting, work on electric circuits, the operation of any equipment with open flames or the ability to generate sufficient heat that would pose a possible ignition source

In-Service Any system that cannot be fully isolated or de-energized from all energy sources or potential energy sources for maintenance/repair and therefore have process flow, contains fluid, is under pressure greater than ambient pressure, and/or is supplied with electricity. These systems are considered in-service and in-service welding, hot bolting, hot tap, and stoppling require special procedures.

Job Blind List A form used by the Responsible Valero Representative/Supervisor to track the current status of all isolations during the course of maintenance work which requires such isolation.

Joint Job Visit A review of the impact of the work to be done by the Valero Responsible Person and the person doing the work, prior to the issuance of the work permit. The purpose of the review is to look at safety, operability, and other concerns of the work area where the work is to be performed.

Line Break The intentional opening of any system that is or has been carrying flammable, corrosive, or toxic material, or a non-hazardous fluid. Examples include spreading flanges, opening exchangers, pulling pumps or valves, cold cutting of piping, etc.

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Lockout The placement of a lockout device on an energy isolating device, in accordance with GSP-302, ensuring the device and the equipment being controlled cannot be operated until the lockout device is removed.

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Lockout Device A device that utilizes a positive means, such as a lock to hold an energy isolating device in a safe position and prevent the energizing of a machine or equipment. Lockout devices also include blinds and blank flanges.

Valero Responsible Employee In the context of this Confined Space Procedure, a Valero Responsible Employee is the employee who prepares the equipment in order to perform the necessary entry work, as outlined in this procedure. Each Valero Responsible Employee must receive training in GSP-303 - Confined Space Entry and other confined space entry information required to ensure the safe and effective planning, preparation, and isolation of the confined space.

Valero Responsible Employee means a person with specific training, knowledge and experience in the area for which the person has the responsibility and the authority to control the equipment and requirements outlined in this procedure. A Valero Responsible Employee must be familiar with the construction, operation, and associated hazards of the subject equipment.

Qualified Terminal/Pipeline Representative Individuals who have received training and certification of competency in the issuance of Safe Work / Hot Work permits. The Qualified Terminal/Pipeline Representative is also known as the entry supervisor.

Retrieval Line Life line

Stoppling A method used to temporarily stop product in piping systems in lieu of a valve

Tagout The placement of a tagout device on an energy isolation device, in accordance with GSP-302

Tagout Device A prominent warning device, such as a tag and a means of attachment, which can be affixed to an energy isolation device in accordance with GSP-302 to indicate that the energy isolation device and equipment being controlled may not be operated until the tagout device is removed

Vehicle Entry The entry of any motorized vehicle into the unit operating area, and requiring a vehicle entry permit to enter 307-6 Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS


4.1.Responsible Valero Representative (Person) The Responsible Valero Representative is responsible for:

a. Preparing the equipment and/or area b. Preparing and issuing all Safe Work / Hot Work permits c. Preparing and signing all Initial Confined Space Evaluation Forms d. Communicating with Responsible Valero Representatives located in other areas, when permitting will be required by more than one Responsible Valero Representative, or when the other unit/operation can impact, or be impacted by, the work to be done e. Issuing unit information and/or MSDS sheets to persons doing the work f. Ensuring that work proceeds in accordance with the limited scope and Safe Work / Hot Work permit requirements g. Pulling/voiding the Safe Work / Hot Work permit if conditions of the permit are not being met, if the area or equipment conditions change, or if an emergency occurs requiring either the termination of the Safe Work / Hot Work permit activities or re-issuance of the permit h. Atmospheric Testing for vehicle Entry, Hot Work and Confined Space Entry permits i. Ensuring a sign stating “Danger – Do not enter sign” is posted at all entries of confine spaces when made accessible j. Notification of all affected parties upon permit issuance and cancellation of Safe Work / Hot Work permits when applicable k. Keeping Safe Work / Hot Work permits for three years at the Terminal/Pipeline office unless an incident occurs. In the case of an incident, the permit will be kept with the Incident Investigation Report as long as required under the Incident Investigation Procedure.

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4.2.Supervisor or Designated Representative The supervisor is responsible for:

a. Preparing and issuing Safe Work / Hot Work permits for work performed in areas outside the unit areas or assigning the task to a Responsible Valero Representative 4.3.Maintenance Mechanic/Technician The maintenance mechanic, technician, project engineer, or contractor supervisor is responsible for:

a. Ensuring that all work carried out by personnel under their direction is covered by valid Safe Work / Hot Work permits b. Ensuring that a trained designated fire watch and/or designated attendant is provided when needed c. Determining the type or method of communication used between the Designated Attendant(s) d. Ensuring that all personnel under their supervision are aware of and trained in the hazards of the work to be performed e. Ensuring that all personnel under his/her direction stop working if the permit conditions change or if there is, or is a potential for, an unsafe or emergency situation 4.4.Contractor Employees Performing Maintenance Work The Contractor is responsible for:

a. Conducting a joint site visit with the Responsible Valero Representative prior to the work b. Obtaining proper Safe Work / Hot Work permits from the Responsible Valero Representative and reviewing and accepting the Safe Work / Hot Work permit terms and restrictions c. Ensuring that the work described in the Safe Work / Hot Work permit is completed and/or left in a safe and clean condition prior to leaving the work area d. Checking in with the Confined Space Attendant when entering and exiting a confined space e. Posting the Safe Work / Hot Work permit at the work site

