Month/Season: January Class: Primary 7 Level: Second

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Month/Season: January Class: Primary 7 Level: Second

Month/Season: January Class: Primary 7 Level: Second

Themes 1. Relationships and Moral Education 2. Decision Making & Conscience 3. Jesus’ Treatment of Women in 1st Century Palestine

Strands of Faith Learning & Teaching Experiences and Core Learning Resources Assessment Class/School/Home/Parish Outcomes

*The new programme for Sex Education ‘God’s Loving Plan’ is being Reign of God I have been given opportunities finalised and will be distributed to schools in the near future. It is to reflect on my relationship important that until this date teachers continue with the planner and with God through prayer and complete these lessons when the new syllabus is distributed. examination of conscience, and Bibles Children are able to RERC 2‐03a discernment before making Class – Read from the Bible the account of when Jesus chose His twelve 12 Apostles re-tell the story of important decisions. disciples (Luke 6:12-16). Complete ’12 Apostles’ Worksheet. Worksheet (attached when Jesus chose the I can examine God's Children should complete the worksheets from the following website to planner) twelve disciples. relationship with myself I have reflected on how Jesus connected to the Bible story. Worksheets printed and others. I have prayed at such times. E.g. from website  reflected on how the Jesus prays before choosing Discuss the following: gift of faith can his disciples (Luke 6:12-16)  Imagine yourself as one of the fishermen. You had just  permeate my whole Jesus prays in the garden at witnessed this amazing miracle of Jesus, and now He tells you being. Gethsemane (Luke 22:39-46) that you will be “fishers of men” if you follow Him. How would what you had just seen help strengthen your faith and help you believe that you would truly be able to do what He just asked you to do?  The Lord has chosen priests and teachers to be special “fishers of men”. Explain how priests and teachers are important to the work of the Lord.  How can all Christians, no matter what their calling, be comforted by this story?

Bibles Ask the children to complete a Bible search on the following passages. They should copy the scripture form these references in to their jotter noting the Bible reference correctly.

Matthew 6:33 Matthew 16:24-25 Philippians 1:6 Ephesians 4:8, 11-12

Children will have some Ask the children to explain how these Bible quotations relate to the story understanding of of Jesus choosing his twelve. Internet Jesus’ relationship On-line game to remember the 12 apostles. with his disciples and similarities between that relationship and Key Vocabulary: examination of conscience, discernment, decisions, the one He has with us. Garden of Gethsemane, Covenant, God’s promises

Strands of Faith Learning & Teaching Experiences and Core Learning Resources Assessment Outcomes Class/School/Home/Parish

Son of God I have reflected on the account Class – Read from the Bible the story of Jesus in the Garden of Bibles Children will have of Gethsemane in Luke’s Gospel, Gethsemane (Luke 22:39-46). Internet access reflected on times RERC 2-07a and recognised that God sent an At the following website you can show the children a short video of the when Jesus had to I have explored the angel to console Jesus in His garden as it is today. make difficult events of the passion, hour of need (Luke 22:41-43). decisions. They will death and resurrection understand that He of Jesus and I have Israel_Garden_of_Gethsemane-Video.html felt anguish and worry reflected on the just as any other Catholic meaning of human. eternal life. Look at the famous painting by El Greco. The children will be able to re-tell the in-the-garden-of-gethsemane story of the ‘Agony in El Greco worksheet the Garden’. The children will complete worksheet on the famous painting (attached to (attached to planner) planner). Children will Commandment understand that God Class – The children will recall the ten commandments. The teacher Template (attached can help us when we should write these on the board. In their jotter the children will rewrite to planner) are troubled or have the commandments in a child-friendly way. They should use the template difficult decisions to attached and cut and paste it into their jotter. make. ‘How Do You See Complete the ‘How Do You See Yourself?’ quiz (attached to planner) Yourself?’ quiz (attached to planner)

