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K. Brigid Flannery
Sr Research Associate /Associate Professor Educational and Community Supports 1235 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1235 Phone: (541) 346-2496, Fax: (541) 346-5517, Email: [email protected]
Education Institution (Major Field)
Ph.D. University of Oregon (Special Education) (1992)
M.Ed. University of Illinois (Special Education) (1978)
B.A. Marian College (Elementary & Special Education) (1975) cum laude; Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities
Oregon Teacher License Handicapped Learner Elementary Education
Oregon Personal Service License Standard Supervision
Illinois Teachers Certification Educable Mentally Handicapped, preschool to grade 12 Learning Behavior Specialist 1: Mental Retardation, preschool to grade 9 Learning Behavior Specialist 1: Physically Handicapped, preschool to grade 9 Learning Behavior Specialist 1: Social/Emotion Disorders, preschool to grade 9 Physically Handicapped, preschool to grade 12 Self Contained General Education, preschool to grade 12 Social/Emotional Disorders, preschool to grade 12 Trainable Mentally Handicapped, preschool to grade 12
2015 – present Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, College of Education, University of Oregon
2014 (Sept – Dec) Interim Assistant Dean of Academics, College of Education, University of Oregon
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2012 – Fall 2015 Coordinator of Service Obligation for OSEP funded Personnel Preparation grants in Special Education
2008-present Sr. Research Associate/Associate Professor
2008-2010 Director of the Special Education Major College of Education, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
2007-2008 Interim Department Head, Special Education and Clinical Sciences College of Education, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
2005-2007 Co-Director of the Special Education Major College of Education, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
2005-2008 Sr. Research Associate/Assistant Professor
1992-2005 Research Associate/Assistant Professor College of Education, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
1989-1992 Doctoral Research Assistant Research & Training Center on Non-aversive Behavior Management, Specialized Training Program, University of Oregon
1984.1989 Research Assistant Oregon High School Project, Specialized Training Program, University of Oregon
1984.1989 Practicum Coordinator Severely Handicapped Learner Program Specialized Training Program, University of Oregon
1980-1984 Supervising Teacher; Teacher of multihandicapped deaf and/or blind adolescents Idaho State School for the Blind, Gooding, Idaho
1979-1980 Teacher East Central Cooperative Educational Program for the Handicapped, Urbana, Illinois
1978-1979 Educational Assistant East Central Cooperative Educational Program for the Handicapped, Urbana, Illinois
1978 Summer Field Supervisor Master's level students, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
1977.1979Home based Instructor; Substitute Teacher East Central Cooperative Educational Program for the Handicapped, Urbana, Illinois
1975.1977 Teacher; Evening Supervisor Resident Home for the Mentally Retarded of Hamilton County, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio
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Individuals with Disabilities Personnel Preparation Secondary Education and Transition Services Postsecondary Education Implementation of PBIS in Secondary Schools
Refereed Journal Articles (** Denote doctoral students)
**Swain-Bradway, J., **Pinkney, C. & Flannery, K. B. (2015) Implementing SWPBIS in High Schools: Contextual Factors and Stages of Implementation. Teaching Exceptional Children. 47 (5), 245– 255
Flannery, K. B., Lombardi, A., & Kato M. M. (2015). The impact of professional development on the quality of the transition components of IEPs. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 38(1) 14–24. doi: 10.1177/2165143413489727
Flannery, K. B., & Hellemn, L. A. (2014). Building strategically aligned individualized education programs for transition. The Journal of Special Education. Advanced online publication. doi: 10.1177/0022466914521771
Flannery, K. B., Fenning, P., Kato, M. M., & McIntosh, K. (2013, November 4). Effects of School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and Fidelity of Implementation on Problem Behavior in High Schools. School Psychology Quarterly. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/spq0000039
Flannery, K. B., Frank, J. L., Doren, B., Kato, M.M., Fenning, P. (2013). Implementing Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support in High School Settings: Analysis of Eight High Schools. The High School Journal, 96(4), 267-282. doi 10.1353/hsj.2013.0015
Flannery, K. B., Fenning, P., McGrath Kato, M., & Bohanon, H. (2013). A descriptive study of office disciplinary referrals in high schools. Journal of Emotional Behavior Disorders, 21(2) 138-149. doi: 10.1177/1063426611419512
Doren, B. Flannery K. B., Lombardi A., Kato, M. M. (2012). The impact of professional development and student and teacher characteristics on the quality of postsecondary goals. Remedial and Special Education. Advanced online Publication doi: 0741932512468037
Kennedy, M. Mimmack, J, & Flannery K.B. (2012). Innovation in data-driven decision making within SWPBIS Systems: Welcome to the gallery walk. Beyond Behavior 21(3), 8-14.
Flannery, K. B., Frank, J. L., & Kato, M. M.(2012) School Disciplinary Responses to Truancy: Current Practice and Future Directions. Journal of School Violence 11(2) 118-137. doi 10.1080/15388220.2011.653433
Flannery, K. B., Benz, M., Yovanoff, P., McGrath-Kato, M. & Lindstrom, L. (2011). Predicting Employment Outcomes for Consumers in Community College Short Term Training Programs. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 54 (2), 106-117. doi: 10.1177/0034355210368432
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Flannery, K. B., Guest, E. M., Horner, R. H. (2010) The Principal’s Role in Establishing School-wide Positive Behavior Support in High Schools. Principal Leadership 11(1), 38-43.
Bohanon, H., Flannery, K. B. & Malloy, J. & Fenning, P. (2009) Utilizing Positive Behavior Supports in High School Settings to Improve School Completion Rates for Students with High Incidence Conditions. Exceptionality, 17, 1-30.
Flannery, K. B., Sugai, G. & Anderson, C. (2009). Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Support in high schools: Early lessons learned. Journal of Positive Behavioral Support 11, 177-185.
Colvin, G., Flannery, K. B., Sugai, G., & Monegan, J. (2009). Performance feedback on effective instructional practices improves classroom management: A high school case study. Preventing School Failure, 3, 95-104.
Lindstrom, L., Flannery, K. B., Benz, M., Olszewksi, B. & Slovic, R. (2009). Building employment training partnerships between vocational rehabilitation and community colleges. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin. 52(3). 189-201.
Murray, C., Flannery, B. K., & Wren, C. (2008). University Staff Members' Attitudes and Knowledge about Learning Disabilities and Disability Support Services. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability. 21(2), 73-90.
Flannery, K. B., Yovanoff, P., Benz, M., & McGrath-Kato, M. (2008) Improving employment outcomes of individuals with disabilities through short term training. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 31(1), 26-36.
McIntosh, K., Flannery, K. B., Sugai, G. & Braun, D. H. (2008). Relationships between Academics and Problem Behavior in the Transition from Middle School to High School. Journal of Positive Behavioral Support, 10, 243-255.
Flannery, K.B., Slovic, R., Benz, M., & Levine, E. (2007). Priorities and changing practices: Vocational rehabilitation and community colleges improving workforce development programs for people with disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 27, 141-151.
Bohanon, H., Fenning, P., Eber, L., & Flannery, B. (2007). Identifying a road map for secondary students in school-wide positive behavior support applications. International Journal of Special Education. 22(1), 39-52.
McGrath-Kato, M., Nulty, B., Olszewski, B., Doolittle, J., & Flannery, K. B. (2006). Postsecondary academies: Helping students with disabilities transition to college. Teaching Exceptional Children, 39(1), 18-23.
Tidwell, A., Flannery, K. B., & Lewis-Palmer, T. (2003). A description of elementary classroom discipline referral patterns. Preventing School Failure, 48 (1), 18-27.
Flannery, K. B. Slovic, R., Treasure, T., Ackley, D., & Lucas, F. (2002). Collaboration and Partnership to Improve Employment Outcomes. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 17, 207-215.
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Flannery, K. B., Slovic, R. & Bigaj, S. (2001). Person centered assessment and planning: An introduction to new tools. Journal of Vocational Special Needs Personnel, 23(3), 15-20.
Flannery, K. B., Newton, J. S., Horner, R. H., Slovic, R., Blumberg, R., & Ard, W. R. (2000). The impact of person centered planning on the content and organization of individual supports. Career Development in Exceptional Individuals, 23(2), 123-137.
Sprague, J. R., Flannery, K. B., & Szidon, K. (1998). Functional analysis and treatment of mealtime problem behavior for a person with developmental disabilities. Journal of Behavioral Education, 8 (Supp. 3), 381-392.
Flannery, K. B., O’Neill, R., & Horner, R. H. (1995). Including predictability in functional assessment and program development. Education and Treatment for Children, 18 (4), 499-501.
Flannery, K. B., & Horner, R. H. (1994). The relationship between predictability and severe problem behavior for students with severe disabilities. Journal of Behavioral Education, 4 (2), 157-176.