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f. Ensuring the Responsible Valero Representative fully understands the scope of the work to be done and the equipment to be used g. Ensuring that work is halted if the area or equipment conditions change or an emergency occurs requiring either the termination or re-issuance of the Safe Work / Hot Work permit h. Returning their copy of the Safe Work / Hot Work permit to the Responsible Valero Representative when the work is completed, at the end of their work shift or when the Safe Work / Hot Work permit expires and indicating the status of the work which had been done 4.5.Designated Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Representative The designated HSE representative is responsible for:

a. Providing consultative advice to operations b. Reviewing the confined space entry program on an annual basis c. Maintaining files of completed and canceled permits d. Developing and implementing procedures and resources for rescue and emergency services 4.6.Designated Attendant (or hole watch) The designated attendant is responsible for:

a. Knowing the hazards that may be encountered during a confined space entry b. Must have no additional responsibilities which would distract him/her from observing, maintaining voice and visual contact, remaining outside the confined space, for the entrants c. Be trained in the duties and responsibilities of the designated attendant d. Maintain radio communications with the Responsible Valero Representative and to summon emergency help when needed e. Performing “non-entry” rescue if situations warrant f. NOT ATTEMPTING ENTRY for rescue or other purposes unless relieved by another qualified attendant g. Ordering the evacuation of the confined space h. Ensuring only Authorized Entrants are allowed to enter the confined space i. Performing any additional responsibilities which are noted on the work permit 307-9 Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS

4.7.Authorized Entrants Authorized entrants are responsible for:

a. Adhering to the limited scope and Safe Work / Hot Work requirements of the confined space entry permit b. Checking in and out the confined space with the authorized attendant c. Knowing the hazards that may be encountered during the entry and the effects of overexposure to potential contaminants d. Staying in communication with the Designated Attendant during the Entry and promptly respond following any emergency instructions 4.8.Fire Watch The fire watch responsibilities are:

a. Remaining fully involved in the task of spark and flame containment, using water and/or steam to quench flames, hot sparks and embers b. Constantly evaluating possible job condition changes and proactively preventing fires c. Being aware that LEL need not be present for a fire hazard to exist d. Keeping watch for changes in area or work conditions that may increase the chance for fire or explosion and stopping work accordingly e. Having a charged fire hose or proper fire extinguisher at the job site to extinguish any fires that may start as a result of the Hot Work being performed f. Be fully trained in the operation of the fire extinguishing equipment being used and in fighting small (incipient stage) fires g. Knowing how to report an emergency to summon help and the use of fire alarms, fire blankets, safety shower, etc. h. Inspecting the area after any hot work to ensure that all sparks are extinguished and potential ignition sources created by the hot work activity are eliminated

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All contractors are required to provide their employees with appropriate tools, equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) to perform their tasks in a safe and productive manner. Valero will not provide tools, equipment or PPE to non-Valero employees except PPE required to work in “specialized” operations or hazards.


The following general or Cold Work procedures will be performed when issuing Safe Work / Hot Work permits. Additional procedures for Safe Work/Hot Work (GSP-301), Confined Space (GSP-303) and Excavations (GSP-304), and Lockout of Hazardous Energy (GSP-302) must be utilized as they provide specific information on those procedures, work preparation and permitting.

6.1.General or Cold Work Procedure Upon receipt of a maintenance work order or request, the Responsible Valero Representative will complete the applicable sections of the Safe Work / Hot Work permit based on:

a. Understanding the nature and extent of the work on the operability/safety of the process or general area b. Understanding the extent of the work to be performed c. Conducting a joint job site visit before the permit is issued d. Communicating to personnel who will perform the work, the PPE and other precautions that need to be taken to perform the work safely e. Ensuring that the equipment to be worked on is appropriately prepared (i.e., lock out of hazardous energy, drained, vented, steamed, chemically cleaned, etc.) f. Ensuring all operating personnel who may impact or be impacted by the work are aware that the work is commencing

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6.2.Signing the Safe Work / Hot Work Permit After the equipment and work area has been properly prepared, the Safe Work / Hot Work Permit may be signed. The Safe Work / Hot Work Permit will be signed, at a minimum by the following personnel:

a. The Responsible Representative b. A Valero Maintenance or Contractor Representative 6.3.Administration of the Safe Work / Hot Work Permit The Responsible Valero Representative will issue the Safe Work / Hot Work permit to the Valero maintenance or contractor supervisor or employee or project engineer. A Safe Work / Hot Work permit must be issued for each craft, unless a Safe Work / Hot Work permit is being used as a Blanket Safe Work / Hot Work Permit.

Special conditions such as a process turnaround may warrant a blanket Safe Work / Hot Work permit. Blanket Safe Work / Hot Work Permitting can be done with prior agreement between operations and maintenance managers for the affected areas. Blanket Work Permits must be signed by supervisors.

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Person Conducting Person-in-Charge Originator Gas Tester Fire Watch Safe / Hot Work

Complete and sign upper portion of permit

Review permit, work details, and job site

Specifiy required restrictions Safe Work

Review permit, Prepare site for hot communicate Hot Work work by satisfying conditions to all permit others on the site requirements and sign permit

Conduct flammable Safe Work gas tests and record results

Verify all permit conditions have Hot Work been met and sign permit

Post permit at job site

Conduct work per permit requirements

Hot Work Only

Remain at site for 30 minutes after work has been completed

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Additional Requirements:

a. The Safe Work / Hot Work permit is to remain at the job site until the work is complete or the Safe Work / Hot Work permit expires, whichever comes first. b. A new Safe Work / Hot Work permit is required for each maintenance or operation work shift until the job is completed. c. A special procedure to address deviations or exceptions of any Valero permitting procedures must be utilized and can be found in GSP-109.


