Technology Curriculum & Pedagogy

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Technology Curriculum & Pedagogy

Unit Plan


Name: Caitlyn Affleck Student No: W0086358 Course Examiner: Peter Albion Course Moderator: Petra Redmond Due Date: Monday 11th June 2012

Contents Introduction

Caitlyn Affleck 1 W0086358 Unit Plan

Lesson Plan 1

Lesson Plan 2

Lesson Plan 3

Lesson Plan 4



The following assessment piece illustrates the design of a mini unit plan and sample lesson plan for a primary school grade five Technology Education program. The contemporary

Caitlyn Affleck 2 W0086358 Queensland curriculum documents the Essential Learnings combined with additional course resources have provided guidance and support to devise a unit plan that achieves the required curriculum and professional standards.

Part A – Rational

Warwick Central State School is a co-educational school situated in Warwick, Queensland. The school is proud of it history and “provides a high quality inclusive educational curriculum

Caitlyn Affleck 3 W0086358 that connects our community to learning and being” (Warwick Central State School, 2009, p. 1).

Within the school community is a long list of committed, experienced staff and just over 300 students. To ensure each individual is provided with the best opportunity to reach his or her potential the school is well equipped with a wide variety of facilities, resources and materials. These include the administration building, refurbished air-conditioned classrooms, music room, library, basket ball court and sports oval.

The school’s curriculum is creatively designed to cover the Essential Learnings developed by the Queensland Studies Authority and the new National Curriculum. The following unit specifically focuses on the Technology Key Learning Area which encourages students to “explore the designed world and recognise that they can be both users and creators of Technology” (QSA, 2007, p. 1).

This mini unit is designed for the year 5 class. This class of 20 pupils is comprised of mixed ability students, from a vast variety of backgrounds and cultures. Over the 4 week unit students will partake in one lesson a week dedicated to developing technological understanding, skills and strategies. The students will work in groups of 4 to design and build a bridge. Through this learner centred activity students will develop responsibilities, increased participation, skills and the ability to work effectively within groups towards common goals.

Caitlyn Affleck 4 W0086358 Mini Unit Plan School Name: Unit title: Bridge KLA(s): Technology Class: Grade Five Duration of Unit: Warwick Central Design 4 weeks State School

Identify curriculum Ways of working Knowledge and understanding Students are able to: Technology as a human endeavour • identify and analyse the purpose and context for design ideas #EL1 • Different ideas for designs and products are developed to meet needs and • generate design ideas that match requirements wants of people, their communities and environments • communicate the details of their designs using 2D or 3D visual #EL2 • Aspects of appropriateness influence product design and production decisions representations #EL3 • The products and processes of technology can have positive or negative • select resources, techniques and tools to make products impacts • plan production procedures by identifying and sequencing steps • make products to match design ideas by manipulating and processing Information, materials and systems (resources) resources #EL4 • Resources have particular characteristics that make them more suitable for a • identify and apply safe practices specific purpose and context • evaluate products and processes to identify strengths, limitations, #EL5 • Techniques and tools are selected to appropriately manipulate characteristics effectiveness and of resources to meet design ideas improvements • reflect on and identify the impacts of products and processes on people and their communities • reflect on learning to identify new understandings and future applications. Context for learning School priorities The purpose of this unit is for students to: The school community places high importance on the following qualities and this unit  Engage in research through identifying different types of bridges will assist in further developing these valued characteristics within the students:  Design a plan  Respect - Show respect for peers, teacher and self by following rules and  Meet needs and wants expectations.  Create a budget  Responsibility and Leadership - Students have considerable responsibilities and  Manipulate materials to build a model bridge establish ownership of their learning.  Understand and present the design process  Understanding, Tolerance and Inclusion - Appreciating everyone’s situation and valuing different opinions and beliefs.

Caitlyn Affleck 5 W0086358  Work in individual and group situations towards common goals  Participation - Each student is actively involved and takes a turn at various  Navigate and interact with internet activities and websites provided. responsibilities.  Enthusiasm and Effort - Each student will be encouraged in a safe supportive environment by their team members to perform at their very best. Students will work individually and in teams to build understanding of important  Initiative and Confidence – Taking calculated risks to perform to be best of their technology concepts whilst also developing valuable social skills. Throughout the ability. unit they are taken on a journey which will help develop their ability to recognise  Cooperation - As a team students must work effectively to ensure the task is how technology influences and impacts on people, their communities and completed well. environments and understand that characteristics of resources are matched with tools  Fair Play and Behaviour - Acknowledging appropriate behaviour and appreciating and techniques to make products to meet design challenges; important elements in the expectations. the Year Five Queensland Curriculum.  Safety - Ensuring health and safety are always adhered to by all class members.

20 mixed ability students 1 x 70 minute lesson per week/4 wks

Develop assessment Make judgments Type of What will be When it will be Purpose of assessment Assessable elements assessment assessed assessed Summative In groups students will be End of the unit Provide evidence that students: • Knowledge and assessed on their ability to • Can research and investigate draw and create a bridge understanding which meets specified bridge design types and technology processes requirements and present • Investigating and designing a group presentation using • Produce a plan and model powerpoint to the class bridge that meets outlining the development requirements • Producing process. • Can present this plan and model Observe students • Evaluating completing the required • Can evaluate their own work tasks. Identify how they and the work of others are assuming roles and • Can reflect on the • Reflecting responsibilities, engaging development process and Formative in step-by-step tasks and Continuously working cooperatively their learning.

Caitlyn Affleck 6 W0086358 with others. Examine their use of teamwork, tactics and strategies when designing their bridge.

