Regular Monthly Meeting of the Township Committee of the Township of Lower Alloways Creek

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Regular Monthly Meeting of the Township Committee of the Township of Lower Alloways Creek

MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK HELD JULY 17, 2012 A Regular Meeting of the Lower Alloways Creek Township Committee was held on July 17 with Mayor Ellen B. Pompper calling the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. STATEMENT OF NOTICE GIVEN The Township Clerk read the following statement. This is a Regular Meeting of the Township Committee of the Township of Lower Alloways Creek being held in compliance with the “Open Public Meetings Act” N.J.S.A. 10:4-6. To insure the right of citizens to have adequate advance notice of and the right to attend meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting them is discussed or acted upon. Advance written notice of this meeting was given by way of an Annual Notice, which was filed with the Lower Alloways Creek Township Clerk, forwarded to the Today’s Sunbeam and Bridgeton News and posted on the Bulletin Board in the lobby of the Lower Alloways Creek Township Municipal Building in compliance with said Act. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Pompper led in the Flag Salute. ROLL CALL OF COMMITTEE Present: Mr. Breslin, Mr. Palombo, Mr. Venable and Mayor Pompper Absent: Mr. Wood OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Also in attendance were -12- (twelve) members of the Public, Jack Lynch, Superintendent of Public Works; Lewis Fogg, Public Works Foreman; David Sowers, Director of Public Safety; George Rosenberger, Solicitor and the Township Clerk Ronald L Campbell Sr. APPROVAL OF AUDITED VOUCHERS Motion (Breslin, Palombo) that all properly audited vouchers be paid. The motion to pay properly audited vouchers passed a vote of the Township Committee as follows: 4-0 Ayes: Breslin, Palombo, Venable and Pompper Nays: none Abstain: none Absent: Wood MONTHLY REPORTS TO THE COMMITTEE The Mayor requested that the minutes reflect that the June 2012 Monthly Reports to the Township Committee have been received from the following Departments and are on file with the Clerk: Police Department, Municipal Court, Tax Collector, Sewer Collector, Construction Office, Engineer and Finance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE MEETING HELD JUNE 21, 2012 AND THE CLOSED SESSION MINUTES OF JUNE 21, 2012. Motion (Breslin, Venable) to approve the June 17, 2012, Regular Township Committee Meeting Minutes and the June 17, 2012 Closed Session Minutes. The motion to approve the minutes of the June 17, 2012 Regular Township Committee Meeting Minutes, the June 17, 2012 Closed Session Minutes of the Township Committee passed a vote of the Township Committee as follows: 3-0-1 Ayes: Breslin, Venable and Pompper Nays: none Abstain: Palombo Absent: Wood

135 RESOLUTIONS Motion (Breslin, Venable) for Resolution 2012-87, A Resolution to renew a three-year membership in the Gloucester, Salem and Cumberland Counties Municipal Joint Insurance Fund.


WHEREAS, Lower Alloways Creek Township is a member of the Gloucester, Salem and Cumberland Counties Municipal Joint Insurance Fund (hereinafter the “FUND”); and

WHEREAS, said membership terminates as of January 1, 2013 unless earlier renewed by agreement between the municipality and the FOND; and

WHEREAS, the Township Committee of the Lower Alloways Creek Township desires to renew said membership;


1. The Lower Alloways Creek Township Committee agrees to renew its membership in the FUND and to be subject to the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, coverages, and operating procedures thereof as presently existing or as modified from time to time by lawful act of the FUND.

2. Ellen B. Pompper, Mayor shall be and hereby is authorized to execute the “Agreement to renew Membership” annexed hereto and made a part hereof and to deliver same, to the FUND evidencing the Township Committee of Lower Alloways Creek Township’s intention to renew its membership.


WHEREAS, the Gloucester, Salem and Cumberland Counties Municipal Joint Insurance Fund (hereinafter the ‘FUND’) is a duly chartered Municipal Joint Insurance Fund as authorized by N.J.S.A. 40A:10-36 et seq., and;

WHEREAS, effective January 1, 2013, said membership will expire unless earlier renewed, and;

WHEREAS, the Governing Body of Lower Alloways Creek Township has resolved to renew said membership;

NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows:

1. The Lower Alloways Creek Township Committee hereby renews its membership in the FUND for a three (3) year period, beginning January 1, 2013 and ending January 1, 2015.

