Your Grade for This Chapter Will Include 100 Points

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Your Grade for This Chapter Will Include 100 Points


CP Biology Chapter 18: Classification

For this unit, you will assemble notes and answer basic concept questions using a textbook in class. You may work in a team, but each team member must write their own notes. After discussing concepts together for clarification and review, you may use your written notes and other materials for an OPEN-NOTE quiz or test.

Your grade for this chapter will include 100 points :  40 points for the questions and assignments listed below  60 point quiz (open-note and after reviewing the material)

1. Read Chapter 18 (pages 509 – 528). 2. Complete attached worksheets: A. Chapter 18 Concept Review Questions (20 points) B. The Kingdoms & Their Characteristics (10 points) C. 2 worksheets (10 points): Classification Categories, Cladograms

I hope all this work is not fernothing!

Man, I can hardly wait This should to do this be fun-guys! assignment!

Why do I We’re not already feel evolved enough single-celled to have out? something clever to say. CHAPTER 18 CONCEPT REVIEW


SECTION 18.1 – Finding Order in Diversity 1. Define Systematics. What is a taxon (or plural – taxa)? 2. Binomial nomenclature is the system that is used to name organisms. What is the goal of binomial nomenclature? 3. Who is the scientist responsible for binomial nomenclature? What language is used and why? 4. What is a dichotomous key and how is it used? 5. What is the modern definition of “species”? 6. List the seven hierarchical taxa (from most general to specific) used to group organisms.

SECTION 18.2 – Modern Evolutionary Classification 7. What is “Phylogeny”? 8. What is a derived character? How can they be used to determine how closely two species are related? 9. How are DNA sequences used in classification? 10. Besides DNA, what other kinds of information can be used by scientists to determine relationships between groups of organisms?

SECTION 18.3 – Building the Tree of Life 11. Name the 3 domains, and list the Kingdoms within each domain. (There are 6 Kingdoms.)

12. Thinking Question: (THIS IS NOT IN YOUR BOOK!) Explain how evolution is responsible for both the “unity and diversity” of life. The Kingdoms and Their Characteristics A. Use the Word Bank to complete the chart below indicating the characteristics for each kingdom. (You may use the term “some” in the box if it’s not true for the entire Kingdom.) - some of the boxes have been filled in for you already

Word Bank: Prokaryote (2) Multicellular (2) insects Eukaryote (4) Most multicelled/some one cell halophiles Archaea Most unicellular/some multicelled ferns Bacteria Unicellular mosses Eukarya (4) Autotroph (4) insects Peptidoglycan Heterotroph (5) sponges No peptidoglycan Ingestion seaweed Cellulose cell wall Absorption mushroom Chitin cell wall cyanobacteria amoeba


KINGDOM Archaebacteria Eubacteria Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia Cell Type (prokaryotic or eukaryotic)

Number of Cells Unicellular, (unicellular, colonial, some colonial multicellular)

Cell Wall (present or absent) Some If present, indicate it’s varied composition: composition, cellulose, chitin, some cellulose peptidoglycan Mode of Nutrition (autotrophic, heterotrophic, both )

Examples of Organisms in this Kingdom

* For up to 5 points Extra Credit: Make a Colorful Concept Map on a small/medium size poster board of the 6 Kingdoms. Include all of their characteristics and color photographs of at leas three organisms within each kingdom. (I will show you examples in class.) Classification Categories

1. List the 7 levels of classification categories from the most broad (on top) to the most specific (on bottom).

2. Which are more similar: a. members of an order or members of a family? ______b. members of an order or members of a phylum? ______

3. Which group has more members: a. a phylum or a family?______b. a genus or a family? ______

4. Which group has fewer members: a. a family or a genus?______b. an order or a phylum? ______

5. a. Which group has the most members? ______b. Which group has the fewest members? ______

6. Does the category DOMAIN fit on the top or the bottom of this chart? ______Explain why. ______

Study the table showing the classification of 4 organisms. Answer the question in the spaces provided.

TABLE 1: Classification of Organisms Dandelion Dog Wolf Human Kingdom Plantae Animalia Animalia Animalia Phylum Tracheophyta Chordata Chordata Chordata Class Angiospermae Mammalia Mammalia Mammalia Order Asterales Carnivora Carnivora Primates Family Compositae Canidae Canidae Hominidae Genus Taraxacum Canis Canis Homo Species officinale familiaris lupus sapiens

6. How many groups do wolves and humans share? ______7. How many groups do wolves and dogs share? ______8. a. Which two organisms are the most similar? ______b. How do you know? ______9. a. Which organism is least like the other three? ______b. How do you know? ______10. To what Order do dogs and wolves belong? ______11. To what Class do dogs and humans belong? ______Cladograms For Questions 1–3, complete each statement. 1. Define a cladogram ______2. The place where the ancestral lineage splits on a cladogram is called a fork, or a ______. 3. Characteristics shared by members of a clade and only by members of that clade are called ______.

Examine Figure A below:  Color the two organisms that belong to a clade that does not include the third organism RED. Color the organism that does not belong to the clade YELLOW.  Circle the point on the cladogram that shows the most recent common ancestor of the crab and the barnacle.  Mark an X on the point on the cladogram that shows the most recent common ancestor of mollusks and crustaceans.  Put a box around the characteristic that all three organisms have in common.

Examine Figure B above. 1. Which species is most closely related to the red panda? ______

2. Although giant pandas and red pandas share some distinct anatomical similarities, they are in different clades. What type of evidence do you think was used to construct this diagram? ______

3. Biologists had previously classified giant pandas together with raccoons and red pandas. After DNA analysis, what must have been discovered to change the cladogram?

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