Prior Knowledge and Prerequisite skills Needs of learners Student learning aspects Planned adjustments for needs of learners Prior Knowledge: The unit is designed to cater for the learning experiences of diverse range Students have completed technology units in previous years. of students: Students are familiar with Webquests, have basic computer skills and understand online safety. The unit plan includes a variety of different teaching approaches for Students are confident when working in groups and assigning roles. consideration of different learning styles.

Expectations: Constructive feedback is provided to students. The students are expected to engage with all tasks and take responsibility for their learning. Tasks are scaffolded and implement student’s prior knowledge.

Students in groups work together to support team members. Teams are chosen ahead of time by the teacher to ensure they encompass an even distribution of diverse students.

Adequate wait time when answering questions is provided.

Caitlyn Affleck 7 W0086358 Resources Health and safety Curricular considerations Books, Equipment etc. Risk assessment Cross curricular connections, thinking skills and skills required considerations and processes etc. Classroom Resources Health and safety is vital to any unit. Cross Curricular Connections •Computer access This technology unit is conducted This unit will integrate areas of English and Math as students work towards creating •Internet connection inside a classroom and relies heavily their bridge design. •Webquest: on ICT, creating a bridge and •Printer/paper building relationships. Skills and Processes •Student writing materials - pencils, pens, - Group Work rulers, glue etc. - Taking Turns •Camera with USB connection Conduct the unit with a controlled - Listening to others •USB for each group element of risk. - Following Directions - Investigating •Bridge building materials (see resource  Ensure the classroom is free - Creating material list) from hazards - Participating •Interactive Whiteboard -Communicating Handouts  All students understand the task •Student activity booklet - This is a booklet Multiple Intelligences where students complete all questions and  Students understand online activities related to the WebQuest. safety Language (linguistic) •Student Rubric - This is included on the Evaluation Page of the WebQuest for  Safe manipulation of Visual student reference. resources when creating the •Resources - List of materials. bridge Body movement (kinaesthetic) •Bridge Presentation - Microsoft Power Point Self (intrapersonal) •Budget - Microsoft excel Students have prior knowledge of Online Resources Accessed within expected behaviour and what is Social (interpersonal) WebQuest appropriate when interacting with •Arch, Beam & Suspension Bridge Type others. They understand and practice Habits of Mind •Truss Bridge Type the elements of respect and safety  Persisting •Youtube issues; however, if students attempt  Listening with Empathy and Understanding •Online Challenge to push these already established  Striving for Accuracy and Precision

Caitlyn Affleck 8 W0086358 •Online Testing boundaries a discussion must be held  Questioning and Problem Posing  Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision •Voting and the appropriate actions taken.  Responding with Wonderment and Awe *Please access the webquest or reference Appendices  Gather Data through all Senses list for the website addresses. For additional detailed information  Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations please visit:  Creating, Imagining and Innovating The Code of School Behaviour:  Finding Humour Better Behaviour Better Learning  Taking Responsible Risks  Remaining Open to Continuous Learning s/pdfs/code-school-behaviour-a4.pdf  Thinking Flexibly HLS-PR-003 First Aid  Thinking Interdependently 3/ Thinking skills encourage Higher Order Thinking and align with Blooms HLS-PR-005 Health and safety incident recording and Taxonomy: notification 5/ Remember -Define, State, Quote, Identify CRP-PR-009 – Inclusive Education pr009/ Understand - Interpret, Describe, Summarise, Discuss HLS-PR-012: Curriculum Activity Risk Management 2/netball.html Apply - Illustrate, Implement, Demonstrate, Compile HLS-PR-016: Workplace health and safety consultative framework Analyse - Compare, Deconstruct, Debate, Categorise, Critique pr016/ SMS-PR-021 - Safe, supportive and disciplined school Evaluate - Assess, Decide, Justify, Experiment, Testing, Checking environment 021/ Design - Plan, Produce, Devise, Create, Synthesise, Propose

Skills and processes that are being undertaken include:  Participation in group work  and independent reflection.

Lifelong learning The unit requires students to engage with a bridge building process and provides opportunities for students to gain valuable qualities such as sharing responsibilities, effective teamwork and communication.

Caitlyn Affleck 9 W0086358 Each lesson in the unit purposely reflects on the previous lesson to reinforce prior knowledge and enhance students learning.

Sequence learning Wee Knowledge and Learning experiences and teaching Resources, Classroom management k Understanding strategies Assessment, Notes #EL4 Direct Instruction- #EL7  Introduction of Technology Unit and description Positive attitude of how it will be implemented via a Webquest. Core Content (Students understand from the start what is 1 Methods of gathering expected and what they are responsible for). Scaffold students learning knowledge, ideas and data: Link to students prior knowledge through prompting – researching  Complete a KWL describing what they already Production procedures know about bridges and what they want to – developed (cooperatively) know. Add to this what they have learnt each Resources – week. Teacher previously arranged teams – informed by practical whiteboard/markers, Computers, Webquest, experience  Teams of 4 are announced/ names chosen. Build relationships Internet, printer, student – described, negotiated,  Team building activity refined activity book, lead and Collaborative Learning – coloured pencils, USBs, – specify standards specified  Students log into webquest – read task and powerpoint, camera. – identified, sequenced, criteria sheet followed  Students assign roles and understand the – managed responsibilities of each role “What roles will be necessary for our bridge - Team Leader CEO building to run successfully?” - Architect “What are the responsibilities of this role?” - Resource Collector - Questioner/presenter • plan production procedures by identifying and sequencing steps

Inquiry Approach - Students investigate the four different types of All students get a copy of the student booklet bridges via a jigsaw activity. Students apply this knowledge by identifying different types of famous bridges and why they Observe students

