Maurice Barry Mittelmark

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Maurice Barry Mittelmark

Maurice Barry Mittelmark


Department of Health Promotion and Development Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen Christiesgt. 13, N-5020 Bergen, Norway

Telephone: +47 55 58 32 51 Facsimile: +47 55 58 98 87 Mobile: +47 95 13 92 25 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]


. Professor, Department of Health Promotion and Development, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen


. Bachelor of Science (general psychology), University of Houston, Houston, Texas, 1974 . Master of Arts (social psychology), University of Houston, Houston, Texas, 1977 . Doctor of Philosophy (social, community and health psychology), University of Houston, Houston, Texas, 1978


. American Psychological Association Division 38 Research Award, 1977 . Fellow (FCEP), Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, American Heart Association, from 1982 . Fellow (FACE), American College of Epidemiology, from 1986 . Teaching Excellence Prize, University of Bergen, Faculty of Psychology, 2003 . Honorary Academician (HonFRSH), Royal Society for Public Health, from 2007 . Teaching Excellence Prize, University of Bergen, Faculty of Psychology, 2011 . Curriculum Development Excellence Award (Master’s Programme in Global Development Theory and Practice (curriculum development leader MB Mittelmark with curriculum development members H Haukanes and M Daniel), Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, 2015



Mittelmark, MB. The Bergen Social Relationships Scale (BSRS): A short questionnaire for the measurement of psychosocial stress in epidemiological studies. Bergen Open Research Archive (BORA), 2016,

The Handbook of Salutogenesis. MB Mittelmark, S Sagy, M Eriksson, G Bauer, J Pelikan, B Lindström, G Espnes (Eds.) Springer Publishing, New York, in press.

Mittelmark MB. Introduction to the handbook of salutogenesis (Chapter 1, ibid).

Mittelmark MB and Bauer G. The meanings of salutogenesis (Chapter 2, ibid).

Mittelmark MB, Bull T, Bouwman L. Emerging ideas relevant to the salutogenic model of health (Chapter 6, ibid).

Mittelmark MB, Bull T, Daniel M, Urke H. Specific resistance resources in the salutogenic model of health (Chapter 9, ibid).

Eriksson M and Mittelmark MB. The sense of coherence and its measurement (Chapter 12, ibid).

Cimadamore AD, Mittelmark MB, Lie GT, Ottemöller FPG. Development and Sustainability: The Challenge of Social Change. Zed Books, London, 2016.

Cimadamore AD, Ottemöller FPG, Lie GT, Mittelmark MB. Development and sustainability science: knowledge for positive change (Chapter 1, ibid).

Lie GT, Cimadamore AD, Mittelmark MB, Ottemöller FPG. Sustainability and transdisciplinary knowledge: experience gained and challenges ahead. Chapter 7, ibid).

Mittelmark MB. Addiction and Lifestyles in Contemporary Europe: Reframing Addictions Project (ALICE RAP). Final Evaluation Report Deliverable 21.1, Work Package 21. Bergen Open Research Archive (BORA), 2016,

Bakhturidze G. Peikrishvili N, Mittelmark M. The influence of public opinion on tobacco control policy-making in Georgia: Perspectives of governmental and non-governmental stakeholders. Tobacco Prevention and Cessation 2016; 2(January):1. DOI:


Urke, Helga B., and Maurice B. Mittelmark. "Associations between intimate partner violence, childcare practices and infant health: findings from Demographic and Health Surveys in Bolivia, Colombia and Peru." BMC public health 15.1 (2015): 819.

2 Amugsi, Dickson Abanimi, Maurice B. Mittelmark, and Abraham Oduro. "Association between Maternal and Child Dietary Diversity: An Analysis of the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey." PloS one 10.8 (2015): e0136748.

Corbin, J. Hope, Maurice B. Mittelmark, and Gro T. Lie. "Grassroots volunteers in context: rewarding and adverse experiences of local women working on HIV and AIDS in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania." Global health promotion (2015): 1757975915569514.

Benz, Carina; Bull, Torill; Mittelmark, Maurice B; Vaandrager, Lenneke. Culture in salutogenesis: The scholarship of Aaron Antonovsky. Global Health Promotion 2015, 21.(4):16-23.


Mittelmark MB. Unintended effects in settings-based health promotion. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2014; 42 (Suppl 15, peer reviewed):17-24.

Amugsi DA, Mittelmark MB, Lartey A. Dietary Diversity is a predictor of acute malnutrition in rural but not in urban setting: Evidence from Ghana. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, 2014;4(25):4310-4324. DOI:

Matanda DJ, Mittelmark MB, Kigaru DMD. Breast- complementary and bottle-feeding practices in Kenya: stagnant trends were experienced from 1998 to 2009. Nutrition Research, 2014;14:507-517.

Amugsi DA. Mittelmark MB, Lartey A, Matanda DJ, Urke HB. Influence of childcare practices on nutritional status of Ghanian Children: A regression analysis of the Ghana Demographic and health Surveys. BMJ Open, 2014;4: doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005340.

Matanda DJ, Mittelmark MB, Urke HB, Amugsi DA. Reliability of demographic and socioeconomic variables in predicting early initiation of breastfeeding: a replication analysis using the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey data. BMJ Open, 2014;4: doi.10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005194.

Benz C, Bull T, Mittelmark MB, Vaandrager L. Culture in Salutogenesis: The Scholarship of Aaron Antonovsky. Global Health Promotion. 2014, DOI: 10.1177/1757975914528550.

Urke H, Mittelmark MB, Valdivia M. Trends in stunting and overweight in Peruvian pre- schoolers from 1991-2011: Findings from the Demographic and Health Surveys. Public Health Nutrition, 2014, doi:10.1017/S1368980014000275.

Matanda D, Mittelmark MB and Kigaru DM. Child undernutrition in Kenya: trend analyses from 1993 to 2008-09. BMC Pediatrics 2014, 14:5 doi:10.1186/1471-2431-14-5.


Bull T, Mittelmark MB, Gmatieyindu PS. (2013) Vulnerable old women of northern Ghana at risk of being ostracized for witchcraft: How wise village leadership brings them back from the brink. In G.Kreps and MJ Dutta (Eds.) Reducing Health Disparities: Communication Intervention. Peter Lang, New York.

3 Corbin JH, Mittelmark MB, Lie G. Mapping synergy and Antagony in North-South partnerships for health: a case study of the Tanzanian women’s NGO KIWEAKKUKI. Health Promotion International, 2013;28(1):51-60.

Urke HB, Bull T, Mittelmark MB. Child diet and healthy growth in the context of rural poverty in the Peruvian Andes: What influences primary caregivers’ opportunities and choices? Global Health Promotion, 2013, 20(3):5-13.

Mittelmark MB. The Norwegian programme for research cooperation with India (INDNOR): A launching pad for expanded partnerships for health. Health for the Millions, 2013, 39;3:22-27.

Amugsi DA, Mittelmark MB, Lartey A. An analysis of socio-demographic patterns in child malnutrition trends using Ghana demographic and health survey data in the period 1993— 2008. BMC Public Health 2013, 13:960 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-13-960.

Mittelmark MB and Bull T. The salutogenic model of health in health promotion research. Global Health Promotion, 2013;20(2):30-38.

Wilson A and Mittelmark MB. Resources for adjusting well to work migration: Women from Northern Ghana working in head porterage in Greater Accra. Africa Today, 2013, 59(4):25-38.

Bakhturidze G, Mittelmark MB, Aarø LE and Peikrishvili NT. Attitudes towards smoking restrictions and tobacco advertisement bans in Georgia. BMJ Open, 2013;3: e003461. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003461.

