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1. RIMAD Research Institute for Media Arts and Design 3

Annual Research Institutes Reports 2009 - 2010

1 Contents

1. RIMAD Research Institute for Media Arts and Design 3

2. BMRI Business and Management Research Institute 24

3. IRAC Institute for Research in Applicable Computing 62

4. LIRANS Institute of Research in the Applied Natural Sciences 81

5. IASR Institute of Applied Social Research 96

6. IHR Institute for Health Research 133

7. ISPAR Institute of Sports and Physical Activity Research 156

8. Institute for Research in Education 181

2 Research Institute for Media Arts and Design Annual Research Report 2009 - 2010

3 Annual Report for the Research Institute for Media Art and Design 2009-10 By Professor Alexis Weedon, Director

1. Research Areas

The Research Institute for Media Art and Design has two centres (the Centre for International Media Analysis and Consultancy, and the Centre for Applied Research in Dance) and four research groups:  Journalism and Communications - leader Dr Alec Charles  Interactive Media Research Group - leader Dr Gavin Stewart  Practice Research Group - leader Joanna Callaghan  Screen and Script - leader Dr Carlota Larrea

2. Activities and Achievements – report

The year got off to a good start with the Research Informed Teaching scheme. It was warmly embraced within the Divisions and the Research Institute. Divisions paired up to produce shared plans. Both plans proved highly successful and the MAP, J&C RiT led by Joanna Callaghan and Gavin Stewart was named the best example in the University. Their objectives and achievements are listed below.

In November an initial REF draft was put forward to the University. This included Targeting funding to support staff members with the potential to become REF members. This has resulted in some considerable success: I particularly want to congratulate Mark Collington on his plan for research in animation, and Elsa Bradley on her research outputs. Other have also done well: Gavin Stewart has co-editing a book, Maria Weiner given papers and shown her creative work. At the next RIMAD board will consider how to build on this success.

In March the Institute validated its Professional Doctorate in Journalism, Media, Cinema and Television. Development was lead by Professor Luke Hockley and supported by a strong team.

The Junior Research Institute in PAE continues to thrive under the leadership of Sadie Hunt. It hosts a seminar series and involves students in the practice-led research in the Division.

Following the sad loss of Professor Manuel Alvarado, the University will be receiving the donation of his book and journal collection. Thanks to Luke Hockley for his work facilitating this and to his widow, Tana Wollen, for her generosity.

Staff achievements

Staff achievements this year have been many and numerous.

Staff members have had personal successes this year: congratulations to Helen Bailey who from the 1 September 2010 became the University’s Professor of Dance, much deserved. She has a number of collaborative dance research projects to her credit, and leads the Division of Performing Arts and English dance company and this year established the Theatre season on the Polhill site. Congratulations too to Janey Gordon on her PhD by publication. Janey joined the University in 1995 after a career in radio broadcasting and this award is a confirmation of her academic achievements over the years in her second career. Her collection Notions of Community, A Collection of Community Media Debates and Dilemmas was published this year. Having established a community radio in the University, she is leading the development of the RadioLab build. I hope it inspires others!

Congratulations to Kathryn Woolfe has published her first book, So you want to be a TV presenter? which is doing well. She gave a seminar on her experiences. We look forward to the next book Kathryn.

Institute members have given a number of keynotes or plenary talks this year:

4 John Digance and Dave Green featured at the British Short Film Production, Peterkit Film Festival, St Petersburg, and are active film makers. Luke Hockley gave the plenary at the Jung and Film - Post Jungian Takes on the Moving Image, Confederation of Analytical Psychology, Third Annual Andrew Samuels Lecture, Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental and African Studies, Keith Jebb gave the keynote at the 16th International Reflective Practice Conference, University of Bedfordshire. Helen Bailey gave the Opening plenary on her e-dance project at the All Hands Meeting and IEEE conference

The institute has had a number of students complete this year: congratulations to them all.

Dr Akmal Abd Elrahman Dr Stephen Conway Dr Nigel Robinson Robin Saklatvala MA Tracey Minutillo MA

Research funding bids

Univ Sessex PI and AHRC Archeology & motion c.100,000 Awarded Helen Bailey co-I With Univ ESRC Sport and media 750,000 Unsuccessful Loughborough, and Stirling,Garry Whannel Steven Conway B Academy Videogame athlete 78,000 Unsuccessful Ivor Gaber AHRC Role of Media in Policy 94838 Ongoing Formation Alexis Weedon & UNESCO Crossing media - Ongoing partners boundaries: new forms of the book Joanna Callaghan B Academy Narrative from and Artists 4300 Unsuccessful film Jon Silverman B Academy Role of Media in 25100 Awarded Transtitional Justice Joanna Callaghan Wellcome Freezing the future 29973 Unsuccessful Janey Gordon Ofcom Community Radio Fund 8000 Awarded Mark Gamble, Ivor JISC Internet radio show to 50,000 Unsuccessful Gaber et al support seniormanagers understanding of JISC e- learning outcomes Joanna Callaghan AHRC The Postcard 400000 Unsuccessful Jon Silverman UKDPC Media Analysis of 12225 Unsuccessful representation of Drug users Alexis Weedon Leverhulme New forms of the book 117741 Outline successful City (Steve Barnett) Leverhulme Changing news television 55000 Successful PI and Ivor Gaber agendas (co-I)

A sample of our activities are given in the attached RIMAD newsletter.

5 3. Research seminars term 1 2010 6.10.10 Jarrell Pair 13.10.10 Michael Chanan (Roehampton University) The Role of History in the Individual 20.10.10 Lisa Thomas (University of Bedfordshire) Shaping counter-terrorism policy in the UK: Analysing the relationship between government and external influencers 27.10.10 Roberta Buiani (Anglia Ruskin) Tbc 3.11.10 Dan Pinchbeck (University of Portsmouth) Tbc 10.11.10 RIMAD Board 17.11.10 Professor Martin McQuillan (University of Kingston) Disney, Ecology and Globalization 1.12.10 Paul Manning (University of Winchester) 8.12.10 Sean Nixon (University of Essex)

Research seminars 2009-10

Research informed teaching seminars term 1

Mike Weller The Making of 'Slow Fiction' for Print and Web-based Formats Nigel Bristow, Director & Casting… and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Scriptwriter Paula Roush, Artist & Academic Download fever: photography, subcultures and counter-archival strategies RIMAD Board All Board members Co-ordinated by Alexis Weedon Research Bids workshop for staff and research students Co-ordinated by Janey Gordon Radio Colloquium Joanna Callaghan Why read if I want to make stuff? Clare Walsh & Chantal Oliver On cross-over fiction Adam Procter Create, Share and Collaborate: Using open content. Simon Levitt Flash! Arit Eminue Diva Films A practice based research symposium in association with MeCCSA and the Determining Creative Practice University of Derby Stuart Harris Cinematographer, National Film and Television School

Term 2

'You can do that': The unexpected pleasure of writing a Alexis Weedon textbook chapter Ivor Gaber The odd couple: political trust and political communication Elena Boschi & Tim McNelis (University of Liverpool 'Same Old Song' On Audiovisual Style in the Films of Wes School of Popular Music) Anderson Supervisors meeting RIMAD Board Jo Littler, Middlesex University, London UK Ecologies of green consumption Janey Gordon RIT Mentoring projects ' Sharon Lockyer, Brunel University Social Class Contempt in Contemporary TV Sketch Comedy:

6 The Case of Little Britain How Tony Blair fed the feral beast of the media and savaged Jon Silverman the criminal justice system Anna Zarifi The role of rumour in political comunications

Term 3

Dr Akmal Abdelrahman Murals and The Poetic of Space When "popular" was "radical": early celebrity journalism, popular taste and the Dr Milly Willamson (Brunel University) US penny press in the1890s Dr Jussi Parikka (Anglia Ruskin Media Archaeology and New Media Studies University) RIMAD Board Under the Mask Conference http://underthemask.wikidot.com Garry Whannel & Samuel Benagr / RiT Collaboration Project (2 presentations) Joanna Callaghan

4. Research informed teaching

Divisions of Media Art and Production, and Journalism and Communications

Joanna Callaghan, Gavin Stewart

The overall objectives of this RiT action plan for 2009 are to:

1. Maximize the impact of existing RiT activities through optimum use of existing teaching and research; 2. Make available in an accessible format the various practice and research resources relevant to student learning; 3. Provide a range of opportunities for students to engage with practice and research experiences which will allow them to develop transferable skills; 4. Encourage staff and student researchers to collaborate and bid for internal and external funding that will help them to develop their practice, teaching and research in an informed and co-ordinated manner; 5. Encourage staff members to undertake professional activities, such as formal professional development and external examining, that will facilitate the diffusion of best practice; and 6. Promote the practice and research of all staff members

It will seek to achieve these objectives by providing a range of activities from a variety of funding sources including: existing divisional funding, external funders, and RiT funding (discussed in section 9 below).

Examples of RiT activities, to be conducted by RIMAD in conjunction with the Divisions, during 2010 include:-

 The involvement of students in CIMARC activities especially conferences and research projects,

7  The development of the existing RIMAD Research Seminar Series to include workshop sessions led by practitioner-experts familiar with the latest industry developments  The continuing development of the RIMAD and 2D newsletters to provide a pilot platform for the internal dissemination of research and practice, and  The further development of student-initiated events, such as, the Film Festival, The Playful Paradox conference, The Under the Mask conference and the Luton Arts Festival which provide our students and staff with organizational challenges as well as an opportunity to attend and engage with respected practitioners and researchers working in relevant fields.


Issue(Outlined) Action(s) Lead When Resource Success required responsibility needs with Criteria- any Costings expected outcomes 1. Mapping Mapping Alexis March RA for 50 Report of RiT existing RiT existing RiT Weedon 2009 hours best-practice practice practice with Divisions Additional RiT (Objective 1) Funding

2. Incorporating Subject Peter Dean & March The the RiT strategy Review Alexis 2009 incorporation within the Process Weedon of RiT best- Subject Review practice within the Subject (Objective 2) Review process 3. Improve Catalogue MA Garry April 2009 RA for 10 Research dissemination dissertations Whannel hours Catalogue for of research & practical use by outputs by MA work Additional RiT students and students Funding staff

(Objective 2) 4. Improve the Show and Joanna March- RA for 30 Increased dissemination promote Callaghan December hours staff & student of staff and practice & 2009 engagement student research for £400 for with practice practice & exhibition & promotional and research research screening material (e.g. within the postcards) (Objective 7) university & local venues Additional RiT Funding

8 5. Co-ordinate Create an Joanna April 2009 RA for 15 Online online effective an Callaghan hours resource dissemination online of research and resource that Additional RiT practice co-ordinates Funding existing online (Objective 3) resources used by staff and students

9 6. Weekly Maintain the Gavin Stewart All Year - £2000 Promoting and RIMAD weekly Weekly in Delivering 20 Seminars programme of Term time RIMAD Research seminars funding Seminars (Objective 4) available to staff and students 7. RiT An occasional Peter Dean Feb-Dec £300 Promoting and Capability programme of and Alexis 2009 delivering 3 Seminars Divisional Weedon Capability seminars on Additional RiT Seminars (Objective 6) learning, Funding curriculum development, professional development etc. (e.g. The role of external examiner by Peter Dean) 8. RIMAD Extend the Joanna Bi-weekly RA for 15 Promoting and Seminar programme of Callaghan hours Delivering 10 Workshops RIMAD additional seminars to Additional RiT RIMAD (Objective 4) include Funding workshops for workshops staff, students from non- Plus:- and alumni affiliated Practitioners practitioner expenses, experts posters and refreshments £2,000

Additional RiT Funding 9*. Pilot staff Building on Gavin Stewart 2 per year £2,000 Online and student the existing Pilot resource research and RIMAD Alexis July & Publication practice newsletter, Weedon Dec 2009 Costs Opportunities publication this would be for student an new online RA for 220 editorial and 20 page hours positions (Objective 4) bound format publication Mentored Promoting and that would student delivering new provide an editorial research to opportunity for assistants staff and staff, students £600 students and visitors to contribute, Additional RiT edit & Funding disseminate practice and research outputs

10. 2D Building on Charmaine 3 per year £200 Promoting and Newsletter the existing Cummings delivering new

10 RIMAD J&C, MAP teaching- (Objective 4) newsletter this funding related new initiatives publication will provide an opportunity for staff, students and visitors to disseminate teaching information

11. Developing a Carlota Feb 2009 MAP funding Promoting and Contemporary student-led Larrea £500 delivering a Chinese Film initiative, student-led Festival which will film festival involve staff (Objective 4) and students working together to deliver events and research seminars 12. The Playful Developing a Keith Jebb & May 2009 £2,600 Promoting and Paradox student- Gavin Stewart RIMAD delivering a Conference supported funding student-led initiative which literary (Objective 4) will involve conference, staff and which will students provide an working opportunity for together on an students and international staff to literary engage with conference leading practitioners 13. Under the Developing a Luke Hockley June 2009 £2,600 Promoting and Mask: student-led & Gavin RIMAD, MAP delivering a Perspectives initiative, Stewart & RiT project student-led on the Gamer which will funding gamer conference involve staff conference and students which will (Objective 4) working provide staff together on an and students international with an gamer opportunity to conference engage with leading academics and industry game-makers 14. B: Fest Developing a Robin May-June £4,000 U of Promoting and Luton Arts student-led Saklatvala 2009 Beds delivering a Festival initiative, Marketing student-led which will dept, Division arts festival (Objective 4) involve staff of A&D, and students Division of working MAP & together in Division of developing J&C

11 and delivering an arts festival £6,000 Arts Council & External Sponsors 15. Practice- Delivering one Joanna April 2009 £3,000 Providing staff based day Callaghan and students Symposium 1 symposium for RiT project with an internal and funding opportunity to (Objective 4 & external engage with 7) practitioners leading academic practitioners, and also providing an opportunity to showcase their work 16 *. Practice- Delivering one Joanna Dec 2009 £3,000 Providing staff based day Callaghan and students Symposium 2 symposium for Additional with an internal and RIT funding opportunity to (Objective 4 & external engage with 7) practitioners leading academic practitioners, and also providing an opportunity to showcase their work 17. Developing a Peter Dean & Feb-Dec £3,000 Facilitating Staff/Student mentoring Alexis 2009 short Mentoring scheme that Weedon Additional RiT internships in scheme will bring Funding which together staff students gain (Objective 4 & and students relevant 7) on research experience of project by research and providing practice funding for research projects with student involvement

12 18. Practice & Providing a Peter Dean & Feb-Dec £3,500 Provide Research fund that Alexis 2009 Additional funding for Capability staff can bid Weedon RiT Funding new practice Fund for and research projects (Objective 5 & - for projects 7) that encourage new practice or research initiatives which involve collaboration, and/or student involvement and have a written outcome (that can also be reported at a future RIMAD seminar)

OUTCOMES OUTLINED IN ACHIEVED OUTCOMES PROPOSAL Mapping existing RiT practice (1) Achieved: (attached)

Incorporation of RIT strategy within Achieved: – March 09 (attached) the Subject Review (2)

Cataloguing of MA dissertations and Achieved: - 7.5.09 (attached) practical work (3))

2 events achieved Show and promote practice & a. Student film screening event 9.12.09 (attached) research within the university (4) b. RiT Seminar, J.Callaghan: 4.11.09: Teaching Practice

Survey of existing online resources Achieved: 6.11.09 (attached) and interviews with staff members to determine direction (5)

Delivered 8 seminar/workshops Attached documentation, speakers list, attendence RiT RIMAD seminar workshops lists

Practice based research Symposia Achieved: 29 April 2009 - Circularity, narrative & aesthetic translation, University of Bedfordshire – promotional materials attached 2 experts, 11 practitioners, 48 others including 27 students

2 December 2009 - Determining Creative Practice

13 symposium – 2.12.09, University of Bedfordshire – promotional material attached 2 keynotes, 12 academic/practitioners, others – 65 staff/external academics, students (33)

Wiki built for both projects http://pbrsymposium.wikidot.com/

Published Report: Determining Creative Practice by Joanna Callaghan & Joanna Lee, Journal of Media Practice, forthcoming 2010

A survey of relevant journals to teaching and practice- Mentoring project 1 based research compiled to detail foci, audience and Practice-based research and publisher with a sample abstract (attached) Teaching, Joanna Callaghan and A brief survey of publications in teaching and practice- Lisa Thomas based research (attached) Part achieved (Due to student illness this project is incomplete - see report) Mentoring project 2 - Colloquium of Community Radio practitioners and Qualitative Audience Research for academics, 4th November 2009 UK community radio - a pilot study, - MeCCSA 2010 Conference presentation LSE Janey Gordon and Lakshmi Rajeev London, January 6th-8th 2010

Part achieved – will be completed end April

- Literature review (part complete) - Attendance at the 'E-sports and Cyberathleticism' Collaboration project 1 event, held at the Center for Computer Games A Literature Review of Research into Research of the IT University of Copenhagen in May. Professional Gamer Culture in the - Upcoming conference paper to be presented at UK 'Under the Mask: Perspectives on the Gamer 2010' in Gavin Stewart & Steve Conway June. - Attendance of professional games players from 'team Dignitas' at the 'Under the Mask: Perspectives on the Gamer 2010' conference, including a Q&A panel session with the group.

Collaboration project 2 A search for resources in the UK - Identification of resources needed for LRC including (London) that will be beneficial to the books & DVDs teaching of African Cinema, that will - Identification of institutions/individuals as potential enhance delivery of the MA Global developers of this area Media module and that will - Conference on digital cinema in West Africa, entitled contribute to the proposed African Is Celluloid Dead / West African Cinema Now Cinema Event. – Garry Whannel and University of Bedfordshire, October 22-23 2010 Samuel Benagr Collaboration project 3- Literature Underway (see note below) review of Adaptation theories in -Debates paper for journal Convergence (April 2010) relation to film productions Joanna Callaghan & Lisa Thomas

Divisions of Performing Arts and English and Art and Design

14 RiT Action Plan The overall objectives of this RiT action plan for 2009/10 are to: 1. Map existing examples of RiT within the Divisions and to promote these examples as best-practice for future curriculum developments 2. Maximise the impact of existing RiT activities through optimum use of existing teaching and research3. Make available in an accessible format the various practice and research resources relevant to student learning 3. Provide a range of opportunities for staff and students to engage with creative practice and research experiences, which will allow them to develop transferable skills and develop and value a sensibility to the potential of intuition and creativity as the origin of certain kinds of knowledge. 4. Encourage staff and student researchers to collaborate and bid for internal and external funding that will help them to develop their practice, teaching and research in an informed and co-ordinated manner 5. Encourage staff members to undertake professional practice and research activities that will facilitate the diffusion of best practice 6. Promote and support the professional practice and research of all staff members. It will seek to achieve these objectives by providing a range of activities from a variety of funding sources including: existing Divisional funding and RiT funding (discussed in section 9 below).

Examples of RiT activities, to be conducted by the two Divisions in conjunction with RIMAD during 2009/10 include:  The mapping of current Research-informed teaching activity within the current curriculum,

 The development of the existing RIMAD Research Seminar Series to include workshop sessions led by creative practitioners/experts familiar with cultural and industry developments

 The identification of best practice to provide a platform series for the internal and external dissemination of research and practice

 The further development of events, such as, the ‘Against the Wall’ mural symposium and the ‘Hockcliffe Collection Symposium’,

 The activity plan also includes an opportunity for Divisional responsive mode support for RiT projects to be developed and led by individual staff members over the period of the project.

1. Mapping existing RiT practice (Objective 1) Mapping existing RiT practice and undertaking gap analysis 2. Incorporating the RiT strategy within Divisional Strategic Review and Planning (Objective 2) 3. Co-ordinate online dissemination of research and practice (Objective 3) Create an effective online resource of research by staff for access and use by students 4. Platform Series: Improve the dissemination of professional practice and practice as research in creative and performing arts (Objectives 4, 7) Show and promote professional practice and practice as research for exhibition & performance within the university & local venues through a platform series of events in performance, poetry, fiction, visual arts, video photography etc. to include staff, students and external practitioners. 5. RIMAD/CARD Seminars (Objective 4) Contribute more actively to the weekly programme of seminars available to staff and students 6. RiT Capability Seminar/workshop programme (Objective 6) A programme of seminars/workshops on research topics, research support, curriculum development, professional development etc. to be provided by invited experts internal and external to the institution (e.g. research application process by AHRC officer) 7. Activating staff applied research and professional practice for the RiT context (Objectives 4,5,6,7) A responsive scheme of small grants to support collaborative projects between the staff within the divisions (eg. Reflective practice in performance, using technology to document and visualise the creative process, the challenge of evaluating the changing aesthetic in creative arts practice). Research outputs to be presented at the Applied Research in the Creative and Performing Arts symposium 8. Applied Research in the Creative and Performing Arts Host a one-day symposium event of practical presentations, performances, workshops

15 5. Research outputs

Books Wolfe, Kathryn (2010) So you want to be a TV presenter?, Nick Hern Books

Edited works Gordon, Janey (editor) (2009) Notions of Community, A Collection of Community Media Debates and Dilemmas, Peter Lang Ltd, Oxford. Weedon, Alexis (2010) (General Editor) History of the Book in the West, 5 Vols series. Weedon, A (2010) (ed) History of the Book in the West: the Twentieth Century, Volume 5 with introductory essay Weedon A (2010) and Stephen Colclough (eds) History of the Book in the West: the Nineteenth Century, volume 4 with introductory essay

Keynotes/plenaries Bailey H and e-dance project. Opening plenary, All Hands Meeting and IEEE conference, Dec 2009 Digance J & Green D. British Short Film Production, Peterkit Film Festival, St Petersburg, Russia, October 2009. Hockley, L., Plenary, Jung and Film - Post Jungian Takes on the Moving Image, Confederation of Analytical Psychology, Third Annual Andrew Samuels Lecture, Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, April 2010. Jebb, Keith, Keynote, 16th International Reflective Practice Conference, University of Bedfordshire, Putteridge Bury, Luton, 23-25 June 2010

Exhibitions Douglas, Noel (2010) Street based installations, COP15 UN Summit, Copenhagen December 2009, World Peoples' Summit on Climate Change, Cochabamba, Bolvia April 2010.

Group exhibitions Callaghan, J. (2010) Ikonoclash, Centro Cultural de Lagos, Algarve Portugal, 5 June - 1 August Callaghan, J. (2010) ''Still Moving'' in Moves10: International Festival of Movement on Screen, Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool, 21-25 April Douglas, Noel (2010) Finalist 22nd International Poster Biennale Wilanów Poster Museum, Warsaw, Poland 2 June–31 August 2010. Douglas, Noel (2010) Protest: Fight the Power: Twenty Years of the Political Poster, part of BASS Festival, Custard Factory, Birmingham, 3–30 June 2010. (British Council sponsored show) Douglas, Noel (2010) as Curator and exhibitor. Signs of Revolt, Truman Brewery, London. 13–23 November 2009.

Peer reviewed journal articles Charles, Alec (2009) ‘Playing with one’s self: notions of subjectivity and agency in digital games’ in Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture 3:2, pp. 281-294. Jebb, Keith, review of Ian Brinton, A Matter of Utterance: The Poetry of J.H. Prynne, in Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry, Vol 2, Number 1, March 2010. Larrea, Carlota. "Water, Window, Moon: Visual Metaphors in Julio Medem's Lucia y el sexo". Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 2009, vol15, no. 1 Saklatvala, Robin and Gordon, Janey (2009) “The B:Fest: Pedagogy and Public Spaces”, Networks, ADM-HEA, October 2009 Stewart, Gavin (2010) "The Paratexts of Inanimate Alice: Thresholds, Genre Expectations and Status", Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Vol. 16, No. 1, 57-74 (2010)DOI: 10.1177/1354856509347709 Whannel, Garry (2009) ‘Television and the Transformation of Sport’, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 625, No. 1, 205-218, DOI: 10.1177/0002716209339144 Whannel, Garry (2009) (with John Horne) ‘The ‘caged torch procession’: celebrities, protesters and the 2008 Olympic torch relay in London, Paris and San Francisco, in Sport in Society Special Issue, edited by D. Martinez & K Latham, 2010 Whannel, Garry (2010) ‘News, Celebrity and Vortextuality: a study of the media coverage of the Jackson Verdict’ in Cultural Politics, v6 n1, pp65-84,

Articles and chapters Charles, Alec (2009) ‘History & Who-topia: a Wellsian re-reading of Russell T Davies’s Doctor Who’ in Altertopian 1. Charles, Alec (2010) ‘The mediacratic subject: reflections upon the illusion of interactivity in contemporary mass media forms’ in The Evidence 3. Darwood, Nicola (2009) 'Empty Boxes, Empty Spaces: Elizabeth Bowen's The Little Girls' in McNair, A and Ryder, J

16 (eds). Further From the Frontiers: Cross-currents in Irish and Scottish Studies. Aberdeen, AHRC Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies, pp.11-20. Darwood, Nicola (2010) 'Eviction from Eden: The Fiction of Elizabeth Bowen' in The Glass. No 22, Spring 2010, pp.41-49. Douglas, Noel (2010) 'Attacked by Music, Type and Light', in Eye 76 pp.19-21 Faherty, Michael (2010) 'The Strange Ones: John Montague, Ezra Pound and the Troubadour Tradition', in Lee, Michelle (ed.) Poetry Criticism, vol. 106. Detroit: Gale, pp. 299-306. Gaber, Ivor and Lisa Thomas (2009) ‘Is the BBC biased? The Corporation and the coverage of the 2006 Israeli-Hezbollah war’, in L. Marsden & H. Savigny (eds), Media, religion and conflict, Surrey: Ashgate. Gordon, Janey (2009) (Invited) Spectrum for the Common People / Spettro per la gente comune No. 13, September 2009 Connected & People a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by Andreas Fernadez, Andrea Mubi Brighenti on line at www.losquaderno.net Hockley, Luke (2009) 'Shaken, Not Stirred: James Bond and the Puer Archetype' in, Perpetual Adolescence: Jungian Analyses of American Media, Literature and Pop Culture. Eds. Sally Porterfield, Keith Polette and Tita French Baumlin. The State University of New York Press (SUNY): Albany. Hockley, Luke (2009) 'Losing the Plot: A Story of Individuation and the Movies'. Quadrant: THe Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation. Volume XXXX, no 1. Winter. pp9-24 Horne, John and Garry Whannel (2009) Beer Sponsors football: What could go wrong ?, in Sport Beer and Gender: Promotional Culture and Contemporary Social Life, (edited by Lawrence A. Wenner and Steven L. Jackson), Peter Lang, New York, 2009 Larrea, Carlota (2010) "Consciousness- raising for the 21st Century: Feminist Websites and Postfeminism Online", in Transcultural Encounters Amongst Women in Hispanic and Lusophone literature, art and film, Cambridge Scholars Press Layden, Garry (forthcoming) "Vertical Studio Teaching and Assessment in Art and Design: an Evaluation of Learning Systems", on Art Design Media Subject Centre - The Higher Education Academy (ADM-HEA) website. Silverman, Jon (forthcoming) YouTube if you want to : new media,investigative tele-journalism and social control. Part of UoB End of Journalism conference compendium. Silverman Jon (2009) Why Tony Blair could never have been a satisfactory first president of Europe. Amsterdam Law Forum, Vol 2, No 1. Silverman Jon (2010) Counterblast: How Tony Blair fed the feral beast of the media and savaged the criminal justice system. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. May 2010, Vol 49, No 2. Weedon, Alexis (2010) ‘The Economics of the Book’ in Michael Suarez SJ and H. R. Woudhuysen (eds) "Oxford Companion to the Book". Vol 1. Oxford University Press. Weedon, Alexis (2010) in 'The Numbers Game: Quantifying the Audience' in Cutchins, Raw and Welsh (eds) ''Redefining Adaptation Studies'' Scarecrow Press p. 113-146 ISBN 978-0-8108-7298-1 Boyle, Raymond, David Rowe and Garry Whannel (2009) ‘A Crass Lack of Seriousness’? Questions for Sports Journalism, in The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism Studies. Ed Stuart Allen, Routledge Whannel, Garry (2009) Between culture and economy: understanding the politics of media sport, in Marxism, Cultural Studies and Sport, (edited by Ben Carrington and Ian McDonald) London: Routledge Whannel, Garry and John Horne (2009) Beer Sponsors football: What could go wrong ?, in Sport Beer and Gender: Promotional Culture and Contemporary Social Life, (edited by Lawrence A. Wenner and Steven L. Jackson), Peter Lang, New York, Whannel, Garry (forthcoming) ‘Caught in the Spotlight: Media Themes in the build-up to the Beijing Olympic Games’, in Esporte e Sociedade Journal, Brasil

Reports Callaghan, J.(2010) '' Determining Creative Practice'', Journal of Media Practice

Print and online Journalism Silverman J "Taking a Chance" /Jon Venables and rehabilitation of offenders - BBC News Online (8.3 2010) Silverman J " Jamaica Violence linked to US drug market" - BBC News Online ( 27.5.2010) Silverman J Various articles, Policy Review Online / Sept.2009-April 2010 Silverman J Suspected war criminals in the UK and genocidaires - StandupTall Project website/www.standuptallproject.org.uk - 15.6.2009 Silverman J The death of Ian Tomlinson - StandupTall Project website - www.standuptallproject.org.uk - 4.8.2009

Performances McKenna, Lesley (2009) 'Body/Scapes' and 'The Snowbound Heart' at The Blue Bus Poetry Series. The Lamb. Lamb's Conduit Street. London (15th September). McKenna, Lesley (2009) '''Amaranthus caudatus''. Love Lies Bleeding' at Determining Creative Practice symposium. University of Bedfordshire, Luton (2nd December).

17 Broadcasts Britten, Robin (2009/10) BBC 3CR … IV's x 3. Why are Royals firing warning shot at press? The perfect red top story; Premier League footballers and sex. Is Sun fair to use images from "personal"mobile on front page? Charles, Alec (2009) Interviewed on BBC Three Counties Radio about online newspaper provision (30 November). Charles, Alec (2009) Interviewed on BBC Three Counties Radio about Jean Baudrillard and the culture of the virtual (27 October). Silverman Jon (2009/10) Various interviews on criminal justice/legal issues for BBC Radio 4,5 Live, BBC World Service, BBC Wales, BBC Scotland, BBC Northern Ireland.

Conference papers Bradley, Elsa (2009) 'Frequency of flow experiences in recreational, vocational and professional dancers.' International Association of Dance Medicine and Science 19th Annual General Meeting, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 2009. Bradley, Elsa (2010) 'Positive dancing: The key to optimal experiences among professional, vocational and recreational dancers.' Healthy Dancer, Healthy Dance Teacher Conference, Tartu, Estonia, June 2010. Bradley, Elsa (2010) 'Going with the flow.' Teaching and Learning Conference, University of Bedfordshire, July 2010. Callaghan, Joanna (2010) 'Film & Philosophy: Ideas and Things', University of Bristol - research seminar, 26 January 2010 Charles, Alec, Conrad, Mark and Neale, Jo (2010). 2010: ‘Of mice or men? – the avatar in the virtualscape’ , International Conference on Information Society, London, 28-30 June. Charles, Alec (2010) 'The illusion of agency: a theoretical footnote upon notions of media interactivity, participation and co-authorship', Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Edinburgh. Charles, Alec (2010) ‘The mediacratic subject: reflections upon the illusion of interactivity in contemporary mass media forms’, MeCCSA Conference, LSE. Charles, Alec (2009) ‘The politics of trivia: a case study in the ideological iconography of the fantastical marginalia of BBC News Online’, Political Studies Association Media & Politics Group Annual Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 5-6 November. Charles, Alec (2010) ‘Let’s stop playing games: a deconstruction of the illusory interface between the material and the virtual’, Under the Mask 2010, University of Bedfordshire. Charles, Alec (2010) ‘The meta-Utopian metatext: the deconstructive dreams of Ulysses and Finnegans Wake’, Modernism and Utopia: Convergence in the Arts, University of Birmingham. Darwood, Nicola (2009) ‘Elizabeth Bowen and a Tale of Two Tigers’ Sound, Image, Text, ISSCL Annual Conference, Trinity College, Dublin. Darwood, Nicola (2009) ‘Eviction from Eden: the Fiction of Elizabeth Bowen’ at ‘Down to Earth: The Fall in Modern Literature’ conference, Corpus Christie College, Oxford, 7th November 2009. Douglas, Noel (2010) 'Sign Wars' Paper given at 2nd International Design Conference: 'Responsibility in Graphic Design', Katowice, Poland 11–15 January 2010. Gazzard, Alison 'Routes through Gamespace: Maze Paths and Videogames ', Ludotopia, ITU, Copenhagen, 27th-29th May 2010 Gordon Janey (2009) “Qualitative Audience Research: a model for the UK community radio sector.” University of York, Toronto, Canada. July 27th- 30th 2009 Gordon Janey (2010)“Qualitative Audience Research for UK community radio - a pilot study.” MeCCSA Conference, London School of Economics, 6th-8th January 2010 Hockley, Luke (2010) 'On the Edge: Psyche in Ethics, the Arts and Nature: A Conference of Research in Jung and Analytical Psychology', -‘Shaken Not Stirred…James Bond and the Country that wouldn’t grow up’, and second paper ‘House: Explorations of a Wounded Healer’. Cornell University, USA. Jebb, Keith, 'The Pronominal Monster,' at Determining Creative Practice symposium, University of Bedfordshire, Luton, 2 December 2009. McKenna, Lesley (2009) 'Cutting it Up: Intertextuality and the Collage Poem' at Determining Creative Practice symposium. University of Bedfordshire, Luton. 2nd December. Stewart, Gavin (2010) Ergodicity and ARGing, at Under the Mask, Perspective on the Gamer 2010, University of Bedfordshire, Luton, Wednesday 2nd June 2010 Walsh, Clare (2009) 'Re-visioning Kipling’s Kim for a multicultural audience: a study of John Howard Davies’ 1984 film Kim’, Sound, Image, Text, ISSCL Annual Conference, Trinity College, Dublin Weedon, Alexis (2009) 'Using the Reading Experience Database in cross-media research' British Library, 29th September 2009. Weedon, Alexis (2009) ‘Elinor Glyn: Novelist and Photoplay Writer’ National Film Theatre/British Film Institute, 7 November 2009. Weedon, Alexis (2010) ‘Problems of Multi-disciplinarity’ – i.e. writing up research for different academic audiences so that

18 it addresses - or recognises - the different questions which frame work in different disciplines. 12-13 Feb 2010 Whannel, Garry (2009) ‘“Is there anyone I haven’t offended ?” Notes on the roots of political stand-up comedy’ at the 3rd International Comedy Conference, University of Salford, 4th - 5th June Whannel, G (2009) Invited Speaker, University of Malaga, Spain Summer School, August 5th, 2009 Conference/Workshop attendence/participation Conway, S, Gazzard, A & Stewart, G - Conference Co-ordinators 'Under the Mask: Perspectives on the Gamer Conference', University of Bedfordshire, 1st June 2010 Digance J, Landscaping: Artists, Maps and Britain, British Library 11/09/10. Digance J, Documentary Now, Birkbeck College, January 2010. Gordon, Janey - Colloquium organiser " Community Radio in Higher Education", University of Bedfordshire, 4th November 2009 Green D, Sheffield International Documentary Film Festival, November 2009. Green D & Digance J, International Documentary Film Festival, Amsterdam, Netherlands, November 2009. Silverman, Jon (2009) Just Journalism round-table on international law, Westminster, 19.8.2009 Silverman, Jon (2009), Chair, 'Understanding Violence Against Women' annual conference, 19.11.2009 Silverman, Jon (2009)Chair, National Citizen Focus Policing Conference, 24.11.2009 Silverman, Jon (2010 Chair, 'Crime & Punishment in the 21st century' (Part of Myths &Realities public debates, ESRC, British Academy, British Library, 8.2.2010 Silverman, Jon (2010), Chair, National Offender Management Conference, 8.6.2010 Wolfe, Kathryn attended MeCCSA conference, January 2010 Wolfe, Kathryn 'The CETL C-Space as a learning environment', presentation at Bridging the Gaps conference, University of Bedfordshire, July 2010 Grants Layden, Garry and Hesketh Joslin, Dawn (2010) Funds of £472.76 awarded for Research Informed Teaching Project: “An evaluation of measures put in place to prepare Level 5 Interior Architecture and Interior Design Students to work collaboratively with Level 5 Contemporary Theatre Practice students” Silverman, Jon (2010) Three-year research grant awarded by British Academy under its International Partnership programme to examine the impact of the media on transitional justice in Sierra Leone and Liberia. (Project starts Oct.2010) Other activities Callaghan, Joanna (2010) Artist talk, Whitechapel Gallery, London, 18 February 2010 Gordon Janey (2010) Launched Radio LaB 97.1 FM, full time community radio station based in University of Bedfordshire Green D & Digance J, Curate British Shorts Film Festival and run Journey film workshops, Szimpla Kertmozi, Budapest, May 2009. Green D & Digance J, Curate British Shorts Film Festival and run fiction film workshops, Sputnik Kino, Berlin, Jan 2010. Green D & Digance J, Short film workshops , experimentation and Journeys, Sputnik Kino, Berlin, July 2009. Green D & Digance J, Experimental film practice, Journeys and Movement, lecturers and workshops, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, July / Aug 2010. Silverman Jon (2009-) Consultancy for BBC World Service Trust mentoring West African journalists covering the Charles Taylor trial in The Hague Silverman Jon (2010), Member, Media & Public Confidence sub-group of the National Inquiry into Social Work, chaired by Professor Eileen Munro. Stewart Gavin (2009) Texter-in-residence, A Mobile Phone Haiku Project, Determining Creative Practice - A practice- based research symposium,MeCCSA: Media, Communication & Cultural Studies Association, University of Bedfordshire, Luton Wolfe, Kathryn, 'So You Want to Write a Text Book?' presentation to 2D, March 10 Wolfe, Kathryn 'What are the main differences between acting and presenting on camera in terms of the skills you need to display?' The Stage, 1.7.10 Wolfe, Kathryn The Stage TV Presenting supplement, contributor 8.7.10 Wolfe, Kathryn, 'So You Want to be a TV Presenter?' Book review, The Stage, 8.7.10 Wolfe, Kathryn, My West London Life, http://www.westlondonliving.co.uk/west-london-life/kathryn-wolfe20.7.10 Wolfe, Kathryn, The Write Pitch, http://www.twelvepoint.com/?q=articles/write-pitch 20.7.10 Design Douglas, Noel (2010) Book Cover 'Dark Matter–Art and Politics in the Age of Enterprise Culture', Gregory Sholette Pluto Books 2010

19 Appendices

Appendix 1

Reports CIMARC

The centres activity listed under outputs above also engaged students in the research. Specifically

Support information on films shown in CIMARC Screenings (Nadezda Fadina) Dossier on representations of Islam linked issues in the British Press (Muhammad Imran Asim) Research support material on Science and the Media (Louis Sharkey) Research support for event on Walter Benjamin (Louis Sharkey) Data entry for longitudinal content analysis of television sport schedules (Wesley Dean)

Appendix 2 Report: Practice-led research group

External liaison and activities - Practice Research group

Meeting 10 February

Attending: Joanna Callaghan Lesley McKenna Maria Wiener Gavin Stewart

Discussed the symposium and future directions. Decided best direction of the group is in the production of projects such as future symposiums/conferences and to this end it was decided not to meet until the next project. (Conference 2011)

Individual activities

Joanna Callaghan

 Published symposium report in Journal of Media Practice on the UoB Determining Creative Practice symposium, December 2009  Managing RiT project with a further £5000 awarded for 2D project  Presented research seminar: University of Bristol, Feb 2010  Keynote address at Ikonocklash, University of Algarve, Faro, June 2010  Had exhibitions in Liverpool and Portugal  Submitted funding bids to British Academy, Welcome Trust, Arts Council England  Elected to Peer Review College for Arts and Humanities Research Council  Appointed as a Permanent Fellow of the London Graduate School

20 Gavin Stewart

 Stewart, Gavin (2010) "The Paratexts of Inanimate Alice: Thresholds, Genre Expectations and Status", Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Vol. 16, No. 1, 57-74 (2010)DOI: 10.1177/1354856509347709  Stewart, Gavin (2010) Ergodicity and ARGing, at Under the Mask, Perspective on the Gamer 2010, University of Bedfordshire, Luton, Wednesday 2nd June 2010  Stewart Gavin (2009) Texter-in-residence, A Mobile Phone Haiku Project, Determining Creative Practice - A practice-based research symposium,MeCCSA: Media, Communication & Cultural Studies Association, University of Bedfordshire, Luton

Maria Wiener  Presented a paper in Athens at a conference Dancing Bodies: Practices and Politics" entitled Unconscious and the Wonder of Creativity" alongside new animation work called "Start From Scratch"

Keith Jebb  Review of Ian Brinton (ed.) A Matter of Utterance: The Poetry of J. H. Prynne (Shearsman 2009) appeared in The Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry Vol 2 Number 1, (March 2010).  Keynote address at the 16th International Reflective Practice Conference at Putteridge Bury, UOB.  Editor - Divergence (online international journal of innovative and experimental writing and poetics). Planning to go live over the summer and launch officially in the autumn.

Appendix 3


Notes of meeting held on 29 June 2010, A103.

Present: Professor Alexis Weedon, Professor Ivor Gaber, Professor Garry Whannel, Dr Janey Gordon, Ms Deena Ingham, Mr Robin Britten, Dr Gavin Stewart, Dr Alec Charles

Apologies: Professor Jon Silverman

The group were asked to consider ideas to promote research impact, foster private and public sector industry links, increase numbers of PhD and postdoctoral research students, and enhance the student experience.

The following ideas were discussed:

 The creation of a co-funded AHRC research studentship in collaboration with industry (possible partners might include EasyJet or the Bedfordshire Police);

 The involvement of Dr Jen Clemitson (Research Development Manager, Knowledge Hub) in the development of opportunities for links with industry;

 An event or series of events which might attract representatives of industry in order to promote contacts for research applied opportunities and collaborations: such events might include an Open Day (a taster session allowing guests into ongoing classes) for the Professional Doctorate and public lectures in the series promoted by the Knowledge Hub;

 The development and promotion of individual units within postgraduate provision as CPD units (note: this should be highlighted in the documentation for the approval of new courses);

 Public sector research projects (commissioned but conducted gratis) in order to promote the impact of research;

21  Inset days for school teachers in areas of media and communications training;

 The promotion of training, consultancy and research services offered by RIMAD through the Knowledge Hub section of the University website;

 The development of a RIMAD/BIMAP media/journalism weblog for inclusion on such platforms as the AJE website;

 The development of links with the business community in Milton Keynes (DI is a member of the MK Chamber of Commerce);

 The use of Radio LaB in the dissemination of training-style talks on media relations and communications, in the promotion to industry and to the local community of research activities and opportunities for collaboration, and in the promotion and practice of media relations and communications training activities.

Appendix 4

Junior Research Institute (jRI), Division of Performing Arts and English

The jRI was set up in 2009 - 2010 as a pilot scheme to encourage undergraduate students to recognise, participate in and contribute to a shared research community between academics and students in the Division of Performing Arts and English. The creation of the pilot scheme facilitated the initial research required to set up a jRI that was fit for purpose and specifically designed for students studying the arts within the division. Early research revealed that student perceptions of research and the existing research community needed to be changed, and the creation of the jRI aimed to do this.

Students were given the opportunity to be informed research participants in staff RiT projects. Students were encouraged and supported to write academic reflective accounts of their involvement in this research. This led to one dance student embarking upon the jRI associate fellowship scheme and being mentored in writing a paper for internal publication (2010). There are other students involved in the mentorship scheme working towards associate fellowships and full fellowships from both English and Dance, the dissemination of this undergraduate research will happen in this current academic year through; the research performance platform Junior TestBed (3rd Nov 2010), an article written for undergraduate publication (2011) and a staff/ student collaborative article for publication (2011 – 2012). The jRI also created and delivered a programme of workshops for enhancing research skills. These were successful and student feedback on the relevance and value of these was very positive.

The first year of the jRI focused on researching the need for and design of an effective scheme, running and evaluating pilot projects and student opportunities.

Following the success of the pilot scheme, the jRI 2010 – 2011 builds on this success as well as offering more opportunities within the research community¹.

The jRI is the result of a meta-research project into research skills in undergraduate performing arts students. This research has been disseminated in a presentation and poster at the University of Bedfordshire conference 2010, and in a published chapter ².

