Global Prayer Requests

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Global Prayer Requests

Global Prayer Requests


“MOLD OUR HEARTS - Strengthening our Spiritual Foundation”

Always observed on the: • Fourth Tuesday of April. • First Tuesday of October.

Each staff member, volunteer and disciple--as well as every team--has some needs in com- mon: Let’s pray for one another’s faith, growth, fruitfulness, re-vitalized first love, walking in the Spirit, hearts that are God-attentive/God-dependent/God-responsive, a refreshed vision, conviction of God’s calling, unfailing love, team unity, additional laborers, full funding, health, protection in travels and pro- tection of families, along with our global goal of 10 million Christ-centered, multiplying disciples and 5 million new churches by the end of the year 2020.

Glossary 3G A God-attentive, God-dependent and God-responsive way of life 4G A God-attentive, God-dependent, God-responsive and God-expectant way of life 3M Mold-Multiply-Mobilize: The elements of Pray2020. ACTS Africa Centre for Theological Studies AE Agapé Europe (the Western Europe Area) AIA Athletes in Action (sometimes shown as AiA) ALT Area Leadership Team ATL Area Team Leader BPMT Building Powerful Ministry Teams training Cada Uno LAC all-Area staff conference held after the Solo Uno 2015 student conference CAM Capacity-Accelerated Movements, i.e., Operations CCCI Campus Crusade for Christ International CCVN A new staff training program including elements of NLTC (El Salvador) CE Christian Embassy CFD Consolidated Fund Development CFM Campus Field Ministry of Cru Campus CLM Church-led Movements (more commonly known now as Global Church Movements) CLT Campus Leadership Team (local) CMD Christ-centered, Multiplying Disciples CNEF The New Staff Training Center (same as GCTC) in DRC CPMI Church Planting Movement Initiative CrossRoads Youth at the CrossRoads seeks to train teachers in Biblically based ethics and life skills Cru The umbrella name for all US-based CCCI ministries and Cru Singapore Design The Design Movement: Cru Campus ministry to/through South Asian American students Destino Latino outreach of Cru Campus Domains Influential parts of society (usually seven), e.g. media or government DPMD Discipleship Ministry Partner Development training for missionary support DS Digital Strategies (formerly known as Virtually-led Movements; see GDS) EAOrt The East Asia Orient Area ELI Emerging (or Emergent) Leaders Initiative Epic The Epic Movement is the Asian American outreach of Cru Campus. FAT Faithful, Available, Teachable FLT FamilyLife Today radio program GAC The group of committed disciples on any campus in Francophone Africa GACX Global Alliance for Church Multiplication GAiN Global Aid Network expresses the love of Jesus Christ in the toughest places on earth by relieving suffering and restoring dignity GCM Global Church Movements, one of our five Mission Critical Components (MCCs) GCM Great Commission Movement: Campus Crusade for Christ in the West Africa Area GCML Great Commission Movement Leaders (students in West Africa) GCMT Great Commission Ministry Training (for church leaders in parts of Africa) GCTC Great Commission Training Center (usually a new staff training program) GFD Global Fund Development GDS Global Digital Strategies (DS); one of our five MCCs GMA Global Measurement Application HomeBuilders Small groups meeting in informal surroundings, usually as follow-up to larger FamilyLife conferences and events IBS Institute of Biblical Studies IGSL International Graduate School of Leadership (formerly ISOT-Asia) located in the Philippines ILF International Leadership Foundation primarily in Africa and recently Latin America Indigitous The public face of GDS IR International Representative, i.e. an expat missionary IR-ROS International Representative – Representative Office in Singapore IMPACT The IMPACT Movement: Cru Campus outreach partner to African-American students KCCC Dual usage: A part of Cru Campus aka Korean Cru, or CCCI in South Korea L21 A LAC short-term mission project designed to launch a spiritual movement in 21 days LAC Latin America and the Caribbean Area LD Leadership Development LDHR Leadership Development Human Resources (sometimes seen as LD/HR or LD-HR) LLM Leader-led Movements, one of our five Mission Critical Components (MCCs), focused on reaching leaders in seven domains of society LTI Leadership Training Institute MC2 Multiplying Churches and Communities (a GCM training program) (also used as MC2) MCC Mission Critical Component, a major strategy such as SLM, GCM, etc. MD Multiplying disciple MDE Spanish for SLM: Movimientos Dirigido por Estudiantes MIT Missions Impact Taiwan MPD Ministry Partner Development (raising and maintaining of prayer and financial support) MTL Movement Team Leader (Ministry Team Leader in some places) (Missional Team Leader in the Cru Campus Field Ministries) ND National Director NLT National Leadership Team NLTC New Life Training Center NTL National Team Leader PCS Prayer Care Share groups, as in South Asia PIRT Pacific Islands Regional Team SI Student Impact in East Asia SLM Student-led Movements, one of our five Mission Critical Components (MCCs) Só1o Uno LAC all-Area student conference, July 29 - August 3, 2015 SOFT Shaping Our Future Together, comprising five elements of CCCI culture change SPC Student Population Center - may be a school or place of dense student housing SPP Strategic Planning Process STINT Division of Cru Campus that sends missionaries on one to two-year assignments (Short Term INTernational originally); sometimes seen as “Stint” StoryRunners takes the gospel to oral people with story groups becoming new churches. Student Venture is the name for middle school and/or high school ministry in some nations. TLGS The ILF’s Transforming Leadership and Governance Seminar TSW The Significant Woman training resource to minister to and mobilize for the Kingdom USCM United States Campus Ministry now known as Cru Campus VEM90 A LAC 90-day missions team to support national leaders and launch new movements VLM Virtually-led Movements, the MCC usually known as Global Digital Strategies (DS); see Indigitous VP Vice President and/or team they lead WBS Cru overall mission: Win, build, and send Christ-centered multiplying disciples who launch spiritual movements W-B-S Sometimes used as W/B/S. See WBS WSN Worldwide Student Network, the international sending division of Cru Campus WTR FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember event XChange Cross-cultural training in East Asia

(* Indicates a Stage 3 Country, with self-sustaining resources for a movement of win, build and send.) GLOBAL LEADERSHIP OFFICE

President’s Staff • Praise the Lord for a fruitful Global Leaders Conference (GLC) in June in Orlando. Our global leaders were encouraged in their vision toward 10 million multiplying disciples by 2020. • Pray for our global leaders as they continue to implement the "Shifts" or Changes they identified during GLC to help them lead toward greater fruitfulness. • Please pray for Steve Douglass to continue to grow physically stronger. • Continue to pray for guidance from the Lord regarding many partnership opportuni- ties. • Pray for all our leaders to walk humbly before the Lord and to seek Him first in ev- erything.

VP Team - Area Team Leaders • May our VP team and our global leaders model living and leading from God's word (Acts 14:25; 19:20). • Alignment of conduct, ministry and leadership throughout the national and local lev- els to CCCI's values, culture and distinctives. • Our team and our global leaders to seek, find and follow God's agenda for us.

VP Team - Global Digital Strategies • Please pray for Indigitous #HACK, a global hackathon that will take place in 25 cities on five continents, November 4-6. Pray that attendees will work on missional projects with lasting significance and will continue to use their talents for God after the event. • Pray that our Digital School of Leadership, which will be deployed in regional hubs around the globe, will advance digital maturity throughout the organization through the mobi- lization and transformational leadership of 425 innovators. The next DSLs will be in Johannes- burg (October 10-12) and Buenos Aires (October 24-28). • Pray for the team working on the Voke app to complete the modifications needed to be accepted into the app store.

VP Team - Global LDHR • Pray that we are able to create a volunteer-friendly experience for anyone who wants to work alongside us worldwide - that we welcome them as brothers and sisters, co-workers and fellow soldiers. (Philippians 2:25,29) • Pray that 90% of our team leaders will engage their teammates in focused conversa- tions about ministry objectives and developmental goals, with feedback by June 2017. (John 13:34) • Pray that every staff member is living out of a deep love relationship with Jesus. (John 15:4)

VP Team - Global Operations • New restrictive laws about charities operating in parts of East Asia go into effect Janu- ary 1, 2017. Pray for wisdom and favor for the Area Leadership Team as they face a challeng- ing time adapting to these laws. • As part of the overall digital simplification efforts, we are moving to a shared financial services as a way to lessen administrative burdens and more effectively serve our national ministries. Please pray for wisdom and clear direction for those leading the project. • We are trusting God for a strong pipeline of skilled and spiritual Operations staff around the world. Please pray for the development of a School of Operations which contains a strong mentoring component so that our dedicated Ops staff are better equipped to serve you more effectively. Pray also, for our wonderful Ops staff — we have some Areas without an Area Operations Leader and many countries with Ops staff serving in multiple roles as well as sev- eral facing serious health issues.

VP Team - Global SLM Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. (Psalm 105:1) • New believers through Global Student-led Movements (GSLM) are up 23% from 463,343 to 570,375 (with 333,910 of these through the website). • Multiplying Disciples are up 47% (from 16,336 to 24,038). • Countries with no SLM presence have decreased from 64 to 32 over the past three years. Please pray: • That we will equip and envision student leaders to do the work of the ministry, so we can see rapid multiplication and remaining fruit of 2 Million Multiplying Disciples from SLM by 2020. (Ephesians 4:11-12) • About “Ungana 17” (March 27-31 in Nairobi, Kenya). It will be a global gathering of our next generation SLM leadership, including a delegation of student leaders. During our time to- gether we will focus on empowering students to launch and lead movements, and pray and plan toward 2020 and beyond. • With us for the gospel for every student, a movement for every campus, and leaders for every nation.

VP Team – LeaderImpact • Pray for the launching of Mission Focused communities in cities around the world that will lead to 1 million multiplying disciples in 1,000 cities by 2020. • Praise God for the seven conferences that were completed around the globe this year by LeaderImpact staff. • Pray for the development of Leader Hub global, a new digital strategy that will be a re- source for leaders around the world.

ILF (International Leadership Foundation) • Thank God for the growing network of ILF facilitators and coaches who volunteer their time, skills and expertise to lead Transforming Leadership & Governance Seminars (TLGS) and to provide follow-up of participants and their Transformation Projects. • Ask the Lord to guide in every step of the process of planning, preparing, recruiting and conducting the fourth African Forum on Religion and Government (AFReG 4) to be held Octo- ber 2-5, 2017 in Elmina, Cape Coast, Ghana, West Africa. • Praise God for the expansion of ILF and TLGSs during the past year to Albania, South Korea and Latin America as well as into more countries in Africa. Pray for effective follow-up of participants by national ILF team members and LeaderImpact staff.

Women’s Resources • Pray for the continued use of the 30 translations printed and the many translations in process of the evangelistic and discipleship life-coaching resources, Significant Woman and SOARING, and the editing of the two men's life-coaching resources - that all these would lead to new believers, multiplying disciples and movements everywhere. • Please pray for Re-imagine Orlando: Cru women connecting to impact our communi- ties for Christ, an Oct. 20 event for all Cru women working at Lake Hart or in the Orlando area. We will be encouraging, connecting and resourcing women to make an impact on our city. • Thank God with us for the three women who have joined our team in the past year. Pray that we can update our technology and streamline our processes as we produce The Women's Resource newsletter, manage and promote Cru content and bloggers on our Facebook fan page.