Bakibinga P, Vinje H, Mittelmark MB. The role of religion in the work lives and coping of Ugandan nurses and midwives. Journal of Religion and Health, 2013. DOI 10.1007/s10943- 013-9728-8.

Servan A and Mittelmark MB. (2013) Resources for coping among women ex-offenders. International Journal of mental Health Promotion, DOI:10.1080/14623730.2013.781871.

Bull T, Mittelmark MB, Kanyeka NE. Assets for well-being for women living in deep poverty: through a salutogeneic looking glass. Critical Public Health, 2013. DOI:10.1080/09581596.2013.771811


Bakhturidze G Peikrishvili NT, Mittelmark MB, Aarø LE. The public's attitudes towards tobacco sales restrictions: Evidence from a nationally representative survey in the former Soviet state of Georgia. Tobacco Control and Public Health in Eastern Europe 2012; 2(2): 99- 108.

Mittelmark MB, Amaral-Sabadini MBD, Anderson P, Gual A, Braddick F, Matrai S, Ysa T. Computer-mediated communication in ALICE RAP: A methodology to enhance the quality of large-scale transdisciplinary research. The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, 2012;17(3), 291, article 3. Available at style/mittelmark_cmc_alice_rap5_1nov12v17i3a3.pdf.

4 Corbin JH, Mittelmark MB, Lie Gro Th. Scaling-up and rooting-down: a case study of North- South partnerships for health from Tanzania. Global Health Action 2012, 5: 18369 -

Bakibinga P, Vinje HF, Mittelmark M. Factors contributing to job engagement in Ugandan nurses and midwives. IRSN Public Health, 2012, Article ID 372573, doi:10.5402/2012/372573.

Bakibinga P, Vinje HF, Mittelmark MB. Self-tuning for job engagement: Ugandan nurses’ self- care strategies in coping with work stress. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 2012. DOI:10.1080/14623730.2012.682754.

Corwin L, Corbin JH, Mittelmark MB. Producing synergy in collaborations: A successful hospital innovation. The Innovation Journal, 2012:17(1), style/lise_corwin_v17i1a5.pdf

Mittelmark MB (2012) From associations to processes. In: b Wold and O Samdal (eds.) An Ecological Perspective on Health Promotion Systems, Settings and Social Processes, pp 11-16. Bentham Science Publishers.

Mittelmark MB, Wold B, Samdal O (2012) The ecology of health promotion. In: b Wold and O Samdal (eds.) An Ecological Perspective on Health Promotion Systems, Settings and Social Processes, pp 85-89. Bentham Science Publishers.


Bakibinga P, Mittelmark MB, Vinje H. Lessons for building and retention of a stronger health workforce: job engagement among thriving nurses in Uganda. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 2011;16(Supp 1):339.

Urke HB, Bull T, Mittelmark MB. Socioeconomic status and chronic child malnutrition: wealth and maternal education matter more in the Peruvian Andes than nationally. Nutrition Research, 2011,31(10):741-747.

Aanes MM, Hetland J, Pallesen S, Mittelmark MB. Does loneliness mediate the stress-sleep quality relation? The Hordaland Health Study. International Psychogeriatrics, 2011;23(6):994- 1002.


Mittelmark MB and Bull T. Social determinants of rest deprivation amongst Ghanaian women: national and urban-rural comparisons with data from a cross-sectional nationally representative study. BMC Public Health, 2010, 10:580.

Stang I, Mittelmark MB. Intervention to Enhance Empowerment in Breast Cancer Self-Help Groups. Nursing Inquiry. Nursing Inquiry, 2010, 17(1), 47-57.

Aanes M, Mittelmark MB, Hetland J. Interpersonal stress and health: The mediating role of loneliness. European Psychologist, 2010, 15(1), 3-11.

5 Bull T and Mittelmark MB (eds.) Living Conditions and Determinants of Social Position Amongst Women of Child-bearing Age in Very Poor Ruralities: Qualitative Exploratory Studies in India, Ghana and Haiti. IUHPE Research Report Series, Volume V, Number1, 2010. ISSN.1992-433X. International Union for health Promotion and education, Paris.

Mittelmark MB (2010) Getting your paper published with minimum sweat and tears: insider advice from a journal editor. Creating Knowledge VI. Information Literacy and Diversity in Higher education: Mapping the Learning environment. 8-10 December, Bergen, Norway. tears-insider-advice-from-a-journal-editor-4152380


Mittelmark MB, Kickbusch I, Rootman R, Scriven A. Health Promotion. In: K Heggenhougen, et al (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Public Health, Volume 3, pp. 225-240, 2009. Elsevier Press.

Allegrante, John P.; Barry, Margaret M.; Airhihenbuwa, Collins O.; Auld, M. Elaine; Collins, Janet L.; Lamarre, Marie-Claude; Magnusson, Gudjon; McQueen, David V.; Mittelmark, Maurice B. Domains of core competency, standards, and quality assurance for building global capacity in health promotion: The Galway Consensus Conference Statement. Health Education & Behavior 2009 ;Volume 36.(3) s. 476-482

Singhammer J and Mittelmark MB. Standard measures of inter-generational social mobility distort actual patterns of mobility and health behaviour: evidence for a better methodology. Critical Public Health, 2009, 20(2), 223-232.

Mittelmark MB. The Social Gradient in Health in Very Poor Rural Areas: Insights from Southeast Asia. Health for the Millions. 2009;35 (4&5):22-26.

Stang I, Mittelmark MB. Learning as an empowerment process in breast cancer self-help groups. J Clin Nurs. 2009 Jul;18(14):2049-57.

Aanes, M, Mittelmark MB, Hetland, J (2009). Interpersonal stress and loneliness in middle adulthood. The impact of social support and positive affect. International Journal of mental Health Promotion, 11(4), 25-33.

Mittelmark MB. Confessions of a scholastic distortionist and selectivist. Perspectives in Public Health. 2009 Sep;129(5):199.

Bancila D, Mittelmark MB. Measuring interpersonal stress wih the Bergen Social Relationships Scale. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. 2009;25(4):260-265.

Bull T, Mittelmark MB. Work life and mental wellbeing of single and non-single working mothers in Scandinavia. Scand J Public Health. 2009 Aug;37(6):562-8.

Mittelmark MB. Overview of content. Glob Health Promot. 2009;Suppl 1:14-5.

Lamarre MC, Jackson S, Mittelmark MB, Onya H, Leger LS, Contu P. New horizons for social development. Glob Health Promot. 2009 Mar;16(1):65-8.

6 Mittelmark MB. Views of Health Promotion Online (VHPO) is alive and kicking at! Glob Health Promot. 2009 Mar;16(1):3-4.


Mittelmark MB. Promotion & Education becomes Global Health Promotion. Promot Educ. 2008 Dec;15(4):3.

Vinje HF, Mittelmark MB. Community nurses who thrive: the critical role of job engagement in the face of adversity. J Nurses Staff Dev. 2008 Sep-Oct;24(5):195-202.

Corbin JH, Mittelmark MB. Partnership lessons from the Global Programme for Health Promotion Effectiveness: a case study. Health Promot Int. 2008 Dec;23(4):365-71.

Perry MW, Mittelmark MB. Publication ethics: a collective responsibility. Promot Educ. 2008 Sep;15(3):3-4, 44-5, 50-1.

Bull, T. & Mittelmark, MB. Subjective well-being amongst employed lone mothers in Europe: the effects of level of work-family conflict and self-enhancement versus self-transcendence value orientation. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion. 2008; 10(3) 26-33

Perry MW, Mittelmark MB. Commentary: improving the quality and effectiveness of IUHPE communications: work plan 2007--2010. Promot Educ. 2008 Jun;15(2):40-1.