¹ See jRI proposal 2010 – 2011 document for more information

²Hunt, S. (2010) ‘Junior research institutes: an exploration into the need for, creation of and benefits from developing undergraduate research initiatives at UoB’. In Atlay, M. & Coughlin, A. eds. Creating communities: developing, enhancing & sustaining learning communities across the University of Bedfordshire. Bedfordshire: University of Bedfordshire

22 Research Degrees Awarded

Date Date Time Date of Total Name Degree Mode of of Viva to Title of thesis Award Time Reg. Sub. Sub. Compositional Structures in Mural Akhmal 24- 28- 15-Apr- 21-Dec- Design Towards a Site-Specific Hamed PhD FT Feb- 48m 58m Feb-05 09 09 Deconstructive Mural Abdelrahman 09 Methodology 18- Shireen 29-Oct- 14-Jan- 14-Jan- Ideological Analysis and Cinema MA PT Nov- 23m 27m Janmohamed 07 10 10 Fictions 09 26- The Apothecary’s Tales: A game Nigel 01- 15-Dec- 15-Mar- PhD FT Aug- 36m 42m of language in a language of Robinson Sep-06 09 10 09 games 29- Robin 01- 17-Dec- 19-Apr- Designing an arts festival: MA PT Sep- 25m 30m Saklatvala Sep-07 09 10 constructing authenticity. 09 05- ‘ Gender and Genre: Subverting Tracey 05- 06-Jan- 13-May- MA FT Nov- 12m 18m the Norm in Contemporary Minutillo Nov-08 10 10 09 Women’s Fiction’ "Other spirit voices in the air": Janey 05- 25-May- PhD(P) PT community radio, mobile phones Gordon Dec-07 10 and the electromagnetic spectrum

Feminine identity as the site of 28- struggle: the confrontation of Ana Garcia- 01- 24-Feb- 06-Jul- PhD FT Aug- 48m 58m different models of femininity in Lopez Sep-05 10 10 09 contemporary Spanish cinema directed by women (1990-2005)

23 Current Research Students

Reg No Name 1 Name 2 Institute Dir of studies mode degree Prof Luke 0513869 ANSLOW James MAD Hockley PT M/P

99156342 BAKER Catherine MAD John Stephens PT PPP Prof Garry 99143366 BENAGR Samuel MAD Whannel PT PhD

0817847 BENNETT Catherine MAD Helen Bailey PT MA Res; Prof Garry 0503860 CONWAY Steven MAD Whannel FT PhD Dr Amanda 0923427 DE SOUZA Jodi MAD Price PT MA Res;

05284273 DOUSE Louise MAD Helen Bailey FT M/P

0923374 FAIRCHILD Anna MAD John Stephens PT MA Res; 96126524 LA-TRAILLE Micheal MAD J Digance PT MA Res

0411487 MASON-WILKES Jess MAD Janey Gordon PT MA Res

99153574 OLIVER Chantal MAD Dr Clare Walsh PT M/P

0504655 SKOPINSKA Anna MAD Noel Douglas FT MA Res;

9804827X SYER Paul MAD Dr Clare Walsh PT M/P Ms Lesley 0925507 TERRY Teri MAD Mckenna PT MA Res; Prof Jon 99157343 THOMAS Lisa MAD Silverman FT M/P Prof Alexis 0811292 WITWIT May MAD Weedon FT M/P ZOGRAFOU- 0614876 ZARIFI Anna MAD Prof Ivor Gaber PT M/P

24 Business and Research Management Institute Annual Research Report 2009 - 2010

25 Business and Management Research Institute

Annual Research Report

Academic Year 2009-2010

1. Structure and Research Areas

The Business and Management Research Institute (BMRI) sits within the Business School and manages all of the research activity within the School. It has six main Research Centres: Business and Information Systems Research Centre, Centre for Research in Marketing, Centre for Leadership Innovation, Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment, Research Centre for Contemporary Accounting and Finance and School of Law Research Centre for Socio-Legal Studies. Outside the Research Centres, there is considerable research activity by individuals and smaller research clusters in the areas of Finance and Banking, Branding and Marketing, Entrepreneurships and SMEs, International Business, and teaching and learning.

Business and Information Systems Research Centre (BISC) - has two research groups: Research in ICT Business Applications (RICTA) and Operations and Knowledge Management (OKM). The research interests of the members cover a broad range of research strands.

Centre for Research in Marketing (CAM) - concentrates on streams of research into branding, cross-cultural marketing and marketing communications.

Centre for Leadership Innovation (CLI) - aims to explore the nature of leadership needed for healthy, effective, high performing and sustainable organisations, stimulate research and research-related activity within the sphere of management, in particular with regard to the strategic direction of organizations and the management and development of human resources

Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment (CRELLA) - focuses on the nature and measurement of English language proficiency.

Research Centre for Contemporary Accounting and Finance (ResCAF) - aims to maintain a continuing enhancement of the research profile of the Division of Accounting and Finance.

School of Law Research Centre for Socio-Legal Studies (SLRC) – supports the multi-disciplinary research dedicated to the study of law in society.

A current total of 17 research themes associated with disciplinary specialism and research centres have started taking shape under the guidance of departmental research leaders, summarised as follows:

 Agency, Corporate Governance, Employee Performance and Reward  Business and the Law  Consumer and Cross-cultural Behaviour  Contexts: Entrepreneurship and international organisation

26  Criminal law and Criminology  Ethics in Large Legal Firms  Finance and Banking  Financial Reporting and Corporate Governance  Human Trafficking and its Consequences  Information Systems  Innovation in Small Companies  Innovative Learning Practices (Pedagogy research)  Leadership and Innovation in Enterprise and Organisation  Management Accounting  Marketing Strategy (Branding)  Muslim Women’s Rights (at Law) and the Principle of Universality of Human Rights  Operations and Knowledge Management

2. Summary of the Activities in 2009/2010

The major aim of the Faculty in 2009/10 was to start the process of improving its research and publication performance, ahead of delivering an improved assessment in the next REF. A major element of this was to recruit new, research active staff, including senior academics (Professors and Readers), in order to change the culture of the Faculty. This process has started and will continue with the new staff recruitment round for 2010/11, increasing staff numbers by almost 50% over the two year period. All departments now have at least one Professor and have a Departmental Research Leader (Professor or Reader) working with the HoD to embed research into Departmental activities through new staff review practises and procedures. Staff are now more engaged in research, with a blossoming of research seminars across departments. However, we are still some way from securing our major goal, a significant improvement in the Faculty performance in research funding and performance in the next REF.

Intended actions building on activity in 2009/10

Assure a portfolio of research centres and themed ‘research presence’ facing both inward to engage faculty members (including colleagues located across the University generally in academic and academic support areas, as appropriate) and through capitalizing on and extending external networks the wider community with a stake in those activities grouped within the Business and Management Faculty (incorporating English Language and Law) and their potential to have a positive impact on all those with whom the Faculty interacts.

Critical success factors

 Research outputs on track to achieve a strong Faculty return at the time of the Research Excellence Framework census (measured in terms of the quantity of research reported within highly rated publications – in particular the ABS journal rankings or other discipline appropriate journal lists).

 A clear sense that research and scholarship is widely acknowledged among members and positioned as a prerequisite for all the Faculty’s activities, contributing to achievement of a quality ‘research environment’ with the potential to develop over several years in ways likely to be judged distinctive.

 Income generated by research and research-informed outreach activity increased consistent with targets established by University leadership.

 Research student numbers at levels consistent with targets established by University leadership, and where students are integrated within one of the relevant themed team areas within the Faculty and demonstrating progression against award achievement milestones.

 Research dissemination among the community of practise (e.g. policy makers, organization leaders and members) increasing in ways that demonstrate that the Faculty’s research activity is having an impact in terms of informing decision making and action by this community. This is consistent with informing the impact agenda for the REF.

27 3. Individual Centre’s Reports

3.1. BISC Report

Business and Information Systems Research Centre (BISC) sits within the Department of Business Systems. It has two research groups:

 Research in ICT Business Applications (RICTA)  Operations and Knowledge Management (OKM)

Research Themes in BISC

Theme one – Information Systems

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) forms an essential and integral part of modern organisations. The rapid development in ICT has made, and is still making, a profound impact on organisations, government and society. Increasingly, businesses of all sizes have to rely on ICT to deliver their products and services, and more critically, to survive and grow. Information systems are now acknowledged as the important driver for innovation and an essential ingredient for success and growth.

The deployment of advanced ICT in business organisations is constantly creating new opportunities, as well as challenges. To maximise the potential benefits that ICT can deliver, it is imperative for ICT researchers to understand and address the critical issues associated with ICT applications.

Therefore, this research theme focuses on the adoption and use of emerging ICTs by organisations and individuals and the impact of ICTs on the business and management. One particular focus of this research theme is the applications of ICTs in SMEs. The particular research interests of the staff working on this theme include: ICTs adoption and impact, e- business in SMEs, technology enhanced training, intelligent systems for information management and decision making, ICT based knowledge transfer, executive information systems and management, emerging Internet and mobile technologies and applications, organizational culture, and the management of techno-change and anthropology.

Over the last 10 years, research contributing to this theme has been very successful in attracting European Commission’s funding in helping SMEs to improve their business competitiveness by embracing e-business. The research findings and projects undertaken can demonstrate the impact on business performance and policy making through dissemination activities, raised awareness, enhanced knowledge and skills, and better sharing of know-how and best practice. Working on the EU funded project, Researchers working on this theme have also developed strong international collaborations with Asia and European partners. Indicators can be gathered through the outputs generated by a number of EU funded projects, such as VEGNET (e-supply chain), TRIMAR (e-marketing for SMEs), INVOCED (work based training), MOVE (Asia link), TRICTSME (e-commerce in SMEs), LEFC (e-commerce web site design and training), Webstep1 and webstep2 (business web site for SMEs), etc. SMEs are the main beneficiaries of all funded projects carried out by staff in this research group.

Key faculty members: 1. Barnsley, Derek 2. Beaumont-Kerridge, John (Dr.) 3. Bentley, Yongmei (Dr.) 4. Duan, Yanqing (Prof.) 5. Jackson, Stephen (Dr.) 6. Johnson, Brian

28 7. Kennedy, Mike 8. Ong, Vincent (Dr.) 9. Reilly, Simon (Dr.) 10. Richardson, Diane 11. Waterhouse, Peter 12. Five research students

Theme two – Operations and Knowledge Management

Research on the operations and knowledge management covers a range of key issues. The particular focuses of this theme are the knowledge transfer process and key influential factors in SMEs, improving organisations’ operational efficiency by aligning their operational activities with their knowledge management strategies, the knowledge transfer through inter-firm alliances, and particularly, supply chain partnership, knowledge management and sustainable supply chains. Research in these areas aims to improve organisational performance through better operations and knowledge management, thus to stimulate business growth and enhance the sustainability.

Areas in relation to this theme include research on logistics strategies in challenging economic times and the impact of climate change on logistics management. It is anticipated that research outcomes will help provide a theoretical perspective on the processes of implementing strategic adjustments to logistics activities as a response to the changing environment. In practical terms, the study will provide experience-based guidance for companies in the processes of developing and implementing climate change strategies within their logistics activities.

International manufacturing research in the group examines the factors that influence network formation in internationalizing firms and the evolution over time. This work aims to support SMEs and new multinationals as they seek to increase export performance while maintaining domestic market positions. The current pressure of sustainability, austerity and increased international competition has increased the need for successful execution of complex projects by organizations. Organizational Project Management research examines the integration of project and operating activities within firms to achieve immediate goals and strategic objectives.

Key faculty members: 1. Bentley, Yongmei (Dr.) 2. Duan, Yanqing (Prof.) 3. He, Horace (Dr.) 4. Kapofu, Desmond (Dr.) 5. Owen, David (Dr.) 6. Philpott, Elly (Dr.) 7. Richardson, Diane 8. Shoostarian, Chris 9. Warwick, Shamim 10. Williams, Nigel (Dr.) 11. Wright, David 12. Three research students

Theme three – Innovation in Small Companies

This includes how SMEs use partnerships and collaboration to innovate, the relationship between SMEs’ engagements in social networks and innovation. The research has explored sectoral and life cycle preferences for different types of innovation support.

Previous research (HEIF funded) has investigated effective university-SME relationships and has developed processes that allow universities to profile SMEs in terms of innovativeness as well as processes that allow SMEs to benchmark their own innovativeness. See: http://www.uni-east.ac.uk/innovation-test. More recent research (FP7) has investigated how SMEs use multi-partner projects to innovate; investigating the relationships between RTDs and SMEs on European projects. Lessons learnt have been disseminated through a handbook (see www.useanddiffuse.eu). This project has also explored best practice in dissemination and exploitation of research outcomes for SMEs and HEIs. Future research (part externally funded PhD studentships) will extend this knowledge base in three directions. The first is in methodologies for supporting small innovation and growth. The second is in ICT systems to support small business innovation and growth. The third is in the relationship between effective project management in collaborative projects and innovation output in the SMEs involved.

29 The outcomes of all these projects have been disseminated effectively to stakeholders. The co-funded PhD studentships and the relationships established through the LARCI Fellowship will ensure that outcomes have direct impact for stakeholders in terms of REF metrics. Relationships established throughout Europe provide rich case material, consultancy opportunities and effective European dissemination routes.

Key faculty members: 1. Duan, Yanqing (Prof.) 2. Philpott, Elly (Dr.) 3. Three research students

Research Publications

Publications in 2010

Book Chapters 1. Bentley, Y., Richardson, D., Philpott, E., Owen, D., He, Q., Duan, Y. and Ong, V. (2010) “A Research Informed Curriculum Design: the Development of an MSc Course in Project Management”. Creating Communities: Developing, Enhancing and Sustaining Learning Communities across the University of Bedfordshire, University of Bedfordshire.

Journal articles 1. Bentley, Y. and Clarke, S. (2010) “Evaluation of Information Strategy - a Critical Approach”. Journal of Organizational and End-User Computing. IGI Global. (in press). 2. Duan, Y., Nie, W. and Coakes, E. 2011, “Identifying Key Factors Affecting Transnational Knowledge Transfer”. Information and Management. 47(7). 3. Duan, Y., He, Q., Feng, W., Li, D. and Fu, Z. 2010, “A study on e-learning take-up intention from an innovation adoption perspective: A case in China”, Computers & Education, 55(2), 237-246 4. Feng, W., Li, D., Duan, Y. and Fu, Z. 2010, “A Survey of Stickiness of Agriculture Knowledge Acquisition in China”, Sensor Letters, 8(1), Special Issue, 198-202. 5. Feng, W., Duan, Y., Yan, Q. and Fu, Z. 2010, “Factors of e-Knowledge Project Success for Rural Development”, Sensor Letters, 8(1), Special Issue, 203-207. 6. He, Q., Ghobadian, A. and Gallear, D. (2010). Knowledge transfer: The facilitating attributes in supply chain partnerships. Information Systems Management (Special Issue), In Press. 7. Jackson, S. and Philip, G. (2010) “A techno-cultural emergence perspective on the management of techno- change”, International Journal of Information Management, 30(5), 445-456. 8. Wong, M., Jackson, S. and Philip, G. (2010) “Culturalissues in developing E-government in Malaysia”, Behaviour and Information Technology, 29 (4), 423-432. 9. Xu, M., Ong, V., Duan, Y. and Mathews, B. 2010, “Intelligent agent systems for executive information scanning, filtering, and interpretation: perceptions and challenges” Information Processing and Management, in press. 10. Yang, L. and Duan, Y. 2010, “Research on Culture-Based Model of TV Home Shopping Development”, Information Technology Journal, in press.

Conference Proceedings 1. Bentley, Y., Shegunshi, A. and Scannell, M. (2010) “Evaluating the Impact of Distance Learning Support Systems on the Learning Experience of MBA Students in a Global Context”. Electronic Journal of eLearning (EJEL) Vol. 8 (2) 2010: 51-62. Academic Conferences Limited, England. 2. Bentley, Y., He, Q. and Castro Boluarte, J. (2010) “Managing Logistics in a Challenging Economic Environment”. Proceedings of the Logistics Research Network Annual Conference (LRN 2010) – “Towards the Sustainable Supply Chain: Balancing the Needs of Business, Economy and the Environment”’. 8th-10th September 2010, University of Leads, Harrogate, Yorkshire, UK. 3. Bentley, Y. and Selassie, H. (2010) “E-Learning Expectations and Experiences of Executive MBA Students”. The 9th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2010), 4-5 November, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Porto, Portugal (accepted). 4. Bentley, Y., He, Q. and Castro Boluarte, J. (2010) “Logistics and Supply Chain Strategies in Difficult Times”. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems (SCMI2010): Logistics Systems and Engineering. 6-8 October, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China (accepted).

30 5. Bentley, Y. (2010) “The Student Voice of Blended Learning”, Proceedings of the Fifth International Blended Learning Conference “Developing Blended Learning Communities”. 16th-17th June 2010, University of Hertfordshire, UK. 6. He, Q. (2010). Balanced power and supply chain knowledge acquisition: A structural equation model. In Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on APBITM (Asian Pacific Business Innovation and Technology Management), Beijing, China. 7. Jackson, S. (2010) “A Cultural TheoryAnalysis of Information Systems Adoption”, AMCIS2010 Proceedings. Lima, Puru, 12-15, 2010. p.275. 8. Philpott, E. (2010) "Lessons learnt from involvement in innovative EU projects the benefits of collaboration for SMEs”, abstract accepted for ISBE conference Nov 2009. 9. Ong, V., Duan Y., and Mathews, B. (2010) "Using Interpretive Paradigm and CAQDAS in Executive Information Systems Research", IADIS Information Conference. Porto, Portugal, 18-20 March 2010.

Project Handbook 1. McNerney, O. and Philpott, E., et al 2010, “Making European Research Work for Your Company: Strategic Guide to the Successful Use and Dissemination of the results of Research and Development projects. See www.useanddiffuse.eu access date 270909, also Steinbeis Publications ISBN 978-3-941417-27-4. Available in eight languages.

Publications in 2009

Book chapters 1. Duan, Y. (2009) “Web-Based Expert Systems”. In M. Khosrow-Pour (ed) Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (2nd edition). IGI Publishing, Vol. VIII, 4105-4110. 2. Duan, Y. and Xu, M. (2009) (2nd edition) [(2004) (first edition)]. “Decision support systems in small businesses”. In M. Khosrow-Pour (ed) Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (first edition). Idea Group Publisher. ISBN 1-59140-553-X, 754-758; 2nd edition, IGI Publishing, Vol II, 974-977, ISBN 978-1-60566-026-4 (hardcover) 3. Duan, Y., Xu, M. and Feng, W. (2009) “Transnational knowledge transfer”. In D. Schwartz (ed) Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management (2nd edition). IGI Publishing, in press. 4. Haag, M., Duan, Y. and Mathews, B. (2009) “The impact of culture on the application of the SECI model”. In D. Harorimana (ed) Cultural Implications of Knowledge Sharing, Management and Transfer: Identifying Competitive Advantage. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. 5. He, Q. and Duan, Y. (2009) “Emerging Online E-payment and Issues of Adoption”. In M. Khosrow-Pour (ed) Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (2nd edition). IGI Publishing. 1366-1373. 6. Philpott, E. (2009) “Overcoming reticence to aid knowledge creation between universities and business – a case reviewed”, in D. Harorimana (ed) Cultural Implications of Knowledge Sharing, Management and Transfer: Identifying Competitive Advantage, Hershey, PA: IGI Global. 7. Philpott, E. (2009) "‘Strategy" in C. Wankel (ed) Management through Collaboration. e-book, Routledge, in press. 8. Xu, M., Ong, V. and Duan, Y. (2009) “An Ontology-Based Intelligent Model For Semantic Information Processing”, In M. G. Hunter (ed) Strategic Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Application. IGI Publishing.

Journal articles 1. Bentley, Y. (2009) “The Findings from a Management Survey on Supply Chain Management in a Downturn”, Logistics and Transport Focus, Journal of the Chartered Logistics and Transport (UK), 13(10), October 2009. 2. Feng, W., Duan, Y., Fu, Z. and Mathews, B. (2009) “Understanding Expert Systems Applications from a Knowledge Transfer Perspective”, Knowledge Management: Research and Practice, 7(2).

Conference Proceedings 1. Bentley, Y. (2009) “Information Requirements Analyses – Key to the Development of Information Systems in UK Higher Education Institutions”. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC’09) – Security of Global Computing, 19 September 2009, University of Bedfordshire, UK. 2. Bentley, Y. (2009) “Examining the Problems of an Institutional Information System”. Proceedings of the UK Academy of Information Systems Annual Conference - UKAIS 2009 - Positive Information Systems. 31 March-1 April 2009, Oxford, UK.

31 3. Bentley, Y. and He, Q. (2009) “Managing Supply Chains in a Downturn”. Proceedings of the Logistics Research Network Annual Conference (LRN 2009) – ‘Volatile and Fragile Supply Chains’, 9-11 September 2009, Cardiff University, Wales, UK. 4. Bentley, Y., Shegunshi, A. and Scannell, M. (2009) “Evaluating the Impact of Distance Learning Support Systems on the Learning Experience of MBA Students in a Global Context”. Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2009), 29-30 October 2009, University of Bari, Italy. 5. Feng, W., Duan, Y., Qi, Y. and Fu, Z. (2009) “Factors of e-Knowledge Project Success for Rural Development”. Proceedings of the third International Conference on Computers and Computing Technologies in Agriculture (CCTA 2009). Beijing, P.R China, 14-17 Oct, 2009. 6. Feng, W., Li, D., Duan, Y. and Fu, Z. (2009) “A Survey of Stickiness of Agriculture Knowledge Acquisition in China”. Proceedings of the third International Conference on Computers and Computing Technologies in Agriculture (CCTA 2009). Beijing, P.R China, 14-17, Oct, 2009. 7. Haag, M., Duan, Y. and Mathews, B. (2009) “Which Personal Values are Most Relevant to Knowledge Development through E-Learning? Insights from a Delphi Study”. Proceedings of European Conference on Knowledge Management, Vicenza, Italy, 3-4 September 2009. 8. Ong, V., Richardson, D., Duan, Y., He, Q. and Johnson, B. (2009) “The Role of Leadership in Achieving Effective Project Management”. 5th European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance. Athens, Greece, 5-6 Nov 2009. 9. Philpott, E. (2009) "Lessons learnt from involvement in innovative EU projects the benefits of collaboration for SMEs”, abstract accepted for ISBE conference Nov 2009. 10.Xu, X, Duan, Y. and Mathews, B. (2009) "Development of the Internet-based Fresh Produce Supply Chain in the UK SMEs", The 11th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations, 11th -12th April 2009, Beijing, China. 11.Yue, J., Li, Z. and Duan, Y. (2009) “Ontology Based Approach for Retrieval Intention Analysis in e-Learning Systems”. The Second IEEE International Symposium on IT in Medicine & Education (ITME2009), Jinan, P.R. China, 14-16, August 2009. 12.Owen, D. and Beaumont-Kerridge, J (2010) "Relevance of Operations Management to Practising Managers in Emerging Economies", 21st Annual POMS Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 7-10 May 2010 Others (working papers, reports, etc)  McNerney, Philpott et al " A Strategic guide to the successful use and dissemination of the results of EU projects: a European Handbook", status in progress.  Philpott E, et al "Thinking of getting involved in European projects? Lessons learnt from successful Health and ICT projects involving SMEs. Project brochure available in English and German from project website, see www.useanddiffuse.eu

Presentations 2010  Duan, Y. and He, Q. “Understanding e-learning take-up intention from an innovation adoption perspective”. Presentation at University of Bedfordshire Conference 2010: Bridging the Gaps. 6-7 July.  He, Q., Ghobadian, A. and Gallear, D. “Knowledge Transfer: The Facilitating Attributes in Supply Chain Partnerships” Presentation at University of Bedfordshire Conference 2010: Bridging the Gaps. 6-7 July.  Philpott, E. “SMEs as future partners: Lessons learnt from EU Projects for SMEs and HEIs”. Presentation at University of Bedfordshire Conference 2010: Bridging the Gaps. 6-7 July.  Richardson, D., Bentley, Y., Philpott, E., Duan, Y., He, Q. and Owen, D. (2010) “A Research Informed Curriculum Design: the Development of an MSc Project Management Course”. Presentation at University of Bedfordshire Conference 2010: Bridging the Gaps. 6-7 July.  Richardson, D., Bentley, Y., Duan, Y., Philpott, E., He, Q. and Owen, D. (2010) “The Outcome of a Research- Informed-Teaching Project: The Design and Development of an MSc Course in Project Management”. Presentation at the Conference on Research Informed Teaching, Delivering Participation, Engagement, and Enquiry, Staffordshire University, UK, 14th July 2010.

2009  Haag, M. (2009) “Personal Values and their Impact on Team Performance” at the 2nd international York Associates-dialogin conference “High performing international teams”, 17-18 September 2009, York, UK.

32 Research Projects

Current funded project . LARCI Fellowship, May to October 2010, Elly Philpott . “Development and test of a modular ECVET system in the field of professional further training (M-ECVET-S)”. European Commission Life Long Learning Programme (LLP), Leonardo Da Vinci grant. Neville Hunt and Yanqing Duan, . “An Explorative Study of the Role of Knowledge Management in Sustainable Supply Chain Management”, Dean’s Research Grant 2010. University of Bedfordshire Business School, Qile He, . “ An Exploratory Study of Mobile Communication Devices For Supporting Learning and Teaching in Higher Education”, Dean’s Research Grant 2010. University of Bedfordshire Business School. ”, Vincent Ong and Stephen Jackson,

Completed funded project  Use&Diffuse - Support of dissemination and exploitation of results obtained in research projects realised with the participation of the SME sector. A two year project funded by EU FP7-SME-2007-3. Elly Philpott  DIDACTICOOP - Promoting social entrepreneurial spirit among young people. A two-year development of innovation project funded by EC Leonardo Da Vinci programme. Yanqing Duan  MAPSME III - Maintenance of on-line innovation test. www.i10.org.uk/services/innovationtest and further innovation audits. HEIF 3 funding. Elly Philpott  A Study of Contemporary Project Management: Tools and Techniques Used in Organisations. Funded by University of Bedfordshire "Research Informed Teaching" Program. Diane Richardson (leader), Yanqing Duan, Qile He, Brian Johnson, Vincent Ong and David Owen.  A Systematic Review of Contemporary Development in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Funded by University of Bedfordshire "Research Informed Teaching" Program. Qile He (leader), Yongmei Bentley, Desmond Kapofu, Elly Philpott, Diane Richardson.  Quantitative Research Analysis Video. Funded by University of Bedfordshire "Research Informed Teaching" Program. Simon Reilly.  Department RIT Strategy. Funded by University of Bedfordshire "Research Informed Teaching" Program. Diane Richardson (leader).

Bidding Activity

Members of BISC have been active in external and internal bidding activity. A number of research grants have been awarded from internal funding sources, such as: RIT and Dean’s Research Initiatives (see details in current projects). However, the success rate for external bidding still remains very disappointing. A total of six proposals were submitted to various external funding sources, including BBSRC, EC FP7, EC LLP, local authorities, etc. A number of submissions went through the second phase submission. For example, BISC’s proposal on “Development and applications of a methodology on Knowledge Exchange and Translational Research in Agriculture & Food Supply Chain”, prepared by Yanqing Duan, Elly Philpott, Qile He and Stephen Jackson, was short listed for interview in BBSRC head office. Details on bidding activities are provided in BMRI summary table.

Research Students

Current students 1. Abid Ahmad - PhD, ICT infrastructure for supporting environment for business growth: an investigation into online business communities coordinated by universities. DoS: Elly Philpott, second supervisor: Carsten Maple. 2. Jimmy Castro Boluarte - PhD, Examining Carbon Emissions Strategy In Logistics in the UK, DoS: Yongmei Bentley, second Supervisor: James Crabbe, external supervisor: Martin Christopher (Cranfield University). 3. Sunday Eze – PhD, Research on the adoption and development of emerging ICTs in SMEs. DoS: Yanqing Duan., second supervisor: Stephen Jackson. 4. Markus Haag – PhD, Knowledge Development in Online Learning Environments: A Personal Value Perspective, Director of Studies (DoS): Yanqing Duan, second supervisor: Brian Mathews, external supervisor: John Edwards, Aston Business School, Aston University.

33 5. Meiyin Miao - MSc by Research, Development and use of traceability systems in food supply chain. DoS: Yanqing Duan, 6. Roopa Nagaraju - PhD, Role of Innovation Strategy in High Tech SMEs and It's Effect on Regional Employment, DoS: Elly Philpott. 7. Meysam Poorkavoos – PhD, Knowledge transfer and Innovation in SMEs – a social network perspective. DoS: Yanqing Duan, second supervisor: Brian Mathews, external supervisor: John Edwards, Aston Business School, Aston University. 8. Qiang Wu –PhD, Building Sustainable Supply Chains: The Role of Interfirm Knowledge Transfer. Start Date: Oct 2010. DoS: Qile He, second supervisor: Yanqing Duan 9. Mudar Zahran – PhD, Strategic Information Management Systems in Jordanian Banking Sector, DoS: Vincent Ong, second supervisor: Yanqing Duan, external supervisor: Dr Mark Xu.

Research degree awarded . Neil Meredith - MSc by Research, “Managing Change in SMEs – approaching New Markets”. DoS: Elly Philpott. . Ruowei Wang - MSc by Research, “Sustainable consumption from consumers’ perspectives: a study on the purchasing intention of the green food in China”. DoS: Qile He . Xiaoxiao Xu - MPhil, Use of Internet technologies in the fresh produce supply chain in the UK and China, DoS: Prof Yanqing Duan, second supervisor: Prof Yong Yue, external supervisor: Prof: Zetian Fu

PhD studentship received . Qile He, Business School PhD bursary, “Building Sustainable Supply Chains: The Role of Interfirm Knowledge Transfer”. . Elly Philpott, two match funding PhD bursaries by Beds Council and University of Bedfordshire.

Research degree examination . Yanqing Duan, PhD examination, August 2010, University of Wales in Lampeter. . Qile He, internal examiner for MSc by Research, Mr Neil Meredith, 2010. . Stephen Jackson, internal examiner, DBA, Mr. Tony Barr. . Elly Philpott, internal examiner, MPhil, Xiaoxiao Xu. 2009

Research seminars

Name Title Date Dr. Stephen Jackson An Emergence Perspective on the Management of 14 October 2009, Techno-Change Luton Professor Yanqing Duan Factors Affecting Transnational Knowledge Transfer 18 November 2009, Luton Mr John Kidd, Aston Why global Knowledge Management/Organizational 13 January 2010, Business School Learning will not work Luton

Dr. Desmond Kapofu An Operations Management Approach to Knowledge 17 February 2010, Management: Towards a KM Assessment and Luton Improvement Tool Mr Meysam Poorkavoos Knowledge transfer and Innovation in SMEs 3 March 2010, Mr Sunday Eze Adoption of emerging ICTS in SMEs Luton Mr Jimmy Catro Climate change and logistic strategies Dr Elly Philpott Lessons learnt from working on an FP7 project 5 May 2010, Bedford Dr Qile He Towards an understanding of the knowledge transfer in 12 July 2010, supply chain partnerships: The role of power relationship Luton

34 Academic Visitor

Professor Ruimei Wang, College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University.

External Activity

Yongmei Bentley: . Visiting professor, Yizhun University, Jiang Xi Province, China.

Yanqing Duan: . Visiting Professor, College of Informatics, China Agricultural University, China. . ESRC referee for Research Grant (2009) . Invited Speaker in Plymouth Business School’s Research Seminar Series, “Understanding Factors Affecting Transnational Knowledge Transfer”, Nov 2009. . Invited Research Seminars: “Factor affecting Transnational Knowledge Transfer”, and “Understanding e-learning take up intention in China”, July 2010, College of Informatics, China Agricultural University. . Member of editorial board of International Journal of E-Business Research (from 2008), Journal of Knowledge Based Organisations and Journal of Information Systems and Small Business (from 2006). . Reviewer of five journals and seven conferences in 2009/2010. . Session Chair, European Conferences on Knowledge Management 2009 (ECKM), Vicenza, Italy, 3-4 September, 2009.  Members of six conference committees.

Qile He: . Acted as Reviewer of Journal of Strategy and Management . Collaborating with Gralek Consultores, Spain on a New FP7 bid. . Collaborating with Top Group International, Netherlands, on Teaching and Research development opportunities. . Collaborating with academics from Brunel University and Reading University on research publications, which resulted in one journal paper published and two other journal papers under review.

Stephen Jackson: . Editorial board member for the International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in IT. . Reviewer for the Americas Conference on Information Systems (2010)

Elly Philpott . Guest lecturer at CUT Poland and Charles University in Prague. . Provided input to the European Commission Policy Officer on FP7 . I-Factor judge . Innovation day speaker . Established good working relationships with Central Beds, Beds Borough and Luton Borough Councils. . Published various press releases on project activities

Prize and Award

2010 Sunday Eze, Yanqing Duan and Stephen Jackson. Second Prize for Research Poster Competition. University of Bedfordshire Research Poster Exhibition, “The adoption and evolution of emerging Internet technologies in UK SMEs” 2010 Ruimei Wang, Yanqing Duan and Zetian Fu. Prize for Research Poster Competition. University of Bedfordshire Research Poster Exhibition, “A study on Customers’ E-loyalty for online Retailers: A case in China”

35 3.2. CAM Report

The Centre for Advances in Marketing concentrates on streams of research into branding (particularly SME and financial services), cross-cultural marketing and marketing communications as well as encouraging collaborative and interdisciplinary research, for example pedagogy. The research undertaken by researchers publishing at national and international level provides a platform for practitioner engagement in these streams. The Centre also supports doctoral research with a growing cohort of research students engaged in high level enquiry.

Research Themes in CAM

Theme one - Consumer and Cross-cultural Behaviour

Understanding customers is one of the basic precepts of marketing and continues to receive high priority within the marketing discipline (www.msi.org). Cross-cultural marketing research focuses on examining how culture influences marketing activities and consumer behaviour and how marketing strategies can be adapted to be effective across different cultures. Research in the department focuses on consumer behaviour in the context of services (Dawes Farquhar) and cross-cultural contexts (Czarnecka) benefiting those organizations who seek to provide innovative and culturally sensitive marketing approaches in highly competitive markets.

Key faculty members: 1. Farquhar, Jillian (Prof.) 2. Czarnecka, Barbara

Theme two - Marketing Strategy (Branding)

Marketing managers continue to seek new approaches to segment markets and position brands and reflecting recent interest in the co-creation of customer value in products and services. Incorporating demographic shifts and concomitant changes in tastes and habits are critical to new marketing strategies. To respond to these changes and to address specific deficiencies in current branding approaches such as attempts to create differentiation, research in the department proposes alternative models of branding such as stakeholder models (Dawes Farquhar) and addresses the needs of specific business sectors, such as SMEs (Parrott) contributing to streams of research that challenge industry practices.

Key faculty members: 1. Farquhar, Jillian (Prof.) 2. Parrott, Guy


 Parrott, G., Roomi, M. and Holliman, D. (2010) ‘Analysis of the effectiveness of marketing programmes adopted by small and medium enterprises’, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 17 2.  Farquhar, JD and Rowley, J. (2009) “Convenience: a services perspective”, Marketing Theory, 9, 4, 1-14.  Liang, C-J., Wang, W-H. and Farquhar, J.(2009), “The Influence of Customer Perceptions on Financial Performance in Financial Services” International Journal of Bank Marketing, 27, 2, 129-149.  Parrott, G. (2010) ‘Redesigning the first year business curriculum at The University of Bedfordshire’, The International Journal of Management Education, 8, 2, pp13-21.

36 Practitioner piece  Farquhar, JD. (2009), “International explorer expatriate survey”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 27, 3, 242-246.

Refereed conference papers  Asmussen, B., Harridge-March, S., Occhiocupo, N. and Farquhar, JD, (2010), “The Emergence of the Internet- Based Democratisation of Brand Management: A First Conceptualisation”, Academy of Marketing Conference, 6- 9 July, Coventry.  Asmussen, B., Farquhar, JD., Harridge-March, SP. And Occhiocupo, N (2010), “In the online age, are stakeholders the new brand managers? An exploration of the internet-based democratisation of corporate brand management”, European of Marketing Conference, 26-29 May, Copenhagen.  Parrott, G., Parkin, E., Beaumont-Kerridge, J. (2010) Redesigning the first Year Curriculum at the University of Bedfordshire. EFYE Conference, May 26-28, Antwerp, Belgium.  Siekmann, A., Farquhar, J., Skinner, D. and Blackburn, C. (2010), “Impulse purchasing”, Academy of Marketing Conference, 6-9 July, Coventry.  Asmussen, B., Farquhar, JD. and Harridge-March, SP, (2009), “In the online age, are stakeholders the new brand managers? An exploration of the internet-based democratisation of corporate brand management”, Academy of Marketing, Brand, Identity and Reputation SIG: 5th International Colloquium, Cambridge.  Beaumont-Kerridge, J., Parkin, E. and Parrott, G. (2009), ‘Real Employers, Real Business Tasks: Do Students Perceive the Employability Benefits?’ BMAF Conference, 28-29 April, Cardiff  Asmussen, B., Farquhar, JD. and Harridge-March, SP, (2009), “Brands as hyper-organic beings –a new metaphor for service branding”, The 4th International Conference on Services Management, Managing Services across Continents.8-9 May, Oxford  Beaumont-Kerridge, J., Parkin, E. and Parrott, G. (2009), ‘Business Students: Living a Metaphor as Employees’, Future of Learning Conference, 19-21 August, Ashridge Management College.  Beaumont-Kerridge, J., Parkin, E. and Parrott, G. (2009), ‘A New Curriculum for the Real World’, European First Year Experience Conference 13-15 May, Groningen.  Danbury, A. (2009), "What is in it for me? An exploratory study of the impact of involvement and attitude on clinical trial behaviour", International Conference of Research in Advertising, Klagenfurt.  Farquhar, J. (2009), “Branding for stakeholder relationships in high street financial services”, 4th International Conference on Services Management across Continents, 8-9 May, 2009, Oxford.  Parkin, E., Parrott, G., Mathews, B., Beaumont-Kerridge, J. (2009), ‘A New Curriculum for the Real World’. EFYE Conference, April 13-15, Groningen,  Parrott, G., Parkin, E., Mathews, B., Beaumont-Kerridge, J. (2009) ‘ISIS (Innovative Skills & Interactive Students)’. EFYE Conference, April 13-15, Groningen.  Parkin, E., Parrott, G. (2009), ‘Real Employers, Real Business Tasks: Do Students Perceive the Employability Benefits? The Future of Learning Conference, Ashridge Management College, August 19-21.  Young, L. and Farquhar, J. (2009), “Plying with matches: an investigation in encouraging family engagement in football matches”, Academy of Marketing Conference, 4-7 July, Leeds.

Doctoral enrolments 2009-10

 Baghdadi, W. “Marketing strategies for Saudi Telecoms”  Deigh, L. “CSR for financial services in developing countries”  Sunyansanoa, S. “Choice criteria for vitamin supplements in Thailand”  Whittacker, S. revising for M.Phil.

Research examinations

 Jillian Farquhar, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, 5 July 2010

External Activity

 Jillian Farquhar: Reviewer of Chartered Institute of Insurance learning materials  Jillian Farquhar: Appointment as external examiner Institute of Financial Services

37 The year ahead

The department has been successful in making three appointments during the year as follows:  Robin Croft as Reader in Marketing  Dr Amandeep Takhar as lecturer in marketing  Dr Maria Palazzo as lecturer in marketing

Research hours have been awarded to 12 staff in the department according to their research outputs to date and with the REF submission in 2013 very much in mind. It is anticipated that six staff will be entered.


 Barbara Czarnecka was awarded her PhD from the Middlesex University in the summer of 2010.

3.3. CLI Report

This report provides an overview of research activities undertaken within the Department of Strategy and Human Resource Management (incorporating activity associated the Centre for Leadership Innovation from January 2009 to August 2010. They include:  4 forthcoming authored books)  2 book chapters (+ 1 forthcoming chapter)  15 published journal papers, 3 accepted for publication (and 9 papers under review)  6 working papers/reports and 4 case studies  3 papers published in refereed conference proceedings and 23 refereed papers  4 keynote presentations/seminars  conference co-organisation (with the CIPD and LSE)  6 bidding activities for research projects (3 successful, 2 pending, 1 unsuccessful bids)  1 academic visitor  13 PhD students (2 completed, 11 current students)

Research Themes in CLI

Theme One – Contexts: Entrepreneurship and international organisation

Mobilising ideas and practices around organisation and organising mindful of socio-economic, cultural and institutional contexts. In corporate settings this relates in particular to the efforts of multinational corporations headquartered in western economies when acquiring and/or developing operating units and people within them, evaluated in longitudinal terms. A complementary entrepreneurship strand focuses on the role of women business leaders in emerging economies and within ethnic minority communities in the UK. Empirical research seeks to understand a perceived tendency for the businesses involved to remain at the micro scale of development.

Key faculty members: 1. Arvinen-Muondo, Raisa 2. Badar, Samar (Dr.) 3. Davies, Philip 4. Perkins, Stephen (Prof.) 5. Roomi, Muhammad 6. Schwabenland Christina (Dr.)

38 Theme Two – Leadership and Innovation in Enterprise and Organisation

The interplay between notions of ‘leadership’ creativity and innovation in how leadership (and organisation) is understood and applied, and possible constraints on leadership in entrepreneurial contexts, in those found within bureaucracies, and in third sector ‘social enterprise’ settings. The leadership innovation theme seeks to address a series of interconnected issues regarding (a) the synthesis of psychological and organisational factors for understanding creativity and innovation in work settings; (b) the influence of spatial factors on hierarchy and interrelations in organisations (with particular attention to changing working practices in the public service sector – funding bid submitted); and (c) evaluating social enterprise as a third way of enabling leadership to emerge and be put to productive use in communities with a social economics orientation (funding bid under discussion with ‘clients’).

Key faculty members: 1. Hirst, Alison 2. Holbeche, Linda (Visting Prof.) 3. Loewenberger, Pauline (Dr.) 4. Perkins, Stephen (Prof.) 5. Roomi, Muhammad 6. Schwabenland Christina (Dr.)

Theme three – Agency, Employee Performance and Reward Management

Agency-structure debates related to organisation and employee performance and reward management. This corporate governance, performance and reward management theme paying attention in particular to the cornerstone of HRM theory that alignment between organisational strategy and between all people management aspects is crucial. With transcontinental partners, a three-year research programme is underway to examine this topic in commercial enterprises as well as complementary work investigating performance management in public service modernisation. (An ESRC funding bid is being re-presented to complement transcontinental funding already secured with Australian research partners.) This project is complemented by developmental investigations examining performance management informed by holistic principles and in relation to diverse professional actors in higher educational settings undergoing processes popularly categorised using the term ‘modernisation’.

Key faculty members: 1. Bolam, Caroline 2. Johnson, Janice 3. Jones, Sarah 4. Lloyd, Eliot 5. Perkins, Stephen (Prof.)


Books See ‘forthcoming’

Book chapters 1. Perkins, S. J. (2009) ‘Managing executive reward’, in White, G and Druker, J., (eds., 2 nd edition) Reward Management: A Critical Text, pp. 148-173. London: Routledge. 2. Schwabenland, C (2009) ‘Identity’, in Encyclopaedia of Civil Society Anheier, H. (Ed.) Springer

Journasl: Published 1. Azolukwam, V. and Perkins, S. J. (2009) ‘Managerial perspectives on HRM in Nigeria: evolving hybridization?’, Cross Cultural Management, An International Journal, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 62-82. 2. Baddar Al-Husan, F. and James, P. (2009). ‘Multinationals and the Process of Post-Entry HRM Reform: Evidence from Three Jordanian Case Studies’, European Management Journal, 27, pp. 142-154. 3. Baddar Al-Husan, F., Brennan, R. & James, P. (2009). ‘Transferring Western HRM Practices to Developing Countries: The Case of a Privatized Utility in Jordan’, Personnel Review, 38 (2), pp. 104-123. Baddar Al-Husan, F. & Brennan, R. (2009). ‘Strategic Account Management in an Emerging Economy: A Case Study Approach’, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 24(8): 611-620. 4. Gollan P. J. and Perkins, S. J. (2009) ‘Voice and value: Pandora’s ICE-box and big ideas around employer branding’, Human Resource Management Journal, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 211-215.