Global Prayer • Ask God to raise up additional qualified liaisons to facilitate communications with and support for each Area Prayer Champion. • Pray for the Area Prayer Champions as they seek to identify National Prayer Champi- ons who will accelerate their national plans by developing a culture of prayer. • May Pray2020 develop as an encouragement for the body of Christ to unite in strategic, persistent intercession. EAST ASIA ORIENT AREA Area Team Leaders: Sung-Min Park (South Korea* NTL)

Kok Hiang Lam (Singapore* NTL) Stephen Wang (Taiwan* NTL)

ALT: • MOLD: Thank God for drawing our heart closer to Him. Please continue to pray for our staff and disciples to remain in Him always and mold our hearts to be like Jesus. • MULTIPLY: Praise the Lord. We are trying some new ways to share the gospel and build up our disciples. Please pray for us to make innovative changes by the help of the Holy Spirit in order to bear much fruit to accomplish our 2020 goals. • MOBILIZE: Thank God for opening more doors for us to work with the Body of Christ. Please ask God to humble our hearts to learn from others and to contribute our unique calling to fulfill the Great Commission.

East Asia School of Theology (EAST): • Thank God for the new program and visiting students at EAST Singapore campus and Extension Centers. Praise God for the increase in the number of faculty and staff for the past year. Thank God for leadership renewal at EAST. • Pray for the development and implementation of good processes, systems, and platforms for the Academics, Registrar, Admissions, Extension Centers, and Administration departments. • Pray for our faculty, staff, and students to grow in Christ-likeness through their ministry and studies at EAST. Pray that we will produce multiplying disciples. Thank God for the fruit of new believers and disciples reported by our EAST alumni, many of them are serving in “hard” places.

XChange: MOLD: • Pray for the continued development of "Pray31: Meditations for the Sojourner" (a 31- day prayer devotional designed for the new missionaries as they arrive in their new countries). MULTIPLY: • Praise God for the 121 people (toting 88 children along) who have gone through XChange cross-cultural training in Singapore since 2010. Please pray for these precious ones as they serve God worldwide. Pray for four people and ongoing training from 7 Sept - 14 Oct 2016. MOBILIZE: • We need three more people to join XChange next year. Please pray for 1 Mandarin-s- peaking mentor and two more Koreans.

JAPAN MOLD: • Pray that God will continue to mold all JCCC staff and disciples in our characters, words, and deeds, especially our hearts to be one with God's heart. MULTIPLY: • Pray that all JCCC staff and disciples will be proactive in spiritual multiplication by investing our lives to others. Pray that God will take away every single spiritual blockage that hinders people from following Christ wholeheartedly. MOBILIZE: • Pray that God will send many laborers to the harvest field in Japan. Pray that God will strengthen our prayer life and bless our ministry efforts in raising multiplying disciples and sending laborers to the world.

KOREA* MOLD: • Thank God that the staff who attended Transforming Leadership & Governance Seminar checked their own leadership and reset their vision for the movement. th • Pray for the preparation and process of selecting the 37 GCTC trainees. Pray that God will choose the suitable persons from each ministry who will help train 100 new staff members. • Pray for our new overseas missionaries to prepare well on their overseas assignment and to adapt easily in the local culture. MULTIPLY: • Thank God for making many disciples in two Southeast Asia countries through the A6 project. • Please ask God to give us many volunteers for the A6 project in Sri Lanka this Decem- ber and in Zimbabwe and Cameroon next year. • The A6 project in Taiwan for two months started in September. Pray for Taiwan A6 Team members to have fruitful campus ministries and to open new campus ministry. May they share the gospel with boldness and power of the Holy Spirit. MOBILIZE: • Thank God for GCM staff clarifying the exact goals of our ministry through BPMT in July. This paved the way to clearly know our role and work on our passion. • Praise God that 25 pastors will participate in MC2 in October. We hope and pray that God will use the Korea Church to complete the Great Commission with Win, Build and Send Christ-centered multiplying disciples through MC2. • Pray that we can recruit prayer team members for MC2. Pray for God’s grace to rekindle prayer in MC2. Pray for the recruitment of the coaching staff and supporters for MC2

MONGOLIA MOLD: • We have all-staff prayer day every month. We plan to share about 3G. Our LDHR team is planning to train all team leaders this year. Pray training will be conducted every month. Pray it will be effective and all team leaders’ hearts will be molded to be like God’s heart. MULTIPLY: • Pray for SLM Ministry goals to obtain 50 % Spiritual Movement in all Mongolian Universities. Right now, we have nine movements in there. Pray for Catalytic Ministry, we want to make 35 spiritual movements through this Ministry. There are four staff who joined our Catalytic Team this year. Pray for their fruitful and effective ministry. Please also pray for SLM focus that every staff and every student disciple will make at least three MDs every year until 2020. MOBILIZE: • We thank God for the nine trainees in GCTC this year (one in Military Ministry, one in GCM and seven in SLM). We thank the Lord for starting GCM in MCCC. God gave us four full-time staff, two workers and one trainee in this ministry. Pray for their planning to be effective and fruitful. We thank God that we plan to have started Family Ministry in September.

PAKISTAN MOLD: • Pray for the Pak CCC staff to be more prayerful for the Lord’s work in Pakistan. MULTIPLY: • Praise God for our “CCC Chapel” in various locations. Through this weekly gathering we have received seven students for the next GCTC and 20 associate staff. MOBILIZE: • Praise God that GCTC 11 trainees just graduated on 16 September. Three of them fin- ished their MDiv from IGSL and two of them had a two-year Bible course from Lahore semi- nary in Pakistan.

SINGAPORE* (Cru) MOLD: • May Cru Singapore leaders and staff cultivate and model the 3G life by inclining our ears and being attentive to God, wholly depending on Him as we respond to God in full obedi- ence (Isaiah 55:3a). MULTIPLY: • Trusting God for breakthroughs and spiritual multiplication to take place in our staff and volunteers through life-on-life discipleship. Pray that we will be intentional in multiplying our lives and point others to Jesus through Cru Singapore's Student-Led Movement, City Strate- gies, Mission Mobilization and Media Ministry, supported by our Operations and LDHR teams. MOBILIZE: • Our Missions team is trusting the LORD to mobilize 400 to go on short-term mis- sions by end of 2016. Pray for good coordination with the mission fields, strong mobilization among Singapore churches as well as intentional discipleship to take place in the whole process of sending short-term teams to the harvest field.

TAIWAN* MOLD: • We give God the highest praise for He answered our prayer to establish Great Commis- sion Prayer Meeting in different cities of Taiwan. Pray this will be the foundation of spiritual movement in every area, and every disciple will practice 3G lifestyle (God-attentive, God-de- pendent and God-responsive) serving with Christ-centered attitude. MULTIPLY: • Pray for God’s guidance that we will focus on Spiritual Multiplication acumen and under- standing so we can have deeper ownership and clearer direction for CMD. Pray that every staff will be involved in the movement to build disciples rooted and based on the truth and with fully transformed lives. MOBILIZE: • God has opened up various opportunities for different ministries during the past half year. May the Lord continue to open ways to connect with other churches, volunteers, and leaders in marketplace. Pray that we can help and coach them to mobilize and fulfill the Great Commission together. EASTERN EUROPE AREA Area Team Leader: Marek and Ala Wyrzykowski

ALBANIA and KOSOVO • Praise the Lord with us for a very intense and fruitful summer. We had: o 180 foreign volunteers who came to help with English Camps and other outreaches. o 820 participants, from high school and university students, teachers and young profes- sionals to business people and leaders of the country. o 107 people made decisions for Christ. • Pray for more churches to be planted close to every main college campus and for the strengthening of the ones already planted. • Pray for the establishment of a transferable model for Leader Impact movement, so that we can start a movement among leaders in six other cities in Albania and Kosovo.

BELARUS • Pray about the publication of the Significant Woman material in Belarus: o Editing and printing of the material (finding the right printer, funds, logistics, timing, etc.). o Subsequent promotion and starting Significant Woman groups in different cities with be- lievers and then with unbelievers. • Pray for several upcoming conferences: o National Women's Conference for 2,000 ladies and girls from all Pentecostal churches of Belarus - we plan to do it this autumn. May the Lord visit mightily and strengthen the ladies and girls for life and ministry unto the Lord Jesus Christ. o Upcoming FamilyLife Conference on October 8. o Upcoming Full Gospel Conference and Pastoral Meeting on October 28-29 and our pre- sentation there. • Pray for laborers for the harvest in Belarus: new staff to be added in the future and new volunteers for the ministry.

BOSNIA • We are very thankful for three babies that were added to our staff families this spring/summer!Please pray for them to grow healthy and for their moms to enjoy this bond- ing time! • Our staff has been going through some nasty stomach virus/bronchitis. We would really appreciate it if you would pray for health for all our staff, especially as the campus ministry is about to kick off. • We would like to ask you to join us in prayer for our upcoming EQ (Emotional Intelli- gence) seminar for college students, both in Sarajevo and Mostar. Please pray for the logis- tics and also for the students that will attend! We are trusting God that He will bring spiritually open students, who are seeking to know Him. The seminar will take place October 14-16.

BULGARIA • Praise the Lord that starting this semester we have a Macedonian-Bulgarian Student Ministry team in the capital, Sofia for one year. May God raise up university students to build movements in the cities where there are no staff members - Shumen, Dobrich, Burgas, Veliko Tarnovo, and Svishtov. • Ask God to raise up multiplying disciples who will shepherd young Christian commu- nities built from GCM in different towns and villаges in Bulgaria. • May God unite the staff in Bulgaria to have one vision and that our close relationship with God would be the foundation of our ministry.

CROATIA • Pray for renewed passion for outreach of our 70+ Family Life volunteers - to reach their communities and start follow-up during and after Croatian Marriage Week initiative in Feb- ruary. • Please pray for launching SLM Zagreb New Wave - new spiritual movement gathering youth, especially from churches. • Praise: A good initial reception of Soaring program for women. Pray for opportunities to introduce it in other cities in Croatia.

CZECH REPUBLIC Operations: • Lift up the process of selling the current and buying new national office space: May we soon overcome all the challenges and bureaucracy connected with the sale. Prague Student Ministry: • Pray that the STINT team would be able to follow-up with Summer Missions and train- ing conference contacts well. • May the student believers we know desire to grow and be discipled and that our rela- tionships with our teammates and the Lord would begin to thrive quickly. GEORGIA • We praise God for raising up second generation student leaders in the capital city of Tbilisi. • We pray God will open the doors to start the movement in regions of Georgia where influence of an outside religion is growing. • Pray for ministry among women.