Hot work permitting procedures can be found in GSP-301. The following are found in that procedure

7.1.Activities Covered by this Procedure

Use of this procedure is required when routine maintenance is being completed or the following activities are conducted in an area where flammable gas, vapors or combustible materials could be present: a. Heating, cutting, burning, or welding with a torch, electric arc, or soldering iron b. Operating motorized vehicles and/or equipment in an operations/manifold area or within a dike area c. Using electric or air driven power tools which are capable of causing sparks d. Using any equipment which generates an exposed flame or hot filament (i.e., space heaters) e. Using tools that employ explosive charges f. Spray painting and sandblasting (due to static electricity) g. Smoking

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Exemptions from this Procedure Use of this procedure is not required in areas or facilities operated or maintained by other companies, including other Valero operating companies, when:

h. The use of their procedure and permit is required. i. Their procedure meets the minimum requirements of Valero’s Safe Work / Hot Work Procedure. Activities that involve minor maintenance work may not require a permit if the responsible Operations and Maintenance personnel agree that it is clearly unnecessary. A permit may not be necessary for certain instrument calibration, such as setting limits on Motor Operated Valves, or work routinely completed by Valero mechanics familiar with the equipment and related hazard potentials.

7.2.Prerequisites Prior to any hot work the following prerequisites must be satisfied:

a. A Qualified Gas Tester is required at the job site. b. The Fire Watch must be trained in the use of fire extinguishing equipment, the hazards involved with incipient stage fire fighting, and emergency response procedures. 7.3.Hot Work Procedures and Planning

Job Planning The Originator initiates the safe work / hot work permit process by completing the upper section of the permit. The Originator must specify:

a. Facility b. Date c. Time limits d. Who will be conducting the work e. Description of the work f. Equipment to be used g. Job location boundaries, access, egress and specific equipment to be worked on h. Additional instructions to mitigate potential hazards The Originator then signs the permit on the "Permit requested by" line. 307-15 Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS

The Originator and the Valero Responsible Person review the work details, job site and permit conditions.

Site Evaluation The Valero Responsible Person specifies the required restriction(s) by checking all applicable boxes in the appropriate section of the permit.

When hot work is conducted the following are always required:

 Flammable gas testing must be conducted either continuously or with a two-hour maximum interval between tests, unless dictated by another procedure.

 Drains and vents within 50 feet of the proposed hot work must be covered with a material suitable for preventing sparks from entering the drains or vents.

 Evaluation of adjacent units or operations which may have an impact, or be impacted by, the hot work to be performed, must be conducted.

 At a minimum, one 20-pound ABC fire extinguisher must be immediately available.

 A charged fire hose (if available) should be at the site.

A Fire Watch is required whenever welding or cutting is being performed in locations where:

 Other than a minor fire might develop

 Combustible materials are less than 35 feet away

 Easily ignited combustible materials more than 35 feet away have a potential to ignite

 Wall or floor openings within a 35 foot radius expose combustible materials in adjacent areas

 Combustible materials are adjacent to the opposite side of a metal wall, partition, ceiling or roof and are likely to be ignited

Any other restrictions or approval(s) deemed necessary to protect the workers and the facility must be specified including:

 Lockout/Tagout requirements, including blinds installed and/or lines disconnected as necessary 307-16 Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS

 Protection of the area beneath elevated work locations from hot metal sparks, slag, and electrode stubs. Barricade the area or catch the slag in a wetted tarp or other suitable material, as necessary. The same precautions must be observed with regard to cracks or holes in walls, open doorways, and open or broken windows.

 Relocation of all movable combustible fire hazards in the vicinity of the hot work have been removed to a safe location. All combustibles must be relocated at least 35 feet from the work site. Where relocation is impracticable, protect combustibles with flameproof covers or otherwise shield with guards or curtains.

 Protection of ventilation ducts and conveyor systems that might carry sparks to distant combustibles

 Use of fire-resistant shields or guards when welding or cutting near walls, partitions, ceilings or roofs of combustible materials

 Measures to be taken to prevent ignition of combustibles on either side of a metal wall, partition, ceiling, or roof, due to conduction or radiation. If combustibles are not relocated, a fire watch must be stationed within sight of the combustibles.

The Valero Responsible Person verifies the time limit and the job location boundaries on the upper section of the permit. The Valero Responsible Person then signs on the "Restrictions are specified" line.

Site Preparation The Person Conducting Safe Work / Hot Work reviews the permit and communicates all the conditions and restrictions to others within the job boundaries. The Person Conducting Safe Work / Hot Work then signs on the "Permit conditions understood" line.

The Originator ensures all the required fire and safety equipment is in place and in working condition before work begins. The Originator ensures the Fire Watch has been instructed to stop hot work if conditions change that could endanger workers, and that the Fire Watch knows how to use a fire extinguisher and fire hose (when required). The Originator ensures the Fire Watch has a two-way radio tuned to Valero's frequency (when required).

The Originator initials on the permit beside each requirement after confirming the hot work restrictions required have been completed.

Flammable Gas Testing

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The Qualified Gas Tester records the date and time of the test, test results, and initials in the "Flammable Gas Test Results" section of the permit. Tests must be taken immediately prior to starting the hot work.

The Valero Responsible Person verifies the flammable gas tests have been completed and conducts a final inspection to ensure all permit conditions are satisfied, the Person Conducting Hot Work understands the restrictions and the permit has been completed. The Valero Responsible Person then signs on the "Work May Safely Begin" line and posts the permit at the job site.

NOTE: Any permit that does not contain the current date, flammable gas test results, and required signatures and initials is not valid and hot work cannot be performed.