Caitlyn Affleck 10 W0086358 are used in particular situations. participation, leadership and research skills. Reflect on learning through creating a powerpoint. • reflect on learning to identify new understandings and future applications. #EL1 #EL2 Direct Instruction Walk around provide #EL4 #EL5  Describe the aim. Design a bridge which Students are engaged with their webquest. feedback. meets the needs and wants of the town They work in groups on computers and at Core Content people. desks manipulating materials. Methods of gathering knowledge, Resources – Webquest, ideas and data: Remind students to look closely at the Co-operative learning Computers, Internet, printer, – researching criteria sheet. – experimenting, testing  On computers - Online Game student activity book, lead Analysis of design challenges and coloured pencils, 2  Identify needs and wants – identifying design requirements individual student technology (user requirements, safety requirements) folders, login details, camera, – identifying design constraints Inquiry based paper, card paper, weights, Methods of organising and  Choose a bridge design. bridge design materials analysing of knowledge, ideas and data: identify and analyse the purpose and context – recording for design ideas Examine communication – selecting, sorting and between teams. comparing  Watch video. – identifying alternatives  Online Game. – validating choices Ensure students are on task. – challenging ideas  Test different paper strengths. Ask questions to different groups to prompt – verifying accuracy evaluate products and processes to identify ideas. Encourage students to evaluate their strengths, limitations, effectiveness and Generation of ideas to meet work. design challenges Improvements generating new ideas –  Draw and label design. – modifying and refining designs Does your design meet the criteria? – selecting and justifying design generate design ideas that match options requirements – identifying materials, information and systems to  Look at the resources available. Make list. meet design requirements select resources, techniques and tools to – identifying equipment and techniques make products  Design Budget Communication of ideas that meet design challenges

Caitlyn Affleck 11 W0086358 – pictures, sketches, annotated Co-operative learning drawings – drawings of different views  Reflect on learning – continue with – scale drawings powerpoint – technical terms reflect on learning to identify new – design proposals and specifications understandings and future applications. – detailed plans Knowledge and Learning experiences and teaching Resources, Week Classroom management Understanding strategies Assessment, Notes #EL1 #EL2 Direct Instruction Positive attitude #EL3 #EL4  Describe the aim. Today you will build Students are engaged with their webquest. Resources - Computers, your bridge. They work in groups on computers and at #EL5 Internet, printer, student desks manipulating materials and building 3 activity book, lead and Co-operative learning their bridge. Core Content coloured pencils, webquest,  On computers – complete activities. Generation of ideas to meet design bridge design materials challenges – generating new ideas Inquiry approach – modifying and refining designs Remind students to look closely at the criteria  Build and test bridge – selecting and justifying design sheet. options make products to match design ideas by Provide feedback – identifying materials, information and systems to manipulating and processing resources meet design requirements evaluate products and processes to identify Prompt students to continually evaluate their – identifying equipment and strengths, limitations, effectiveness and design. What is working, why, what could be techniques improved? Communication of ideas that meet improvements design challenges  Identify impacts – models – technical terms reflect on and identify the impacts of – detailed plans products and processes on people and their Monitor how the students communities Production procedures communicate with team – developed (cooperatively) members. Observe how they – informed by practical experience Co-operative learning manipulate materials. – described, negotiated, refined – specify standards specified  Reflect on learning – continue with – identified, sequenced, followed powerpoint – managed reflect on learning to identify new • products (artefacts, processes, systems, services and environments) understandings and future applications. – meet human needs or wants – capitalise on opportunities – extend human capabilities – make models and prototypes – produced to meet standards (predetermined

Caitlyn Affleck 12 W0086358 Criteria)

Impacts and consequences • historical, current and future developments • impacts and consequences related to aesthetic, cultural, economic, environmental, ethical, functional and social appropriateness • effects of management decisions Suitability of materials for specific purposes Manipulation and processing • techniques for manipulating materials (cutting, shaping, joining, combining, bending) • the use of tools and equipment • workplace health and safety issues — risk assessment • storage and maintenance of materials, tools and equipment #EL1 #EL2 Direct Instruction #EL4  Describe aim. You will present your bridge at the town meeting.

Communication of ideas that Co-operative Learning Set the class up as a town meeting where 4 meet design challenges  Students complete powerpoint. students can present their powerpoint. – oral, written and plan production procedures by identifying multimedia presentations and sequencing steps Ahead of time create a safe testing area, e.g. Students are very capable.  Discuss safety issues when testing the books (land) raised to the correct height, Never underestimate them. bridge. Evaluation of design ideas, with the appropriate distance between Set high expectations. processes and products identify and apply safe practices (water) set up where all students can see. – expressing thoughts and  Present the design process and model opinions bridge using powerpoint. Resources – Webquest, – gaining feedback from communicate the details of their designs Encourage students to comment on others Criteria sheet for marking, others (clients, specific using 2D or 3D visual representations groups. Computers, Internet, printer, users) student activity book, – testing and judging  Test the bridge. Powerpoint, lead and effectiveness in real-life or  Discuss how close predictions were and Hold a group discussion after each lifelike contexts how successful the bridge was. Repeat with presentation. coloured pencils, Interactive – comparing initial design all teams. Evaluate other teams. whiteboard, PowerPoint ideas and final products evaluate products and processes to identify Presentations on USBs, – applying standards strengths, limitations, effectiveness and Record the testing data in the activity weights, testing area, KWL (predetermined criteria) improvements booklet. Chart. – evaluating management

Caitlyn Affleck 13 W0086358 decisions  Return to Webquest and vote. • workplace health and  Reflect on unit looking at the KWL An extension activity could require students Provide constructive safety issues — risk reflect on learning to identify new assessment to graph the testing data. feedback understandings and future applications.

Use feedback Ways to monitor learning and assessment – student unit review Strategies that will be used to provide unit feedback to students include both formal and informal:  annotated work, one–on-one conferencing, peer evaluation and self reflection.