39 5. Parrott, G., Roomi. M. A., and Holliman, D, (2010). Analysis of the effectiveness of marketing programmes adopted by small to medium-sized enterprises. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 17(2), 184-203. 6. Perkins, S.J. (2009) Book review: ‘Investing in people: financial implications of human resource initiatives’, Human Resource Management, vol. 48, no.1, pp. 181-184. 7. Perkins, S. J. and Vartiainen, M. (2010) ‘European reward management? Introducing the special issue’ [co- editors’ introduction to the Special Issue: Reward Management in Europe], Thunderbird International Business Review vol. 52 no. 3, pp. 175-187. 8. Perkins, S. J. and White, G. (2010) ‘Modernising pay in the UK public services: trends and implications’, Human Resource Management Journal, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 244-257. 9. Roomi, M. A. and Harrison, P (2010). Behind the Veil: Women's Capacity Building and Enterprise Development in Pakistan. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 2 (2), 150-172. 10. Roomi, M. A. (2009). Impact of Social Capital Development and Use in the Growth Process of Women-Owned Firms. International Journal of Enterprising Culture, 17(4), 473 - 495. 11. Roomi, M. A., Harrison, P. and Beaumont-Kerridge, J. (2009). Women-owned Enterprises in the UK: Analysis of Factors Influencing the Growth Process. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 16(2), 270 – 288. 12. Schwabenland, C (2009) The Use of Disruption as a Pedagogical Intervention, in Educational Action Research 17/2: 293-309 13. Tomlinson, F. and Schwabenland, C. (2010) ‘Conciliating Competing Discourses of Diversity: The UK Non-profit Sector Between Social Justice and the Business case.’ Organization 17/1: 101-121

Accepted for forthcoming publication 1. Gollan, P.J. and Perkins, S. J. (2011) ‘Employee voice and value during a period of economic turbulence’ Human Resource Management Journal (in press). 2. Hirst, A. (forthcoming) 'Settlers, vagrants and mutual indifference: unintended consequences of hot-desking' paper accepted for publication in 'Culture and Organization'. 3. Schwabenland, C. (2011 forthcoming) ‘Surprise and Awe: Learning from Indigenous Managers’ Journal of Management Education accepted for publication: May 2010

Others (working papers, reports, etc) 1. Baddar Al-Husan, F. ‘Multinationals and Trade Union Strategies in An Emerging Economy’. Target publication: European Journal of Industrial Relations 2. Baddar Al-Husan, F. ‘Transfer of management practices: The Case of Human Resource Management in Jordan’. Target publication: Journal of World Business 3. Baddar Al-Husan, F. ‘Training and Development in MNCs – A Comparative Study in the Middle East’. Target publication: International Journal of Human Resource Management. 4. Baddar Al-Husan, F. ‘Managing Change: French Multinationals in Arab Context’. Targeted Publication: Academy of Management Journal. 5. Hirst, A. and Kakavelakis, K. (2010 in progress) Regional Cities East evaluation Lloyd, E. Using the Balanced Scorecard to Improve Academic Provision in Higher Education: Research Report

Case Studies – Published 1. Roomi, M. A. and Srinivasan, K. (2010). Different Strokes: Changing Fortunes. European Case Clearing House Publication. Case No. 810-021-1 2. Roomi, M. A. and Srinivasan, K. (2010). Different Strokes: Changing Fortunes. European Case Clearing House Publication. Teaching Note No. 810-021-8 3. Roomi, M. A. (2010). The Hard Road: Steps on Entrepreneurial Journey. European Case Clearing House Publication. Case No. Pending 4. Roomi, M. A. (2010). The Hard Road: Steps on Entrepreneurial Journey. European Case Clearing House Publication. Teaching Note No. Pending

Refereed Conference papers Published in refereed conference proceedings 1. Baddar Al-Husan, F. & Perkins, S. (2010). Accounting For People In International Acquisitions: Implications for IHRM Functional Practise, 11th International Human Resource Management Conference, 2010, 9-12 June, Aston Business School, Birmingham, UK

40 2. Perkins, S.J. ‘A decade of change in employee voice’, Report of the tenth Voice and Value event held on 26 March 2010 (with Raisa Arvinen-Muondo), published online by Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. 3. Perkins, S.J. ‘Beyond partnership’, Report of the ninth Voice and Value event held on 29 March 2009 (with Raisa Arvinen-Muondo), published online by Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Conference papers 1. Arvinen-Muondo, R. & Perkins, S. J. (2010) The ‘Messy’ Business of doing Ethnography. Research poster presented at University of Bedfordshire Conference, July 6-7, Luton. 2. Arvinen-Muondo, R. & Perkins, S. J. (2010) Who’s pulling the strings? Developing human resources in the Angolan oil industry. Developmental Paper to be presented at BAM 2010, September 14-16, Sheffield. 3. Hirst. A. (2010) 'New office, new hierarchy: spatial and social stratification in a changing organisation' EIASM Second workshop on Architecture and Social Architecture, Brussels. 4. Hirst, A. (2009)'The contours of 'looking' in the transparent office' Aesthetics workshop series organised by Universities of Essex, Copenhagen and Utrecht, Copenhagen 5. Loewenberger, P. A. (2010a) ‘People Management and the environment for creativity and innovation: Evidence from the SME sect’r. Paper submitted to British Academy of Management Annual Conference 14-16 September 2010, The University of Sheffield. 6. Loewenberger, P. A. (2010b) ‘Evaluating the conditions for organisational creativity and innovation: Evidence from the SME sector’. Paper submitted to British Academy of Management Annual Conference 14-16 September 2010, The University of Sheffield. 7. Perkins, S.J. (2009) ‘360-degree appraisal: a rewarding experience?’ (with Sabine Nagorny-Stengle) 2 nd European Reward Management Conference, EIASM, Brussels, November 26-27, 2009. 8. Perkins, S.J. (2009) ‘New public management: employee capacity building, performance and reward management in Ethiopia’ (with Adebabay Abay) 2nd European Reward Management Conference, EIASM, Brussels, November 26-27, 2009. 9. Perkins, S.J. (2009) ‘International seafaring and HRM’ (with Dr Jafar Sadjadi) 10th International Human Resource Management, Conference Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, June 21-24, 2009. 10. Perkins, S.J. (2009) ‘Cultural self-knowledge: an intermediating variable in the ‘development’ of non-western technically talented expatriates in a western multinational organization’ (with Raisa Arvinen-Muondo) British Academy of Management HRM Special Interest Group Conference, University of Cardiff, March 30-31, 2009. 11. Roomi, M. A. (2010). Role of Higher Education Institutions in Fostering Entrepreneurship in Pakistan. Paper presented at 2nd International Conference - SAICON 2010 (Nurturing Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Investments in a Post Financial Crisis Environment), Bhurban, Pakistan: July. 12. Roomi, M.A. (2009a). A gender and social capital based cognitive approach to understanding the entrepreneurial potential. Paper presented at 32nd ISBE Annual Conference. Liverpool, UK: November. 13. Roomi, M.A. (2009b). Entrepreneurial Capital, Social Values and Cultural Traditions: Growth of Women-owned Enterprises in Pakistan. Paper presented at 55th ICSB Conference, Seoul, Korea: June. (Winner of ICSB/IJGE/NWBC Best Paper Award on Women’s Entrepreneurship) 14. Roomi, M.A. (2009c). Teaching Entrepreneurial Leadership: clarifying the concept for the classroom. Paper presented at 55th ICSB Conference, Seoul, Korea: June. (Finalist- Best Theoretical Paper Award) 15. Roomi, M. A. (2009d). Social Capital, Human Capital and the Growth of Women-owned Entrepreneurial Firms. Paper presented at 2009 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Bason-Wellesley, USA: May 16. Schwabenland, C. (2010a) ‘In Search of Frames of Sensitivity’ Tenth conference of the International Society of Third Sector Research Istanbul, July 2010 17. Schwabenland, C. (2010b) Panel Convenor; ‘Looking After Each Other’ panel of papers presented as part of a programme of work of the Affinity Group for gender Tenth conference of the International Society of Third Sector Research Istanbul, July 2010 18. Schwabenland, C. (2010c) ‘Governance as Dialogue’ paper presented to the conference of the Voluntary Sector Studies Network (VSSN) Sheffield Hallam University May 2010 19. Schwabenland, C. (2010d forthcoming) Religion: A Mercurial Presence in Organising across Divided Communities Inaugural conference on Religion, Spirituality and Management Vienna December 2010 (paper accepted) 20. Schwabenland, C. (2009a) ‘Metaphor as a bridge between theory and practice in the managing of diversity’ Standing Conference on Organisational Symbolism Copenhagen 21. Schwabenland, C. (2009b) ‘The Importance of Reinventing the Wheel’ Critical Management Studies (Warwick) 22. Shengunshi, A. (2009a) 'Extending e-pedagogical approach for professional online learning ' 'Plymouth e- learning conference' 23. Bently, A., Shengushi, A. , Scannell, M. (2009b) 'Evaluating the Impact of Distance Learning Support Systems on the Learning Experience of MBA Students in a Global Context'

41 Keynote Presentations and seminars

1. Perkins, S.J. (2010) Keynote address: ‘Employee reward in an international context’, Human Resources Management Academy, Kings College, University of London, May 21st, 2010. 2. Perkins, S.J. (2010) Co-organiser with CIPD and LSE of ‘Voice and Value conference: ‘A decade of change in employee voice’ London School of Economics, March 26th, 2010 3. Perkins, S.J. (2010) Keynote speaker: ‘Theory and communicating reward’, CIPD Reward Forum, London, December 4th, 2009 4. Perkins, S.J. (2010) Co-organiser with CIPD and LSE of ‘Voice and Value conference: ‘beyond partnership’ London School of Economics, March 29th, 2009

Bidding Activities

Details on bidding activities are provided in BMRI summary table.

Academic visitors

 Professor Alan Fish (summer 2010) interaction with SHRM team to support RiT activities and development of proposal for edited text on Organisational Behaviour (currently under review with Kogan Page publishing board)

Research students

Degree awarded  Jane Trinder: ‘A leader’s journey to engage: an interpretative study’ (spring 2010)  Pauline Lowenberger – creativity and innovation [confirm title] (spring 2010)

Current students 1. Raisa Arvinen-Muondo 2. Nahid Rozalin 3. John Bell 4. Naveed Iqbal

Faculty members preparing RS1 1. Caroline Bolam 2. Janice Johnson 3. Sarah Jones

New starters due October 2010 intake 1. Kshama Srinivasan (Oct 10 start) 2. Imtiaz Ali Chachan (Oct 10sart)

Plan for next year

Staffing New joiners with REFable profiles replacing non-REFable retirees

International partnerships  Charles Sturt, NSW, Australia  Loyola University Chicago, USA  University of Sydney – SJP collaboration and visiting scholarship awarded 2010  University of Saskatchewan – like Loyola and Sydney for ARC project work  EIASM – membership of organising committee for European Reward Management Conference series – engaged in book editing and an edited special issue journal published May 2010 headquartered in the USA We are encouraging overseas academics in our field to visit and work with us....

42 Publications We will continue to publish regularly in high quality journals and with leading publishing houses such as OUP, Palgrave Macmillan and Routledge as well as textbook publishers such as CIPD Publishing and Kogan Page. Our forthcoming books, chapters and journal papers are listed below.

Books (forthcoming) Research monographs  Gollan, P. J., and Perkins, S. J. (eds.) Voice and Engagement at Work: An Analysis of Current Trends in Employment. Oxford: Oxford University Press – addressing review comments on proposal document.  Perkins, S. J. and White, G, Reward Management, London: CIPD.  Schwabenland, C. (2012?) Metaphor and Dialectic in Managing Diversity Palgrave

Textbooks  Publishing contract offered by Kogan Page (September 2010) for an edited textbook on Organisational Behaviour. Editors: Stephen J. Perkins and Raisa Arvinen-Muondo. Current authors include in addition to the editors: Christina Schwabenland, Caroline Bolam, Sarah Jones, Pauline Lowenberger, Janice Johnson, Nahid Rozalin, Konstantinos Kakavelakis, Eliot Lloyd and Samar Baddar

Chapters  (In Progress) Schwabenland, C. (2011 forthcoming) ‘Swachh Narayani: the creation of a goddess as an organisational intervention’ in Against the Grain: advances in postcolonial organisation studies A. Prasad (ed.) Liber/ Copenhagen Business School Press

Journal articles under review  Arvinen-Muondo, R. & Perkins, S. J. (2010) Developing Angolan talent along a cross-cultural pipeline. Paper submitted to the editor of Cross-cultural Management: An International Journal .  Baddar Al-Husan, F. and James, P. (2009). ‘Multinationals and the Process of Post-Entry HRM Reform: Evidence from Three Jordanian Case Studies’, European Management Journal, 27, pp. 142-154.  Baddar Al-Husan, F., Brennan, R. & James, P. (2009). ‘Transferring Western HRM Practices to Developing Countries: The Case of a Privatized Utility in Jordan’, Personnel Review, 38 (2), pp. 104-123.  Baddar Al-Husan, F. & Brennan, R. (2009). ‘Strategic Account Management in an Emerging Economy: A Case Study Approach’, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 24(8): 611-620.  Lowenberger, P. (2010) Why didn’t we think of that? HRM systems for creativity and innovation paper submitted to Human Resource Management  Roomi, M.A., (2010). Entrepreneurial Capital, Social Values and Cultural Traditions: Growth of Women-Owned Enterprises in Pakistan. International Small Business Journal. (under-review)  Roomi, M. A., Harrison, P., Cooper, V., and Davies, P. (2011). Is there a future for Women-only MBA Programmes? A longitudinal study into female attitudes. Gender, Work and Organisation. (under-review).  Roomi, M. A. (2011). Social Capital, Human Capital and the Growth of Women-owned Entrepreneurial Firms. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. (under-review)

Research funding SHRM and CLI will continue to work with:  commercial partners on research informed organisation and leadership development projects such as Regional Cities East, Marsh Farm, Luton Borough Council, NHS Bedfordshire  research partners internationally such as Charles Sturt University and University of Sydney in pursuit of funding from academic research councils  research partners in UK institutions such as the Centre for Corporate Governance at Cass Business School, City University, where the department head is a visiting professor We will continue to identify successfully opportunities for research funding.

43 Improving the research environment PhDs The appointment of Dr Samar Baddar and Professor Stephen J. Perkins in 2009, during which time Dr Pauline Lowenberger successfully defended her own thesis, and Dr Konstantinos Kakavelakis, Dr Christina Schwabenland and Dr Qi Wei in 2010 has increased our capacity for PhD supervision as well as allowing us to offer a broader range of expertise in the area of organisational behaviour. Dr Schwabenland is under consideration for appointment to a Readership, with a panel being convened during autumn 2010. A further appointment to a Readership in Business Strategy (expected in early 2011) will further enhance our capacity to achieve targeted review and offers to PhD applicants. In the last six months, we have been contacted by [around half a dozen applicant a week for PhDs, and have interviewed many of them]. Among these applicants, n students have registered and n students have been informally accepted subject to revising their proposals. It is likely that we will have [over n] PhD students registered in SHRM by January 2011. Current registration is at n with only n FTE members of staff. In addition to the two PhD completions so far in this REF period, we expect one further students to complete over the coming six month period [check?].

Conferences/seminars [Discussion of support for papers presented at refereed academic conferences and keynote presentations at external events. Also ongoing collaboration with institutions such as CIPD and London School of Economics and EIASM.]

Staff development Building on a regular research seminar programme, we will be meeting monthly to undertake focused ‘forensic’ analysis of papers published in highly ranked academic journals in the business and management literature, to enable lessons to be drawn to inform SHRM faculty members’ own submissions. Regular meetings will also be held to discuss our approach to the REF, and for the purposes of developing junior researchers as well as existing staff members through discussion/review of, for example: grant application plans and drafts and work-in-progress research publications. We are actively encouraging and supporting all staff and students to present at conferences (see the list above) and will continue to do so.

3.4. CRELLA Report

This report provides an overview of CRELLA research activities from January 2009 to August 2010. They include:  4 authored/edited books (+ 7 forthcoming authored books)  10 book chapters (+ 11 forthcoming chapters)  5 journal papers (+ 5 papers under review)  2 working papers/reports  32 conference presentations  9 presentations/seminars  hosting one international conference  19 bidding activities for research projects (14 successful, 3 pending, 2 unsuccessful bids)  9 academic visitors  16 PhD students (2 completed, 14 current students)

At the end of this report, a brief plan for next year will be presented.


Books 1. Bax, S. (2010) Learning through English: researching impact in Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea, London: British Council. 2. Hawkey, R. A. (2009). Examining FCE and CAE: Key issues and recurring themes in developing the First Certificate in English and Certificate in Advanced English exams. Studies in Language Testing 28, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 3. Taylor, L. and Weir, C. J. (eds.), (2009) Language Testing Matters: Investigating the wider social and educational impact of assessment. Studies in Language Testing 31. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 4. Khalifa, H. and Weir, C. J. (2009). Examining Reading: Research and practice in assessing second language reading, Studies in Language Testing 29, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

44 Book chapters 1. Bax, S. (2010) “Magic Wand or Museum Piece? The Future of the Interactive Whiteboard in Education” in Thomas, M & Cutrim Schmid, E. (eds.) Interactive Whiteboards for Education: Theory, Research and Practice Pennsylvania, Global IGI. 2. Bax, S. (2009) “‘I wasn’t invited to the party’: Lurking in multicultural online educational forums” in Ragusa, A. (ed.) Interaction in Communication Technologies & Virtual Learning Environments: Human Factors, IGA Global, Chapter 10:145-159. 3. Bax, S. (2009) “CALL - Past, present and future” in Howard, P. (ed.) Computer Assisted Language Learning: Critical Concepts in Linguistics, Volume I: Foundations of CALL, New York and London: Routledge, Chapter 5: 117-133. 4. Bax. S., and Cullen, R. (2009) “Generating and evaluating reflection through teaching practice” in Hedge, P., Andon, N. and Dewey, M. (eds.) English Language Teaching: Major Themes in Education Vol. VI, New York and London: Routledge. 5. Hamp-Lyons, L. (2010) “English for Academic Purposes” (Ch. 7) in Hinkel, E. (ed.) Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Vol. II. New York: Routledge. 6. Hamp-Lyons, L. (2010) “Linking Writing and Speaking in Assessing English as a Second Language Proficiency” in Elliot, N. and Perelman, L. (eds.) Writing Assessment in the 21st Century: Essays in Honor of Edward M. White, Ridgefield NJ: Hampton Press. 7. Hamp-Lyons, L. & Tavares, N. (2010) “Interactive assessment: A Dialogic and Collaborative Approach to Assessing Learners’ Oral Language” (Ch 7) in Tsagari, D. and Csepes, I. (eds.) Classroom-based language assessment. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. 8. Hawkey, R. A. (2009) “A Study of the Cambridge Proficiency in English (CPE) Exam Washback on Textbooks in the Context of Cambridge ESOL Exam Validation” in Taylor, L. and Weir, C. J. (eds.) Language Testing Matters: Investigating the wider social and educational impact of assessment. Studies in Language Testing 31, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 9. Weir, C. J., Hawkey, R. A., Green, A., Devi, S. and Unaldi, A. (2009) “The Relationship Between the Academic Reading Construct as Measured by IELTS and the Reading Experiences of Students in Their First Year of Study at a British University”, Research Reports Volume 9, British Council/IDP Australia: 97-156. 10. Weir, C. J., Hawkey, R. Green, A. and Devi, S. (2009) “The Cognitive Processes Underlying the Academic Reading Construct as Measured by IELTS”, Research Reports Volume 9, British Council/IDP Australia:157-189.

Journals 1. Green, A., Unaldi, A. and Weir, C. J. (2010) “Empiricism versus Connoisseurship: Establishing the Appropriacy of Texts for Testing Reading for Academic Purposes”. Language Testing 27(3): 1–21. 2. Gan, Z., Davison, C. and Hamp-Lyons, L. (2009) “Topic Negotiation in Peer Group Oral Assessment Situations: A Conversation Analytic Approach”. Applied Linguistics 30 (3): 315-334. 3. Hamp-Lyons, L. (2009) “Access, equity and… plagiarism?”. TESOL Quarterly 43, 4: 690-693. 4. Hamp-Lyons, L. (2009) “Principles for Large-Scale Classroom-Based Teacher Assessment of English Learners’ Language: An Initial Framework From School-Based Assessment in Hong Kong”. TESOL Quarterly 43, 3: 524- 529 5. Hamp-Lyons, L. & J. Lockwood. (2009) “The Workplace, the Society, and the Wider World: The Offshoring and Outsourcing Industry”. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 29: 145-167.

Others (working papers, reports, etc) 1. Green, A., and Hawkey, R. A. (2009) An Empirical Investigation of the Process of Writing Academic Reading Test Items for the International English Language Testing System, IELTS joint-funded research program research report, British Council /IDP Australia. 2. Green, A. (2009) Requirements for Reference Level Descriptions for English. Unpublished research report for the English Profile Programme (Cambridge ESOL, CUP, British Council, English UK).

Conferences 1. Bax, S. (2010) Keynote: Revisiting Normalisation: Technology in Language Education, LET Japan (Language Education and Technology) 50th Conference, Yokohama, Japan, August, 2010. 2. Bax, S. (2010) Innovations in Analysing Discourse and Genre: the Role of Discourse Modes, Canterbury Christ Church University Cutting Edges Conference, July 2010. 3. Bax, S. (2010) Keynote: Language Teaching in South Asia: Evidence from Research, British Council ELT Conference, Rangoon, Myanmar, May 2010. 4. Bax, S. (2010) Keynote: Rethinking Normalisation, IATEFL Learning Technologies pre-conference SIG, Harrogate, UK, 7 April 2010.

45 5. Bax, S. (2010) Keynote: "I Wasn't Invited to the Party": Lurking in Multicultural Online Educational Forums, University of Leicester Learning Futures Festival Online, 7-14 Jan 2010. 6. Bax, S. (2009) Keynote: Discourse and Language Education, Canterbury Cutting Edges conference, June 2009. 7. Green, A. (2010) Invited Plenary Speaker: A bigger picture? Synthesising Can Do statements, ACTFL-CEFR Alignment Conference. University of Leipzig, 30 June – 3 July 2010. 8. Green, A. (2010) Diving into the C levels. Towards Reference Level Descriptions for English, 7th Annual EALTA Conference, The Hague 27 – 30 May 2010. 9. Green, A. (2010) What Can a Can-do Do? Developing Descriptors that Define Levels, 32nd Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC) University of Cambridge, 14 - 16 April 2010. 10. Green, A. (2010) Placing Learners on EAP Programmes with the Password Test, 44th Annual International IATEFL Conference, Harrogate, UK, 7 - 11 April 2010. 11. Green, A. (2010) Authenticity is in the Eye of the Item Writer: Adapting texts for a task based test of reading, American Association for Applied Linguistics. Atlanta, USA, 6 - 9 March, 2010. 12. Green, A. (2009) Placement Testing for EAP Pathway Programmes, English Australia Conference, Melbourne, Australia. 17-19 September, 2009. 13. Green, A. (2009) The Common European Framework in the Language Curriculum: Practices and Issues (Keynote Plenary Speaker), 48th Annual Convention of the Japan Association of College English Teachers. Hokkai-Gakuen University, Japan, 4 -7 September 2009. 14. Green, A. (2009) Keynote Plenary Speaker: The Common European Framework of Reference in the Language Curriculum, 8th Annual FD Conference. Tokai University, Japan. 17 July 2009. 15. Green, A. (2009) The Process of Writing Items for a Task-based Test of Reading. The 6th Annual EALTA Conference, University of Turku, Finland. 4 -7 June 2009. 16. Green, A. (2009) Keynote Plenary Speaker: Authenticity in Language Tests, The 3rd Annual Language Teaching Symposium, University of Ghent, Belgium. 29 May 2009. 17. Hamp-Lyons, L. (2010) Framing research to develop guidelines for developing tests that can be rated according to both scales: The case of writing, Invited Plenary Speaker: ACTFL-CEFR Alignment Conference. University of Leipzig, 30 June – 3 July 2010. 18. Hamp-Lyons, L. (2010) Alternative to external standardized assessments. Invited Symposium speaker: Assessment Models for Monitoring Learning, with Ron Hambleton, Kadriye Ercikan, John Hattie, Jakob Wandall and Alina von Davier. International Test Commission Conference. Hong Kong, July 19 – 21 2010. 19. Hamp-Lyons, L. & Taylor, L. (2010) Sharing your story: developing your academic conference skills. Workshop at 32nd Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC). Cambridge UK, 14 - 16 April 2010. 20. Hamp-Lyons, L. (2010) The marketization of language testing. Paper in Symposium: Living with the industrialization of language testing, with Jared Bernstein, Fred Davidson and Glenn Fulcher. 32nd Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC). Cambridge UK, 14 - 16 April 2010. 21. Hamp-Lyons, L. (2009) The Future of L2 Writing Assessment, Discussant, with speakers Deborah Crusan, Sara Weigle, Ed White, Symposium on Second-language Writing, Tempe AZ, 5 - 7 November, 2009. 22. Hamp-Lyons, L. (2009) English proficiency: Bringing together teaching and assessment. Keynote: Recent Approaches to Teaching and Assessing Speaking, IATEFL Testing SIG. Famagusta Cyprus, 27 – 29 October 2009. 23. Hamp-Lyons, L. (2009) The impact of assessment reform on teachers’ constructs of oral interaction in English in Hong Kong. International Educational Assessment Conference, Brisbane Australia, 13 -18 September 2009. 24. Hamp-Lyons, L. (2009) Bringing the classroom and large-scale testing together: Is it possible? Keynote speaker: Korean English Language Testing Association. Seoul Korea, 28-29 August 2009. 25. Andrews,S. and L. Hamp-Lyons. (2009) School-based assessment in Hong Kong: critical reflections on its rationale and implementation. American Association of Applied Linguistics Conference. Denver Colorado. 24- 29 March 2009. 26. Nakatsuhara, F. (2010) Interactional Competence Measured in Group Oral Tests: How Do Test-taker Characteristics, Task Types and Group Sizes Affect Co-constructed Discourse in Groups? The 32nd Language Testing Research Colloquium, University of Cambridge, 14-16 April 2010. 27. Nakatsuhara, F. (2009) The Impact of Test-taker Characteristics and Task Types on Conversational Styles in Group Oral Tests, The 42nd BAAL Annual Conference, Newcastle University, 3-5 September 2009. 28. Nakatsuhara, F. (2009) Effects of the Number of Participants on Group Oral Test Performance, Language Testing Forum 2009, University of Bedfordshire, UK. 20-22 November 2009. 29. Weir, C. J. (2010) Keynote: Continuity and Innovation: A Century of English Language Testing, The 12th Academic Forum on English Language Testing in Asia, Taipei Taiwan 5-6 March 2010. 30. Žegarac, V. (2009) Invited guest lecture: Pragmatics and Translation, the Relevance Round Table, University of Warsaw, Institute of English Studies, June 2009. 31. Žegarac, V. (2009) Plenary lecture, The Annual IATEFL ELTA Conference, Novi Sad, Serbia, 22 – 24 May 2009.

46 32. Žegarac, V. (2009) Invited guest lecture: Pragmatics and Translation, The Relevance Round Table, the University of Warsaw, Institute of English Studies, June 2009.

Presentations and seminars 1. Bax, S. (2010) Invited Speaker: Normalisation in Language Education, University of Leicester, May 2010. 2. Bax, S. (2010) Keynote Speaker, 1st Workshop on Technological Innovation for Specialized Linguistic Domains: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives, Madrid Spain, October 2010. 3. Bax, S. (2009) Guest Lecture: Analysing Online Discourse, University of Brighton, November 2009. 4. Green, A. (2010) English Profile Pre-seminar Workshop Day on CEFR Familiarization and Training. Hughes Hall, Cambridge, February 3, 2010. 5. Green, A. (2009) Standard Setting for Language Tests. Invited workshop presentation to the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) meeting. Maynooth, Ireland. November 11-13, 2009. 6. Green, A. (2009) The English Profile and the Common European Framework. Japan Association for Language Teaching, Frameworks Special Interest Group Meeting. Keio University, Japan. 11 September, 2009. 7. Hamp-Lyons, L. (2009) Two thousand years and counting. University Lecture, University of Seoul. Seoul Korea, 27 August 2009. 8. Hamp-Lyons, L. (2009) Changing attitudes to innovation in English language performance assessment. Keynote: Postgraduate Research Conference (PALCO), University of Nottingham-Ningbo, China. 26 – 27 June 2009. 9. Hawkey, R.A. (2010) The Common European Framework and the English Profile. Presentations to the Consejería de Educación of the Autonomous Community of Madrid, and the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas. October, 2010.

47 Research activities

Successful bids

Lead or Year No Title Duration Staff involved GRANT Partner "Producing reference level descriptions for Green, A. B. 1 English Language learning. (continuation of 1 year Hawkey, R. A. Lead £17.5K work started in 2006)" English Profile Weir, C. J. 2009 Testing the English Language Skills of Green, A. B. Lead 2 international students at the Foundation level - 1 year Weir, C. J. £85K English Language Testing Hawkey, R. A. "The relationship between test-takers’ listening proficiency and their performance on the Lead 3 1 year Nakatsuhara, F. £15K IELTS Speaking test" IELTS Research Programme 2009-2010 - The British Council "Investigating effects of pre-task planning between before and after study-abroad Partner 4 2 years Nakatsuhara, F. £15K [£2K] experience" Grant-in-Aid for young Scientists - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Evaluative project: English in bilingual Lead 5 4 months Bax, S. £5K education in East Asia - The British Council Researching cognitive processes during 6 computer-based reading tests - ELTRPA 1 year Bax, S. Deng. J. Lead £18.5K award, The British Council "Investigating learners’ cognitive processes during computer-based CAE reading tests" Bax, S. Weir, 7 1 year Lead £15K Cambridge ESOL Funded Research C.J. Programme - Cambridge ESOL 2010 £81.6K Validating the assessment of English (£31.6K in Green, A. B. 8 Language Skills at Foundation Level 2010 to 3 years Lead 2010, £25K Weir, C. J. 2013 - English Language Testing in 2011,2012) Green, A. B., Textual features of CAE reading texts Bax, S, Weir, C. 9 compared with IELTS reading and essential 1 year Lead £10K J., Nakatsuhara, undergraduate texts - Cambridge ESOL F Producing reference level descriptions for 10 English Language learning. (continuation of 4 months Green, A.B. Lead £5K work started in 2006) English Profile (iii) Password Intro: Testing the English language 11 1 year Green, A.B. Lead £21K ability of lower level learners - A1 to B1 Test of English for Academic Purposes Weir, C. J. 12 1 year Lead £15K (TEAP) - STEP, Japan Nakatsuhara, F Pending bids

Year Lead or No Title Duration Staff involved GRANT Partner "Password listening test" - English Language Green, A. B. 1 1 year Lead £45K Testing Weir, C. J. New insights into cognitive processes: researching IELTS reading tasks through eye- 2 1 year Bax, S Lead £15K 2010 tracking technology. IELTS Research Awards 2010 - The British Council Developing assessment literacies and practice Bax, S, Green, 3 in Singapore schools - Singapore Ministry of 1 year T, Weir, C, Lead £45K Education Nakatsuhara,F

Unsuccessful bids

Lead or Year No Title Duration Staff involved GRANT Partner

48 "Comparing the characteristics of TOEFL iBT Hamp-Lyons, L. 2009 1 Writing tasks with real-life academic writing 3 years Lead £75K Unaldi, A. tasks" - TOEFL COE Research Program "Genre Analysis of the Cambridge past Bax, S. Weir, 2010 2 papers" Cambridge ESOL Funded Research 1 year Lead £15K C.J. Programme - Cambridge ESOL

Academic visitors

1. Dr Tomoko Fujita (Japan): Linking Japanese English tests to the CEFR 2009 2. Professor Akihiko Mochizuki (Japan): Application of CRELLA socio cognitive validation framework to writing tests in Japan. Research sponsored by Ministry of Education, Japan 2009 3. Professor Miyoko Kobayashi (Japan): Developing research link and draft joint application to Daiwa foundation, August 2009 4. Dr Alisa Vanijdee (Thailand): Application of our validation framework to university EAP test in Thailand, September 2009 (4 weeks) 5. Mr Jie Deng (Assistant Professor, Hunan Normal University, P. R. China) Research Attachment March 2010 - Feb 2011 6. Professor Masashi Negishi (Japan) English Profile research partnership, February 2010 7. Professor Kikuko Shiina (Japan) Developing research link and developing Can Do descriptors for Japanese schools, February 2010 8. Dr Michael Milanovic (CEO, Cambridge ESOL): Joint research on language constructs February 2010 9. Dr Lynda Taylor (Cambridge ESOL): Exploring socio cognitive validation framework for speaking March 2010

Research students

Degree awarded 1. Qian Zhang (PR China): Motivation change of Chinese undergraduate students in second language acquisition: the transition from home cultural setting to the host country

Current students 1. Aylin Unaldi (Turkey) Validating a test of reading into writing for first-year undergraduates at a British university 2. Burana Khaokaew (Thailand) The implementation and evaluation of a Web-based Course in developing reading skills 3. Daniel Waller (UK) Benchmarking the UCLan examinations to the Common European Framework 4. Hanna Stoever (Germany) Metaphor in Second Language Acquisition 5. Kozo Yanagawa (Japan) Validation of the Listening Comprehension Test of the Center Test in Japan in relation to contextual parameters and cognitive processing 6. Laurence Kinsella (UK) Does targeted vocabulary learning help develop reading skills and promote rapid vocabulary acquisition? 7. Michael Corrigan (UK) Variation of dimensional structure across ability levels in language proficiency tests 8. Rachel Wu (Taiwan) Establishing the validity of a test of Reading for Taiwan 9. Sarojani Devi (Malaysia) Investigating the academic reading of first-year undergraduates at a British university 10. Serge Korevaar (The Netherlands) The effect of interface-design on test outcomes of reading as a second language 11. Theo Maniski (UK) Using a dependency grammar model to compare texts 12. Weiju Liao (Taiwan) The effects of cultural diversity in EFL classrooms between international teachers and students in Taiwan

Plan for next year

Staffing We will be appointing a new Lecturer in Language Assessment in October 2010 and are hoping for a further 2 permanent research active members by 2012. This will increase CRELLA’s research staffing from five to seven in time for the REF. We lost two senior part-time members of staff: Roger Hawkey retired during 2009 and Liz Hamp-Lyons who resigned from

49 her post for personal reasons. However, both will continue to have a role with CRELLA as visiting professors and contribute to research supervision and be entered into the REF in an appropriate capacity.

International partnerships We will strengthen the links between CRELLA and national testing organisations in Asia. Recently we have made an important breakthrough in Japan. The Society for Testing English Proficiency (STEP), the premiere Japanese language testing organisation awarded us an initial contract for 15K to help them prepare a new test in English for entry to Japanese Universities in collaboration with the prestigious Sophia University in Tokyo. We are shortly to be contracted by the Ministry of Education in Singapore to assist them in the design of their spoken language tests (45K). For more than 10 years Prof. Cyril Weir has been advising the research team of the General English Proficiency Test (GEPT), developed by the Language Training & Testing Centre (LTTC) at National Taiwan University. He is currently an international member of their research committee and was the keynote presenter at their recent 10th anniversary celebrations. Weir continues his connection with the College English Test in China through his visiting professorship role at Shanghai Jiaotong where the test is based. Prof. Liz Hamp-Lyons is the international consultant for the NEEA-funded project to develop an assessment of 'Advanced Academic English Competence' for China (NEEA= National Educational Examinations Authority).

We are encouraging overseas academics in our field to visit and work with us in applying the socio cognitive test validation framework developed in CRELLA to exam development in their own countries. We have had 9 academic visitors (see the report above).

Publications We will continue to publish regularly in high quality journals and with leading publishing houses such as OUP/CUP. Our forthcoming books, chapters and journal papers are listed below.

Forthcoming books 1. Bax, S. (forthcoming) Researching English Bilingual Education in Thailand. London: British Council 2. Bax, S. (forthcoming) Discourse and Genre. Palgrave Macmillan. 3. Green, A. (forthcoming) Language Functions Revisited: Theoretical and empirical bases for language construct definition across the ability range. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 4. Green A. (forthcoming) Language Assessment and Testing. Routledge. 5. Milanovic, M. and Hawkey, R. A. (forthcoming) A History of Cambridge UCLES EFL and Cambridge ESOL Exams. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 6. Nakatsuhara, F. (forthcoming) The Co-construction of Conversation in Group Oral Tests. Peter Lang. 7. Milanovic, M. and Weir, C. J. (forthcoming) Measured Constructs: A history of the constructs underlying English language examinations 1913-2012. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Forthcoming chapters 1. Bax, S. (forthcoming) “Web 2.0 in language education”, in Thomas, M. (ed.) Digital Education: Opportunities for social collaboration Palgrave Macmillan. 2. Green, A. and O’Sullivan, B. (forthcoming) “Context Validity” in Taylor, L. (ed.) Examining Speaking: Theory, practice and research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 3. Green, A. (forthcoming) “Placement Testing” in Coombe, C., O’Sullivan, B., Davidson, P., and Stoynoff, S. (Eds.) The Cambridge Guide to Language Assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 4. Green, A. and Hawkey, R. (forthcoming) “Marking, Rating Scales and Rubrics” in Coombe, C., O’Sullivan, B., Davidson P., and Stoynoff S. (Eds.) The Cambridge Guide to Language Assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 5. Green, A. (forthcoming) “A Case of Testing L2 English Reading for Class Level Placement” in O’Sullivan, B. (ed.) Language Testing: Theories and Practices, Basingstoke: Palgrave ‘Advances in Linguistics’ series. 6. Green, A. (in press) “Conflicting Purposes in the use of Can Do Statements in Language Education”. In Schmidt, M., Naganuma, N., O’Dwyer, F., Imig, A. and Sakai, K. (eds.) Can do in language education in Japan and beyond. Tokyo: Obunsha. 7. Hawkey R. A. (forthcoming) “Consequential Validity”. In Taylor, L. (ed.) Examining Speaking: Theory, practice and research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 8. O’Sullivan, B. and Nakatsuhara, F. (forthcoming) “Quantifying Conversational Styles in Group Oral Test Discourse” in O’Sullivan, B. (ed.) Language Testing: Theories and Practices, Basingstoke: Palgrave ‘Advances in Linguistics’ series. 9. Weir C. J. and B O’Sullivan (in press) “Language Testing = Validation” in O’Sullivan, B. (ed.) Language Testing: Theories and Practices, Basingstoke: Palgrave ‘Advances in Linguistics’ series.

50 10. Žegarac, V. (forthcoming) “Metadiscourse Markers in IELTS Texts and in Textbooks for Undergraduate Students”, in IELTS Research Reports, British Council. 11. Žegarac, V. (forthcoming) “Phatic Communication” in Cummings, L. (ed.) The Routledge Encyclopaedia of Pragmatics.

Journal papers under review 1. Bax,S. (under review) ‘In Search of an Educational Third Space: Intercultural Communication in Asynchronous Online Discussion Forums’ 2. Green, A. (accepted for publication) Requirements for Reference Level Descriptions for English. English Profile Journal 3. Galaczi, E., ffrench, A., Hubbard, C. and Green, A. (under review) “Developing Assessment Scales for large- scale speaking tests: The value of multiple methods” Assessment in Education 4. Saville, N and Hawkey, R.A. (accepted for publication) The English Profile Programme – an overview, the Common European Framework of Reference and Reference Level Descriptors. English Profile Journal. 5. Nakatsuhara, F. (accepted subject to revision) “Effects of Test-taker Characteristics and the Number of Participants in Group Oral Tests” Language Testing

Research funding CRELLA will continue to work with;  commercial partners on test research and development projects such as Password  international examining boards such as Cambridge ESOL on research and development studies  overseas national and international testing organisations such as STEP (Japan), GEPT (Taiwan) and ALTE (Europe)  overseas Ministries of Education such as Singapore.  research partners such as the Cambridge University Research Centre for English and Applied Linguistics and the University of Nottingham on English Profile

As shown in the above report, from January 2009 to August 2010, we were awarded 14 research grants. We will continue to identify successfully opportunities for research funding.

Improving the research environment PhDs The appointment of Stephen Bax in 2009 has increased our capacity for PhD supervision as well as allowing us to offer a broader range of expertise in the area of language learning. Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, our research assistant who recently completed her PhD, has begun to play a role in research supervision and we wish to promote her to a permanent lectureship in the near future. We hope a further appointment in the next year will enhance our capacity to deal with the ever increasing flow of PhD applicants. In the last 6 months, we have been contacted by at least one applicant a week for PhDs, and have interviewed many of them on Skype. Among these applicants, 1 student has registered and 6 students have been informally accepted subject to revising their proposals. It is likely that we will have over 20 PhD students registered in CRELLA by January 2011. Current registration is at 14 with only 4 FTE members of staff.

In addition to the two PhD completions so far in this REF period, we expect a further three students to complete over the coming six month period.

Conferences/seminars We hosted the annual UK Language Testing Forum at CRELLA in November 2009 and intend to hold another international conference in this REF period. We will continue our programme of monthly research seminars in the department and will also arrange a summer and winter research-in-progress seminar day in CRELLA each year for all staff and students including PhD students from abroad who can now participate through Skype.

Staff development We will continue with monthly meetings to discuss our REF strategy, and with our weekly Staff Development meetings which are aimed at developing junior researchers as well as existing staff members through discussion/review of, for example: grant application plans and drafts and publication plans and drafts.

We are actively encouraging and supporting all staff and students to present at conferences (see the list above) and will continue to do so.


51 We have been building up our library resources in the areas of language learning and assessment (£1000+ spent in 2009) and have purchased additional software packages for data analysis (i.e. WINSTEPS, FACETS, NeuroSolutions, MAXQDA) to improve our service to research students. We have also recently received 27 boxes of language testing materials following the retirement of Profess Charles Alderson: the complete University of Lancaster Testing Archive. We will continue this process of building up our library resources and purchasing software packages.

3.5. ResCAF Report

Research Themes in ResCAF

Theme one – Management Accounting

Since the early 1980s a number of innovative management accounting techniques have been developed such as activity- based management, strategic management accounting, and the balanced scorecard. These ‘new’ techniques have been designed to support modern technologies and new management processes, such as total quality management and just- in-time production systems, and the search for competitive advantage to meet the challenge of global competition.

The new developments in management accounting and the changing nature of businesses have motivated researchers to gain understanding of practices of management accounting. This theme of research includes research in performance measurement and management, capital investment decisions, implementation of enterprise resources planning (ERP) and budgetary participation.

Key faculty members: 1. Abdel-Kader, Magdy (Prof.) 2. Carman, Rob 3. Patrick, Peter 4. Two research students

Theme two – Financial Reporting and Corporate Governance

This theme of research focuses on understanding of issues arise from the separation between ownership and control, changes in regulatory framework of financial reporting and standards, market based accounting and financial statement analysis.

Key faculty members: 1. Kinman, Russell 2. Ekuban, Andrew 3. Mkumbuzi, Walter (Dr.) 4. Tse, Chin-Bun (Prof.)

Theme three – Finance and Banking

This theme of research focuses on issues related to bank lending behaviour, the impact of constrained liquidity on small firms in Europe, stock trading in small companies and corporate finance,

Key faculty members: 1. Eales, David (Visiting Prof.) 2. Sangray, Sudesh (Dr.) 3. Anthony Stevenson (Dr.) 4. Tse, Chin-Bun (Prof.)

NB It is anticipated that key faculty membership of the ResCAF themed teams will expand by 4-5 as new appointees arrive in the Business School.

52 3.6. SLRC Report

Research Themes in SLRC

Theme One - Muslim Women’s Rights and the Principle of Universality of Human Rights: the Town of Luton as a Case Study

The research project aims to analyse how Muslim women approach and understand the concept of human rights. The research team seeks to understand how Muslim women reconcile their Muslim beliefs, cultural practices and traditions with universal human rights standards. Luton has an interesting social fabric that provides much illustration to anyone working in any field. In the field of Islamic law, Luton’s Muslim community provides a sample to analyze how Muslim women reconcile their religious beliefs with the human rights granted by the United Kingdom, the European Union and international standards. The core idea is to conduct a survey among Muslim women from different social backgrounds and origins to know how they approach so-called western human rights, that are actually EU and international standards, and how they reconcile these standards with their own cultural or religious definition of what human rights are.

The researchers will in particular look at the theory of the new hermeneutics of the Shari’a, a powerful tool that allows for the learned scholars interpreting Islamic legal sources (the Quran among other) to adopt a reformist stance and interpret Islam in a modern way so that the gap between universal human rights and Islamic law is bridged. One outcome is to see whether Muslim women are aware of this possibility for change and whether their community uses it.

Other intended outcomes of the research are to inform drafting guidelines for all professionals working with these communities so that their integration improves. Integration prevents radicalization and easy discourse on Islam that leads to violence. The guidelines would then be made available to social workers, schoolteachers and others in Luton, as well as helping policy makers and human rights NGOs, as well as governmental agencies, developing strategies and tools that accommodate the needs and beliefs of the British Muslim population.

