Members Present: William Thompson President, David Raugh Vice President, David Iddings s1
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The meeting was called to order by William H. Thompson leading in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
William Thompson, President; David Raugh, Vice President; David Iddings, Mayor; Mark Keener, Heidi Thomas, Edward Farr, Sandra Griffith and Mary Pelton.
Also Present: Mary Ellen Banks, Borough Manager; John Elliott, Solicitor
Phobn Attin, Concerned Citizens for America Representative John Snyder, Newberry Township Police Chief
Phobn Attin, a representative from Concerned Citizens for America gave a presentation concerning the proposed United States House Resolution # 418. She explained to the Council the bailout passed by the government is detrimental to the economic situation and there is a Homeowners and Bank Protection Act being considered which some legislatures in PA have co-sponsored. This would keep homeowners in their houses; banks open and negotiate mortgage payments with those in default. The vote is scheduled for November 12th, 2008. She asks that council contact their Representatives and Congressmen to vote for this new bill. The Concerned Citizens for America is a grass-root, non-profit organization and are contacting all boroughs and townships since these councils have their congressmen’s ears and will spread the word. Their email address is [email protected] and they will be holding public meetings in both York and Lebanon.
Newberry Township Police Chief John Snyder reported the following:
o There were seventeen (17) incidents for the months of October.
o Chief Snyder presented the proposed contract for Lewisberry police protection for 2009 with an 8% increase making the annual rate $13,869.27; the monthly rate is $1,155.77. This increases the monthly rate $85.61. Edward Farr made a motion and Sandra Griffith seconded to accept the proposal from Newberry Township for 2009 police protection for Lewisberry Borough. Motion Carried.
o Operation Safe Stop in the Borough went very well. He explained an officer stopped one of the school buses for driving too fast through the borough.
o The 5K run also went well and they raised over $2,000 for the DARE program.
o William Thompson inquired of Chief Snyder if it is permissible to change the 25 mile speed limit sign posted on Front Street. This sign currently reads “25 Mile Reduced Speed Ahead”. Chief Snyder explained if the borough has an ordinance that supports the 25-mile speed limit; it would be legal to just remove the “reduced speed ahead” portion of the sign.
John Elliott – No Report November 3, 2008 Page 2
A motion to approve the minutes of the October 6, 2008 meeting was made by David Raugh and seconded by Heidi Thomas. Motion carried.
A motion to approve the General Fund invoices for payment was made by Mary Pelton and seconded by Edward Farr. Motion carried.
A motion to approve the Electric Fund invoices for payment was made by Mary Pelton and seconded by Edward Farr. Motion carried.
There were no invoices for the Road Fund.
Zoning Officer Report:
George Craker – Not Present
Mayor’s Report
David Iddings - No Report
Road Committee
William Thompson reported Henkels and McCoy have trimmed the trees as requested.
Electric Committee
Mark Keener reported he received an invoice for the meters received and will deliver it to the borough office.
Mark Keener further reported that Kevin Sorenson is currently working on the church meter.
Library Committee
Sandra Griffith reported the Library is having a sub sale November 12th.
Insurance Committee
No Report.
Park Committee
William Thompson reported receiving two quotes for removal of the two (2) trees in front of the Borough park building. The first is from Mountain Top at $1600.00 and Alpine at $750.00.
William Thompson also reported further information on the grants. Gordon Brown will supply the necessary application forms to apply for both grants; however, the borough will need an estimate of costs before applying.
Planning Committee
No Report.
Red Land Community Corporation
No Report.
William Thompson reported the following:
o The check issued by the Electric Company to Dale Lewis, deceased was able to be cashed by his daughter; therefore, this issue is closed.
o The NIMS Certification has not been completed by Edward Farr, Sandra Griffith and Heidi Thomas.
o The snow removal contract has been signed. Mr. McKinney has ordered the necessary equipment and supplies including salt. Shawn Crumling, Paul Fisher’s relative, will be his backup if anything unforeseen happens.
o Mr. Thompson investigated computer & software upgrade for the Electric billing. He shared a proposal for the Sewer Authority received in 2005 for a total billing system at approximately $5,300. Mark and Mary Jo Keener will review this system possibly through a demo.
David Raugh reported after attending the PMEA Conference the PUC does not regulate boroughs that sell electricity; therefore, the Borough will not have to install smart meters which cost approximately $400 at this time to purchase. Rate increases discussed included PPL at 36%, Met-Ed at 50% and Penn State at 100%. There was a rumor that AMP of Ohio will be proposing to an extension of a five-year contract close to the current rate being paid. David stated he has all of information from the conference for Council’s review. While at the PMEA conference, he also attended a meeting of PMPA for the election of officers and they stated the annual dues for this organization has not been decided at this time.
PSAB will be conducting webinars on various topics. This information for the topics is included on their website.
William Thompson reported the annual service agreement with Henkels & McCoy was signed and returned.
The PSAB 98th annual conference will be held on March 22-25, 2009. The information will be distributed at December Council meeting.
The PSAB Borough Officials Training Update was received for 2009.
The West Shore Recreation Meeting Minutes for October, 2009 was received.
The York County Area of Aging will hold a community meeting on November 17th which will include a roundtable discussion on senior citizen issues. The meeting will be held at St Paul’s United Methodist Church in Manchester @ 6:00 pm.
David Raugh made a motion and Mark Keener seconded to appoint Mary Ellen Banks, Borough Manager, as Lewisberry Records Officer. Motion Carried.
York County Economic Development Planning Sessions will be held in November to develop an economic development strategy for York County’s future growth and prosperity.
William Thompson reported DEP has extended Lewisberry Borough’s MS4 General storm-water permit coverage by one year to expire March 9, 2010.
David Raugh reported Paul Myers will be willing to keep the right-away of the Lewis Street extension mowed if the Borough would arrange to have the small trees, large bushes, etc. removed initially. This area has grown up significantly and is harboring small animals and rodents. It was decided at this time to table this discussion until further information is gathered from Penn Dot.
David Iddings has requested the Council to consider including Nebinger cemetery in the mowing contract going forward since the borough’s founders are buried there. A discussion followed with no decision being made at this time.
David Iddings also requested council to be proactive for snow removal from sidewalks of borough property which includes this building and the park building. Further information from the insurance company and if anyone is interested in doing the sidewalks will be gathered before making a decision.
The 2009 Proposed Budget was presented to the Council. The following was discussed and noted:
o The General Fund shows a deficit of 1,036.25 projected for 2009. This deficit can be covered by the Electric Fund. At this time, John Elliott explained it is not necessary to transfer this amount from electric fund; it does not have to be completed until it is necessary since the budget is an estimate only.
o Sandra Griffith made a motion and Edward Farr seconded to approve the General Fund 2009 Budget Proposal with corrections. Motion carried.
o Sandra Griffith made a motion and Mary Pelton seconded to approve the 2009 proposed Electric Fund budget with pay increases for Mary Jo Keener, Electric Company Biller and Mary Ellen Banks, Borough Manager. Motion Carried.
o David Raugh made a motion and Mark Keener seconded to approve the Road Fund 2009 proposed budget. Motion carried. November 3, 2008 Page 5 NEW BUSINESS/COMMUNICATIONS, CONTINUED
David Iddings reported a resident informed him a Lewisberry Fire Company truck was seen at the Baltimore-Washington Airport questioning why it was so far from Lewisberry. Mark Keener reported Lewisberry Borough’s Chief, Mark Albright uses this truck for his personal use; however, he purchases all gas, oil and maintenance.
A motion to adjourn was made by Edward Farr and seconded by Sandra Griffith. Motion carried.