HUNGARY • Leadership transitions: Our new NTL is stepping into leadership, as well as a new SLM leader, and new campus director. May the new NLT function well. Pray for a smooth tran- sition and new leaders to learn their new roles quickly.

• Bringing in the Hungarian Harvest Project – a mission project in October: Pray that many students would hear the gospel and come to faith. We are also doing a Youth at the Threshold of Life educators' symposium – may many come to this training (mostly non-Chris- tians) and come to faith.

• Pray that the church in Hungary would embrace evangelism and discipleship at a much deeper and more effective level.

ISRAEL Praises: 1) Praise to God for 16,000 Israelis who have heard the Gospel over the past 6 years through the GCM ministry 2) Continuing to provide the finances we have needed for the project 3) Praise God for various students involved in a seeker Bible study this past year in Beer Sheva.

Prayer Requests: 1) That God would raise up laborers (staff, employees, and volunteers) to work with our GCM and SLM teams. We have very small teams at the moment but many opportunities to reach people with the Gospel. 2) Pray for funding for the GCM bus tours project. 3) Pray for the SLM team in Beer Sheva as they work on reaching more students at the start of the academic year with a smaller team.

MACEDONIA • Pray about alignment of the three SLM teams in Macedonia, fruitfulness in reaching the new generation of freshmen students and the building of student-led teams that do Win, Build, and Send. • Pray for guidance, direction and a good start of the GCM ministry in Macedonia, through one couple who is starting the ministry, and for God's guidance and wisdom for another staff couple who are going outside SLM and moving toward LeaderImpact. • Pray about the process of Macedonia moving from being a Stage 1b country to Stage 2 country - that the Lord will be glorified and that all of us will be even more excited to reach Macedonia and beyond with the gospel.

MOLDOVA • Thank God for every staff member who dedicated their life to God, and pray for every one of us to be open to His work inside of us, becoming like Him; to strengthen our spiritual foundation by the retreats with staff, team meetings for Bible study and prayer time, etc. • Pray that every MCC (GCM, SLM, AIA, Cross Roads, Lead Impact, Family Life) has a clear understanding and process of how to equip others (disciples, trainers, volunteers) in or- der to help them multiply. • Pray for our 2020 goals: SLM - to have 400 students leaders, to have student-led movements in all 25 major universities in Moldova, to initiate in 20 cities from others countries; GCM - to have 350 home churches and fellowship groups, to have 175 leaders and to share the gospel with 35,000 people.

MONTENEGRO • Pray for the six believers we have here in Podgorica. We are praying that this year would be the year the students begin to take ownership of the ministry, as they begin to under- stand the Great Commission. We are hoping to challenge each student soon, so pray that they would be receptive and excited to see how God will use them to increase His kingdom! • Pray there would be an increased number of students studying God's Word together and that as they do so, they would grow in desiring to study His Word individually. • Pray that as students start school on October 4, the Lord would use the start of a new school year to bring spiritual revival to the black mountains of Montenegro!

ROMANIA • We want to strengthen the SLM movement by recruiting new, young staff and motivat- ing staff to stay passionate about working with students and stay longer in this ministry • Pray for launch of Rivka series. Pray that this tool will help us in starting new disciple- ship groups. • Pray for English clubs and the Integrity in Leadership conference that will lead us to more students who are interested in the Lord. Pray that the Lord will bring many students inter- ested in the gospel.

RUSSIA • Please pray that we would see more fruitful evangelism throughout Russia, espe- cially in our SLM outreach efforts. Pray for God to open up the hearts of students in Russia and for our SLM staff and volunteers to have wisdom and to be led by Holy Spirit. • Pray for our GCM staff and volunteers who are continuing to spread the gospel by build- ing movements of multiplying home groups and churches. Please pray for success in seeing 2nd and 3d generation of multiplying churches/groups. Also pray for wisdom and protection for all staff and volunteers in light of the new "anti-terrorism law" in Russia which put some new restrictions and regulations in place for all religious groups and organizations. • Pray for God's guidance for our National Leadership Team as we are preparing for and going through some rotations/transitions of team members this ministry year. Pray for the process of selection of new leaders and for current leaders to pass on their jobs well. Pray for unity of our NLT for this year and into the future.

SERBIA • Pray for a successful ending to the legal separation process between the new and the old organization. Pray for our new organization, Agape, and that the team’s ministry would be to the praise of God’s glory in Serbia. • Pray for strength, wisdom, vision, and support for the ministry. Pray also for unity of the team. • Pray for new contacts and for new volunteers and the persistence of old volunteers.

SLOVENIA • Pray for the 10 students who are Key Volunteers and 25 students who are potential Key Volunteers. Pray that they would be growing in their relationship with God and that God would be giving them a vision and a heart to multiply their faith. • Pray for our team as we go through a transition of really focusing on empowering and coaching students to reach their campuses around Slovenia. • Pray for the Falling Plates campaign. We recently finished the translation and have the website completed. Our desire is to blanket Slovenia with Falling Plates through social me- dia. Pray that many Slovenes will watch the film and choose to follow Jesus. Pray that believ- ers would use this as a simple way to share Christ with their friends.

UKRAINE • While praying for the transformation of our country on a regular basis for a little over two years, we see several good laws that have been adopted to bring more religious freedom: o A new law that allows holding any evangelistic event anywhere in the country, without previous permission from government. o A law to celebrate the 500 year anniversary of the Reformation that allows churches and Christian organizations to hold any kind of events and activities right on the premises of local schools and universities. o On a recent Sunday we celebrated Father’s Day, initiated by a Christian leader and brought to the national level and downtown Kiev. Many churches and Christian organizations had an opportunity to present themselves and share the gospel. • Praise God for sending a new team to the two largest university centers in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Please pray for this team. They already have good responses from many universities. • Ask the Lord to raise up twice the number of multiplying disciples as we have now by the end of the school year. FRANCOPHONE AFRICA AREA Area Team Leader: Djasrabe and Cosette Siangar

Area Office Let us pray for: • The transition of the families of the three members of the Leadership Team of the Franco- phone Area, who have just joined the other five in Lomé, Togo. Pray also for residence permits for each member of these eight families. • May His leadership, wisdom and power direct the steps of all the leaders of our area through coaching (the area team and national teams), to accomplish the goals of – 64,000 and multi- plying disciples, and at least, 50% support for the 454 team members by June 2017. • Success, good decision making, and effective adaptations and applications on the field, af- ter the GO NORTH conference, scheduled from 18-21 October 2016. Pray for the effective participa- tion of countries in the Francophone Area facing the missionary challenge.

ANGOLA • We praise God for the launch of SLM in the UIGE Province within the VITA Kimpa University and the Higher Institute of Education Sciences. We praise the Lord for the involvement of student leaders and members in this Movement. • Pray for the execution of our strategic plan and the involvement of all - Staff; Associates; Part- ners and the Body of Christ. May disciples and churches multiply. • The development of local resources to achieve financial autonomy in our ministry in Angola.

BURKINA FASO • We thank the Lord for the health of the staff team and their families, for the professionals re- treat and also for all the activities of the Ministry. • Pray that we would reach our 2020 objectives: 26,656 multiplying disciples and the re- sources for team members and the ministry. • Pray for us to find premises that can host our offices because our landlord asked us to vacate the premises by the end of September

CHAD • Praise the Almighty God for the outcome and impact of the Sinai Camp - 12th edition, held 1- 7 August 2016 in N'Djamena: o 430 students and young professionals took part. o 12 people took a commitment to join as full-time staff. o 33 people pledged to volunteer for a year. o 130 people pledged to invest around 5,000 USD to support activities of the SLM strategy. • Pray to God that each staff member and associate disciple would develop godly character and a great intimacy with God for efficient reproduction and greater impact in society so that the national target to generate 65,000 MDs by 2020 would be reached. • Ask God to help us create enough local resources for each Chadian staff member to be at full support by June 2017 and the ministry at 75% by the same date.

CONGO BRAZZAVILLE • We give thanks to God who has allowed us to finish in style last fiscal year. By His grace, we were able to finalize some projects and He protected the staff and their families, despite the political climate that was unstable both before and after elections. • May God grant full financial support to team members and give loyal ministry partners to the ministry as a whole, to cover the various fixed costs and overcome the financial deficit. • May the Lord give us new staff members, partners as well as student leaders and multiplying disciples who will exercise a real ministry of multiplication.

CÔTE d’IVOIRE (IVORY COAST) • Thank God for the purchase of two vehicles through the Jesus Film and further work of con- struction on the second building. • We pray for peace on the eve of the constitutional referendum and several other regional elections. • Pray for financial abundance for staff members and for ministry operations.

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO (DRC) • We praise God for His faithfulness, as He continues to provide financial support for our team in spite the crisis. We are also grateful to God because he helped in the payment of rents and other living expenses in the families of the staff. God has extended His banner on our team to thwart all the plans of the enemy. • Pray for our three priorities: (1) the prayer mobilization, (2) the production of multiplying disci- ples with the goal of reaching 110,000 MDs by 2020 and (3) the development of financial resources through the 5 Everys. • Pray for the recruitment of new staff members and loyal, capable leaders to staff the coordi- nation of the 26 new provinces of the DRC.

GABON • Praise the Lord for the successful mission to Guevede in the southern part of the country, for recording of the JESUS film and and Magdalena in the GHETSOGHO language of Gabon. • Continue to pray for a delegation of at least 15 participants among our students and profes- sionals’ disciples at the next PAMOJA in Zambia in December 2016. Let us pray for financial provi- sion for expenses related to the trip. • Continue to ask the Lord to provide financial resources (1,190,000 USD / year), material and human resources for the implementation and success of activities to build spiritual movements every- where, as part of our strategic plan, "Let's Change the Destiny of Gabon 2020."

GUINEA CONAKRY • Thank God for the training of fifteen women in the use of Bible story telling for women through Magdalena. • Pray for the organization of the prayer conference scheduled next year in February. • Pray that our three universities may work to revive a catalytic ministry to reach a large num- ber of universities in the country.

SENEGAL • We thank God for the success of the conference for the mission in April 2016 with the attendance of students and staff from Mali. • Pray for the Fatick Project with four denominations (GCM). • Pray for the recruitment of Senegalese staff.

TOGO • Thank God for the 65 HomeBuilders groups installed, with 70 couples group facilitators who work as volunteers. • Thank God for success of the mission of the JESUS Film team in Togo and the churches plant- ed. Pray for the upcoming GCM/Jesus Film: The Crossing of the Kpendjal Plain by Jesus Christ, asking for material and financial provision. • Pray for a ministry of discipleship that transforms the lives and spiritual landscape of our uni- versities. LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN AREA Area Team Leader: Layo and Luchy Leiva

Area Leadership Team: • Let's pray for the Wave2020 gatherings that every country in LAC will have in the next two months - that God will align everybody toward spiritual multiplication. • Let's pray for each National Team Leader, for wisdom to lead their teams and the staff toward spiri- tual multiplication. • Let's thank God for the great group of new staff that are now raising their support. That God may open the doors of heaven so that in few weeks they can complete their support teams.