Key faculty members: 1. Anicée Van Engeland (Dr.) 2. Tariq Khan 3. Kabir Ahmed 4. Three Research students

Theme Two - Human Trafficking and its Consequences: ‘Crimmigration’ in the European Union

This research proposal will seek to examine the phenomenon of ‘crimmigration’ in the United Kingdom: how do victims of human trafficking become criminals? The first part of the project will deals with the role of mafia in human trafficking with a particular focus on Kosovo and Albania. Trajectories and channels used for human trafficking will be analysed, in connection with other forms of trafficking. The project will look at how victims of human trafficking are victimised several times by different actors: first by the mafia, then through exploitation once they arrive in the United Kingdom and eventually by the UK authorities when caught. The project will then focus on the case of children victims of human trafficking and treated as criminals. To conclude the cycle, the last part of the research will look at how victims of human trafficking become part of the traffic and the mafia. Therefore, the whole process from departure of the home country, willingly or unwillingly, will be analysed until the return to the point of departure, focusing on the process of criminalisation of victims.

53 Another focus of the project will be to examine to what extent the UK Government has been effective in implementing the provisions of the 2000 UN Palermo Protocol on the trafficking of human beings (UN Palermo Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children, supplementing the UN Convention against Transnational Crime 2000). The UK is obliged to apply the fundamental principles of human rights law, that is, human rights are universal and inalienable, independent and indivisible, equal and non discriminatory and should be without a hierarchy. The UK has introduced or ratified a number of international and national legislation to suppress and prevent trafficking for sexual and labour exploitation. There is however still a lack of coordinated protection for the victims of trafficking who find themselves in the UK. The project will concentrate on examining from a human rights protectionist perspective the efforts made by the Government to fulfil its obligations in relation to the trafficking of human beings, it will not consider those who choose to be smuggled as illegal economic migrants.

The theoretical background of the project is currently the focus of the research team. A common research proposal has been drafted and an article should be published over the summer. The next step will be to work with the detention centre located in Yarl’s Wood.

Key faculty members: 1. Anicée Van Engeland (Dr.) 2. Carolyn Naughton * 3. Brian Joe Stevens (PhD Student) 4. Three Research students

Theme Three – Ethics in Large Legal Firms

A bid to the ESRC is in development via University of Westminster for a three-year study of ethics in large legal firms, with Professor John Flood and the Centre for Legal Profession and Legal Services. The project will be financed by research funding from, amongst others, Nuffield Foundation, ESRC, Law Society, Legal Services Commission, Bar Council, Department for Constitutional Affairs, German Science Foundation, and ACLEC. The work includes research on solicitor- advocates, women in law, pro bono and ethics, theorisations of legal ethics and morality, legal education, entry into the legal profession, cause lawyering, lawyer-client relationships, and the globalization of the legal profession.

During the last 20 years research and scholarship on the delivery of legal services and the organization and work of the legal profession has expanded rapidly. Abel and Lewis’ three-volume series in the 1980s opened a new field of research both national and comparative. Since then there has emerged a wide range of research approaches to legal profession and legal services: e.g. organizational, geographical, lawyer-client relationships, ethics and malpractice, the politics of lawyers, cause lawyering, and diversity in the legal profession.

Law is a global business and profession. Although the main impact will be felt in the UK, the eventual repercussions will be global. This is an opportune time to be working with the new research centre on the legal profession and legal services as they are experiencing their most profound changes in many years following the passing of the Legal Services Act 2007. In addition to its mainstream research activities the centre will study and inform both the profession and others who are affected by these changes. The act introduces new institutional actors and practices and may require a radical rethinking of conceptions of professional ethics in the context of transparency and accountability. It may also change the way in which clients engage with and perceive legal services and alternatives to traditional legal service delivery.

Key faculty members: 1. Janine Griffiths-Baker (Prof.) 2. Research Assistant (TBA) 3. PhD Scholarship

Theme Four - Business and the Law: Commercial Law, Finance Law and Banking law

The three masters offered by the School of Law are framed by experts in the areas of commercial law, business law, finance law, banking law and aviation law with two trends: international law and Islamic law. The intended impact of this theme is first to inform that teaching; secondly, to contribute to this ‘bulk of law’ through a public outreach towards practitioners. The domains covered in research are taxation, International commercial law, International Litigation, International Commercial Arbitration, Investment Treaty Arbitration, Protection of Foreign Investment, international Dispute Resolution and insurance law.

54 A first segment of the research deals with State immunity. A second segment of the research, in the field of business and the law, deals with taxation at the EU level with an accent on the principle of sovereignty and the attempt by the EU to harmonise tax law into a uniform body. A third focus is on Insurance law, to analyse Insurance law reform, consumer insurance law and public and private sector ombudsman schemes. The work of the law commission is scrutinized and the researchers intend to draft guidelines for the law commission. Aviation law is a sub topic of this theme: the lead researcher works on the impact of EU regulations and international conventions on passengers’ rights. A final focus under this theme focuses on Islamic commercial law, Islamic banking and Islamic finance: the research project is mainly about the process of reconciliation between Islamic business instruments and international instruments.

Key faculty members: 1. Hakeem Seriki (Dr.) 2. Sylvia Elwes 3. Tariq Khan 4. Chris Dixon 5. Peter Tyldsley 6. Four research students

Theme Five - Criminal law and Criminology

The proposed Research Centre for Socio-Legal Studies is currently developing a vibrant programme of research in the fields of mercy killings; sentencing and punishment; evidence; public opinion, politics and crime control; victims; national security; and criminological issues including obscene publications, miscarriages of justice, anti-social behaviour and prison overcrowding. The researchers are committed to connecting criminological work to law, keeping a multi-disciplinary approach.

One research project is an analysis of miscarriage of justice and legal ethics: it analyses violation of codes of ethics during criminal trials. A code of ethics can be thought of as a moral compass that helps one decide how to act in critical moments. Ethics is particularly important for those who are in a position of power and prominence, as these individuals have the greatest influence on society. It is important for professionals in the criminal justice field to study ethics, because mistakes by these professionals can be extremely costly: a miscarriage of justice can destroy lives. And unethical acts weaken society and public trust in the justice system. The impact of this research project is broad; the team will draft guidelines, looking for ethical norms consistent with human rights issues.

Key faculty members: 1. Janine Griffiths-Baker (Prof.) 2. John Price 3. Tariq Khan


1. Cartwright, N., “48 Years On: Is the Suicide Act Fit For Purpose”, Medical Law Review (2009) 17 (3): 467-476. 2. Dixon, C., "The Horizontal Challenge for Airlines” Travel Law Quarterly, Vol 2, 2010 Issue 1" 3. Griffiths-Baker, J.E., Ethics in Practice: Correspondent’s Report from England and Wales (2009) Legal Ethics Vol. 12.1 77 4. Seriki, H., ‘Anti-suit Injuctions, Arbitration and the ECJ: An approach too far?’ Journal of Business Law [2010] 24- 35 5. Seriki, H., ‘Declarative Relief and Arbitration: The Aftermath of the Front Comor’ Journal of Business Law [2010] 541-555 6. Seriki, H., ‘Anti Suit Injunctions, Arbitration and The Non-EU Persepective: Some recent developments’ Forthcoming 2010 – Accepted in International Arbitration Law Review. 7. Seriki, H., ‘Anti-suit injunctions and Arbitration: Parasitic or Free-Standing?’ Forthcoming 2010 – Accepted in the Journal of Business Law. 8. Seriki, H., ‘State Immunity and the English Jurisdication: Recent Developments under English Law’ Forthcoming 2010. 9. Tyldesley PJ, ‘Consumer insurance law – reform at last? (2010) 81 Amicus Curiae 1 http://www.peterjtyldesley.com/files/2010%20Consumer_insurance_law_reform_at_last.pdf

55 10. Tyldesley PJ, ‘Archaic, unclear & unfair? Proposals & prospects for consumer insurance law reform’, (2009) 159 New Law Journal 1358 www.peterjtyldesley.com/files/2009%20Archaic,_unclear_&_unfair.pdf 11. Van Engeland, A. ‘On the path to equal citizenship and gender equality’ in McLain, L., and Grossman, J, (eds.) Gender Equality: Dimensions of Women’s Citizenship (Cambridge University Press, 2010). 12. Van Engeland, A. ‘The challenge of fragmentation of international humanitarian law regarding the protection of civilians – an Islamic perspective’ in Cherif Bassioni, M. and Guellali, A. (eds) Jihad – Challenges to International and Domestic Law (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2010)


1. Elwes, S., ‘Series of Taxation workshops’ Queen’s College, Cambridge, October- December 2009 2. Elwes, S., ‘Leichenstein as a tax haven’, Queen’s College, Cambridge, May 2010 3. Elwes, S., ‘Restitution and Overpaid Tax’, Merton College, Oxford, July 2010 4. Griffiths-Baker, J.E. ‘Forum for Education Providers’ – Roundtable discussion with Minister for Higher Education – Legal Services Board January 2010 5. Griffiths-Baker, J.E. ‘Legal Ethics at the Academic Stage: Exploring the Issues’, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, May 2010 6. Griffiths-Baker, J.E. ‘The Future of Legal Services’ Legal Services Board, London, June 2010 7. Griffiths-Baker, J.E. ‘The Legal Profession on Times of Turbulence’ International Legal Ethics Conference, Stanford Law School, San Francisco, July 2010 8. The School of Law hosted the Bedfordshire and Luton Family Justice Council’s annual conference on 21 October 2009. Speakers included Dr. Kirland Weir, Miss. Alicia Collinson, barrister, and Mr. Jonathan Sampson, barrister.


1. Elwes, S., ‘Direct Tax and the ECJ, Staff Seminar, University of Bedfordshire, February 2010 2. Tyldesley, PJ, ‘A guide on the Financial Ombudsman’ for the Chartered Insurance Institute – forthcoming. 3. Tyldesley, PJ, ‘An occasional paper on the duty of disclosure in insurance contracts’ – forthcoming 4. Van Engeland, A., “Islamic humanitarian approach and international humanitarian law: conflict or complementarity”, Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law between Universalism and Cultural Relativism: Perspectives from Muslim Countries, TMC Asser Institute, The Hague, The Netherlands, Nov. 27, 2009 5. Van Engeland, A., “Tradition, modernity and change in Islam”, for the Conference Re-imaging the Shari’a: Theory, Practice and Muslim Pluralism at Play, 13-16 September 2009 at The Palazzo Pesaro-Papafava in Venice, Italy. 6. Van Engeland, A., “Comparative Study of Muslim Women’s Tools and Strategies to Enhance Gender Equality in Legislation”, Conference on Middle East Studies, San Francisco State University, October 16-17, 2009. 7. Van Engeland, A., “The Duty to Protect: Islamic republic of Iran and its Policy towards Refugees”, International Conference Protecting People in Conflict and Crisis: responding to the Challenges of a Changing World, Oxford University, Refugee Studies Centre, 22-24 September 2009. 8. Van Engeland, A., “Tradition, modernity and change in Islam: the case of honour killings”, WOCMES World Congress for Middle East Studies, Barcelona, 19-24 July 2010 9. Van Engeland, A., “Changing the law: dynamics to enhance Gender Equality in the Muslim World”, Gulf Research Meeting, Cambridge University, UK, 07-11 July 2010 10. Van Engeland, A., “Chador Passport and the Empowerment of Iranian Women under the Islamic Republic”, Veiled Constellations: the veil, critical theory, politics and contemporary society, York University, Toronto, Canada, 3-5 June 2010 11. Van Engeland, A., “Torture and Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment since 9/11: The Evolution of the United States Legislation and the War on Terror”, After Guantanamo Bay: Perspectives on the War on Terror, University of Westminster, 22 January 2010

Quoted in the press and elsewhere

1. Cartwright, N., ‘A Verdict that Forces the Hand of Prosecutors’ The Independent, 31 June 2009, p.2. 2. Tyldesley PJ, 'Law Commission Addresses Need for Reform of Consumer Insurance Law', DLA Piper, December 2009 http://information.dla.com/information/published/Insurance_Legal_Update_Dec_2009.html

56 3. Tyldesley PJ, 'Unfair insurance law may be overturned', The Observer, 29 November 2009 http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2009/nov/29/insurance-law-parliamentary-bill-disclosure 4. Tyldesley PJ, 'Insurance law disadvantages consumers making a claim', Daily Telegraph, 7 September 2009 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/insurance/6148414/Insurance-law-disadvantages-consumers- making-a-claim.html 5. Tyldesley PJ, 'Unfair insurance deals', Letter, Daily Telegraph, 5 September 2009 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/letters/6138705/The-Liverpool-Care-Pathway-need-not-be-a-one-way- street-to-death.html 6. Tyldesley PJ, 'Victory for Consumers is One Step Closer in Campaign for Law reform', Trading Standards Institute. http://www.tradingstandards.gov.uk/policy/policy-pressitem.cfm/newsid/355

Consultancy and Advisory Work

1. Dixon, C., provided consultancy services to Monarch Airlines and successfully defended a multi-track claim brought in Swansea County Court, October 2009. 2. Griffiths-Baker, J.E. appointed to the Advisory Board of the International Journal Legal Ethics. 3. Seriki, H., undertakes consultancy work with City law firm and has recently given an opinion on challenging the validity of an arbitration agreement on a matter likely to go before the English courts. 4. Van Engeland, A., provided training for the Brussels’ office of Médecins Sans Frontières on Islamic Law and Medicine, October 2009.


The School successfully obtained a grant of £11,000 for research-informed teaching. This money was used to:

1. promote the research of all students and staff; 2. provide a range of opportunities for students to engage in research; 3. raise the research profile of the Law School within the University, nationally and internationally; and 4. improve student recruitment through marketing research.

The project was a great success and the final report is attached to this document in appendix A. The most notable successes were in the opportunities given to students to engage in research. In particular, the grant allowed the School to offer 10 paid research assistant positions.

Ph.D. Students

 In 2010 the School of Law welcomed two new full-time Ph.D. students: Joe Stevens and Andreas Yiannaros both of whom are undertaken research into international law.  Two more Ph.D. students will be joining the School in October 2010 – Fiaz Bakhsh and Fathi Akeel. Both students will be looking at Islamic law – one in the commercial field and the other in the area of humanitarian law.


Carolyn Naughton, Academic Director, obtained her MSc in Educational Leadership with merit from the University of Leicester.

4. Research Students

57 Current Research Degrees

Reg No Surname Name 2 Director of studies Mode Degree 0925980 AHMAD Abid Dr Elly Philpott FT M/P

99137083 ALKIYUMI Fawzi Prof Angus Duncan PT PhD

0815028 ARUVANAHALLI Roopa Dr Elly Philpott FT M/P NAGARAJU

0920769 ARVINEN-MUONDO Raisa Prof Stephen Perkins FT PhD

0925122 BAGHDADI Waheed Prof Jillian Farquhar FT M/P

0924759 BELL John Prof Stephen Perkins PT MA Res

99090163 BRIGGS Steven Prof Devi Jankowicz PT PhD

0800196 CASTRO-BOLUAJ Jimmy Dr Yongmei Bentley FT M/P

0818099 CORRIGAN Michael Dr Tony Green PT M/P

0925347 DEIGH Linda Gify Prof Jillian Faquhar PT M/P

0921130 ELDALY Mohamed Prof Magdy Abdel Kader FT M/P Khaled Amr Abbas 0708013 EZE Sunday Prof Yanqing Duan FT M/P

99103861 HAAG Markus Prof Yanqing Duan FT PhD

0925461 HAWAS Amira Prof Chin-Bun Tse FT M/P

0816894 IQBAL Naveed Prof Stephen Perkins FT M/P

0614375 JOHNSON Janice Prof Stephen Perkins PT M/P

0820898 KANTHANVANICH Poramate Dr Annie Danbury FT M/P

0617506 KHAOKAEW Burana Dr Roger Hawkey FT M/P

0924382 KINSELLA Laurence Dr Stephen Bax PT M/P

0700500 KOREVAAR Serge Dr Stephen Bax FT M/P

0609516 KOWALCZY Joanna Dr Vladimir Zegarac FT M/P

0505112 KRISHNAN K Prof Cyril Weir FT M/P

99116052 LIAO Wei Dr Vlad Zegarac FT PhD

96128557 MANISKI Theodore Dr Vlad Zegarac PT M/P

0917354 MIAO Meiyin Prof Yanqing Duan FT MSc Res

0915998 POORKAVOOS Meysam Prof Yanqing Duan FT PhD

0925460 QURASHI Mubashir Dr Sudesh Sangray FT MA Res;

0925278 ROZALIN Nahid Dr Faten Baddar FT M/P

58 0818887 SOUFF KAISS Dr Anthony Stevenson FT M/P

0925276 STEVENS Brian Dr Anicee Van Engleand FT M/P

0717380 STOEVER Hanna Dr Vlad Zegarac FT M/P

0925187 SUNYANSANOA Sophapan Prof Jillian Farquhar FT M/P

0921220 TAHAT Yasean Prof Magdy Abdel Kader FT M/P

0614299 UNALDI-BESIMOGLU Aylin Prof Cyril Weir FT PhD

0925501 WADONGO Billy Prof Magdy Abdel Kader FT M/P

0923235 WALLER Daniel Dr Tony Green PT M/P

96126530 WHITTAKER Susan Prof Jillian Farqhar FT M/P

0811445 WIN Sandar Dr Anthony Stevenson FT M/P

0715757 WU Yi-Fen Prof Cyril Weir PT M/P (Rachel) 0614050 YANAGAWA Kozo Prof Cyril Weir PT PhD

0503885 YIANNAROS Andreas Dr Anicee Van Engeland FT M/P

0818110 ZAHRAN* MUDAR Dr Vincent Ong FT M/P *Suspension of studies from July 31st 2010

Research degrees awarded

Time Student Degre Registrati Submissi Date of to Total Title of thesis Name Mode Viva No. e on on Award Sub Time mit Eno An investigation into 18- 28- 12- 990745 Amasi 14-Sep- team and individual PhD FT Mar- Mar- May- 72m 90m 09 Maycoc 09 pay in Nigerian 02 08 08 k Financial Institutions

59 Knowledge, Learning 31- and Reflection: 991078 Geoff 01- 08-Jul- 03-Dec- DBA PT Mar- 77m 98m Consulting in 28 Lawday Oct-01 08 09 08 Communities of Practice Facilitating Organisational Pauline 01- Creativity: Exploring 961279 01- 17-Jul- 14-Dec- Loewen PhD PT May- 64m 71m the contribution of 47 Jan-04 09 09 -berger 09 psychological, social and organisational factors. Neil 08- Managing Change in 081898 23- 18- 29-Mar- Meredit MSc PT Mar- 11m 13m SMEs – Approaching 6 Feb-09 Jan-10 10 h 10 New Markets Sustainable consumption from consumers' 16- 17- 081040 Ruowei 05- 27-Apr- perspectives: A MSc FT Sep- Dec- 13m 19m 0 Wang Oct-09 10 study on the 08 09 purchasing intention of the green food in China Study of internet 01- 16- usage in the fresh 040701 Xiaoxia Mphi 27- 21- FT Dec- Dec- 36m 54m produce supply 0 o Xu l Feb-09 May-10 05 08 chain in the UK and China A Leader's Journey 991484 Jane 31- 20- 30- 23-Jun- PhD PT to Engage: an 88 Trinder Oct-03 Jan-10 Apr-10 01 Interpretive Study

Professor Stephen J Perkins Business and Management Research Institute Appendix – A summary of bidding activities in BMRI

60 Successful Bids No Title Duration Staff Lead or GRANT involved Partner 1 Local Economic Vitality through the Involvement of 1 month Elly Philpott Lead £5,772 SMEs in EU projects (LARCI placement Fellow Scheme: UoB and LBC) 2 VC Development Fund 1 month J. Farquhar Lead £1,891

3 Beds PhDs (Beds Joint Authorities) 24 months Elly Philpott Leader £42,000

4 Marsh Farm social enterprise evaluation 6 months SJ Perkins, Lead £40,000 S Badar, N Rozalin 5 Luton Borough Council up to 2 A Hirst, SJ Lead TBC years Perkins, K Kakavelakis 6 Regional Cities East Evaluation 2 months A Hirst, Lead £5,000 K Kakavelakis 7 "Producing reference level descriptions for English Green, A. B. Language learning. (continuation of work started in 1 year Hawkey, R. A. Lead £17,500 2006)" English Profile Weir, C. J. 8 Testing the English Language Skills of international Green, A. B. Lead students at the Foundation level - English Language 1 year Weir, C. J. £85,000 Testing Hawkey, R. A. 9 "The relationship between test-takers’ listening proficiency and their performance on the IELTS Nakatsuhara, Lead 1 year £15,000 Speaking test" IELTS Research Programme 2009- F. 2010 - The British Council 10 "Investigating effects of pre-task planning between before and after study-abroad experience" Grant-in- Nakatsuhara, Partner £15,000 2 years Aid for young Scientists - Japan Society for the F. [£2,000] Promotion of Science 11 Evaluative project: English in bilingual education in Lead 4 months Bax, S. £5,000 East Asia - The British Council 12 Researching cognitive processes during computer- Bax, S. Deng. based reading tests - ELTRPA award, The British 1 year Lead £18,500 J. Council 13 "Investigating learners’ cognitive processes during Bax, S. Weir, computer-based CAE reading tests" Cambridge ESOL 1 year Lead £15,000 C.J. Funded Research Programme - Cambridge ESOL 14 Validating the assessment of English Language Skills 3 years Green, A. B. Lead £81,600 at Foundation Level 2010 to 2013 - English Language Weir, C. J. (£31.6K in Testing 2010, £25K in 2011/12) 15 Textual features of CAE reading texts compared with 1 year Green A.B., Lead £10,000 IELTS reading and essential undergraduate texts - Bax S, Weir Cambridge ESOL C. J., Nakatsuhara, F 16 Producing reference level descriptions for English 4 months Green, A.B. Lead £5,000 Language learning. (continuation of work started in 2006) English Profile (iii) 17 Password Intro: Testing the English language ability of 1 year Green, A.B. Lead £21,000 lower level learners - A1 to B1

18 Test of English for Academic Purposes (TEAP) - 1 year Weir, C. J. Lead £15,000 STEP, Japan Nakatsuhara, F

Pending Bids

61 No Title Duration Staff Lead or GRANT involved Partner 1 UK Carnival Arts (partnership) 12 months BMRI team Lead £40,000 2 Aligning pay: fact or fiction? A reworked proposal 30 months SJ Perkins, Lead £120,000 following confirmation that ESRC will accept co- S Jones funding (three-year project already funded by ARC in partnership with Australian, Canadian and US Institutions 3 Human rights and Islam School of Law Lead £7,000 4 Chandor passport and empowerment of Iranian School of Law Lead £1,000 women 5 Shia law in 21st century School of Law Lead £1,890 6 "Password listening test" - English Language Testing 1 year Green, A. B. Lead £45,000 Weir, C. J. 7 New insights into cognitive processes: researching 1 year Bax, S Lead £15,000 IELTS reading tasks through eye-tracking technology. IELTS Research Awards 2010 - The British Council 8 Developing assessment literacies and practice in 1 year Bax, S, Green, Lead £45,000 Singapore schools - Singapore Ministry of Education T, Weir, C, Nakatsuhara,F

Unsuccessful Bids No Title Duration Staff Lead or GRANT involved Partner 1 New skills for new jobs (EU tender) 24 Yanqing Duan Partner € 33,000 months 2 Pay alignment? Taking the measure of UK reward 30 SJ Perkins Lead £117,640 (The Leverhulme trust) months 3 Making employee performance management work: 11 SJ Perkins Lead £7,000 engaging managers and employees in a complex months corporate interrelationship (ESRC) 4 From few to many: realigning the enterprise (SEEE) 1 month J. Farquhar Lead £1,244.95 NHS Bedfordshire changing working practices (in 12 SJ Perkins, A Lead £40,000 collaboraiton with the Knowledge Hub) - but reworked months Hirst, as a network enterprise - funds TBC L Holbeche 5 SEGMEP: Sustainable Employability and Green 36 Y.Duan Partner € 439,150 Markets by Educational Programmes (FP7 months SSH.2010.2.1-1) 6 SUNNDAY - FP7-KBBE-2010-1-2-02: Contributing to 36 Qile He Partner € 587,260 sustainability through the development of novel months technological and managerial solutions for organic and low-input dairy supply chains 7 Innovation Index for the Public Sector: Design and 6 months P.Loewenberge Lead £107,560 Pilot of a Public Sector Index (NESTA) r, A.Hirst

8 Development of Methodology & Application of 6 months Y.Duan, Lead £158,947 Knowledge Exchange and Translational Research in E.Philpott Agriculture & Food to a Specific Product Supply Chain (RCUK, BBSRC) 9 "Comparing the characteristics of TOEFL iBT Writing Hamp-Lyons, L. tasks with real-life academic writing tasks" - TOEFL 3 years Lead £75,000 Unaldi, A. COE Research Program 10 "Genre Analysis of the Cambridge past papers" Bax, S. Weir, Cambridge ESOL Funded Research Programme - 1 year Lead £15,000 C.J. Cambridge ESOL

62 Institute for Research in Applicable Computing Annual Research Report 2009 - 2010

63 Annual Report 2009-10

Professor Yong Yue October 2010

1. Overview The Institute for Research in Applicable Computing (IRAC), focuses on solving real-world problems by developing novel applications of computer technology and by providing innovative tools to enable users to employ computer technology more efficiently and more effectively, and aims at producing high quality research results and PhD students. In the same time, IRAC is also conducting research at the highest level in theoretical computer science such as advanced number-theoretic cryptography.

IRAC has approximately 40 academic staff of who 8 are professors, 20 research fellows/assistants and 50 research students. A further 5 0.2 FTE professors have been appointed over the last year in addition to a number of other fractional research posts.

IRAC Board, comprising Faculty Dean and Associate Dean, Knowledge Hub and Research Directorate staff, relevant Liberian, Business Interaction Manager, professors, reader, staff reps, research student reps, has met three times last year to discuss and steering the strategy and operations of the Institute.

The Institute has the overall objective to sustain and further grow the research within each of the three centres, in line with the University Strategy. The Institute has utilised the RAE funds (QR and RDP), following the approval of its strategic plan. The majority of the QR money has been used to employ research key staff for sustainable developments while a small proportion of the fund has been dedicated to encouraging and supporting individual members in developing relevant research (such as strategic link building, conferences and small items of equipment) and research student recruitment.

The Institute has three main centres, CCGV, the Centre for Computer Graphics and Visualisation, led by Professor Gordon Clapworthy, CREDIT, the Centre for Research in Distributed Technologies, led by Professor Carsten Maple, and CWiND, the Centre for Wireless Network Design, led by Professor Jie Zhang.

64 CCGV works in the areas of computer graphics, animation and visualisation and has five main spheres of activity:

 graphics algorithms and visualisation, led by Prof. Gordon Clapworthy  image-based graphics, led by Prof. Feng Dong  computer games development, led by Prof. Edmond Prakash  graphics-related web services led by Dr Enjie Liu  GPU-based graphics led by Dr Baoquan Liu.

CCGV has a purpose-built laboratory which currently accommodates 12 postdoctoral researchers, with further appointments to be made.

CWiND has become one of the largest, best-funded and leading groups in radio access network (RAN) planning and optimisation. It is now well-known in the wireless communications community in Europe. It has become a reputable wireless communications group in Europe. Since 2005, CWiND members have been awarded over £4.0M funding by the EPSRC, the Nuffield Foundation and the EC. There are over 20 postdoctoral Research Fellows (RFs) and PhD students at CWiND. CWiND research covers almost the whole spectrum of radio access network (RAN) planning and optimisation (P&O). The research topics include new radio propagation models, automatic UMTS/HSPA/LTE/WiMAX planning and optimisation, simulation methods, and the use of high performance computing (HPC) in radio propagation, static and dynamic simulator and RAN optimisation engine.

CREDIT has a diverse range of research areas covering artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual reality, distributed and parallel computing, data mining, security and cryptography, ubiquitous computing, wireless sensor networks, and operations research. Collaborations exist worldwide with academia and industry, including Metropolitan Police, Harvard University and MIT. A wide range of research and consultancy projects have been conducted. The Centre hosts over 30 research students many of them being supported from their government / employer. Six fractional posts of who five are at professorial level have been appointed over the last year to enhance its profile aiming at REFable research output, research income and research student recruitment. Members of the Centre have given keynote speeches at major international conferences, acted as editor/associate editor/guest editor for a number of international journals and been chair/co-chair, programme committee members for a range of international conferences.

2. Research Degree Awards

Norrington, Peter (PhD, 2009) Novel, robust and cost effective authentication techniques for online services Supervisor: Professor Carsten Maple

Hitchcock, Jonathan (PhD, 2009) Automated processing and analysis of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry screening data Supervisor: Dr Dayou Li

Zhao, Danchen (Masters by Research, 2010) Test Moment Determination Design in Active Robot Learning Supervisor: Dr Dayou Li

Gordejuela-Sanchez, Fernando (PhD, 2010) Practical design of optimal wireless metropolitan area networks: models and algorithms for OFDMA networks Supervisor: Professor Jie Zhang

Cao, Tao (Masters by Research, 2010) The development of test action bank for active robot learning Supervisor: Dr Dayou Li

Song, Hui (PhD, 2010) On statistical characterization of EESM effective SNR over frequency selective channel Supervisor: Professor Jie Zhang

65 Lai, Zhihua (PhD, 2010) The development of an Intelligent Ray Launching Algorithm for Wireless Network Planning Supervisor: Dr Nik Bessis

3. Research Seminars

The Cyborg Experiments Prof Kevin Warwick University of Reading 9th June, 2010

Bioinformatics in the Post-Genomic Era Huseyin Seker De Montfort University 20th May, 2010

Insight into Open Source Software for cognitive robotics Paul Osmialowski Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Warsaw 12th May, 2010

An Overview of Hyper-heuristics Ender Özcan University of Nottingham 24th February, 2010

Energy-time Efficient Algorithms for Reactive Route Discovery in MANETs Ida Pu, Goldsmiths University of London 17th February, 2010

Understanding the dynamics and challenges of global identity policies Edgar A. Whitley Reader in Information Systems, London School of Economics and Political Science 10th February, 2010

From Multi-Core to Many-Core - The Architecture's Impact on Parallel Programming Carsten Trinitis Technical University of Munich 22nd January, 2010

Formal Verification of Complex and Critical Systems Franco Raimondi Middlesex University 25th November, 2009

SmartGRID -- Ongoing Research at U. of Fribourg and U. of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland Ye Huang University of Fribourg 18th November, 2009

Living in a Smart Environment Elena Mugellini and Omar Abou Khaled University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland 11th November, 2009

66 Using Grid Services to Parallelize IBM's Generic Log Adapter Fatos Xhafa Technical University of Catalonia 28th October, 2009

4. Collaborations

The institute has a very wide range of collaborations with academia, industry, government at local, national and international levels. Below is a list of collaborators with which collaborative work has been conducted by IRAC.

Collaborators in Academia

• Oxford, UCL, Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt, Bristol, KCL, Durham, Cardiff, Southampton, Sheffield, Nottingham, Brunel, Open, Cancer Research • Harvard, MIT, Stanford (USA) • Zhejiang, Shanghai Jiaotong, Northeastern, Beijing Jiaotong, National Centre for Nano Science and Technology (China) • Technical University of Munich, University of Saarland (Germany) • University of Vienna (Austria) • Balogna (Italy) • Royal Technical Institute (Sweden) • ETH, Geneva, Bern, EPFL, U of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland (Switzerland) • Technical U of Athens, Technical Uy of Crete (Greece) • Free University of Brussels, Catholic University of Levin (Belgium) • University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg) • University of Iceland (Iceland) • Warsaw Academy of Science, Bialystok Technical U. (Poland) • University of Auckland (New Zealand) • Kyushu Sangyo University (Japan)

Collaborators in Industry / Government

• The Metropolitan Police • Serious and Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) • Luton and Dunstable Hospital • London Luton Airport • Skillstrain • Modern Networks • Vodafone • NEC Europe • Alcatel Lucent, Kitware Inc (USA) • T-Mobile, Philips Research Lab (Germany) • CNRS - INSERM (France) • Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus (Italy) • Robotnik Automation S.L.L. (Spain) • PROFACTOR Produktionsforschungs GmbH (Austria) • Fujitsu, Riken (Japan) • China Mobile, Huawei, Beijing Junxing Ruilong Technology (China)

67 5. Research / Consultancy Projects The Institute has a strong record in collaborative research with a wide range of academic and industrial partners worldwide. Its contracted research and consultancy income during the last few years is in excess of £7 million (with a total of c£45 million involved) for approximately 50 projects from the European Commission (EC), Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC), Leverhulme, Nuffield, British Council and industry. In recent years, IRAC has attracted a total research income of well over £1 million. The following two tables provide a summary of funded research and consultancy projects. IRAC Research and Consultancy Projects (Funded by the EC)

Principal Funding No. Other Investigators Title of Project Start date End date Total Value Value to UoB Investigator Body

1 G Clapworthy Multimod 2003-09-01 2004-09-30 EC € 1,600,000 € 281,000 2 G Clapworthy Multisense 2003-09-01 2005-10-31 EC € 1,780,000 € 356,000 3 G Clapworthy STEP 2006-01-01 2007-03-31 EC € 1,185,360 € 575,040 4 G Clapworthy Aneurist 2006-01-01 2010-03-31 EC €12,605,239 € 231,616 5 G Clapworthy LHDL 2006-02-01 2009-01-31 EC € 2,250,520 € 404,400 6 Jie Zhang Sijing Zhang GAWIND 2006-08-01 2010-01-31 EC € 917,206 € 917,206 7 Jie Zhang Enjie Liu Ranplan_HEC 2006-09-01 2010-08-31 EC € 832,653 € 832,653 8 G Clapworthy F Dong VPH2 2008-07-01 2011-06-30 EC € 3,778,500 € 200,000 9 G Clapworthy E Liu ContraCancrum 2008-08-01 2011-07-31 EC € 3,786,557 € 356,320 10 G Clapworthy E Liu VPHOP 2008-09-01 2012-08-31 EC € 8,989,370 € 277,060 11 Jie Zhang IAPPARANPLAN 2008-11-01 2012-10-31 EC € 1,811,914 € 292,913 12 Jie Zhang Raymond Kwan METOP 2009-01-01 2010-12-31 EC € 178,000 € 178,000 13 Jie Zhang Alpar Juttner COMONO 2009-05-01 2011-04-30 EC € 172,618 € 172,618 14 Jie Zhang Guillaume de la Roche CWnetPlan 2009-06-01 2011-05-31 EC € 170,733 € 170,733 15 Jie Zhang iPLAN 2009-06-01 2013-05-31 EC € 2,175,089 € 390,522 16 G Clapworthy B Liu, F Dong GAMVolVis 2009-09-01 2011-08-31 EC € 173,186 € 173,186 17 G Clapworthy F Dong RT3S 2010-01-01 2012-12-31 EC € 3,500,000 € 190,880 18 G Clapworthy F Dong, N Bessis MSV 2010-01-01 2012-12-31 EC € 1,025,320 € 204,540 19 G Clapworthy NMS Physiome 2010-01-01 2012-12-31 EC € 929,450 € 63,610 20 Dayou Li Yong Yue, Carsten Maple SRS 2010-02-01 2013-02-01 EC € 3,500,000 € 269,000 21 Jie Zhang Liqiang Zhao MeshWiMAX 2010-02-01 2013-01-31 EC € 360,000 € 246,938 22 Yong Yue C Maple, D Li LaserNaMi 01/10/2010 30/09/2013 EC € 347,400 € 54,000 Total € 52,069,115 € 6,838,235

68 IRAC Research and Consultancy Projects (Funded within the UK)

Principal Total Value to No. Other Investigators Title of Project (short form is fine) Start date End date Funding Body Investigator Value UoB 1 Yong Yue Osei Adjei Visiting fellowship on automatic inspection of surface quality 2002-01-01 2002-06-30 EPSRC £6,500.00 £6,500 2 Jie Zhang 3G Planning 2003-03-01 2005-02-28 Nuffield Foundation £5,250 £5,250 3 Jie Zhang 3G Optimisation 2004-05-12 2007-05-11 EPSRC £122,382 £122,382 4 Yong Yue Preliminary study into the 3D packing problem 2004-07-01 2004-08-31 Nuffield Fundation £1,550.00 £1,550 UK-China network: intelligent automation, computing and 5 Jianbo Yang Yong Yue, etc 2004-09-01 2008-03-31 EPSRC £63,784.00 £1,500 manufacturing 6 G Clapworthy Tectrim II 2005-01-01 2006-12-31 i10 £100,000 £14,250 7 Dr Paul Sant Graph Theoretic Approaches to Information Security 2006-01-06 31/08/2009 Nuffield Foundation £4,000 £4,000 8 Dayou Li Carsten maple Automated Processing and Analysis of GC/MS Screening Data 2006-03-31 2008-03-31 EPSRC £48,000 £48,000 9 Nik Bessis Externals EMERGE 2007-04-01 2009-03-01 JISC £240,000 £55,000 10 Nik Bessis Alfredo Gaitan ACHIEVER 2007-04-01 2008-12-01 MDDA, Arts Council £86,500 £86,500 11 Feng Dong Texture synthesis 2007-09-01 2008-10-01 EPSRC £44,000 £44,000 12 Yong Yue Virtual reality applications 2007-11-21 2008-05-20 EEDA £20,000 £20,000 13 Vitaly Schetinin Modelling Radiowave Propagation 2008-01-21 2009-04-30 EPSRC £83,092 £83,092 14 Feng Dong Gordon Clapworthy human animation 2008-03-01 2009-03-01 EPSRC £100,000 £80,000 Feasibility study for WiMAX based home Femtocell for indoor 15 Enjie Liu Jie Zhang 2008-04-01 2008-12-31 EPSRC £85,634 £85,634 coverage 16 Enjie Liu Jie Zhang WiMAXFemto 2008-04-01 2008-12-31 EPSRC £72,000 £72,000 17 Yong Yue 3D CAD development with Formech International Ltd 2008-11-17 2009-05-16 EEDA £21,000 £21,000 Virtual reality enhanced learning tools for modern building 18 Yong Yue 2008-12-01 2011-11-30 EPSRC £85,052 £85,052 services 19 G Clapworthy Disruptatek 2009-01-01 2009-06-30 EEDA £25,000 £25,000 20 C Maple Igor Praznovsky Security audit toolkit and management processes 2009-02-02 2009-05-02 EEDA £11,875 £11,875 21 C Maple OSSTMM Integrations 2009-03-02 2009-05-29 EEDA £3,000 £3,000 22 Nik Bessis Carsten Maple RiT 2009-04-01 2009-12-01 CETL £2,750 £2,750 Automated electroencephalographic assessment of brain 23 Vitaly Schetinin 2009-04-01 2012-03-30 Leverhulme Trust £81,547 £81,547 maturation 24 C Maple Developing a paperless workflow system 2009-04-06 2009-05-04 EEDA £3,000 £3,000 25 C Maple Developing the capacity to publish e-books 2009-05-05 2009-05-18 EEDA £1,000 £1,000 26 Jie Zhang FemtoDeploy 2009-05-11 2009-05-18 EEDA £3,000 £3,000 Chengxiang 27 Jie Zhang, … UC4G 2009-06-01 2012-05-31 EPSRC £939,623 £50,000 Wang 28 C Maple Virtualisation management tools 2009-08-31 2009-09-14 EEDA £1,000 £1,000 29 Wei Huang Optimisation Strategies for Network Hardening 2009-10-05 2012-10-04 EPSRC £60,864 £60,864 30 Jie Zhang Mobile network optimisation 2010-01-01 2010-12-31 T-Mobile £50,000 £50,000 Total £2,371,403 £1,128,746

69 6. Publications Members of staff in the institute publish widely in many central areas of computer science, particularly in applicable computing.

Books Asimakopoulou, E. and Bessis, N. (eds, 2010). Advanced ICTs for Disaster Management and Threat Detection: Collaborative and Distributed Frameworks, IGI Publishing, ISBN: 978-1615209873.

Safdar G A (2010) Energy-Saving MAC protocols for Point-Controlled Wireless Networks: Best-Effort, QoS ISBN:3639229150 Publisher: VDM Verlag

Yan S Y (2010) Quantum Attacks on Public-Key Cryptography, Springer. ISBN: 978-1-4419-7721-2

Zhang J, de la Roche G et al (2010). Femtocells: Technologies and Deployment. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, ISBN 978-0470742983, 328 pages, January 2010.

Book Chapters Asimakopoulou, E., Bessis, N., Varaganti, R. and Norrington, P. (2010). A Personalised Forest Fire Evacuation Data Grid Push Service – The FFED-GPS Approach in Asimakopoulou, E. and Bessis, N. (eds). Advanced ICTs for Disaster Management and Threat Detection: Collaborative and Distributed Frameworks, IGI Publishing, ISBN: 978-1615209873.

Liu E (2010) Chapter1, 3, and 4 in ‘Femtocells: Technologies and Deployment’, published by Wiley in Jan 2010. (ISBN: 9780470742983).

Guo X, Li D, Pritchett N, Wang Z and Qiu R (2010) Lexical Vagueness Modeling and Minimization with Self-Organizing Feature Maps and Signaling Game. In LNAI

Huang, Y., Bessis, N., Sotiriadis, S., Brocco, A., Courant, M., Kuonen, P., and Hirsbrunner, B. (2009). Towards an Integrated Vision across Inter-Cooperative Grid Virtual Organizations in Lee, Y., Kim, T., Fang, W. and Slezak, D. (eds). Future Generation Information Technology, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, ISBN: 3-642- 10508-4, p.p.: 120-129 (Best paper award, invited for publication at the FGCS, Elsevier).

Kseibat D, Mansour A, Adjei O (2010) Domain-Based Intelligent Tutoring System. In Innovations and Advances in Computer Sciences and Engineering, Tarek Sobh (Ed), pp13-17, ISBN: 978-90-481-3657-5, Springer Netherlands.

Li Y, Li D, Maple C, and Yue Y (2010) K-order Surrounding Roadmaps for Robot Path Planning. In LNAI

Liu Y, Guo L, Wang Q, An G, Guo M, and Lian H (2010) Application to induction motor faults diagnosis of the amplitude recovery method combined with FFT. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Elsevier, 24 (2010) 2961-2971.

70 Edited Volumes Bessis, N. (Founding Editor-in-chief, 2010). International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST), Volume 1, Issue 3, IGI (in print), ISSN: 1947- 3532.

Bessis, N. (Founding Editor-in-chief, 2010). International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST), Volume 1, Issue 2, IGI, ISSN: 1947-3532.

Bessis N. (Founding Editor-in-chief, 2010). International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST), Inaugural issue: January 2010, Volume 1, Issue 1, IGI, ISSN: 1947-3532.

Bessis N., (Founding Ed, 2010). Proceedings of the first International Conference on the Collaborative Technologies (CT 2010), IADIS Multi Conference MCCSIS 2010, Freiburg University, Freiburg, Germany, (26-28 July 2010).

Hakkoymaz, V., Pichappan, P., El-Qwasmeh, E. And Bessis, N., (eds, 2010). Proceedings of the third International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2010), Dirf, Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey, (12-14 July 2010).

Bessis N, Maple C, Petrova P, Yue Y (eds, 2010). Proceedings of the first International mini-Conference on Applied Computer Science and Technology (ICACST-2010), University of Bedfordshire, Luton, February 22nd (DVD proceedings, Feb 22, 2010).

Journal Papers Agrawal A, Kohout J, Clapworthy G J, McFarlane N J B, Dong F, Viceconti M, Taddei F and Testi D (2010) Enabling the Interactive Display of Large Medical Volume Datasets by Multiresolution Bricking, Journal of Supercomputing, Vol 51, No 1, pp 3-19 online version included in last year’s report

Ahmed E, Bessis N, Norrington P, Yue Y (2010) Managing Inconsistencies in Data Grid Environments: A Practical Approach, International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing, IGI (to appear).

Aydin M E (2009) Swarm intelligence to coordinate meta-heuristic agents, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, (forthcoming).

Aydin M E, Kwan R, Wu J, Zhang J (2010) Multiuser Scheduling on the LTE Downlink with Meta-heuristic Approaches, submitted to IEEE Transaction on Evolutionary Computation.

Bessis, N., Huang, Y., Norrington, P., Brown, A., Kuonen, P., And Hirsbrunner, B. (2010). Modelling of a Self-led Critical Friend Topology in Inter-cooperative Grid Communities, International Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Elsevier, (appeared online, print version to follow).

Bessis N, Brown A, Asimakopoulou E (2010) A Mathematical Analysis of a Disaster Management Data-Grid Push Service, International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies, IGI (Volume 1, Issue 3).