Mittelmark MB. Health promotion: a professional community for social justice. Promot Educ. 2008 Jun;15(2):3-5, 46-8, 59-61.

Stang, I., Mittelmark, M.B. Social Support and Interpersonal Stress in Professional-Led Cancer Self-Help Groups. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion. 2008;10(2), 15-25

König C, Mittelmark MB. Higher education in health promotion in Europe: a comparative analysis of master's level training programmes using Promot Educ. 2008;15(1):30-5.

Mittelmark MB. Setting an ethical agenda for health promotion. Health Promot Int. 2008 Mar;23(1):78-85.


Mittelmark MB, Perry MW, Wise M, Lamarre MC, Jones CM. Enhancing the effectiveness of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education to move health promotion forward. Promot Educ. 2007;Suppl 2:33-5.

Mittelmark MB. New IUHPE research report series gives graduate students a new avenue to disseminate their research globally. Promot Educ. 2007;14(1):4-5, 42-3, 53-4.

Vinje HF, Mittelmark MB. Job engagement's paradoxical role in nurse burnout. Nurs Health Sci. 2007 Jun;9(2):107-11.

7 Bancila, D. & Mittelmark, B.M. (2007) “Specificity in relationships between stressors and psychological distress among Romanian adults: a longitudinal analysis” International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 4(9), 4-15.

Mittelmark MB, Cerqueira MT, Corbin JH, Lamarre MC. The impact of Canada on the global infrastructure for health promotion. In O,Neill M, Pederson A, Dupéré S, Rootman I (eds.) Health Promotion in Canada: Critical Perspectives. Second Edition. 2007 Toronto; Canadian Scholars’ Press, 237-246.

Barry MM, Patel V, Jane-Llopis E, Raeburn J and Mittelmark, M.B. (2007). Strengthening the Evidence Base for Mental Health Promotion. In McQueen, D.V. and Jones, CM (eds.) Global Perspectives on Health Promotion Effectiveness, Berlin:Springer, 67-86.

Mittelmark MB, Jones C, Lamarre MC, Perry M, van der Wel, M, Wise M. (2007). Enhancing the effectiveness and quality of health promotion: Perspectives of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education. In McQueen, D.V. and Jones, CM (eds.) Global Perspectives on Health Promotion Effectiveness, Berlin:Springer, 401-412.

Mittelmark MB (2007). Foreword. In Barry M and Jenkins M, Implementing Mental Health Promotion. London, Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier.

Mittelmark MB. (2007). Preface. In McQueen, D.V. and Jones, CM (eds.) Global Perspectives on Health Promotion Effectiveness, Berlin:Springer, xi-xii.

Mittelmark MB, Jones C, Lamarre MC, Perry M, van der Wel, M, Wise M. (2007). Enhancing the effectiveness and quality of health promotion: Perspectives of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education. In McQueen, D.V. and Jones, CM (eds.) Global Perspectives on Health Promotion Effectiveness, Berlin:Springer, 401-412.

Jones CM and Mittelmark MB (2007). The IUHPE blueprint for direct and sustained dialogue in partnership initiatives. In McQueen, D.V. and Jones, CM (eds.) Global Perspectives on Health Promotion Effectiveness, Berlin:Springer, 33-40.

Corbin, J. H. and Mittelmark, M.B. (2007). The Global Programme on Health Promotion Effectiveness: A case study of global partnership functioning. In McQueen, D.V. and Jones, CM (eds.) Global Perspectives on Health Promotion Effectiveness, Berlin:Springer, 41-50.


Mittelmark MB, Wise M, Nam EW, Santos-Burgoa C, Fosse E, Saan H, Hagard S, Tang KC. Mapping national capacity to engage in health promotion: overview of issues and approaches. Health Promot Int. 2006 Dec;21 Suppl 1:91-8.

Corbin, J. H. and Mittelmark, M.B. Public Private Partnerships in European Health Care. Health for the Millions, 2006; 32:6-7.

Vinje, H. F. & Mittelmark, M.B Deflecting the path to burnout among community health nurses: How the effective practice of self-care renews job engagement The International Journal for Mental Health Promotion. 2006; Vol 8 (4), 36-47.

8 Perry MW, Mittelmark MB. The use of emerging technology to build health promotion capacity in regions with diversity in language and culture. Promot Educ. 2006.13(3):197-202.

Bancila D and Mittelmark MB. The association of interpersonal stress with psychological distress in Romania. European Psychologist. 2006;11(1):39-49.

Singhammer J and Mittelmark MB. Associations between mother’s level of education and offspring’s smoking and alcohol use in adulthood – A 28-year longitudinal follow-up study. Journal of Public Health. 2006;14(1):132-138.

Mittelmark MB. Norway. In Jane-Llopis E and Anderson P (eds). Mental Health Promotion and Mental Disorder Prevention Across European Member States: A Collection of Country Stories, 2006, Luxembourg, European Commission. ISBN-10: 92-79-01160-X.

Mittelmark MB, Cerqueira MT, Corbin H, Lamarre MC. L’influence de Canada sur l’infrastructure mondiale en promotion de la santé. In: M O’Neill, S Dupéré, A Pederson, I Rootman, Eds. Promotion de la santé au Canada et au Quebec, Perspectives Critiques. 2006. Les Presses de l’Université Laval, Quebec.


Mittelmark MB. Charters, declarations, world conferences: practical significance for health promotion practitioners 'on the ground'. Promot Educ. 2005;12(1):6.

Mittelmark MB. Why "mental" health promotion? Promot Educ. 2005;Suppl 2:55-7.

Jané-Llopis E, Mittelmark MB. No health without mental health. Promot Educ. 2005;Suppl 2:4-5.

Singhammer J, Mittelmark MB, Daltveit AK, Tell G. The influence on birthweight of maternal living conditions a decade prior to giving birth. Norwegian Journal of Epidemiology. 2005;15(1):91-98.

Lahtinen E, Koskinen-Ollonqvist P, Rouvinen-Wilenius P, Tuominen P, Mittelmark MB. The development of quality criteria for research: a Finnish approach. Health Promot Int. 2005 Sep;20(3):306-15.

Mittelmark MB, Fosse E, Jones C, Davies M, Davies JK. Mapping European capacity to engage in health promotion at the national level: Promot Educ. 2005;Suppl 1:33-9.

Fosse E, Mittelmark MB, Skogli K. European Capacity for Health Promotion at the National level: Report From Report prepared for WHO Regional Office for Europe as a background paper for the 6th Global Conference on Health Promotion, Bangkok, Thailand, 7-11 August, 2005.

9 Mittelmark MB, Puska P, O’Byrne D, Tang KC. Health promotion: A sketch of the landscape. In Herrman H, Saxena S, Moodie R (Editors, 2005). Promoting Mental Health: Concepts, Emerging Evidence, Practice. WHO Geneva.

Monstad S, Mittelmark MB, Aarø LE. Forskningsbasert informasjon om helse som virkemiddel for å øke elders livskvalitet – tilpassing av nettsteder til elder. HEMIL – RAPPORT Nr. 1, 2005, ISBN 82-7669-104-8.

Mittelmark MB. Global health: Challenges to health promotion. In: Scriven, A. and Garman, S .(eds) (2005) Promoting Health: Global Perspectives. Palgrave MACMILLAN, New York, pp. 48-57.


Mittelmark MB, Lamarre MC. The IUHPE's response to the Tsunami disaster. Promot Educ. 2004;11(4):203.