Parker, R., Sprague, J., Flannery, K. B., Niess, J., & Zumwalt, L. (1991). Measuring the social perceptions of persons with severe handicaps and constructing social network maps. Journal of the Multihandicapped Person, 3, 23-46.
Flannery, K. B., & Horner, R. H. (1990, February). A look at recent JASH articles on communication. The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps Newsletter, 7, 157 & 176.
Books and Chapters
Flannery, K. B. (2014). High schools, positive behavior supports. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. F.-J. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Special Education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (vol. 2, 4th ed., pp. 1242- 1244).
Lindstrom, L., Doren, B., Flannery, B., Benz, M. (2012). Structured work experiences. In M. L. Wehmeyer & Webb, K. W. (Eds.), Handbook of Transition for Youth with Disabilities. Philadelphia, PA: Routledge, Taylor and Francis
Faggella-Luby, M., Flannery, K. B. & Simonson, B. (2010). Using a school-wide model to foster successful transition to college: Providing comprehensive academic and behavioral supports to all learners. In S. F. Shaw, Madaus, J. W., L. L. Dukes III (Eds) Preparing students with disabilities for college success: A practical guide to transition planning (pp 83-114). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Flannery, K. B. ,Lindstrom, L. & Tuseles, M. (2010). Partnerships with Vocational Rehabilitation: High School and Community College Models. In H. B. Clark & D. K, Unruh (Eds.) Transition to adulthood for young people with emotional and/or behavioral difficulties: An evidence-based handbook. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Bohanon, H., Fenning, P., Borgmeier, C., Flannery, K.B., & Malloy, J. (2009). Finding a direction for high school positive behavior support. In Sailor, W., Dunlap, G., Sugai, G., & Horner, R. (eds.) Handbook of positive behavior support. (pp. 581-602). New York: Springer
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Albin, R. W., Lucyshyn, J. M., Horner, R. H., & Flannery, K. B. (1996). Contextual fit for behavioral support plans: A model for “Goodness-of-Fit”. In L. K. Koegel, R. L. Koegel, & G. Dunlap (Eds.), Positive behavioral support: Including people with difficult behavior in the community, (pp. 81-98). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Flannery, K. B., Sprague, J.R., & Todd, A. (1996). Including students with behavioral challenges: Blending school-wide discipline and individual support. In L. Power-deFur & F.P. Orelove (Eds.) Inclusive Schools: A comprehensive guide to successful implementation. Garthersberg, MD: Aspen.
Horner, R. H., Close, D., Fredricks, H. D. B., O’Neill, R. E., Albin, R. W., Sprague, J. R., Kennedy, C. H., Flannery, K. B., & Heathfield, L. T. (1996). Supported living for people with profound disabilities and severe problem behaviors. In D.H. Lehr & F Brown (Eds.), People with disabilities who challenge the system, (pp. 209-240). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Horner, R. H., O’Neill, R. E., & Flannery, K. B. (1993). Building effective behavior support plans from functional assessment information. In M. Snell (Ed.), Systematic instruction of persons with severe disabilities (4th Ed.) (pp. 184-214). Columbus, OH; Merrill.
Horner, R. H., Sprague, J. R., & Flannery, K. B. (1993). Building functional curricula for students with severe intellectual disabilities and severe problem behaviors. In R. VanHouten & S. Axelrod (Eds.), Behavior analysis and treatment. New York: Plenum.
Unpublished documents
Flannery, K. B., & Sugai, G. (2010). School-Wide PBIS Implementation in High Schools: Current Practice and Future Directions. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Educational and Community Supports. Available on http://pbis.org
Sugai, G., Flannery, K. B., & Bohanon, H. (2004).School-wide Positive Behavior Support in High Schools: What Will It Take? Available at http://safeschools.dsisd.net/Elem5/HO3-1-24- 08.pdf
Educational Curricula and Teacher’s Manuals
Flannery, K. B. & Kato, M.M. (2013). Freshmen Success Curriculum: Increasing Student Engagement. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon.
Dalmau, M., Flannery, K. B., Slovic, R., & Bigaj, S. (2000) Learning for a Lifetime: Community Colleges. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon.
Slovic, R., Flannery, K. B. & Islascox, S. (2000) Learning for a Lifetime: Person Centered Assessment and Planning.. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon.
Flannery, K. B., Slovic, R., Dalmau, M., Bigaj, S. & Hart, N., (2000) Learning for a Lifetime: Preparation for postsecondary education and training. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon.
Hart-Fishwick, N., Slovic, R., & Flannery, K.B. (1996). Postsecondary Education: A Guide for Students with Disabilities. Unpublished manuscript, University of Oregon, Specialized Training Program.
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Flannery, K. B., Slovic, R., & McLean, D. (1994). Person centered planning: How do we know we are doing it? Unpublished manuscript, Oregon Department of Education, Salem.
McLean, D., Slovic, R., & Flannery, K. B. (1994). Applying concepts of person centered planning to job and career development. Unpublished manuscript, Oregon Department of Education, Salem.
Slovic, R. Flannery, K. B., & McLean, D. (1994). Applying concepts of person centered planning to locate and develop housing opportunities. Unpublished manuscript, Oregon Department of Education, Salem.
Slovic, R., Flannery, K. B., & Olson, D. (1994). Community living guide. Unpublished manuscript, University of Oregon, Specialized Training Program.
Ferguson, D. L., Sanow, S., Flannery, K. B., Biltner, K., Meyers, G., Willis, C., & Todd, A. (1989). The elementary and secondary system: Supportive education for students with severe handicaps. Module 5: Transition planning system. Unpublished manuscript, University of Oregon, Specialized Training Program.
Ferguson, D. L., Flannery, K. B., Gumerlock, S., Wilcox, B., Brawner-Jones, N., Moskowitz, D., & Todd, A. (1988). The elementary and secondary system: Supportive education for students with severe handicaps. Module 1: The activity based IEP. Unpublished manuscript, University of Oregon, Specialized Training Program.
Ferguson, D. L., Flannery, K. B., Parker, R. (1988). Elementary/secondary system module 6A: Program and teacher development system. Unpublished manuscript, University of Oregon, Specialized Training Program.
Technical Reports, and Monographs
Flannery, K. B. & Sugai, G. (2010) School-Wide PBIS Implementation in High Schools: Current Practice and Future Directions. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Educational and Community Supports. Available on pbis.org
Sugai, G. & Flannery, K. B. (2004). Positive Behavior Support in High Schools: Monograph from the 2004 Illinois High School Forum of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Educational and Community Supports. Available on pbis.org
Sugai, G., Flannery, B., & Bohanon-Edmonson, H. (2005). School-wide positive behavior support in high schools: What will it take? In H. Bohanon-Edmonson, K. B. Flannery, G. Sugai, & L. Eber (Eds.), School-wide PBS in high schools monograph. Retrieved from http://pbis.org
Lewis-Palmer, T., Flannery, B., Sugai, G., & Eber, L. (2002). Applying a systems approach to school-wide discipline in secondary schools: What we are learning and need to learn. Conference Monograph, CASE/CCBD, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 6-8.
Sprague, Flannery, K. B., O’Neill, R. E., Baker, D. (1996). Effective behavioral consultation: Supporting the implementation of positive behavior support plans for persons with severe problem behavior (2nd ed). Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Specialized Training Program.
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Horner, R. H., Snell, M., & Flannery, K. B. (1996). Research synthesis on educational strategies for students with severe intellectual disabilities. (Tech. Rep. No. 3). Eugene, Oregon: University of Oregon, National Center to Improve the Tools of Educators.
Horner, R. H. , O’Neill, R. E., Albin, R. W., & Flannery, K. B. (1994). Students with severe disabilities. Unpublished manuscript. Eugene, OR: Specialized Training Program, University of Oregon.
Parker, R., Niess, J., Zumwalt, L., Flannery, K. B., & Sprague, J. (1989). Measuring the social perceptions of persons with severe handicaps for the purpose of constructing social network maps. In P. M. Ferguson and D. Olson (Eds.), Supported community life: Connecting policy to practice in disability research (pp. 63-95). Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Specialized Training Program.
Flannery, K. B. (1992). Increasing Predictability Student’s with Severe Disabilities. University of Oregon, Eugene, OR.