Fund Development: • Pray that each country in LAC can build capacity and grow in faith to believe God can help us raise funds locally, in such a supernatural way we can recognize He did it! • Ask God to grant the same spirit and creativity to National Leaders and Fund Develop- ment in LAC to learn from each other and create sustainable models for the Area. • Thank God for the faithful and reliable people He will bring to complete the Fund De- velopment LAC team.

GCM: • Pray for the GCM training 10-16 October in Guayaquil with 40 participants from throughout LAC. • Pray for the opening of the GCM component in every country in LAC. • Pray for 40 staff and associates to respond to the challenge to serve in GCM.

JESUS Film: • Pray for the MC2 training, Oct 11-14 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Pastors from all over Ecuador and many countries of South America will be gathering for training in effective church planting using the JESUS film as the key evangelistic tool. • Pray for the national gathering of pastors in Montevideo, Uruguay on November 2. They will learn about JESUS film resources and the MC2 church planting curriculum. Pray that many would sign on for training. • Pray for the 10 Cru staff who have received new JESUS film equipment mini-sets in the past month. Pray that God would give them creativity and wisdom as they use the equip- ment to reach university students and neighborhoods with the gospel.

LDHR: Praise items • 60% of our LAC countries have established retirement fund plans for all their staff. • We had a successful conference for Spanish-speaking national LDHR Representatives in July in Panama. It was more of a coaching time; the LDHR Reps felt cared for and encour- aged. Prayer requests • Pray for the successful implementation of the Staff Development Cycle in all of LAC. • Pray about the completion of our policy manuals by December 2016.

Operations: • Please pray for Operations that God would raise up laborers with operational skills and abilities to join Ops. Also, please pray for wisdom as we seek to build the capacity of the min- istry in light of our 2020 goals.

SLM: • We praise the Lord for the 20 missions teams this year who contributed to the expan- sion and pioneering of new movements in six new countries and six new cities in LAC! • Please pray that the Lord would help all our staff and student leaders to grow in grace in their relationship with the Lord and together in community as they serve together in building spiritual movements throughout LAC. • That we would abide in Jesus and therefore bear much fruit and so spiritual multiplica- tion will increase and abound 100-fold!

ARGENTINA • Pray for wisdom and maintaining a deep relationship with God and for financial re- sources so that every staff completes 100% of their personal and ministry finances despite the current crisis in our country. • Pray that God would prepare hearts and guide us towards concrete steps so that we might be initiators of multiplying disciples of more than four generations and real missional communities. Also, that God would give us 300 students to participate at our summer camp in January. • For seven Argentinean pastors who will be traveling to Guayaquil to receive GCM training and further training in the Valles Calchaquíes in November.

BOLIVIA • May God enable us to consolidate the results of our replica of the 2020 Wave and thus advance the fulfillment of the Great Commission in Bolivia. • May God give us grace and wisdom to use Certifications Life Coaching to achieve more leaders with the gospel. • May God continue to send workers to our universities and schools to work together in the formation of new movements through L21.

BRAZIL • Praise God for the celebration of Cru Brazil’s 45th year! • Pray about the crisis Brazil is facing. There are many people without jobs! All this is affecting the missionaries. We have seen this every month observing our finances. • Grace and wisdom to organize our Staff Conference taking place from October 8-12.

COSTA RICA • We are also thankful for the open doors at the University of Costa Rica and the Technological In- stitute in Cartago to the conference The Book that Change Your World. 70 people came to this activity. • We give glory to God for our strategic partnerships with the ADPADHI Church and the United Bible Society that have helped us to be more effective and to have a greater impact with our activities in San José and Pérez Zeledon (16 Magdalena Seminars among women who have been victims of domestic violence with an average assistance of 15 participants per seminar). • Plea se pray for continuing results from our OLA2020 retreat that was October 1-2 so that we can experience an environment that encourages us to let God mold our hearts to see the world as God sees it so that He mobilizes us to help fulfill the Great Commission.

CURACAO • Praise God for His faithfulness in molding our hearts for the lost and mobilizing the students to evangelize and discipling.

• Pray for the OLA2020 Conference we are having 8-9 October. That everyone attending will absorb the vision and that they will avail themselves as volunteers.

• Pray that the LeaderImpact movement gets rolling before end of this year.

ECUADOR • Pray we can complete 90% of our finances on average until the end of year as a country and staff. • By joining the plan of evangelization in the country, may we promote partnerships with organizations and even churches fulfilling the Great Commission. • Praise God for miraculous resources that have come from God Enforcement National Projects and New Strategic Partnerships. May the Lord gives us every day the support of other partners in the Great Commission.

EL SALVADOR • Pray for the digital strategy: The Hackathon, to be held from 4-6 November, for 50 participants that captures the idea of creating new tools and are challenged to be multiplying disciples. • For the opportunities we are having with pastors and churches through the JESUS film and Mag- dalena. • God ’s care in the Cru staff and their families and for the opportunity to bring the message of sal- vation amid the social situation of the country where there is violence, crime and corruption.

HONDURAS • We praise the Lord for the opportunity to do conferences in classrooms of the Pedagogical Na- tional University and for the weekly meetings of fellowship and Bible studies with 12 athletes of the Olympian Honduran Committee. Pray about the training evangelism for key volunteers of four universities: Pedagogical University, National University, Technological University and University Jose Cecilio del Valle in October. • Evangelistic meetings with students of Tegucigalpa's Pedagogic University, from No- vember 17-21. • For Women Soccer Camp with instructors of Trainers' School of the National Federa- tion of Football of Honduras, and university students in September and November.

JAMAICA • Thank God for the successful recording of the JESUS film in Jamaican Creole.

• Campus: Pray for continued development of multiplying disciples, that God would mold hearts of student leaders and staff so that we continue to multiply to reach the goal of 10,000 multiplying disciples and 20 full-time staff by 2020.

• Community: Pray for a successful premiere of the JE- SUS film in Jamaican Creole and for God’s direction for the right timing, people and venue.

MEXICO • Pray that God will raise up adequate people who will be able to lead the GCM in Mexi- co. • That God will shape the hearts of the staff, associates, volunteers, and disciples so they will be more like God’s own heart, and that we’ll be known for having a firm daily walk with God that is grounded in His Word. • Thank God for our new staff - a young single woman raising support and a couple with three young kids who just became full-time staff in SLM.

PANAMA • We praise God for the 50th anniversary dinner we had in August. The place was full, and it was an excellent platform to present all the ministries of Cru Panama. • Please pray that God may give us wisdom to chose our City Life team members. • Pray also for our national congress “Desafio 2016” from December 26-30, 2016. May it be a good opportunity to share what Ola2020 means and implies.

PARAGUAY • Pray for God to raise up more young passionate peo- ple for Christ and be empowered and legitimized by the Holy Spirit. • Pray for the four leaders who are praying to serve God full-time so He can provide them and confirm their call. • Pray for more multiplying disciples.

PUERTO RICO • Ask God to give us, Cru PR and churches, a renewed vision of who He is and who we are in Him, together with passion for the lost amongst us and around us. • May we be wise in keeping our priorities in order. • We thank God for the people He is bringing to be part of this movement in PR. May He build the teams and body He wants to be working to develop Cru in PR, in all its compo- nents. All in His time and at His pace.

URUGUAY • Thanks to God for His provision of two full-time missionaries, six associates and new headquarters to serve Him. • May God provide experienced full-time missionaries aligned with God´s heart to proper- ly care and disciple the student leaders and faithful people to join the administrative area of the ministry. • May every member of the missional communities remain filled with the Holy Spirit, passionate to study and share the Word of God in a relevant way and willing to love and serve sacrificially to those around them.

VENEZUELA • Pray for Ola2020 every detail of the meeting to be held with volunteers and staff nation- wide in November. There is good receptivity to work together and union as the body of Christ for the glory of God. For the monthly finances of each staff and volunteers.

• Pray for the National Conference for SLM (MDE) Coordinators (Vida Estudiantil) in October. Where the MDE National Conference for students will be planned. God guiding us in community and team. Pray for finances of each student to attend.

• We praise God that in the midst of the country's situation He has given provision so that not only we have been blessed but we can bless the students and families.

NORTH AMERICA & OCEANIA AREA Area Team Leader: Steve and Christy Sellers

AUSTRALIA* (Power to Change) • Praise God for the 882 faith decisions (mostly from one GAiN trip) we have seen in 2016. We have been trusting the Lord for an increase in evangelism and the fruit of new be- lievers in each of our strategies. Pray that by the end of this year we would see the following indicated decisions: Campus - 245; Church Movements - 50; Family - 50; Film - 100; Global Aid - 200 (already exceeded ~ 747 decisions on one trip); Youth - 370; and HQ - 10. • Australia desires to see an increase of movements throughout our strategies. We praise God for what He's been doing this year! We've been praying for one model movement in both our Church Movements strategy and our Families strategy. We rejoice that we have two movements within our Church Movements strategy! Continue to pray for a model movement in our Families strategy as well as a second model movement within our Youth strategy. • Longing to see more people reached means we need more people to join in the harvest with us. Praise God for progress made over the past nine months, as we've had six missionar- ies authorized and 11 new missionary appointees who are currently raising support. Pray that we would continue to make progress in our training, processes and recruitment conversations so that by the end of 2018 we will have 50 new missionary units join us.

CANADA* (Power to Change - P2C)

M I N I S T R I E S:

AIA Canada • Our 2020 vision: Being a spiritually multiplying ministry, which includes four strategic imperatives: o Core training program implemented by AIA staff. o Develop internship program. o Recruit and develop managers. o Grow donor relations and expand donor base. • Pray we see these implemented through a Director Management tool. Christian Embassy • Pray for wisdom and favor in interactions and in building relationships with new 200 new members of Parliament. • May our focus on leadership development in all our initiatives point political, diplomat- ic and business leaders to Jesus, the greatest leader of all. • Pray for the impact of our November 29 Christmas dinner to contribute to deep heart transformation, as well as character formation of more wholehearted followers of Jesus.

Connecting Streams • Pray for preparations underway for greater capacity for growth and expansion: clear communication, refined processes, online training ready with increased access and quality of equipping resources. • Please pray with us for the LORD to bring new laborers - staff and volunteer City and Team Leaders to join us. • Pray for the fall launching of all of our ministry teams in Langley, Edmonton and Ot- tawa (Spirit-led, humble, loving, listening well, fruitful, impact).

DRIME • Please pray for our new Multiplication/Training strategy that is being finalized this fall, and for the potential DRIME teams that are starting in Montreal and South Korea. • Pray for our existing teams in nine countries as they continue to implement what they learned and planned at the DRIME Leadership Summit in March. • Pray that God would lead specific people to join our ministry as staff and volunteers.

FamilyLife • Praise God that the new Marriage Mentor Initiative exceeded the goal of training 200 mentor couples in our first year. Pray that each of the 216 couples trained will have God-honor- ing impact on the couples they mentor and that we would see the mentoring movement multi- ply. • New staff: We are thankful for the three couples that have begun MPD to join our team. Pray that God would raise up a strong and committed team of ministry partners for each cou- ple. • A Parenting Initiative is next in line for development. Some field testing has taken place. Pray for wisdom as we move forward in creating workshops and web resources equip- ping parents to raise children in faith. Ask God to use this initiative to encourage parents and bless generations to come.