Mittelmark MB. Complementarity of IUHPE and WHO conferences on health promotion. Promot Educ. 2004;11(4):202.

Mittelmark MB. More effective action for equity in health: strengthening the IUHPE's hand. Promot Educ. 2004;11(2):70-4.

Mittelmark MB, Lamarre MC, Jones C, Green J, Davies JK. Research and practice for equity in health: actions of the international union for health promotion and education. Health Promot Pract. 2004 Apr;5(2):115-7.

Fosse E, Mittelmark M, Hagard S. Database on health promotion infrastructure, policy and practice (HP-Source). European Journal of Public Health. 2004 Supp 1;14:23-24.

Mittelmark MB. Health promotion and the research methods in social science. Michael. 2004:1(3);212-220.

Mittelmark MB, Aarø LE, Henriksen SG, Siqveland J, Torsheim T. Chronic social stress in the community and associations with psychological distress: A social psychological perspective. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 6(1), 2004:4-16.

Connelly J, Green, J, Lechner L, Mittelmark, MB, Rigby AS, Roberts C. The European Smoking Prevention Approach Project: Observations by six commentators. Health Education Research, 2004, 18(6);664-677.

Mittelmark MB. Take the lead in networking with international visitors (editorial). Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 2004,15(1):4-5.

Mittelmark MB, Lamarre MC, Jones C, Green J, Davies JK. Research and practice for equity in health: Actions of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education. Health Promotion Practice, 2004:5(2); 115-117.

Fawkes A, de Leeuw E, Mittelmark M. Health futures @ Health2004. Journal of Future Studies, 2004:9(1); 107.114.

10 Mittelmark MB, Gillis DE, Hsu-Hage B. Community development: The role of health impact assessment. In: J Kemm, J Parry and S Palmer (Eds.) Health Impact Assessment: Concepts, Methods and Applications, Oxford University Press, London, 2004, pp 143-152.

Mittelmark MB. How to influence policy. In: R Moodie and A. Hulme (Eds.). Hands-on Health Promotion. 2004, IP Communications, Melbourne. ISBN 0-9578617-6-1. pp 29-23.


Mittelmark MB. The IUHPE and mental health promotion. Promot Educ. 2003;10(4):160-1.

Mittelmark MB. The role of professional education in building capacity for health promotion in the global South: a case study from Norway. Ethn Dis. 2003 Summer;13(2 Suppl 2):S35-9.

Mutalemwa PP, Mboera LEG, Mittelmark M. Living with malaria in Tanzania: insight from a rural community of Tanga District. Tanzania Health Research Bulletin. 2003;5(1).

Mittelmark MB. Five strategies for workforce development for mental health promotion. Promot Educ. 2003;10(1):20-2.

Mittelmark MB. Action for health promotion’s advancement (IUHPE News). Health Promotion International, 18 (1); 2003:81-82.

Mittelmark MB. The IUHPE and mental health promotion (editorial). Promotion & Education, 2003, 6(4); 160-161.

Mittelmark MB and Hauge HA. Helsefremmende politikk for vurdering av helsekonsekvenser: Hvorfor lokalsamfunn og nærmiljø er de sentrale arenaene. (Healthy public policy through health impact assessment: Why the community and local settings are the key arenas). In: Hauge HA and Mittelmark MB (Eds.). Helsefremmende arbeid I en brytningstid: fra monolog til dialog? (Health Promotion in Changing Times: From Monologue to Dialogue?). Fagbokforlaget, Bergen, 2003.

Hauge HA and Mittelmark MB (Eds.). Helsefremmende arbeid I en brytningstid: fra monolog til dialog? (Health Promotion in Changing Times: From Monologue to Dialogue?). Fagbokforlaget, Bergen, 2003, pp. 39-51.


Lee A, Mittelmark MB. Health promotion and health education in China: priority area for the IUHPE. Promot Educ. 2002;Suppl 1:6-7.

Mittelmark MB. Critical challenges in the development of health promotion. Promot Educ. 2002;Suppl 1:6.

Mittelmark MB. Global conferences for solving social problems: are the gains sufficient? Promot Educ. 2002;9(3):87-8.

11 Jackson SA, Shiferaw B, Anderson RT, Heuser MD, Hutchinson KM, Mittelmark MB. Racial differences in service utilization: the Forsyth County Aging Study. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2002 Aug;13(3):320-33.

Palner J, Mittelmark MB. Differences between married and unmarried men and women in the relationship between perceived physical health and perceived mental health. Norwegian Journal of Epidemiology. 2002, 12(1);55-61.


Mittelmark MB. Promoting social responsibility for health: health impact assessment and healthy public policy at the community level. Health Promot Int. 2001 Sep;16(3):269-74.

Mittelmark MB, Akerman M, Gillis D, Kosa K, O'Neill M, Piette D, Restrepo H, Rootman I, Saan H, Springett J, Wallerstein N, Westphal MF, Wise M. Mexico conference on health promotion: open letter to WHO Director General, Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland. Health Promot Int. 2001 Mar;16(1):3-5.

Mittelmark MB. Review of book ‘Health Promotion: Effectiveness, Efficiency and Equity, 3rd Edition, K Tones and S Tilford. Health Education Research, 2001;3:376-377.

Ottemőtter FP, Mittelmark MB, Patel V, Todd CH, Machamire E. Functional disability and common mental disorders in Harare, Zimbabwe: Trends over one year. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 2001. 2(4):16-22.

Mittelmark MB. Review of book ‘Health Promotion: Effectiveness, Efficiency and Equity, 3rd Edition, K Tones and S Tilford. Health Education Research, 2001;3:376-377.

Mittelmark MB. Investing in communities: Principle, panacea or placebo? Tijdschift voor gezondheidswetenschappen, 2001, 8:532-535.

Mittelmark MB, Henriksen SG, Siqveland J, Torsheim T, Aarø LE. Assessment of Chronic Social Stress and Related Distress at the Community Level. Research Centre for Health Promotion (HEMIL) Report Series No. 6, 2001, ISBN 82-7669-087-4,


Jones C, Bunde-Birouste A, Labonte R, Levin D, Mittelmark M, Wise M. Advocacy: an IUHPE priority. Health Educ Res. 2000 Aug;15(4):511-4.

Mittelmark MB. Benchmarking for investment for health. Promot Educ.2000;7(2):24-32. Mittelmark MB, Aarø LA, Annus R, Brænde A, Christie M, Vorsic M. Benchmarking for Health Promotion: Formative Evaluations of the Verona Benchmark I in Estonia, Norway and Slovenia. Promotion and Education. 2000;VII/2:24-32.

Tones K, Mittelmark M, Sorenson J. Collaboration between Health Education Research and the International Union for Health Promotion and Education. Health Educ Res. 2000 Jun;15(3):241.

12 Mittelmark MB, Kvernevik AM, Kannas L, Davies JK. Health promotion curricula: cross- national comparisons of essential reading. Promot Educ. 2000;7(1):27-32.

Mittelmark MB. Promoting Social responsibility for health: Health impact assessment and healthy public policy at the community level. Fifth Global Conference on Health Promotion, Mexico City, Mexico, June, 2000, %20reportsresponsibility.html.

Fosse E, Hauge HA, Hem HE, Mittelmark MB. Delutredning til prosejektet 'nasjonal handlingsplan fir folkehelksearbeid'. Technical paper for the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, government of Norway, 22nd December, 2000.

Mittelmark MB. Does health promotion reach socially deprived groups and people? Health and Social security: Creating a better future for health in Europe. Bad Hofgastein, Austria, ISBN 3- 9500989, 2000, pp. 130-134.