2. The Lower Alloways Creek Township Committee hereby ratifies and reaffirms the Indemnity and Trust Agreement, Bylaws and other organizational and operating documents of the Fund as from time to time amended and altered by the Department of Insurance in accordance with the applicable statues and administrative regulations as if each one of said documents were re-executed contemporaneously herewith.

136 3. The Lower Alloways Creek Township agrees to be a participating member of the FUND for a period herein provided for and comply with all of the rules and regulations and obligations associated with said membership.

4. In consideration of the membership of Lower Alloways Creek Township in the FUND, the FUND agrees, subject to the continuing approval of the Commissioner of Insurance to accept the renewal application of the Lower Alloways Creek Township.

5. Executed this 17th day of July 2012 as the lawful and binding act and deed of the Lower Alloways Creek Township Committee, which execution has been duly authorized by public vote of the governing body.

The motion for Resolution 2012-87 to renew a three-year membership in the Gloucester, Salem and Cumberland Counties Municipal Joint Insurance Fund passed a vote of the Township Committee as follows: 4-0 Ayes: Breslin, Palombo, Venable and Pompper Nays: none Abstain: none Absent: Wood

Motion (Breslin, Venable) for Resolution 2012-88, A Resolution to authorize the cancellation of Capital Ordinance Appropriations in the amount of $ 165,599.73.


WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Township Committee of the Township of the Township of Lower Alloways Creek to cancel the unexpended balances of specific Capital Ordinance Appropriations previously authorized by the Township Committee, from which all encumbrances have been satisfied and projects completed; and

WHEREAS, the CFO recommends canceling certain Capital Ordinance Appropriations and their unexpended balances totaling $ 158,898.57 and that the canceled funds, be placed back in the General Capital Account Fund for use on other Capital Projects so authorized by future Ordinances.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Lower Alloways Creek that the following Capital Projects, with unexpended funds be canceled and the funds in the amount of $ 165,599.73 be returned to the General Capital Account Fund as recommended by the Chief Financial Officer.

Capital Account Original Appropriation Balance ORD 2007-10 ROAD REPAIRS $ 220,000.00 $ 5,076.80

ORD 2008-05 PUBLIC WORKS EQUIPMENT $ 167,000.00 $ 13,715.14

ORD 2010-06 HOGATE BLVD $ 234,772.62 $ 12,762.86

ORD 2010-08 HOGATE BLVD II $ 142,000.00 $ 22,014.71

ORD 2010-09 DILUTION STUDY $ 70,000.00 $ 1,014.22

ORD 2011-03 DUMP TRUCK SNOW PLOW $ 125,000.00 $ 111,016.00 $ 958,772.62 $ 165,599.73 137 The motion for Resolution 2012-88 to authorize the cancellation of Capital Ordinance Appropriations in the amount of $ 165,599.73 passed a vote of the Township Committee as follows: 4-0 Ayes: Breslin, Venable, Palombo and Pompper Nays: none Abstain: none Absent: Wood

Motion (Breslin, Palombo) for Resolution 2012-89, A Resolution to authorize a Lease Agreement with All Solar, LLC for the installation of solar electric panels at the Ambulance Building, PW Garage and LA Well.

RESOLUTION 2012- 89 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING 15 YEAR LEASE CONTRACTS FOR SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS (SOLAR ELECTRIC) WITH ALL SOLAR, LLC OF MILLVILLE, NEW JERSEY IN THE AMOUNT OF $109,204.70 WHEREAS, the Township Committee of the Township of Lower Alloways Creek does recognize the benefit to installing Solar Electric Generating Panels, and; WHEREAS, proposals for the installation of Solar Electric Generating Panels were promulgated by the Superintendant of Public Works and the Purchasing Agent, and; WHEREAS, such proposals were received, reviewed and a recommendation was made by the Superintendant of Public Works and the appointed sub-committee to accept the proposal from and award a fifteen (15) year lease contract to ALL SOLAR, LLC. of Millville, NJ for the installation of Solar Photovoltaic Electric Generating systems. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by, the Township Committee of the Township of Lower Alloways Creek that it does authorize a fifteen (15) year lease contract with All Solar, LLC of Millville, NJ for the installation of Photovoltaic Systems at the following locations: Public Works Garage 43.164 kW $ 71,220.60 Leisure Arms Well 10.137 kW $ 16,726.05 Ambulance Building 13.08 kW $ 21,258.00 Total $109,204.70 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the Superintendant of Public Works or his designee be authorized to make decisions regarding the placement, location or choice of equipment, which may be necessary, as the Solar Electric Generation Project progresses to completion. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign a Lease agreement for such services in the form approved by the municipal solicitor.