Hot Work Hot work may begin under the following conditions:

i. Continuous or periodic gas testing is conducted as specified on the permit. The person conducting the follow-up tests must record the date and time the tests were taken, the test results, and initial in the appropriate "Flammable Gas Test Results" section of the permit. j. Work must be stopped immediately and the permit suspended if an adverse condition, i.e., a leak, spill, accident, or other mishap occurs. Any time the permit is suspended, the area must be re-inspected, gas tested, and confirmed safe before the work may resume. k. Work must be stopped immediately and the permit suspended if the Fire Watch leaves the job site. l. Additional gas testing must be conducted if the job location is moved in any direction outside the tested area. The originator can continue using the same permit.

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Permit Extension A permit may be extended beyond a shift change, if:

m. Conditions remain unchanged and it is safe to do the work; n. The Valero Responsible Person and the Person Conducting Safe Work / Hot Work confirm that conditions are safe and the permit restrictions continue to be met. Both must date and initial the "Permit Extension" section of the permit; and o. The Qualified Gas Tester conducts flammable gas tests and records the date and time the tests were taken, the re-tests results, and initials in the "Flammable Gas Test Results" re-test section of the permit.

Work Completion A Fire Watch must remain in the area for thirty minutes after hot work has ceased, to ensure that all metal surfaces are cool and there are no smoldering materials. The Valero Responsible Person removes and files the permit when leaving the job site.


These procedures must be performed in addition to the general Cold Work permitting procedures.

8.1. Additional Procedures for Permitting Vehicle Entry Upon receipt of a request, the Responsible Valero Representative will complete the applicable sections of the Safe Work / Hot Work permit based on:

 Performing atmospheric/gas testing

 Ensuring that the results of the atmospheric tests taken are recorded (see hot work in part 7.0 of this procedure)

8.2. Signing the Vehicle Entry Permit After the general area has been properly prepared, the Safe Work / Hot Work permit must be signed by:

 The Responsible Valero Representative

 The Responsible Valero Representative that performed the Atmospheric/Gas Testing

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 A Valero Maintenance or Contractor representative

Vehicle entry described on the Safe Work / Hot Work permit must occur within two hours of any initial atmospheric/gas testing. If it does not, a new test is required.


An excavation permit is required for all excavations that will be of two (2”) inch or greater depth. Specifics on excavation procedure requirements can be found in GSP-310.

a. The Valero maintenance or contractor representative performing the excavation activities must present a completed excavation pre-approval form (see appendix E) with valid dates to the Responsible Valero Representative upon request of an excavation permit. b. The pre-approval form must have all the appropriate signatures of qualified responsible individuals for underground utilities and other area underground equipment. 9.2.Additional Procedures for Permitting Excavation Work Upon receipt of a maintenance work order or request, the Responsible Valero Representative will complete the applicable sections of the Safe Work / Hot Work permit based on:

a. Ensuring the Valero maintenance or contractor representative has obtained a valid excavation pre-approval form b. Ensuring the Valero Electrical Department representative is available to witness excavation activities when required by the excavation pre-approval form 9.3.Signing the Safe Work / Hot Work Permit for Excavation Work After the equipment and work area has been properly prepared, the proper section of the Safe Work / Hot Work permit will be signed by:

a. The Responsible Valero Representative b. The Qualified Terminal/Pipeline Representative responsible for conducting atmospheric/gas testing c. A Valero Management representative d. A Valero or Contractor Competent person if the excavation is greater than four (4) feet and must be signed 9.4. If the excavation is deeper than four (4) feet and must be entered:

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a. It must be inspected by the Valero or contractor Competent Person to assure that is properly shored or sloped and barricaded and has adequate access and egress b. It must be permitted as a Confined Space prior to Entry (Refer to Confined Space, GSP-303) c. Excavation soil must be kept at least two (2) feet from the edges of the excavation d. It must be re-inspected by the Valero or contractor Competent Person after a rain or any event that may compromise the integrity of the excavation walls e. All adjacent structures, buildings walls, etc., must be braced or underpinned to prevent collapse into the excavation f. Excavations must be shored, benched, or sloped, to prevent cave-ins, as outlined in the excavation procedure GSP-304 g. Trenches and excavations will have barriers set back far enough to prevent vehicular traffic from causing cave-ins h. Excavation work described in the Safe Work / Hot Work permit must commence within two (2) hours of any initial atmospheric testing; if it does not, a new atmospheric test will be required i. A registered professional engineer must design protective systems for use in excavations more than 20 feet deep. The protective system design must be attached to the Safe Work / Hot Work permit.


11.0 See GSP-303 11.1. Determining a Permit Required Confined Space

The Originator determines if the space to be entered meets the criteria set by OSHA for a permit required confined space. If a confined space exists, this procedure applies if the space meets all of the following: a. Is large enough for a person to enter and work in the space b. Entry or exit into the space is restricted or limited (restricted includes ladders, manways, crawl spaces, etc.) c. Is not designed for continuous employee occupancy

307-21 Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS

. If the space meets all of the above, the Valero Responsible Person and the Person Conducting the Work determine the type of confined space and which sections in this procedure to follow.

There are three types of confined space which are defined below: d. Non-Permit Confined Space requires the use of permit section A to document decisions e. Confined Space Requiring Ventilation for control of unacceptable atmospheric hazards, requires use of permits f. Permit Required Confined Space requires the use of the entire permit plus an emergency action plan if using ventilation) NOTE: Valero requires the use of a permit to document decisions made regarding entry into all confined spaces that fall into the three respective categories. These categories reflect the OSHA Standard for Confined Space Entry. However, A permit is required for entry into all confined spaces even though the terminology may suggest otherwise.

307-22 Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS


Note 1 Must meet all 3 conditions: Is space a confined No This procedure does not space? Note 1 apply. Is large enough so a person can enter and work in the space. Yes Entry or exit into the space is restricted or limited (i.e., Pre-entry restricted includes ladders, manways, crawl spaces, etc.).