Nurk E, Mittelmark MB, Suurorg L, Tur I, Luiga E. Trends in tobacco use among Estonian and Russian youth in Tallinn. Scand J Public Health. 1999 Dec;27(4):301-5.

Mittelmark MB. [Gerontology in the health promotion world]. Promot Educ. 1999 Dec;6(4):39- 40.

Mittelmark MB. The psychology of social influence and healthy public policy. Prev Med. 1999 Dec;29:S24-9.

Mittelmark MB. Social ties and health promotion: suggestions for population-based research. Health Educ Res. 1999 Aug;14(4):447-51.

Martire LM, Schulz R, Mittelmark MB, Newsom JT. Stability and change in older adults' social contact and social support: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 1999 Sep;54(5):S302-11.

Newman AB, Shemanski L, Manolio TA, Cushman M, Mittelmark M, Polak JF, Powe NR, Siscovick D. Ankle-arm index as a predictor of cardiovascular disease and mortality in the Cardiovascular Health Study. The Cardiovascular Health Study Group. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1999 Mar;19(3):538-45.

Suggs PK, Messick CB, Mittelmark MB. Restorative (geriatric subacute) care: The educational component. Educational Gerontology, 1999;25:211-219.

Mittelmark MB. Health promotion in the new public health policy of the European Union (Editorial). European Bulletin on Health Promotion, 1999. April:5.

Black D, Mittelmark M. Equity in health: A fundamental human right. In: The International Union for Health Promotion and Education. The Evidence of Health Promotion Effectiveness: Shaping Public Health in a New Europe. Part Two. ECSC-EC-EAEC, Brussels – Luxembourg, 1999.

13 Mittelmark MB. Health promotion at the community level: Lessons from diverse perspectives. In: Bracht N, ed., Health Promotion at the Community Level, 2nd Ed. 1999, Sage Publications, London.


Fried LP, Kronmal RA, Newman AB, Bild DE, Mittelmark MB, Polak JF, Robbins JA, Gardin JM. Risk factors for 5-year mortality in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. JAMA. 1998 Feb 25;279(8):585-92.

Mittelmark MB (ed.) Special Theme: Ageing. Norwegian Journal of Epidemiology, 1998;8.

Mittelmark MB. Epidemiology and ageing (Editorial). Norwegian Journal of Epidemiology, 1998;8:113.

Suggs PK, Longino CF, Mittelmark MB. Faculty training in geriatrics and gerontology: A collaboration of institutions. Gerontology and Geriatrics Education, 1998;19:37-54.

Suggs PK, Mittelmark MB, Krissak R, Oles K, Lane C, Richards B. The efficacy of a self- instruction package when compared with a traditional continuing education offering for nurses. The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 1998, 18:220-226.

Liebson PR, Drenthen T, Fullard E, Kottke TE, van der Wouden JC, Fowler G, Morgan J, Bengtsson C, Heaglehole R, Stiggelbout W, Pearson TA, Mittelmark MB. Facilitating preventive cardiology practices in primary care. Preventive Cardiology. 1998;1:46-52.


Siscovick DS, Fried L, Mittelmark M, Rutan G, Bild D, O'Leary DH. Exercise intensity and subclinical cardiovascular disease in the elderly. The Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Epidemiol. 1997 Jun 1;145(11):977-86.

Schulz R, Newsom J, Mittelmark M, Burton L, Hirsch C, Jackson S. Health effects of caregiving: the caregiver health effects study: an ancillary study of the Cardiovascular Health Study. Ann Behav Med. 1997 Spring;19(2):110-6.

Jackson SA, Mittelmark MB. Unmet need for formal home and community services among African-American and white older adults: The Forsyth County Aging Study. The Journal of Applied Gerontology 1997;16(3):298-316.

Mittelmark MB. Health promotion settings. Internet Journal of Health Promotion, 1997. ISSN 1328-7443, Australasian Medical Index,

Mittelmark MB. Hälsefrämjande projeckt på lokalplanet från centrala initiativ till lokalt ägande. Nordisk Alkohol- och narkotikatidskrift (Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs), 1997;14:242-243.


14 Luepker RV, Råstam L, Hannan PJ, Murray DM, Gray C, Baker WL, Crow R, Jacobs DR Jr, Pirie PL, Mascioli SR, Mittelmark MB, Blackburn H. Community education for cardiovascular disease prevention. Morbidity and mortality results from the Minnesota Heart Health Program. Am J Epidemiol. 1996 Aug 15;144(4):351-62.

Mittelmark M. Centrally Initiated Health Promotion: Getting on the Agenda of a Community And Transforming a Project to Local Ownership. Internet Journal of Health Promotion, 1996. ISSN 1328-7443, Australasian Medical Index,

Fleischer AB, McFarlane M, Hinds MA, Mittelmark MB. Skin conditions and symptoms are common in the elderly: The prevalence of skin symptoms and conditions in an elderly population. The Journal of Geriatric Dematology. 1996;4:78-87.

Blake SM, Caspersen CJ, Finnegan J, Crow RA, Mittlemark MB, Ringhofer KR. The shape up challenge: a community-based worksite exercise competition. Am J Health Promot. 1996 Sep- Oct;11(1):23-34.

Longino CL, Mittelmark MB. Sociodemographic aspects. In: J Sadavoy, LW Lazarus, LF Jarvik, GT Grossberg (eds). Comprehensive Review of Geriatric Psychiatry II, Second Edition. Washington DC, American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 1996.


Mittelmark MB, Hansen WB, Shiferaw B, Bradham DD. Use of subdermal contraceptive implants in a community-based family planning program. Experience after two years. N C Med J. 1995 Oct;56(10):490-3.

Psaty BM, Kuller LH, Bild D, Burke GL, Kittner SJ, Mittelmark M, Price TR, Rautaharju PM, Robbins J. Methods of assessing prevalent cardiovascular disease in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Ann Epidemiol. 1995 Jul;5(4):270-7.

Tell GS, Mittelmark MB, Hylander B, Shumaker SA, Russell G, Burkart JM. Social support and health-related quality of life in black and white dialysis patients. ANNA J. 1995 Jun;22(3):301-8; discussion 309-10.

Mittelmark MB, Tell GS. Strategies for health promotion and disease prevention for older adults: recommendations for health care reform. Carolina Health Services Review. 1995;3:103-114.

Wofford JL, Moran WP, Heuser MD, Schwartz E, Velez R, Mittelmark MB. Emergency medical transport of the elderly: a population-based study. Am J Emerg Med. 1995 May;13(3):297-300.

Lando HA, Pechacek TF, Pirie PL, Murray DM, Mittelmark MB, Lichtenstein E, Nothwehr F, Gray C. Changes in adult cigarette smoking in the Minnesota Heart Health Program. Am J Public Health. 1995 Feb;85(2):201-8.


15 Mittelmark MB. The epidemiology of aging. In: Hazzard WL, Birman EL, Blass JP, Ettinger WH, Halter JB, eds. Principles of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1994.

Schulz R, Mittelmark M, Kronmal R, Polak JF, Hirsch CH, German P, Bookwala J. Predictors of perceived health status in elderly men and women. The Cardiovascular Health Study. J Aging Health. 1994 Nov;6(4):419-47.

Luepker RV, Murray DM, Jacobs DR Jr, Mittelmark MB, Bracht N, Carlaw R, Crow R, Elmer P, Finnegan J, Folsom AR, et al. Community education for cardiovascular disease prevention: risk factor changes in the Minnesota Heart Health Program. Am J Public Health. 1994 Sep;84(9):1383-93.