External Funding for Research and Scholarship Activities
[Note: Funding amount listed is the total for funding period]
2015-2018 Flannery, K.B. & McIntosh, K [CoPIs] Freshmen Success: Implementation of Comprehensive Universal Supports for School Engagement. Institute of Education Science [$1,381,488]
2015-2020 Flannery, K.B., Mazzotti, V., Rowe, D. [CO PIs] Highly-qualified Interventionists with Transition Evidence-based Knowledge and Skills (HI- TEKS) Office of Special Education Programs, U. S. Department of Education [$1,157505] 2007-2012 Flannery K. B. [PI] & Harns, B. Project SOLVE: Restructuring Personnel Preparation for Teachers of Students with High Incidence Disabilities. Office of Special Education Programs, U. S. Department of Education [$487,886]
2007-2009 Flannery, K.B. Training and Technical Assistance Contract. Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation Services. [$147,000]
2007-2011 Flannery, K.B. Serving Low Incidence Populations Project. Office of Special Education Programs, U. S. Department of Education. [$790,157]
2007-2011 Flannery K. B. (PI) & Doren, B. (CoPI) Building Effective and Meaningful Individualized Education Programs for Secondary Aged Students. Institute of Education Science [$1,529,866]
2007-2011 Flannery, K. B. (PI) & Anderson C. (Co-PI) Systematic Analysis and Model Development for High School Positive Behavior Support. Institute of Education Science [$1,985,519]
2005-2007 Flannery, K.B. Training and Technical Assistance Contract. Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation Services. [$139,669]
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2003-2005 Flannery, K.B. Training and Technical Assistance Contract. Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation Services. [$139,669]
2002.2005 Flannery, K. B. & Sugai, G. High School Positive Behavior Support: Increasing Success for All Students. Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education Project CO-Director George Sugai [$539,983]
2001-2006 Flannery, K.B., Benz, M., & Slovic, R. Earning for a Lifetime: Increasing Employment Opportunities and Outcomes in a Changing Workplace, Rehabilitative Services Administration, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education. Project Co-Director with Mike Benz. [$1,289,978]
2001-2006 Herr, C & Flannery, K. B. Project AIM Assessment to Instruction Model, Office of Special Education Programs, U. S. Department of Education. Projector Co-Director [$1,498,570]
2001-2003 Flannery, K. B. Training and Technical Assistance Contract. Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation Services. Project Director. [$139,669]
1998.2000 Flannery K. B. Student Data Outcomes. Special Education, Oregon Department of Education. [$124,305]
1997-2000 Flannery, K.B., Slovic, R , & Treasure, T. Consumer Planning Partnership Project. A three year special projects grant funded by Rehabilitative Services Administration, Oregon. Project Director. [$628,677]
1997-2000 Flannery, K.B. & Slovic, R Learning for a Lifetime. A three year postsecondary grant funded by Office of Special Education Programs, U. S. Department of Education. Projector Director [$407,156]
1994-1999 Mank, D., Horner, R. & Flannery, K. B.. Secondary Transition Personnel Supporting Students with Severe Disabilities. A five year grant funded by Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education. Project Co-Director with Mank, D. [$617,020]
1993-1998 Brazeau, K. Oregon Transition Systems Change. U.S. Department of Education (subcontracted by Oregon Department of Education). Project Manager [$2,480,000]
1991-1992 Flannery K. B. Predictability and Severe Problem Behaviors for Students with Severe Disabilities. A one year student initiated grant funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Project Director. [$20,000]
1987-1990 Ferguson, D. & Flannery K. B. Integrated Secondary Environments: A System for Making the School and Community Accessible to Students with the Most Severe Handicaps. A three year grant Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education. Project Coordinator (Dianne Ferguson, Project Director). [$321,043]
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2009 Distinguished Alumni, University of Illinois, College of Education
1999 All Means All School-To Work Project Award, A Collaborative Project of the Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota Department to Children, Families, & Learning.
In recognition and celebration of ones’ commitment to doing whatever it takes to include all learners in school-to-work Opportunities.
1998 Administrator of the Year, Oregon Association of Vocational and Special Needs Personnel.
In recognition for outstanding state contribution to the development and/or growth of vocational special needs education.
1996 Coalition of Parent Education Exemplary Service Award, Oregon’s Parent Training and Information Center.
In recognition for outstanding contribution for the support of parents with children with disabilities.
National/International Presentations
“Making it work in HS: Unique Features of Effective Implementation” International APBS Conference 2016, San Francisco, CA. March 26 2016
National PBIS Leadership Academy for Secondary Administrators. International APBS Conference 2016, San Francisco, CA. March 25, 2016
“High School implementation and SWPBIS” San Francisco Unified School District. (Invited Presentation), November 4, 2016. With Mimi McGrath Kato (half day)
“Investing in Freshmen” Granite School District High Schools. (Invited Presentation), Salt Lake City Utah. March 13, 2016. With Mimi McGrath Kato
“Framing the IEP through transition: How transition drives the IEP” 2015 DCDT International Conference. November 5-7, 2015. Portland Oregon. Presented with Mimi McGrath Kato.
“Systems Matter in High School: How to Implement School-wide PBIS”. 2015 PBIS Leadership Forum (Invited Presentation), Rosemont, IL, October 2015.
“Utilizing Classroom-level Data Systems to Drive Decision Making in High School Classrooms”. 2015 PBIS Leadership Forum (Invited Presentation), Rosemont, IL, October 2015. With Mimi McGrath Kato
“Staff Engagement at High School - What's it Take?” 2015 PBIS Leadership Forum (Invited Presentation), Rosemont, IL, October 2015
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“Implementation of SWPBIS in High Schools” Placer County Office of Education. (Invited Presentation), Auburn CA. September 21, 2015 (Full Day) With Mimi McGrath Kato
“Using SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory in High Schools”. 2014 PBIS Leadership Forum (Invited Presentation), Rosemont, IL, October 2014.
“Coaching High School PBIS Implementation: Lessons Learned in Two States”. Advancing Mental Health Conference. Presented with Patricia Hershfeldt, Susan Barrett, and Mimi McGrath Kato). Pittsburgh, September 2014.
“ Barriers and Solutions to SWPBIS Implementation in Secondary Schools”. 2013 PBIS Leadership Forum (Invited Presentation), Rosemont, IL, October 2013.
“Data-Driven Decision Making & Problem Solving in Action! Take the Gallery Walk”. International Association of Positive Behavior Support Conference, San Diego, CA, March 2013.
“Increasing Faculty/Staff Support for Implementation at the High School Level” 2012 PBIS Leadership Forum. (Invited Presentation) Rosemont, Illinois October 2012.
“A training model to develop and implement meaningful and effective IEPs for transition aged students” Vancouver B.C. AERA Conference. April 2012. Presented with Bonnie Doren, Allison Lombardi
“The Development and Evaluation of a Professional Development Model to Build Meaningful and Effective IEPs for Transition-Aged Students” Washington DC SREE Conference. March 2012. Presented with Bonnie Doren & Alison Lombardi
High School Disciplinary Responses to Student Truancy: Findings from a National Sample. Washington DC SREE Conference, March 2012. Presented with Jennifer Frank
“Keeping Tier I Going in High School”, 2011 PBIS Leadership Forum. (Invited Presentation) Rosemont, Illinois October 2011. Presented with Mimi McGrath
“Building Effective and Meaningful IEPs for Secondary aged Students” IES, June 2010. National Harbor MD. Presented with Bonnie Doren
“A training model to develop and implement meaningful and effective IEPs”. Conference of the Division on Career Development and Transition. October 2011. Presented with Bonnie Doren, Mimi McGrath and 2 doctoral students.
“School-Wide PBIS: Implementing a Continuum of Effective Systems & Practices”, 2010 PBIS Leadership Forum. (Invited Presentation) Rosemont, Illinois October 2010. Presented with Elise Guest.
“High School Implementation of School-wide Positive Behavior Supports: Successes and Lessons Learned” (Invited Presentation) Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Nashville, Tennessee April 2010. Presented with Steve Matthews.
"Evidence-Supported Transition Practices for Young People with Emotional or Behavioral Difficulties" Division of Career and Technical Education, Savannah, Georgia. October 2009. Presented with Hewitt B. "Rusty" Clark, Lauren Lindstrom, Deanne Unruh.
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"Positive Behavior Support at the High School Level - What Does the Data Say?" Division of Career and Technical Education, Savannah, Georgia. October 2009. Presented with Bonnie Doren,
" Building Effective and Meaningful IEPs for Secondary Aged Students". Division of Career and Technical Education, Savannah, Georgia. October 2009. Presented with Bonnie Doren,
“PBS at the High School Level – What Do the Data Say?” Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Seattle Washington April 2, 2009 (poster). Presented with Mimi McGrath, Kimberly Their
“Evidence-informed Practices for the Transition of Young People with Emotional or Behavioral Difficulties to Adulthood”. Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Seattle Washington April 2, 2009. Presented with Rusty Clark, Lauren Lindstrom, Deanne Unruh.
“School-Wide PBIS: Implementing a Continuum of Effective Systems & Practices”, 2009 PBIS Leadership Forum. (Invited Presentation) Rosemont, Illinois October 2009. Presented with Joanne Malloy.