GAiN and Jesus Film • Please pray for GAiN's Water for Life Initiative (WFLI) as there are so many villages that have yet to receive the life-giving gift of water. Please pray for our drilling, community de- velopment and JESUS Film Church Planting Strategy (JFCPS) teams. They constantly face challenges in the field with equipment not working or breaking down and spiritual opposition to the proclamation of the gospel. Please pray for protection and grace for all our staff in the midst of this. Countries: Benin, Tanzania, Togo, Thailand • Pray for the ongoing relief work amongst internally displaced people in Syria. Our partner's staff and volunteers work in immensely traumatic conditions serving people whose situations are continually worsening due to shortages in the country. Pray that the name of the Lord is glorified and that God would comfort and give them strength. Praise God for all those that are making a decision to follow Jesus and are involved in follow-up and discipleship. Please pray God's hedge of protection upon the staff, volunteers and people they are serving. • Pray that God would protect JFCPS teams around the world from physical and spiritual attacks. Pray for wisdom as they work in difficult areas and face a variety of resistance. Pray for all the new believers who are joining churches and starting to be discipled. Countries: Benin, Tanzania, Togo, Ethiopia, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Paraguay, Mexico

LeaderImpact • LeaderImpact has been amazed over the past few years to witness a few leaders being bold and effective with respect to engaging unbelievers in a spiritual conversation. We continue to pray for boldness on behalf of all our Christian partners (and LeaderImpact Staff) to freely share the gospel by engaging leaders within our peer groups in a spiritual conversation. • We praise God for the UnCommon Opportunities LeaderImpact has to impact leaders globally by providing L.I.F.E. - Leadership - Influence - Finances and Expertise, through recent new partnerships throughout the world. Not only will this transform leaders globally, but will also transform Canadian marketplace leaders to become passionate in sharing the gospel through this learning experience. • Prayer for our Group Leaders. We are thankful for the amazing cadre of leaders we have across Canada and pray for many, many more to meet the ever present demand for more group and city team leaders.

The Life Project • Praise the Lord with us for software building progress over the summer! Please pray for His direction, wisdom, and insight as we complete changes enabling our new mentoring soft- ware to function completely independently of the old software. • We praise the Lord for His faithful financial provision for the ministry. Pray for Him to continue to bring supporters whose hearts yearn to see millions know Jesus through online ministry. • Please pray for the Lord to keep growing our current online mentors in joy, faith, and love for the people who write to us, and to bring us even more mentors.

P2C – Students • Pray for First Year students as they begin to settle into routines and relationships. Most of our ministries are just coming back from weekend long retreats where students were chal- lenged and equipped to live for Jesus daily. Pray that God would use us to shine the light of the gospel on the campuses of Canada as we seek to share the gospel boldly and lovingly. • Pray for our upcoming P2C+ conference, Dec. 28 – Jan. 1, as we prepare to host over 1,000 students in Toronto and Calgary. May the Holy Spirit use the speakers and time set aside to glorify God and students be inspired to live boldly for Him. • Pray for us as we continue to build and strengthen partnerships with other student ministries and local churches in our joint pursuit of the day when every student is engaged in gospel conversation.

WHEN (Women’s Heart-Engaging Network) • Pray for fruitfulness as we begin our ministry year. We plan to have 12 outreach events (Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish and English), and we are starting two new teams. • Pray that our volunteers will search for every opportunity to invite friends and boldly share their faith. May the women invited to events to have soft, receptive hearts as they hear the gospel. • Praise God for the 70+ women who gave their lives to Christ at last year’s events. Pray that they will continue to grow in their faith and become a part of local churches. H Q D E P A R T M E N T S:

Corporate Services • Pray that whatever we do, in word or deed, would be pleasing and would glorify Him; meaning that we guard our hearts & minds, that our words would be full of grace that all would know we are Christians by our love for one another. Sometimes we can get lost in the tasks of service, forgetting that our work is, beyond all else, to glorify Him. • For His wisdom as we speak with and make decisions with our service providers and ven- dors who assist us in taking care of this facility. May we have favor with them both in their service and the pricing they give us. Pray that the couriers and vendors we see every day will see Jesus in us, and their hearts will be softened toward Him. • Pray for our team to be a blessing to one another and work well together to accomplish our work with His excellence.

Information Technology • Praise the Lord that He brought Gerald Becker to P2C to join our team. May the Lord continue to bring us people to help with the work. • Pray for wisdom to prioritize the projects that would result in the most benefit for the organization. • Pray that the Lord would continue to protect our systems from hackers.

Finance • May the Finance team rely on the guidance, leading and wisdom coming from the Holy Spirit. • Pray that the team will continue to work in harmony and integrity, drawing its inspira- tion from God and be focused on helping other staff be able to do their mission. • Pray the team will be able to complete the projects that are planned for this fiscal year in an effective and efficient manner by relying on God's wisdom.

Human Resources • May HR come alongside each ministry to support them in a meaningful, effective way. • Ask God to raise up laborers for P2C and give discernment to know how they best fit.

Leadership Development Institute • Pray for P2C and each of our ministries to be effective in developing next generation leaders. • Pray that the HR staff would be able to see how they are having a tangible kingdom impact.

P2C- Films • Pray for the editing of the Run the North documentary. • Pray for creativity in producing upcoming projects. • May we find great stories to tell about changed lives for God's king- dom.

Leadership Development Institute • Pray for Power to Change and each of our ministries to be effective in developing next generation leaders. • Pray for wisdom in development of new training modules. • Pray to receive funds in response to the Foundation funding proposals.

Partner Care • God's favor upon the P2C-S, GAiN and Corporate Call Campaigns that are coming up in the Fall so that donors are ready to give generously, as well as for those staffing the cam- paigns. • God's blessing over the Partner Care team members and their families, helping us grow in the faith and in the knowledge of God.

President’s Office • For guidance and wisdom for leading the organization, for Rod, the ELT, and the Board. • For wisdom on how to connect with and serve the church as we work together for the Kingdom of God. • We are thankful for the financial blessings we've received, especially this past year. We're grateful for God's goodness and faithfulness to provide for us and our ministry.

Project Services • Praise God for a great and safe 2016 Mission Trip/Project Season. Just over 400 staff and volunteers were sent out from Canada and have had impact sharing the gospel mes- sage worldwide. • Pray for all those considering mission trips for 2017 - that God would confirm His call and that people can get applications completed in a timely manner (First trips go in February to Denmark and Norway during College Reading Week). • Pray for the P2C-Student Mission Trip Director Training, October 11-13, that the di- rectors for 12 trips will gain valuable training and be equipped to lead the 2017 teams.

Resource Centre • There are 170,000 JESUS DVDs on their way to Canada, Trinidad, Suriname and Guyana to complete a house-to-house distribution. A New Testament also is going to every home in Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago. Mississauga was completed a few years ago. Much has been done in Brampton and Toronto, and more will be distributed in Toronto. • Ask the Lord to prepare hearts to receive God’s Word through the DVD and New Testament. Ask that the shipments will arrive safely and clear customs with ease. May the workers be filled with the Holy Spirit as they do the delivery and talk with the people. Praise the Lord for all the funding that the Lord provided through His people to purchase the DVDs. Ask Him to provide the shipping costs – approximately $6,000 CAD. • Everything that our ministries need for evangelism and discipleship cannot be downloaded from the internet. The need for a Resource Centre continues to exist, however, the volume of sales continues to decline. Ask the Lord to superintend the Resource Centre to keep it viable and contin- ue to serve all the existing needs.

PACIFIC ISLANDS Pacific Islands Regional Team (PIRT): • Pray that those of us going to the Leadership Summit/ELI would take away some new resources and new relationships. • May our two days of National Director training after the Leadership Summit truly meet the needs of our leaders. • Pray that 100% of our staff will be at 100% of their support goal by March 2017.

FIJI • Pray for projects going on in Suva, Nadi, Vila and Apia - for God’s blessings and pro- tection. • For God's provision, especially for all the new staff as they raise their support. For Cru Samoa staff to continue to trust God to raise their support and for their work permits to come through. • Pray that God would raise up leaders among the staff and students and that students al- ready interviewed for staff would hand in their applications forms as soon as possible. Ask Him for an Office Manager to help us in our capacity building as we expand our movement.

GUAM • Pray that Rose, Lore and STINTer Jeff will work well together. May they truly enjoy working together! • Pray for the Filipino project coming here in October. Pray they will send some guys and that they all will have raised their support and gotten visas in time to come. • Pray for the grieving process of Rose and the girls - continuing to realize they are still in that process and acknowledging it in the moment. It is still hard not to have Caleb in their lives.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA • Pray for the staff as they process what they have learned during this year of training in Fiji and apply it to their ministry. • Pray for the UPNG student leaders (Movement Builders) as they start their 100% stu- dent-led discipleship groups again after classes were suspended for four months. • May God provide a place for our female staff to stay when they return to Port Moresby - safe and close enough to UPNG for them to invite students over. Pray for the staff as they work on DMPD from a distance, not having time to work on it in PNG this year.

VANUATU/NEW CALEDONIA • Pray for the three Korean STINT members in Vanuatu as they seek to build into the students that were shared with during the visit of the American project team. Pray for Karl Udy, as he seeks to find some assistance from French speakers in following up the contacts from the New Caledonia project. • Pray for the Fiji project members as they seek to expand ministry to a French Teacher's Training College in Port Vila, Vanuatu. The team saw a remarkable response at the school last year. May the principal open the doors wide for ministry. • Pray for Candy Yost as she works with the US campus ministry to recruit long-term workers to come to Vanuatu and New Caledonia.


Athletes in Action • Praise God for the abundant fruit that came from the Rio Olympics - multiple athletes from around the world used their platform to the glory of God. • Pray for this new school year: o Pray for evangelistic fruitfulness in every area of AIA - Campus, Pro, Sports T.E.A.M., International, etc. o Ask the Lord of the Harvest to raise up multiplying disciples. o Courage and boldness to move the mission forward. • Pray for the completion of the WFF funding - $15M by April 1, 2017.

Cru Campus

Bridges International: • The Vision 2016 conference will be held in Daytona Beach, this December 28-January 1. Ask God to bring 750 international students and Americans to learn about "What is Your Destiny?" There will be four different people-group tracks and an additional track for those wanting to launch movements of spiritual multiplication among international students. Pray for God to orchestrate all the logistics and prepare each heart for life change. • Ask God to raise up more laborers to reach the 1,300,000 international students cur- rently in the USA, especially men, so we can have strong teams in priority locations including Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco Bay Area and Boston. • Please pray for great fruitfulness among the international students who have come to us. These students are the future leaders of their nations. Pray that many will follow Jesus and become spiritual multipliers who will impact their societies with the transformation that comes only from the gospel.

