Azna Chapter 6 Meeting

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Azna Chapter 6 Meeting

AzNA Nurse Educator Special Interest Group (Chapter 6) Board Meeting Minutes Monday January 25, 2016 (1200 – 1330)

The AzNA Chapter 6 Officers Meeting was held via teleconference on Monday January 25, 2016 The meeting was called to order by President Heidi Sanborn at 1200.

Name Position In Unable to Email Addresses attendance attend Heidi Sanborn (2015-2017) President X [email protected]

Roni Collazo (2013-2015) Outgoing President X [email protected] Laura Blank (2015-2017) 1st Vice-President X [email protected] Carol Stevens 2nd Vice-President X [email protected] Selina Bliss (2015-2017) Secretary X [email protected] Pauline Komnenich Treasurer X [email protected] Cheryl Roat (2015-2017) Director of Education X [email protected] Susan Gonda (2015-2017) Director of X Membership Pam Fuller (2014-2016) Director at Large X [email protected] Amy Johnson (2015-2017) Co-Director at Large X [email protected] Desiree Creekmore (2015-2017) Co-Director at Large X [email protected]

Topic Discussion Action Opening and Call to Order at a. Roll call - Roll call completed with 10 Board members present Amy will post November meeting minutes on our 1200 – Heidi Sanborn b. Laura moved and Heidi seconded to approve the minutes from the new website. Board Meeting from November 11, 2015 without corrections. Board Reports a. Treasurer: Pauline Komnenich – Projected budget for the upcoming Spring Nursing Education Collaborative shared with Heidi and Education Planning Committee. From the Fall Nursing Education Collaborative, $10,271 took in for 101 registrants, plus $500 donation form Laerdal and $500 from the Arizona Simulation Network. From the Fall conference there were $5,844.75 in expenses leaving a balance of $4,426.75, which will be split between AzNA Chapter Six and Az League for Nursing. Currently $12,405.31 balance before payments made for Fall conference. b. Membership: Susan Gonda – 81 members due to expire in January, so email blast sent to members. 408 members in Chapter at present. c. Education: Cheryl Roat – The Educational Planning Committee has new members. Gave a summary of the Fall Nursing Education Collaborative. Feedback from attendees was shared and will be taken into consideration for planning the Spring Nursing Education Collaborative. - The Spring Nursing Education Collaborative will be scheduled from 0800 until 1430 on Friday April 29th. The topic is clinical teaching and evaluation. A flat rate of 2,500 will be paid to Dr. Marilyn to include honorarium and travel. Fees on the Save-the-Date flyer. - Name of ‘Faculty Development Collaborative’ can no longer be used, since was once used by another group. Proposed we use ‘Nursing Education Collaborative’ as our name. Discussed an additional logo for the collaborative, but decided this would be confusing. - Fall Nursing Education Collaborative tentatively a CNE review course based on feedback from participants in the Fall conference.

New Business a. Website: Laura Blank/Amy Johnson – Amy set up a webpage a. Website will be ready soon to go live. Selina along with Wendy Shultz. Modeling off of other chapters for to send minutes to Amy to house on website. All consistency. A variety of links have been created. Need head-shots and on BOD to send bio and head-shot to Amy. bios for BOD link. Proposing a Twitter and Facebook link also be connected to our website. b. Email Blasts: Desiree Creekmore reported that she and Heidi b. are creating a quarterly newsletter to send to members. Will send by February 14th and link a copy to our new website. There does exist an ability to send out blast emails to members. Desiree will be getting the administrator status from Wendy at AzNA to do this so we can advertise our new website. c. Chapter Scholarships: Pauline reported up to $900 available c. Voted to increase from $1,000 to $1,050 for for faculty scholarships. Reminded all that we have a CNE scholarship the Promise of Nursing. to reimburse faculty who take and pass the CNE exam. d. Approval of Chapter Mission Statement – Heidi Sanborn and d. Carol will bring purposes and functions from Amy Johnson – Want to condense the current bullet points of functions the bylaws for the next meeting. to a shorter statement. Examined the bylaws for the purpose and functions statements. Will consider condensing to create a mission statement or keep as a purpose statement. e. Update from IOM Progress Report – Desiree Creekmore e. Pam will explore costs for a branding item to attended this meeting. A PowerPoint presentation was used to report give out or sell at future events. the findings. Report is a five year update and is found online at the-iom-report-the-future-of-nursing.aspx Report demonstrated great progress has been seen in most categories, with the exception of an increase of PhD prepared nurses. Will share this information with f. Educational Planning Committee to contact members using our website. Dawna Cato for Fall Dates of AAC/EPC meeting f. Open Floor – Possible branding opportunity by passing out a to piggyback a presentation with a meeting. token gift or items for sale from AzNA at the Spring Nursing Education If this works out, we will postpone the CNE Collaborative. Pauline reported that the budget currently allows Review to Spring. between $1,000 to $1,500 for branding. - Carol Stevens reported very few nurse educators were present for Lobby Day. Suggested Carol make an announcement at the Spring Conference of upcoming AzNA events. Selina suggested a short video could be created by Carol that could be shared with members. Possibly a full day conference on the subject. Could piggyback a four hour presentation to the Arizona Action Coalition – Education/Practice Committee meeting. - Survey coming soon to support a doctoral candidate’s project. Pauline will order and send flowers. Abstract to be reviewed first by Board. - Flowers for AzNA member in hospital. Approved up to $75.00. Meeting Adjournment Moved and seconded to adjourn.

Next meeting Monday March 28th from 11:00 to 12:00 Meetings will be fourth Monday’s every other month from 11:00 until 12:30. Meeting adjourned at 1330 - Respectfully submitted, Selina Bliss, Secretary. AzNA Nurse Educator Special Interest Group

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