“How are High Schools Different than Elementary and Middle Schools” 6th Annual Statewide PBS Conference March 2008 Presented with Bonnie Doren and Mimi McGrath
“PBS in High School: Facilitators and Barriers to the Implementing the Main Components” 6th Annual Statewide PBS Conference March 2008 Presented with Cynthia Anderson and Brad Cohn
“Communities of Practice: Working Together for Better Transition Outcomes”. Fourteenth International Conference Division of Career Development and Transition Conference (poster), Council for Exceptional Children, Orlando, Florida, October, 2007
“Focus on High Schools: Secondary Level Supports within a School-Wide Framework” (Invited Presentation) School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support: Planning for Systems Change. Presented with Chris Borgmeier. Rosemont, Illinois October 11, 2007.
“School-wide Positive Behavior Support in High Schools” (Invited Presentation). Association of Positive Behavior Support. March 2007 Presented with Hank Bohanon and four staff from high schools
“Earning for a Lifetime: Post-secondary Employment Success through College Short Term Training Options” Presented with Mimi McGrath and Mike Benz Council for Exceptional Children April 2006
“What do School Records Reveal about Events Leading up to Expulsion from School “ Presented with Tary Tobin. OSEP Project Directors Meeting, Washington, DC 2006.
“Earning for a Lifetime: College Short Term Training Options”. Presented with Roz Slovic. RSA National Transition Conference, Washington, DC June 2005
“Earning for a Lifetime: Post-secondary Employment Success through College Short Term Training Options” Presented with Mimi McGrath and Mike Benz Division of Career and Transition October 2005
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“ Positive Behavior Supports in High Schools: An Overview of Issues, Concerns and Interventions from the First National Forum.” Presented with Hank Bohannon. Council for Exceptional Children. Baltimore, MD April 2005.
“Positive Behavior Supports in High Schools: Issues, Concerns and Strategies” Presented with Hank Bohannon and George Sugai. Association of Positive Behavior Support , Tampa 2005
“Earning for a Lifetime, Accessing Short Term Training Options at Community Colleges Leading to Employment” Presented With Roz Slovic. Conference on Native American Rehabilitation, Seattle October 2004.
“ Earning for a Lifetime: A Community College Option”, Twelfth International Conference, Division on Career Development and Transition, Council for Exceptional Children, Roanoke, VA, October 2003.
“Occupational Skills Training Makes College Possible!” 6th Annual RSA Project Directors’ Conference, Washington DC August 2003.
“Collaborations to Prepare Students with Disabilities for College.” Eleventh International Conference, Division on Career Development and Transition, Council for Exceptional Children, Denver, CO; October, 2001.
“Person-Centered Planning: Tools that Facilitate Transition.” Tenth International Conference, Division on Career Development and Transition, Council for Exceptional Children. Charlotte, NC; October, 1999.
“Consumer Planning Partnership Project: Choice and Self Determination in the Rehabilitation Process.” National Profiles Conference, Washington, DC; November, 1999.
“Use of Person Centered Planning for Transition Planning: A Research Study.” TASH, Chicago, IL; 1999.
“Consumer Planning Partnership Project: Choice and Self Determination in the Rehabilitation Process.” Presented with R. Slovic and S. Downs, TASH, Seattle, WA; December, 1998.
“School-to-Work Systems for ALL Students: What are the Strategies and the Issues.” National Association of Vocational Special Needs Personnel, Portland, OR; 1996.
“School-to-Work Systems for All Students: Oregon's School-to-Work Opportunities System.” (Invited Presentation) School-to-Work Texas Statewide Conference, Dallas, TX; 1995.
“School-to-Work for All Students: Building Partnerships.” (Invited Presentation) School-to-Work Texas Statewide Conference, Dallas, TX; 1995.
“The Relationship Between Predictability and Problem Behavior.” Presented with Rob Horner, Applied Behavior Analysis Conference, San Francisco, CA; 1992.
“The Relationship Between Predictability and Problem Behavior.” Presented with Rob Horner, TASH, San Francisco, CA; 1992.
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“High School Curriculum: An Activity-Based Approach.” (Invited Presentation) State Advisory Committee on Supported Competitive Employment for Persons with Disabilities 4th Annual Conference for Supported Employment, Valley Forge, PA; May, 1990.
“High School Curriculum for Students with Severe Disabilities.” (Invited Presentation) Transition School-to-Work: Issues & Strategies, Temple University Center for Research in Human Development and Education and the School District of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA; October, 1989.
“Transitions Elementary, Middle, and High School.” Ellensberg Vocational Conference, Ellensberg, WA; 1988.
What Teachers Need to Know for Better Transitioning. Presented with C. Overdorff, Ellensberg Vocational Conference, Ellensberg, WA; 1988.
“Implications for High School Preparation for Supported Employment.” Presented with D. McLean, Employment for People Who Have Dual Sensory Impairments, Eugene, OR; 1988.
“Participating in Risks and Opportunities of Regular Education: Issues and Problem Solving Strategies to Support Regular School Experiences for All Students.” Presented with J. Sprague and D. Ferguson, TASH, Washington, D.C; 1988.
“The Activities Catalog and The IEP Process: An Alternative Curricular System for Youth and Adults with Severe Handicaps.” Severe and Multiple Handicaps Alternative Futures Conference, Edmonton, Canada; 1987.
“Use of Activity-Based Curriculum.” Supported Living for Individuals with Deaf-Blindness and/or Other Severe Disabilities: Life Style Planning and Accountability, Philadelphia, PA; 1987.
“The activities catalog: An alternate curriculum system for youth and adults.” Presented with D. Moskowitz, TASH Conference, San Francisco, CA; 1986.
“Curriculum and IEPs for Students with Severe Handicaps.” Presented with B. Wilcox, Washington Summer Institute, Seattle, WA; 1986.
“How We Accommodate Lower Functioning Students?” Washington Summer Institute, Seattle, WA; 1986.
“Regular High School Students: What We Can Do to Help Them Make a Difference.” Presented with B. Wilcox and D. Moskowitz, TASH Conference, Boston, MA; 1985.
Regional/State Presentations
“Implementing SWPBIS in High School” Central Oregon PBIS Conference. Bend, Oregon April 11, 2016. Presented with Mimi Kato
“Bringing Staff on Board”. Central Oregon PBIS Conference. Bend, Oregon April 11, 2016. Presented with Mimi Kato
“Investing in Freshman”. Central Oregon PBIS Conference. Bend, Oregon April 11, 2016. Presented with Mimi Kato
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“Implementing in High School: Getting Started and Over the “Bumps””. (Full Day /Workshop). Sixth Annual Washington Northwest PBIS Conference, Eugene, OR March, 2015.
Implementing in High School” Sixth Annual Washington Northwest PBIS Conference, Eugene, OR March, 2015.
“Implementing PBIS in High School”. Washington NWPBIS Conference Seattle, WA November 2015. With Chris Pinkney
“Buy In at the High School”. Fifth Annual Washington Northwest PBIS Conference, Portland, OR February, 2014.
“Data, Data, Data! What Date to Use for Decision Making in High Schools”. Fourth Annual Washington Northwest PBIS Conference, Eugene, OR, March, 2013.
“Coaching and the High School: What have we Learned”. Northwest PBIS Coaches Conference, Eugene, OR, October 2013.
“Magic Valley Transition Team Disability Mentoring Day” Oregon Vocational Special Needs Personnel conference. Hood River February 2013. Presented with Ann Flannery
So What’s the Big Deal about High Schools?” Multnomah County PBIS Regional High School Cadre. Gresham Oregon. January 2013.
“ High Schools: How to Avoid the Bumps”. Third Annual Washington NorthWest PBIS Conference, Bellevue Washington. November, 2012
“Connecting the Dots: Making Sense of IEPS” Oregon Vocational Association of Special Needs Personnel Conference, Hood River Oregon. February, 2012. Presented with Mimi McGrath.
“Building a Students Toolbox for Postsecondary Success” Oregon Vocational Association of Special Needs Personnel Conference, Hood River Oregon. February, 2012. Presented with Ann Flannery.
“Keeping Tier I Going in High School”,10th Annual NorthWest PBIS Conference March 2012. Presented with Mimi McGrath
“ Lessons Learned in HS PBIS implementation” 9th Annual Statewide PBS Conference March 2011. Presented with Elise Guest.
“Administrative Leadership and Support: What Does it Look Like in High School?” 9th Annual Statewide PBS Conference March 2011. Presented with Cassandra Kamens, Judi Dickey
“Supporting Implementation in High Schools: Administrators Share Strategies” 8th Annual Statewide PBS Conference March 2010. Presented with Judi Dickey, Elise Guest, Kirk Kolb.