The motion for Resolution 2012-89 to authorize a Lease Agreement with All Solar, LLC for the installation of solar electric panels at the Ambulance Building, PW Garage and LA Well passed a vote of the Township Committee as follows: 4-0 Ayes: Breslin, Palombo, Venable and Pompper Nays: none Abstain: none Absent: Wood

Motion (Breslin, Venable) for Resolution 2012-90, A Resolution authorizing the receipt of bids for a Police Vehicle.

138 RESOLUTION 2012- 90 Authorizing the receipt of Bids for a Police Vehicle

WHEREAS, the Township Committee of the Township of Lower Alloways Creek does recognize the need to replace Police Vehicles from time to time, and; WHEREAS, bid specifications for a Police Vehicle will be made by the Purchasing Agent in consultation with the Director of Public Safety and made available for review by the Township Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Lower Alloways Creek that it does authorize the receipt of bids for a Police Vehicle.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Lower Alloways Creek that the Township Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for the receipt of bids for a Police Vehicle. The motion for Resolution 2012-90 authorizing the receipt of bids for a Police Vehicle passed a vote of the Township Committee as follows: 4-0 Ayes: Breslin, Venable, Palombo and Pompper Nays: none Abstain: none Absent: Wood Motion (Breslin, Venable) for Resolution 2012-91, A Resolution appointing an Electrical Subcode, Plumbing Subcode and Fire Subcode Officials / Inspectors, effective September 1, 2012 RESOLUTION 2012- 91 Appointing Jeryl Goff as Fire Subcode Official, Donald Coles as Plumbing Official and Timothy Berry as Electrical Subcode Official for a 4- year (four) term beginning September 1, 2012 and ending August 31, 2016 WHEREAS, the Township Committee of the Township of Lower Alloways Creek does recognize the need to appoint various subcode officials, to review and approve various Uniform Construction Code permits which need to be obtained by the residents and businesses of the Township to ensure the protection of the health and safety of residents, and; WHEREAS, the construction official has made recommendations to the Township Committee to fill various subcode official positions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Lower Alloways Creek that it does appoint the following persons as subcode officials in the positions for which they hold New Jersey Licenses as follows: 4-YR Fire Subcode Official: Jeryl Goff License # 007482 4-YR Plumbing Subcode Official: Donald Coles License # 003500 4-YR Electrical Subcode Official: Timothy Berry License # 010162 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Lower Alloways Creek that these individuals shall in addition; be appointed as Inspectors of their individual subcode, term to run concurrent with their subcode official appointment.

139 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be forwarded by the Clerk to the proper State Office and individual as record of these appointments. The motion for Resolution 2012-91 passed a vote of the Township Committee as follows: 4-0 Ayes: Breslin, Venable, Palombo and Pompper Nays: none Abstain: none Absent: Wood Motion (Breslin, Venable) for Resolution 2012-92, A Resolution to approve a lease agreement with Wireless Edge Towers, LLC for the Leasing of Land for Cell Towers.

RESOLUTION 2012- 92 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING LEASE AGREEMENTS WITH WIRELESS EDGE TOWERS, LLC OF NEW ROCHELLE, NEW YORK, FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY DEVELOPMENT WITH AN INITIAL TERM OF FIVE YEARS WHEREAS, the Township Committee of the Township of Lower Alloways Creek does recognize the benefit of having wireless telecommunication facilities for its residents within the Township, and; WHEREAS, proposals for the lease of Public Land for use as wireless telecommunication facilities were promulgated by the Superintendant of Public Works and the Purchasing Agent, and; WHEREAS, such proposals were received, reviewed and a recommendation was made by the Purchasing Agent to accept the proposal from Wireless Edge Towers, LLC and award a lease agreement of Public Land for use as wireless telecommunication facilities for an initial term of 5 (five) years. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by, the Township Committee of the Township of Lower Alloways Creek that it does authorize an initial five (5) year lease agreement with Wireless Edge Towers, LLC for the use of Public Land for wireless telecommunication facilities development for an initial term of 5 (five) years at the following locations so described in each separate lease:

Municipal Building, Public Works Garage and Canton Fire House BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the Lease agreements for specific Public Land to be used as wireless telecommunication facilities, in a form approved by the municipal solicitor.