Unit Review Teacher Critical Reflection Keep Change Try Self-assessment of teaching performance

Caitlyn Affleck 14 W0086358 Lesson Plans – Lesson One

Name: Caitlyn Affleck Date: 6 March 2012 Subject: Technology Year Level: Year 5

Content strand(s) with corresponding Sub-Strand(s) : Technology as a human endeavour Technology influences and impacts on people, their communities and environments

Content Description(s) with corresponding Elaboration(s): Technology Description: Different ideas for designs and products are developed to meet needs and wants of people, their communities and environments. Aspects of appropriateness influence product design and production decisions

Elaboration: playgrounds are designed for children; community swimming pools are designed to cater for specific needs and all age groups; community centres are designed to accommodate a range of activities. team uniforms are designed to have specific functions and to look good; cultural protocols are followed when an Aboriginal person uses traditional designs on a product.

Students’ Prerequisite knowledge / understanding / concepts / skills:

Students are familiar with Webquests, have basic computer skills and understand online safety.

Time Teaching / Learning Strategies Organisation Resources Specific Learning Req. Outcomes for this Lesson Orientating Phase / Introduction

Caitlyn Affleck 15 W0086358 15 Learning experiences Teaching strategies T – part of the Whiteboard, circle markers Welcome students to the lesson. Direct Instruction S – sitting in a “Good morning students” Describe the aim. Students understand circle “Over the next few technology lessons from the beginning what is expected you are going to have lots of fun from them. completing a Webquest. This Webquest Use exciting language to capture will help you learn more about the student’s interests. process of technology through building bridges”.

Students should be able to Develop a KWL about bridges. Guided Discovery - Prompt and explain what they know “Technology is how people modify the scaffold learners if they are about bridges. natural world to suit their own purposes. unsure. You are going to be modifying it by building a bridge. Before you start it is important to establish what you already know about bridges”. Talk about bridges in your local town.

“Over the next four lessons you will be working closely in a team”. Command style of teaching used to describe the activity. “Being able to work well with others is a very important skill called teamwork and you will need this skill when working on Students complete a short team building activity. your Webquest”. Observe students Divide the class into four groups. using problem Have each group make a small circle. “Let’s do a quick teamwork activity”. solving, Every member of the circle joins “1,2,3,4, 1,2,3,4....” “Can all the 1’s communication hands with two different people (not skills and please move to this corner (point), 2’s next to them). Once everyone's hands Students should be able to leadership. (point), 3 (point) and 4 (point). Once in are intertwined, the group works identify important points your corners please form a small circle together to untangle the circle. They about working in group with your group. Everyone is to place must not let go of each other’s hands. T – middle of the and partner situations. their hands into the centre” When outlining the activity ensure classroom “Now join hands with two different each group is completing the steps S – A group in Students select and people in your group. These hands must

Caitlyn Affleck 16 W0086358 demonstrate appropriate not belong to the people beside you”. correctly. each corner personal development “Your task is to work together to ensure adequate skills and strategies in untangle your circle without letting go of space team and group situations. hands”. “You may begin”. This activity could be considerably to complete time consuming and due to the activity safely “Well done! Can you all please now sit restraint on time if groups have in a circle” difficulty completing it in the given time there is no concern as they will be encouraged to complete it in class “Although this activity was enjoyable, at another time (assessing if they can does anyone know why we did it?” (to work more effectively as a team after untangle through use of effective team building their skills). work).

“Who can tell the class what teamwork means to them”. “What do you need to Conclude activity. remember when working in groups? Using divergent teaching to discuss “I will now assign the teams for the with students the meaning of Have a copy of webquest .....” teamwork and its components. Split students into students login teams of 4 (ensure details in case “It is now time to begin your Webquest. all groups are students do not comprised of mix remember. Please login to your computer and Students describe what they of ability. begin. believe is effective teamwork.

Enhancing Phase / Body Students should be able to 40 Learning experiences Teaching strategies Move around Computers, identify the 4 main types of Blooms taxonomy classroom Internet, printer, bridges and when they are observing student activity used. Students progress through the Understand what the task involves students. book, lead and introduction and task page. coloured pencils,wequest Begin ‘Day One’ activities. Students will use co-operative Complete Student activities in booklet. learning to work together and achieve shared goals (McGill, 2009).

Caitlyn Affleck 17 W0086358 Students identify their roles, rights and responsibilities within the Assign roles. group.

Start a word wall.

Jigsaw activity - students investigate 4 Students research and types of bridges. describe different types of bridges online.

Identify different types of bridges from a Apply new list of famous bridges. Evaluate why that understanding by evaluating different bridge was used in that situation. bridges. Take a photo of your team working together.

Synthesising Phase / Conclusion Students should reflect on 15 Learning experiences Teaching strategies USB’s, their learning. Blooms taxonomy powerpoint

Students reflect on their learning and what they have achieved during the Students create a PowerPoint lesson. Upload the photo of their group presentation. working

Log off computers. “I’m extremely proud of how much effort Review and summarise the Collect booklets everyone put in today. It was very lesson. evident that everyone was doing their very best”. T – part of the circle Class discussion. S – sitting in a circle

Caitlyn Affleck 18 W0086358 Presenter engineer’ reports to the class on the teams progress.

“If your parents wanted to learn about Students describe in their own words different bridges what things could you what they have learnt about the 4 teach them?” types of bridges. Leading to ownership and importance of learning. “I look forward to our next technology lesson, where you begin designing your bridge. You may go to lunch now”.

Conclude the lesson. Thank students for their effort and cooperation.

Lesson Two

Name: Caitlyn Affleck Date: 13 March 2012 Subject: Technology Year Level: Year 5

Content strand(s) with corresponding Sub-Strand(s) : Technology as a human endeavour

Caitlyn Affleck 19 W0086358 Technology influences and impacts on people, their communities and environments

Information, materials and systems (resources) The characteristics of resources are matched with tools and techniques to make products to meet design challenges.

