Reproduction:Part 1 Exam Review

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Reproduction:Part 1 Exam Review

Name: ______Reproduction Review


1. What is the theory of spontaneous generation? How was it disproved?

2. List the 3 parts of the cell theory.

3. Label the nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm, cell wall, centrioles, vacuoles and the chloroplast on the following two cells. (NOTE: some organelles may only be on one of the cells)

4. Which stage of the cell cycle takes the longest: interphase or cell division?

5. What 3 important things happen to the cell during interphase?

6. How is cytokinesis different between plant and animal cells? Name: ______7. Match the following pictures with the correct stage of mitosis:

Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

8. Label the chromosomes, spindle fibres and centrioles on the following diagram of a cell during mitosis.

9. Match the following pictures with the correct stages of meiosis I: Prophase I Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I

10. Match the following pictures with the correct stages of meiosis II: Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II 4 haploid cells Name: ______11. Match the following stages of mitosis with their description: a) interphase b) prophase c) metaphase d) anaphase e) telophase

____ double-stranded chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell ____ the cell grows and duplicates its chromosomes ____ the nuclear membrane forms around the chromosomes and cytokinesis occurs. ____ the duplicated chromosomes shorten and thicken ____ the two halves of the chromosomes move to opposite poles of the cell

12. Match the following stages of meiosis with their description: a) prophase I c) anaphase I e) prophase II g) anaphase II b) metaphase I d) telophase I f) metaphase II h) telophase II

____ homologous chromosomes line up at the equator (middle) of the cell. ____ both daughter cells divide, forming haploid cells. ____ sister chromatids separate and move to either side of the cell ____ sister chromatids line up at the equator (middle) of the cell ____ the cell divides into two daughter cells ____ chromosomes have duplicated forming homologous pairs. ____ homologous chromosomes are pulled apart; one chromosomes goes to either side ____ each cell has one of the homologous chromosomes (chromosomes NOT duplicated here)

13. Match the type of reproduction with its description: a) binary fission d) spore formation g) conjugation b) budding e) parthenogenesis h) hermaphrodite c) fragmentation/regeneration f) vegetative reproduction j) pollination

____ two paramecium exchange DNA by making contact with each other ____ a small yeast cell starts growing off of a parent yeast cell. It eventually breaks off ____ a bacteria duplicates its DNA and then splits into two new bacteria ____ an organism has both male and female sex organs ____ pollen reaches the egg in a flower and forms a zygote ____ a potato is pulled off a plant, put into the ground and grows into a new plant ____ a sea star’s leg is cut off and it re-grows a new one ____ a female komodo dragon has a “virgin” birth without having contact with a male ____ a mushroom cap produces tiny spores to the ground that grow into new mushrooms. Name: ______14. Check off whether the following statements belong to mitosis or meiosis.

Description Mitosis Meiosis Produces four cells Daughter cells are clones of mother cell Haploid cells produced Somatic cells undergo this cell division Formation of sex cells Two stages of division Asexual reproduction, growth and repair of cells Begins with DNA duplication

15. If a dog has 78 chromosomes, how may chromosomes would be in the following cells:

a. A sperm cell? _____ b. An egg cell? _____ c. A skin cell? _____ d. A zygote? _____ e. A brain cell? _____

16. Label the parts of the flower on the following diagram:

17. Be able to explain, diagram, and label the flower pollination process. Name: ______

18. Be able to label the following diagrams if I give you the words:

19. Match the following a) Eggs b) ovaries c) uterus d)oviduct (fallopian tubes) e) sperm f) flagellum g) testes h) seminiferous tubules i) epididymis j) vas deferens k) follicle l) corpus luteum m) ovulation n) menstruation o) endometrium p) vagina q) zygote r) embryo s) fetus

___ male reproductive cells ___ nutrient cells that remain in the ovary ___ female reproductive cells ___ cells in the ovary that produce an egg ___ primary male reproductive organ ___ the process of releasing an egg ___ primary female reproductive organ ___ the thick lining of the uterus (where ___ where the embryo develops and grows the embryo embeds) ___ where fertilization takes place ___ the birth canal ___ the process of shedding the endometrial cells ___ the cell that forms when a sperm ___ the tale of a sperm fertilizes an egg. ___ the tube where sperm is released from ___ the organism 9 weeks after fertilization ___ where sperm complete their development ___ the dividing fertilized cell about 100 cells ___ the tiny twisting tubes lined with reproductive cells to make sperm

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