College & University: • Fall retreats - Pray that students will attend and be fully engaged (heart, soul and mind). May they hear and respond to the gospel and take God’s next steps for them. • Cru Winter Conference - For the first time, the campus ministry is marketing all of the winter (formerly Christmas) conferences under a single brand. Pray for the leadership team as they develop campaigns that will reach not only our Cru students but also those who are like- minded but not a part of a Cru movement on their campus. • Campus Leadership Teams - Please pray for the executive team as they evaluate and consider how we might better structure and position the campus ministry to break through the barriers keeping us from reaching every student of every culture on campus.

Ethnic Field Ministry (EFM) • Pray for EFM Directors for the Northeast, Red River, Great Plains Int'l. and Greater Northwest regions. Pray that God would raise up the right kind of women and men for these critical roles. • Pray for our upcoming EFM Staff Conference in April 2017. Pray that we'd be able to find a suitable hotel, that God would provide funding and that this would be a refreshing and encouraging time for everyone who will be attending. • Pray for each of our EFM regional and national leaders as we help to lead our organi- zation in areas of biblical oneness, ethnic diversity and focus on the emerging leaders of Amer- ica's ethnic minority communities. Pray that we would do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8).

Christian Embassy, D.C. May our team seek God first and proclaim Him out of our growing knowledge of who He is. We had contact with our core disciples all summer and have made plans with them to reach out to their peers: • September 15 - taking diplomat wives apple picking and to lunch. This is a great oppor- tunity to follow up those who have come to our events and bring in some of the new ladies. • Mid-October - putting together another seminar on "How Congress Works" with Ms. Ilona Nickels, speaking on what might happen in the Congress when the results of the Novem- ber election are known. (Please, keep praying for the Lord's will to be done in our country and remember that only those who vote will have a "say" in the next 4-8 years!) • November 17,18 - Thanksgiving events for diplomat wives and for ambassadors and spouses. Pray that during this nerve-racking election year (all of Washington is on edge) God’s people would recognize how bountifully He has blessed us. “In everything give thanks...”

CrossRoads • Francophone Africa Area: o Pray that the CrossRoads Leaders would be able to fulfill the May 2015 commitment they made at the conference in Yaoundé, Cameroon. o Pray for successful fund development, Teacher Trainings and teaching the curriculum in the countries. o Pray for the different areas of the lives of our Crossroads leaders: family life, personal, corporate and spiritual. • Central African Republic: o According to Isaiah 62: 1-7, pray for the effectiveness of the prayer movement that we want to launch for our country called Holy Convocation. We want to use the media (especially radio) to teach Vitae. The Lord God, the Lord of the harvest, give us grace to reach a large number of Central Africans through these programs. o We want to train at least 12 new trainers who will train at least 500 new teachers in us- ing the Life at the CrossRoads curriculum. These teachers will join the others we have already trained to help teach the curriculum to a million Central Africans of all social classes. o To realize all these important activities, we need about 40 million CFA francs ($80,000 USD). We ask the Lord God, the Lord of the harvest, He who is also called Jehovah Jireh, to provide these funds for His glory. • Honduras: o Pray for the growth and development of 150 student leaders from 25 schools who are completing the Life at the CrossRoads curriculum. Those who complete it become volunteers to work and be equipped to reach their peers. o Pray that 250 teachers in Tegucigalpa and Olancho will respond to the challenge to use the CrossRoads strategy to reach their students. o Pray for the teachers who are real leaders to respond to the challenge to become CrossRoads Trainers - becoming multiplying disciples.

FamilyLife • Cartegena, Colombia - Pray for the leader couples who attended the Hispanic Fami- lyLife advanced training in September 2016. Ask that God would keep their vision clear for ex- panding the outreach to families in the churches and cities. Also pray for couples who attended the I Still Do event presented in Cartegena during the same week. May God continue to change hearts, lives, and marriages to leave a godly legacy. • Pray that we exceed 60,000 guests at the Weekend to Remember this FY and that we impact over 110,000 lives through Hosted Events. • Prayer for the development of our new video series on parenting.


• Almost 1,000 children die daily from drinking contaminated water. Pray for GAiN’s ability to provide solutions to prevent this tragedy. • African import restrictions hinder aid delivery to people in great need. Pray that food and other supplies clear customs effortlessly. • Pray that the GAiN food load recently distributed in Kenya will display the Lord’s provision for refugees and orphans.

The Jesus Film Project • Praise God for the 1,443 languages versions of the JESUS film completed as of August 2016. Pray that the Lord will draw many to Himself as a result of people watching the film on the big screen, from a computer, tablet or phone. • Short films have been developed by the Jesus Film Production Dept. for an easy way to start spiritual conversations. They are available for you to use on the FREE Jesus Film Project app. Pray these short films will be used effectively to initiate spiritual conversations around the globe in many languages! • Praise God for the 11 staff members and interns who joined the International Record- ing Team this month. They are being trained to record the JESUS film plus Magdalena: Re- leased From Shame and Story of Jesus for Children, in new languages with voice actors, by traveling around the world. Pray for them as they learn to use the equipment and prepare for their recording trips.

The JESUS Film Project – The Peoples Connection • Pray for the new initiative, Our Newest Neighbors, that seeks to encourage people to pray for and reach out to those who have come to live among us from some of the most un- reached countries of the world. • Pray about use of the new American Cities Languages JESUS DVD, featuring 24 lan- guages to help ensure that no cultural difference will stand in the way of someone hearing the story of Jesus. • Pray for the special outreach by Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) this Christmas as they distribute over 100,000 of the 24-language JESUS DVD, Jesus Through the Eyes of Children.

Josh McDowell Ministry • Please pray that people who receive Josh's books in their native language will be open to God's truth, come to salvation through the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and develop a lifelong relationship with Him. Thank the Lord for the donors who help to make these books possible. • May the revision of Josh's New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, available Sept 2017, be effective in reaching people with the undeniable truth of God's written and living Word. • Pray that Josh and the scheduling team have God's wisdom in choosing the places where Josh is to speak in the next year that will have the most impact for the kingdom.

Cru Military • Praise God for the hundreds of recruits who are coming to faith in Christ every Sun- day at military basic training locations! The Lord is showing favor upon our evangelism ef- forts! • We praise God for the strong discipleship training leading to Christ-centered multiplying disciples among the military, police, and other uniformed officials. We give the Lord all the glory for giving our volunteers and staff the vision to lead the training efforts in Mexico, Ecuador, Mongolia, Kenya and Uganda. • Conflicts are happening in many nations. Pray for our Military Ministry of Cru staff to continue to spread the gospel message among the men and women who wear their nation’s uniform. Pray especially for those staff and volunteers in the nations of Ukraine, Central African Republic, Cameroon and Gabon who serve faithfully. Pray for successful strategies that will greatly expand the number of ministry volunteers who serve with us. We seek to dou- ble the number of volunteers we have in the next 12-24 months.

New Life Resources (Cru Store) • Pray that New Life Resources, the publishing and materials distribution ministry of Cru, will effectively serve and support the Cru ministries and its staff members. Also, to encour- age churches and individual believers to grow spiritually toward their maximum level of ministry involvement as they make use of the resources we provide. • Ask God to provide additional staff with skills in marketing, social media, and graph- ic design so that our marketing efforts will identify other Christians with a heart for ministry with whom we can cultivate long-term relationships. As we serve many thousands of churches and individual believers, we desire for them to look to Cru as the best place to find the materi- als they need to accomplish whatever form of ministry God has placed on their hearts. • Pray that we may continue to improve and refine the Cru Store website (www.crus- and ) where more than 70% of the requests for ministry materi- als are received. We desire to make it easy for people to discover and acquire ministry tools that will enhance effective ministry and advance the Great Commission. SOUTH ASIA AREA Area Team Leader: Jose and Neena Sam

Area Leadership Team: • Pray that all our teams, individual staff and disciples will be truly characterized by the Launch Pad qualities of Earnest Prayer, Motivation, Passion for Holiness and Authentic Community. • Pray that the Lord of the Harvest will raise up laborers (full-time staff, associates, mar- ketplace missionaries, lay leaders, digital multipliers, etc.) from every place in South Asia. Pray for 2020 vision of 100,000 multiplying disciples in South Asia (SLM, LeaderImpact, GCM, and Digital). Pray also that God will raise up the right people to serve in technology/media/communication teams. Pray for mobilization of 100% staff support and ministry funds. • Pray for God’s protection for the church in South Asia and the ministers of the gospel, in the face of increasing religious intolerance, opposition and isolated instances of persecution. • Pray for the MPOWER South Asia Student Leaders’ Conference in Kanpur (Oct 8- 11) - that this would be attended by 1,000 multiplying student leaders and would result in their envisioning, accelerated spiritual multiplication and ministry expansion to 1,000 catalytic cam- puses across South Asia this year. • Pray for the current batch of 49 new staff from Bangladesh, Nepal and India who are in GCTC training.

EAST INDIA • Pray for the "ï-LEAD'16" conference - a Student Venture towards intentional multiplica- tion process for launching Movements on 1,100 campuses. • Pray for the Church Planters and Lay Leaders to faithfully carry out the vision of launching Church Movements in 15,000 villages by 2020.

NORTH INDIA • Pray for the “Go North” challenge for the Great Commission. Pray that we may launch our campus ministry in three new cities: Allahabad, Dehradun, and Chandigarh next year and pray that God would send more laborers for these cities. • Pray that God would enable us to promote the film Magdalene and this would reach many unreached women and they may become multipliers.

NORTHEAST INDIA • Praise God for the opening of the ministry in new campuses and many churches opening up to work together. • Pray for the ongoing discipleship in campuses and for more student leaders to be devel- oped to take the responsibility for the spiritual movements in campuses and for the staff and kingdom leaders to be raised up to take responsibility to have a LeaderImpact movement in Northeast India.

SOUTHEAST INDIA • Youth Reach 2020, an initiative to develop 2,020 lifetime laborers, to reach 2 million people. • Three massive outreach campaigns in our region, which use our volunteers to estab- lish campus movements in 1,000 campuses by 2017.

SOUTHWEST INDIA • Pray that 260 Catalytic Campuses will be opened and sustained in the current academic year. • Pray that 1,460 new multiplying house churches will be planted with 1,460 lay lead- ers by the end of this year. • Expand LeaderImpact ministry to 15 more ministry centers through Kingdom Leaders and develop 190 Kingdom Leaders.

SRI LANKA • Pray that God may raise up laborers for Sri Lanka Campus Crusade for Christ (SLCCC) at different levels. Our goal is to have 10 new GCTC staff, 10 professionals involved with LeaderImpact, and 50 volunteers by 2017. • SLCCC celebrates its 50th anniversary next year. We have planned various projects which will accelerate reaching the 2020 goals. Pray that God may help us to accomplish them all. SOUTHEAST ASIA AREA (ASEA) Area Team Leader: Chris and Marlyn Uy

Area Team Leader’s Office: • Praise God for one IGNITE event that ignited more than 70 top business leaders from 12 countries to mobilize other business leaders to give their LIFE (Leadership, Influence, Fi- nance, Expertise) to God for the fulfillment of the Great Commission through Campus Crusade for Christ. Thank Him for meaningful disciple gathering and training in several nations, result- ing in many commitments to multiply their lives. Pray about good follow through of all action points from conferences held last month and from different conferences.

