If You Declare with Your Mouth, Jesus Is Lord, and Believe in Your Heart That God Raised
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oiuytre M family we have the privilege of witnessing the baptisms of Madelyn Elizabeth Bresser, daughter of Nate & Melissa, Haddie Marie Buteyn, daughter Welcome to Bethel ofChristian Ben & Leah, Reformed Charles Church William on Hoekstra, Sunday, son January of Steve 20,& Cortnie, 2013. and This Cade is theRobert Hopp, son of Ryan & Ashley. Please pray for these families and day the Lord has made!encourage If you them are ashearing they commit impaired, their contactchildren toone their of Heavenlythe ushers Father. and they will direct you to a personalBethel listening Community device. Please contact an usher if you have visual problems and need a large print Bible, hymnal, or bulletin. If you are visiting with us, please fill out your information in the friendshipWeek register Attendancefound at the end of Offeringyour pew . Children ages Attendance three Offering Jan 13 AM 260 $8,880.15 PM 44 $177.00 through five are invited to attend Walk Out Worship during (Total the Offering) morning service. Al Venhuizen (Total Offering) $336.00 If you declare 114.00 (Bethany Christian Services) Happening this (The week: Union) with your Today: Sunday School & Catechism mouth, 11:00 am - Choir “Jesus is Elder Family Visitation for January 28, 2013 held Monday:at Church6:00 pm - Friendship Lunch will be served between the two appointments.Wed: 9:00 am - Coffee Break & Story Lord," and Hour believe in Elder Districts 7:00 pm - BYPS
1 2 3 4 your heart Helping with Worship 6:30PM Mark Buwalda Mike Kartechner Laura Leonard Pam Young that God and Fellowship raised him 7:30PM Lambert DeJager Wayne Kastein Wayne Mulder Next Jean Sunday Schraugnagel from the January 27, 2013 Elders will meet at the following locations: 1/Visser&Greenfield-SS Room, 2/Bos &Baber-Lounge, dead, you will 3/Minnema&Smits-Consistory Room, 4/Posthuma&Dull-Nursery be saved. AM Offering : Education Ministry PM Offering: CRWRC Romans 10:9 Please contact Laura at (920) 324-4962 or [email protected] if you are unable to make your visit. Thank you, AM Ushers: Jeff Homan, Dave Bethel Family The Elders of Bethel Kartechner & Nick Hull Please extend a PM Ushers: Elders warm Christian All are welcome for a fun night of games/cards with the Youth GroupAM on Greeters:Wednesday, Randy January & Diane 30th at 6:30pm at Bethel. Bring your favorite game and welcome to be ready for a night of fun! Mentors this would be a great night to connectPosthuma with your youth. Questions, please call Dave at 920-904-0442. Nate & Melissa Fellowship Committee will meet at church on Tuesday, January 29th AMat 7:00pm. Kid Greeters Bresser from EAST aisle: Levi Vander Galien Alto Reformed Small Group Bible Study: Interested into diving into God's Word whileWEST in aisle: fellowship Zach Holtan with others? Then "r12" Bible study is for you. We will be Church and starting on February 24th through May 5th meeting every other week. ThereMIDDLE are aisle: many Adreanna ways Holtanyou can get involved: attend, host a group, lead a group, Ryan & Ashley host/lead a group, or help out with childcare. If you are interested in gettingPM involved Greeters: please Elders contact someone on the education committee (Pastor Brower, Hopp from First Mark Buteyn, Pat Medema, Dan & Nancy Smits, Dan TenNapel, and BeckyAM Nursery: Vander Jeff Werff). & Jen Navis, Once we have leaders/hosts we will pass out information Reformed about days and times of bible studies that are available. Cassie Kartechner, Karen Heuver, Church of Women's Study Group will start a new study entitled "Deeper Still",Brittni sometime Kooiman, in February. Sophie Vander We will meet bi-weekly for six sessions. There is a sign- Waupun. The up sheet located on the black wire grid bulletin board in the southeast cornerGalien of the narthex. Books are located in the church office; feel free to take a Council received book and start on the lessons. Contact Nancy Oosterhouse for more details.PM Nursery: Lydia Greenfield their PP & Audio: Corey & Jared th membership The Garden, our Bethel CRC Church Plant, would like to welcome you to worship with them. They are located at 402 E. 9 Street in Fond du Lac. transfers and has The morning worship service begins at 9:00am. During the service they offerAM Organist: Nursery Sandy for ages Alsum birth-2 years and Sprouts (Children’s Worship) for ages 3 rd PM Organist: Betty Kemink accepted them years-3 grade. Hope to see you there! into the Bethel Library/January: Gert Mulder Community family. Funny Comb, the CWC Improv Team will be presenting their first