Is not designed for continuous occupancy. Are atmospheric or Document on Part A of other safety hazards No the permit (non-permit present? Note 2 confined space). Note 2 Meets one of these conditions:

Contains or has potential to Yes contain a hazardous atmosphere.

Can hazards be Eliminate hazards and Contains a material that has the elimated without Yes reclassify to non-permit potential for engulfing an entry into space? confined space. entrant (i.e., clay filters). Has a floor that could trap an No employee (i.e., slope that prevents employee from getting out without assistance). Document on parts A Can forced air and B of permit. Enter ventilation control Yes Contains any other recognizable space with use of hazards? safety hazard. ventilation.


Use permit required Can hazards be confined space for entry. eliminated with Yes Eliminate hazards then entry into space reclassify to non-permit confined space.


Use permit required confined space entry

307-23 Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS

11.2. Permit Required Confined Space Program WARNING: Do not start here without determining type of confined space and preparing the site. See GSP-303 for Determining Type of Confined Space and Pre-entry.

The Person Conducting the Work must first ensure all the applicable requirements in sections 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 (if using ventilation) are completed.

To reclassify a Permit Required Confined Space to a Non-Permit Confined Space, the following must be considered:  Evaluate the space to determine what hazards are expected to be associated with entry. If there are no atmospheric hazards and if all non- atmospheric hazards within the space are eliminated without entry into the space, a Permit Required Confined Space may be reclassified as a Non-Permit Confined Space for as long as those hazards remain eliminated (see Confined Space Evaluation Form in Appendix D).

 If it is necessary to enter the Permit Required Confined Space to eliminate hazards, use this section ("Permit Required Confined Space") for entry requirements.

 If during entry, monitoring demonstrates that all the hazards within the space have been eliminated, the Permit Required Confined Space may be reclassified to a Non-Permit Confined Space for as long as the hazards remain eliminated. Work may then continue as outlined in section 5.2.

NOTE: A space cannot be reclassified to a Non-Permit Confined Space by using forced-air ventilation, because forced-air ventilation does not eliminate the hazards

In conjunction with planning the work, The Valero Responsible Person completes a written Emergency Action (see GSP-303 for Emergency Action Plan Form).

The Person Conducting the Work ensures that the following additional equipment is at the work site and is in good working order:  Ventilating equipment needed to obtain acceptable entry conditions must meet all the requirements in GSP-303

 Rescue and emergency equipment needed as specified in the Emergency Action Plan, except for equipment that is provided by rescue services

307-24 Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS

 Any other equipment necessary as specified by the Valero Responsible Person for safe entry into and rescue from Permit Required Confined Spaces

 “Confined Space Entry Permit Required” sign is posted

Note: When using pneumatic equipment in a confined space, an air supply system must be used which will provide properly filtered air (e.g. compressor)? Air systems with nitrogen backup must not be used.

If ventilation is needed, the Person Conducting the Work completes the appropriate section of the permit and begins ventilation as outlined in GSP-303.

The Valero Responsible Person reviews the permit conditions and gas test results, approves the appropriate permit sections (if ventilation is needed) and completes the permit. The approved permit must be posted at the entrance to the space before work may begin.

The Attendant must remain at the entrance to the space, monitor activities and evacuate and/or summon help in the event of an emergency. The Attendant must also:  Continuously maintain an accurate count of authorized entrants in the Permit Required Confined Space and ensure that the permit accurately identifies who is in the Permit Required Confined Space

 Communicate with entrants as necessary to monitor status and to alert entrants of the need to evacuate the space

 Monitor activities inside and outside the space to determine if it is safe for entrants to remain in the space and evacuate the Permit Required Confined Space immediately if the Attendant detects a prohibited condition

 Summon rescue and other emergency services as soon as it is determined that entrants may need assistance to escape from Permit Required Confined Space hazards

Note 1: When the emergency action plan allows Attendant entry for rescue, Attendants may enter a Permit Required Confined Space to attempt a rescue if they have been trained and equipped for rescue operations and if they have been relieved by another Attendant.

Note 2: More than one attendant may be necessary when the confined space is of such a size or configuration so as not to provide the attendant/entrant visual contact (examples are towers, compartments, etc).

307-25 Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS

The atmosphere within the space must be tested continuously if authorized on the permit by The Valero Responsible Person. Gas testing must be conducted as necessary to ensure there is no accumulation of hazardous vapors. Results must be recorded on the permit every two hours. NOTE: When the space has been vacated for more than 30 minutes, gas testing must be conducted again before re-entry.

If a hazardous atmosphere is detected while working in a space, ventilation equipment fails, or a worker becomes ill, all of the following must occur: a. Each worker must leave the space immediately. b. The Valero Responsible Person must terminate the entry and cancel the permit if a condition not allowed under the entry permit arises in or near the Permit Required Confined Space. c. The space must be re-evaluated to determine how the hazardous atmosphere developed. d. All equipment must be thoroughly inspected. e. Measures must be taken to protect workers from the hazardous atmosphere before the next entry takes place. f. The space must be retested as outlined in GSP-303

Once the job has been completed and after workers have exited the space, the Person Conducting the Work will conclude the entry by closing off a Permit Required Confined Space. The Valero Responsible Person will cancel the permit by removing it from the site.

The Valero Responsible Person must review all permit-required entry operations. The review must identify any problems and document that all entrants were protected from hazards during the entry. The Valero Responsible Person will correct task-level problems locally prior to authorizing additional entries. The Valero Responsible Person must notify the editor of the General Procedures Manual to revise procedural problems. Deficiencies which could result in injury must be corrected before the next entries are authorized.