“Implementation at the High School Level: What Have We Learned?” 7th Annual Statewide PBS Conference March 2009.
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“Postsecondary Education & Training Options & Opportunities” Oregon Vocational Special Needs Personnel Conference, Hood River Oregon. February 21, 2009. Presented with Mimi McGrath
“ Implementation at the High School Level: What Have We Learned?” 7th Annual Oregon PBS Conference, Eugene Oregon, March 3 & 4 2009. Presented with Mimi McGrath.
“How are High Schools Different than Elementary and Middle Schools” 6th Annual Statewide PBS Conference March 2008 Presented with Bonnie Doren and Mimi McGrath
“PBS in High School: Facilitators and Barriers to the Implementing the Main Components” 6th Annual Statewide PBS Conference March 2008 Presented with Cynthia Anderson and Brad Cohn
“What is All the Talk about Post-School Goals and Courses of Study?” (Invited Presentation) Building Futures: Oregon Statewide Transition Conference May 2007. Presented with Jackie Burr
“A Conversation about Transition Regulations and Best Practices” (Invited Presentation) Building Futures: Oregon Statewide Transition Conference May 2007. Presented with Jackie Burr
High Schools and Positive Behavior Support. (Invited Presentation) Presented with Rob Horner at the 5th Annual Statewide P.B.S Conference March 2007
“Postsecondary Education and Training: A Path to Better Employment”. (Invited Presentation) Presented with Mimi McGrath Oregon Vocational Special Needs Personnel. February 2007
“2006 Connection Summit: Future Teachers and Transition Practitioners Converge” (Invited Presentation) Building Futures: Oregon Statewide Transition Conference May 2006. Presented with Sue Bert
“Suggestions on How to Build and Sustain PBS in High Schools” (Invited Presentation) presented with Teri Lewis Palmer The 4th Annual Statewide P.B.S Conference March 2006
“Using Person Centered Planning to Plan for Transition” (Invited Presentation) OVASNP Conference, Hood River Oregon, February 2006.
“ Transition Resources” Confederation of School Administrators Conference. Eugene OR October 2005
“ Transition & RTI in IDEA 2004” Oregon Association of Higher Education and Disability. Newport, OR April 2005
“Implementing School-wide PBS in High Schools – Successes and Challenges”. (Invited Presentation) The 3rd Annual Statewide P.B.S Conference March 2005
“Secondary Reading Improvement: Principles and Practices” (Invited Presentation) Oregon Conference. Presented with David Chard and Carol Kinch February 2005
“College: It is an Option for Students with Disabilities.” (Invited Presentation) Presented with R. Slovic, Oregon Association of Vocational Special Needs Personnel Spring Conference, Newport, OR; February, 2001.
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“Panel Discussion on Higher Education and Transitions.” (Invited Presentation) Oregon Association on Higher Education and Disability , Newport OR, 2000.
“Oregon Consumer Planning Partnership Project.” (Invited Presention) Presented with S. Downs and R. Slovic, Region X Independent Living Conference, Portland, OR; 2000.
“Consumer Planning Partnership Mentorship Project.” (Invited Presentation) Presented with R. Slovic, S. Downs, Work Now and in the Future, Portland, OR; November, 1999.
“School-to-Work Action Plans (S.W.A.P.): A Strategy to Include All Students.” Presented with S. Blakely, Work Now and in the Future, Portland, OR; 1998.
“Learning for a Lifetime: Preparing and Supporting Students with Disabilities in Postsecondary Technical-training Options.” Presented with R. Slovic, Work Now and in the Future, Portland OR; November, 1998.
“Learning for a Lifetime: Post Secondary Technical Training Options for Students with Disabilities.” (Invited Presentation) Presented with R. Slovic, Oregon Association of Vocational Special Needs Personnel Spring Conference, Newport, OR; April, 1998.
“Serving All Students with School-to-Work System.” Presented with K. Schovlin, C. Kearns, Oregon Council of Career and Vocational Administrators, Glenden Beach, OR; April, 1997.
“Communication and Problem Behaviors.”(Invited Presentation) Community Partnerships; Salem, OR; 1996.
“Finding and Developing Resources for Employment for Students in Rural Communities.” Oregon Conference, Eugene, Oregon; 1996.
“Serving All Students with School-to-Work System.” Presented with T. Wallace, and A. Bennett, Work Now and in the Future Conference, Portland, OR; November, 1995.
“Working Together - Planning and Implementing Successful Transitions.” Building a Strong Foundation; Tools for a Profession in Transition, Council for Exceptional Children Oregon Chapter, Portland, OR; September, 1995.
“Developing and Implementing a School-to-Work District Plan: How to Do It.” Work Now and in the Future Conference, Portland, OR; 1995.
“School-to-Work Systems for All Students: Oregon’s School to Work Opportunity System.” (Invited Presentation) Albany School District Inservice Day, Albany, OR; 1995.
“Communication and Problem Behaviors.” (Invited Presentation) Community Partnerships; Salem, OR; 1994.
“Laws and Regulations Related to Transition of Youth with Disabilities.” (Invited Presentation) Meeting of Juvenile Corrections Staff; Monmouth, OR; 1994.
“IDEA: What Does it Say About Transition?” (Invited Presentation) Project CHOICES Transition Conference; Canby, OR; 1994.
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“School-to-Work for All Students.” Presented with N. Hargis. (Invited Presentation) Project CHOICES Transition Conference, Canby, OR; 1994.
“Positive Behavioral Support: Predictability vs. Consistency.” (Invited Presentation) Fifth Annual Institute for People Working with Students who have Moderate to Profound Disabilities; Yakima, WA; 1993.
“Positive Behavioral Support: Setting Events as a Variable.” (Invited Presentation) Fifth Annual Institute for People Working with Students who have Moderate to Profound Disabilities; Yakima, WA; 1993.
“Personnel Development and Technical Assistance.” Presented with P. Jackson and staff. The 1993 New Administrators Workshop, Salem, OR; September, 1993.
“Predictability and Choice as Strategies for Effective Communication and Reduction of Problem Behaviors.” Presented with B. Vaughn. Annual ARC of Oregon Convention, Bend, OR; April, 1993.
“Functional Assessment of the Effects of Interaction and Activity Variables on Behavior.” Presented with R. Horner, R. O’Neill, and S. Dadson. Oregon Conference, Eugene, OR; 1993.
“Supporting Students with Challenging Behaviors: Functional Assessment of the Effects and Activity Variables on Behavior.” Utah Integration Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah; 1993.
“Continuous Quality Improvement: Managing for the Future of Special Education.” Presented with J. Albin. Oregon Conference, Eugene, OR; 1992.
“Behavior is communication.” Presented with B. Vaughn. Oregon Developmental Disabilities, Conference, Corvallis, OR; 1992.
“Teaching Communication Skills.” (Invited Presentation) Research and Training Center State Training Team Inservice, Seattle, WA; 1990.
“Implementing the ESS System: Support Strategies and Problem Solving for Teachers of Students with Severe Handicaps.” Oregon Conference, Eugene, OR; 1989.
“Supporting Students with Severe Handicaps to Participate in Regular School Experiences: Tools and Tricks for Teachers.” Presented with C. Willis. Oregon Conference, Eugene, OR; 1989.
“Strategies for Consultation.” (Invited Presentation) Regional Autism Specialists, Salem, OR; 1989.
“Strategies for Planning and Implementing Group Instruction.” (Invited Presentation) Presented with A. Todd, Summer Institute on Functional Programming for Students with Autism & Related Disorders, Salem, OR; 1989.
“Integrating data collection into teaching.” Oregon Summer Institute, Eugene, OR; May; 1988.
“Facilitation of Social Integration at the High School.” (Invited Presentation) Idaho Autism Association, Twin Falls, ID; 1987.
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“Selected features of the high school model.” Presented with N. Brawner-Jones, D. Moskowitz, and S. Newton, Oregon Conference, Eugene, OR; 1987.