Content Description(s) with corresponding Elaboration(s): Technology as a human endeavour Description: Different ideas for designs and products are developed to meet needs and wants of people, their communities and environments. Aspects of appropriateness influence product design and production decisions The products and processes of technology can have positive or negative impacts

Elaboration: playgrounds are designed for children; community swimming pools are designed to cater for specific needs and all age groups; community centres are designed to accommodate a range of activities. team uniforms are designed to have specific functions and to look good; cultural protocols are followed when an Aboriginal person uses traditional designs on a product. cars are a convenient method of transportation but impact on the environment; mining for resources can contribute to a community’s economy and impact on the natural environment.

Information, materials and systems (resources) Description: Resources have particular characteristics that make them more suitable for a specific purpose and context Techniques and tools are selected to appropriately manipulate characteristics of resources to meet design ideas

Elaboration: selecting and using suitable information sources to investigate a game; designing shoes and uniforms based on function and aesthetics; selecting suitable materials to create an eco-friendly compost system. circulating information using electronic or paper means; selecting suitable equipment that conducts heat when melting resources.

Students’ Prerequisite knowledge / understanding / concepts / skills: Students are familiar with Webquests, have basic computer skills and understand online safety.

Caitlyn Affleck 20 W0086358 Time Teaching / Learning Strategies Organisation Resources Specific Learning Req. Outcomes for this Lesson Orientating Phase / Introduction Students should be able 15 Learning experiences Teaching strategies to design a bridge that meets the needs and Welcome to the lesson. Direct Instruction Students at desks with Computers, Internet, want of the community. Describe the aim. Understand from the computers on WebQuest printer, student Design a bridge which meets the beginning what is expected from them. activity book, lead Decided on a design that needs and wants of the town Adjustments for needs of and coloured pencils, will be appropriate for people. “You will be working on learners webquest, the situation. your webquest in your teams this Provide student with a clear lesson”. outline of what will be taught Have a copy of (highlight key concepts) students login details Please log on to your computers Students will use co-operative learning Teacher moving around the in case students do now. to work together and achieve shared goals (McGill, 2009). classroom monitoring not remember. students. Online Game - Use knowledge from last lesson to assess what type of bridge is needed in various Provide feedback. Encourage situations. Demonstrate understanding students. via an online game. Ensure students are on task.

Read the needs and wants that must be met. Understand the criteria needed to build the bridge (needs and wants).

Use inquiry based learning to ask the students what bridge would suit the

Choose a bridge design. needs and wants.

Caitlyn Affleck 21 W0086358 Students apply new knowledge to evaluate what type of bridge will meet the needs and wants.

Enhancing Phase / Body Students should be able 40 Learning experiences Teaching strategies Students are encouraged to Computers, Internet, to identify various Blooms taxonomy look at the evaluation page to printer, student resources that will be understand how they will be activity book, lead Watch video. suitable for their bridge assessed. and coloured pencils, design. Play online game. webquest, excel, Test different paper strengths. Students compare different paper, card paper, Test different techniques Look at the resources available. ways to manipulate materials. wieghts by manipulating Draw and label design to scale. materials. Create a Budget. Draw and label a Students design a plan. design.

Students compile a budget.

Synthesising Phase / Conclusion Students should reflect 10 Learning experiences Teaching strategies Computers, Internet, on their learning. Blooms taxonomy printer, student Checklist allows students to activity book, lead Complete the checklist to ensure all monitor their learning. and coloured pencils, work is complete. webquest, cameras, Remind students to save USB, PowerPoint, Review and summarise the Reflect on learning by continuing work. excel with their PowerPoint presentation. lesson. Write about what has been achieved in this lesson.

‘Presenter engineer’ reports to the class. Conclude the lesson.

“I look forward to our next technology lesson where you will Thank students for their effort and

Caitlyn Affleck 22 W0086358 build you bridge. You may go to cooperation. lunch now”.

Lesson Three

Name: Caitlyn Affleck Date: 20 March 2012 Subject: Technology Year Level: Year 5

Content strand(s) with corresponding Sub-Strand(s) : Technology as a human endeavour

Caitlyn Affleck 23 W0086358 Technology influences and impacts on people, their communities and environments

Information, materials and systems (resources) The characteristics of resources are matched with tools and techniques to make products to meet design challenges.

Content Description(s) with corresponding Elaboration(s): Technology as a human endeavour Description: Different ideas for designs and products are developed to meet needs and wants of people, their communities and environments. Aspects of appropriateness influence product design and production decisions The products and processes of technology can have positive or negative impacts

Elaboration: playgrounds are designed for children; community swimming pools are designed to cater for specific needs and all age groups; community centres are designed to accommodate a range of activities. team uniforms are designed to have specific functions and to look good; cultural protocols are followed when an Aboriginal person uses traditional designs on a product. cars are a convenient method of transportation but impact on the environment; mining for resources can contribute to a community’s economy and impact on the natural environment.

Information, materials and systems (resources) Description: Resources have particular characteristics that make them more suitable for a specific purpose and context Techniques and tools are selected to appropriately manipulate characteristics of resources to meet design ideas

Elaboration: selecting and using suitable information sources to investigate a game; designing shoes and uniforms based on function and aesthetics; selecting suitable materials to create an eco-friendly compost system. circulating information using electronic or paper means; selecting suitable equipment that conducts heat when melting resources.

Students’ Prerequisite knowledge / understanding / concepts / skills: Students are familiar with Webquests, have basic computer skills and understand online safety.