performanceWalk out Worship: in the Crusader Centre on Monday, January 21 st at 7:00pm. Come out, This morning laugh a little, cry a little, just enjoy yourself as you see what these talentedLeader: young Mary people Brower have to share. It will be a great night for everyone! as a church Helpers: Abby, Libby & Ruthie Brower Did you know Looking for more ways to serve? Consider going on a mission trip with others from the community to Christ Outreach for the Blind, a camp that gives that the CWC the blind and disabled the opportunity to participate in the camp experience, April 7-13. The camp is located in the mountains of Mt. Vernon, KY and they Forensic Team have work for everyone! The trip is organized by Trinity Reformed Church – contact Jim Nummerdor (324-3264) or Megan Bruins (324-2400) for more has been the information. Conference Ladies, are you feeling cabin fever already? Need a boost? We've got the perfect mood lifter for you at GEMS Women's Night of Worship led by 2H2H Champs for the sensation Sam and Brette Sterk. Jot on your calendars- Wednesday, February 6th at 6:30pm at Bethel CRC in Waupun. Ladies and girls of all ages are last 4 years? welcome to join us for this hour. You won't regret it! Let's fill the house for the GEMS girls! If you have questions, contact Annie Syens at 318-2289. You are invited to see the talent Do you know someone who is going through a divorce or separation and needs healing? DivorceCare, a special weekly help seminar is being offered that these for 13 consecutive weeks, starting on Tuesday, January 29, 2013. The time will be 6:30-8:30pm and will be held at Faith Community Church at 401 Stone students and Street in Beaver Dam. DivorceCare is a video seminar series featuring some of the nation's foremost experts on divorce and recovery topics as seen from Mrs. Tessmann a biblical perspective. The video seminars are combined with support group discussions of the materials presented during the video program. Topics have worked so include "Facing My Anger", "Facing My Loneliness", "New Relationships", "KidCare", and "Forgiveness". There is no need to register. Call Tim at 920- hard at for this 296-5961 or e-mail [email protected] for more information. year’s WORLD RENEW Syria Crisis Response - Thousands of Syrian families are facing one of the coldest winters in decades. Having been forced from competition on their homes by ongoing conflict, they are now living in tents and make-shift shelters. World Renew (formerly CRWRC) is working through local Monday, Christian churches in Syria and Lebanon to meet the urgent need for food, shelter, blankets, and other assistance. Additional support is needed. Please January 28th in give by calling 1-800-552-7972, visiting worldrenew.net/syriaconflict, or mailing your check marked, "Syria Conflict 2012," to World Renew, 2850 the CWC Kalamazoo SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49560-0600. Commons at Are you worried about who will take care of your kids should something happen to you? Don Long, a Christian attorney from Barnabas Foundation, 6:30pm. We is going to be in our area the week of February 11-14 to meet with families to help them address this very important task of establishing an Estate Plan would like to which appoints guardians and trustees. For more information please call Barnabas Foundation toll-free at 1-888-448-3040 to schedule a conversation with invite all family, Don. extended family, friends and THE BANNER - Write for The Banner: The Banner is seeking a news writer for your region. If you like to write and have a passion for telling stories anyone of how God is at work in the Christian Reformed churches in your area, we’d like to hear from you. We’d especially welcome writers from diverse ethnic interested to backgrounds. Email expressions of interest to news editor Gayla Postma at [email protected]. Please include a resume or letter outlining your news enjoy the writing experience and some recent samples of your work. Forensics Team The Randolph Community Choir invites you to join them for the Easter Cantata "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross." Rehearsals begin on Sunday, at work. January 20 at 5:30pm and are held at Randolph First Reformed Church. If you have any questions, please call Chris Geleynse at 326-3691. A TIME FOR 2: Celebrate God's Design for marriage with the Valentine Couples getaway at beautiful Green Lake Conference January 20, 2013 Center on 9:30 a.m. Worship Service February 15-17, 2013. For more information visit www.glcc.org or Prelude *Call to Worship call 920-294- *Opening Song #95 (stanzas 1-3) 7230. Now with Joyful Exultation *God's Romans 10:5-13 