**Messick CH, Mittelmark MB, Gottlieb R, Ettinger WH. A comparison of two approaches to geriatric case management. Carolina Health Services Review 1994;2:81-96.

Wofford JL, Heuser MD, Moran WP, Schwartz E, Mittelmark MB. Community surveillance of falls among the elderly using computerized EMS transport data. Am J Emerg Med. 1994 Jul;12(4):433-7.

Mittelmark MB. Functional health status of elderly North Carolinians: implications for health policy planners. Carolina Health Services Review. 1994;2:109-122.

Shiferaw B, Mittelmark MB, Wofford JL, Anderson RT, Walls P, Rohrer B. The investigation and outcome of reported cases of elder abuse: the Forsyth County Aging Study. Gerontologist. 1994 Feb;34(1):123-5.


Flora JA, Lefebvre RC, Murray DM, Stone EJ, Assaf A, Mittelmark MB, Finnegan JR Jr. A community education monitoring system: methods from the Stanford Five-City Project, the Minnesota Heart Health Program and the Pawtucket Heart Health Program. Health Educ Res. 1993 Mar;8(1):81-95. PubMed PMID: 11067188.

Suggs P, Mittelmark MB, Rose L. Continuing education in geriatrics/gerontology: The critical factors. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 1993;13:149-157.

Mittelmark MB, Psaty BM, Rautaharju PM, Fried LP, Borhani NO, Tracy RP, Gardin JM, O'Leary DH. Prevalence of cardiovascular diseases among older adults. The Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Epidemiol. 1993 Feb 1;137(3):311-7.

Mittelmark MB, Hunt MK, Heath GW, Schmid TL. Realistic outcomes: lessons from community-based research and demonstration programs for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. J Public Health Policy. 1993 Winter;14(4):437-62.


16 Råstam L, Hannan PJ, Luepker RV, Mittelmark MB, Murray DM, Slater JS. Seasonal variation in plasma cholesterol distributions: implications for screening and referral. Am J Prev Med. 1992 Nov-Dec;8(6):360-6.


Fried LP, Borhani NO, Enright P, Furberg CD, Gardin JM, Kronmal RA, Kuller LH, Manolio TA, Mittelmark MB, Newman A, et al. The Cardiovascular Health Study: design and rationale. Ann Epidemiol. 1991 Feb;1(3):263-76.

1990 and earlier

Mittelmark MB. Balancing the requirements of research and the needs of communities. In: Bracht N, ed. Health Promotion at the Community Level. London: Sage Publications, 1990.

Loken B, Swim J, Mittelmark M. Heart health program: applying social influence processes in a large scale community health promotion program. In: Edwards J, Tindale RS, Heath L, Posavac EJ eds. Social Influence Processes and Prevention. New York: Plenum Press, 1990.

Mittelmark MB. Progress and future directions in the prevention of smoking and related behaviors. In: Lippert P, McAlister A, Hoffmeister H, eds. Health promotion in youth: problems and perspectives. Berlin: Schriftenreihe des Instituts fur Sozialmedizin und Epidemiologie des Bundesgesundheitsamtes, 1984:53 58.

Blackburn H, Luepker R, Kline FG, Bracht N, Carlaw R, Jacobs D, Mittelmark M, Stauffer L, Taylor HL. The Minnesota Heart Health Program: a research and demonstration project in cardiovascular disease prevention. In: Matarazzo JD, Weiss SM, Herd AJ, Miller N, Weiss SM, eds. Behavioral health: a handbook of health enhancement and disease prevention. New York: Wiley, 1984;1171 1178.

Blake SM, Klepp KI, Pechacek TF, Folsom AR, Luepker RV, Jacobs DR, Mittelmark MB. Differences in smoking cessation strategies between men and women. Addict Behav. 1989;14(4):409-18.

Råstam L, Luepker RV, Mittelmark MB, Murray DM, Slater JS, Blackburn H. Population screening and referral for hypercholesterolemia. Am J Prev Med. 1988 Sep-Oct;4(5):249-54.

Mittelmark MB, Pallonen UE, Murray DM, Luepker RV, Pechacek TF, Pirie PL. Predictors of non-adoption of cigarette smoking following experimentation. Scand J Prim Health Care. 1988 Sep;6(3):131-5.

Mittelmark MB, Leupker RV, Grimm R Jr, Kottke TE, Blackburn H. The role of physicians in a community-wide program for prevention of cardiovascular disease: the Minnesota Heart Health Program. Public Health Rep. 1988 Jul-Aug;103(4):360-5.

Mittelmark MB, Pirie PL. Effects of gender on type A assessment with the Matthews Youth Test for Health (MYTH). Behav Med. 1988 Fall;14(3):134-40.

17 Mittelmark MB, Murray DM, Luepker RV, Pechacek TF, Pirie PL, Pallonen UE. Predicting experimentation with cigarettes: the childhood antecedents of smoking study (CASS). Am J Public Health. 1987 Feb;77(2):206-8.

**Blake SM, Jeffery RW, Finnegan JR, Crow RS, Pirie PL, Ringhofer KR, Fruetel JR, Caspersen CJ, Mittelmark MB. Process evaluation of a community-based physical activity campaign: the Minnesota Heart Health Program experience. Health Education Research 1987;2:115-121.

Jacobs DR Jr, Luepker RV, Mittelmark MB, Folsom AR, Pirie PL, Mascioli SR, Hannan PJ, Pechacek TF, Bracht NF, Carlaw RW, et al. Community-wide prevention strategies: evaluation design of the Minnesota Heart Health Program. J Chronic Dis. 1986;39(10):775-88.

Mittelmark MB, Luepker RV, Jacobs DR, Bracht NF, Carlaw RW, Crow RS, Finnegan J, Grimm RH, Jeffery RW, Kline FG, et al. Community-wide prevention of cardiovascular disease: education strategies of the Minnesota Heart Health Program. Prev Med. 1986 Jan;15(1):1-17.

Crow R, Blackburn H, Jacobs D, Hannan P, Pirie P, Mittelmark M, Murray D, Luepker R. Population strategies to enhance physical activity: the Minnesota Heart Health Program. Acta Med Scand Suppl. 1986;711:93-112.

Pirie PL, Elias WS, Wackman DB, Jacobs DR Jr, Murray DM, Mittelmark MB, Luepker RV, Blackburn H. Characteristics of participants and nonparticipants in a community cardiovascular disease risk factor screening: the Minnesota Heart Health Program. Am J Prev Med. 1986 Jan- Feb;2(1):20-5.

Tell GS, Mittelmark MB, Vellar OD. Cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides during puberty: the Oslo Youth Study. Am J Epidemiol. 1985 Nov;122(5):750-61.

Mittelmark MB, Sternberg B. Assessment of salt use at the table: comparison of observed and reported behavior. Am J Public Health. 1985 Oct;75(10):1215-6.

Folsom AR, Hughes JR, Buehler JF, Mittelmark MB, Jacobs DR Jr, Grimm RH Jr. Do type A men drink more frequently than type B men? Findings in the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial (MRFIT). J Behav Med. 1985 Sep;8(3):227-35.

Shekelle RB, Hulley SB, Neaton JD, Billings JH, Borhani NO, Gerace TA, Jacobs DR, Lasser NL, Mittlemark MB, Stamler J. The MRFIT behavior pattern study. II. Type A behavior and incidence of coronary heart disease. Am J Epidemiol. 1985 Oct;122(4):559-70.

Blackburn H, Grimm R Jr, Luepker RV, Mittelmark M. The primary prevention of high blood pressure: a population approach. Prev Med. 1985 Jul;14(4):466-81.