A review of the problems should be conducted with HSE to assure that these conditions are communicated and, therefore, do not occur elsewhere. (Examples of circumstances requiring review include unauthorized entry, detection of any hazard not covered by the permit, injury or near miss, and employee complaint).

The permit must be filed as outlined in section GSP-303.

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Safe Work / Hot Work permit copies must be distributed as follows:

 One copy will be posted at the control area (control room, operator shelter, etc.,)

 One copy must be posted at the work site for Cold Work, Hot Work, and Excavation. Confined Space permits must be posted at the entrance to the confined space.

The Valero maintenance or contractor representative must return the Safe Work / Hot Work permit to the control area upon completion of the work, shift change or expiration of the Safe Work / Hot Work permit, and sign-off on the permit.

The Valero maintenance or contractor representative must indicate if the job is complete or incomplete in the specified area of the Safe Work / Hot Work permit. The job site must be left in a clean and safe condition. Upon returning the Safe Work / Hot Work permit, the Responsible Valero Representative will inspect the job site and indicate if the work area is clean and safe in the specified area of the Safe Work / Hot Work permit.

If the job site is found to be unclean and/or unsafe, the Safe Work / Hot Work permit will be suspended by the Responsible Valero Representative until the jobsite has been cleaned and/or made safe. When signing the appropriate section of the Safe Work / Hot Work Permit, the Responsible Valero Representative will be canceling the Safe Work / Hot Work permit.


Responsible Valero Representatives must retain all completed and cancelled Safe Work / Hot Work permits for filing/retention.

307-27 Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS


13.1. Valero Employees  Only personnel who have been trained will use Atmospheric Testing and monitoring instrumentation.

 Only personnel who have been trained as a Responsible Valero Representative will issue Safe Work / Hot Work permits. Initial training will be coordinated through Training Department, with the assistance of the HSE Group.

13.2. Contractors During the site-specific safety orientation, contractors will be informed of permitting procedures. Process unit overviews will be issued to contractors with each Safe Work / Hot Work permit issued. Contractor representatives will participate in a Joint Job Site Visit and discuss with the Valero Responsible Valero Representative the exact nature of the extent of the work planned.

Coordination of the work with Valero Maintenance and Operations is required. The details of how this coordination will be conducted will be determined by the local site representatives. Contractors will assure that communications with everyone covered by the Safe Work / Hot Work permit will include the process overview, MSDS, Specific Work Hazards, and other information communicated by the Responsible Valero Representative.

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Below is information which is generally included on the Safe Work / Hot Work Permit. Local Site conditions and equipment may require additional information be included.

A. Work Scope:

This section is completed by the Responsible Valero Representative.

 When filling out the Safe Work / Hot Work Permit, use out as much detail as possible to define the complete work scope. The work scope section contains information concerning the types of work involved to complete the task, the work location, the equipment to be worked on, the work to be performed, and the craft/company that will do the work.

B. General Preparation:

This section is to be completed by the Responsible Valero Representative.

 This section is completed for ALL work activities requiring a Safe Work / Hot Work permit;

 Check all boxes and information that apply.

C. Hot Work Activity Preparation and Vehicle Entry

This section is to be filled out by the Responsible Valero Representative and is completed for Hot Work Activities requiring Safe Work / Hot Work permit and Vehicle Entries.

 Check all boxes/areas that apply and will include:

 Atmospheric Testing and Results (oxygen = 19.5% - 23.5%; combustible gas LEL = 0%)

 Fire Watch Requirement

 Sewers Covered

 Proper fire extinguishing equipment at the worksite

 Fire spark protection

307-29 Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS

 Vehicle Entry / Egress information

D. Confined Space Entry Preparation

This section is to be completed by the Responsible Valero Representative to satisfy the Confined Space Entry Requirement. Some locations may require a separate permit for Confined Space Entry.

 Check all boxes which apply

 Equipment to be opened/entered

 Confined Space Signs Posted

 Authorized Attendant and emergency summoning equipment

 Atmospheric testing and results

 MSDS reference or attachment

 Lockout of Hazardous Energy Information

 Blinding or disconnect Information (i.e. vessel isolation form attached)

 Ventilation requirements

 Internal equipment physical disconnect (i.e. mixers)

 Entry Supervisor Signature

 Responsible Valero Representative Signature

 Entrant(s) signatures

E. Excavation Activity Preparations

This section is completed by a Responsible Valero Representative. Some locations may require a separate permit for Excavation activity.

 Check all boxes that apply and complete information.

 The Valero contractor or Competent Person must sign Safe Work / Hot Work permits for excavations deeper than four (4) feet that will be entered after assuring that the following precautions have been taken:

 The excavation is properly shored, benched orsloped, and barricaded.

307-30 Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS

 Proper access and egress is present.

 Any water accumulation has been removed or controlled.

 All adjacent structures have been braced or underpinned to prevent collapse.

 All excavated material is at least two (2) feet from the edges of the excavation.

F. Approvals

 Maintenance/Contractor Acceptance of Equipment/Work Area

 A member of the crew performing the work or their supervisor must sign this section of the Safe Work / Hot Work permit

 A new Safe Work / Hot Work permit is required for each maintenance work shift.

 The Responsible Valero Representative will sign this section once all the Safe Work / Hot Work permit conditions have been identified and met.

G. Job/Permit Completion

 The Responsible Valero Representative will accept the Safe Work / Hot Work permit from the maintenance / contractor and indicate the status of the job - complete or incomplete. Prior to signing off on the work done, the Responsible Valero Representative will inspect the work area. If the work area is found to have housekeeping concerns or to be unsafe, the Safe Work / Hot Work permit will not be accepted back by the Responsible Valero Representative.