Greeting *We Greet One Sermon Another Reflections on the Water *Time of Praise Helping with Worship and Here I *Song of Response #588 Fellowship this morning Am to Worship Tell Your Children How *Benediction Greeters: John & Lori Posthuma Great Is Our God *Closing Song #453 How Let All Things Now Living Kid Greeters Great Thou Art *Postlude East aisle: Brenna Groenewold Baptisms of West aisle: Brock Hoekstra Madelyn Middle aisle: Maxwell Vander Werff Elizabeth #Psalter Bresser, Haddie () Songs for Worship Book Ushers: Mike Dull, Mark Vander Werff & Marie *Those who are able, please stand Loren Smith Buteyn, Charles William Hoekstra Nursery: Chad & Rhonda Guse, Carrie & Cade Robert Perry, Sheryl Ganz, Caleb Abel, Emma Hopp Westover Special Music PP & Audio: Jay & Kyle by the Sunday January 20, 2013 School Kids 7:00 p.m. WorshipOrganist: Service Marilyn Smits Welcome to the Welcome Al VenhuizenLibrary/January: Gert Mulder Family Congregational Walk Out Worship: & Offertory Prelude Leader: Karen Heuver Prayer *Call to Worship Helpers: Rachelle & Shelby Buwalda Offering: 1) *God’s Greeting General Fund *We Greet Each Other 2) *Opening Song #253 Christian Home Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Offertory: Helping with Worship and Congregational & Offertory Prayer Fellowship this evening Alysa Vander Offering: Building Fund Galien *Song of Preparation #461 *Song of Greeters: Beautiful Savior Elders Preparation #231 Scripture How Ushers: Great Is the Love Mark 5:24-34 Elders of the Father Sermon Nursery: Walk No Hidden Healing Breanna Kooiman Out Worship is excused. *Song of Response #373 (stanzas 1, 5 & 7) PP & Audio: Lift High the Cross Jay & Kyle Scripture *Apostles' Creed *Benediction Organist: Marilyn Smits *Closing Song #322 God, the Father of Your People~ Lisa Rens, who continues to deal with stage IV colon cancer. She has taken a break from her chemo treatments and will resume them again on January 21. *Silent ~ Kevin De Boer, Waupun Elementary school teacher and Varsity baseball coach, who was Meditation & diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer Reflection ~ for all those who have been sick or had procedures, for continued recovery *Postlude Those suffering from chronic illnesses… ~ Sawyer Lange ~ Kristin Sauer ~ Dick Ritzema # Psalter ~ Michelle DeKok ( ) Songs for ~ Trinity Lange Worship Book Those unable to attend worship services… *Those who are ~ Bernice Loomans - Christian Homestead able, please stand ~ Bonnie Luteyn - Oakwood Village in Madison ~ Dick & Edith Ritzema - Christian Home ~ Leah Kemink - Whippoorwill House ~ Shirley Oosterhouse - Continental Manor U.S. Military, either stateside or abroad… ~ Austin Page, grandson of Henry and Alice Heeringa, who recently enlisted in the Marines and is in basic training at Camp Pendleton in California ~ Erin DeVries, daughter of Glenn and Pat DeVries--currently stationed at Great Lakes Naval Base, North Chicago, IL ~ Brendon Kemink, grandson of Bud and Betty Kemink, and his family--currently stationed in Virginia Beach, VA ~ Bryce Kemink, grandson of Bud and Betty Kemink--stationed in Japan, deployment destination not able to be disclosed ~ Ashlyn DeVries, granddaughter of Annabelle DeVries--currently stationed in Fort Lewis, WA ~ Andrew DeVries, grandson of Annabelle DeVries--who is currently home and serves one weekend a month ~ Chaplain Peter Hofman, currently stationed in Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Please To have your name added/deleted or have other changes made to the prayer list, please contact Laura Hoekstra @ 324-4962 or [email protected]. Office Hours are: M/T/W/TH from 10:00 am - 2:30 pm. Please have all bulletin announcements in by 9:00 am on Thursday to ensure they are included in the bulletin. Pray For: ~ safety and the work of the Spirit in the lives of Danielle Smits and her fellow students who in Quito, Ecuador Those mourning the loss of loved ones… ~ the family of Scott Odiorne ~ John Smits, who lost his sister Margaret Cupery ~ please continue to remember our many church families who are still in mourning Those recovering from injury, surgery, or illness… ~ William Kastein, son of Florence Kastein, who is at the Fond du Lac Care Center after being hospitalized for breathing difficulties ~ Ann Melton, daughter of Florence Kastein, who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer ~ Emily Kasper, 3 year old daughter of a co-worker of Jill Walker, who found out the spot on her very aggressive form of cancer ~ Joe Scheradella, grandfather of Derek Minnema, who is dealing with lung cancer ~ Brian Kartechner, who is recovering from a back injury suffered during a car accident