Bessis, N., Gaitan, A., Shukla, M. And Lai, Z. (2010). Sharing Experiences with using Next Generation Technologies for Advancing Web Communities, International Journal of Web Based Communities, InderScience (to appear in Volume 6, Number 4).

Brown A, Sant P, French T, Bessis N. & Maple C. (2010) Modelling Self-led Trust Value Management in Grid and Service Oriented Infrastructures: A Graph Theoretic Social Network Mediated Approach, accepted for publication in the International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering (IJSSOE) 1(4).

71 Brown, A., Sant, P., Bessis, N., French, T. And Maple, C. (2010). Modelling Self-led Trust Value Management in Grid and Service Oriented Infrastructures: A Graph Theoretic Social Network Mediated Approach, International Journal of Systems and Service Oriented Engineering, IGI (to appear).

Chan K Y, Kwong C K, Jiang H, Aydin M E, Fogarty T C, (2010) A new orthogonal array based crossover, with analysis of gene interactions, for evolutionary algorithms and its application to car door design, Expert Syst. Appl. 37(5), 3853-3862.

Chen W, Lu J and Keech M (2010) Discovering Exclusive Patterns in Frequent Sequences, Int. J. Data Mining, Modelling & Management 2(3), pp 252-67 de la Roche G, Valcarce A, Lopez-Perez D, Zhang J. Access Control Mechanisms for Femtocells. IEEE Communications Magazine, 48:33–39, January 2010.

Dong F, Clapworthy G J and Lin H (2009) Rendering of Novel Views From Photographs Using Inference in Markov Random Field, IET Electronics Letters, Vol 45, No25, pp 1312-1313

Dong F, Clapworthy G J and Lin H (2009) Contour Synthesis by Least Squares Construction, IET Electronics Letters, Vol 45, No21, pp 1072-1074

He J, Tang Z, O’Farrell T, and Chen T M (2009) Performance analysis of DSRC priority mechanism for road safety applications in vehicular networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, (published online), Aug. 2009

Huang, Y., Bessis, N., Brocco, A., Kuonen, P., And Hirsbrunner, B. (2010) Critical Friend Model: A Vision Towards Inter-cooperative Grid Communities, International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, IARIA, (to appear).

Huang W, Li R, Maple C, Yang H, Foskett D, Cleaver V, (2010). A Novel Lifecycle Model for Web-based Application development in Small and Medium Enterprises. International Journal of Automation and Computing. pp389-398, 7(3) August 2010

Kwan, R. Aydin, M. E., Luang, C., Maple, C., and Zhang, J., (2009), “Embedding Simulated Annealing into Particle Swarm Optimization for Multiuser Scheduling in HSDPA” submitted to Journal of Scheduling (Under review)

Liu B, Clapworthy G J and Dong F (2009) Fast Isosurface Rendering on a GPU by Cell Rasterization, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol 28, No 8, pp 2151-2164

Liu B, Clapworthy G J and Dong F (2010) Wavefront Raycasting using Larger Filter Kernels for on-the-fly GPU Gradient Reconstruction, Visual Computer, Vol 26, Nos 6-8, pp 1079-1089

Liu B, Clapworthy G J and Dong F (2010) Multi-layer Depth Peeling by Single-Pass Hardware Rasterisation for Faster Isosurface Raytracing on a GPU, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol 29, No 3, pp 1231-1240

López-Pérez D, Ladányi Á, de La Roche G, Zhang J (2010) Intracell Handover for Interference and Handover Mitigation in OFDMA Two-Tier Networks, EURASIP Journal of Wireless Communications and Networking, Special issue on Femtocells, Volume 2010 (2010), Article ID 142629, 15 pages

Lopez-Perez D, Valcarce A, Ladanyi A, de la Roche G, Zhang J. Intracell Handover for Interference and andover Mitigation in OFDMA Two-Tier Macrocell-Femtocell Networks. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Article ID 142629, 2010.

López-Pérez D, Valcarce A, Ladanyi A, de la Roche G and Zhang J (2010) Intracell Handover for Interference and Handover Mitigation in OFDMA Two-Tier Macrocell-Femtocell Networks, to be published in EURASIP Journal of Wireless Communications and Networking. Volume 2010, 16 pages.

72 López-Pérez D, Valcarce A, de la Roche G , Zhang J (2009) OFDMA femtocells: A roadmap on interference avoidance. In IEEE Communications Magazine, September 2009. (Ranked 47 of Top-100 documents accessed in IEEExplore in Oct. 2009).

D. López-Pérez, A. Valcarce, G. De La Roche and J. Zhang, "OFDMA femtocells: A roadmap on interference avoidance," in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 47, no 9, Page(s):41 - 48, September, 2009

Lu J, Chen W and Keech M (2010) Graph-based Modelling of Concurrent Sequential Patterns, International Journal of Data Warehousing & Mining 6(2), pp 41-58

Safdar G A, O’Neill M, (2010) A Novel Common Control Channel Security Framework for Cognitive Radio Networks. International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS - Special issue on Cognitive Radio Networks

Safdar G A, O'Neill M P (nee McLoone), (2009) Performance Analysis of Novel Randomly Shifted Certification Authority Authentication Protocol for MANETs. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2009, Article ID 243956, 11 pages. doi:10.1155/2009/243956

Sotiriadis S, Bessis N, Huang Y, Sant P, Maple C (2010) Defining Minimum Requirements of Inter-collaborated Nodes by Measuring the Weight of Node Interactions, International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST), (Under Review)

Sotiriadis S, Bessis N, Sant P, Maple,C. (2010) Encoding minimum requirements of ad hoc inter-connected grids to a genetic algorithm infrastructure, International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST). (Invited for a journal publication)

Valcarce A, Song H, Zhang J, " On the design of pulsed sources and spread compensation in finite-difference time- domain electromagnetic simulations," in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (to appear).

Alvaro Valcarce, H. Song and J. Zhang, "Characterization of the Numerical Group Velocity in Yee's FDTD Grid," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (to appear).

Alvaro Valcarce and J. Zhang, "Empirical indoor-to-outdoor propagation model for residential areas at (0.9 - 3.5) GHz," in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (to appear)

Conference Papers Ahmed E, Bessis N, Yue Y (2010) Customising Interactive Patient’s Diagnosis User Interface, In Proceedings: 3rd International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT) Workshop on Distributed Information and Applied Collaborative Technologies, 12th -14th July 2010, Istanbul

Ahmed E, Bessis N, Yue Y, Sarfraz M (2010) Data Mapping, Matching and Loading using Grid Services, In Proceedings: The IEEE 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Application (AINA 2010), 20th-23rd April 2010, Perth, ISSN: 150-445X.

Al-Khateeb H, Maple C, Conrad M (2010) Enhancing Usability and Security in Click-Based Visual Password System. IADIS e-Society 2010 (ES 2010), Porto, Portugal

Al-Khateeb H, Maple C, Conrad M (2009) HybridPass: Authentication Mechanism for Web Applications – Both Secure and User-Friendly; In: IADIS International Conference e-Society 2009, Barcelona, Spain

Aydin M E (2010) Collaboration of Heterogenous Metaheuristic Agents. ICADIWT 2010, 12-14 July 2010, İstanbul, Turkey.

73 Aydin M E, Wu J, Zhang L (2010) Swarms of Metaheuristic Agents: A model for collective intelligence. 3PGCIC-2010, 4-6 November 2010, Fukuoka, Japan.

Aydin M E, Kwan R, Leung C, Maple C, Zhang J (2009) Embedding Simulated Annealing into Particle Swarm Optimization for Multiuser Scheduling in HSDPA. submitted to Journal of Scheduling (under review)

Bai T, Li D, Yue Y, Maple C (2009) Simulation-based Path Planning for Mobile Robots. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Automation & Computing, University of Bedfordshire, Luton, UK, 19 September 2009

Bessis N, Maple C (2010) Sharing RiT Experiences and a Follow-up of the Computer Science and Technology Research informed Learning Strategy, In Proceedings: Bridging the Gaps, University of Bedfordshire Conference 2010, 6th – 7th July, Luton.

Bessis N, Asimakopoulou E, Varaganti R (2010) The Implementation of a Personalised Forest Fire Evacuation Data Grid Push Service, In Proceedings: International Conference in Disaster and Reduction, IDRC, 30th May – 3rd June 2010, Davos.

Bessis N, Asimakopoulou E, Varaganti R (2009) The Implementation of a Personalised Forest Fire Evacuation Data Grid Push Service, In Proceedings: International Conference Applied Computing 2009, IADIS, 19th-21st November, Rome.

Cao T, Li D, Jiang D, Maple C, Yue Y (2009) Task classifier based on verb's feature vector. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Automation & Computing, University of Bedfordshire, Luton, UK, 19 September 2009

Conrad M, Neale J, Charles A (2010) Of Mice or Men? – The Avatar in theVirtualscape. International Conference on Information Society (i-society), 2010, London. de la Roche G, Flipo P, Lai Z, Villemaud G, Zhang J, Gorce J-M (2010) Combination of Geometric and Finite Difference Models for Radio Wave Propagation in Outdoor to Indoor Scenarios. In European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2010), Barcelona, Spain, April 2010.

G. De La Roche, A. Ladanyi, D. López-Pérez, C.-C. Chong and J. Zhang, "Self-organization for LTE femtocells," in IEEE Globecom 2010 Workshop on Femtocell Networks, Miami, USA, December 2010

Dyo V, Ellwood S A, McDonald D W, Markham A, Mascolo C, Pasztor B, Trigoni N, Wohlers R (2009) Wildlife and Environmental Monitoring using RFID and WSN Technology. (Poster Abstract) In Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys'09). Berkeley CA, USA. November 2009

Epiphaniou G, Maple C, Sant P, Reeve M. (2010) Affects of Queuing Mechanisms on RTP Traffic: Comparative Analysis of Jitter, End-to-End Delay and Packet Loss. ARES 2010: 33-40 date?

French T, Bessis N, Hussain F (2010) Crowd sourced “Citizen Science” Urban Environmental Monitoring and Decision Making: Trust Issues (Risks) and Rewards, In Proceedings: 3rd International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT) Workshop on Distributed Information and Applied Collaborative Technologies, 12th -14th July 2010, Istanbul.

French T, Bessis N, Maple C (2010) A High-level Trust Agent Scoring System for Collaborative Virtual Organisations, In Proceedings: International Workshop on Advances in Mobile Computing and Applications: Security, Privacy and Trust (AMCA), in conjunction with the IEEE 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Application (AINA 2010), 20th-23rd April 2010, Perth, ISSN: 150-445X, p.p.: 1114-1120.

74 French T (2010) Collaborative Virtual Organisation Trust Measurement: Leveraging Corporate Governance Metrics. Procs. IEEE, i- Society, 502-509.

French T, Kayode O (2010) A pilot Investigation of E-Banking trust perceptions amongst the Yoruba and Igbo of Nigeria, Procs IWIPS 2010, 107-116. ISBN 0-9722184-8-3.

Galati Giordano L, Lopez Perez D, Reggiani l, Dossi L, Juttner A, Zhang J (2009) Two-Dimensional Radio Resource Allocation Algorithms with contiguity constraint for IEEE 802.16e Systems. IEEE Personal Indoor Mobile Communications PIMRC 2009, pp.2224-2229, 13-16 Sept. 2009.

L. Galati, D. López Pérez, l.Reggiani, L. Dossi, A. Juttner and J. Zhang "Two-Dimensional Radio Resource Allocation Algorithms with Contiguity Constraint for IEEE 802.16e Systems," in IEEE PIMRC (Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications), Tokyo, Japan, September 2009

Gibson, M., Renaud, K., Conrad, M., Maple, C (2009) Musipass: Authenticating me softly with “my” song. New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW) 2009, The Queens College, University of Oxford, UK.

Gibson M, Conrad M, Maple C (2010) Accessible and Secure? Design Constraints on Image and Sound Based Passwords. International Conference on Information Society (i-society) 2010, London, UK

Guo X, Li D, Clapworthy G, Pritchett N (2009) Bi-gram Based Semantic Relatedness for Indicative Words Selection, Proceedings of IEEE NLP-KE'09, pp. 249 - 255. Dalian, China, 2009

He J, Fu X, Tang Z (2009) End-to-end versus hop-by-hop soft state refresh for multi-hop signalling systems, Proc International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2009), Princeton, NJ, Oct. 2009

Huang Y, Brocco A, Bessis N, Kuonen P, Hirsbrunner B. (2010) Community-Aware Scheduling Protocol for Grids, In Proceedings: The IEEE 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Application (AINA 2010), 20th-23rd April 2010, Perth, ISSN: 150-445X.

Huang Y, Bessis N, Sotiriadis S, Brocco A, Courant M, Kuonen P, and Hirsbrunner B. (2009). Towards an Integrated Vision across Inter-Cooperative Grid Virtual Organizations, In Proceedings: International Conference on Grid and Distributed Computing, Springer (Lecture Notes), 10th-12th December 2009, Jegu Island.

Huang, Y., Bessis, N., Sotiriadis, S., Brocco, A., Courant, M., Kuonen, P., And Hirsbrunner, B. (2009). Towards an Integrated Vision across Inter-Cooperative Grid Virtual Organizations, International Conference on Grid and Distributed Computing, Springer (Lecture Notes), 10th-12thDecember 2009, Jegu Island, Korea (best paper, requested and has been re-published as a Springer book chapter with a 3% acceptance rate).

Huang Y, Bessis N. Brocco A, Kuonen P, Courant M, Hirsbrunner B (2009) Using Metadata Snapshots for Extending Resource Discovery Functionality of Ant Agents in Inter-cooperative Grid Communities, In Proceedings: The first International Conference on Evolving Internet, INTERNET 2009 (sponsored by IEEE), 23rd-29th August, Cannes, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3748-1 p.p.: 89-94.

Kseibat D, Mansour A, Adjei O, Phillips P (2009) Domain-based Teaching Strategy for Intelligent Tutoring System Based on Generic Rules. International Conference on Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering (SCSS 09) part of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 09), University of Bridgeport, USA, 4-12 December.

75 Kseibat D, Mansour A, Adjei O, Phillips P (2009) Student model based on flexible fuzzy inference. International Conference on Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering (SCSS 09) part of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 09), University of Bridgeport, USA, 4-12 December.

Lai Z, Bessis N, de la Roche G, Kuonen P, Zhang J, Clapworthy G (2010) The Characterization and Human-Body Influence on Indoor 3.525 GHz Path Loss Measurement. In International Workshop on Planning and Optimization of Wireless Communication Networks (IEEE WCNC2010 Workshop), Sydney, Australia, April 2010.

Lai Z, Bessis N, de la Roche G, Kuonen P, Zhang J, Clapworthy G (2010) On the use of an Intelligent Ray Launching for Indoor Scenarios. In European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2010), Barcelona, Spain, April 2010.

Lai Z, Bessis N, de la Roche G, Kuonen P, Zhang J, Clapworthy G (2009) A New Approach to Solve Angular Dispersion of Discrete Ray Launching for Urban Scenarios. In Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC 2009), Loughborough, UK, November 2009.

Lai, Z., Bessis, N., Kuonen, P., De La Roche, G., Zhang, J. And Clapworthy, G. (2009). A New Approach to Solve Angular Dispersion of Discrete Ray Launching for Urban Scenarios, In Proceedings: Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC) 2009, November 16th-17th, Loughborough, UK.

Lai, Z., Bessis, N., Kuonen, P., De La Roche, G., Zhang, J. And Clapworthy, G. (2009). A Performance Evaluation of a Grid-enabled Object-Oriented Parallel Outdoor Ray Launching for Wireless Network Coverage Prediction, In Proceedings: The Fifth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, ICWMC 2009 (sponsored by IEEE), 23rd-29th August, Cannes, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3750-4, p.p.: 38-43.

Lai Z, Bessis N, De La Roche G, Kuonen P, Zhang J, Clapworthy G (2010) The Characterization and Human-Body Influence on Indoor 3.25 GHz Path Loss Measurement, In Proceedings: International Workshop on Planning and Optimization of Wireless Communication Networks (IEEE WCNC2010 Workshop), 18th April 2010, Sydney.

Lai Z, Bessis N, de la Roche G, Kuonen P, Zhang J, Clapworthy G (2010) On the Use of an Ray Launching for Indoor Scenarios, In Proceedings: 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP, sponsored by IEEE), 12th-16th April 2010, Barcelona.

Liu L, Pan H, Xu J, Xu H, Song Z, Weng Z, Hu Z, Zhang J, Yue Y, Li D, and Wang Z (2010) Oblique Fringe Measurement by Pattern Correlation, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, June 20 - 23, 2010, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China

Liu Y, Yue Y, Maple C, Tang H, Guo M (2009) Comparison between two solutions on fast Fourier transform algorithm: software and hardware. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Automation and Computing, ICAC’09, Luton, UK, 19 September, 2009: 98-103.

Liu Y, Guo L, Huang C (2009) Implementation and verification of the amplitude recovery method algorithm. Conference Record of 12th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS2009), Tokyo, Japan, 15-18 November, 2009. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP09081-CDR, DS2G3-1.

López-Pérez D, Ladányi Á, Jüttner A, Zhang J (2010) OFDMA femtocells: Intracell Handover for Interference and Handover Mitigation in Two-Tier Networks, Proc IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Sydney, Australia

D. López-Pérez, A. Ladanyi, A. Jüttner and J. Zhang, (2010) "OFDMA femtocells: Intracell Handover for Interference and Handover Mitigation in Two-Tier Networks," to be published in IEEE WCNC (Wireless Communications and Networking Conference), Sydney, Australia, April 2010

76 López-Pérez D, Ladányi Á, Jüttner A, Zhang J (2009) OFDMA femtocells: A self-organizing approach for frequency assignment, Proc IEEE Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Symposium (PIMRC), Tokyo, Japan

Lu J, Keech M and Chen W (2009) Concurrency in Web Access Patterns Mining, ICDM 2009, Oct 2009, Venice

Marias K, Sakkalis V, Roniotis A, Farmaki C, Stamatakos G, Dionysiou D, Giatili S, Uzunoglou N, Graf N, Bohle R, Messe E, Coveney P V, Manos S, Wan S, Folarin A, Nagl S, Büchler P, Bardyn T, Reyes M, Clapworthy G J, McFarlane N J B, Liu E, Bily T, Balek M, Karasek M, Bednar V, Sabczynski J, Opfer R, Renisch S and Carlsen I C (2009) Clinically Oriented Translational Cancer Multilevel Modeling: The ContraCancrum Project, IFMBE Proceedings, Volume 25/4, World Congress of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2009, Springer Verlag, pp 2124-2127

Lin X, McFarlane N J B, Zhao Y, Clapworthy G J, Dong F and Radaelli A (2010) Visualisation of Left Ventricular Dysfunction in the Virtual Pathological Heart, Proc 7th International Conference on Biomedical Visualisation (MediVis 10), pp 635-640, IEEE Computer Society, London, July 2010

Pan H, Liu L, Xu J, Xu H, Song Z, Weng Z, Hu Z, Zhang J, Yue Y, Li D and Wang Z (2010) Measurement of Nanoscale Surface Patterns Produced by Twobeam Laser Interference Lithography, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, August 4-7, 2010, Xi'an, China

Pasanajano P, Bessis N, Yue Y, Conrad M, Brown A. (2009) A Peer-to-Peer Trust Modelling Analysis for Decreasing B2B Monitoring Costs, In Proceedings: 15th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC’09), September 19th, Luton, ISBN: 978-0-9555293-4-4, p.p.: 104-108.

Rees, S J, Lu J and Keech M (2008) Data Mining Tools and their Role in Knowledge Management 9th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Sept 2008, Southampton

Şevkli M and Aydin M E (2009) Variable neighbourhood tabu search algorithms for permutation flowshop scheduling problems”, GEM'09 - The 2009 International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Methods, Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Shukla M, Bessis N, Conrad M, Clapworthy G (2009) A Dynamically Adaptive Dimensionalised Experience Feedback Mechanism within Second Life, In Proceedings: International Conference Applied Computing 2009, IADIS, 19th-21st November, Rome.

Shukla, M., Bessis, N., Conrad, M., Maple, C., (2009) A Dynamically Adaptive Dimensionalised Experience Feedback Mechanism within Second Life, In: International Conference Applied Computing 2009, IADIS, 19th-21st November, Rome.

Sotiriadis S, Bessis N, Huang Y, Sant P, Maple C (2010) Defining Minimum Requirements of Inter-collaborated Nodes by Measuring the Weight of Node Interactions. CISIS 2010: 291-298

Sotiriadis S, Bessis N, Huang Y, Sant P, Maple C (2010) Towards decentralized grid agent models for continuous resource discovery of interoperable grid virtual organisations. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2010), Istanbul (Turkey), 12-14 July 2010.

Sotiriadis S, Bessis N, Sant P, Maple C (2010) Encoding minimum requirements of inter-connected grid virtual organisations using genetic algorithms. To appear in the Proceedings of IADIS 2010, 26-31 July 2010.

Sotiriadis S., Bessis N., Sant P. & Maple C. (2010) A mobile agent strategy for grid interoperable virtual organisations. To appear Proceedings of IADIS 2010, 26-31 July 2010

77 Sotiriadis, S., Bessis, N., Sant, P., Maple,C. (2010). A Mobile Agent Migration Strategy for Grid Interoperable Virtual Organisations, 1st International Conference on Collaborative Technologies (ICCT-2010), IADIS, 26th - 28th July, Freiburg

Sotiriadis S, Bessis N, Sant P, Maple C (2010) A Mobile Agent Migration Strategy for Grid Interoperable Virtual Organisations, In Proceedings: 1st International Conference on Collaborative Technologies (CT-2010), IADIS Multi Conference MCCSIS 2010, 26th – 28th July, Freiburg.

Sotiriadis, S., Bessis, N., Sant, P., Maple, C. (2010) Encoding minimum requirements of ad hoc inter-connected grids to a genetic algorithm infrastructure, In Proceedings: 1st International Conference on Collaborative Technologies (CT-2010), IADIS Multi Conference MCCSIS 2010, 26th – 28th July, Freiburg.

Sotiriadis, S., Bessis, N., Sant, P., Maple,C. (2010). Encoding minimum requirements of ad hoc inter-connected grids to a genetic algorithm infrastructure, 1st International Conference on Collaborative Technologies (ICCT-2010), IADIS, 26th - 28th July, Freiburg . (invited for a journal publication)

Sotiriadis S, Bessis N, Sant P, Maple C (2010) Towards to Decentralized Grid Agent Models for Continuous Resource Discovery of Interoperable Grid Virtual Organizations, In Proceedings: 3rd International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT) Workshop on Distributed Information and Applied Collaborative Technologies, 12th -14th July 2010, Istanbul.

Sotiriadis S, Bessis N, Huang Y, Sant P, Maple C (2010) Defining Minimum Requirements of Inter-collaborated Nodes by Measuring the Weight of Node Interactions, In Proceedings: 4th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS-2010), 15th- 18th February, Krakow.

Sotiriadis, S., Bessis, N., Huang, Y., Sant, P.And Maple, C. (2010) Defining minimum requirements of inter-collaborated nodes by measuring the weight of node interactions, 4th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS-2010), 15th-18th February, Krakow. (invited for a journal publication)

Tang Z, He J, Zhang Y, and Fan Z (2010) Investigation of a cross-layer link adaptation algorithm for IEEE 802.11n networks, Proc International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2010), Caen, France, Jun. 2010

Tao Y B, Lin H, Bao H J, Dong F and Clapworthy G J (2009) Structure-Aware Viewpoint Selection for Volume Visualization, Proc. Pacific Visualization 2009, pp 193-200

Valcarce A, Lopez-Perez D, de la Roche G, Zhang J (2009) Limited Access to OFDMA femtocells in 20th IEEE Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Symposium (PIMRC 2009), Tokyo, Japan, September 2009.

Varaganti R, Bessis N (2010) Grid-based Risk Assessment in Safety Critical Software-based System, In Proceedings: International Conference in Disaster and Reduction, IDRC, 30th May – 3rd June 2010, Davos.

Viduto V, Maple C (2010) A visualisation technique for the identification of security threats in networked systems. InfoVis2010, London

Viduto V, Maple C, Huang W (2010) An analytical evaluation of networked security modelling techniques applied to manage threats. BWCCA 2010, Fujuoka, Japan, scheduled for Nov 2010

Viduto V, Huang W, Maple C (2010) A novel strategy for optimal security investments. 16th International Conference on Automation & Computing. Birmingham Sept 2010

78 Wagen J-F, Gorce J-M, de la Roche G, Villemaud G (2010) Parflow: Comparison Between Two Implementation. In Second International Workshop on Femtocells, Luton, UK, June 2010.

Wang J, Zhang S, Maple C (2009) Comparative evaluation of local synchronous bandwidth allocation schemes for the timed token MAC protocol. In Proc of the 15th International Conference on Automation & Computing, pp.182-186, Luton, England, UK, September 2009.

Wang T, Zhao Y, Liu E, Clapworthy G, Zhao X, Wei H, Dong F (2010) Using Web Services as Functional-Level Plug Ins for Interactive 3D Medical Visualisation. 7th International Conference BioMedical Visualization (MediVis10), London, July 2010

Wang T, Zhao Y, Liu E, Clapworthy G J, Zhao X, Wei H and Dong F (2010) Using Web Services as Functional-Level Plug-ins for Interactive 3D Medical Visualisation, Proc 7th International Conference on Biomedical Visualisation (MediVis 10), pp 617-622, IEEE Computer Society, London, July 2010

Zasada S J, Manos S, Wang T, Liu E, Coveney P V, Clapworthy G (2010) Towards a Technical Environment for Multiscale Cancer Modelling. VPH conference, May 14, 2010

Zhao X, Liu E, Clapworthy GJ, Viceconti M, Testi D (2010) SOA-based Digital Library Services and Composition in Biomedical Application, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Elsevier, in the final review stage for the publication

Zhang X, Dong F, Clapworthy G J, Zhao Y and Jiao L (2010) Semi-Supervised Tissue Segmentation of 3D Brain MR Images, Proc 7th International Conference on Biomedical Visualisation (MediVis 10), pp 623-628, IEEE Computer Society, London, July 2010

79 List of Current Students in IRAC

2nd Name 1 Name 2 Dir of studies Supervisor mode degree

AHMED Ejaz Dr Nik Bessis Prof Yong Yue PT M/P

AHMED Naveed Dr Sijing Zhang FT MSc Res

ALKETBI Omar Dr Ali Mansour FT M/P

AL-KHATEEB Haider Prof Carsten Maple Dr Marc Conrad FT M/P

AMUSA Ebenezer Dr Osei Adjei Prof Jie Zhang FT M/P

ARYANPOUR Amir Prof Song Yan Dr Osei Adjei PT M/P

ASGHAR Muhammad Dr Fiaz Hussain Rob Manton FT M/P

AULAMIE Abdullah Dr Ali Mansour Prof Yong Yue FT M/P

BINOBAID Saleh Dr Fiaz Hussain FT M/P

BOZED Kenz Dr Ali Mansour Dr Osei Adjei FT M/P

BROWN Raymond Prof Carsten Maple FT M/P

CAO Tao Dr Dayou Li FT M/P

CAON Maurizio Prof Yong Yue FT M/P

DAI Jin Prof Carsten Maple FT MSc Res

DING Wei Dr Wei Huang Prof Jie Zhang PT M/P

EPIPHANIOU Gregory Prof Carsten Maple Dr Paul Sant FT M/P Dr Andres FANG Cheng Prof Jie Zhang Alayopng Glasunov FT PhD

FLETCHER David Prof Yong Yue Prof Carsten Maple FT M/P

GIBSON Marcia Dr Marc Conrad Prof Carsten Maple FT M/P

GU Shuang Prof Yong Yue FT M/P

Prof Gordon GUO Xiao Dr Dayou Li Clapworthy FT M/P

HAMID Thaier Prof Carsten Maple Prof Yong Yue PT M/P Tiago Alexandre HENRIQUES Caetano Prof Carsten Maple FT MSc Res

JAKAITE Livija Dr Vitaly Schetinin Prof Carsten Maple FT M/P

JAZANI David Prof Yong Yue PT MSc Res

80 JIANG Zipeng Prof Yong Yue FT MSc Res

KSEIBAT Dawod Dr Ali Mansour Dr Osei Adjei FT PhD

LIN Xiaoyan Prof Jie Zhang Dr Sijing Zhang FT PhD

LIN Yu Dr Sijie Zhang FT MSc Res

LIU Yukun Prof Yong Yue Prof Carsten Maple PT M/P

LIU Beisheng Dr Dayou Li FT M/P

LOPEZ PEREZ David Prof Jie Zhang Dr Wei Huang FT PhD

MAHATO Shyam Prof Jie Zhang Dr Hui Song FT M/P

MEHDI Wasan Prof Feng Dong Dr Fiaz Hussain PT PhD

MOHAMMED Abdullahi Dr Wei Huang Prof Jie Zhang FT M/P

PASANAJANO Pinthusorn Dr Nik Bessis Dr Marc Conrad FT M/P

SHAABAN Hussein Prof Carsten Maple FT M/P

Dr Ghazanfar Ali SHAH Munam Safdar Prof Carsten Maple FT M/P

SHUKLA Mitul Dr Marc Conrad Dr Nik Bessis FT M/P

SOTIRIADIS Stelios Dr Nik Bessis Prof Carsten Maple PT M/P

THOMAS Emanuel Dr Paul Sant Prof Jie Zhang FT M

VALCARCE RIAL Alvaro Prof Jie Zhang Dr Enjie Liu FT PhD

VARANGANTI Ravikanth Dr Vitaly Schetinin Dr Nik Bessis FT M/P

VIDUTO Valentina Dr Wei Huang Prof Carsten Maple FT M/P

WEN Zhuo Dr Enjie Liu Prof Jie Zhang FT M/P

ZHANG Xu Dr Enjie Liu Prof Jie Zhang FT M/P

ZHAO Xia Dr Enjie Liu PT M/P

ZOU Weidong Dr Dayou Li FT MSc Res

81 Institute of Research in the Applied Natural Sciences Annual Research Report 2009 - 2010

82 Report of LIRANS Institute of Research in the Applied Natural Sciences (2009-10)

LIRANS research activities for the reporting period were focused on the implementation of the University of Bedfordshire Research Strategy (2009-2013) including maintaining high levels of research outputs and particularly publications, grant applications and increase of research student numbers. 65 publications were produced during the reporting period including 25 published refereed journal papers. In addition, 22 presentations and invited lectures were made at international conferences. Following a record number of research degree completions in 2008/09, LIRANS recruited a record number of research students in 2009/10 and the details of LIRANS current research degrees can be found at the end of this report. LIRANS continue to generate significant funding from industry and other sources through our research, product development, services, consultancy and postgraduate training activities. A large number of grant applications (16 in total) was also made to various funding bodies during the reporting period (see details below).

LIRANS presently consists of 20 staff and 12 visiting professors and fellows. The current LIRANS structure and research areas are detailed below (names of group leaders are underlined):

Cell and Cryobiology Research Group (Prof Tiantian Zhang, Prof David Rawson, Dr Emma Spikings, Tiziana Zampolla, Kunjan Desai, Siji Anil)

There are currently several research themes within the Group:  The development of protocols for the successful in vitro maturation and cryopreservation of fish oocytes/ovarian tissues.  The development of zebrafish embryonic stem cells line and cryopreservation of zebrafish embryonic stem cells.  Investigation of low temperature damage on cellular metabolism and genetic integrity.  Molecular biology studies of the impact of chemical and physical insult to cells, including oocytes, early stage embryos and embryonic cells.  The establishment and development of cryo-banks of DNA and cells of endangered fish species. LIRANS is the co-ordinating centre for fish cryobanks of the global ‘Frozen Ark’ project.  In vitro maturation and vitrification of mammalian gametes and embryos.

Sensor Research Group (Dr Barry Haggett, Prof David Rawson, Prof Brian Birch, Prof Les Ebdon, Dr Roberto Andres, Dr Simon Bloxham, Ms Gowri Dep)

The Group carries out development work on aspects of chemical sensor systems:  The development of single-use electrochemical sensors and biosensors for environmental, health, well-being and quality control applications – funded directly by industry or via risk sharing industry/government programmes; and

83  The development of enabling technologies for inclusion as components in single-use sensing systems – in collaboration with industry, university research groups and key laboratories.  The development of cell based biosensors for environmental monitoring and toxicity assessment.

Biomedicine and Nutrition Research Group ( Prof Jan Domin, Dr Bushra Ahmed, Dr Robin Maytum, Dr John Reynolds, Dr Shaobo Zhou, Dr Zheying Zhu)

The research interests of the group are currently diverse and include  Exploring the therapeutic potential of intracellular signalling molecules as drug targets in the treatment of breast and kidney cancer and chronic inflammatory diseases  Characterising the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease.  Using proteomics and metabonomics to study nutritional metabolism and cancer  Examining the molecular basis of neuromuscular degenerative diseases  Establishing the cellular basis of autoimmune kidney disease and developing novel treatments

Environmental Monitoring Research Group (Prof James Crabbe, Prof Angus Duncan)

 Developing novel methods for monitoring coral colony growth using image analysis, computer modelling with a remote operated vehicle (ROV). This is being used to monitor the effects of climate change, global warming and other anthropogenic influences on coral reef ecosystems.

 Volcanology research. Current research embraces two themes: (a) Investigating volcanic processes, in particular lava flows, to better understand the hazard. (b) To consider ways of reducing vulnerability through research into the nature of communities living on the flanks of volcanoes. This currently involves two projects. The first, in collaboration with the Universities of the Azores and Liverpool, is an evaluation into both the immediate and long term responses to the Capelinhos eruption, Azores. The second, in collaboration with the University of Liverpool and funded by the British Academy, is investigating the impact on human activity of 19 th century eruptions in particular of Mount Etna and how responses changed from the 18th century through to the destructive eruption of 1928.

LIRANS visiting professors and fellows are listed below:

Dr Greg Elgar, Queen Mary University. Visiting professor, cell and cryobiology Dr Arnold Fogg (Loughborough University). Visiting professor, sensor technology Prof Barry Fuller, Royal Free and University College Medical School. Visiting professor, cell and cryobiology Prof Bill Holt, Institute of Zoolog. Visiting professor, cell and cryobiology Prof David Pegg (University of York). Visiting professor, cell and cryobiology Dr Robert Porter, National Physical Laboratory. Visiting senior researcher, sensor technology

84 Dr Hugh Pritchard, Royal Botanic Garden Kew. Visiting professor, cell and cryobiology Prof Gordon Reid, North of England Zoological Society. Visiting professor, cell and cryobiology Dr Glyn Stacey, National Institute for Biological Standards and Control. Visiting professor, cell and cryobiology Dr Keith Straughan, University Centre Milton Keynes. Visiting professor Dr Robert Yu Wang, Visiting senior researcher, cell and cryobiology Professor Paul Watson, Royal Veterinary College. Visiting professor, cell and cryobiology

Research activities

New External appointments/activities

Crabbe MJC continues as Editor of Computational Biology and Chemistry, and has been appointed a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Marine Science: Research and Development.

Crabbe MJC has been appointed a member of the NERC steering committee of the Coral Reef Aquarist Network (CARN).

Crabbe MJC has been appointed as a Patron of Coral Cay Conservation.

Domin J Honorary Reader, Imperial College London

Duncan A M External examiner for PhD at University College London.

Haggett B Grant Referee for BBSRC, 2009.

Marriott SB Vice President and Trustee of the Geological Society of London. Book series editor and council member, Geologists’ Association.

Marriot SB Associate editor, Journal of Sedimentary Research and Sedimentology

Rawson DMR Organiser and chair of Biobanking Session, CRYO 2010, Bristol, July 2010.

Zampolla T Reviewer for Journal of Animal Reproduction Science (2005-). Reviewer for Cryoletters (2010-).

Zhang T continues as Assistant Editor of CryoLetters and Editorial Board member of Animal Reproduction Science.

Zhang T Elected Fellow of Society of Biology.

Zhang T Appointed as member of Editorial Board for Journal of Aquaculture Research.

Zhang T Organising Committee Member and Session Chair at Society for Cryobiology Annual Conferences, Cryo2010, Bristol UK, Sept 2010.

Zhang T PhD Supervisor, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

85 Zhang T Elected Fellow of Chinese Life Science Society UK

Zhou S Reviewer of Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry (2010-)

Zhou S Visiting Research Fellow. 2010-2013, King’s College London.

Research output

Books and book chapters

Crabbe MJC, Walker ELL and Stephenson DB. (2009) El-niño and coral reefs. In: (Eds. J.A. Long and D.S.Wells) Ocean circulation and El-niño: New research. Pp. 265-274. Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA.

Domin J (2010) Phosphoinositide 3-kinase enzymes as downstream targets of the EGF receptor In Epidermal Growth Factor Signalling Networks in Cancer Therapy. Humana Press Gullick W and Halley J ed.

Al Ghasyah H, Duncan AM, Chester DK 2010 United Arab Emirates: Disaster management with regard to rapid onset natural disasters. In Advanced ICTs for Disaster Management and Threat Detection: Collaborative and Distributed Frameworks. (eds E Asimakopoulou & N Bessis) 65-79.

Chester DK, Duncan AM, Sangster H (2010) Religion, faith communities and disaster. In Routledge Handbook on Natural Hazards (eds J-C Gaillard & B Wisner)

Hillier RD, Marriott SB and Williams BPJ (2010). Pedogenic and non-pedogenic calcretes in the Devonian Ridgeway Conglomerate Formation of SW Wales UK: a cautionary tale. In: Davidson, S.K., Leleu, S. and North, C.P. (Eds) From River to Rock record: the preservation of fluvial sediments and their subsequent interpretation. SEPM Special Publication.

Marriott SB (2010). The Roadside Geology of Wales, Guide Book 69 by Jim Talbot and John Cosgrove. Geologists’ Association, London (in press).

Marriott SB (2010). The Geology of London, Guide Book 68 by Diana Clements. Geologists’ Association, London (in press).

Marriott SB (2009). The Dalradian of Scotland. Guide Book 67 by Jack Treagus. Geologists’ Association, London 212pp.

Gemeinholzer B, Rey I, Weising K, Grundmann M, Muellner A N, Zetzsche H, Droege G, Seberg O, Petersen G, Rawson DM, Weigt LA (2010). Organizing specimen and tissue preservation in the field for subsequent molecular analyses. ABC Taxa. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium. (In press).

86 Refereed publications

Crabbe MJC (2010) Coral Ecosystem Resilience, Conservation and Management on the Reefs of Jamaica in The Face of Anthropogenic Activities and Climate Change. Diversity 2, 881-896.

Crabbe MJC (2010) Linking the ceramic industry, creativity and education in Jingdezhen, China. Creative Industries Journal. 2, 305-311.

Crabbe MJC (2010) Sustainable tourism and management for coral reefs: preserving diversity and plurality in a time of climate change. Journal of Service Science and Management 3, 250-256.

Crabbe MJC (2010) Computational Biology approaches to plant metabolism and photosynthesis: applications for corals in times of climate change and environmental stress. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 52, 698-703.

Crabbe MJC, Martinez E, Garcia C, Chub J, Castro L and Guy J (2010) Is capacity building important in policy development for sustainability? A case study using action plans for sustainable Marine Protected Areas in Belize. Society and Natural Resources. 23, 181-190.

Crabbe MJC (2010) Topography and spatial arrangement of reef-building corals on the fringing reefs of North Jamaica may influence their response to disturbance from bleaching. Marine Environmental Research. 69, 158-162.

Nakatsu F, Perera RM, Lucast L, Zoncu R, Domin J, Gertler FB, Toomre D, De Camilli P (2010) The inositol 5-phosphatase SHIP2 regulates endocytic clathrin-coated pit dynamics. J Cell Biol 190, 307-15 . Chavele KM, Martinez-Pomares L, Domin J, Pemberton S, Haslam SM, Dell A, Cook HT, Pusey CD, Gordon S, Salama AD (2010) Mannose receptor interacts with Fc receptors and is critical for the development of crescentic glomerulonephritis in mice. J Clin Invest. 120, 1469-78.

Leibiger B, Moede T, Uhles S, Barker CJ, Creveaux M, Domin J, Berggren PO, Leibiger IB.(2010) Insulin- feedback via PI3K-C2alpha activated PKBalpha/Akt1 is required for glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. FASEB J. 24, 1824-37.

Skobridis K, Kinigopoulou M, Theodorou V, Giannousi E, Russell A, Chauhan R, Sala R, Brownlow N, Kiriakidis S, Domin J, Tzakos AG, Dibb NJ (2010) Novel imatinib derivatives with altered specificity between Bcr-Abl and FMS, KIT, and PDGF receptors. ChemMedChem. 5, 130-9.

Banfic H, Visnjic D, Mise N, Balakrishnan S, Deplano S, Korchev YE, Domin J. (2009) Epidermal growth factor stimulates translocation of the class II phosphoinositide 3-kinase PI3K-C2beta to the nucleus. Biochem J. 422, 53-60.

Chester DK & Duncan AM (2009) The Bible, theology and religious responses to historic and contemporary earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Environmental Hazards 8, 1-29

Chester DK & Duncan AM (2010) Coping with disasters within the Christian tradition, with reference to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Religion 40, 85-95.

87 Guan M, Rawson DM and Zhang T (2010). Cryopreservation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes by vitrification. Cryoletters, 31(3), 230-238.

Rawson DM and Genome 10K Community of Scientists (2009). Genome 10K: a proposal to obtain whole genome sequence for 10,000 vertebrate species. Journal of Heredity 2009 100(6):659-674; doi:10.1093/jhered/esp086

Hillier RD, Waters RA, Marriott SB and Davies JR (2010). Alluvial fan and wetland interactions: evidence of seasonal slope wetlands from the Silurian of south central Wales, UK. Sedimentology, (doi: 10/1111/j.1365-3091.2010.01184.x).

Zhao Y, Marriott SB and Zhang X (2009). Phase change and remobilization of heavy metals in floodplain sediments of UK river systems after frequent flooding. Progress in Environmental Sciences, 2, 979-985.

Tsai S, Rawson DM and Zhang T (2010). Development of in vitro culture method for early stage zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian follicles for use in cryopreservation studies. Theriogenology, 74(2), 290-303.

Reynolds J, Abbott DS, Karegli J, Evans DJ, Pusey CD. (2009) Mucosal tolerance induced by an immunodominant peptide from rat 3(IV)NC1 in experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis Am J Pathol 174:2202-2210

Tsai S, Spikings E, Kuo FW, Lin NC, Lin C (2010) Use of adenosine triphosphate assay and simultaneous staining with fluorescein diacetate and propidium iodide to evaluate the effect of cryoprotectants on hedgehog coral (Echinopora sp.) oocytes. Theriogenology, 73: 605-611.

Tsai S, Spikings E, Hwang CC, Lin C (2010) Effects of the controlled slow cooling procedure on freezing parameters and ultrastructural morphology of Taiwan shoveljaw carp (Varicorhinus barbatulus) sperm. Aquatic Living Resources 23: 119-124.

Tsai S, Spikings E, Huang IC, Lin C (2010) Study on the mitochondrial activity and membrane potential after exposing later stage oocytes of two gorgonian corals (Junceella juncea and Junceella fragilis) to cryoprotectants. Cryoletters, in press.

Zampolla Z, Spikings E, Zhang T, Rawson DM (2009). Effect of methanol and Me2SO exposure on mitochondrial activity and distribution in stage III ovarian follicles of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Cryobiology 59 (2), 188-194

LU Y, Zhou S, Li B, (2010) Environmental Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) Exposure on Children in a Rural Area in North East of China: 8 Metabolites Levels of HCH and DDT in Serum and the Risk Factors Analysis. Biochemical and Environmental Science, 23 (3), 230-233.

Tian Z, Li Z, Zhou S, Liang Y, Wang D, He D (2010) Altered Proteins of MCF-7 Cells in G1 Phase After Receiving Chinese Herbal Medicine Zilongjin Treatment. Proteomics Clin. Appl. 4, 550–559.

Submitted manuscripts 88 Anil S, Ghafari F, Zampolla T, Rawson DM, Zhang T (2010). Studies on cryoprotectant toxicity to zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian tissue fragments. Cryoletters, submitted.

Rawson DM, Reid GM, Lloyd RE (2010). Conservation rationale, research applications and techniques in the cryopreservation of lower vertebrate biodiversity from marine and freshwater environments. Research in Zoos, International Zoo Yearbook, submitted

Reynolds J, Sando GS, Marsh O, Salama AD, Pusey CD. Manipulation of the PD1/PDL1 negative T cell costimulatory pathway in treatment of established experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis. J Am Soc Nephrol (in revision)

Reynolds J Animal models of autoimmune glomerulonephritis: strain differences? Review Article. Submitted to Int J Exp Pathol.