• Pray for fruitful local events in different countries being initiated and hosted by their IG- NITE delegates to challenge their peers to give their LIFE to God through CCC. Ask God’s wis- dom and guidance for the IGNITE coordinating team for the upcoming IGNITE 2017 in Cebu. • Pray for God to supernaturally raise up the manpower needs of ASEO and that leaders and the staff who are being challenged will be willing to sacrifice their convenience for the sake of the gospel and for the salvation of many in all the countries of Southeast Asia. Digital Strategy: • Pray for God to give all staff members, disciples and partners awareness of using their gadgets for doing WBS in the daily base. • Pray for engagement with NLTs of Southeast Asia to have DS overview, an understand- ing of their Country Digital Maturity and a heart for using technology for helping the fulfil- ment of the GC. • Ask God to develop the DS team of Southeast Asia and its roles for accelerating the movement.

International Graduate School of Leadership (IGSL): • Praise God for the celebration of His faithfulness over the ministry of IGSL for 35 years on September 13, including three Alumni Homecoming Days the following three days. May the Leadership Team stay committed to the vision and abide by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

• Pray for faculty, students, staff, and ministry partners to be strengthened in their inner being, resulting in more fruitfulness.

• Pray about maintaining effective partnerships and relationships with fellow seminar- ies, sister schools, and accrediting agencies. LDHR: • Staff Development Cycle – Praise God for the increasing percentage of Position Focus conversations between the staff and their team leaders.

• New Staff Training (NST) – Thank Him for the ongoing Training of Trainers in South- east Asia countries. Thank God for the currently concluded Training of Trainers in three coun- tries. Praise God for New Staff Trainees this ministry year. Operations: • Praise the Lord for higher compliance on report submission through our GMA and iShare systems. Pray for all our countries to be able to have access to current financial reports.

• Thank the Lord for the successful audits of PCCC and IGSL and for our additional trained auditors. Pray as they and others effectively address the audit results and recommen- dations.

• Ask the Lord to raise up a new Operations leader for Southeast Asia and the new team. Thank Him for new staff coming from Ops.

CAMBODIA • May the staff and students keep growing in their walk with God and getting ready for the new campus plan for the new semester. Ask God’s protection and provision - both personal and for the ministry. • We want to see the first Ignite here in 2017. • Pray for the GCM 4G training this October. May all have wisdom to understand and apply. PHILIPPINES • Corporate challenges: Pray for favor from government officials as PCCC com- pletes SEC registration requirements and government requirements for PCCC to avail of tax exemptions as a religious and non-profit organization. • Leadership Development and Succession Plan: Pray that ongoing team leaders’ de- velopment initiatives will be effective. Pray for wisdom for the National Leadership Team and LDHR in developing steps and processes for an effective succession plan. • Pray for collaboration among PCCC MCC’s to grow - that planned joint projects (summer/Holy Week mission outreaches, implementation of urban church planting using T4T/MC2 and national volunteer summit) will be successful. May God empower PCCC to in- crease partnerships from 100 to 200 churches/groups to build movements in 350 campus- es, plant 2,000 churches and expand marketplace movements in five hub cities by the end of the current ministry year. Pray for a sustainable partnership infrastructure.

SOUTHERN AND EASTERN AFRICA AREA Area Team Leader: Farai & Chipo Katsande

COUNTRY Z Pray for protection of people as they travel to sensitive areas to minister and to serve: • Pray for the set-up and program for AIA visiting the country in mid-October. • Pray for gathering of believers in a special training for women. • Pray for visiting speakers as they speak to different individuals and groups in the country.

KENYA • Praise God for the good progress we are making in moving staff towards 100% support. We have now trained majority of the staff through DMPD, and the last group of seven finished the one-month training in September 2016. Pray for development of our fund development (FD) strategies for the next year and faithful execution of our tactical plans. Pray that we put proper systems at the national office for effective communication and nurturing of all partners. • Praise God for raising up new FD leaders in Kenya, an answer to our prayers and the great opportunity to move the ministry to stage 3 by building capacity towards financial sustain- ability. Pray for the writing of the FD proposals that is going on by various leaders and that many will be approved, according to our national strategic plans and budgets. Pray for final re- view of our DeepLife goals, strategic planning and budgets for the year 2016/17. • Pray for Pamoja Africa IV recruitment in Kenya and a fund raising event on 4th Nov here in Nairobi to raise the targeted amount of $ 10,000. Our Faith goals is 150 participants and So far we have 71 people recruited snd signed up to raise funds for their participation.

MADAGASCAR • Praise the Lord for His powerful way of enabling us to finish the Building Powerful Ministry Teams training with His servant Joyce Kule and Elspeth last August 28 - September 1. Pray for us to apply what we have learned through this training. • Thank God for we have set up our national plan 2020. Pray that all Mission Critical Components can reach their part of the goal each year. • Pray for the Deep Life project in ten locations in the eastern part of our country from Oct. 2 - Nov. 9, 2016. The Prayer Seminar was already finished last June. Pray that through this Deep Life project, we will find more multiplying disciples and leaders to accelerate the planting of new churches by practicing the principles of Multiplying Churches and Communities.

MALAWI • Praise God for the three churches planted. One church was planted using the new JE- SUS film language translation - Ellomwe. Praise God for the language translations done and launched this year (Ellomwe, Sena, Yao Mag, and Yao children’s version). Pray for intentional church partnerships that will see increases in self-sustainable, multiplying churches. • Pray for SLM students and leadership to succeed in seeking persons of peace as they embark on expanding to four new campuses. • May God help us to create a complete database of ministry partners and alumni from the university that will format a base for volunteers and local fund development for sus- tainable movement growth.

MOZAMBIQUE • Pray about our transition from “ministry” to “movement,” both in the SLM and the LI areas of our field ministry. Thank God for the openness of churches (denominations) to partner with the GCM. • Pray for full-time staff and more committed associates to come on board. We do not have full-time staff in spite of the ministry having been in existence for well over a decade now. • Students, professionals, and church leaders to raise money to enable them travel to the PAMOJA conference in Zambia at the end of this year.

NAMIBIA • On 16 September SLM had the semester fund development event called 'beautiful feet- the hike.' The target was to raise N$4500 ($350). They raised N$6034($402). We praise God! Please pray for the ongoing fund development for our 200-seat building project of the Great Commission Center. • Pray for our intern/staff recruitment season (late Sept-Nov). Ivy who is part-time ac- countant, last month announced that when she completes her degree at University of Namibia this year, she will join our full-time staff. This is good news for us! • Pray for the NTL and leadership team as we plan on rebranding to Deep Life locally. Please pray for rain in Namibia – it has been exceptionally dry.

SOUTH AFRICA • Please pray about the continued unrest at South African universities. Meaningful ministry activity has stopped, because most universities are closed. • Praise God that through MC2 training we are starting to see potential movements, and have seen a great improvement in staff support through DMPD! • Reaching our core values: Faith - strong faith and perseverance for all staff and disci- ples; having meaningful quiet times, half days, prayer as core of our ministry. Growth - for all staff and disciples to grow as Christians so that our lives will be a true testimony of God’s faith- fulness. Fruitfulness - in our lives, ministry and MPD, including erasing our debt. Family - that we will really function as God’s family on earth.

TANZANIA • Churches that have been planted have multiplied to the fourth generation through JESUS film strategy with WWJ. • Thank God for seven STINTers from the US, who will be working with SLM for one year. Pray for the STINTers - that they will get their residence and working permits as soon as possi- ble, settle into their ministry and for them to be fruitful. • Our deep goal of raising 68,400 multiplying disciples by year 2020: Pray that God will raise up volunteers who are like-minded to reach this goal. Pray for the goal this year of get- ting 1,330 multiplying disciples to be realized.

UGANDA • Pray about the launching of the Aringa JESUS film, which we completed translating last year. We are doing this in the second week of October. Pray for the preparation of the team that shall be responsible for using this film in the community. The Aringa people are largely of another religious group. • Pray for resources, safety and good health for the team that will be traveling for evan- gelistic outreach to Arua region from 10-17 October. The outreach team will include a GAiN team from the US, medical personnel from Mengo Hospital and the Uganda military, staff of LMU, and the local church. We shall carry out dental and eye clinics, do rapid Malaria testing as well as the Hepatitis, and also conduct HIV/AIDS screening. • Pray for the South Sudanese staff that had to be evacuated from the conflict in South Sudan for a temporary refuge in Uganda and Kenya. Pray that God would use the team to min- ister to the tens of thousands South Sudanese refugees who are in various camps in Ugan- da. ZAMBIA • Thank God for the short-term mission teams (Oak Pointe from the US and A6 from South Korea) that came to Zambia recently. Thank God for the SLM training and the MC2 training at different campuses. Pray for the CCC team as they organize PAMOJA, the conti- nental conference that will bring participants from across AFRICA. • Pray for wisdom for the political leaders, especially the new president, that God would give them wisdom to unite the people of Zambia. • Thank God for our NTL, who has continued to recover well from a long illness. Pray for the NLT as they engage and reorganize CCC Zambia’s administrative set-up (governance, legal issues, policy, finances, etc.) for greater kingdom service.

ZIMBABWE • Pray for PAMOJA recruitment across all segments of society with which we are in- volved. • Pray for financial provision to start GCT for the new staff that are waiting for training. • Pray for the political and economic situation in Zimbabwe, which is quite worrisome now.

WEST AFRICA AREA (Great Commission Movement) Area Team Leader: Austin and Zchat Okomohwo Area Leadership Team: • Praise God for a successful West Africa Staff Conference in August. Our theme was One Lord, One Life, One Passion. May the Lord will help us move forward with refreshed love for Him, each other, renewed zeal and passion to be used by Him everywhere He sends us. • As we press forward to 2020, pray for us as we strengthen our staff base in all staff cat- egories. Pray for strong and fruitful partnerships especially in Guinea Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Cape Verde and Sao Tome and Principe. Pray that these partnerships will lead to the building of multiplying disciples and spiritual revival in these countries. • Pray for open doors as we continue to raise funds for all our ministry engagements. Pray for divine appointments, protection and wisdom as we travel and make contact with differ- ent people with respect to organizational and staff MPD.