Caitlyn Affleck 24 W0086358 Time Teaching / Learning Strategies Organisation Resources Specific Learning Req. Outcomes for this Lesson Orientating Phase / Introduction Students should be able 10 Learning experiences Teaching strategies Students at desks with Computers, Internet, to choose materials computers on WebQuest printer, student which they will use to Welcome students to the lesson. Direct Instruction activity book, lead create their bridge. Students understand from the Describe the aim. Understand from and coloured pencils, beginning what is expected from the beginning what is expected from Move around the classroom Webquest, building them. them. monitoring students. materials. “Today you will build your bridge”. Provide feedback. Encourage Log on to computers. students. Students will use co-operative Complete Day Three activities. learning to work together and achieve Purchase resources. Ensure students are on task. shared goals.

Enhancing Phase / Body Students should be able 45 Learning experiences Teaching strategies Computers, Internet, to understand and Blooms taxonomy printer, student demonstrate that Students are encouraged to look activity book, lead resources have Students manipulate materials to Students take ownership of their at the evaluation page to and coloured pencils, particular build a bridge which meets needs learning through the inquiry understand how they will be webquest, building characteristics that and wants. approach. assessed. materials, make them more suitable for a specific Students reflect on and identify the purpose and context. impacts their bridge could have on Build and test bridge the people and their community Students should be able Students construct a bridge to work in teams to from a plan. construct a bridge using manipulated materials.

Caitlyn Affleck 25 W0086358 Synthesising Phase / Conclusion Students should reflect 10 Learning experiences Teaching strategies Computers, Internet, on their learning. Blooms taxonomy printer, student Remind students to save their activity book, lead work. Continue with PowerPoint. and coloured pencils, Reflect on learning by completing webquest, cameras, the PowerPoint presentation. Write USB, PowerPoint, about what has been achieved in this lesson. Review and summarise the lesson. Presenter engineer reports to the class.

Conclude the lesson. Thank students for their effort and “I look forward to our next cooperation. technology lesson where you will present your bridge to the community. You may go to lunch now”.

Lesson Four

Name: Caitlyn Affleck Date: 27 March 2012 Subject: Technology Year Level: Year 5

Caitlyn Affleck 26 W0086358 Content strand(s) with corresponding Sub-Strand(s) : Technology as a human endeavour Technology influences and impacts on people, their communities and environments

Information, materials and systems (resources) The characteristics of resources are matched with tools and techniques to make products to meet design challenges.

Content Description(s) with corresponding Elaboration(s): Technology as a human endeavour Description: Different ideas for designs and products are developed to meet needs and wants of people, their communities and environments. Aspects of appropriateness influence product design and production decisions The products and processes of technology can have positive or negative impacts

Elaboration: playgrounds are designed for children; community swimming pools are designed to cater for specific needs and all age groups; community centres are designed to accommodate a range of activities. team uniforms are designed to have specific functions and to look good; cultural protocols are followed when an Aboriginal person uses traditional designs on a product. cars are a convenient method of transportation but impact on the environment; mining for resources can contribute to a community’s economy and impact on the natural environment.

Information, materials and systems (resources) Description: Resources have particular characteristics that make them more suitable for a specific purpose and context Techniques and tools are selected to appropriately manipulate characteristics of resources to meet design ideas

Elaboration: selecting and using suitable information sources to investigate a game; designing shoes and uniforms based on function and aesthetics; selecting suitable materials to create an eco-friendly compost system. circulating information using electronic or paper means; selecting suitable equipment that conducts heat when melting resources.

Students’ Prerequisite knowledge / understanding / concepts / skills: Students are confident in presenting group presentations. They have an understanding of powerpoint.

Caitlyn Affleck 27 W0086358 Time Teaching / Learning Strategies Organisation Resources Specific Learning Req. Outcomes for this Lesson Orientating Phase / Introduction Students should be able 10 Learning experiences Teaching strategies Students at desks with Computers, Internet, to assign equal computers on WebQuest printer, student workloads for team Welcome students to lesson. Direct Instruction activity book, members. Understand from the beginning Describe the aim. Teacher moving around the Powerpoint, lead and what is expected. classroom monitoring coloured pencils, Students should evaluate “Today you will present your students. what is required in the bridge at the town meeting”. You presentation by will have ten minutes to finalise assessing the criteria. your presentation”. Provide feedback. Encourage students. Login to webquest. Prepare for the town meeting. Ensure students are on task. Complete PowerPoint. Students create a PowerPoint Assign different slides for team presentation. members to present.

Enhancing Phase / Body Students should be able 50 Learning experiences Teaching strategies T- front of class Interactive to present the process of Blooms taxonomy S- seated a safe distance whiteboard, technology via an oral away from testing area. PowerPoint presentation and Discuss safety issues when testing Presentations, USBs, PowerPoint. the bridge. Students illustrate their Set the class up as a town weights, testing area, understanding through a presentation. meeting where students can bridges, rubrics, Students should reflect Present the design process and present their PowerPoint. on theirs on others model bridge to the meeting (class). designs. Ahead of time create a safe Test the bridge. Discuss how close Students test their bridges. testing area, e.g. books (land) predictions were and how raised to the correct height, successful the bridge was. with the appropriate distance between (water) set up where Repeat with all teams. Complete Students evaluate other all students can see. booklet. team’s designs.

Caitlyn Affleck 28 W0086358 Return to Webquest and vote.

Synthesising Phase / Conclusion Students should reflect 10 Learning experiences Teaching strategies on their learning. Blooms taxonomy KWL chart, pens. Away from all materials Complete KWL started at the T – part of the circle

beginning of the unit. S – sitting in a circle Students review and summarise the unit.

“Well done! All teams did a Conclude the unit. fantastic job designing a bridge for the town. You should all be very Thank students for their effort and proud of how you conducted cooperation. yourselves in your technology challenge. Announce and congratulate the winning team. You may go to lunch”.