 By signing this section, the Responsible Valero Representative will be canceling the Safe Work / Hot Work permit. Copies of permits will be maintained in the site files.

307-31 Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS


Work Order No. ______(If Applicable) Permit No.

Date: ______Start Time: ______AM  PM Valid To: ______AM  PM (No permit is valid beyond the start of the next work day) Permit Type (Check All That Apply):  General/Cold Work  Hot Work  Vehicle Entry  Excavation

A. Work Scope (Must be completed for all permitted work activities)

Issued To: ______Location: ______(Name/Company) Description of Work (Be Specific): ______Equipment Name and/or Number ______

 Confined Space Entry (Refer to Initial Confined Space Evaluation No) ______

B. General Preparations & Atmospheric Testing (General Preparations must be completed for all safe work permits) Check Off All Items: GENERAL PREPARATIONS ATMOSPHERIC TESTING - REQUIRED?  YES  NO Yes N/A Initial Gas Test Gas Re-Tests   Joint job site visit conducted Oxygen ______% (19.5%- Oxygen ______% (19.5%- Oxygen ______% (19.5%- 23.5%) 23.5%) 23.5%)   Process Valero overview prepared & reviewed Combustible:______%LEL Combustible:______%LEL Combustible:______%LEL   Chemical communications performed (MSDS) (<5.0%) (<5.0%) (<5.0%)   Pedestrian Barricades or controls in place Hydrogen Sulfide______Hydrogen Sulfide______Hydrogen Sulfide______(<10   Vehicle barricades or controls in place? (<10 PPM) (<10 PPM) PPM)   Lockout/Tagout Complete Lockbox No._____ Other Toxic ______Other Toxic ______Other Toxic ______  Equipment isolation form complete Time: ______Time: ______Time: ______  Has MOC been completed Date: ______Date: ______Date: ______  Central control room notified Meter Type: ______Meter Type: ______Meter Type: ______  Will work disturb asbestos (i.e. Insulation) Serial #:______Serial #:______Serial #:______  GFCI required Calibration Date:______Calibration Date:______Calibration Date:______  Continuous Atmospheric Monitoring Required   Electrical devices are intrinsically safe (no cell phones!) C. Hazardous Material Information

Is there Hazardous Material Associated with this Permit? Yes  No  Is MSDS attached to this Permit? Yes  No  Name of Hazardous Material ______Currently Contains  : Previously Contained  :  Acid/Caustic  Flammable  Benzene  Radiation  H2S  Other ______

D. Hot Work Activity and Vehicle Entry Preparations (Must be completed IF hot work activity or Vehicle Entry is to be performed

Yes N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A   Sewers & Drains covered or plugged   Charged Fire/Water Hose   Water Spray Needed   Area free of combustibles   Steam Hose   Tarps Needed   Continuous purge needed: Type _____   Welding machine location safe   Fire Blankets Needed   Signs and barricades posted   Mechanical ventilation needed   Spark Containment in Place   Fire Extinguisher, Qty.____Type____   Area wet down   Hot Tap / Stopple Permit Needed   Fire Watch; Names:______  Combustible materials removed   Other ______E. Approval for Hot Tap/Hot Work on In-Service Equipment Hot work on in-service piping, tanks, or other processing equipment, requires a wall thickness measurement. Vessel/pipe wall thickness must be measured and determined to be acceptable by a member of the Engineering Group:

 Approval by Engineering Group: Signature Thickness JSA Performed Yes N/A

307-32 Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS

F. Confined Space Entry Preparations (Must be completed IF a Confined Space Entry is to be performed) Check All Items: Yes N/A Yes N/A   Initial Confined Space Evaluation Form Complete   Rescue Tripod or Device available   Communications for attendants and entrants; Type:______  Continuous atmospheric testing (toxic, O2, % LEL)   Air-powered tools supply source checked   Valero Radio Issued to Attendant(s)   Designated Attendant(s)Name: ______  Bottle watch required for supplied fresh air work   12 Volt Lighting (Intrinsically Safe)   Ladder required to enter and exit confined space   Entrants and attendants notified of hazards G. Excavation Activity Preparations (Must be completed IF Excavation work is to be performed. Check All Items One Call Confirmation Number: ______Note: attach one-call receipt Yes N/A Yes N/A   Is excavation pre-approval forms completed   Checked for underground electrical   Does pre-approval form specify electrical witness needed   Checked for underground piping   Will personnel enter excavation > 4 feet in depth. (If yes,   Proper organizations notified (i.e. utilities) competent person & shoring/sloping required; considered a   Water accumulation controlled confined space).   Adjacent structures braced or underpinned   Excavated and other material > 2 ft. from edge   Signs and barricades posted   Atmospheric testing required   Soil Classification (describe)______  Competent Person Name:______  Method of Shoring,? (describe) ______H. Personal Protective Equipment (Must be completed for all safe work permits) Check-Off all PPE required:  Hearing Protection  Thermal Gloves  Half Face Air purifying Respirator  Multi-gas and Vapor Filter  Face Shield  Safety Harness/Lanyard  Full Face Air purifying Respirator  Combo Multi Gas/Vapor Filter  Rubber Boots  Lifeline  Powered Air purifying respirator  Supplied Air Monitoring System  PVC Boots  Welders PPE  Air Supplied Hood  Other ______ Chemical Gloves  Chemical Goggles  Inert Entry Helmet  Other ______ Leather Gloves  Chemical Protective Suit (note class type)  SCBA  Other ______ Cloth Gloves  Chemical Slicker Suit (pants and jacket)  Particulate Filter  Other ______I. Approval/Acceptance PRINT AND SIGN NAME (Must be completed no matter what work activity is being performed).

