Brief Description of the Mobile App
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ববিতরণ সহহায়ক app (android mobile)
Brief Description of the mobile app:- This mobile app is used to ensure the availability of voter slip to citizen of AC no 158-Kolkata Port, 159-Bhawanipore, 160- Rasbehari & 161-Ballygunge. If citizen does not received the voter slip from the representative of Election Commission i.e., BLO, he/she can request for voter slip to DEO, Kolkata South. An intimation will be sent to BLO to deliver the voter slip as soon as request generated from the apps. There will be multiple medium to make entry of the delivered Voter slip by BLO / others using a computer interface or with the ববিতরণ সহহায়কApp.
Role of citizen:- Download the apps from Google Play store or Install it in android mobile. Put mobile number & EPIC number if voter slip does not received. An acknowledgement SMS will be sent to citizen after successful capture of request through the app. This app can only be used for Assembly Constituency number 158-Kolkata Port, 159-Bhawanipore, 160- Rasbehari & 161-Ballygunge.
Role of BLO:- Polling Station wise unique mobile number of BLO must be registered. After delivery of voter slip by BLO, make necessary entry by using apps or computer interface. After receiving SMS for non receipt of voter slip, take necessary action for delivery of the receipt and subsequent entry in apps.
Validation incorporated:- At the time of entering delivery details of EPIC by BLO, check mobile number of BLO to authentic the data. Validity of EPIC number verified from EPIC database.
Message Description (display in apps):- Duplicate Entry: If BLO enters delivered EPIC number in duplicate. Given Date is Invalid: If date of delivery is not in DD/MM/YYYY format. Your are not within our area. Thanks for Using the Apps: After successful request capture from citizen. Voter Slip Delivered on DD/MM/YYYY: If voter slip already delivered to citizen against the requested EPIC number in apps, this message will come to mobile with date of delivery of voter slip by BLO. Please Retry again: Technical failure line server not responding, Network failure etc
Development:- Designed & Developed by NIC, West Bengal State Centre, Kolkata. Platform: Widows Environment : java 1.7, Hibernate 3.6, Android Studio 1.5.1, SDK 23 Data Base Used : PostgreSQL Know - How ……..
Download ববিতরণণ সহহাবয়কহা apps from o The website o In Google Play store search for “Bitararani Sahayika” Install the apps in an android mobile. Put valid EPIC number & mobile number under the Assembly Constituency of DEO South for which voter slip not yet delivered by Booth Level Office (BLO). After receiving the request through apps, a SMS will sent to BLO for immediate delivery of voter slip, if not yet delivered. SMS will send after successful delivery to citizen. This service will only be available under the jurisdictions of DEO south. Technical Requirement:
For ববিতরণণ সহহাবয়কহাapps: 1. SMS gateway for sending SMS 2. Integration of EPIC data (which contains total PS wise EPIC details) in a table of PostgreSQL. 3. BLO Details with mobile number attached AC and polling station. 4. MIS report format voter slip delivery status. 5. Testing & hosting facility in