Lin C, Arno M, Zhou S, Emery P, Preedy V, Wiseman H. The effect of daidzein and ethanol on gene expression in the rat liver using Affymetrix microarray. Journal of Nutrition, submitted.

Favé G, Beckmann M, Zhou S, Lloyd AJ , Harold G, Lin W, Tailliart K, Draper J Mathers J. Characterization and control of inter-individual variability 1 to aid measurement of metabolomic changes in response to food ingestion. Am J Clin Nutri, submitted.

C. Lin, T. Zhang, F.W. Kuo, S. Tsai (2010). Studies on oocytes chilling sensitivity of two gorgonian coral species (Junceella juncea and Junceella fragilis). Cryoletters, submitted.

Other publications

Anil S, Ghafari F, Zampolla T, Rawson DM, Zhang T (2010). Studies on cryoprotectant toxicity to zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian tissue fragments. Cryobiology, in press. [Abstract]

Crabbe MJC (2010) Coral ecosystem resilience, conservation and management on reefs in the Caribbean and in Indonesia in the face of anthropogenic activities and climate change. Abstracts of the 2010 Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, 23.

Crabbe MJC (2010) Creativity and Critical Thinking, and their relevance to the creative industries in China. Abstracts of the 16th International Reflective Practice Conference, 14.

Crabbe MJC (2010) Reflection in Southern Belize: From personal development to changing government policy. Abstracts of the 16th International Reflective Practice Conference, 13.

Crabbe MJC (2010) Environmental influences on coral growth – from Indonesia to the Caribbean. Proceedings of the 1st Coral Aquarist Research Network Conference, 9.

Crabbe MJC (2010) It’s not all doom and gloom! Coral resilience on the fringing reefs of North Jamaica. Proceedings of Oceanology International 2010: Marine Environment, 1-9.

89 Desai D, Spikings E, Rawson DM, Zhang T (2010). Studies on impact of chilling on sox gene expression in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Cryobiology, in press. [Abstract]

Ghafari F, Spikings E, Rawson DM and Zhang T (2009). Effect of cryoprotectant treatment and chilling on oxidative stress in zebrafish (Danio rerio) early ovarian follicles. Cryobiology, 59(3), 415 [Abstract].

Catt M, Haggett BGD and Roxborough HE Disposable sensor for liquid samples. World Intellectual Property Organisation WO 2009/021907 A1, 19 February 2009.

Catt M, Haggett BGD, O’Connor A.M. and Roxborough H.E. Disposable enzymatic sensor for liquid samples. World Intellectual Property Organisation WO 2009/021908 A3, 19 February 2009.

Haggett B, Birch B, Andres R and Baskeyfield D. Strip for an electrochemical meter. World Intellectual Property Organisation WO 2009034284 A8, 19 March 2009.

Haggett B, Birch B, Andres R and Baskeyfield D. Electrochemical strip for use with a multi-input meter. US Patent Application 2009/0302872 A1, 10 December 2009.

Haggett B, Birch B, Andres R and Baskeyfield D. System for electrochemically measuring an analyte in a sample material. US Patent Application 2009/0302873 A1, 10 December 2009.

Haggett B, Birch B, Andres R and Baskeyfield D. Method for manufacturing a strip with a multi-input meter. US Patent Application 2009/0325307 A1, 31 December 2009.

Haggett B, Birch B, Andres R and Baskeyfield D. Strip for an electrochemical meter. Chinese Patent Application CN 101680875(A), 4 March 2010.

Rawson DM, Zhang T and Zampolla T (2010). Cryo-banking of cells and tissues from freshwater and marine fish in the UK waters. Biopreservation and Biobanking, 7(4), 185. [Abstract].

Spikings E, Zhang T, Rawson DM (2009) Effect of methanol on expression of mitochondrial DNA replication factors and mitochondrial DNA replication in zebrafish embryos. Cryoletters, 31(2), 173-174. [Abstract]

Chester DK & Duncan AM 2010 The impact of the Eyjafjallajokull volcanic eruption on air transport. Royal Geographical Society Geographical Journal invited on line commentary http://geographicaljournal.rgs.org/index.php/home/93-the-impact-of-the-eyjafjallajoekull-volcanic- eruption-on-air-transport

Spikings E, Vishnolia K, Rawson DM and Zhang T (2010). Effect of methanol and chilling on expression of mitochondrial DNA replication factors and mitochondrial DNA replication in zebrafish embryos. Cryobiology, in press. [Abstract]

Spikings E, Zhang T, Rawson DM (2009) Effect of methanol on expression of mitochondrial DNA replication factors and mitochondrial DNA replication in zebrafish embryos. Cryoletters, 31(2), 173-174

90 Zampolla T, Spikings E, Zhang T, Rawson DM (2010). Investigation of methanol impact on mitochondrial transport and cytoskeleton proteins in zebrafish (Danio rerio) stage III ovarian follicles Cryobiology, [Abstract], in press.

Zampolla T, Spikings E, Zhang T, Rawson DM (2009). Effect of methanol and DMSO exposure on mitochondrial activity and distribution in stage III ovarian follicles of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Cryobiology, 59(3), 413 [Abstract].

Davies J, Zhang T, Fuller B and Pillai R (2009). To perform a pilot study to develop a quality assessment protocol for optimisation studies and for routine post cryopreservation use in cardiovascular tissue banking. Cryoletters, 30 (2), 153. [Abstract]

Conference presentations/invited lectures

Ahmed BY, Choudry Z, Chalimoniuk M. and Langfort J. “The Role of Caspases & Exercise in Parkinson’s disease. Abstr. XVIII International Parkinson Congress, Miami, Florida, USA (December 2009).

Fathy S.M., Chalimoniuk M., Abd-Elkader I. Langfort J and Ahmed BY “Can exercise improve facial motoneuronal deterioration in MPTP-injected rat model of Parkinson Disease? Abstr. XVIII International Parkinson Congress, Miami, Florida, USA (December 2009).

Ahmed BY, Chalimoniuk M, Choudry Z, Ali H and Langfort J. “Exercise as a neuroprotective mechanism in Parkinson’s disease” Abstr. SPRING Exercise International conference, London, UK (September 2009)

Hossam Ali, Langfort J., Chalimoniuk M. and Ahmed BY “Endurance exercise suppresses dopaminergic neuronal loss in the chronic rat model of Parkinsonism” Abstr. SPRING Exercise International conference, London, UK (September 2009)

Samah Fathy., Chalimoniuk M, Langfort J. Ibrahim Abd-Elkader and Ahmed BY “Repression of NF-H hyperphosporylation by endurance exercise in facial motoneurons in a parkinsonian model” Abstr. SPRING Exercise International conference, London, UK (September 2009)

Anil S, Ghafari F, Zampolla T, Rawson DM, Zhang T. Studies on cryoprotectant toxicity to zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian tissue fragments. Cryo2010 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. Bristol, UK, July 2010.

Crabbe MJC Invited Speaker at Oceanology International 2010 (Excel Centre, London); Invited Speaker at Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation meeting, Bali.

Crabbe MJC Invited Speaker in Computational Systems Biology for the 2010 International Photosynthesis Congress in Beijing.

Desai D, Spikings E, Rawson DM, Zhang T. Studies on impact of chilling on sox gene expression in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Cryo2010 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. Bristol, UK.

Mise, N. Kuemper, S. Shousha, S. Lam E W-F. Coombes, RC. Ridley, AJ and Domin J. “The class II phosphoinositide 3-kinase enzyme PI3K-C2 regulates cell-cell adhesion and migration of breast cancer

91 cells”Miami 2010 Winter Symposium “Targeting Cancer Invasion and Metastasis”Feb 21-24 2010 Miami Beach Florida USA

Coutinho R, Chester D, Wallenstein N, Duncan A The impact and responses to the 1957/1958 Capelinhos volcanic eruption and associated earthquake activity on Faial, Azores. Cities on Volcanoes 6 |Conf., Tenerife June 2010

Ghafari F, Spikings E, Rawson D and Zhang T. Effect of cryoprotectant and chilling on oxidative stress in stage I zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian follicles. Controversies in Cryopreservation of Stem Cells, Reproductive Cells, Tissues and Organs. Valencia, Spain, April 2010.

Maytum R The 50th Anniversary Symposium of the British Biophysical Society. Robinson College, Cambridge, July 16th-18th, 2010.

Rawson D, Zhang T, Zampolla T. Cryo-Banking of Cells and Tissues from Freshwater and Marine Fish in the UK Waters. Diversity in Biobanking: Embracing Differences, Harnessing Commonalities. Annual Meeting of International Society of Biological and Environmental Repositories. Rotterdam, Netherlands, May 2010.

Rawson DM. Environmental Specimen Cryobanking. CRYO-2010, Bristol, July 2010.

Spikings E, Vishnolia K, Rawson DM and Zhang T. Effect of methanol and chilling on expression of mitochondrial DNA replication factors and mitochondrial DNA replication in zebrafish embryos. Cryo2010 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. Bristol, UK.

Spikings E, Zampolla T, Wang Y, Rawson D, Zhang T. Methanol disrupts mitochondrial organisation in zebrafish ovarian follicles. Controversies in Cryopreservation of Stem Cells, Reproductive Cells, Tissues and Organs. Valencia, Spain, April 2010.

Spikings E, Zhang T, Rawson DM. Effect of methanol on expression of mitochondrial DNA replication factors and mitochondrial DNA replication in zebrafish embryos. Society for Low Temperature Biology Scientific Meeting, Hannover, Germany. Sept 2009.

Zampolla T, Rawson DM, Srirangarajah S, Ramesh S, Zhang T (2010) Effect of cryoprotectant exposure and cryopreservation on zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian fragments. Presented at CRYO 22 - 25 April, 2010 Valencia, Spain.

Zampolla T, Spikings E, Zhang T, Rawson DM (2010). Investigation of methanol impact on mitochondrial transport and cytoskeleton proteins in zebrafish (Danio rerio) stage III ovarian follicles presented at Cryo 2010, 47TH Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology, 17-20 July 2010, Bristol, UK.

Zampolla T, Zhang T, Rawson DM (2010) Cryoconservation and species biodiversity. Presented at the. Fish and Climate Change, Annual International Symposium of the Fisheries society of the British Isles, Queen’s University, 26-30 July 2010, Belfast, UK

Zhang T (2010). Latest development on cryopreservation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) gamates. Presented at CLSS-UK, London, Sept 2010.

92 Zhou S Progress of Zinc nutrition research, 1rst initiated Zinc-UK meeting, University College of London. April, 2010

Camilla Pease, Zheying Zhu, Christine Goetz, Pierre Aeby, Paul Carmichael, Daniel Duche, Carsten Goebel, Stefan Pfuhler, Kerstin Reisinger, Robert Edwards and Ellen Fritsche (2009). Human skin metabolism and its relevance to safety assessment of topically applied chemicals: learning from the COLIPA skin metabolism project. Present at 7th World Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing, Rome, Italy.

Funded research programmes

Ahmed BY (2009-2010), Thompsett A., Alsam S. and Zhou S. (Principal Investigator for the grant achieved for the Division of Science) Research-informed Teaching grant £5, 216.University of Bedfordshire

Mason R, Domin J and Bou-Gharios G. (2008- 2011) Project Grant Diabetes UK £ 206,181 “The interaction of connective tissue growth factor with neurotrophin receptors – a possible therapeutic target in diabetic nephropathy”

Haggett BGD, Dep G, Bloxham S, Andres R (2007-2011) Johnson & Johnson £440,000. Development of biosensors for well being.

Reynolds J (2009-2010) Research Service Grant UCB UCB Celltech R&D Ltd £10,000 “Effect of anti-IL6 monoclonal antibody therapy in a mouse model of experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis”

Spikings E, Lewis M. (2009-2011) Jointly funded by Axiom Pharmaceuticals Ltd and University of Bedfordshire. Research Degree Program £42,000 Development and characterisation of a 3D culture system for zebrafish muscle cells to investigate their adaptability to different environmental stresses.

Zhang T, Ghafari F (2009-2011) Jointly funded by PARS Evidence Based Veterinary Medicine Centre and University of Bedfordshire. Research Degree Program £42,000 In vitro maturation and cryopreservation of canid species.

Zhou S, Zhang T (2009-2011) Jointly funded by Chinese Nutrition Society and University of Bedfordshire. Research Degree Program. £48,000 Studies on biomarkers for the assessment of zinc status using proteomic techniques.

Edwards RJ and Zhu Z (2007-2010): COLIPA £380,000 “Expression of drug metabolism enzymes in human skin and 3D skin models”.

Bidding activities

Ahmed BY and S.A.Kazmi “Mitochondrial dysfunction in Parkinson's disease: a study of cellular, molecular and redox status in human dopaminergic neurons”. British Council grant INSPIRE: (International Strategic Partnerships in Research & Education Pakistan Strategic Partnership Awards)

93 Joint with H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry, International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Karachi, Pakistan (Submitted on July 30th, 2010, £ 60,942.3)

Andres R, Haggett BGD, Randle W, Spikings E, Zampolla T Confocal microscopy. Merck Sharp & Dohme £2,138. Successful.

Marriott SB April 2010 Economic and environmental impact reports for Bedfordshire sub-region, quarterly reports to be submitted from April 2010. Proposal submitted to local UAs (with R Durbarry, UoB) (awaiting decision)

Marriott SB March 2010 Functional and evolutionary significance of symbiotic fungal associations in lower land plants. Application to NERC (Long-term Co-evolution of Life and the Planet), with D Beerling, D Read (University of Sheffield) J Marshall (University of Southampton) (awaiting decision) Marriott SB Feb 2010 Project EAST: environmental awareness and sustainability training for behavioural change, application submitted to HEFCE for 2-year project (unsuccessful)

Marriott SB Feb 2010 Newton Fellowship – application to the Royal Society for 2-year post-doctoral research project on alluvial architecture, with E Beilinson (Argentina) (awaiting decision)

Marriott SB Dec 2009 Zero Carbon Castle, monitoring and evaluation contribution to Low Carbon Communities Challenge proposal submitted to Department of Energy and Climate Change (with P Vann, Bedford County Council) (unsuccessful)

Marriott SB Nov 2009 Bid to EEDA for capital funding to equip an elemental analysis laboratory for environmental monitoring projects (unsuccessful)

Marriott SB Oct 2009 Proposal to BG Group for matched funding PhD student to work on Australian sedimentary basins (unsuccessful)

Marriott SB Oct 2009 Economic and environmental impact reports for Bedfordshire sub-region, quarterly reports to be submitted from April 2009. Proposal submitted to local UAs (with R Durbarry, UoB) (successful)

Marriott SB Sept 2009 PEARL: Bridging the Gaps to promote Participation in the Environment through Active Rural Leisure research, proposal submitted to EPSRC (unsuccessful)

Desai K, Spikings E PhD student sponsorship scheme funded by Primer Design (£3000 PCR consumables and training). December 2009. Successful.

Spikings E PhD studentship (£3750 consumables allowance + stipend) from the Fisheries Society of the British Isles: “Sex Determination in zebrafish (Danio rerio) and Impact of Cryopreservation”. Submitted January 2010, not awarded.

Zampolla T (£40,000).. Investigation of vitellogenesis process in fish. The Leverhulme Trust. Early Carrer Felloships. March 2010. (unsuccessful).

Fuller B, Morris J, Zhang T ($587,000). Cryopreservation of multicellular co-ordinated biological systems. Paul Allen Foundation. Feb 2010, not awarded.

94 Rawson DM (£172,294). A national environmental specimen cryo-bank for UK fish species. Esmee Fairbairn Foundation March 2010, not awarded.

Zhang T, Lin C (£24,000). Cryopreservation of gorgonian coral oocytes. The Royal Society. March 2010, not awarded.

Callaghan J, Zhang T (£30,000). Freezing the Future. The Wellcome Trust, April 2010, not awarded.

Zhou S (£42,000). Match Funding Research Studentship. Jointly funded by Enlong Ltd and University of Bedfordshire. Successful.

LIRANS Services and Consultancy

LIRANS Services is a new initiative to provide external businesses and others with facilitated access to the range of specialist equipment available at 250 Butterfield. Currently, emphasis is being placed on access to the confocal microscopes made available by capital funding from the East of England Development Agency. Delegates from businesses – and from universities – across the region were attracted to the three training days made available in the first half of 2010 (March, May and July) and there are more sessions to come in the following months. Co-ordinated by Dr Andres, the training sessions enjoy time and support from a wide range of LIRANS staff/students. The enterprise continues to benefit from the unstinting support of the Innovation Director (Dr Randle) and the first customers for the microscopy services have arrived. A web-site has been set up at www.beds.ac.uk/reserach/lirans/services and it is planned that the training/marketing approach used for the confocal microscopes be extended to other key pieces of equipment.

For consultancy activities, three quarterly reports were produced for Central Bedfordshire and Bedford unitary authorities by Prof S. Marriott and Dr Ramesh Durbarry (Div. of Tourism) over the reporting period on economic and environmental impacts for Luton and generated consultancy income of £20,000.

Other Activities

BY Ahmed Supervised Samah Fathy, through Split PhD program with Fayoum University, supported by Egypt Government. Title of thesis “Detailed anatomical study on the cranial nerves and related structures of a vertebrate model”.

BY Ahmed Invited by Egypt Government to visit Fayoum University, Egypt for 2 weeks (September 2010).

Domin J Supervisor of Sanjeevi Balakrishnan, Imperial College London

Domin J Supervisor of Dr Simona Deplano, Imperial College London

Research Plans for 2010-11

95 LIRANS’ priority for 2010-11 will continue to be the implementation of the Research Strategy (2009- 2014). The focus will be on increased bidding activities, increasing research student numbers and sustaining high level of research output and especially publications.

Cell and Cryobiology Research Group

 Studies for establishment of protocols for in vitro culture of early stage zebrafish ovarian follicles isolated from ovarian masses and within the ovarian fragments will be undertaken. Further studies on cryopreservation of ovarian fragments and impact of cryopreservation protocol at sub- cellular level will be carried out.  Studies on mitochondria and cytoskeleton proteins interaction have been carried out in zebrafish ovarian follicles. Preliminary results on the effect of cryoprotectants exposure and cryopreservation procedure on zebrafish ovarian fragments have been obtained. Mitochondria function, actin and tubulin interaction were investigated following the exposure to cryoprotectant and cryopreservation. Further studies on cytoskeleton elements interaction will be considered as this information will assist both on the development of in vitro culture protocols and cryopreservation protocols design.  Studies will be carried out on mtDNA replication analysis of ZF follicles and embryos together with impact of CPAs and chilling on mtDNA replication.  Studies on the development and cryopreservation of zebrafish stem cell line.  Development of cryopreservation protocols for coral oocytes.  The Fish Cryobank – now holds DNA, blood and viable cell/tissue samples from 120 species of fish, with a total of 620 cryopreserved samples. The UK fish collection now holds 107 species and further collections are planned for late 2010 and 2011. Critically endangered species are being collected for ex situ collections in zoos and aquaria as and when they become available.

Sensor Research Group

There are two lines of research in sensors underway within LIRANS – (i) whole cell biosensors for environmental toxicity assessment, and (ii) sensors for key functionalities linked to health and well being. Both these areas, and the proposed research outlined below, have high industrial relevance.

 Historically, the Sensor Research Group has had very few research students since most of its funding was from industrial contract research that required skilled and experienced staff able to focus on delivery of results to the customer. The group is committed to increasing significantly the number of research students so as to facilitate the production of data that can be submitted to refereed academic journals.  LIRANS has been collaborating with the National Physical Laboratory’s Biotechnology Unit to develop bioelectrochemical sensor devices. It is an objective to increase this collaboration from one PhD student (current) to two PhD students.  LIRANS is forging links with local and international businesses to increase its research and consultancy activities in areas of sensors and measurement.  The group will continue to make time and other resources available in order to make the ultra- high performance liquid chromatograph and materials characterisation confocal microscope available to generate new funding streams via LIRANS Services.  Exploitation of bacterial and algal biosensors for monitoring urban river water quality and waste water treatment plant discharges.  Design and development of sensors for monitoring phase changes (including glass formation) during cooling of media and biological material to -196°C, and during warming/thaw.

96 Biomedicine and Nutrition Research Group

In addition to each member of staff developing further their own research initiatives and collaborations, in the year ahead we must aim to consolidate and expand research income. As part of this effort we must define a limited number of key research projects to provide a greater focus for our researcher staff in Biomedical Science. The first of these areas will be Diabetes where we are able to model aspects of this disease at a cellular and molecular level in vitro using cell culture and could begin to examine changes using molecular, proteomic and metabonomic approaches. Our expertise in neuronal cell death and muscle cell biology is highly relevant to the study of Diabetic Neuropathy (nerve death) where prolonged periods of high blood glucose damage the nerves such as those that allow us to feel pain leading to leg ulcers, problems with the digestive system, eyesight and impotence. Finally, diabetes is the leading risk factor for chronic kidney disease another area of research expertise within our team. Given that complications from diabetes manifest in the elderly and with a progressively longer life expectance in the Western world, the demand to identify novel therapeutic strategies to improve control of blood sugar and limit complications such as Diabetic Neuropathy and Diabetic Nephropathy will markedly increase.

Environmental Monitoring Research Group Research Plans 2010-11

To undertake a field research survey on Mount Etna in September 2010 collecting data on the impact and response to the 19th century eruptions of Mount Etna (funded by British Academy). It is intended to finish the research in 2011 and submit for publication (in collaboration with University of Liverpool). It is intended to bid for funding to Treaty of Windsor and EU in partnership with Universities of Azores and Liverpool to continue research in the field of human responses to volcanic eruptions.

Research degrees awarded

Date of Time to Total Name Degree Mode Reg. Sub. Viva Award Sub. Time Title of thesis Sandra 21-Jul- PhD (P) PT 18-Jul-08 30-Jul-09 02-Sep-09 12m 14m Studies in Equine Reproduction Wilsher 09

Development of whole-cell based Yurong 02-Jun- biosensor technique for PhD FT 01-Jun-05 19-Aug-09 25-Sep-09 48m 52m Ding 09 assessment of bioavailablility and toxicity of heavy metals in soils.

Electrochemical determination of Yuanyang 01-Jul- MSc FT 03-Jan-08 18-Aug-09 21-Oct-09 18m 22m silver sold for sensor Wang 09 development

97 Current Research degree programs

Other Reg No Surname First Name name Institute Dir of studies mode degree Prof Tiantian 99145633 AHMED Raju ANS Zhang FT M/P AL GHASYAH 0607617 DHANHANI Hamdan Ahmed ANS Prof Angus Duncan FT M/P 0613274 ALI* Hossam El Din ANS Prof Mark Lewis, FT PhD Prof Tiantian 0821672 ANIL Siji ANS Zhang PT M/P Prof Tiantian 0921423 BADIU Diana ANS Zhang FT M/P 0414888 CHAUDHRY Zohara Latif ANS Dr Bushra Ahmed FT M/P Prof Tiantian 0821673 DESAI Kunjan ANS Zhang PT M/P 0818529 JAHANGIR Jahanbeen ANS Prof David Rawson FT M/P 0821306 KUMARSWAMI Neelam ANS Dr Barry Haggett FT M/P 0922697 PATRONCINI Deborah ANS Prof David Rawson FT M/P 0925523 SALAVATI Mazdak ANS Dr Fataneh Ghafari FT M/P 0900673 VISHNOLIA Krishan ANS Dr Emma Spikings FT M/P 0924474 YANG Henian ANS Dr Shaobo Zhou FT M/P

*Student also based in ISPAR

Prof Tiantian Zhang Director of LIRANS Sept 2010

98 Institute of Applied Social Research Annual Research Report 2009 - 2010

99 Institute of Applied Social Research Annual Research Report


1.1 IASR Research Profile and research activities 3 1.2 Research Income and Outputs 2009-2010 4 1.3 Investment in developing research : the Institute of Applied Social Research 4 (IASR) and the Department of Applied Social Studies (ASS) 1.4 New Appointments to the IASR 5 1.5 New Postgraduate programmes run by the IASR 6 1.6 Post Graduate Student Support 7 2.0 Making Research Count 7 3.0 Visiting Professors 7 4.0 IASR Research Centre Activities 2009-2010 8 4.1 Social Work and Social Care Research 8 4.2 The Tilda Goldberg Centre for Social Work and Social Care 8 4.3 Social Work, Professional Practice and Law Research Centre 11 4.4 Research with and for Young People 12 4.5 The Vauxhall Centre for the Study of Crime 2010-2011 12 4.6 The International Centre for the Study of Trafficked and Sexually Exploited 14 Children and Young People 5.0 Individual Staff Outputs 16 5.1 Staff consultancies, editorial works and membership of external bodies 16 5.2 Books 20 5.3 Chapters in Books 20 5.4 Refereed Articles 22 5.5 Published Research Reports 23 5.6 Other Publications 24 5.7 Invited Conference Presentations 26 6.0 Research Funding Bids 31 7.0 Media Work 32 App1 IASR Visiting Professors 34 App 2 IASREC Annual Report to UREC 38 App3 Use of the Research Bursary – Adult Social Care, Personalisation and Social Work 42 Education App4 Research Degrees Awarded 43

100 1. Introduction

1.1 IASR Research profile and research activities

The 2008 Research Assessment Exercise identified 50% of IASR research outputs produced by 10 (FTE) researchers submitted as either ‘world leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’. As a result of recruitment and staff development funded by RAE and external research grant monies during 2009 to 2010, the IASR has 14.5 (FTE) researchers who could be submitted to the REF immediately and a further five who, on present showing, will be eligible for submission in 2014. This constitutes a 90%+ increase in research capacity since the 2008 RAE.

2009 to 2010 has also seen important advances in doctoral enrolments and doctoral completions. This is mainly a result of the expansion of the Professional Doctorate Programme to include ‘Leadership in Children’s and Young People’s Services’. On present showing, we anticipate that by 2014 IASR will be generating 10 doctoral completions per annum which constitutes an increase of something over 800% on 2008.

In addition to validating the new Professional Doctorate, The IASR staff have developed and validated two new Masters programmes. These offer further opportunities for progression for current and new students.

Central to the work of the IASR is the development of a lively and active research culture within the Department of Applied Social Studies. The IASR has actively supported the University’s Research Strategy to develop research skills and experience of staff that hold large teaching responsibilities. Four members of staff are currently pursuing professional doctorates within the IASR and another five have successfully bid for small grants, drawn from IASR research funds, to release them from teaching for specific research project work.

This expansion of research capacity is demonstrated in the growth in the numbers of articles published in learned journals; edited volumes; published research reports; and presentations at prestigious academic and professional conferences. The 2014 REF requires Universities to demonstrate impact. In our field this will mean impact upon the academy, social and criminal justice policy and professional practice.

To this end we have two strands of work within the IASR: one focusing on our work ‘with and for children and young people’, the other on ‘social work and social care research’. While each strand has its own particular areas of work, our close staff working practices ensure that we share and contribute ideas, interlinking research activities between the two strands.

The IASR is committed to maintain its work as a centre of excellence for Applied Social Research, ensuring wherever possible that research activities are developed in partnership with service providers and users, that consideration of ethics are at the centre of every stage of our work and that research findings are integrated into policy and practice at local, national and international levels. The submissions included in this report give ample evidence that IASR staff are at the forefront of their respective fields, evidenced by their membership of editorial boards, membership of key governmental and extra-governmental groupings and through the advisory and consultative roles they play.

101 1.2 Research Income and Outputs: 2009-2010

Publications 2009 to 2010 (this only includes published works July 2009 to July 2010)

Books 8 Chapters in books 21 Refereed Journal articles 21 Research reports 22

Other publications 50

Conference presentations (invited speakers) 110

Total publications 232

External research income £899,300

(NB: 31 further publications (books, book chapters and articles) are in press and a further 25 are in preparation. Over 15 grant applications are also submitted – awaiting outcome. These are not included in this report but will be evidenced in IASR Annual Report 2010 to 2011).

1.3 Investment in developing research : the Institute of Applied Social Research (IASR) and the Department of Applied Social Studies (ASS).

The IASR is committed to developing the research culture across the Department of Applied Social Research, offering support to developing researchers to allocate time for their research work and to encourage the development of research into teaching. This is central to the IASR commitment to enhancing a research culture throughout the department and to support the relationship between research and teaching.

To achieve this end the IASR has this year:

 committed £25,000 of research funds to supporting developing researchers. This funding was awarded following submission of a research plan, agreed by the Head of Department and Director of IASR. Four developing researchers were awarded funding to support their work. Outcomes have been very encouraging with a publication submitted to the Journal of Social Work Practice and another accepted for publication by the British Journal of Social Work.

 Supported four ASS staff to study on the new Professional Doctorate in Leadership in Children’s and Young People’s Services (see 1.5 below). This new programme, developed from the successful Professional Doctorate in Youth Justice now has a total student group of over 30 students.

 Allocated a research bursary of £15,000 to a member of staff to develop research into the ‘personalisation in adult social care’ (see appendix 3).

 Run a ‘Research in Progress’ seminar series, led by Dr Isabelle Brodie offering opportunity for all staff to share initial ideas about potential research projects; to discuss preparing articles and chapters for publication and to share information about ongoing research work.

Seminars included:

 ‘How Tony Blair fed the feral beast of the media and savaged the criminal justice system’ led by Prof Jon Silverman,  ‘Supporting adults and children living with substance use and DV?’ led by Dr Sarah Galvani and  ‘ Involving young people in policy and services relating to sexual exploitation’ led by Camille Warrington.

102  Taken a lead role in managing the development of, and delivering teaching for, specific research methods units at undergraduate level. Led by Dr Cherilyn Dance, the IASR team are consolidating learning for research methods in both academic and professional vocational training in ASS.

 Developed and validated two new Masters Programmes: ‘Applied Public Policy: Children’s and Young People’s Services’ and MA Comparative European Perspectives: Youth Work and Social Disadvantage (see 1.5 below). Fiona Factor has led the team to develop these new programmes. They offer exciting progression opportunities for current and new undergraduate students studying within social studies. The new masters programmes, with a first recruitment intake of a total of 11 students 2010-2011, has laid the foundations for students to progress to study on the Professional Doctorate for Leadership in Children’s and Young People’s services.

 Taken on responsibility for Kensington Consultancy Centre (KCC) Professional Doctorate Students. Professor Michael Preston Shoot and Professor Ravi Kohli are supervising and teaching on the programme which is co-ordinated by Professor John Shotter. 1.4 New appointments to the IASR

In addition to new staff appointed to work with The Tilda Goldberg Centre for Social Work and Social Care (see 4.1 below) two new research staff have been appointed to work with the IASR and ASS.

Lorena Arocha was appointed in June 2010 to support and develop the ongoing work of the IASR. Lorena completed her doctoral thesis which was both a quantitative and qualitative analysis of contemporary forms of slavery. She has also worked on past and present forms of slavery in the Indian Ocean and Indian Sub-continent and worked on a third-sector evaluation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Human Trafficking in the UK, examining whether the UK government was compliant to its obligations under the Convention. She is currently looking to develop work with trafficked Romany children and young people and to understand the challenges ex-child soldiers face.

Camille Warrington was appointed to start in September 2010 as ‘Young People’s Participation Development Officer’. This work is focusing on developing young people’s participation in research and curriculum development, supporting the IASR’s commitment to developing young people’s participation with our work. Ethical issues, rationale for participation and mechanisms for securing supportive practice with young people are some of the areas developed in this work.

1.5 New Postgraduate programmes run by the IASR

The IASR has developed and validated two new masters programmes during 2009 – 2010.

The Masters in Comparative European Perspectives: Youth Work and Social Disadvantage is a part-time degree developed by the Institute of Applied Social Research (IASR) within the Department of Applied Social Studies (ASS). It is a collaborative project with HUMAK University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland and the University of Tartu, Kultuur Academy Viljandi, Estonia (The consortium). This consortium is committed to embedding European citizenship and perspectives into the curriculum and to provide youth workers with a pathway which will increase their awareness of social justice and responsibility in policymaking on a local, national, and international level. The course will provide advanced career enhancement opportunities for senior practitioners and managers within youth work services as well as for graduates currently employed within the field. We believe that the opportunity to consider policy, methods and models of practice from our EU partners will give students a considerable insight and advantage back in their workplace to develop new ways of engaging young people in services.

The Masters in Applied Public Policy: Children’s and Young People’s Services is a part-time degree developed with staff from different research groupings within the IASR. Focused on the demands of the government’s ‘2020 Children and Young People’s Workforce Strategy’, the course aims to provide advanced career enhancement opportunities for senior practitioners and managers within children’s and young people’s services, as well as those looking to a career in such services.

Professional Doctorate in Leadership in Children’s and Young People’s Services. This Professional Doctorate is a part-time degree developed collaboratively by the University’s Institute for Applied Social Research, the NACRO Youth Crime Unit, Barnardos Children’s Charity and the Brathay Trust. The partnership arrangements with these external agencies is essential in maintaining the applied nature of the training and for offering students opportunities 103 to engage with practice in the development of their research activities. Nine students were recruited to this new programme 2009 to 2010 and a further 8 have expressed interest in registering in 2010.

The award has three discreet pathways, Children’s Services, Young People’s Services and Youth Justice Services, each taught by internationally recognised specialists in these fields. The PDLCYPS aims to equip senior practitioners and managers in children’s and young people’s services and allied fields with the knowledge-base and theoretical grounding in social, childcare, youth and criminal justice policy and practice, and research methods to enable them to make an original contribution to their agency and their professional field.

1.6 Post graduate student support

Throughout the year work has continued towards fostering a lively research culture within the Institute, of which research students are an integral part. Students on both traditional PhD and Professional Doctorate programmes responded to the invitation to submit abstracts for the University Research Conference.

There are regular research seminars within the Institute that students are encouraged to attend and, as appropriate, present their own research. As of next year these will be extended to incorporate more reflection and discussion on methods and theory based on relevant published papers.

All IASR research students are also encouraged to attend Making Research Count events. Over the course of the year we have also sought to facilitate opportunities for those following traditional PhD programmes to meet, and share some seminar time, with professional doctorate students. We intend to develop this further in future programmes, extending the opportunities to students on the new Masters awards.

2. Making Research Count

Making Research Count is a national collaborative research dissemination initiative, established by a consortium of Universities (including the University of Bedfordshire) and developed by regional centres. The consortium of universities has a proven track record in social work and social care research as well as providing social work education at qualifying and post qualifying levels. These common interests provide a foundation to promote “knowledge-based practice” in social work and social care.

Currently there are 10 universities involved in Making Research Count, having in total some 60 member agencies. The University of Bedfordshire has fifteen partners, each paying an annual subscription in return for a negotiated range of services. Our partners are: Bedford Borough Council, Bedfordshire and Luton CAMHS, Buckinghamshire University Social Work Department, Central Bedfordshire Council, Hertfordshire County Council, Luton Borough Council, London Borough of Barnet, London Borough of Brent, London Borough of Enfield, London Borough of Hackney, London Borough of Haringey, London Borough of Tower Hamlets, London Borough of Islington, Milton Keynes Council and Swan Fostering Ltd.

Services currently provided by Making Research Count at the University of Bedfordshire include seminars and conferences addressing topical issues in social work and social care, journal clubs and access to specialist advice/consultancy. 2009-10 has had successful outcomes from 7 conferences and 30 seminars including 13 drawing directly on the work of IASR staff.

3. Visiting Professors The IASR has developed close working relationships with a number of ‘Visiting Professors’, whose contribution to the work of the IASR has been invaluable, raising the profile of our activates and offering opportunity for collaborative research and teaching. Visiting professors have continued to work with IASR staff on joint publications, on organising and

104 presenting at conference events and contributing to the development of research bids. For further details of visiting professors profiles and activities, see Appendix 1.

4. IASR Research Centre Activities 2009-2010

The IASR is engaged with two major bodies of research. One focuses on Social Work and Social Care Research. This includes work of the Tilda Goldberg centre for Social Work and Social Care and the Social Work and the Professional Practice and Law Research Centre.

The other body of work focuses on Research with and for young people. This includes The Vauxhall Centre for the Study of Crime and The International Centre for the Study of Sexually Exploited Children and Trafficked Young people.

Both bodies of work are underpinned by our commitment to develop and deliver applied social research, building on partnership agreements between the University and leading NGOs, local and central government and international organisations. Findings of research are integrated into the development of theory, policy and practice at a local, national and international level. Social Work and Social Care Research

Social work and social care is a major area of research within the IASR. At its heart is the Goldberg Centre. The Centre serves as a focus for a broader group of researchers with an interest in social care for adults and children.

4.1 The Tilda Goldberg Centre for Social Work and Social Care

A major event this year has been the launch, in April 2010, of the Tilda Goldberg Centre for Social Work and Social Care. The Centre is funded through a £1.1 million grant obtained in national competition. The IASR's ability to obtain such a grant is in itself an important indication of the track record and reputation of IASR staff. The external funding is supported by investment from within the University – which has allowed the creation of a dedicated room with resources appropriate for a leading research centre - as well as through research funded from other sources. The Goldberg Centre is focussed on carrying out high quality research for social work and social care. The programme of funded work relates to social care and drug and alcohol problems. The Centre has a commitment to developing research capacity more generally in the UK through a programme of workshops, conferences and residential events. The Management Group of the Goldberg Centre consists of Cherilyn Dance, Donald Forrester, Sarah Galvani, Andy Guppy and Michael Preston-Shoot. We also work closely with Public Health and have close links with Professor Gurch Randhawa.

Staff employed through the Goldberg Centre grant are:

 Sarah Galvani (Principle Research Fellow – with a remit to develop new research, particularly focussing on the intersection of domestic violence and substance misuse).

 Varinia Heidel (part time researcher looking at European approaches to drug and alcohol problems across social care).

 Aisha Hutchison (full time researcher carrying out a survey of substance use across social care in a variety of local authorities).

 Kerry Lapworth (Centre Administrator – though Kerry will also be studying for a Masters in Public Health at Bedfordshire during her time here).

 Michelle McCann (part time researcher reviewing research evidence on social work and social care and drug and alcohol problems).

 Angela Thurnham (full time researcher developing proposals using existing datasets).

105 Other researchers employed within/attached to the Centre include:

 Sarah Wadd (funded by the Welsh Assembly Government to support the development of evidence based approaches to work with vulnerable families; Sarah is also developing a number of research proposals relating to alcohol use and misuse amongst older people).

 Georgia Glynn (funded initially by the Scottish Government for a review of the evidence on social work and care and substance misuse and more recently by CASA (Islington) to undertake an evaluation of the project).

 Annie Williams (funded by the Alcohol Education Research Council through Bedfordshire and based at University of Cardiff evaluating the Option 2 service for families with serious drug or alcohol problems).

 Cherilyn Dance

 Michael Preston Shoot

 Andy Guppy

In addition, the Centre has appointed its first national Goldberg Fellowship. The recipient is Dr Mary Pat Sullivan, of Brunel Institute of Aging Studies. Dr Sullivan will be working closely with the Centre to develop research relating to older people and alcohol misuse during 2010-11. We have also welcomed our first Goldberg Scholarship students - Mary Hillson and Christine Hemsley - to work with the Centre over the summer. The Centre has been going for just 6 months, but already much has been achieved. Some of the highlights include:

 The ESRC Advisor’s Report on Social Work and Social Care (Sharland, 2009) identified the Tilda Goldberg as a key “Centre of Excellence” for research and an exemplary model for the development of social work research capacity within the United Kingdom. It was mentioned repeatedly as a positive example of ways in which social work research capacity might be developed  SWAP identified learning and teaching resources produced by Sarah Galvani with Donald Forrester as one of its highlights of the last 10 years, and described them as "groundbreaking” http://www.swap.ac.uk/tenyears/  Cherilyn Dance has published a report with Elaine Farmer for the Dept of Education, which has already attracted media attention http://www.education.gov.uk/research/data/uploadfiles/DFE-RBX-10-05.pdf  Five reports have been produced for the Welsh Assembly Government which will be published in support of the reform of service in Wales  A substantial report on social work and substance misuse has been prepared for the Scottish Government  Aisha Hutchison has obtained an ESRC post-doctoral research fellowship. Unfortunately this means she will be leaving us next year – but we are delighted that she has delayed this until the end of her project and that plans are afoot for continuing collaboration in the future

Information about Research Grants publications are listed under individual staff entries in Section 5 of this report below.


 We ran – in association with the ESRC – a Grant Writing Residential School in June for Social Work academics  On 15th/16th September 2010 we are helping to coordinate a Conference for Social Work academics as part of the ESRC Researcher Development Initiative  We are hosting the website for the ESRC Social Work Researcher Development Initiative (Forrester is co-PI)  23rd September sees a major conference on substance misuse across social care run by the Goldberg Centre and Making Research Count

It has been a busy 6 months – but this is just the beginning.

Forthcoming highlights:

 An exciting development for next year is that William R. Miller – the creator of Motivational Interviewing and perhaps the leading addictions academic in the world – will be our visiting International Fellow. He will be working with us on developing our programme of research.

106  It is a sign of the standing of the Centre that we have been approached to provide advice or consultation for the Welsh Assembly Government, the Scottish Government and the English Government’s “Munro Review” of Social Work in the first 6 months of our work.

 We plan to put in research bids totalling close to £1 million over the next 12 months on a variety of issues relating to evidence based practice and social work/social care. We will be building on our existing expertise in relation to child and family welfare and are particularly focussed on developing work around older people and alcohol problems. This is a strategically important development as to date IASR has been stronger in relation to children’s services than adult social care. We believe this is an important area of study, and that the close links with health will allow us to access new funding streams.

 We will be delivering a programme of workshops, conferences and research placements in the coming year to help social work academics across the country, including a conference on experimental methods (run jointly with the ESRC) and workshops on existing datasets and other topics.

 Staff from the Centre are contributing to the University’s staff training programme and to modules in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes across Applied Social Studies.

4.2 Social Work, Professional Practice and Law Research Centre

The Centre has continued to research outcomes of professional education and of social work practice. It has attracted grants from national governments as well as local authorities and has continued with its commitment to research that has an impact on policy and practice. Specifically:

Michael Preston-Shoot, with researchers at the University of Sussex, has completed a Department of Health funded project on adult safeguarding. This has reviewed the evidence for best practice in the governance of adult safeguarding boards, and in work with adults who self-neglect. The research will help to inform and shape government policy relating to adult safeguarding.

Michael Preston-Shoot, with Suzy Braye at the University of Sussex, is completing a Social Care Institute for Excellence funded project on the use of e-learning in teaching, learning and assessment of social work law. The findings have already been presented at the JSWEC conference in July 2010. The work forms part of an increasing focus in the research centre on outcomes of social work and other forms of professional education.

With Judy McKimm, Michael Preston-Shoot has completed a study, funded by two higher education subject centres for law and for medicine and dentistry, on how law is taught to medical undergraduates. Besides the research report, which has been published by the subject centres, research papers have been accepted for publication by the Journal of Medical Ethics and Medical Education.

Louise Grant, with Professor Gail Kinman, is researching how to promote resilience in social work students and qualified practitioners. This important work, given the challenges and dilemmas that social workers face daily, is achieving prominence and the findings will be published in the British Journal of Social Work and elsewhere.

Patrick Ayre and Michael Preston-Shoot have edited a book on the future direction of children’s services as a direct critique of recent policy developments in England. This book will inform the review of child protection, currently being undertaken by Professor Eileen Munro and has attracted considerable interest from policy- makers, professional journals, regulators and practitioners.

Kathryn Ellis has continued her work on street level bureaucracy, recent reflections on which will be published in Social Policy and Administration. She is also undertaking research on personalisation in adult social care with Amanda Thorpe.

A team of researchers (Cherilyn Dance, Lana Burroughs, Kathryn Nethercott and Michael Preston-Shoot) have completed the first stage of an action research project on organisational change within a children’s services

107 department, funded by C4EO and the local authority. This has focused in particular on initial outcomes of the creation of integrated teams in neighbourhood areas.

The focus on outcomes of service provision has also been highlighted by a team of researchers (Isabella McMurray, Veronica Wigley, Helen Connolly and Michael Preston-Shoot) who have continued to disseminate the findings from a longitudinal study of looked after children. Papers on the project itself and on resilience were published in 2008. More recent findings on identity and on outcomes more generally from the project have been accepted for publication, for instance in Child and Family Social Work.

Helen Connolly will shortly complete her doctoral studies on the experiences of unaccompanied asylum seeker minors and how these measure up against the European Convention on Human Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. She has already begun to disseminate the findings at conferences and in publications, sometimes in association with Professor Ravi Kohli, which give voice to young people’s experiences. The findings have attracted the interest of policy-makers and of voluntary organisations working with young people seeking asylum.