Caitlyn Affleck 29 W0086358 References

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership AITSL. (2010). The national professional standards for teachers. Retrieved May 16, 2012 from

EDP4130. (2012). Technology curriculum and pedagogy - course content. University of Southern Queensland: Toowoomba, QLD.

Extranormal. (2012). Online story telling. Retrieved May 18, 2012, from

Family Lobby. (2010). Sparkle text [Image]. Retrieved May 29, 2012, from

Frangenheim, E. (2009). EDC 1400: Wk6. Bloom’s taxonomy and purposeful pedagogy [Handout]. Retrieved from inpopup=true&id=180145

Hassam. (2011). Types of truss bridges. Retrieved May 28, 2012 from

Hudec, K. (1997). Build a bridge. Retrieved May 27, 2012 from

Images – all images retrieved from Microsoft Word Clip Art unless otherwise stated.

International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEA). (2000). Standards for technological literacy: Content for the study of technology. Retrieved June 1, 2012 from

The State of Queensland (Queensland College of Teachers QCT). (2007). The professional standards for queensland teachers. Retrieved May 15, 2012 from

The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority QSA). (2003). Technology years 1 to 10 syllabus. Retrieved May 16, 2012 from

The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority QSA). (2007). Technology essential learnings. Retrieved May 16, 2012, from

Tyler, R.W. (1949). Basic principles of curriculum and instruction. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Youtube. (2006). Colour footage of tacoma narrows. Retrieved May 16, 2012 from

Caitlyn Affleck 30 W0086358 Vanguard Vista. (2012). Voting. Retrieved May 29, 2012, from http://vista-

Warwick Central State School. (2009). School profile. Retrieved from

WGBH. (2000). The bridge challenge. Retrieved May 20, 2012 from

WGBH. (2000). Forces lab. Retrieved May 20, 2012 from

Health and Safety references from the Queensland Government Department of Education and Training.  Please refer to the following websites for detailed information:  The Code of School Behaviour: Better Behaviour Better Learning behaviour-a4.pdf  HLS-PR-003 First Aid  HLS-PR-005 Health and safety incident recording and notification  CRP-PR-009 – Inclusive Education  HLS-PR-012: Curriculum Activity Risk Management  SMS-PR-021 - Safe, supportive and disciplined school environment

2.1 Below is just one section of the relevant health and safety considerations for this unit:

HLS-PR-016: Workplace Health and Safety Consultative Framework

Communication and consultation process to facilitate safe and healthy working and learning environments and meet legislative obligations with respect to workplace health and safety legislation.

Relevant legislation and policy

Legislation and/or regulations

 Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 (new window) Part 7

Caitlyn Affleck 31 W0086358 Statement of intent

The creation of safe and healthy working and learning environments is a priority of Education Queensland and can be facilitated through the establishment of a health and safety consultative framework for all school and non-school locations.

A consultative framework is provided for key departmental stakeholders to develop strategic guidance and recommendations for the management of health and safety issues. This process also enables the review and analysis of health and safety incident data.


Schools and Workplaces


 Appoint and train a Workplace Health and Safety Officer where there are 30 or more staff.  Manage and facilitate health and safety consultative processes within the school/workplace including Health and Safety Committees.  Facilitate the election of a Workplace Health and Safety Representative if requested by staff.  Coordinate the implementation of health and safety initiatives, strategies and programs within the school/workplace.  Report any issues (new window) 32k that cannot be dealt with at the school or that have a broader impact to the Executive Director of Schools.  Report any enforcement notices (for example, improvement, prohibition) that have been placed on their workplace by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland to their Regional Executive Director.

Workplace Health and Safety Officers

 Hold a current certificate of authority as provided by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland;  Provide advice to the principal/manager and Senior Health and Safety Consultants on the state of health and safety within the workplace;  Participate in the health and safety committee meetings and associated activities;  Conduct inspections of the workplace for the purpose of identifying unsafe or unsatisfactory conditions and practices and monitor the observance of health and safety standards in accordance with the established workplace inspection program;  Report to management and the Senior Health and Safety Consultants any incident or situation with the potential for any work injury, work-related illness, dangerous event or immediate risk to the health or safety of any person at the workplace; and  Assist the Senior Health and Safety Consultants with workplace health and safety training, where appropriate.

Workplace Health and Safety Representatives

 Raise safety issues at health and safety committee meetings, or with the relevant principal/manager, Workplace Health and Safety Officer or Senior Health and Safety Consultant, thereby assisting in the resolution of workplace health and safety issues;  Participate in health and safety committee meetings and activities;  Assist with investigation of work injuries, work caused illnesses and dangerous events and promoting the notification and recording of such incidents; and  Report to the principal/manager, or Senior Health and Safety Consultant any incident or situation which has the potential to cause a work injury, work related illness,

Caitlyn Affleck 32 W0086358 dangerous event or immediate risk to the health or safety of any person at the workplace.  Additionally, where the Workplace Health and Safety Representative is agreeable and has completed adequate training, assist the WHSO and Senior Health and Safety Consultants to conduct workplace inspections in accordance with the established workplace inspection program.  Existing Workplace Health and Safety Representatives are eligible to stand for re- election after their 2 year term. Elections are to be conducted according to the provisions of the legislation.

Executive Director Schools

 Monitor school health and safety issues and communicate relevant, priority or emergent information through to the Regional Executive Director and the Regional Workplace Health and Safety Standing Committee.

Regional Executive Director

 Establish and monitor health and safety systems for the management of identified health and safety risks.  Create and have active membership in quarterly Regional Workplace Health and Safety Standing Committees.  Report outcomes of meetings / formal minutes to the Director — Organisational Health Unit.  Advise the Director — Organisational Health Unit of any enforcement notices (for example, improvement, prohibition) placed on a regional school/workplace by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.