Teaching: Undergraduate/Graduate Courses (On-Campus)
University of Oregon SPED 632 Collaborative & Educational Planning SPED 610 Transition Planning and Instruction for Students with Disabilities I (2014, 2015) SPED 615 Transition Assessment and Planning (2010, 2011, 2012) SPED 607 Seminar Project SLIP: Curriculum and Instruction Low incidence (2010, 2011) SPED 607 Seminar Project SLIP: Classroom and Staff Management (2008) SPED 607 Seminar Project SLIP: Curriculum and Instruction Low incidence (2007) SPED 610/615 Transition Assessment and Planning (1998-2007) SPED 607 Seminar: Project AIM: (2001- 2003 – 2 terms per year) SPED 588 Providing Student Supports (1998-2002) SPED 580 Seminar: Professional Practices (1995-2000) SPED 609 Middle/Secondary Practicum (1995-2000) SPED 655 Middle/Secondary Supervised Field Studies (1995-2000) SPED 607 Seminar: Moderate/Severe Disabilities (1996-2000) SPER 607 Seminar: Transition (1996-1997) SPER 607 Seminar: Severe Disabilities (1996-1997) SPER 609 Field Studies Transition (1996-1997) SPER 607 Transition and Community Issues (1995-1997) SPED 610 School-to-Careers (1998) SPER 507 Transdisciplinary Approaches to Educating Persons with Severe Handicaps I, II, III (1986-1988) SPER 492G Programming for Secondary Students with Severe Handicaps (1986, 1988, 1989) SPER 498G Curriculum Programming for Severely Handicapped Learners (II) (co-taught) (1988- 1989) SPER 567 Research Design (co-taught) (1990) SPER 5XX Training and Behavioral Support (Adult Services) (co-taught) SPER 685 Programming and Instruction (I) (co-taught)
1982-84 Boise State University Human Growth and Development Orientation to Disabilities and Handicapping Conditions Behavioral Principle Recreation and Leisure for Persons with Disabilities
Teaching: Undergraduate/Graduate Courses (Off-campus Continuing Professional Education)
SPED 510 Secondary and Transition Issues (1998) Portland State University
Inservice Training/Consultation: Outreach Activities
National/Regional Consultation (all invited)
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Consultant: Consulted with coaches and Freshmen Advisory Committee regarding implementation of SWPBIS and focusing on freshmen in high schools.
Consultant: Implementation of Freshmen Success in HS. Granite School District. Salt Lake City, Utah, March 16, 2016
Consultant: Documentation of disability for postsecondary education. Des Moines, Iowa. Iowa Department of Education. January 2004
Consultant. Problem solve with staff from Disability Services Office, Office of Developmental, Education, and Women’s Center, on self advocacy, curricula, and strategies. College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, ID; June 2001.
Consultant. Facilitated small groups at the Iowa School-To-Work Institute. Des Moines, Iowa; March, 1998.
Consultant. Problem solved with project staff regarding evaluation of small grant awards and training strategies. Montana Systems Change Project, City, MT; August, 1996.
National/Regional Training (all invited)
“ Databased Decision Making” NWPBIS High School Workgroup, Albany, Oregon. March 2014.
“Creating Networks and Supports by Capitalizing on Students’ Self Determination Abilities”. A three half day training at 15th Annual Postsecondary Learning Disability Training Institute, Mystic, CT; June 2003.
“Person-Centered Planning: Tools for Transition Planning.” A two-day in-service for teachers at the Sacramento County Office of Education, Sacramento, CA; October, 2000.
“Person Centered Planning” (Workshop Co-Facilitator and Presenter). Presented with Roz Slovic. A three-day in-service with the Alaska Transition Initiative, Anchorage, AK; 1998.
“Inclusion: Making it Work.” A one-day in-service for teachers at Highline School District; Seattle, WA; 1992.
“Designing and implementing instruction in community vocational sites” (In-service Co-Facilitator and Presenter). Presented with K. Storey, A three-day in-service for community vocational professionals with the Richmond Unified School District, San Pablo, CA; 1989.
“Elementary/Secondary System (In-service Co-Facilitator and Presenter).” Presented with R. Greenfield. A one-day in-service for teachers with Meridian School District, Meridian, ID; 1988.
“Elementary/Secondary IEP System.” A one-day in-service for teachers at Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Seattle, WA; 1988.
“ET & T Elementary and Middle School Staff Development.” A one-day in-service for teachers with Bellingham Public Schools, Bellingham, WA: May, 1988.
“Curriculum system for students with severe disabilities.” Two sessions for the Urbana Midwinter Conference, Urbana, IL; 1988. 5-13-2016 K. Brigid Flannery Page 21
“Curriculum and IEPs.” A two-day in-service for teachers Meridian School District, Meridian, ID; 1987.
“Transition Planning.” A one-day in-service for teachers at the Washington Summer Institute: Frameworks for Transition; Seattle, WA, 1987.
“Don’t be Fooled! Tips for Interacting with People with Disabilities.” A one-day in-service for peer tutors at the Oregon Peer Tutor Conference, Eugene, OR; 1986.
“Washington Summer Institute.” Co-Coordinator for a three-day in-service for teachers. Seattle, WA; 1986.
Inservice for the Utah Community Based Training Project Summer Institute for Teachers of Students with Severe Handicaps; Salt Lake City, UT, 1985.
Oregon Consultation (all invited)
Consultant. Worked with high school special education staff to design compliant and aligned IEPs at the high school level. Bethel School District, Eugene: OR; September 2007- present
Consultant. Worked with district personnel to design services to return the 18-21 students with mild/moderate disabilities who were attending an out of district to a non high school campus based program. Bethel School District, Eugene: OR; September 2006- June 2007.
Consultant. Facilitated the development of a strategic plan for merger of the Life Skills programs in two districts and the development of curricula scope and sequence for the Life Skills Network. Bethel School District and 4J School District, Bethel and Eugene: OR, March 2002- June 2003.
Consultant. Provided technical assistance on use of Person Centered Planning Tools for transition planning with students with Autism and provided follow-up consultation during implementation. Assisted in development of evaluation tools for use in evaluating effectiveness. Consulted with R. Slovic, Coos Curry ESD, OR; October 2000-May 2001.
Consultant. Worked with teams as requested on issues related to inclusion of students with disabilities in Certificate of Advanced Mastery (CAM) and school-to work. Twenty-six school districts participated in planning institute. Oregon School Improvement Planning Institute, Portland, OR; July, 1998.
Consultant. Served on coordinating committee for conference for about 250 high school students with districts, parents, educators, and community members. “Avoiding the Future School Conference: After High School What’s Next?” Salem, OR; 1997-2001
Oregon Training (all invited; non grant funded)
“ IEPs and Transition” (Inservice) 2 part day trainings for high school special education teachers in Bethel School District, Eugene, OR; 2007.
“Working Smarter and Achieving Outcomes. 1 day training for all high school staff on working within schoolwide teams. Tigard Tualatin School District, Portland OR; 2002
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“Person Centered Planning and Transition” (In-service Co-Facilitator and Presenter). Presented with Roz Slovic, Two one-day in-services for teachers, para-educators, and parents with South Coast ESD, Bandon, OR; 2001.
“The Who, What, Why, When, and How of High School and Postsecondary Success Strategies” (In- service Co-Facilitator and Presenter). Presented with Roz Slovic, Mark Syzmanski A five day in-service for teachers at the Oregon Department of Education Summer Institute 1999: Cultivating Excellence in our Schools. High Desert Middle School, Bend, OR; July, 1999.
“Transition: Making Visions a Reality.” A one day in-service for teachers, administrators, and counselors with the South Umpqua School District and Oregon Department of Education, Roseburg, OR; May, 1991.
“Curriculum, Transition, and Futures Planning for High School Students with Disabilities” (In- service Co-Facilitator and Presenter). Presented with R. Slovic. A one-day in-service for teachers with Hermiston School District, Hermiston, OR; 1989.
“Supported Living for Individuals with Deaf-Blindness and/or Other Severe Disabilities: Life Style Planning and Accountability.” A one day in-service for the Helen Keller National Center, Technical Assistance Center; August, 1987.
Student Advising and Committees
I serve as a member of 1-2 doctoral curriculum committees each year. I have served in both Chair and Member capacities on Project/Thesis Committees for Master’s and Doctoral students. Listed below are the Master’s Project Committees that I have chaired and the Doctoral Dissertation Committees on which I have served as a member or chaired. I also serve as doctoral advisor to 1-2 students per year.
Dissertation Committee Member: Tricia Berg (Special Education) A Randomized Control Study of Attendance and Truancy Universal Procedures and Interventions at the Elementary Level. Targeted completion 2017 spring
Dissertation Committee member: Shandin Garcia (outside Education Studies). Oregon Indian Curriculum: Tribal Knowledge Meets Practioner Knowledge. Targeted spring 2016
Dissertation Committee Member: Rhonda Fritz (Special Education). Increasing Observation Efficiency to Improve Instructional Quality in Small Group Intervention Settings. Targeted completion 2016 summer
Dissertation Committee Member (outside: Educational Leadership), Susan Rieke-Smith. Principal-Agent Relations in Oregon Education Policy-Making: The Case of Full-Day Kindergarten Completed Spring, 2015
Dissertation Committee Member (outside: Educational Leadership), April Harrison, Middle School Tier 2 Vocabulary Interventions. Completed Spring, 2015
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Dissertation Committee Member, Traci Ruppert (Special Education), Family-Centered Telehealth Behavioral Consultation Training: Effects on Behavior Specialist and Parent Implementation of BSP Strategies. Completed Spring, 2015.