Research with and for Young people

4.3 The Vauxhall Centre for the Study of Crime 2010-2011

Staff attached to the Vauxhall Centre for the Study of Crime are, Prof. J. Pitts (Director) Dr. Tim Bateman (Assoc. Director|) Prof. Alan Marlow (Assoc. Director), S. Palmer (Research Fellow) and Ms. Vicki Randall (Research Assistant). Centre staff edit, or are on the editorial boards of, seven prestigious academic and professional journals In 2009/10 they acted as external examiners for post-graduate courses at the Universities of Kent and Edinburgh.


In the academic year 2009/10 Centre staff were involved in studies of:

 The Uses of Security and Custody in the Youth Justice Systems of England & Wales and Finland, (Tim Bateman, Vicki Randall)

 The Impacts on young people of living in Gang Affected Neighbourhoods, (Margaret Melrose John Pitts, Suzella Palmer, Vicki Randall)

 The Developmental and Mental Health Impacts of living in Gang Affected Neighbourhoods, (John Pitts, Margaret Melrose, Suzella Palmer)

 Gang Crime and Gang Culture in West Yorkshire, (John Pitts)

 An evaluation of Brathay in the Community’s Targeted Youth Work Programme, (John Pitts)

 An evaluation of Provision for Black and Minority Ethnic Young People in the Youth Justice System, (Tim Bateman)

 An evaluation of the Lambeth Street Pastors School Mentoring Scheme, (John Pitts)

 A Study of the Disproportionate Incidence of Robbery Offences in North Bedfordshire,( Alan Marlow)

 An evaluation of an Alternative Education Programme, in Bedford, (Alan Marlow)

 An evaluation of a School Based Crime Prevention Scheme in Bedford.,(Alan Marlow)

108 Post Graduate Teaching & Supervision

Centre staff have been closely involved in the development and delivery of the IASR’s two new Masters Degrees and the Professional Doctorate pioneered by the Vauxhall Centre from 2005. Centre staff currently supervise 10 doctoral candidates and this year Jeanette Williams, Roberta Vlutger and Tim Bateman were awarded the Professional Doctorate in Youth Justice. In 2009/10 Centre staff generated five chapters for edited books, six refereed articles and nine research reports.

Consultative and Advisory Roles

In 2009/10 Centre staff sat on the:

 Reforming Youth Justice Working Party at the, Centre for Social Justice, (John Pitts)

 The National Youth Bureau/DfCFS National Advisory Group on the DCFS Positive Activities for Young People programme, (Tim Bateman, John Pitts)

 The Howard League Research Advisory Committee,(John Pitts)

 The Standing Committee for Youth Justice, (Tim Bateman)

 The steering group for the Joint Inspectorates Review of Youth Courts, (Tim Bateman)

 New Economics Foundation review of youth justice, (Tim Bateman).

 Developing exit strategies & pathways for victims of trafficking LSBU/Eaves Housing (Margaret Melrose)

 Development of strategic plan to protect communities from impacts of street sex markets Luton Drug and Alcohol Partnership (Margaret Melrose)

They also gave evidence to:

 The All Party Parliamentary Group for Children on youth crime prevention (John Pitts)

 The Justice Committee on overarching principles of sentencing youths (Tim Bateman)

 The Mayor of London’s Serious Youth Violence in London academic seminar, (John Pitts)

 The Youth Justice Board’s academic seminar on Assessment in Youth Justice, (Tim Bateman, John Pitts)

 The High Court on behalf of the Howard League for Penal Reform

Media Engagement

Centre staff appeared on BBC TV London News on six occasions, and on Talk Sport Radio. Centre research was cited in The Times, The Guardian, the Daily Telegraph, the Independent, the Independent on Sunday, on BBC websites and by the shadow Home Secretary in the run-up to the 2010 general election. Staff were quoted in articles in Children and Young People Now and Community Care and provided background briefing materials for documentaries on Channel 4 and ITV.

4.4. The International Centre for the Study of Trafficked and Sexually Exploited Children and Young People

109 This new and exciting applied research centre is a leading initiative in the field of research with trafficked and sexually exploited children and young people. The International Centre has six core staff members:, Professor Jenny Pearce, Dr Margaret Melrose, Sue Jago Camille Warrington, Dr Lorena Arocha, Professor David Barrett and Dr Isabelle Brodie.

The Centre has a developing programme of work in partnership with external agencies. For example, the centre:

 is working with Barnardos to run a new Research Forum for practitioners and researchers developing work with sexually exploited children and young people.

 ran a conference with The Youth Justice Board and Barnardos to focus on the relationship between young people’s offending behaviour and their experiences of having been trafficked and/or sexually exploited.

 has published findings from a two year research project developed in partnership with the NSPCC focusing on practitioners’ responses to trafficked young people.

 has completed the first year of a Comic Relief funded project developed in partnership with the National Working Group for Sexually Exploited Children and Young People to address Local Safeguarding Children’s Boards responses to the DCSF (2009) guidance: Safeguarding Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation. Part of this work includes the production of an increasingly popular newsletter giving updates on progress of national initiatives to prevent sexual exploitation. The ‘What’s Going On’ newsletter, prepared by Sue Jago and published by the University, addresses activities across the UK to prevent the sexual exploitation of young people.

 has collaborated on the publication of ‘Youth and Policy’ Journal ‘Special Edition’ focusing on the trafficking and sexual exploitation of children and young people, (Youth and Policy 2010, number 104) edited by Prof Pearce and Dr Melrose.

 is undertaking work led by Dr Margaret Melrose to explore baby trafficking in the context of international adoption markets. This is an issue that has to date been neglected in the main by those concerned with trafficking debates in the UK and represents an important development in this field. This work promises to raise awareness of this issue.

 is increasing its work at a European level through Pearce’s appointment as a member of the Eurochild Policy Steering Committee and as a Rappouteur with the Council of Europe. Funding has been secured for centre staff to work with The Council of Europe on their campaign to stop sexual violence against children, leading the initiative to involve young people in the activities of the campaign. Centre staff will take a group of young people and their practitioners to present at the campaign launch in Rome in November 2010. Pearce’s work has resulted in three European publications this year: one with Eurochild and two with The Council of Europe. All focus on preventing sexual exploitation and on involving young people in the process of decision making and service development.

 has worked with the Association of Young People’s Health to successfully bid for funding to train and support young people who have been sexually exploited or trafficked to become ‘health advocates’, supporting the development of materials that will advise young people of their health needs and encourage better access to health care services.

 has hosted and worked in partnership with the coordinator for National Working Group for Sexually Exploited Children and Young People. The project coordinator led on work to develop a UK network of practitioners, researchers and policy makers to share learning and best practice on supporting sexually exploited children and young people. Work included: leading a partnership with ECPAT UK and Barnardo's to undertake a national consultation and develop a national advisory group on CSE called, "What works for Us"; ,managing a national photography project with Photovoice, to develop an exhibition and book of images and words produced by 28 young people from 8 specialist sexual exploitation projects across England; running a series of national practitioner's seminars, contributing to government consultations on missing, safeguarding and trafficking and; developing an email and web based resource hub for UK based practitioners see: www.nwg.org.uk

 is undertaking work led by Dr Isabelle Brodie under C4EO's Vulnerable Children theme on Improving Educational Outcomes for Looked After Children and Young People.

110  is submitting bids for research funding to explore issues facing child soldiers, and trafficked Romany children and young people.

 is working to further children and young people’s participation in research and curriculum development.

 is collaborating with the Vauxhall Centre for the Study of Crime to develop research with young people in gang affected neighbourhoods, looking at young people’s resilience and resistance to violence and exploitation.

In addition, Dr Margaret Melrose has focused on research with socially marginalised and impoverished young people and young people’s involvement in informal economic activities. Her over-arching concerns are with young people’s poverty and social exclusion and with the ways in which policy responses to processes of globalisation may negatively impact young people. Currently, Margaret Melrose is working with colleagues from the Vauxhall Centre for the Study of Crime and has recently developed bids to the Nuffield Foundation to explore young women’s experiences of custody and resettlement in the community and to the ESRC to explore young people’s experiences of living in high crime neighbourhoods. She is also working with colleagues from the Tilda Goldberg Centre to develop research with a London based voluntary sector organisation exploring service provision for young women experiencing problems with substance misuse and domestic or sexual violence. She has also been working with colleagues from the Faculty of Media, Art and Design to develop a research bid which aims to critically examine media representations of drug users.

5. Individual Staff Outputs

5.1. Staff consultancies, editorial works and memberships of external bodies.

Tim Bateman Vice chair: IASR Ethics Committee Visiting lecturer, Child Studies MA, Kings College, London External member of validation panel, University of Essex and University of East Anglia Associate Editor: Safer Communities Journal News Editor / Editorial Board member: Youth Justice Editorial Board member: Child and Family Law Quarterly Peer reviewer for Ethics and social welfare journal Secretary: London Association for Youth Justice Associate member: Standing Committee for Youth Justice Steering group member: Joint inspectorates thematic review of youth courts Advisor to Mentorn Media’s production ‘The children of Britain’ for ITV Advisor to Steve Boulton Production’s documentary on youth crime for Channel 4 Advisor to True North’s production on children who commit grave crimes for the BBC Advisor to the New Economics Foundation’s project on Punishing costs Advisor to the National Association for Youth Justice on its campaign for a child friendly youth justice Advisor and peer reviewer for the Prison Reform Trust’s Out of trouble campaign Advisory group member: National Children Bureau’s research on breach in the youth justice system Advisory group member to Children’s Commissioner for England on the age of criminal responsibility Working group member: Standing Committee for Youth Justice working group on the developing a custody threshold Expert witness on behalf of the Howard League for Penal Reform in R on the application of F and Secretary of State for the Home Department Witness to the House of Commons Justice Committee’s review of the Overarching principles of youth sentencing Witness to HM Inspectorate’s themed inspection of Youth Courts Witness to the Centre for Social Justice’s Project on Youth Justice Witness to the Youth Justice Board’s review of the assessment framework within youth justice Rapporteur for the ESRC in respect of May, T, Gyang, T and Hough, M (2010) Differential treatment in the youth justice system. London: Equality and Human Rights Commission Member: Howard League for Penal Reform

111 Member: National Association for Youth Justice Co-opted member: National Committee of the National Association for Youth Justice

David Barrett David Barrett is Professor of Applied Social Studies. He has a broad Corporate role developing strategic alliances within the University of Bedfordshire. This includes a wide variety of organisations such as the University's UK based academic partners, London 2012, the immediate Local Authorities and the Aim Higher sub-region. He recently joined the Board of Governors of the University on behalf of Academic Board.

Isabelle Brodie Peer reviewer, Child and Family Social Work Peer reviewer, Journal of Social Policy Research Associate, National Children’s Bureau Co-ordinator, Research in Progress Seminar Series Development of new Professional Doctorates/Masters degrees

Cherilyn Dance Assistant Director, Tilda Goldberg Centre (Children and Families’ Lead) IASR Post graduate student coordinator Member: British Association for Adoption and Fostering Research Advisory Group Peer Reviewing: The Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies Journal Coordinator and Mentor CWDC Practitioner Led Research Programme Honorary Research Fellow, University of Bristol Visiting Lecturer, Child Studies Programme, King’s College London

Kathryn Ellis Honorary Research Fellow, University of Birmingham Peer reviewer British Journal of Social Work, European Journal of Social Work, Journal of Social Policy External examiner BA (Hons) Social Welfare, University of Worcester 2008 to present.

Donald Forrester Editorial Board Member – Journal of Children’s Services Chair, Joint University Social Work Education Committee Working Party on UK Social Work Research Strategy External examiner MA and BA in Social Work, Lancaster University Grants referee for ESRC and Nuffield Foundation Peer reviewer for Child Abuse Review, Child and Family Social Work, International Social Work, Journal of Social Policy and the British Journal of Social Work Member of the British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) Research Committee (2010). Sarah Galvani Book reviews editor and board member, Social Work Education Editorial Board Member, Practice – Social Work in Action Chair, BASW Special Interest Group – Alcohol and Drugs Trustee, AVA (Against Violence and Abuse) (formerly GLDVP) Steering group member, The Stella Project, London Professional Advisory Group member, Alcohol Concern Steering group member, Embrace Project, Alcohol Concern Social work representative, NTA Skills Consortium

Louise Grant Formal Advisor on Social Work and Emotional Literacy on a European Leonardo funded project looking at emotional literacy in the professions.

Sue Jago Critical friend' to Barnardo's research into the links between sexual exploitation and young people's criminality Member of the ACPO National Prostitution Working Group Academic adviser to the ACPO peer review of Operation Newbridge

Professor Ravi Kohli Associate Editor, Child and Family Social Work Editorial Board Member, Children & Society

112 Editorial Board Member, Practical Social Work Book Series, Policy Press, Bristol Referee, British Journal of Social Work Advisor, British Refugee Council Advisor, UN High Commission for Refugees. Registered Researcher Research in Practice Reviewer, Nuffield Foundation Advisor, Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fund on aspects of research funding and policy development work in relation to the Fund’s refugee children’s initiative External Examiner, Sussex University, Social Work PQ programmes Research Advisory Board Member, Children’s Workforce Development Council for England (CWDC) Reviewer, Wales Office of Research and Development for Health and Social Care Reviewer, Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) Reviewer Children’s Workforce Development Council Research Advisory Board Member, Children’s Society: Children in detention – understanding the impact on children of detention and deportation Research and Governance Board Member. Kids Company a national charity working with children in areas of high urban deprivation including refugee children Member, Children, Migration and Identities (CMI) Network

Margaret Melrose Chair Institute of Applied Social Research Ethics Committee (2008-present) International Expert Belgium Federal Science Policy Office Juvenile Delinquency in Belgium – Consultancy Nov 09 Membership Luton Drug and Alcohol Partnership (on-going) Chair Luton Safeguarding Children Board Sub-Group Young People and Sexual Exploitation (2009-2010) Chair Luton, ‘Heads Together’ (on-going) Member of the National Working Group for Sexually Exploited Children and Young People (on-going) Consultancy London Metropolitan University MA Sexual Violence Course (2009 & 2010) Member Advisory Group Exit Routes for Victims of Trafficking (Eaves Housing and LSBU) Membership ‘Institute for Learning and Teaching’ Membership ‘European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction:’ Civil Society Forum (on-going) Membership ‘Consortium for the Study of Addiction’ (JMU, Liverpool) (2009) Reviewer ESRC Research Funding Application ‘Rings of Desire: Trafficking for CSE in the context of Olympic Redevelopment’ (2009) Reviewer Big Lottery Research Funding Application: ‘Tackling Street Sex Work in Wales’ (2009) Co-editor Special Edition of Youth and Policy on Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Young People: Contemporary Debates (with J. Pearce) Interview on BBC News 24 to comment on publication of Barnardos report ‘Whose Daughter Now?’ (2009) Book review by invitation for Times Higher Education – ‘Safer Sex in the City’ (2009) Supervision Professional Doctorate and PhD students Teaching contribution to Professional Doctorate, MA Public Policy, MA Comparative European Perspectives Youth Work and Social Disadvantage, MSc Social Work, PG Diploma Sexual Health, Suzella Palmer Member of National Female Voice and Violence Coalition working group Member of Luton Serious Violent Crime Sub Group.

Jenny Pearce Member of Eurochild Policy Steering Group: Eurochild Brussels 2010 ongoing Chair of ‘Child Trafficking Advise and Information Line (CTAIL): Professional’s and Young People’s Advisory Groups’. UK Home Office and Comic Relief Funded helpline, run by the NSPCC. 2008 ongoing Member of National Working Group for sexually exploited children and young people: management group 2000 ongoing. Member of ‘All Parliamentary Working Group for Children’ Editorial Board: Youth and Policy Reviewer: British Journal of Social Work, Children and Society. Youth and Policy

John Pitts Director: Vauxhall Centre for the Study of Crime, University of Bedfordshire Editor: Safer Communities Associate Editor: Youth & Policy Editorial Board member: Youth Justice Editorial Board member: Juvenile Justice Worldwide (UNESCO)

113 Reviewer for Policy Press and Willan Publishing Member of Reforming Youth Justice Working Party, Centre for Social Justice, London Member of National Youth Bureau/DfCFS National Advisory Group on the DCFS Positive Activities for Young People programme Member of the Howard League Research Advisory Committee Gave evidence to the All Party Parliamentary Group for Children on youth crime prevention Presented a paper entitled Serious Youth Violence in London to an academic seminar hosted by Mayor Boris Johnson, City Hall, London Presented a paper entitled Violent Youth Gangs in London: Their Origins and Impact to the World Health Organisation, European Seminar on Violent Youth Crime, The Royal Academy, London Presented a paper entitled Schools, Communities, Youth Gangs and Crime Prevention to the European Union CRIMPREV Seminar, the Catholic University of Brussels Presented a paper entitled Reluctant Gangsters the Changing Face of Youth Crime to the British Society of Criminology (Wales) Presented a paper entitled Conceptualising the Youth Gang to the British Society of Criminology (West of England) External Examiner (MA, Criminology, University of Kent 2006-2010) External Examiner (MA, Criminal Justice Studies, University of Edinburgh 2009-), External Examiner (PhD, University of Northumbria, 2010) External Examiner (PhD, Kings College London, 2010)

Michael Preston-Shoot Joint Founding Editor, Ethics and Social Welfare Independent Chair, Luton Safeguarding Children Board Independent Chair, Luton Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Board Board member and Trustee, National Skills Academy Social Care Governor, South Essex Partnership Trust

Jon Silverman Associate Editor, Safer Communities journal Member, Editorial Advisory Group, Howard Journal of Criminal Justice Trustee, Fair Trials International Member, Media & Public Confidence Sub-Group, part of the independent review of Children’s Social Work and Front-line Child Protection Practice, chaired by Professor Eileen Munro. Senior trainer/mentor, BBC World Service Trust, Charles Taylor trial project.

5.2. Books

Ayre, P. and Preston-Shoot, M. (eds) (2010) Children’s Services at the Crossroads: A Critical Evaluation of Contemporary Policy for Practice. (2010) Lyme Regis: Russell House Publishing. Braye, S. and Preston-Shoot, M. (2009) Practising Social Work Law (3rd ed). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Dance C, Ouwejan D, Beecham J and Farmer E (2010) Linking and Matching: A survey of adoption agency practice in England and Wales. London: BAAF Forrester, D. and Harwin, J. (2010) Parents who misuse drugs or alcohol. Effective interventions in social work and child protection, Wileys; Chichester Galvani, S. (2010) The role of alcohol in violence against women. Lambert Academic Publishing. Pearce, J.J. (2009) Young people and sexual exploitation: It isn’t hidden, you just aren’t looking London Routledge Falmer. Pitts J. (2010) Young People, Crime and Injustice: Politics, Policy and Practice, London, Palgrave/Macmillan Preston-Shoot, M. and McKimm, J. (2010) Teaching, Learning and Assessment of Law in Medical Education. Coventry: UK Centre for Legal Education, and Newcastle upon Tyne: Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine Higher Education Subject Centres. Shuker, S. and Sullivan, E. (2010) Grendon and the Emergence of Forensic Therapeutic Communities. Wiley-Blackwell.

5.3 Chapters in Books

Arocha, L. (2010) ‘Theoretical Perspectives on Understanding slavery: Past and Present

114 Challenges’ in Wyle, G. and McRedmond, P. (eds.) Human Trafficking in Europe: Character, Causes and Consequences. Great Britain: Palgrave MacMillan. (pages 30-40). Bateman, T. (with John Pitts) (2010) ‘New Labour and youth justice: what works or What’s counted’ in Ayre, P and Preston-Shoot, M (eds) Children’s services at the crossroads: a critical evaluation of contemporary policy for practice. Lyme Regis: Russell House publishing: 52-64. Braye, S. and Preston-Shoot, M. (2009) ‘Social Work and the Law’, in R. Adams, L. Dominelli and M. Payne (eds) Social Work: Themes, Issues and Critical Debates (3rd ed) (2009) Palgrave Macmillan, London. (pages 90-102) Brodie, I. (2010) ‘Inadmissable evidence? New Labour and the education of looked after children and young people’, in P. Ayre and M. Preston-Shoot (eds) Children’s Services at the Crossroads: A critical evaluation of contemporary policy for practice, Lyme Regis: Russell House Publishing pp14-82. Forrester, D. (2009) “Parental Substance Misuse and Child Welfare”, in Barlow, J. (Ed) Substance Misuse – Policy and Practice Implementation. Research Highlights in Social Work Forrester, D. (2010) “Playing with Fire or Rediscovering Fire? Exploring the Perils and Potential for Evidence Based Approaches in Children’s Services”, in Ayres, P. and Preston-Shoot, M. (Eds) Children’s Services at the Crossroads. A Critical Evaluation of Contemporary Policy for Practice, pp 115-126 Russell House Publishing; Lyme Regis Grant, L. and Kinman, G. (2010) ‘The Challenge of equipping social work students with resilience to ensure employability’ in Atlay M ed Creating communities: developing, enhancing and sustaining learning communities across the University of Bedfordshire internal publication available at http://library.beds.ac.uk/record=b1456928-S20 Kohli, RKS. (2009) Understanding silences and secrets in working with unaccompanied asylum seeking children in N Thomas (ed.) Children, Politics and Communication. Policy Press Kohli, RKS. & Connolly, H. (2009) Young People Seeking Asylum, in A Petch (ed.) Managing Transition: support for individuals at key points of transition. Policy Press Kohli, RKS. & Dutton, J. (2010) Working in complex, short-term relationships in G Ruch, D Turney & A Ward (eds.) Relationship-Based Practice in Contemporary Social Work. Jessica Kingsley Melrose, M. (2009) ‘Out on the Street and Out of Control? Drug Using Sex Workers and the Government’s New Prostitution Strategy’ in J. Phoenix (ed.) Prostitution Reform and Public Policy, Devon, Willan Publishing Melrose, M. (2010) ‘Mercenary Territory: Sex Trafficking in the UK’, in McCabe, K. and Manian, S. (eds.) Sex Trafficking: Global Perspectives, Roman and Littlefield, New York Pearce, J.J. (2009) ‘Beyond Child Protection: young people , social exclusion and sexual exploitation’ in Phoenix, J (ed) Regulating sex for sale: prostitution policy reform Policy Press: 121-137 Pearce, J.J. (2010) ‘Young People, Participation and Empowerment’ Introduction to Chapter 2: Participation and improving services in The Eurochild publication “Valuing children’s potential” Eurochild, Brussels (available on line) Pitts J. (2010) Mercenary Territory: Do Youth Gangs Really Exist? Goldson B. (ed.) Young People in Crisis, Cullompten, Willan Publishing Pitts J. (2010) Young People, Public Policy and Social Control, Okitikpi T. (ed.) Social Work and Social Control, London, Sage Publications Preston-Shoot, M. (2009) ‘Repeating history? Observations on the development of law and policy for integrated practice’, in J. McKimm and K. Phillips (eds) Leadership and Management in Integrated Services. Exeter: Learning Matters. (pages 20-34) Preston-Shoot, M. (2009) ‘Back to the future in groupwork research’, in Manor, O. (ed) Groupwork Research. London: Whiting and Birch. (pages 1-14) Preston-Shoot, M. (2010) ‘The more things change, the more they remain the same? Law, social work and counteracting discrimination’, in Cull, L-A., Roche, J. and Stringer, D. (eds) The Law and Social Work: Contemporary Issues for Practice (2nd ed). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (pages 55-75) Preston-Shoot, M. (2010) ‘Looking after social work practice in its organisational context: neglected and disconcerting questions’, in Ayre, P. and Preston-Shoot, M. (eds) Children’s Services at the Crossroads: A Critical Evaluation of Contemporary Policy for Practice. Lyme Regis: Russell House Publishing (pages 84-94) Silverman, J. (2010) “Addicted to distortion : the media and UK drugs policy” – Safer Communities, Vol 9, Issue 4

5.4 Refereed Articles

Bateman, T. (2009) ‘Target practice: sanction detection and the criminalisation of Children’ in Criminal Justice Matters, 73(1): 24

115 Bateman, T. (2010) ‘Youth Justice news’ in Youth Justice 10 (1): 84 – 96 Bateman, T. (2010) ‘Reoffending as a measure of youth justice effectiveness: a Critical note; in Safer Communities 9(3): 28 – 35 Cocks, A. J. Al-Makhamreh, S., Abuieta, S., Alaedein, J., Forrester, D., and Sullivan, M.P. (2009) ‘Facilitating the Development of Social Work in The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: a Jordanian / UK collaboration’, International Social Work, Vol. 52, No. 6, 799-810 Forrester, D. Cocker, C., Goodman, K., Binnie, C. and Jensch, G. (2009) ‘What is the impact of public care on children’s welfare? A review of research findings and their policy implications’, Journal of Social Policy, 38, 3, pp439–456 Galvani, S. with N. Hughes (2010) ‘Working with alcohol and drug use: exploring the knowledge and attitudes of social work students’ British Journal of Social Work, 40, 946–962. Jago, S. (2009) ‘Safeguarding future generations: challenging and prosecuting perpetrators' in Youth and Policy, (104): 48- 62

Kelly, A., Neale, J. and Rollings, R. (2010). ‘Barriers to extended nurse prescribing among practice nurses’. Community Practitioner, 83 (1), 21-24.

Kinman, G. & Grant, L. (2010) ‘Predicting stress resilience in trainee social workers: the role of emotional and social competencies’, British Journal of Social Work doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcq088 First published online: August 24, 2010

Kohli, RKS. Connolly, H. & Warman, A. (2010) ‘Food and its meaning for asylum seeking young people in foster care’. Children’s Geographies 8:3, 233–245

Melrose, M. (2010) ‘What’s Love Got to Do With It? Theorising Young People’s Involvement in Prostitution’, in Pearce JJ and Melrose M (eds) Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking: Where is the understanding of the child in contemporary practice in the UK? Youth and Policy Special Edition, 104: 12-32 Neale, J. and Worrell, M. (2010). ‘Visibility, responsibility and identity in domestic murder-suicide’. Safe, 33, 22-25. Pearce, J.J. (2010) ‘Young People, sexual exploitation and trafficking: Contemporary issues in connecting discourses of child abuse and child protection’ in Pearce JJ and Melrose M (eds) Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking: Where is the understanding of the child in contemporary practice in the UK? Journal of ‘Youth and Policy’: Number 104: 1- 12 Pitts J. (2009) ‘Neither War Nor Peace’, Safer Communities, Vol.8. Issue 2. April Pitts J. (2009) ‘Youth Gangs, Ethnicity and the Politics of Estrangement’ Youth and Policy, No. 102, Spring Pitts J. (2009) ‘Brainwaves: Explaining Gang Violence’, Safer Communities Vol.8, Issue 2, April Pitts J. (2009) ‘The X-It Gang Desistance Programme: An Interview with Julia Wolton’, Safer Communities Vol.8, Issue 2, April Preston-Shoot, M. (2010) ‘On the evidence for viruses in social work systems: law, ethics and practice’. European Journal of Social Work. 13 (4) (available on line) Preston-Shoot, M. and McKimm, J. (2010) ‘Prepared for Practice? Law teaching and assessment in UK Medical Schools’. Journal of Medical Ethics. (available on line) Sullivan, M.P. Al-Makhamreh, S. and Forrester, D. (forthcoming) “Transnational Collaboration: Evaluation of a Social Work Training Course in Jordan”, International Social Work, Vol. 53, No. 2, 217-232 Warrington, C. (2010) From less harm to more good: the role of children and young people’s participation in relation to sexual exploitation in Youth and Policy, Vol 104 pp 62- 79

5.5 Published Research Reports

Bateman, T. (2010) Study of the use of custody in Wandsworth, London: NACRO Bateman, T. (2010) The systemic determinants of levels of child incarceration in

116 England and Wales. Doctoral thesis. University of Bedfordshire Bateman, T. (co-author) (2010) Exploring the needs of young black and minority Ethnic offenders and provision of targeted interventions. London: Youth Justice Board. Bateman, T. (2009) Study of the use of custody in Lambeth. London: NACRO Brodie, I. Lanyon, C. and Forrester, D. (2009) Evaluation of Adolescent Multi-Agency Support Service (AMASS) Islington, Report for Islington Children’s Services, 42 pp Brodie, I. and Morris, M. (2009) Main Review: Improving Educational Outcomes for Looked After Children and Young People. London: Centre for Excellence for Outcomes for Children. Available at http://www.c4eo.org.uk/vulnerablechildren/researchreview01.aspx Farmer, E. and Dance, C. with Beecham, J. Bonin, E. and Ouwejan, D. (2010) An investigation of Family Finding and Matching in Adoption. London DfE (formerly DCSF) Galvani, S. and Forrester, D. (2009) Multi-agency and Interagency Working: A Review of the Literature, Welsh Assembly Government, 32pp Galvani, S. (May 2010) Supporting families affected by substance use and domestic violence.’ Report for Comic Relief. Galvani, S. (Feb 2010) Integrated and inter-professional working: a review of the evidence.’ Report for Welsh Assembly Government. With D. Forrester Marlow, A. & Miller, R. (2009) ‘The Xers Motorcross Alternative Education Project: An Evaluation’ Xers Alternative Education Marlow, A. & Miller, R. (2009) ‘An Exploration of the Incidence of Personal Robbery in Bedford Borough’ Bedford Borough Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnership Marlow, A. (2010) ‘Linking Crime Prevention with Science Education: An Assessment of a DNA Property Marking Crime Prevention Scheme in Secondary School Education’ Central Bedfordshire Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnership Marsh, P. Forrester, D. and Smith, R. (2009) An Audit of Funding for Social Work Research, in Orme, J. et al An Audit of Baseline Resources for Social Work Research: Finances, Staff, Teaching, Report for the ESRC (pp13 – 32) Melrose, M. (2009) When Someone Believes in You it Makes a Difference: Sustaining Exit from Prostitution Luton PCT Pearce, JJ. (2010) Rapporteur report: Consultation with experts on the prevention of sexual abuse of children: Preparation of the Council of Europe Campaign to stop sexual violence against children 2010. The Council Of Europe, Strasbourg, France Pearce, JJ. Hynes, P. and Bovarnick, S. (2009) Breaking the Wall of Silence: practitioners’ responses to trafficked children and young children. London, NSPCC Pitts, J. (2009) Gang Crime and Gang Culture in West Yorkshire, The West Yorkshire Constabulary Pitts, J. (2010) An Evaluation of Brathay in the Community: A Targeted Youth Work Programme (Year 1) The Brathay Trust, Ambleside Pitts, J. (2010) An Evaluation of the Street Pastors School Mentoring Scheme, Lambeth Street Pastors Preston-Shoot, M. (2009) Systematic review of interventions with clients with long-standing alcohol problems and housing needs. (with Andy Guppy, Isabella McMurray, and Varinia Heidel). Commissioned by NOAH. Shaw, C. Brodie, I. Ellis, A. Graham, B. Mainey, A. de Sousa, S.,Willmott, N. (2010). Research into Private Fostering. London: NCB.

5.6 Other Publications

Arocha, L. (2008). Slavery in the Indian Ocean and Indian Sub-continent: the past and present. WISE, University of Hull, UK. Arocha, L. as part of the Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group (2010). Wrong Kind of Victim? One year on: an analysis of UK measures to protect trafficked persons, London, UK. Bateman, T. (2009) Nacro’s submission to the Justice Committee’s consultation on Principles underlying sentencing of youths. London: Nacro Bateman, T. (co-author) (2009) Standing Committee for Youth Justice’s responses to the Sentencing Advisory Panel’s draft advice on principles of youth sentencing. London Standing Committee for Youth Justice Bateman, T. (2009) Some facts about children and young people who offend – 2007. Youth crime briefing. London NACRO Bateman, T. (2009) ‘Youth Justice news’ in Youth Justice 9(3): 295 – 304 Bateman, T. (2009) ‘Youth Justice news’ in Youth Justice 9(2): 171 – 179

117 Bateman, T. (2009) ‘Youth Justice news’ in Youth Justice 9 (1): 87 – 96 Bateman, T. (2009) ‘The rising tide of girls crime?’ in Magistrate 65(5) Bateman, T. (2010) Financial implications of implementing the SCYJ’s proposed custody threshold. Standing Committee for Youth Justice Bateman, T. (2010) For a child friendly youth justice system. Campaign briefing. NAYJ Bateman, T. (2010) ‘Youth justice news’ in Youth Justice 10(2) Bateman, T. (with Chris Fox) ‘Editorial’ in Safer Communities 9(3) Bateman, T (2010) ‘It’s not all about right and wrong’ in The Children’s Commissioner for England e-newsletter, Issue 2, June 2010 Bateman, T. (2010) Old enough to know the difference? Available at http://www.nacro.org.uk/news-and-resources/latest-news/old-enough-to-know-the-difference,381,NAP.html

Bateman, T. (2010) (co-author) The youth rehabilitation order. Youth crime briefing. London: Nacro Bateman, T. (2010) Some facts about children and young people who offend – 2008. Youth crime briefing. London: Nacro Conrad, M., Neale, J. and Charles, A. (2010). Of Mice or Men? – The Avatar in the Virtualscape. Proceedings of International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2010), 28-30 June, London, UK. Forrester, D. (2010) “The argument for evidence based practice”, Community Care, June 23 – July1, p32 Forrester, D. (2009) Book Review of Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of Psychological Problems by Arkowitz et al (eds) and Motivational Dialogue by Tober, G. (Ed) in Journal of Social Work Forrester, D. (2009) Motivational Interviewing for Child and Family Social Work, : A Practical Guide for IFSS Teams Practice Guides for Welsh Assembly Government: Forrester, D. (2010) Evidence Based Interventions and “Stronger Families”: Recommendations and Lessons from a Review of the Evidence, Report for the Welsh Assembly Government, Cardiff. Forthcoming on the WAG website Forrester, D. and Wadd, S. (2010) Social Behaviour Network Therapy: A Practical Guide for IFSS Teams, Welsh Assembly Government Forrester, D. and Wadd, S. (2010) Case Management: A Practical Guide for IFSS Teams, Welsh Assembly Government Forrester, D. and Williams, A. (2010) Intensive Family Preservation Services and the Option 2 Model: A Practical Guide for IFSS Teams, Welsh Assembly Government Galvani and Forrrester, SWAP (2009) Social Work and substance use. Teaching the basics. Forrester, D. (2009) Using substance use research tools to promote teaching and learning, SWAP Report available online

Galvani, S. (June 2010) Grasping the nettle: alcohol and domestic violence’. Acquire. Galvani, S. (15 March 2010) Care or control? Part 2’. (with Grace, AA service user) Drink and Drug News. Galvani, S. (16 Nov 2009) Care or control? AA and domestic violence. Part 1’. (with Grace, AA service user) Drink and Drug News. Galvani, S. (2009) Book review: Cleaver, H., Nicholson, D., Tarr, S. and Cleaver, D. (2007) ‘Child Protection, Domestic Violence and Parental Substance Misuse. Family Experiences and Effective Practice’. Social Work Education, 2009, ,28 (2), 222-227 Galvani, S. Pocket Guide for Social Workers on Alcohol and Other Drugs - Editor. With Trevor McCarthy. Funded by NTA and AERC Galvani, S. SWAP (2009) Learning and teaching digest: integrating substance use teaching into the social work curriculum. Galvani, S. SWAP (2009). Helpsheet: involving alcohol and other drug specialists in social work education. Galvani, S. SWAP (2009). Information sheet: domestic violence and substance use in the social work curriculum. Galvani, S. SWAP (2009). Information sheet: Key resources for teaching substance use. Galvani, S. SWAP (2009). Case studies: teaching substance use in social work education Galvani, S. SWAP (2009) Social Work and substance use. teaching the basics. With D. Forrester Kohli, RKS. and Smith, T. (2009) Guidelines for befriending unaccompanied asylum seeking children. Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture Melrose, M. (2009) Book review by invitation for Times Higher Education – ‘Safer Sex in the City’ Preston-Shoot, M. and McKimm, J. (2009) ‘ A practice survey of teaching, learning and assessing law in undergraduate medical education’. Directions in Legal Education, The Higher Education Academy, UK Centre for Legal Education. Spring 13. Preston-Shoot, M. and McKimm, J. (2009) ‘ Teaching learning and assessment of law in undergraduate medical education’. Learning and Teaching in Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine. Summer, 23-24. Preston-Shoot, M. (2010) ‘Help social workers serve the law, not their employers’. Community Care. 1824.21. (24 June). Silverman, J. (2009) Why Tony Blair could never have been a satisfactory first president of Europe. Amsterdam Law Forum, Vol 2, No 1, pp.71-76.

118 Silverman, J. (2009) Rocky start for the Policing Pledge. Policy Review Online, Silverman, J. (2010) Counterblast: How Tony Blair fed the feral beast of the media and savaged the criminal justice system. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol.49, No 2. Silverman, J. (2010) Waking up to a fiscal nightmare, Policy Review Online. Silverman, J. (2010) Cuts with criminal consequences. Policy Review Online Warrington, C. (2010) with Photovoice ‘In a new light’ Published by Photovoive, London 5.7 ‘Invited’ Conference Presentations

Arocha, L. (2010) ‘The Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group work’, Global Ethics Conference, Trafficking Day training at the University of the West of England in Bristol, UK Arocha, L. (2010) ‘A commentary on approaches to trafficking’, Representations of prostitution, sex work and sex trafficking, Exeter University, UK. Arocha, L. (2010) ‘Constructions of Youth in War: A Case Study’, Youth 2010: Identities, Transitions, Cultures, Surrey University, UK Arocha, L. (2010) ‘Kadogo: Agency, resilience and recovery of ex-child soldiers in the Congo’, Children and War: Past and Present, Salzburg University, Austria. Bateman, T. (2009) ‘The scaled approach: some critical reservations’. Plenary presentation. Nacro’s annual youth crime conference Bateman, T. (2009) ‘The scaled approach: post consultation version 2’. Presentation to London Association for Youth Justice Bateman, T. (2009) ‘Diversion from custody. What works?’. Opening address. Youth crime prevention: models of good practice Bateman, T. (2009) ‘The role of the voluntary sector in youth justice’. Question time panel member. Youth crime prevention: models of good practice Bateman, T. (2009) ‘Introduction to youth justice: evidence and practice’. Conference chair, Youth justice: evidence and practice Bateman, T. (2009) ‘Keeping it up to date: recent development in youth theory, policy and practice’. Presentation to London Association for Youth Justice Bateman, T. (2009) ‘The youth rehabilitation order: implementation issues’. Presentation to London Association for Youth Justice Bateman, T. (2010) ‘Targeting risk and interventions effectively’. Plenary session chair. Nacro’s annual youth crime conference Bateman, T. (2010) ‘Court reports as a mechanism for reducing custody’. Workshop on reducing custody organised by the Youth Justice Board Bateman, T. (2010) ‘Where have we been and where are we going in youth justice’. Keynote presentation to Hertfordshire youth offending services annual staff conference Bateman, T. (2010) ‘Recent developments in youth justice: the youth rehabilitation order and the scaled approach’. Presentation to seminar hosted by the Howard League for Penal Reform Bateman, T. (2010) ‘The evidence for raising the age of criminal responsibility’. Presentation to invite only seminar hosted by the Children’s Commissioner for England Bateman, T. (2010) ‘Youth justice and the new Conservative administration’. Guest speaker, Backstop’s annual social event Bateman, T. (2010) ‘Addressing the gang problem’. Workshop presentation at Youth Offending, sexual exploitation and trafficking conference organised by Barnardo’s and University of Bedfordshire Bateman, T. (2010) (forthcoming) ‘Risk and youth justice’. Plenary presentation at National Association for Youth Justice’s annual conference Bateman, T. (2010) Race and youth justice. Presentation to the London Association for Youth Justice Bateman, T. (2010) The age of criminal responsibility: the international context. Presentation to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Children Brodie, I. (with D Berridge) (2010). ‘Meeting the educational needs of looked after children’, Making Research Count, Kings College, London, Brodie, I. (2010) Keynote presentation: ‘Setting the scene: achievement, integrated working and the Virtual School’, First Annual Conference to Improve the Educational Achievement of Peterborough’s Children in Care, Peterborough, 19 March Brodie, I. (2009) Keynote presentation: ‘What do we know about improving outcomes for looked after children and young people?’, C4EO Knowledge Workshop, Bristol, 8 December Brodie, I. and Stein, M. (2009) Keynote presentation: ‘What do we know about improving outcomes for looked after children and young people?’, C4EO Knowledge Workshop, London, 3 December

119 Brodie, I. (2009) Keynote presentation: ‘What do we know about improving outcomes for looked after children and young people?’, C4EO Knowledge Workshop, London, 1 December Brodie, I. and Stein, M.(2009) Keynote presentation: ‘What do we know about improving outcomes for looked after children and young people?’, C4EO Knowledge Workshop, Manchester, 26 November Brodie, I. (2009) ‘What do we know about improving outcomes for looked after children and young people?’, C4EO Knowledge Workshop, Birmingham, 24 November Brodie, I. (2009) ‘What do we know about improving educational outcomes for looked after children and young people?’, C4EO Knowledge Workshop, Birmingham, 20 October Brodie, I. (2009) The educational needs of looked after children, Making Research Count, 12 May Dance, C. (July 2010) Finding families for Black, Asian and other minority ethnic children. Stepping up to excellence. London: BAAF Dance, C. (July 2010) ‘Family finding and matching in adoption’ Paper presented at the 3 rd International conference on adoption research. University of Leiden, Netherlands Dance, C. (Nov 2009) ‘Findings from a survey of linking and matching in adoption’. Birmingham: Midlands Family Placement Group Dance, C. (May 2009) ‘Linking and Matching in Adoption’. London: Consortium of Voluntary Adoption Agencies Annual Conference Ellis, K. (2009) ‘Human rights and disability politics: the case of social care in England’, European Association of School of Social Work, Dubrovnik Forrester, D. (23rd January 2009) “My first experiment: what I did, why I did it and what I learnt”, Keynote presentation at ESRC-funded conference on Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Methods in Social Work (York) Forrester, D. (24th January 2009) “Tilda Goldberg: Reflections on the History and Future of Experimental Methods in Social Work”, presentation at ESRC-funded conference on Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Methods in Social Work (York) Forrester, D. (28th January 2009) “Communication skills in social work: the place of practice learning”, Keynote Presentation for Skills for Care Conference, London Forrester, D. (27th February 2009) “Working with parental substance misuse”, Keynote Presentation, CAFCASS Annual Research Conference, “What do children need? Working with children known to the family court”, Birmingham Forrester, D. (10th February and 13th May 2009) “Working with parental resistance”, workshop for Making Research Count in Kingston and Greenwich respectively Forrester, D. (10th July 2009) “Workshop: The Social Work Research Strategy”, national Joint University Social Work Education Conference, University of Hertfordshire Forrester, D. (16th September 2009), Keynote Presentation, Annual Conference of the British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Conference, “Playing with Fire or Rediscovering Fire? Exploring the Perils and Potential for Evidence Based Approaches in Children’s Services” Forrester, D. (19th September 2009) Exploring the potential for evidence based approaches in Wales, Keynote presentation, Annual Research in Practice Wales Conference Forrester, D. (11th February 2010) The contribution of social work to early intervention work, British Psychology Society Symposium, Early Intervention with Children Forrester, D. (18th March 2010) Assessment in Children’s Services, Making Research Count Seminar, Barnet Forrester, D. (31st March 2010) ‘Is Care Failing Children?’ Keynote Presentation, Anna Freud Centre Annual Conference; London Forrester, D. (14th April 2010) “How do Social Workers Talk to Parents About Alcohol and Drug Issues?”, SWAP Conference; Birmingham Forrester, D. (20th April 2010) “Parental Substance Misuse and Child Welfare”, Keynote Presentation, UCLAN MRC Conference; Preston Forrester, D. (8-10 June 2010) ‘Coordinated and Facilitated’ “Grant Writing Residential School” for social work academics Galvani, S. (2009) keynote speaker: ‘Alcohol, domestic violence and the family’, University of Bologna, Italy. Galvani, S. (2009) 2nd Addiction Course Convenors Symposium, Birmingham Galvani, S. (2009) ‘Substance use and social work education’. Community Care Conference, London Galvani, S. (2010) ‘Working with domestic violence: considerations for social care’. Chair and speaker. University of Bedfordshire and Making Research Count Conference, London Galvani, S. (2010) ‘Substance use, domestic violence and mental ill health’. Making Research Count Seminar, Keele University Galvani, S. (2010) ‘Launch of co-authored curriculum development materials on integrating substance use into the social work curriculum’, SWAP, Birmingham Galvani, S. (2010) Invited speaker on ‘Substance Use and Domestic Abuse’ Norwich Drug and Alcohol Action Team Annual Conference