Class – Revise the Act of Sorrow. This should be copied and decorated in Writing Materials The children will know their jotter. *This could be completed as a handwriting lesson. by heart the ‘Act of Sorrow’. Discussion:  Who has the power to forgive sins? Children will  What is the Sacrament of Reconciliation? understand what is  What do you have to do to have your sins forgive? meant by ‘examining  What does it mean to examine your conscience? your conscience’.  Why do we confess our sins to a priest?  What does the word ‘absolution’? (This means that the sin is removed from your soul).  What does it mean to be truly sorry for your sins? Parish – Invite the priest in to the school or alternatively visit the church Children will have a so the children can receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Contact the priest to more in depth arrange school visit. understanding of the Key Vocabulary: Passion, Death Resurrection of Jesus, repent, called to Sacrament of make sacrifice, free will, God’s will Reconciliation. Strands of Faith Learning & Teaching Experiences and Core Learning Resources Assessment Outcomes Class/School/Home/Parish

Son of God I can identify the role of women Class – Ask the children what they think life would have been like at the Internet Access The children will have at Jesus’ time; that they were time of Jesus. Show the children the following clip from You Tube which some understanding of RERC 2-06a considered important and depicts women during First Century Palestine. the role of women in I have examined some honoured in their own home but www. youtube .com/watch?v=cCw_Ihgft_o first-century political, social and that they had no role in public *If link doesn’t work Google search ‘The Village Life – WOMEN you tube. Palestine. historical in first- life (they could not go out on century Palestine and their own or attend school, could The children should read together or as a class, ‘Comparison Study’. They ‘Comparison Study’ gained an understanding not be witnesses at a trail or should then complete the ‘Comparison Study’. Both worksheets are Reading Sheet & of Jesus’ life on earth. inherit anything.) attached to the planner. worksheets (attached to planner) I can examine how Jesus treated Class – We are going to find out more about how Jesus treated women in women in public. public and how his actions were unusual, disliked and revolutionary for this Discussion Cards. Cut time. and laminated (attached to planner) The teacher should print a copy of the discussion cards attached to the planner. These should be distributed to either pairs or small groups of children. The children should read their given scripture reference from Children will have some the Bible and discuss how this displays ways in which Jesus was understanding of how revolutionary in how he treated women in First Century Palestine. Jesus was revolutionary in His Key Vocabulary: Role of women, at the time of Jesus attitude and . treatment of women. Strands of Faith Learning & Teaching Experiences and Core Learning Resources Assessment Class/School/Home/Parish Outcomes

RERC 2-08a I can recognise the role of the Class – Discuss with the children what a ‘university’ is. Explain that they Children will recognise Signs of God Church in the foundation and are going to carry out a homework research project on one of three the role of the Church development of Scotland’s ancient universities of Scotland. Catholic Pilgrimage in the foundation and I have explored ancient universities: Aberdeen,  Glasgow University Sites Across the development of Christian heritage and Glasgow and St Andrews.  St Andrew’s University World Homework Scotland’s ancient my role in the Catholic  Aberdeen University Worksheet (attached universities. community and I have It is important that the teacher makes it clear that the children should to planner) reflected on how this recognise the role of the Church in the foundation and development of role can affect my life. these institutions.

I can name some international Class - The children should complete the attached worksheet ‘Catholic Christian pilgrimage sites and Pilgrimage Sites Across the World’. Children will be able to locate them on a map. I can Internet name, locate and describe how and why these The following you tube site may be of some use. Atlases describe the came to be places of pilgrimage. Catholic Pilgrimage significance of some Sites Across the international Christian Key Vocabulary: Monastic communities, Christian pilgrimage sites, World Worksheet pilgrimage sites. (attached to planner) The Twelve Disciples of Jesus Activity

How well do you know the twelve disciples of Jesus? Write the name of the disciple in the box below the picture. There are clues from the Bible to help you.

I am known for finding a boy I am also called Nathaniel. I am who brought five loaves and two known for doubting whether fish to lunch for 5000 people. “any good thing could come out (John 6) of Nazareth!” (John 1)

I am known for denying Jesus I am known for betraying Jesus three times. with a kiss. I also became the first Pope.

I am known for doubting Jesus I am known for being a tax had risen from the dead even collector before Jesus called me though I saw Him with my own to follow Him. eyes. I am also called Levi.