Dissertation Committee Member (outside: Educational Leadership), Gail Anderson, A Comparison of 8th Grade Math, Reading and Behavior Outcomes in K-8 Versus Middle Schools. Completed 2015
Dissertation Committee Member (outside: Educational Leadership), Eric Bergmann An Examination of the Relationship between the Frequency of Standardization Testing and Academic Achievement. Completed 2014.
Dissertation Committee Member, Laurie Kahn Experiences, Sense of Self, and Beliefs about the Future for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Queer, and Intersex Adolescents with Disabilities. Completed 2014.
Dissertation Committee Member (outside: Educational Leadership), Kathleen Jackson, Program Evaluation Effective Behavioral & Instructional Support Systems and Reading Outcomes. Completed 2014
Dissertation Committee Member (outside: Educational Leadership), Brikena Haxhiraj, Predicting Academic Behavior of Seventh Grade Students with and without Learning Disabilities using Curriculum-based Formative Assessment Tests on a Statewide Reading Assessment. Completed 2014
Dissertation Committee Member (outside: Educational Leadership), Edward Krankowski, School Psychology Service Provisions with a Public School Model. Completed 2012.
Dissertation Committee Member, Christopher Vatland (Special Education), The Effects of Structured Team Meetings and Performance Feedback on Person-Centered Planning Activities. Completed 2012.
Dissertation Committee Member, Sarah Felver (School Psychology), A Pilot Study of Strong Start: Preliminary Evidence of Feasibility and Efficacy of Social and Emotional Learning in Preschool. Completed 2012.
Dissertation Committee Member, Christopher Pinkney (Special Education), The Student Guided Supports Curriculum. Completed 2011.
Dissertation Committee Member, Christy Coughlin (School Psychology), Relative Effects of Delayed versus Immediate Reinforcement within an Interdependent Group-Oriented Contingency System. Completed 2011.
Dissertation Committee Member (outside: Educational Leadership), Elise Guest, The Impact of Positive Behavioral Interventions and supports in Secondary School Settings. Completed 2011.
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Dissertation Committee Member, Sheldon Loman (Special Education), An Examination of the Efficacy of a Practical Functional Behavioral Assessment Training Model for Personnel in School. Completed in 2010
Dissertation Committee Chair, Allison Lombardi (Special Education), Measuring Faculty Attitudes and Perceptions toward Disability at a Four-Year University: A Validity Study. Completed in 2010
Dissertation Committee Member, David Guardino (Special Education) 2010; changed dissertation committee and topic 2013
Dissertation Committee Member, An Examination of the Efficacy of a Practical Functional Behavioral Assessment Training Model for Personnel in Schools. Completed 2010
Dissertation Committee Member Brandon Olszewski (outside: Sociology), Let’s See a Show of Hands: Hoe Participation in School Reform Affects Teachers’ Work . Completed 2009
Dissertation Committee Member, Jessica Swain-Bradway (Special Education), An Evaluation of a Cohesive Secondary Level Intervention for High School Students at Risk of School Failure. Completed 2009.
Dissertation Committee Member, Nicole, Nakayama (School Psychology), An Investigation of the Impact of the Strong Kids Curriculum on Social-Emotional Knowledge and Symptoms of Elementary-Aged Students in Self Contained Special Education Setting. Completed 2008.
Dissertation Committee Member, Virginia Gerard (School Psychology), Checkmates: A high school targeted intervention for at-risk ninth graders. Completed 2007.
Dissertation Committee Member, Jennifer Doolittle (Special Education), Sustainability of Positive Supports in the Schools. Completed 2007.
Dissertation Co-Chair, Kim Sherman (Special Education), A Meta-analysis of Interventions for Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Instruction for Delayed Older Readers. Completed 2007.
Dissertation Committee member, Barbara Gueldner (School Psychology), An Investigation of the Effectiveness of a Social-Emotional Learning Program with Middle School Students in General Education Setting and the Impact of Consultation Support Using Performance Feedback. Completed 2006
Dissertation Committee Chair, Nicole Nakayama, Comparison of High School and Middle School Classrooms, [changed dissertation topics and advisors]
Dissertation Committee Member, Lisa Sterling (School Psychology), An investigation of the Effectiveness of an Assessment-Linked Student Skills Intervention on Homework Completion and Accuracy, completed in 2004.
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Dissertation Committee Member, Shanna Millen(Special Education), Effects of Effective Instruction Strategies on Student Disruptive Behaviors and Academic Engagement for Students with Emotional and Behavior Disorders, competed in 2004.
Dissertation Committee Member, PoYee Chung (Special Education). Functional Behavioral Assessment-based Intervention for Young Children with Food Refusal, completed 2003.
Dissertation Committee Member, Holly Reed (Special Education). Using Trans-Situational Interventions to Build Behavior Support Across Multiple Environments, completed 2002.
Dissertation Committee Member, Mami Mitachi (Special Education). The Effects of Functional Assessment and Competing Behavior Analysis Information on the Behavioral Support Recommendations for Students with Behavior Problems by School Personnel, completed 2001
Dissertation Committee Member, Lisa Cushing (Special Education). Descriptive Analysis in the School Social Culture of Elementary and Middle School Students, completed 2000.
Dissertation Committee Co-Chair, Candi Styer (Special Education). The Impact of the Job Coach and a Peer-Mediated Intervention on the Social Interactions of Workers with Disabilities, completed 2000.
Dissertation Committee Member, Mark Harvey (Special Education) Implementation of Trans- Situational Behavior Supports in Home and School Environments: Expanding the Technology of Generalization, completed 2000.
Dissertation Committee Member, Rachel Freeman (Special Education). Toward Functional Understanding of Self Injury, completed 1995.
Dissertation Committee Member, Jan Ramsden (Special Education). Facilitated Communication: Validity and Instruction, completed 1994.
Master’s Chair
Master’s Project, Chair, Renee Klein, Self-Determination and Effective Study Skills: Essential Tools for Transitioning to Post-Secondary Education Completed 2008.
Master’s Project, RedSkye (Hobie) Blackhorn , Self-Determination and Native American Students scheduled to be completed Dec 2007
Master’s Project, Jennifer Martin, Knowledge Forms and Task Complexity of the Extended Career and Life Role Assessment System Routines, completed 2007
Master’s Project, Dea Lisk, Study Skills Interventions for Students with Learning Disabilities, completed 2006
Master’s Project Chair, Brad C Collins, Attitudinal Survey Completed2005.
Master’s Project Co-Chair Aaron Levitz, Comparison of multiple measures of perceived and actual sociometric status and behavioral attributes of students with and without disabilities within an integrated classroom setting. Completed in 2003.
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Master’s Project Chair, Jason Dixon, An Education Denied: How Students are Disproportionately Suspended. Completed 2005.
Master’s Project, Jennifer Lynn Martin, Knowledge Forms and Task Complexity of the Extended Career and Life Role Assessment System Routines Competed 2005.
Master’s Project Chair, Clare Zane, The Importance of Self-Determination Skills for Students with Cognitive Impairments, and Implications for the Transition Process. Completed 2005.
Master’s Project David Ill, Issues and Solutions when Transitioning from Middle School to High School: A Review of One Middle School – High School Transition Completed 2005.
Master’s Project Chair Abigail Peterman, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and No Child Left Behind: Perceptions of Secondary Special Education Teachers, completed 2005
Master’s Project Co-Chair, Mimi McGrath, The Completion Model f r Transition Programs: Focus on high School Completion for Students in Special Education, completed 2003.
Master’s Project Chair, Ben Cornett, Effective Behavior Support: A Pilot Survey of Implementation at the Secondary Level, completed 2003.
Master’s Project Chair, Aggie Agapito. Aging and Developmental Disabilities, completed 2003.
Master’s Project Chair, Miranda Page. Analysis of Effect of Implementation of Link Crew in one High School, completed 2003.
Master’s Project Chair, Sherena Meagher Osteen. Database Decision Making: Analysis of One Oregon County’s Child Count, completed 2001.
Master’s Project Chair, Perrin Scott. Guide for Students and Families for Selecting Adult Vocational Provider, completed 2001.
Master’s Project Chair, Amy Tidwell. A Description of Elementary Classroom Discipline Referral Patterns, completed 2001.
Master’s Project Chair, Anita Gomez. Factors Associated with Long Tenure among Staff in Residential Programs for Adults with Developmental Disabilities, completed 2000.
Master’s Project Chair, Joan Shelters. What’s Cool for Middle School?: A Social Skills Curriculum to Provide a Basic Foundation for Secondary School through Adulthood, completed 2000.
Master’s Project Chair, Ching Yi Hsaio. Recommendations for Taiwanese to Change their Attitudes toward People with Disabilities, completed 2000.
