Principal Lead Teachers Meeting
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Wednesday - December 8, 2010
Participants: Lisa Hoskins Pressley Ridge @ White Oak Row Harman Anthony Correctional Pam Abston Pressley Ridge @ Grant Gardens Chris Good Pressley Ridge @ Grant Gardens Kari Rice OIEP Kellie Tetrick OIEP John Marra Board of Child Care Jacob Green OIEP Duane Maxey OIEP Rhonda Mahan OIEP Lyn Guy Davis Stuart Ron Whetzel Burlington Center Fran Warsing OIEP Rebecca Derenge OIEP Katherine Blankenship WV Industrial for Youth Jared Hughes OIEP J. P. Tenney Elkins Mountain School Robert Buckland Beckley Center Kent Moreno Potomac Center Joe Michael Rubenstein Center Matt Kittle Academy Programs Bill DesRochers Barboursville School
Pam Abston introduced Chris Good the new Assistant Principal at Pressley Ridge @ Grant Gardens, Donald R. Kuhn, and Tiger Morton. Fran introduced Kellie Tetrick, the new Coordinator of Research, Assessment, and Staff Development in central office. Also introduced were Dr. Lyn Guy, principal at Davis Stuart and Ron Whetzel, principal at Burlington Center.
Jared Hughes - State mandate Jan 1 all IEPs will be done online. Two teachers piloted the new system. There will be a core team selected who will attend state trainings and will be used regionally to answer questions. Steering committee will develop a step by step guide for submitting the online IEP.
Jared has developed a step by step guide for Medicaid on WVEIS. Contact Jared if you need this guide. CSADA files were distributed. Internal monitoring at all schools will be done by the steering committee. Store all information for 3 years, and submit new information. This will be due to OIEP in early March. If you have questions contact Bobby Buckland or Jared Hughes. We want the information to be 100% correct when the committee comes to monitor. Exit surveys – exiting special education through graduation and aging out. Need to have the students complete student exit surveys. Either print them out and fill out by hand or online, it is a one page document.
We are building a guidance document to give instruction on how to do the necessary things in WVEIS. Contact Jared, Jacob, or Dewayne if you would like a copy when finished.
Ted Price – Leadership Department – WVU – Survey report Survey results were teacher perceptions’ of principal behaviors Administered to all Juvenile facility teaching staff in November 82 individuals responded to the survey. Discussion of the process occurred and concerns were voiced.
Becky Derenge gave a powerpoint presentation on the new Counselor Standards. These standards have been approved by the State Board of Education. Defined roles of the counselors and transition specialists are needed. That way everyone knows what is required of them and what their duties are. This PowerPoint will be available on the OIEP File Cabinet if you would like to reference it in the future. If you have any questions, call Becky and she will be glad to help you.
Dewayne – Schools are doing a good job including differentiated learning in lesson plans. Kudos to Academy Programs for having excellent lesson plans. We received excellent comments about OIEP at the State Board meeting .
WVEIS – Please contact central office for training if you need it or any of your staff.
Travel Reimbursement – please be sure it is filled out completely. We are working on changing procedures in central office to this effect.
Please let your secretary know that purchase orders will no longer be accepted faxed, will need to be mailed.
Professional development planning committee will include more staff members in order for all to feel that they have a voice. The next planning meeting will be held on January 21 in Charleston at the Marriott.
Credit Recovery- we are part of a pilot program. Five schools participating. DHHR facilities are the ones that are part of this program. If you are having problems with public schools not accepting credit call central office. WE will try to contact someone to help with this.
Dewayne Duncan met with Title One schools and several individuals were given Ewalk training.
December 9, 2010 – All Principals
Participants: Duane Maxey OIEP Mike Shaffer Central Regional Jail Mark Hedrick Northern Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Robert Buckland Beckley Center Lori Loomis Lakin Correctional Margie Youngs Martinsburg Correctional Lyn Guy Davis Stuart Karen Boone Pruntytown Correctional Kathryn Toler Mt. Olive Correctional Christopher Blake Mt. Olive Correctional Row Harman Anthony Correctional Lisa Hoskins Pressley Ridge @ White Oak Kellie Tetrick OIEP Kari Rice OIEP Fran Warsing OIEP Rebecca Derenge OIEP Dewayne Duncan OIEP Jared Hughes OIEP Christopher Good Pressley Ridge @ Grant Gardens Katherine Blankenship WV Industrial Home for Youth Kenneth Holbrook Huttonsville Correctional Greg Curry Denmar Correctional Joe Michael Rubenstein Center Bill DesRochers Barboursville School Matt Kittle Academy Programs Kent Moreno Potomac Center Ron Whetzel Burlington School John Marra Board of Child Care Jacob Green OIEP
Discussion of the GED in Juvenile Facilities policy and procedure. Corrections will be made and will be given to principals at the next meeting.
The policy and procedure on Aftercare of Youth and Adults was distributed. Comments will be received and then a final copy will be distributed.