The motion for Resolution 2012-92 passed a vote of the Township Committee as follows: 4-0 Ayes: Breslin, Palombo, Venable and Pompper Nays: none Abstain: none Absent: Wood

OLD BUSINESS: Mayor Pompper stated that some residents have asked that the Bulk Stickers be sold in a larger denomination so that they do not have to stick ten stickers on TV or other items. By consensus, the Committee agreed that a $5.00 (five) dollar denomination Bulk Sticker could be printed and used.


Motion (Breslin, Palombo) to approve the purchase of “Air Pack Equipment” for the LAC Fire Company from Breathe Safe Inc. at a cost of 8321.00.

The motion to approve the purchase of “Air Pack Equipment” for the LAC Fire Company from Breathe Safe Inc. at a cost of 8321.00 passed a vote of the Township Committee as follows: 4-0 Ayes: Breslin, Palombo, Venable and Pompper Nays: none Abstain: none Absent: Wood

Motion (Breslin, Palombo) to purchase medical supplies for the Ambulance Squad from Emergency Medical Products at a cost of $ 3,292.55.

The motion purchase medical supplies for the Ambulance Squad from Emergency Medical Products at a cost of $ 3,292.55 passed a vote of the Township Committee as follows: 4-0 Ayes: Breslin, Palombo, Venable and Pompper Nays: none Abstain: none Absent: Wood

Motion (Breslin, Venable) to purchase a 10-ton AC unit for the Municipal Building from Autocon at a cost of $ 7,850.00.

The motion purchase a 10-ton AC unit for the Municipal Building from Autocon at a cost of $ 7,850.00 passed a vote of the Township Committee as follows: 4-0 Ayes: Breslin, Venable, Palombo, and Pompper Nays: none Abstain: none Absent: Wood

Motion (Breslin, Venable) to approve the purchase & installation of an AC/Heat Pump at Leisure Arms Unit # B-13 at a cost not to exceed $ 4092.00.

The motion approve the purchase & installation of an AC/Heat Pump at Leisure Arms Unit # B-13 at a cost not to exceed $ 4092.00 passed a vote of the Township Committee as follows: 4-0 Ayes: Breslin, Venable, Palombo, and Pompper Nays: none Abstain: none Absent: Wood

Motion (Breslin, Venable) to approve a software maintenance contract with Enforsys at a cost of $ 5,500.00.

The motion approve a software maintenance contract with Enforsys at a cost of $ 5,500.00 passed a vote of the Township Committee as follows: 4-0 Ayes: Breslin, Venable, Palombo, and Pompper Nays: none Abstain: none Absent: Wood *Prior to the motion and discussion of the SCC Scholarship’s, Mr. Breslin stepped down from his seat at the Committee and sat in the audience, returning to his seat with the Committee after the voting was concluded.

Motion (Pompper, Palombo) to approve scholarships to Salem Community College for the following students for tuition only, as long as they do not qualify to receive other grants or scholarships: Andrew Breslin, Daniel Breslin, Paula Clour, Allyson George, Emmily Harris, Steven Smith and Lauren Turner

141 The motion to approve scholarships to Salem Community College for the listed students, for tuition only passed a vote of the Township Committee as follows: 3-0-1 Ayes: Pompper, Palombo and Venable Nays: none Abstain: Breslin Absent: Wood Mayor Pompper read two letters from the Township Engineer stating that the Township had received the CAFRA/Waterfront Development Permit, Army Corps of Engineers Permit, and the NJ Tidelands License for the Hancocks Bridge Bank Stabilization Project. With the exception of the soil erosion permit, all of the environmental permit requirements for the project have been approved. Mayor Pompper asked Mr. Lynch to consult with Fralinger’s and come up with a plan and scope of work for this project.

In addition, Mayor Pompper Municipal asked Mr. Lynch to look at and make recommendations to the Committee on a proposed Municipal Public Assess Plan, which was sent to us by the NJDEP. Mayor Pompper called on Public Works Foreman Lewis Fogg about his proposal to change LAC’s Scheduled Recycling Week. Mr. Fogg stated that in order to provide for an efficient collection and taking of recyclables to the recycling facility, he feels the best solution is to change LAC’s recycling day to a week later than the other township’s that are collected, to allow for the removal of the previous days recyclables from the truck. Mr. Fogg stated that otherwise a full truck will have to be taken to Omni first thing in the morning and then return to LAC to begin that day’s collection. Mr. Fogg stated that by going to the next week overtime can be avoided for the recycling truck.

