Of Senate of Wroclaw Medical University s1

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Of Senate of Wroclaw Medical University s1

Appendix 5 to Resolution No. 15630 of Senate of Wroclaw Medical University of 30 March 2016

Syllabus 2017/2018 Description of the course Mo Phy Group of detailed education results dul siol e/C ogy our of se Preg Gro Group name nan up practical nonsurgical course cy cod e E Fac Faculty of Dentistry ulty Maj Faculty of Dentistry or Spe cial ties Lev Uniform magister studies X* el 1st degree studies  of 2nd degree studies  stu 3rd degree studies  die postgraduate studies  s For X full-time  part-time m of stu die s Yea III Se X Winter r of me  Summer stu ster die s Typ X obligatory e of  limited choice cou  free choice / elective rse Co  major X basic urs e Lan  Polish X English  other gua ge of inst ruct ion Appendix 5 to Resolution No. 15630 of Senate of Wroclaw Medical University of 30 March 2016

* mark  with an X Number of hours Form of education Le Se Au M Cli La Cl Pr Sp Fo Ph Vo Se E- ctu mi dit ajo nic bo as act eci rei ysi ca lf- lea re na ori r al rat se ica ali gn cal tio St rni s rs u Cl Cl or s l st lan Ed na ud ng (L) (S m as as y in Cl Cl gu uc l y (E Unit E) cla se se Cl Si as as ag ati Pr (St L) ss s – s as m se se e on ac ud teac es no (C se ula s s Co obl tic en hing (A t C) s te wit – ur iga e t's C) cli (L d h m se tor (V ow the nic C) Co Pa ag (F y P) n cou al ndi tie ist LC (P wo rse (M tio nt er ) E) rk) C) ns (P st (C C ud S P) ies C) (S C M) Winter Semester II nd 15 Dep t. of Obst erics and Gyn aeco logy

Summer Semester

TOTAL per year:

II nd 15 Dep t. of Obst erics and Gyn aeco logy

Educational objectives (max. 6 items) C1 – the physiology of the pregnancy and labour C2 – the characteristics of the main pregnancy pathology

Education result matrix for module/course in relation to verification methods of the Appendix 5 to Resolution No. 15630 of Senate of Wroclaw Medical University of 30 March 2016

intended education result and the type of class Meth ods Stud of ent verifi who catio Num Num com n of ber ber plete inten of of s the ded cour majo mod educ Form of didactic class se r ule/c ation **enter the abbreviation educ educ ours resul ation ation e ts resul resul know (form t t s/is ing able and to sum mari sing) W E.W - Under 01 1 stands the conne ction W E.W betwe 02 en 10 morp hologi W cal E.W 03 and 11 functi W onal E.W 04 abnor 12 maliti W es of 05 E.W organ 18 s and W syste 06 E.W ms 20 and clinica l signs as well as diagn ostic and treat ment optio ns in certai n condit ion - can descri be wome Appendix 5 to Resolution No. 15630 of Senate of Wroclaw Medical University of 30 March 2016 n horm onal balanc e depen ding on the period of life, - Know s the impor tance of nutriti on in pregn ancy and conse quenc es of substa nce abuse during pregn ancy - knows the impor tance of dental check ups and assuri ng dental wellb eing during pregn ancy - knows the emerg ency situati ons that may occur during pregn ancy - Appendix 5 to Resolution No. 15630 of Senate of Wroclaw Medical University of 30 March 2016