I am known for being ‘a zealot’, a group who fought against the Roman government I am known for having two to win independence from other names – Lebbaeus and Israel (Luke 6:`5) Judas the brother of James. (Mark 3:18)

I am known for asking Jesus “Lord, show us the father” I am known for writing the (John 14) Epistle of James. I am the son of Alpheus. (Mark 3:18)

I am known for begin the first disciple to be killed for my faith (Acts12) I am known for being the disciple who Jesus loved. I wrote a gospel. El Greco The Agony in the Garden Painted 1580 Oil on Canvas 102cm x 131cm The National Gallery in London

Task 1 Cut out the picture opposite. Paste it into your jotter. Using a ruler and a black pencil, draw lines from the following and write the relevant bible quotation from Luke 22:39-48.  The Angel  Jesus  The Three Disciples Sleeping  The Guards

Task 2

Write the subheading ‘Difficult Decisions’.

 What difficult decision did Jesus have to make? Why do you think this decision was difficult? (Give a full explanation)  What difficult decision did Judas have to make? Why do you think this decision was difficult? (Give a full explanation)  What does it mean to ‘examine your conscience’?  It is a very difficult and sometimes painful thing to do. Why do you think this is?  How do we know that Judas examined his conscience and felt regret? (Matthew 27:3-10)

Task 3

Using pastels create your own picture of the ‘Agony in the Garden’. Ten Commandment Template

The Call of Abraham (Genesis 11 - 12)

Copy and complete into your RERC jotter.

1. God told Abram to leave his country and travel to the land ______(12:1)

2. God promised Abram, “Look at the sky and try to count the ______; you will have as many ______as that.” 12:4-5)

3. Abram trusted in God and did what He had asked. He travelled all the way from (1) ______of the Chaldeans (11:31) To (2) ______where they settled until Abram’s father died. (11:31) They then went to the land of Cannan to (3) ______(12:6)

Cut and paste the map below in to your jotter and write the names of the places Abram travelled to. My Covenant with God

Name ______

I promise to ______



Signed ______

Witness ______My Covenant with God

Name ______

I promise to ______



Signed ______

Witness ______John 14:15-30 Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit

Use the Bible to copy and complete this close procedure in your RERC jotter.

15 "If you love me, you will obey my ______. 16 I will ask the Father, and he will give you another ______, who will stay with you forever. 17 He is the ______, who reveals the truth about God. The world cannot receive him, because it cannot see him or know him. But you know him, because he ______with you and is in you. 18 "When I go, you will not be left all alone; I will come back to you. 19 In a little while the ______will see me no more, but you will see me; and because I live, you also will live. 20 When that day comes, you will know that I am in my ______and that you are in me, just as I am in you. 21

"Those who ______my commandments and ______them are the ones who love me. My Father will love those who love me; I too will love them and reveal myself to them." 22

Judas (not Judas Iscariot) said, "Lord, how can it be that you will reveal yourself to us and not to the world?" 23 Jesus ______him, "Those who love me will obey my ______. My

Father will love them, and my Father and I will come to them and ______with them. 24

Those who do not ______me do not obey my teaching. And the teaching you have

______is not mine, but comes from the Father, who sent me. 25 "I have told you this while I am still with you. 26 The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you ______and make you ______all that I have told you. 27

"______is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be ______and upset; do not be ______. 28 You heard me say to you, "I am leaving, but I will come back to you.' If you ______me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father; for he is ______than I. 29 I have told you this now before it all ______, so that when it does happen, you will ______. 30 I cannot talk with you much longer, because the ______of this world is coming. Compassion Study

Read the information from the sheet supplied. After reading complete the ‘I can’ and the ‘I can’t’ statements in the speech bubbles below to show the differences between the role of women today and during the time of Jesus. I can’t First-Century Palestinian Woman I can

I can’t I can

I can I can’t

Modern Day Woman I can’t I can

I can’t I can

I can I can’t Comparison Study Information Sheet

A woman's life Jewish women in first century Palestine had very limited legal and economic rights. It's particularly in the domain of economic rights that this is a big problem. When a girl was in the household of her father, any work that she did or wages that she earned would belong to her father. Once she married, her wages and products that she made belonged to her husband. There were very few times when she would have any sense of financial and economic autonomy.