Motion (Breslin, Palombo) to change the recycling collection week by one week starting in September and advertise such in the September Newsletter and on the Township Website. The motion to change the bimonthly recycling collection week by one week starting in September passed a vote of the Township Committee as follows: 4-0 Ayes: Breslin, Palombo, Venable and Pompper Nays: none Abstain: none Absent: Wood Mr. Fogg stated that an elderly resident asked for a 48 gallon recycling can, because he did not feel he could wheel the 96-gallon one up his lane. The Committee consented to allow the resident to have a 48- gallon recycling container. Mr. Fogg stated that a resident of Leisure Arms had during the recent windstorm and electric outage connected a generator to the electric panel of his unit. Mr. Fogg stated that this is a dangerous thing to do and feels the Committee should also warn the resident not to attempt to do this in the future. The Committee agreed and directed the Clerk to send a letter to the resident stating the Committee objections to the practice. Mr. Fogg stated because of the loss of electric during the last windstorm, it has been discussed about hooking up a generator to the Community Building to provide relief, if such an occurrence happens in the future especially during a time when the weather is hot. Mr. Fogg recommends installing a transfer switch so a generator could be hooked to it when needed. Mayor Pompper asked Mr. Fogg to look into the cost of installing a transfer switch at the Community Building. Mayor Pompper read a letter from Atlantic City Electric stating that the Township would need to upgrade the transformers at the Municipal Building before it would be approved for solar panels at the Municipal Building.

Motion (Breslin, Palombo) to approve upgrades to the transformers at the Municipal Building by Atlantic City Electric per their letter, at a cost of $16,375.83.

142 The motion to approve upgrades to the transformers at the Municipal Building by Atlantic City Electric per their letter, at a cost of $16,375.83 passed a vote of the Township Committee as follows: 4-0 Ayes: Breslin, Palombo, Venable and Pompper Nays: none Abstain: none Absent: Wood Motion (Palombo, Venable) to advertise for the receipt of employment applications for the Public Works Department and to advertise such in the September Newsletter and Township Website. The motion to advertise for the receipt of applications for the Public Works Department and to advertise such in the September Newsletter and Township Website passed a vote of the Township Committee as follows: 3-1 Ayes: Venable, Palombo, and Pompper Nays: Breslin Abstain: none Absent: Wood

CORRESPONDENCE None REPORTS TO THE COMMITTEE & COMMITTEE REPORTS Public Works: Mr. Lynch asked if the Committee had any questions regarding the monthly Public Works Progress Report, if not Mr. Lynch stated he would like to publically acknowledge the great work the Public Works Department did during the recent wind storm, clearing trees and limbs on the public streets and roads. Public Safety: Mr. Sowers stated that he has been informed that he will be loosing an Officer to the US Border Patrol. This should be official in the next few weeks. Mr. Sowers expressed his desire to purchase a new patrol vehicle and asked that the Committee approve the receipt of bids for such. Mr. Sowers stated that the County would be giving the Township another ALPR (License Plate Reader) and he would like to have it placed in a new vehicle. Mr. Sowers stated that he was proud of his officer’s performance during the recent windstorm and power outage. Ambulance Squad: Tim Bradway reported that he would forward a copy of the Ambulance Squad’s new Bylaws to the Township. Mr. Bradway stated that the recent fundraiser BBQ was a success and wished to thank everyone who bought a ticket or provided items. Mr. Venable, Mr. Palombo, Mr. Breslin nor Mayor Pompper had any additional reports or comments to the Committee PUBLIC COMMENT Several residents had questions about the Hancocks Bridge Bank Restoration Project such as how far down the bank it was to go and what was to be done. Mayor Pompper stated that it took so many years before the permit process was completed, that the Engineer and the Committee will have to go over exactly what needs to done along the bank and how much we want to spend. A resident asked about reducing the speed limit on certain roads in the Township, Mayor Pompper stated that the roads mentioned were County Roads and that the Township would have to submit a request for speed reductions to the County and they would decide if the speed would be reduced or not.

143 A resident asked if a township person would be hired at the Public Works Department, Mayor Pompper responded that yes, a resident would be preferred.

Members of the Ambulance Squad and Fire Company commented about an incident where a towing company they felt damaged a car when pulling out of a ditch unnecessarily. Mayor Pompper stated that she will get a report on the incident ands speak with the Public Safety Director and determine if any action needs to be taken.


Motion (Breslin, Venable) to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 p.m. The motion to adjourn the meeting passed unanimously.

Minutes of the July 17, 2012 Meeting were approved at a meeting held ______, 2012


______By: ______Ronald L Campbell Sr. Clerk Mayor Ellen B. Pompper


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