Master’s Project Chair, Scott Vanderwey. Leadership in Youth with Disabilities: Evaluation Summary for Youth Leadership Forum 1999, completed 2000.
Master’s Project Chair, Tania Cajigas. The supplemental Security Income Program and Work Incentives: A survey of Social Security Administration Personnel in Oregon, completed 1999.
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Master’s Project Chair, Carlotta Hoffart. Post-school Outcomes for Students Who Received Special Education Services in Oregon, completed 1999.
Master’s Project Chair, Rebecca Nathman. Living with an Adult with Attention Deficit Disorder, completed 1999.
Master’s Project Chair, Kathleen Jackson. An Evaluation of Service Learning Grants in the State of Oregon, completed 1998.
Master’s Project Chair, Niaomi Winderbaum. Designing Positive Mealtime Behavior Support Plan for a 4 Year Old Boy, completed 1998.
Master’s Project Chair, Jim Bolivar. Looking Glass Credit Recovery Program: An Analysis of Student Demographics and Support Needs, completed 1997.
Master’s Project Chair, Margey Freundlich. Self-determination among CLP Graduates, completed 1997.
Master’s Project Chair, Barbara Pareades- Sumner. Parents, Teachers, Students and IEPs, completed 1997.
Master’s Project Chair, Sue Mathisen. Status of Oregon School Districts in Implementing the Transition Regulations under IDEA, completed 1995.
Master’s Project Chair, Sheri Sanow. Service Outcomes for Transition Students who Left School in 1993, completed 1994.
Institutional Service Activities
University Service
2014-2015 Member, Search Committee for the Dean of the University of Oregon Graduate School
2005- 2007 Member, Non-Tenure Track Faculty Implementation Group, Office of Academic Affairs
College Service
2013-2014 Member, Search Committee for the Dean of the College of Education
2010- 2014 Member, COE Curriculum Committee
2010-2012 Member, COE Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee
2005-2006 Member, Doctoral Redesign Committee, College of Education
2005-2006 Member, Research Council, College of Education
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2001.2003 Member, Research Council, College of Education
1996-1998 Chair, Undergraduate Recruitment Committee, College of Education
1996 Member, College of Education Accreditation Committee, Department of Special Education and Community Resources
1995-1997 Member, Undergraduate Education Committee, College of Education
1994.1995 Member, Educational Studies Major Steering Committee, College of Education
1993-1995 Member, Curriculum Committee, College of Education
1989-1990 Member, Curriculum Committee, College of Education
Departmental Service
2009-present Member, SPED Master’s Committee
2010-present Member, SPED Doctoral Committee
1998-1999 Chair, SPED Masters Committee
1997-2000 Co-Directed Middle-Secondary Special Education Licensure Program
1996-2007 Member, SPED Masters Committee
1996-present Middle Secondary Special Education Area Faculty Team
1993-1997 Developed & Directed Middle-Secondary Severe Disability Special Education Licensure Program
Review Boards (guest reviewer unless indicated otherwise)
High School Journal (2015-present) American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (2011-present) Journal of School Violence, Editorial Board (2009-present) Journal of Vocational Needs Personnel, Editorial Board (Editorial Board, 2002-2008) Career Development for Exceptional Individuals (1997,1998) Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Disabilities (1988,1999) Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions (1998- present) Mental Retardation/American Journal on Mental Retardation (1993,1994, 1995) Journal of Applied Behavioral Analysis (1992,1993)
Professional Affiliations(current)
Council for Exceptional Children: Division for Career Development and Transition Council for Exceptional Children: Division of Teacher Education and Development Council for Exceptional Children: Division of Research Association for Positive Behavior Support
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Oregon Vocational Association for Special Needs Personnel Association for Retarded Citizens (Oregon and National) Oregon Association of Career and Technical Education
Professional Service Activities: State and Local Levels
2013-2015 Member of the Oregon legislative task force on High School and Transition Success for Students with Disabilities
Committee charged by the Oregon State Legislature to review current status make recommendations regarding policy, practices and professional development needed o increase the success of the transition of students with disabilities from high school to higher education and employment
2008-2010 Board Member, Oregon Association of Career and Technical Education
2008- 2009 Member, Credit for Proficiency Task Force, Oregon Department of Education
Committee of individuals charged by the Oregon State Board of Education to make recommendations on criteria and guidelines for the new Oregon diploma regarding credit for proficiency
2007-2008 Member, Carl D. Perkins IV Policy Advisory Committee, Oregon Department of Education
Committee of individuals appointed by the Superintendent of Education to review the work of committees in order to develop the state plan for Carl Perkins Act Funds.
2007 Member, Diploma Task Force, Oregon Department of Education (appointed by Assistant Superintendent, Oregon Department of Education)
This committee was formed at the request of the Deputy of Education who supervises special education in the state of Oregon. The purpose of the committee was to examine the impact of the new diploma requirements on students with disabilities and recommendations for implementation of these including guidelines for an alternative diploma.
2006.2007 Member, Stakeholder Workgroup for Oregon IDEA State Performance Plan (invited by Assistant Superintendent, Oregon Department of Education)
This committee was established to review information related to the outcome measures and assist in setting the targets for each of the IDEA indicators and the strategies to collect and report this information as part of the state plan for IDEA.
2005-2006 Member, Oregon State Schools (Deaf and Blind) Study Committee, Oregon Department of Education (appointed by Superintendent of Education)
The role of this committee was established at the request the superintendent in response to a budget note from the legislature. The purpose of the committee was to
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review the operation, cost and effectiveness of education programs at Oregon’s School for the Deaf (OSD) and School for the Blind (OSB)
2004-2009 Member, Lane County Development Disabilities Quality Assurance Team, Lane County Health and Human Services
The role of this committee is to review data from County Off ice of Developmental Disabilities in order to monitor quality assurance benchmarks and to recommend opportunities for improvement at both individuals and systems level related to health and safety of individuals with developmental disabilities in Lane County.
2004-2005 Member, Stakeholder Workgroup for Oregon IDEA State Performance Plan (invited by Assistant Superintendent, Oregon Department of Education)
This committee was established to review information related to the outcome measures and assist in setting the targets for each of the IDEA indicators and the strategies to collect and report this information as part of the state plan for IDEA.
2003- 2009 Member, State Advisory Council for Special Education, Oregon Department of Education
Committee established as required under IDEA to review aspect of statewide program of special education, provide policy guidance with respect to special education and related services in Oregon and advise the Superintendent and the State Board of Education on such programs. Position appointed by State Superintendent of Education.
2002 Member, Full Steering Committee for Continuous Improvement Monitoring Process, Oregon Department of Education
Committee is established by Oregon Department of Education in conjunction with the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs monitoring process. The purpose of the committee was to analyze the status of Oregon’s compliance of IDEA and make recommendations.
2000-2009 Member, Lane County Development Disabilities Serious Event Review Team, Lane County Health Services.
The role of this committee is to review responses to serious events and licensure in order to identify and recommend opportunities for improvement at both individuals and systems level related to health and safety of individuals with developmental disabilities in Lane County.
1999-2000 Member, Lane County Development Advisory Committee, Lane County Health Services.
Advisory committee for the Office of Developmental Disabilities. Assisted with review of issues and concerns of administration and problem solved solutions.
1999 Member, Oregon Perkins Recommendation Committee, Oregon Department of Education
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Committee of individuals appointed by the Superintendent of Education to review the work of committees in order to develop the state plan for Carl Perkins Act Funds. Position appointed by State Superintendent of Education.
1996 Member, Office of Professional Technical Education Work Team, Oregon Department of Education.
Work sessions to establish criteria and standards for the Certificate of Advance Mastery (CAM) career endorsement areas of study.
1993- 1998 Member, State Management Team for School-to-Work, Oregon Department of Education
Committee established by Oregon Department of Education that oversaw implementation of School-to-Work grant in Oregon. The team met monthly to manage ongoing implementation and evaluation.
1992.1995 Board Member, Oregon Technical Assistance Corporation (OTAC)
OTAC is a nonprofit organization that promotes full participation in community life for individuals with disabilities, through training, technical assistance, and related services.
1987.1993 Board Member, McKenzie Personnel Systems, Supported Employment Agency
McKenzie Personnel Systems is a nonprofit agency that provides supported employment services to individuals with disabilities.
Other Professional Service Activities
2000-present Grant review for Office of Special Education Programs
2003 State Development Team for Effective Assessment Grant: Alternate Assessment Collaborative, Colorado Department of Education
2001 Member, Rehabilitative Services Administration Grant Peer Review
1999-present Member, Office of Special Education Programs Grant Peer Review Standing Panel
1996 Member, School-to-Work Grant Peer Review