Mittelmark MB, Shultz JM, Murray DM, Luepker RV, Pechacek TF, Pallonen UE. Response to O'Malley: cigarette smoking among high school seniors. Prev Med. 1984 Jul;13(4):427-33.

18 Murray DM, Johnson CA, Luepker RV, Mittelmark MB. The prevention of cigarette smoking in children: a comparison of four strategies. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 1984;14:274-288.

Carlaw RW, Mittlemark MB, Bracht N, Luepker R. Organization for a community cardiovascular health program: experiences from the Minnesota Heart Health Program. Health Educ Q. 1984 Fall;11(3):243-52.

Hughes JR, Crow RS, Jacobs DR Jr, Mittelmark MB, Leon AS. Physical activity, smoking, and exercise-induced fatigue. J Behav Med. 1984 Jun;7(2):217-30.

Pechacek TF, Murray DM, Luepker RV, Mittelmark MB, Johnson CA, Shutz JM. Measurement of adolescent smoking behavior: rationale and methods. J Behav Med. 1984 Mar;7(1):123-40.

Sopko G, Jacobs DR Jr, Jeffery R, Mittelmark M, Lenz K, Hedding E, Lipchik R, Gerber W. Effects on blood lipids and body weight in high risk men of a practical exercise program. Atherosclerosis. 1983 Dec;49(3):219-29. PubMed PMID: 6581808.

Mittelmark MB, Murray DM, Luepker RV, Pechacek TF. Cigarette smoking among adolescents: is the rate declining? Prev Med. 1982 Nov;11(6):708-12.

Evans RI, Rozelle RM, Mittelmark MB, Hansen WB, Bane AL, Havis JG. Deterring the onset of smoking in children: knowledge of immediate physiological effects and coping with peer pressure, media pressure, and parent modelling. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 1978;8:126-135.

Evans RI, Hansen WB, Mittelmark MB. Increasing the validity of self-reports of smoking behavior in children. J Appl Psychol. 1977 Aug;62(4):521-3.


Vice President, Special Projects, International Union for Health Promotion and Education, 1998.

Vice President, Science and Technological Development, International Union for Health Promotion and Education, 1999-2001

President, International Union for Health Promotion and Education, elected to two three-year terms in the period 2001- 2007

Vice-President, Communications, International Union for Health Promotion and Education, 2007-2010

Editor-in-Chief, Global Health Promotion, official journal of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education, 2007 - 2010

Board of Trustees, International Union for Health Promotion and Education, elected as global representative twice in the periods 1998- 2004 and 2004-2010


Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1978-1983

Assistant Professor, Division of Epidemiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1983-1987

Associate Professor, Division of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1987

Associate Professor, Section on Epidemiology, Department of Public Health Sciences, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 1987-1992

Associate Professor (tenure), Section on Epidemiology, Department of Public Health Sciences, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 1992-1994

Professor of Epidemiology, Section on Epidemiology, Department of Public Health Sciences, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 1994-1995

Professor of Gerontology (joint appointment), Section on Internal Medicine and Gerontology, Department of Medicine, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 1994-1995

Professor of Health Promotion (Called to the Chair), School of Psychology, Research Centre for Health Promotion, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 1995-2009.

20 Professor of Health Promotion, School of Psychology, Department of Health Promotion and Development, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 2010-


Intervention Co-ordinator (1974-1977), Social-Psychological Deterrents of Smoking in Schools Project, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, RO 1 17269.

Intervention Director and Co-Investigator (1977-1978), Project Manager and Co-Principal Investigator (1978-1982), Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial, Minnesota Clinical Center, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, HV2- 2976-C.

Principal Investigator (1979-1983), Childhood Antecedents of Habitual Cigarette Smoking, National Institute for Child Health and Human Development, NO1 HD 92831.

Director of Health Education Program and Executive Board Member (1980-1987), Co-Principal Investigator (1985-1987), Minnesota Heart Health Program, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, RO 1 HL2JJ23.

Co-Principal Investigator and Field Center Director (1988-1994, Cardiovascular Health Study (Bowman Gray), National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, NO1 HC 85080.

Evaluation Director (1988-1994), Appalachian Geriatric Education Center of Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Health Resources and Services Administration, NIH/PHS 1 D31 AH64028-01.

Co-Principal Investigator Core (1991-1995), Principal Investigator (1994.1995), Research Development Core, Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Center, National Institute of Aging, 1 P60 AG10484.

Principal Investigator (1992-1995), Bowman Gray Field Center, Psychiatric and Health Effects of Caregiving, National Institute on Aging, RO1 NH46015-01A2.

Evaluation Director (1994-1995), Appalachian Geriatric Education Center Consortium, Special Programs for the Aging - Title IV, U.S. Administration on Aging.

Principal Investigator (1994-1995), (Wake Forest University sub-contract), Community Analysis and Organization Project, Community-based Diabetes Prevention and Control Project (DIRECT), State of North Carolina and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Principal Investigator (1997-1999), Social Environment and Health Research Component, Hordaland Helseundersøkelser (Project HUSK), Kavle Foundation.

Principal Investigator (1997-1999), Questionnaire Development Study, Council for Mental Health (Norway).

Principal Investigator (1999-2002), Severe Social Strain: Effects on Psychological Health and Ways of Coping, The Research Council of Norway) (with Sigrun G. Henriksen).

21 Principal Investigator (2000-2003), Prevention in the Municipalities: Organisational Development as an Educational Strategy, The Research Council of Norway (with Hans Hauge).

Principal Investigator (2001-2004), Neonatal Vitality and Socio-Economic Influences on Adult Health Status, The Research Council of Norway (NFR) (with John Singhammer nee Palner).

Principal Investigator (2005-2008), Can Increasing Self-Efficacy Better Health? The Research Council of Norway (with Silje Wangberg).

Principal Investigator, Social Determinants of Health in Very Poor Ruralities Project

Principal Investigator, Geography of Salutogenesis Project

Principal Investigator, World Universities Network


Director, Health Behavior M.S. and Ph.D. Track, Division of Epidemiology (incorporating the Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene), University of Minnesota, 1978- 1983

Co-Director, Training Program in Behavioral Aspects of Cardiovascular Disease, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, NIH, Division of Epidemiology, University of Minnesota, 1980- 1985

Program Director, Graduate Program in Epidemiology, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of Wake Forest University, 1987- 1995

Training Director, Postdoctoral Institutional National Research Service Award, Intervention Research Training for Cancer Prevention, National Cancer Institute 1 RA CA7707-01, Wake Forest University, 1992- 1995

Co-Director, Master of Science Degree Program in Health Promotion, Research Centre for Health Promotion, University of Bergen, 1995-1996.

Director, International Master’s Degree Program in Health Promotion, Department of health Promotion and Development, University of Bergen, 2013-prsent.


Chairperson, Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene Space and Facilities Committee, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, 1979- 1980

Director, Health Behavior Research Group, Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene, School of Public Health University of Minnesota, 1979- 1984

Member, Administrative Council, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, 1985- 1987

Member, Executive Committee, Division of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University

22 of Minnesota, 1986- 1987

Associate Director for Public Health Sciences, J. Paul Sticht Center on Aging of Wake Forest University, 1988- 1995

Member, Executive Committee, Appalachian Geriatric Education Center Consortium, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Wake Forest University, 1991- 1995

Director, Center for Human Services Research at Wake Forest University, 1993- 1995

Chair, Education Committee, Department of Public Health Sciences, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, 1993- 1995

Member, Department Steering Committee, Department of Psychosocial Sciences, School of Psychology, University of Bergen, 1996-1998

Director, World Health Organization (WHO-Euro) Collaborating Centre for Health Promotion, University of Bergen, 1996-1999

Member, Steering Committee, Department for Education and Health Promotion, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, 2005-2006.