Purchasing Updates - Duane Maxey Overview of the bid process was given to principals and information Shipping charges are included in your quote. If PO over $25,000 notify central office, bid specs will need to be written. (Not on statewide contracts) If supplies can be bought at Office Max, do not put items on a PO with another company. Receiving report must be sent, must include all items on that purchase each time even if items are shipped. Must be signed in blue ink. Furniture – Correctional Industries and 2 other companies are on the statewide contract. When ordering you must take the lowest. Move contract – surplus property, up to agency to get stuff to Dunbar. 3 bids off bid contract – contact Dunbar on time and date that things can be brought then schedule the moving company. Every PO has to have a printout showing they are in FIMS and TEAM – done at central office Service Agreements – need two originals –On the agreement, you can no longer say per invoice, put one of the following: (per actual expenses incurred, per course, per student, etc.)
Hospitality – Must list number of state and non state attendees – state attendees are only OIEP employees at central office. You must have a sign in sheets at any meeting, it will need to be included when you submit for payment. In juvenile facilities just state the number of juvenile attendees.
Employee reimbursement – if last minute items are purchased, send hospitality in with employee reimbursement.
Budgets sheets were distributed. The balances are from FIMS as of Tuesday. Take back to secretaries and have them compare with internal spreadsheets. If a large difference in the balances, collect documentation and we will investigate.
Last PO will need to be submitted to central office during the last of March and first of April 2011.
Lori Wiggins, Executive Director, Office of Professional Preparation gave a presentation on the new Teacher Standards. Discussion was held on the current evaluation system for teachers. Comments were given on what could be added and changes that could be made to make the process more effective and more relevant.
Conference 2011 – Reservations can now be made, fill out registration forms and send directly to Judy Burkle. Find the form on the CEA website. There is a list of hotels on website. If staying at the Embassy Suites you will need to room with someone because of the extra cost. Every school will need to send a list to Kellie Tetrick of where their employees are staying and who they are rooming with. There will be no direct bill for rooms. Each person must make their own reservations. All the sessions will be at the Civic Center. There is a form for anyone who would like to do a workshop, send to Bobby Buckland due May 1, 2011.
We encourage anyone who can to apply for a state credit card. If you are rejected, there is a process that we can try other avenues to help you.
July 17-20, 2011 are the dates for the conference.
Teacher of the Year application form is included in meeting packet. 2012 TOY – will be announced at the conference in July – send completed forms to Mike Shaffer, the address is on the form.
Work Keys – A list of who is participating in Work Keys was distributed. If not participating now, can participate in the future just let Fran know. Prior to taking Work Keys the adult facilities must fill out form and mail to Zena Harris. Juvenile facilities must notify Michele Wilson and tell her they are testing and she will send the forms you need. After testing return to Michele Wilson for grading. You must put in WVEIS that this person has taken the Work Keys test. No certificate can be issued if information is not in WVEIS.
If person is a CTE completer, WVDE will pay for it. IF not, do a PO to WVUP for payment. Tests are $15.00 each which is $45.00 per person (3 tests). If questions, call Fran. OIEP and new division – The name of our division is Career Technical, Adult and Institutional Education Programs – Dr. D’Antoni would like to change the name of our office. Let Fran know if you have any suggestions. New logo was also discussed.
Any technology request, order or fix equipment, needs to be done on the technology request form. Software is to be included with this. Do this through Gary so we can get things that we can use etc.
December 10, 2010
Duane Maxey OEIP Mike Shaffer Central Regional Jail Rhonda Mahan OIEP Lori Loomis Lakin Correctional Margie Youngs Martinsburg Correctional Karen Boone Pruntytown Correctional Kathryn Toler Mt Olive Correctional Mark Hendricks Northern Regional Jail Kari Rice OIEP Fran Warsing OIEP Dewayne Duncan OIEP Rebecca Derenge OIEP Jared Hughes OIEP Greg Curry Denmar Correctional Kenneth Holbrook Huttonsville Correctional Row Harman Anthony Correctional Chris Blake Mt. Olive Correctional
Overview of the book study that is being done by Jacob. The book is called the Outliers. Everyone signed up for a WebTop account. Books are ordered and will be sent when they arrive.
Job Fairs - discussion of how often they are held and what they do. Suggestions were made to the facilities that have not recently had a job fair.
Early Parole starting in January 2011. If you are getting questions, refer them to unit manager. One required program is 99 Days. Discussion of giving this training at regional jails.
TABE testing – Fran Warsing – Can fill out waiver forms if need to do TABE testing earlier. Do not use a waiver form for every student, only when necessary.
Website for EDGE credit was distributed Make sure that you are absolutely completing the classes. Keep some type of certification in your files so there will be a record. Email Fran the name of anyone who receives EDGE credit, we will do the certificates and send back to the principal. Database – meeting on the 20th to check what has been worked on. At our next meeting we should have a printout of what we have so far. Do your data quarterly.
The next meeting will be in March in Charleston. More information will follow.