A woman didn't have the right to divorce her husband, but he could divorce her. If she divorced she would lose her children as well. Most inheritances that she received would go straight to her husband. The husband would maintain legal responsibility for the children. Palestinian Hebrew women were among the poorest in the world in Jesus' day. This was probably because they had no inheritance rights and could be divorced for the flimsiest of reasons. Hebrew men could divorce their wives for anything from burning the dinner (Hillel) to adultery (Shammai). Yet Hebrew women were not allowed to divorce their husbands.

We have multiple sources for knowing about women's lives in 1st century Roman Palestine. There are literary sources such as the Bible, texts from writers such as Josephus and Pliny and the Apocryphal texts (although these have to be read with a pinch of salt as they refer to a slightly later time). There are the early Rabbinic materials, which provide a good deal of information. There's also archaeological evidence and material culture to give us clues about how women lived and what kind of houses they lived in. There is a great deal of information about Roman women's lives in Roman texts and novels throughout the provinces of Rome.

Mary, like most Jewish women and girls of her time, would have spent most of her day working. Almost as soon as she could walk she would have been helping out with the many chores it took to keep daily life going. Stoves needed to be tended, beds needed to be made, homes need to be kept in repair, food needed to be prepared, animals needed to be tended whether one was on a farm or in a village. Food needed to be prepared for the future, so meat and vegetables needed to be preserved for future times as well. Water had to be drawn from cisterns and from wells. An incredible amount of work had to be done every day and it was done primarily by women and girls.

People at this time ate a fairly straightforward diet. Most days people would have eaten lots of bread from wheat or barley, cereals or gruels. Olives, dates and figs were also eaten. Meat was eaten every now and again, usually after a big festival and the slaughtering of a lamb or goat. A lot of wine was drunk too.

A Hebrew woman had minimal to no property rights. Theoretically she could inherit land, but in practice male heirs had precedence. Even if she did inherit property, her husband had the right to its use and its fruits. A woman's primary sphere was in the home, where hospitality was her special care. Women did lead table prayers and festival candle lighting ceremonies.

*Use the internet to explore this topic further Jesus and First Century Palestinian Women

Bible search and discussion cards He ignored ritual impurity laws Mark 5:25-34

He talked to foreign women John 4:7 to 5:30

He taught women students Luke 10:38-42

He used terminology which treated women as equal to men Luke 13:16 Luke 7:35 to 8:50

He accepted women in his inner circle Luke 8:1-3

He appeared first to one or more women after his resurrection Matthew 28:9-10 Mostly women were present at Jesus' execution Matthew 27:55-56 Mark 15:40-41

He told parallel male/female stories Luke 2:25-38

He expressed concern for widows Luke 2:36, 4:26, 7:11, 18:1, 20:47 & 21:1

Divorce Mark 10:11-12 RERC Homework – Scotland’s Ancient Universities and the Church

You should choose one of the listed Scottish Universities and carry out a mini research project on it.

 Glasgow University  St Andrew’s University  Aberdeen University

You must include what part the Church played in the setting up of your chosen institution.

RERC Homework – Scotland’s Ancient Universities and the Church

You should choose one of the listed Scottish Universities and carry out a mini research project on it.

 Glasgow University  St Andrew’s University  Aberdeen University

You must include what part the Church played in the setting up of your chosen institution.

RERC Homework – Scotland’s Ancient Universities and the Church

You should choose one of the listed Scottish Universities and carry out a mini research project on it.

 Glasgow University  St Andrew’s University  Aberdeen University

You must include what part the Church played in the setting up of your chosen institution. Catholic Pilgrimage Sites across the World

Find the following places using and atlas and mark them on the map below.  Lourdes  Fatima  Rome  Jerusalem  Bethlehem  Knock

Choose one, research during ICT time and write a short paragraph below about the site and why people still visit it today.






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