Know s when a patien t shoul d be referr ed to the hospit al. U E.U - Evalua 01 2 tes U E.U and 02 4 descri bes U E.U the 03 5 somat ic/phy sical U E.U and menta 04 8 l state U E.U of the 05 20 patien t - Interp rets labora tory tests result s - Identi fies the correc t and pathol ogical struct ures and organ s in the additi onal imagi ng studie s (X- ray, ultras ound, CT - comp Appendix 5 to Resolution No. 15630 of Senate of Wroclaw Medical University of 30 March 2016 uter tomog raphy) - Recog nizes life- threat ening event s - perfor ms basic medic al proce dures: tempe rature meas urem ent, pulse meas urem ent, non- invasi ve blood press ure meas urem ent, oxyge n thera py, assist ed ventil ation, the introd uction of oroph aryng eal tube , prepa res the opera tive field, surgic al disinf Appendix 5 to Resolution No. 15630 of Senate of Wroclaw Medical University of 30 March 2016

ection of hands , intrav enous injecti on, and intra muscu lar injecti ons, subcu taneo us injecti ons, collect iog variou s swabs (from the nose, throat and skin, meas uring the conce ntrati on of glucos e in the blood K E.K willing ly and 01 01 activel y partici pates in the classe s, works well in a group, ** L - lecture; SE - seminar; AC – auditorium classes; MC – major classes (non-clinical); CC – clinical classes; LC – laboratory classes; SCM – specialist classes (magister studies); CSC – classes in simulated conditions; FLC – foreign language course; PCP practical classes with patient; PE – physical education (obligatory); VP – vocational practice; SS – self-study, EL – E-learning . Please mark on scale 1-5 how the above effects place your classes in the following categories: communication of knowledge, skills or forming attitudes: Knowledge: 5 Skills: 5 Appendix 5 to Resolution No. 15630 of Senate of Wroclaw Medical University of 30 March 2016

Social competences: 5 Student's amount of work (balance of ECTS points) Stu Student Workload (h) den t's wor klo ad (cla ss part icip atio n, acti vity, pre par atio n, etc. ) 1. 15 Con tact hou rs: 2. 15 Stu den t's own wor k (self - stud y): Tot 30 al stud ent' s wor kloa d EC 1 TS Appendix 5 to Resolution No. 15630 of Senate of Wroclaw Medical University of 30 March 2016 poi nts for mo dul e/c our se Co mm ent s Content of classes (please enter topic words of specific classes divided into their didactic form and remember how it is translated to intended educational effects) Lectures 1. Seminars 1. Practical classes 1.Normal pregnancy 2.Normal labour 3. Obstetrics operations 4. The puerperium Other 1. Basic literature (list according to importance, no more than 3 items) 1. Crash Course-Obstetrics and Gynecology Ed.Naureen Alam, Elsevier, 2007 2. Obsterics and Gynecology Ed. William, W. Beck, The National Medical Series for Inoependent Study 1989 Additional literature and other materials (no more than 3 items) Didactic resources requirements (e.g. laboratory, multimedia projector, other…) Projectors, multimedia projectors, computers, phantoms Preliminary conditions (minimum requirements to be met by the student before starting the module/course) Theoretical knowledge Conditions to receive credit for the course (specify the form and conditions of receiving credit for classes included in the module/course, admission terms to final theoretical or practical examination, its form and requirements to be med by the student to pass it and criteria for specific grades) Attendance during classes and active participation in the classes

Grade: Criteria (only for courses/modules ending with an examination) Very Good (5.0) Good Plus (4.5) Appendix 5 to Resolution No. 15630 of Senate of Wroclaw Medical University of 30 March 2016

Good (4.0) Satisfactory Plus (3.5) Satisfactory (3.0)

Name and address of module/course teaching unit, contact: telephone and e-mail address

II Katedra i Klinika Ginekologii i Położnictwa Ul. Borowska 213; 50-556 Wrocław Tel. 71/733-14-97 e-mail: [email protected]

Coordinator / Person responsible for module/course, contact: telephone and e-mail address Prof. dr hab. Mariusz Zimmer 71/733-14-97

List of persons conducting specific classes: full name, degree/scientific or professional title, discipline, performed profession, form of classes.

All the academic teachers and PhD students from 2nd department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Wrocław Medical University

Date of Syllabus development Syllabus developed by

………………………………………….. ……......

Signature of Head of teaching unit

……………....……………………………………………………………… Signature of Faculty Dean


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