______A.M. P.M. ______A.M. P.M ______Responsible Valero Representative Time Date Maintenance/Contractor Representative Time Date

Extended Permit Valero Representative Approval: ______Time: ______A.M. P.M

(Not to be extended beyond start of next work day) Maintenance/Contractor Approval: ______Time: ______A.M. P.M

J. Approval of Work Completed (Must be completed no matter what work activity is to be performed).

Has job been completed? Yes  No  Is work area clean and safe? Yes  No  Time: ______ A.M.  P.M. Date: ______

Status: Responsible Valero Representative Maintenance/Contractor Representative Valero -307 (Rev. 6-3-05)

307-33 Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS


Designated Attendant ______

Relief Attendant(s) ______

Name Company In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out

Attendant Recorded Air Monitoring Levels Air Monitoring Levels Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Hour 6 Hour 7 Hour 8 LEL (Must be <5%) O2 (19.5% – 23.5%) H2S (<10 p.p.m) Other ______Other ______

Attendant Responsibilities

 Knows the hazards that may be faced during entry, and knows the behavioral effects of hazard exposure (Review Confined Space Initial Evaluation Form)  Remains on duty during entry operation unless relieved.  Continuously maintains an accurate count and the names of all entrants in the confined space and the attendant on the entry log.

307-34 Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES WORK PERMITS

 Monitors activities inside and outside the confined space to determine if it is safe for entrants to remain in the space.  Maintains effective and continuous contact with authorized entrants during entry.  Review Emergency Action Plan  Logs Atmospheric Continuous or Interval monitoring results

The attendant must order authorized entrants to evacuate the confined space immediately when:

 The attendant notices a condition that is not allowed by the permit  The attendant detects behavioral effects of hazard exposure  The attendant detects a situation outside the space that would endanger the entrants  The attendant detects an uncontrolled hazard within the confined space  The attendant observes unacceptable air quality during monitoring

If the attendant cannot effectively and safely perform these duties, he/she must:

 Summon rescue and other emergency services as soon as it is determined that authorized entrants need to escape from confined space hazards – the attendant is not to act as a rescuer unless properly trained and equipped, with a relief observer available at the confined space. Rescuers often become victims.  Call for emergency assistance on the assigned radio or at the site emergency phone number.

The attendant must take the following actions, as necessary, when unauthorized persons approach or enter a confined space while entry is underway:

 Warn and direct the unauthorized persons away from the confined space  Order the unauthorized persons to exit immediately if they have entered the confined space  Inform the authorized entrants and the issuer of the permit if unauthorized persons have entered the confined space  Perform no duties or other activities that may interfere with the above duties.

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Work Order No. ______No. XXXXXX (If Applicable)

Date: ______Time: ______A.M.  P.M.

Unit: ______Vessel Name: ______Vessel Number: ______

Initial Confined Space Evaluation Expiration Date: ______Time: ______A.M.  P.M.

A. Confined Space Preparation Checklist (All Items in this section must be completed).

Yes N/A Yes N/A   Vessel Flushed   Lockout/Tagout Complete   Vessel Cleaned and Drained   Vessel or Space Inert Gas Purged (IDLH Entry Only)   Vessel Depressured   Mechanical Ventilation Required   Vessel Isolation Form Complete   Signs and Barricades Posted   Internal Temperature Safe for Entry   Previous Product Service Industrial Hygiene Review     Attach Vessel Isolation Form to a copy of Initial Confined Space Evaluation Form and Post in Operator Shelter or Work Area

B. Atmospheric Testing (This section must be completed. For Re-Testing of Confined Space use reverse side of this evaluation form). INITIAL ATMOSPHERIC TESTING Substance TLV or PEL Test Results N/A Oxygen (O2) 19.5% - 23.5%  Combustibles (LEL) < 5% LEL  Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) < 10 PPM  Benzene < 0.5 PPM  Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) < 10 PPM  Ammonia < 50 PPM  Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) < 3 PPM  Carbon Monoxide (CO) <35 PPM  Other  Gas Test Conducted By: ______Time Tested: ______A.M.  P.M.

Type of Meter: ______Serial Number: ______Calibration Due Date: ______

C. Approval (The Qualified Unit Representative and HSE Representative must sign this section)

______A.M.  P.M. ______A.M.  P.M. Qualified Unit Representative Date Time HSE Representative Date Time

D. Cancellation (Upon completion of confined space entry this section must be signed by the Qualified Unit Representative).

______A.M.  P.M. Qualified Unit Representative Date Time

 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT. Forward all completed and cancelled Initial Confined Space Entry Evaluation Forms to the HSE Department

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Application has been made by ______of______to excavate at ______with ______(equipment).

Inspection of the area indicates that vehicles or equipment may enter and that excavation may proceed subject to the conditions listed below. A qualified Valero representative(s) must approve the excavation activities.

 ______

 Valero Representative Technical Support

 ______

 Operations Supervisor or Designee HSE Department Representative


 1. ______

 2. ______

 3. ______

 4. ______

When the use of equipment in this area extends beyond the one working day authorized, the equipment must not enter on subsequent days until an operations supervisor, or designee, and the HSE Representative or designee have inspected the area and again signed this excavation pre-approval form in the spaces provided for further endorsements. A new excavation pre-approval form must be obtained when entering and area is not specified above. Barricade all excavations at night.

 ALL ELECTRICAL LINES ARE ALIVE AND DANGEROUS. When excavating with power equipment, excavate no closer than three (3) feet from underground electric lines, the remaining three (3) feet must be excavated by hand. When excavating above electric cables or conduits, excavate by hand; no power equipment must be used

307-37 Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Last Revised 01/10/07

Recommended publications