Regional Organisational Health Teams

 Work collectively to review and identify organisational health trends and issues and provide recommendations to management.  Work in alignment with the Organisational Health Unit to operationalise strategies and policies to ensure state-wide consistency in organisational health service delivery and assist the Department in complying with legislative and other policy requirements.

Senior Health and Safety Consultants in Regions

 Work in alignment with the department's Central Office Health and Safety Team to achieve consistency of health and safety strategies, service delivery arrangements and performance outcomes.  Participate in Regional Workplace Health and Safety Committees.  Provide health and safety advice to the Regional Executive Director.  Provide appropriate health and safety assistance to schools within a designated service area (multiple districts), in keeping with departmental priorities.  Coordinate the implementation of health and safety initiatives, strategies and programs to schools within a designated service area (multiple districts) to meet departmental policy requirements and to improve overall l health, safety and wellbeing.  Provide advice and report to management, both at the local and corporate level, compliance and performance issues affecting schools within a designated service area (multiple districts).  Advise the Director - Organisational Health Unit of any enforcement notices (e.g. improvement, prohibition) placed on a regional school/workplace by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.  Contribute to the development and implementation of health and safety policies and initiatives.

Caitlyn Affleck 33 W0086358  Monitor and interpret health and safety legislative developments and practices and disseminate this information to relevant departmental personnel.

Organisational Health Unit, Central Office

 Support state wide activities of health and safety, injury management, claims management, employee assistance services and health promotion through the development and provision of strategies and programs which establish safe and healthy working and learning environments.

Consultative Structures

Corporate Workplace Health and Safety Standing Committee

 Monitor state-wide health and safety issues for the proactive identification and management of health and safety risks within the Department.  Meet as per the schedule to discuss health and safety issues and make recommendations to the department to ensure safe and healthy working and learning environments.  Provide a report from each meeting to Executive Management Team.  Communicate minutes to Regional Executive Directors and Regional Senior Health and Safety Consultants.  Communicate health and safety information to schools/workplaces via "Safety Net" Newsletter.  Composition: o Assistant Director General - Office of Strategic Human Resources and Learning (Chair) o Assistant Director General - School Resourcing and Administration o Chief Facilities Officer - Strategic Facilities Branch o Director - Legal and Administrative Law Branch o Director - Facilities - Facilities Services Branch o Director - Organisational Health Unit o Director - Performance Monitoring and Reporting Branch o Director - Internal Audit o Other guests as invited or required.  Meeting Schedule: o Term 1 - one meeting o Term 2 - two meetings o Term 3 - two meetings o Term 4 - one meeting.

Regional Workplace Health and Safety Standing Committee

 Monitor regional health and safety issues for the proactive identification and management of health and safety risks within the region.  Meet (new window) 27k on a quarterly basis to discuss health and safety issues and make recommendations on matters of concern to the region to ensure safe and healthy working and learning environments.  Review the outcomes of the Corporate Workplace Health and Safety Standing Committee and disseminate information from this group.  Where required, action outcomes of the Corporate Workplace Health and Safety Standing Committee within the region.  Refer any issues that cannot be resolved at the Regional level and/or that have broader/state wide implications to the Corporate Workplace Health and Safety Standing Committee.

Caitlyn Affleck 34 W0086358  Forward formal minutes (new window) 41k from this committee to the Organisational Health Unit for discussion at the Corporate Workplace Health and Safety Standing Committee.  Recommended Composition: o Regional Executive Director o Executive Directors o Human Resources Manager o Senior Health and Safety Consultant o Internal Auditor o Facilities Manager o Senior Rehabilitation Consultant o Employee Assistance Service provider o School Cleaning Advisor o Other guests as invited or required.

School/Workplace Health and Safety Forums

Health and safety committees consist of at least two members. However, the committee must have representation from key stakeholders. These may include: Workplace Health and Safety Officer, Workplace Health and Safety Representative, Rehabilitation and Return to Work Coordinator, teaching staff, teacher aides, Schools Officers, Cleaners, Administrative Staff, Students and Parents. In smaller schools (for example, one or two teacher schools) it may be preferable to merge the role and function of this committee with a pre-existing one such as a staff meeting.

The functions of the school/workplace health and safety committee are to:

 Act in an advisory capacity to the principal/manager of the school/workplace;  Meet (new window) 27k at least once every three months and at other times as required.  Coordinate and review regular health and safety audits and inspections to identify hazards and advise on appropriate controls;  Create and maintain at the school/workplace an active interest in health and safety and assist in reducing work injuries, work-related illnesses and dangerous occurrences;  Consider measures for the training, education and promotion of health and safety at the workplace and make recommendations to the principal/manager of the school/workplace in relation to those measures;  Encourage cooperation between the principal/manager and staff of the school/workplace in instigating, developing and carrying out measures designed to ensure the health and safety of staff, students, visitors, and others;  Collaborate with the principal or manager to formulate, review and disseminate to staff, students and others the standards, rules and procedures relating to health and safety to be complied with at the school/workplace;  Review circumstances surrounding recent injuries, work-related illnesses and dangerous occurrences at the school/workplace concerned, advise the principal/manager of the results of those reviews and make such recommendations as the committee considers desirable;  Initiate programs aimed at promoting and maintaining interest of health and safety at the school/workplace;  Maintain records of meetings (new window) 38k including recommendations made and keep those records available for perusal or copying by an inspector of the Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, and assist in the resolution of issues in respect of health and safety as required,  Forward any issues that are unable to be resolved at the school level or which may have wider implications for other locations to the Regional Workplace Health and Safety Standing Commit

Caitlyn Affleck 35 W0086358

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