ACTS (Africa Centre for Theological Studies) - Lagos, Nigeria: • The school has been trusting God for her own property. We are thinking of purchasing land at the centre of town. Please pray that there will be agreement between our lawyer and the owner of the property about the amount and terms of payment to favor our ministry. Pray that our present landlord will agree on whatever decision we made on how many month to se- cure the rent. Cry to God that we will become a landlord in Lagos and not continue to pay rent. • Our third graduation is scheduled for 1 October 2016 at Guiding Light Assemble Park View, Lagos. Pray for the planning committee to be able to plan appropriately. Pray for the graduating students, especially those still writing their thesis and those with minor adminis- trative requirements to meet before 1 October. May God use the graduation to increase the en- rolment of potential students. • Thank the Lord for the next Indigitous event coming up in November, titled Hack the Mission. Pray that God will send programmers He has ordained for this meeting. Pray for the right venue, provision of money, and every other resource needed. Ask for strength, protection and favor as members of Indigitous work to put things in place. May they have wisdom, knowl- edge, understanding and unity, with the Spirit of God leading them. May we all resist every plan of the devil among the organizers and towards the program.

CAPE VERDE • Praise God for the work in Cape Verde and the contacts made with some leaders of the church here. Pray for the aftermath of the JESUS Film Mission Trip in September, that the rela- tionships formed will become bridges for movement building. • Our strategic priority is to cultivate partnerships and strategic collaboration which results in a strategy for a church multiplication movement. Pray for leaders owning this vision and trust God with us for faithful people to be recruited as church planters to go through the MC2 training and be sent to target areas to plant churches. • Pray for safety as we commute through air and on water to all the islands of the country and ask God for the resources to implement these strategic plans.

EQUATORIAL GUINEA • Give praises to the Lord for our great ministry opportunities here. Pray for our strategic direction of starting a national model movement of multiplying churches. • Commit to prayer the partnership meeting with key leaders of the church in Equato- rial Guinea. Pray that it will birth strategic collaboration with major churches resulting into multi- plying churches and faith communities across the length and breadth of the country. • Trust God with us for Him to raise up five committed leaders for the harvest as full- time staff, associates and volunteers. Pray that the Lord will help us locate 50 people as ministry partners who will give generously to raise resources for the work in this country.

THE GAMBIA • May the Lord help each of us as staff, supervisors and volunteers allow the Holy Spirit to mold our hearts moment by moment (Galatians 5:16-18). • We are blessed with the opportunity to have two groups come and boost our efforts in The Gambia. The first is a team of students from Nigeria and Ghana coming to help birth a studen- t-led movement to create disciples of Christ everywhere right here in The Gambia. They will also do some training on using digital resources for evangelism and discipleship. The first team will come from October 21 - November 5, followed by a JESUS Film Mission Team coming from November 1-14. Pray for God to send all those HE desires on these teams and for there to be a smooth flow of ministry both from team to team and for those of us on ground to contin- ue ministry after they leave. • We are still trusting God for funds to get land to have a discipleship center/conference cen- ter/office on a permanent site rather than a rented one. Our desire is to purchase the land in January 2017 and build an office block by September 2017.

GHANA • Pray that as the staff seeks to maintain a 3G life (God-attentive, God-dependent, God-respon- sive) they will be built up, flourishing in a way that movements everywhere are the natural result and fruit of a Spirit-controlled life and ministry service of individual staff members. • Ask the LORD to grant us wisdom and creative strategies to initiate a massive recruitment drive for all categories of staff with great results. To this end pray for the LORD’s leading in planning and executing six Life Objective Seminars on our campuses. • Pray for God to raise up a core group of 10 top marketplace leaders who would commit and multiply their LIFE (Leadership, Influence, Finances & Expertise) through Leader Impact/History’s Handfuls. Praise God for the first couple who have already made this commitment.

GUINEA-BISSAU • Pray for wisdom in the government to rule with righteousness and justice for all. Pray that they will deal with the issues that the country faces with their economy and for a turnaround in their economy. • Pray for unity in the church to focus on discipleship of believers. • May the Lord continue to strengthen our church planters in the regions, even in midst of op- position (especially a strong religious system that must be broken), so that they will not fall nor be defeated. Pray that the work they have started will increase and expand leading to more churches planted and prayer groups set up and that the souls won to the Lord by our church planters will continue to abide in Him and remain in the church.

LIBERIA • Campus: The campus ministry is conducting a national tour of all university campus- es across Liberia. This is meant to consolidate and supervise catalytic ministry on these cam- puses. Please pray that the team's meetings with key students will be meaningful and fruitful and they will cast vision in the power of the Holy Spirit. May their trip be safe and joyful, with reasonable transportation fares. The student ministry is also trusting God to raise money quickly to purchase a 20-seat bus. • Prayer ministry has just completed a four-day prayer training with over 49 persons in at- tendance, 49 persons living at the training site and others commuting. Please pray that these intercessors will respond to the challenge of building prayer altars in their homes and light- houses in their communities. • The GCM@42 multi-purpose building fund raising project took off in July. We are raising $136,000 US dollars for the first phase of the project. Please pray that supporters will respond quickly so that the first phase will begin by early next year.

NIGERIA • Lord please MOLD our hearts to be at one with You: Change my heart O LORD, Make it ever true, change my heart O LORD, May I be like you. You are the Potter, I am the clay, break me and MOLD me, this is what I pray, Change my heart O LORD may I be like You. • Pray for the Nigerian staff to walk before the LORD and be blameless. Pray that we will daily look at the mirror of the Bible for a soul check. (Gen. 17:1; 1Thes. 5:23; 1Sam. 16:17) • May the staff continue in PURE and UNDIVIDED devotion to Christ, that we will not be corrupted as Eve was deceived by the cunning ways of the serpent. (2 Cor. 11:3 NLT) • Pray for lasting peace in our hearts and absolute trust in the LORD as all do their DMPD in our present national economy, which is pervaded with inflation and all kinds of complaints from people. Ask God to help us and direct us to new ministry partners.

SAO TOME & PRINCIPE • Praise God for a fruitful visit to the country in May 2016 and for relationships built with key leaders of the Alliance of Evangelical Churches of Sao Tome & Principe. Pray that this relationship will push for a strong indigenous movement. • Commit the future plans of raising potential church planters who will go through the MC2 training and be deployed to target areas to plant churches and faith communities. Ask the Lord to remove any encumbrances or hindrances that militate against our cooperation with churches in Sao Tome. • Pray that the Sao Tomean church will be a base for missionary sending in finances and people. Ask the Lord to raise up an army of ministry partners who will give generously.

SIERRA LEONE • Thank God for a peaceful and successful leadership transition in the movement, from Rev. Doris Kanu to Mr. Simon Baker. • Pray that God will give Simon the needed wisdom to lead the ministry in the fear of Lord. • Pray that the following events will be successful and the objective achieved: o Prayer and training retreat for prayer cell leaders in November. o Evangelistic Sponsored Walk in December. o Ten Days for Jesus - a mission faith trip to Pendembu in December. WESTERN EUROPE AREA (Agapé Europe) Area Team Leader: Javier and Gema Garcia

Area Leadership Team: • To make Jesus known is our main goal. Everything in the planning by the countries should help to fulfill this goal. Pray for the leaders in the countries to find the best ways to change their countries. • Our focus is to inspire the leaders of our countries. In November we will have a week together with the ND‘s. We pray that God will change hearts and minds during this time. • We have started a new next gen training. We pray that we can develop good future leaders for all the different ministries.

AUSTRIA • Student ministry: At the start of the semester, we ask God to give courage to believers for evangelism, bless their conversations, and open the hearts of listeners, especially Austrians students, so that our CampusLive movements will impact the nation. • The nation: Most of the many missions organizations in Austria are staffed and funded by foreigners. Please pray for native Austrians to rise up to accept a national responsibility to take on the task of manning and financing local ministries.

FRANCE • Paris has a long history of revolutionary change and worldwide impact. The city, along with the whole country, has suffered through various terrorist attacks in the past two years. At the same time, the presence of Agape Paris continues to grow and develop among students and professionals. Whether it be people on the streets or students on the campus, Agape Paris is trusting God that the City of Lights becomes a light to the nations. Please continue to pray for many more young and diverse French leaders to be raised up in this great city. • May God lead us to use technologies wisely to contribute to making Jesus known in France and beyond, and to build operational capacity to see more movements everywhere. • Pray for recruitment for these French ministries: Internet, Churches, and Sport. We drastically need additional leaders and staff members.

GERMANY* • Many churches take care of refugees and use the JESUS film for it. Pray that many refugees from other religious backgrounds come to know God as Father. • Ministry leaders and the ND plan to meet in October. They are developing a new team. They will meet to talk about unity, cooperation, and understanding of a cities strategy. Pray that the cities strategy will find fulfillement. • Pray for all volunteers in SLM. We are happy that in many universities students really do lead the movement. And we pray that this will be true in other cities as well.

IRELAND • Pray for the strength and well-being of our team as we aim to share the gospel and initially try win people for Jesus. • Pray for our student and campus team to be protected and given strength and wisdom for the next season ahead. • We will be having several staff meetings and board meetings. Please pray for wis- dom and unity.

NETHERLANDS • The internet ministry of the Netherlands ( will train new online coaches for the new season. These e-coaches will be coupled with seekers who have landed on one of the many websites (about life issues) that ultimately bring them to a gospel presentation. E- coaches are there to listen and help direct the seeker in their path to knowing God. • In past months staff and students of StudentLife (Netherlands) have invested time and energy in new campuses in Amsterdam, Nijmegen and Arnhem. Pray that the students they have talked to will take up the challenge to start new StudentLife groups in these cities. • All Dutch staff and volunteers will come together for the annual staff conference from 28-30 October. Thank the Lord for the staff family and their kids. Pray with us that the love of Jesus will be our drive for reaching and discipling the lost. Pray too that our children will have a good time of fellowship and of learning about Jesus' love for them.

SWEDEN • Magdalena Project: Pray for more effectiveness in using this film to reach women. • The Story of Jesus film: Pray for fundraising to send the film to 300,000 families with children ages 6-12. • Pray that we will find Swedish students who will take responsibility for new campus- es.

SWITZERLAND* • We regularly have big youth events. We pray for many youth participants who will have an interest in knowing Jesus. We have also a big investment in PraiseCamp at the end of the year. Pray for power for staff and volunteers. • We had opportunity to talk to many Muslim tourists this summer. We distributed 3,300 DVDs, 180 bibles and 500 SD cards. We pray that they will know Jesus and grow in Him. • Everyone has been talking about “Pokemon Go.” As an internet ministry in the French part of Switzerland, we just wrote and published in Facebook and Twitter a small article with five verses and five questions. After three weeks more than 35,000 persons had viewed it. Pray that the questions asked will also help in other areas of the lives of those people.

UNITED KINGDOM* • Please pray for "freshers' week" at the University of Oxford from 3-7 October. Ask God to provide many opportunities for Agapé Student Life to connect with freshers and share the gospel with them. Pray for good conversations and ongoing relationships to start this week. • Please pray for our First Acts team who are working alongside many Farsi-speaking, asylum seekers in the UK. Pray as they help many with practical needs but more so their spiri- tual needs. Please pray for wisdom in gospel sharing and follow-up. • In 2017, Agapé UK will celebrate its 50th anniversary. Pray that this will be a fruitful season as we praise God together over how far the seeds of our movement have spread and aim to serve and bless the church throughout the UK.

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