Director, Coordinating Centre, 2004-present

Vice-Director, Research Centre for Health Promotion, 2007-2010.

Head, Department of Health Promotion and Development, University of Bergen, 2010-2013.


Member, National Steering Committee, Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, 1978- 1979

Chairperson, Lifestyle Modification Planning Committee of Metropolitan Health Board's Planning Consortium, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1978- 1979

Chair, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Education Sub-committee of the Coordinating Committee of Community, Demonstration Studies, Bethesda, Maryland, 1982- 1984, 1986- 1987

Member, National Cancer Institute Ad Hoc Study Section, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, 1987- 1989

Member, Board of Directors, Forsyth County Council for Older Adults, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 1988- 1992

Member, Clinical Liaison Team, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1989

23 Member, Planning Committee, Coordinating Council for Home /Community Long Term Care, Forsyth County, North Carolina, 1990- 1993

Chair, Planning and Program Committees, Symposium on Prevention in Primary Care, Third International Conference on Preventive Cardiology, Oslo, Norway, 1991- 1993

Member (1991-1993), Co-Chair (1993), Chair (1994), Scientific Program Committee, Council of Epidemiology and Prevention, American Heart Association, 1991- 1993

Member, North Carolina Department of Human Resources, Advisory Committee on Home and Community Care for Older Adults, Raleigh, North Carolina, 1991- 1994

Member, Behavioral Science, Epidemiology, and Prevention Study Committee (scientific review committee), American Heart Association, 1991- 1992

Member, Advisory Committee, Community Health Care Models for Diabetes Prevention and Control Project, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, 1991- 1994

Member, Second Health Policy Information Institute, Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Raleigh, North Carolina, 1992

Chair, Special Review Committee, National Cancer Institute, University of Vermont Breast Cancer Prevention Program Project, Fort Meyers, Florida, 1992, 1993

Member-at-Large, Executive Committee, Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, American Heart Association, Dallas, Texas, 1992-1994

External grant reviewer, National Health Research and Development Program, Health Programs and Services Branch, Health Canada, 1993, 1994, 1995

Member, Special Emphasis Panel (review), Community Intervention to Reduce Myocardial Infarction Delay, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, 1994

Member, Special Review Group, Cancer Prevention Program Project, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, 1994

Member, Governor's Home Health Advisory Committee, North Carolina Department of Human Resources, Raleigh, North Carolina, 1994-1995

Member, Special Emphasis Panel (review), Enhancing Recovery in Coronary Heart Disease, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH, Washington, D.C., 1995

Member, Protocol Review Committee, Rapid Early Action for Coronary Treatment (REACT) study, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH, Washington, D.C., 1995

Panel Member, Hearing on Assessment of Community Intervention Programs for Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care and Swedish National Institute of Public Health, Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1996

24 Member, Program and Organizing Committees, Conference on the Status of Nordic Health Promotion Research: Progress during the Decade after the Ottawa Charter, Bergen, Norway, August, 1996.

Co-Director, Advanced Seminar on Health Promotion Futures (World Health Organization), Budapest, Hungary, August, 1996

Representative, University of Bergen WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Promotion and Health Education, 2nd Meeting of the WHO/EURO European Committee for Health Promotion Development, Ormoz, Slovenia, October, 1996.

Member, Editorial Board, Internet Journal of Health Promotion, 1996-2000.

Member, Steering Committee, Health in Hordaland Study, 1997-

Member, Editorial Board, Health Education Research, 1998-

Member, Norwegian delegation, Eurolink Age European Workshop "Adding life to years -- Taking the necessary steps to promote healthy aging", Helsinki, Finland, 7-9 November, 1996.

Member, Norwegian delegation, 4th International Conference on Health Promotion, Jakarta, Indonesia, 21-25 July, 1997.

Member, Norwegian delegation, Eurolink Age European Workshop "Promoting the Health of Older People – Making it Happen", Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, 30 October-1 November, 1997.

Member, European Union Expert Committee on Healthy Ageing, 1998-2001

Member, Programme and Scientific Committees, 2nd Nordic Conference on Health Promotion Research, Stockholm, September, 1998.

Editor for Scientific and Technological Development, Promotion and Education, 2000-

Member, Programme and Scientific Committees, 3nd Nordic Conference on Health Promotion Research, Tampere, September, 2000.

Member, Scientific Programme Committee, 5th European Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education, Santander, Spain, May, 2000.

Member, Programme Committee, Fifth Global Conference on Health Promotion, Mexico City, Mexico, June, 2000.

Chair, Scientific Programme Committee, XVII World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education, Paris, France, July, 2001.

Co-Chair, Dialogue in Bergen (National conference on work place health promotion), 2000- 2001.

Member, Psychology Faculty Committee on Reorganisation of UNIFOB (university contract

25 research and teaching), 2000-2001.

Temporary Advisor, PAHO (WHO), 2000.

Member, Steering Group, IUHPE European Effectiveness Conference, London, 5-7 June, 2002.

Member, Programme on Health and Society, Medicine and Health, The Norwegian Research Council, 2000-2002.

Chair, Review Committee, Health Promotion Research Programme, Academy of Finland, 2001.

Member, International Advisory Board, 12th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, Helsinki, Finland, August, 2003.

WHO Temporary Advisor, Preparatory meeting for the Sixth Global Conference on Health Promotion, 5-6 January 2004, Geneva, Switzerland.

Member, International Scientific Committee, 2nd International Conference on Regional and Local Health Programmes, Quebec, Canada, 12-15 October, 2004.

Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 2004-

WHO Temporary Advisor, Preparatory meeting for the Sixth Global Conference on Health Promotion, 21-23 February 2005, Kobe, Japan.

Chair, Health Development Agency (England) Two Day Seminar on Transferability of Health Promotion Policies, Programmes and Practices, London, 7-8 March 2005.

Chair, European Expert Committee, Indo-European Union Dialogue on Government, Public & Private Partnership for Appropriate and Sustainable Health care Systems (EC-funded), 2005.

WHO Temporary Advisor, Sixth Global Conference on Health Promotion, 7-11 August 2005, Bangkok, Thailand.

WHO Temporary Advisor, 2nd Preparatory Working Group Meeting on Developing a Global Partnership for Health Promotion, 4 October 2005, Geneva.

Coordinator, Dissertation Committee (Nora Wiium), Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, 2005.

Member, Committee on Internationalisation, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, 2005.

Coordinator, Dissertation Committee (Kalifa Mrumbi), Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, 2006.

Project Leader, The Way Forward Project of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education. Funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada, 2006-2007. Chair, Project Advisory Group Meeting, 7-8 December 2006.

26 Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Health Promotion Research Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway, 2007-present.

Member, Programme Committee for the Public Health Programme, Research Council of Norway, 2008.

Programme Committee, Research Council of Norway conference Methods for Research on Complex Mental Health Services Interventions, 2-3 April, 2008

Member, Scientific Council of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Health Promotion Research, Vienna, Austria, 2008-present

Member, Faculty Board, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, 2013-2016. Member, Faculty of Psychology Selection Committee for non-tenure appointments, University of Bergen, 2013-2016.

Alternate Member, University Board, University of Bergen, 2013-2017.

Alternate Member, Western Region Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics, 2013- 2017.

Member, University Library Board, University of Bergen, 2013-2017.

Alternate Member, Faculty of Psychology Appointments Board, 2013-2017.


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