120 Galvani, S. (2009) Keynote speaker on ‘Substance Use and Domestic Abuse’. Relate Annual Conference, Hull Grant, L. and Kinman, G. (2010) ‘Emotional intelligence, reflective abilities and wellbeing in social workers’, RIPEN Seminar, University of Bedfordshire Grant, L. and Kinman, G. (2010) ‘Developing a curriculum to facilitate and support social work students to become better reflective practitioners and enhance their resilience to stress’. Symposium in 16th International Reflective Practice Conference, Luton, UK. Jago, S. (2009) Responding to the new guidance ‘One Small Step’, London, 23 Feb Jago, S. (2010) ‘Guidance on safeguarding children and young people from sexual exploitation: implications for practice’ North Yorkshire Local Safeguarding Children Board Annual Conference, Harrogate, 13 May Kinman, G. and Grant, L. (2010) ‘Emotional competencies, resilience and wellbeing in trainee social workers’, British Psychological Society Division of Occupational Psychology Conference, Brighton Kohli, RKS. (2009) ‘Change and Transition: Messages from Research with Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children’. Keele University, Making Research Count Seminar, 16th January Kohli, RKS. (2009) ‘The Story of a (Learning) Journey’. Promoting Learning in Social Work Practice. Skills for Care South West, March 24th Kohli, RKS. (2009) ‘International Comparative Studies on Refugee Children. Nordic Network for Research on Refugee Children’. RBUP (Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health) Oslo, Norway. 11th-12th June Kohli, RKS. (2009) ‘Understanding difference; the role of gender, age, class and race in shaping ‘the migrant experience’. Chair, session Ageing and generational differences/effects ESRC sponsored conference, Swansea University, 9th July Kohli, RKS. (2009) ‘The social work task in the resettlement of asylum seeking children. Keynote conference paper’, Telemark University College. Oslo. Norway. October Kohli, RKS. (2009) ‘Safety, belonging and success in the lives of unaccompanied asylum seeking children’. Child & Family Research Centre and Identity Citizenship and Migration Centre, University of Nottingham. 10th December Kohli, RKS. Connolly, H. and Warman, A. (2009) ‘Food and its meaning for asylum seeking children & young people in foster care’ The British Sociological Association Food Study Group. 14th December Kohli, RKS. (2010) ‘Working to ensure Safety Belonging and Success for unaccompanied asylum seeking children’. Keynote speech to the British Association for the Study of Child Abuse and Neglect (BASPCAN) annual conference Issues in safeguarding refugee and asylum seeking children, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, 15th April Kohli, RKS. (2010) ‘The Story of a Journey’. Keynote speech, National Association of Practice Teachers’ Annual Conference. Birmingham, 22nd June Melrose, M. (2009) ‘Globalisation and Informal Economy in the UK: The case of young people involved in the sex industry’, Global Studies Conference, Dubai, May 31st-June 1st Melrose, M. (2010) ‘In the Shadows of Globalisation: Young People’s Exploitation in the UK Sex Industry’, On the University Conference, Davos, Switzerland, January 9th-10th Neale, J. (2010) ‘Of Mice or Men? – The Avatar in the Virtualscape’. International Conference on Information Society (i- Society), 28-30 June, London, UK. Palmer, S. (2010) Panel member for the Southern Housing Group’s ‘Question time’ event, Southern Housing Group Headquarters, London. Palmer, S. (2010) Seminar on ‘Understanding Gangs’, Ajamu Seminar series, Chestnuts Community Art Centre, Tottenham, London, (June) Palmer, S. (2010) ‘The Changing Face of Black Youth Crime’ Making Research Count, King’s College London, Palmer, S. (2009) ‘The Changing Face of Black Youth Crime’ Making Research Count, King’s College London, Pearce, J. (2010) ‘Contemporary issues in child protection: empowering sexually exploited young people’ at Youth and Policy Journal International Conference: Thinking Seriously about work with girls and young women’ Leeds, UK Pearce, J. (2009) Rapporteur for the Council of Europe Consultation with Experts on the prevention of sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children. Strasbourg, France Pearce, J. (2009) Breaking the Wall of Silence: practitioners’ responses to trafficked children and young children. Making Research Count London, UK Pearce, J. (2009) ‘Gathering Evidence: the context to disrupting and prosecuting those who sexually exploit children and young people’ at ‘Safeguarding Future Generation: Challenging those who sexually exploit young people’ Making Research Count, London, UK Pearce, J. (2010) ‘Introducing the themes:’ Organiser and chair of the ‘Youth offending, sexual exploitation and trafficking: what are the links? A joint conference between the Youth Justice Board, Barnarods and The University of Bedfordshire: Kings College, London

121 Pitts, J. ( 2009) World Health Organisation, European Seminar on ‘Violent Youth Crime’, The Royal Academy, Violent Youth Gangs in London Pitts, J. (2009) CRIMPREV Seminar at the Catholic University of Brussels, Schools, Communities, Youth Gangs and Crime Prevention. Pitts, J. (2009) Street Pastors Annual Conference, The Emmanuel Centre, Westminster, Violent Youth Gangs in London Pitts, J. (2009) Luton Magistrates Public Meeting, Violent Youth Gangs in London, The Town Hall, Luton Pitts, J. (2009) Bedfordshire Police: Launch of the Luton Violent Youth Crime Strategy, Woburn Abbey, Violent Youth Gangs in London Pitts, J. (2010) British Society of Criminology (Wales), Cardiff University, Reluctant Gangsters the Changing Face of Youth Crime Pitts, J. (2010) Intervening with Violent Youth Gangs, Making Research Count Seminar, Kings College, London Pitts, J. (2010) The Tavistock Clinic ‘Hate Crime’ Seminar Mercenary Territory: Living and Dying in Neo-liberal Gangland Pitts, J. (2010) Do Youth Gangs Really Exists? Contemporary Issues in Criminology Conference, Middlesex University Pitts, J. (2010) Violent Youth Crime Luton Borough Council Scrutiny Committee, The Town Hall, Luton Pitts, J. (2010) The Challenge of Hate Crime The Hate Crime Conference, Ort House, Camden, Pitts, J. (2010) Conceptualising the Violent Youth Gang, British Society of Criminology (West of England) University of Plymouth Pitts, J. (2010) Mercenary Territory: Living and Dying in Neo-liberal Gangland Birmingham CDRP Violent Crime Conference, Birmingham Town Hall Pitts, J. (2010) Youth Justice and Sexual Offending, University of Bedfordshire/The Youth Justice Board/Barnardo’s, Youth Gangs, Sexual Violence and Sexual Exploitation, Kings College London Preston-Shoot, M. (2009) Keynote address to Norfolk County Council, Practice Education, Development Day on Diversity, January entitled “Rights and Responsibilities: Anti-Discriminatory Legislation and its Implications for Social Work Practice and Education.” Preston-Shoot, M. Research paper (with Suzy Braye) (2009), at the 1st ENSACT Joint European Conference, “modelling the relationship between law, ethics and rights in professional learning”, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Preston-Shoot, M. (May 2009) Address to UUK seminar on “social work education – preparing for frontline practice” entitled “the new social work degree – a university perspective”,. Preston-Shoot, M. (2009). Research seminar at the University of Sussex on “judicial reviews and Ombudsman reports: disconcerting reflections on law, ethics and the quality of social work practice”, Preston-Shoot, M. (2009) .Research presentation on “teaching, learning and assessment of law in medical and social work education: exploring the wider implications for learning in higher education” (with Judy McKimm) at the Higher Education Academy conference on “the future of the student learning experience”, University of Manchester, Preston-Shoot, M. (2009).Research presentation on “learning the law: an exploration of how undergraduate medical students acquire understanding of law in relation to professional practice” (with Judy McKimm) at the ASME conference, Edinburgh, Preston-Shoot, M. (2009) Research paper on “international social work journals: defining international social work” at the Third Conference on International Social Work, New Jersey, USA, Preston-Shoot, M. (2010).Research paper on “teaching, learning and assessment of law in medical education: outcomes of a literature review and practice survey” at the UK Centre for Legal Education Annual Conference, Warwick, Preston-Shoot, M. (2010).Keynote presentation on “brighter later? A weather report for social work” at the South East London Practice Learning Conference, Charlton, Preston-Shoot, M. (2010) Keynote presentation on “observations on governance of safeguarding adults” at the Joint Improvement Partnership Eastern Region Adult Safeguarding Conference, Cambridge,. Preston-Shoot, M. (2010) .Keynote presentation on “ethical and legal challenges: researching groupwork practice” at the Annual International Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups, Montreal, Canada, Warman, A. Kohli, RKS. and Connolly, H. (2009) Home & Away: food and its meaning for asylum seeking children & young people in foster care Children's Food Practices in Families and Institutions, University of Stirling,

6. Research Funding Bids:

Brodie, I. (2009) Centre for Excellence for Outcomes for Children (C4EO) Vulnerable Children Theme: Improving Educational Outcomes for Looked After Children. £47,500

122 Brodie, I. with Dance, C. (2010) Department for Children, Schools and Families Friends and Family Care: An updated research review £53,000 Forrester, D. 2009-10 A quasi-experimental study of welfare outcomes and cost-benefit analysis of “Option 2” Project lead with Dr. Sally Holland (Cardiff University), Prof. Alex Copello (Birmingham) and Dr. Sarah Galvani (Bedfordshire) £59,000 (Alcohol Education Research Council) Forrester, D. 2009 Further Materials to Support an Evidence-Based Model for Children in Families Interventions £35,000 (Welsh Assembly Government) Forrester, D. 2010-12 Increasing the Competence and Confidence of Social Work Researchers III: A Programme of Placements and Events to Develop Research Capacity Project led by Prof. Lynn McDonald (Middlesex) and a range of senior social work academics. Dr. Forrester was joint author and is leading on experimental and quasi-experimental methods. c. £100,000 (Economic and Social Research Council): £10,000 to University of Bedfordshire Galvani, S. (2010) 2010Social Work Services and Recovery from Substance Misuse: A Review of the Evidence Co-PI with Donald Forrester £20,000 (Scottish Government) Galvani, S. CASA Social Care Ltd - Evaluation of Family Support Service. PI. £20,000 Galvani, S. Alcohol Concern - Evaluation of the Embrace Project. Co-investigator. £1000 Galvani, S. AERC/NTA – Production of Pocket Guide for Social Workers on Alcohol and Drugs. £9000 Grant, L. Higher Education Authority’s Subject Centre for Social Work and Social Policy (SWAP) Teaching and Learning event on resilience and peer-coaching to take place in 2010 £500. Kohli, R. Continuing funding 2008 to 2010 Foster Care for Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking and Refugee Children. in association with the British Association of Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) and the Children and Young People's Social Work Team within the Social Policy Research Unit at York University. Funding from the Big Lottery Fund £30,000 to University of Bedfordshire from a total grant of £237,137. Kohli, R. 2010 Separated Children Guardianship in Scotland Pilot: an evaluation An 18 month evaluation of a guardianship scheme for unaccompanied asylum seeking children and young people, run by the Abelour Trust and Scottish Refugee Council, funded by Diana Process of Wales Memorial Fund. £24,300 to the University of Bedfordshire from a total grant of £48,600. The total grant is shared equally with Professor Heaven Crawley at Swansea University Melrose, M. Comic Relief: Preventing Child Sexual Exploitation (with J. Pearce and S. Jago) Melrose, M. Exploring the Lived Experiences of Young People in High Crime Neighbourhoods (£38,000) Pearce, J. (with Warrington, C): Young people, resilience and health: the role of health advocates in improving access to health services for sexually exploited young people. Funding awarded with the Association of Young People’s Health. Comic Relief £78,000 2010 – 2012 Pearce, J. (with Dr Melrose, M) Protecting Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation: a national review of Local Safeguarding Children Boards service provision. Comic Relief: £119,000 2009- 2011 Pearce, J. Scoping cases of trafficked young people’, Barnardos £35,000 2009 Pitts J. EU Life Long Learning Fund £180,000 to develop three nation Masters Programme in young people youth work and social exclusion Pitts, J. 2010 (with Dr. M. Melrose) £34,000 Developmental and Mental Health Impacts of living in Gang Affected Neighbourhoods, IASR RAE Funding Preston-Shoot. M. Joint grant holder (with Cherilyn Dance) (26K) for research into integrated team working across a children’s department, funded by C4EO, Regional Innovation and Efficiency Partnership, University of Bedfordshire and Luton Borough Council (2009-2011). Preston-Shoot, M. Joint grant holder (with Suzy Braye) (80K) for research into safeguarding adults boards and self-neglect among adults with and without capacity, funded by the Department of Health (2010).

7. Media work

Forrester, D. In July 2009 a documentary based on my work was aired on BBC Scotland (“Home is Where the Hurt Is”). Subsequently led to coverage on the BBC website, and national Scottish newspapers including The Sun and The Herald. Subsequent programme for UK audience is being planned.

123 Forrester, D. Research quoted in House of Lords debate Melrose, M. (November 2009) BBC News 24 – Young People and Sexual Exploitation in the UK Palmer, S. BBC News website – quoted in article on Black communities and trust in the Police, July 2010 Pearce, J. 2009 ‘Traffick Hazards’: Research findings from Pearce, Hynes and Bovarnick 2009, covered in a report written by Jon Silverman in Society Guardian, 17th June Pitts, J. Appeared on BBC TV London News on six occasions Pitts, J. Gang research cited in The Times, The Guardian, the Daily Telegraph and on BBC websites and Gang research cited by shadow Home Secretary in election campaign

Appendix 1

IASR : Visiting professors

Our visiting professors include:

Professor Uttom Chowdhury, Clinical Director for CAMHS Bedfordshire

Professor Chowdhury is a Visiting Clinical Fellow at the Post Graduate Medical School at the University of Hertfordshire. He worked and trained at Great Ormond Street Hospital in the Department of Psychological Medicine specialising in Neurodevelopmental Disorders. He has a Post Graduate Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Children. He is the Clinical director for CAMHS services in Bedfordshire.

His current research interests include Gender and Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Interventions for Tic Disorders and Characteristics of Children with Obsessive Compulsive Disorders. He has published research on a range of subjects including Neuroimaging in Anorexia Nervosa and Groups for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders. He is the author of a successful book ‘Tics and Tourette Syndrome’ published by Jessica Kingsley and translated into several languages.

He lectures on a number of courses including University of Birmingham Neuropsychiatry MSc Course and courses at the University of Bedfordshire and his recent publications include:

Stein S.M. & Chowdhury U (2009). Disorganized Children: A Workbook for professionals. Aylesbury: Umfundisi Publications.

Chowdhury, U (2009). Management of Tourette’s Syndrome. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry,British Neuropsychiatric Association Annual Meeting Abstracts 80:818.

Ashraf, S., Chowdhury, U., Moore, K., & Ali, H. (2009). Audit of NICE CG16-Self Harm Interventions for Children under 16 years. Psychiatria Danubina, Supplement 2, vol 21, S240-41.

Chowdhury, U. (2009). Autistic Spectrum disorders: Assessment and Intervention in Children and Adolescents. British Journal of Medical Practitioners, 2(4) 15-19.

Marsden, A. & Chowdhury, U. (2009) Clinical Update: Child and Adolescent OCD. Community Practitioner, 82 (11), 42- 44.

Professor John Coleman, Senior Research Fellow, University of Oxford.

Professor Coleman was Director, Trust for the Study of Adolescence 1989 – 2005 and Policy Advisor, Public Health Team, Dept of Health 2005 – 2006. He received an Award from the British Psychological Society for Distinguished Contribution to Professional Psychology in 2000 and was appointed OBE in Queen’s Birthday Honours List in 2001.

124 He was editor of the Journal of Adolescence1984 – 2000 and is Editor of “Adolescence and Society” series, Routledge; 2004 – to date and Editor of “Understanding Adolescence” series, John Wiley.

Recent books published include:

 Coleman, J, Hendry, L and Kloep, M (2007)(Eds.) Health in adolescence. John Wiley;  Coleman, J and Hagell, A (2007)(Eds.) Adolescence, risk and resilience. John Wiley.  Coleman, J (2010) The nature of adolescence: 4 th Edn. Routledge.

Recent grants include An ESRC Seminar series grant “Young people and new technologies”. Jointly with Professor Livingstone. £18,750. (2007-2009)

Professor Coleman is currently Deputy Chair of the Teenage Pregnancy Unit Independent Advisory Group, DfE. He is a trustee with the Family and Parenting Institute; trustee with the National Academy for Parenting Practitioners; and is Chair of the Association for Young People’s Health.

Professor Tony Jeffs, Joint Editor: Youth and Policy Editorial Board

Professor Jeffs has produced the ‘Journal of Youth Work: Research and Positive Practices in Work With Young People 2009’.

He is a member Board and Vice-Chair of Newcastle Streetwise and of the Archives Committee of the YMCA 2007 – present; He is Chair of The Advisory Panel and Management Board ‘Irish Chaplaincy in Britain’ Research Project on Irish Travellers in English and Welsh Prisons 2009 – present.

He evaluated the national MOBEX Programme 2009 – 2012 for the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and works with the Youth Service Development Fund – Positive Activities Programme North East 2009-2011. He is also researching the ‘History of UK Youth’ (1911-2011) for book publication 2011.

He has published a number of books including:

Jeffs, T. (with Banks, S.) in Banks, S. (ed.) Youth Workers as Controllers: Issues of method and purpose’ Ethical Issues in Youth Work, Routledge 2010. Jeffs, T. (with Smith, M. K.) in Banks, S. (ed.) Resourcing Youth Work: dirty hands and tainted money’ Ethical Issues in Youth Work, Routledge 2010 Jeffs, T. Youth Work and Practice (with Mark Smith) Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2009. Jeffs, T. McGraw, B. Peterson, P. L. and Baker, E. (eds) Informal Education and Evaluation’ in International Encyclopedia of Education (3rd edition), Netherlands: Elsevier 2009.

Gilchrist, T. Jeffs, J. Spence and Walker, J. (eds) Starting Out: Origins of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne YMCA’ Essays on the History of Youth and Community Work, Lyme Regis: Russell House Books 2009.

His Refereed Articles include:

Jeffs, T. ‘Valuing Youth Work’ (with Mark Smith) Youth and Policy (100) 2009.and Schooling, Education and Young People’ Youth and Policy (100) 2009.

His Conference Presentations include:

Jeffs, T. (Feb 2009 )Outcomes, Outputs and Youth Work Welsh Assembly ‘Thinking Seriously About Youth Work in Wales Conference, Llandrindod Wells. Jeffs, T. (March 2009)The Future of Informal Education: Lessons to be learnt from research and review Seminar Jewish Life Education Centre, Balfour House, London. Jeffs, T. (May 2009) The Development and Structuring of Youth Work in Britain European Commission and Council of Europe Workshop on the History of Youth Work in Europe and Its Revelvance for Contemporary Youth Policy, Blankenberge, Belgium. Jeffs, T. (Sept 2009) Beyond Statutory Youth Work Rank Foundation Conference, Blackpool.

125 Jeffs, T. (November 2009) The Importance of History Federation of Detached Youth Workers Annual Conference, Wigan November 2009. Jeffs, T. (Jan 2010) Beyond Formal Education, Cafe Culture Public Lecture, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Jeffs, T. (March 2010) Welfare Work and the YMCA: During the Great War Department of History, University of Birmingham. Jeffs, T. (May 2010) Series of Four Public Lectures on Youth Work, Informal Education and Youth Policy Department of Education, University of Malta.

Professor Toyin Okitikpi

Professor Toyin Okitikpi’s is a member of Aventure, (social welfare Consultancy group); a lay member on a number of Tribunals including: the General Medical Council’s Fitness to Practice Panel; the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; Nursing and Midwifery Council and the Mental Health Review Tribunal.

He has recently been awarded:

three-year funding (July 2010) under the British Academy’s International Partnership Programme to examine The Role of the Media in Transitional Justice in Sierra Leone & Liberia and Funding of £135,000 by the LeverHulme Trust to develop an International Network Partnership – Young People and Violence.

His media work includes interviews for R4, R5 Live, BBC World Service, regional and local radio on criminal justice/legal issues. He has commissioned articles for BBC News website ( March/May 2010) on rehabilitation of young offenders and Jamaican drugs violence.

His recently published books include:

Okitikpi, T. and Aymer, C. (eds) (2008) The Art of Social Work Practice. Lyme Regis, Russell House Publication Okitikpi, T. and Aymer, C. (2009) Key Concepts in Anti-Discriminatory Practice. London, Sage Okitikpi, T. (2009) Looking at Interracial Relationships: Lyme Regis, Russell House Publication. Okitikpi, T. (2009) Managing Interracial Relationships: Relationships across the racial divide. Saarbrucken, VDM

His Conference presentations include:

Ontology, Epistemology, Methodology: What's that got to do with Health, Medicine and Social Work? University of Cambridge (2009) White mothers of mixed-parentage children: international perspectives on theory and research. University of London, Royal Holloway and Bedford (2010) Identity: Mixed Heritage Children in the public care system. British Association for Adoption and Fostering (2010)

Appendix 2

IASREC Annual Report to UREC

126 Institute of Applied Social Research Ethics Committee (IASREC) Annual Report Academic Year 2009-2010 IASREC Membership Dr. M. Melrose (Chair) Dr. T. Bateman (Vice-Chair) Dr. C. Dance Mrs. C. Senouni (Secretary) Prof D. Barrett Mr. P. Barton (Chair Luton Borough Council Research Governance Committee) Dr. I. Bridgeman Prof. D. Forrester Ms. J. Neale Prof J. Pearce Ms. A. Tressider-Spivey (Bedford Campus Polhill) Ms. Nicolette Wade (Bedford Campus Polhill)

Brief Overview of Operation during 2009-2010 Undergraduate applications for ethical approval are managed for ASS at Bedford (Polhill) Campus by an ethics sub- committee. Post-graduate and staff applications from ASS (Polhill) are considered directly by IASREC. The sub- committee at Bedford (Polhill) Campus reports to IASREC and, where a decision cannot be arrived at by the sub- committee, applications are referred to IASREC for approval. The Psychology Department (UoB) has its own ethics committee to process undergraduate, postgraduate and staff applications. It now operates autonomously and no longer reports to IASREC KCC has an autonomous ethics committee and reports directly to UREC. Copies of all relevant paperwork are forwarded to IASREC when RS1s are forwarded for processing. There has been no such paperwork forwarded in the academic year 2009-2010. An Ethics (Teaching) Sub-Committee in ASS (Park Square Campus) considers applications for approval for library based dissertation work. The Ethics (Teaching) Sub-Committee reports to IASREC. The full committee of IASREC has met twice in the academic year 2009-10. As well as members of IASR, the committee is also attended by Mr. Paul Barton who is Chair of Luton Borough Council Research Governance Committee (LBCRGC). When research applications involve clients or staff of Luton Borough Council, or its services, applications are forwarded to LBCRGC for approval after they have been approved by IASREC. Deadlines for undergraduate ethical approval applications were instituted in the academic year 2009-2010. These are considered by a sub-group of the committee. Postgraduate and staff applications are considered as they are received by a sub-group consisting of at least 3 people. All approved applications are signed off by the Chair and Vice-Chair (unless there is a conflict of interest in which case alternative arrangements are made). In April 2010 the previous Vice-Chair of the committee, Dr. Cherilyn Dance, resigned and was replaced by Dr. Tim. Bateman. The Chair would like formally to acknowledge the contribution made by Dr. Cherilyn Dance in her time as Vice- Chair and welcome Dr. Tim Bateman in his new role as Vice-Chair. There have been further revisions to membership as other members have left. These are: Prof J. Pitts (IASR); Ms. I. McMurray (Psychology); Mr. M. Chapman (Beds County Council). The Chair and Vice-Chair will continue to monitor levels of engagement by committee members and shall, in the forthcoming academic year, endeavour to reconstitute the committee to ensure that it reflects the range of teaching areas in the department (across professional and academic programmes). This will maximise efficiency and the range of expertise available. A meeting of the full committee will be convened early in the academic year 2010-2011 to consider these changes. The Chair (Dr. M. Melrose) has undertaken presentations to undergraduate students, professional doctorate students and social work students at Masters Level to raise their awareness of ethical issues in research and to ensure that they are aware of the process for gaining ethical approval for any project they may be developing – whether library based or primary research. In addition, there a number of guidance documents that can be accessed from the ethics section of the IASR website. Teaching at these different levels shall continue in the next academic year. At postgraduate level examples of applications that have been approved at the initial stage, as well as of those that have been returned for amendments, will be used to illustrate what is required. Members of the ethics committee have additionally provided one-to-one advice to staff developing proposals and to supervisors (particularly at Masters Level) where this has been requested. Such support shall continue to be provided when it is requested. Business Undertaken During academic year 2009-10 applications for library based work were received and approved from 44 undergraduate students in ASS (Park Square campus); 3 postgraduate students and 2 staff (all at Park Square campus). The Chair and Vice-Chair believe that the number of undergraduate applications for library based dissertation work does not accurately

127 reflect the number of students actually doing library based dissertations. Staff supervising undergraduate dissertation work will therefore again be reminded that they are required to ensure that their students submit a signed declaration of their intention to undertake the work in an ethical manner. Applications for primary research (at Park Square Campus) were received from: 6 staff; 12 postgraduate students ( of which 9 were PhD or Professional Doctorate students and 3 of which were Masters level social work students) and 12 undergraduate students. All staff and post-graduate (PhD and Professional Doctorate) applications are referred to UREC after approval at IASREC. Of the 12 postgraduate applications received, 9 were returned for amendments. These were subsequently re-submitted and approved. 2 applications were given conditional approval (subject to minor amendments). One application at Masters Level was withdrawn after discussion with the supervisor and subsequent discussions between the supervisor and student. Of 6 staff applications received, 2 were approved and 4 were returned for amendments before resubmission and final approval. Of the 12 undergraduate applications received, 7 were returned for amendments. After re-submission these were finally approved. 4 were given conditional approval (subject to minor amendments) and 1 application was declined. The student in this instance was advised via the supervisor to pursue library-based rather than primary research. In the academic year 2009-2010, 5 applications were referred to LBCRGC from Park Square campus and all, except one undergraduate application, were approved. In addition please see above re: teaching to undergraduate and postgraduate students & one-to-one advice provided to staff developing proposals and supervisors working with post-graduate students (undertaken by Chair of IASREC and delivered at Park Square campus). Business at Polhill Campus 24 students have applied for ethical approval for their undergraduate dissertation work in the academic year 2009-2010. 21 of these were approved at initial application while 3 were returned for amendments and approved on resubmission. 2 students required ethical approval from an external source (prison service and probation service) as well as from the university and this was granted in both cases. Record Keeping All applicants for ethical approval (undergraduate, postgraduate and staff) are required to submit their application to IASREC using the form that can be downloaded from the ethics section of the IASR website. This form is intended to be a ‘stand alone’ form that details all the ethical issues involved in any particular project and which demonstrates that the applicant has given them due consideration. Applicants may submit a summary of their proposal with the ethical approval application form but ethics committee members should not be expected to read the full proposal: rather the proposal should be provided for reference/further clarification if need be. The ethical approval application form must be submitted electronically as well as in hard copy. Applicants are also asked to submit electronically any relevant supporting information such as consent forms and information sheets. The hard copy of the ethical approval application form should contain the signature of the applicant (and the supervisor for undergraduate and postgraduate students). During the last year electronic applications have been submitted to a dedicated email address ([email protected]) but this has proved administratively inefficient and in the academic year 2010-2011 all submissions will be made directly to Cara Senouni (Secretary to the Ethics Committee) at [email protected]. All electronic applications are recorded on a database which details:  applicant name & contact details

 type of applicant (undergraduate, postgraduate (masters/PhD/Prof Doc) or staff)

 source of application (ASS/KCC/Psychology)

 project title

 date of submission

 names of reviewers

 decision taken (approval, conditional approval, returned for amendments or approval denied) & date

 date of resubmission & date

 decision taken after re-submission

128  date applicant advised of final decision

 whether referred to UREC/LBCRGC or other body

The Chair and Vic-Chair, in consultation with the IASREC secretary, will seek to streamline this database in the forthcoming academic year to make it more administratively efficient. All hard copies of applications to IASREC are signed by the Chair/ Vice-Chair and/or other reviewer. They are all filed in locked cabinets. Feedback to applicants is provided formally both via email and by a hard copy letter which details any amendments required (hard copy is also signed by Chair or Vice-Chair). Feedback given to participants is filed electronically with the application. Where applicants are undergraduate or postgraduate students, feedback and decisions reached are sent to the supervisor for discussion with the student. Members of the ethics committee do not normally engage in dialogue directly with students – this is done via the supervisor. Applications for approval for library based research are filed alongside applications for primary research. Issues for Consideration by UREC Administration of IASREC business is currently rather onerous furthermore, there are issues of space, depending on the time applications are expected to be held in hard copy. Where these are undergraduate dissertation projects there may be a case for these to be disposed of annually or bi-annually. Imposing deadlines for undergraduate ethics applications has worked well in terms of managing the workload and the Chair and Vice-Chair will explore the possibility of introducing deadlines for Postgraduate applications in the forthcoming academic year. This will be increasingly necessary, if the workload is to be managed efficiently and effectively, as new Masters Level programmes, developed by IASR, become ‘live’ in the academic year 2010. Some members of the committee have wondered whether consent forms and information sheets need to be seen by the ethics committee or whether these are a matter for students to develop in consultation with their supervisors. Some members have also expressed their concern that an overly-bureaucratised ethical approval process may indeed inhibit good social research and/or that postgraduate students may be overly cautious in the topics they choose to explore. This would be very detrimental to good social science and may potentially have repercussions in terms of attracting post-graduate students to particular areas of work.

Dr. M. Melrose (Chair) IASR Ethics Committee June 2010.

129 Appendix 3

Use of the Research Bursary:

An example of a project funded through use of IASR research income


The Principal Investigator responded to an invitation from the Director of the Institute of Applied Social Research earlier this year to submit a bid for monies from the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise. A proposal was developed and accepted Aand £15,000 allocated to the research. The major part of this funding is to be used to employ a part-time research assistant for twelve months.

Activities to date

The following activities have been completed, or are planned, in anticipation of the research assistant appointment.

1. Research proposal discussed with Head of Applied Social Studies and Head of Social Work. Three members of staff, including Head of Social Work, responded positively to the subsequent invitation to the Social Work team to participate as researchers.

2. Contact made with Lambeth Council, an employer partner in the University Social Work course, who has agreed to participate in the research. Meetings held with the key manager for personalisation in adult services in Lambeth, the practice learning co-ordinator at the authority and the practice learning administrator at Bedfordshire (Luton campus) to prepare the ground. Research briefing of Lambeth Practice Educators carried out.

3. CRB check for Principal Investigator sought. IASR ethical clearance secured and application for UREC clearance made.

4. Job specification drawn up and approved by HR. Advert attracted some 12 applications of which six where shortlisted. Interview panel arranged for 1 October.

Planned activities

1. Apply for research governance clearance from Lambeth by end September.

2. Guide research assistant in systematic literature review and e-survey on appointment.

3. Start work on action research project in Lambeth in October.

4. Resources permitting, seek the participation of a second local authority involved in the University Social Work course as an employer partner during October - December.

Kathryn Ellis Principal Investigator

130 Appendix 4

Research Degrees Awarded

Date Time Student Total Name Degree Mode Reg. Sub. Viva of to Title of thesis No. Time Award Sub. Real Bad Girls: The Origins and Nature of 26- 28- 29- Jeanette 22- Offending by Girls and Young Women 99054035 PDYJ PT Sep- May- Jul- 44m 49m Williams Oct-09 Involved with a County Youth Offending 05 09 09 Team and Systemic Responses to Them. Constructions of mature student mothers’ Amanda 01- 18- 02- 18- identities in the context of mothering and 98162797 Claire PhD FT Nov- Dec- 71m 73m Oct-09 Dec-09 study practices and mother / child Visick 03 09 relationships. 11- 05- 21- Roberta 21-Jan- "Too little, too late, parenting orders as a 0611066 PDYJ PT Sep- Nov- Jan- 38m 40m Vlugter 10 form of crime prevention" 06 09 10 Timothy 25- 11- 02- “ What ever it takes”: The systemic 04- 0510330 Lewis PDYJ PT Sep- Jan- May- 51m 56m determinants of levels of child incarceration Dec-09 Bateman 05 10 10 in England and Wales

131 Current Research degree programs

132 Reg No Surname Name Institute Dir of studies mode degree 0926733 ALBON Gillian ASR Prof Jenny Pearce PT PDYJ 0921863 ANDELL Paul ASR Prof John Pitts PT PDYJ 99071298 BAILEY Joan ASR Prof John Pitts PT PDYJ 0813841 CAMMACK Ian ASR Prof Ravi Kohli PT PDSP 0420501 CHARD Alexander ASR Prof Michael Preston-Shoot PT PDSP 0813833 CHIMERA Kathleen ASR PT PDSP 99149954 CONNOLLY Helen ASR Prof Michael Preston-Shoot FT PhD 0917055 CONRADIE Liesl ASR Prof Ravi Kohli PT PDYJ 95097108 DAY Elizabeth ASR Prof Ravi Kohli PT PDSP 0920745 DOWNIE Mark ASR Dr Tim Bateman PT PDYJ 0921866 FAWCETT Hilary ASR Dr Isabelle Brodie PT PDYJ 0615955 GRANHOF JUHL Andreas ASR Prof Michael Preston-Shoot PT PDSP 95098610 HAMILTON Lloyd ASR Prof Ravi Kohli PT PDSP 0818943 HARDING Simon ASR Prof John Pitts PT PDYJ 0921914 HARRIS Julie ASR Prof John Pitts PT PDYJ 99152156 HART Jacqui ASR Prof Gail Kinman PT M/P 99136724 HUBBARD Miriam ASR Dr Cherilyn Dance FT M/P 0818974 IKIRIKO Patricia ASR Dr Joseph Adonu FT M/P 0811642 IVANKOVIC Lucy ASR Prof David Barrett PT PDYJ 0817220 JANES Laura ASR Prof Michael Preston-Shoot PT PDYJ 0616694 JANKOWSKA Maja ASR Dr Alfredo Gaitan PT M/P 0911374 JEFFRIES Peter ASR Prof Michael Preston-Shoot PT PDYJ 96141884 JUDE Julia ASR Prof Ravi Kohli PT PDSP 0514456 KEBBE Lisen ASR Prof Ravi Kohli PT PDSP 99106672 KUKHAREVA Maria ASR Dr Isabelle Brodie PT PDYJ 0514457 MAFAFFEY Helen ASR Prof Ravi Kohli PT PDSP 0921729 MCCORMAC Ashley ASR Prof John Pitts PT PDYJ 99156922 MIKSITS Martin ASR PT PDSP 0510331 MORTIMORE Judith ASR Prof John Pitts PT PDYJ 99085535 NEALE Jo ASR Prof David Barrett PT M/P 0409991 NETHERCOTT Kathryn ASR Dr Cherilyn Dance FT M/P 0715365 OLAITAN Paul ASR Dr Tim Bateman PT PDYJ 0413420 OLJEMARK Kicki ASR PT PDSP 99155678 OLSSON Ann-Margreth ASR John Shotter PT PDSP 99004854 PALMER Suzella ASR Prof John Pitts FT PhD 0813840 PEDERSEN Birgitte ASR PT PDSP 0514459 POPOVIC Slobodanka ASR Prof Michael Preston-Shoot PT PDSP 0614883 PRESLAND John ASR Dr Kathryn Ellis PT MA Res; 99136648 RANDALL Vicki ASR Prof John Pitts FT M/P 99055481 RAVELLO Cherrie ASR Peter Lang PT PDSP 0920756 SHYU Tom ASR Prof Jenny Pearce PT PDYJ 0715367 SILLS-JONES Polly ASR Dr Isabelle Brodie PT PDYJ 0514458 SIMON Gail ASR Prof Ravi Kohli PT PDSP 0819607 STEELE Marcia ASR Prof Donald Forrester FT M/P 0514401 STORCH Jacob ASR PT PDSP 0716795 TAYLOR Maureen ASR Prof Jenny Pearce PT M/P 0817218 THORNE Andrew ASR Prof John Pitts PT PDYJ 0818845 TIERNEY Patrick ASR Prof John Pitts PT PDYJ 99127563 VEDELER Anne ASR John Shotter PT PDSP 0817505 WARRINGTON Camille ASR Prof Jenny Pearce PT PDYJ 0921785 WELDON Elaine ASR133 Prof Jenny Pearce PT PDYJ 99108077 WILSON Annette ASR Prof Ravi Kohli PT PDSP 0305489 ZUMVE Samuel ASR Prof Michael Preston Shoot PT M/P If you are interested in the work of the IASR please contact Cara Senouni at: The Institute of Applied Social Research,Room C411, University of Bedfordshire, Park Square, Luton, Beds LU1 3JU

Telephone +44 (0) 1582 743085 [email protected]

134 Institute for Health Annual Research Report 2009 - 2010


Funded research programmes/projects:

Baillie, L. and Gallagher A., An evaluation of the RCN ‘Dignity at the heart of everything we do’ campaign, funded by the Royal College of Nursing, £9,100, 2009

Baillie, L., Evaluation of Design for Patient Dignity (with Ecosgen), funded by the Design Council, £20,000, 2010

Baillie, L., Merritt, J., Elworthy, G., and Cox J. Caring for patients with dementia in acute hospital settings: student nurses’ experiences and implications for practice and education, funded by The University of Bedfordshire, £5000, 2010

Baillie, L. Human rights of older people in care (with Ecosgen and Queen Mary’s, Edinburgh), funded by the Scottish Commission for Human Rights, £60,000, 2010

Black, S. and Phasey, E. An evaluation of the use of practice assessment documentation in pre-registration nursing education, Funded by University of Bedfordshire, £4,000, 2010

Burden, B., Chappell, J. and Baillie, L. Additional Investment for Academic Staff to Develop Excellence in Knowledge, Skills and Competencies in Relation to Health Care Workforce Hot Spots, £750,000 funding from South Central Strategic Health Authority for 2 projects as follows: Implementing service improvement into the nursing curriculum £127,000 per annum over 3 years, Student access to patient care records £55,000 per annum over 3 years, 2009

Chadwick, S. and Sale, J. Retention and attrition of student nurses. Funded by Research informed Teaching funding, University of Bedfordshire, £5000, 2010

Van Blerk, C., Brown, L. and Chater, A. Gym-based exercise versus general exercise prescription on anthropometric, metabolic and cardiovascular parameters in metabolic syndrome and obese children. Funded by Bedford Charity. £84,000, 2007-9

Roberts, P., Ertubey, C., and Robertson, I. Application of CANTAB (Neurological Assessment) on children and adult populations. RiT project funded by Teaching & Learning, University of Bedfordshire, £12,900, 2008-2010

Flynn, D. and Preston, R. ‘Clinical judgement: exploring the knowledge and practices of nurses in acute illness assessment –a phenomenological study’. Funded by University of Bedfordshire, £5,000, 2010

Preston-Shoot, M., Guppy, A. and McMurray, I. Systematic review of effectiveness of community-based facilities in supporting long-term alcohol misusers, NOAH Enterprise value c. £10,000, 2008-9

Preston-Shoot, M., Forrester, D., Galvani, S. and Guppy, A. Establishment of the Tilda Goldberg Centre for Research and Evaluation in Drug and Alcohol Misuse in Social Care. Social Care Trust value c. £1,100,000, 2009-2014

Johns, C. National Teaching Fellow, the Higher Education Funding Council for England, the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, and the Department for Employment and Learning in Northern Ireland, £10,000, 2010

Murphy, S. Supporting Social Skills for Collaboration (SSSCo) Project, Harpur Trust, £16,226, 2010 – 2011

Pellatt, G., Bates, S., Bromley, B., Hedges, A., Sale, J. and Sapsed, S. An exploration of factors that promote or hinder service user involvement in nurse education, funded by The University of Bedfordshire, £5000, 2010

Morgan, M., Jones, R., Sque, M., Grieve, A., Newton, T, Farsides, B Randhawa, G., MCguire, A., Scoble, J., Banerjee, D., Rudge, C. and Weaver, P. NHS National Institute for Health Research Applied Programme Grant – Increasing the acceptability and rates of organ donation among ethnic groups, £731,741, 2009-2013

136 Sque, M., Morgan, M., Randhawa, G. and Warrens, A. Department of Health/Organ Donation Taskforce Implementation Group - What are the barriers to organ donation and the factors that affect the decision of the bereaved family to give consent? £182,240, 2010-12

Warrens, A., Morgan, M., Randhawa, G. and Sque, M. Department of Health/Organ Donation Taskforce Implementation Group - Healthcare Professionals: A National Survey of Attitudes to and Knowledge of Organ Donation for Transplantation, £285,416, 2010-12

Randhawa, G. and Kaur-Bola, K. Luton Borough Council - Children with complex needs assessment, £25,000, 2008-9

Randhawa, G. and Kaur-Bola, K. Department of Health/Organ Donation Taskforce Implementation Group – Engaging UK Faith Leaders with Organ Donation, £30,000, 2009

Randhawa, G., Kaur-Bola, K. and Waqar, M. Department of Health/Organ Donation Taskforce Implementation Group – Promoting an improved understanding of organ donation amongst the UK’s multi-ethnic and multi-faith population: The potential contribution of Faith and Belief Leaders, £130,000, 2010-12

Randhawa, G., Lightstone, L., Feehally, J., Roderick, P., and Wilkinson, E. Big Lottery Fund/Kidney Research UK – Improving access for the UK’s South Asian population with Type 2 diabetic renal disease, £248,671, 2006-9

Randhawa, G. and Wilkinson, E. Big Lottery Fund/Kidney Research UK – Research Dissemination: Improving access for the UK’s South Asian population with Type 2 diabetic renal disease, £25,598, 2009-10

Randhawa, G. and Wilkinson, E. Kidney Research UK/Big Lottery Fund Developing culturally competent End-of-life care services for renal patients, £249,910, 2009-2013

Randhawa, G. NHS Direct – PhD Studentship - Investigating the geographical and socio-demographic characteristics of users of NHS Direct. £30,000, 2009-12

Randhawa, G. POhWER – PhD Studentship - Developing a critical understanding of the existing and potential role of advocacy in enabling social inclusion, £30,000, 2009-12

Randhawa, G., Wilkinson, E. and Kaur-Bola, K. NHS Blood & Transplant – A national study examining the reasons and circumstances in which individuals make gifts and donations and exploring the relevance to increasing organ donation among the UK's multi-ethnic and multi-faith community, £130,000, 2009-2011

Green, G., Harvey, I., Done, J., Rein, M., Barton, G., Randhawa, G., Halliday, D., Brooksby, I., Farrington, K., Driver, R., Palmer, C., and Bradley, J. NHS National Institute for Health Research – East of England NHS Research Design Service, £5,000,000, 2008-2013

Robertson, I. EU TEMPUS Project for Post-graduate curriculum development & human resources training for the Psychology department of the University if Prishtina, Kosovo, total grant value: € 299972, 2007-9

Sinclair, A.J. Member, Steering Group for Manor House Pharmacy Diabetes Project, funded by Department of Health, approx £25,000 start-up funds

Sinclair, A.J. Educational Grant to establish Institute of Diabetes for Older People (IDOP), £50,000, 2007-2009

Sinclair, A.J. Department of Health - Older Peoples Initiative in Diabetes, £60,000, 2009-10

Sinclair, A.J. Diabetes UK – start up grant, co-applicant with Dr K Asimakopoulo, Kings College, London, Empowerment in Diabetes, £10,000

137 Sinclair, A.J. Various Industry/Pharmaceutical grants for the Institute of Diabetes for Older People (IDOP), £125,000

Sinclair AJ. Takeda UK – funding over 3 years to support the Institute of Diabetes for Older People (IDOP), £75,000



Baillie, L. (Ed.) (2009) Developing Practical Adult Nursing Skills 3rd Edition, Hodder Arnold

Johns, C. (2010) Guided reflection: a narrative approach to advancing practice [2nd edition] Wiley-Blackwell

Johns, C. (2009) Becoming a reflective practitioner [3rd edition], Oxford Wiley: Blackwell Publishing

Nastro, P., Knowles, C. H., McGrath, A., Heyman, B., Porrett, T.R.C , Lunniss, P. J. (2009) Complications of intestinal stomata, published in abstract form in Abstract Book

Sinclair, A. (Ed.) (2009) Diabetes in Old Age, 3rd Edition, by Wileys and Sons.

Stein, J., Haigh, R. and Stein, S.M. (2009) Essentials of Psychotherapy (2nd Edition), Aylesbury: Umfundisi Publications

Stein, S.M., Pearce, D. and McMillan, H. (2009) What happened … and how to fix it? Resolving conflict at home and in schools, Aylesbury: Umfundisi Publications

Stein, S.M. and Chowdhury, U. (2009) Disorganized Children: A workbook for professionals, Aylesbury: Umfundisi Publications

138 Book Chapters

Baillie, L. (2009) “Privacy and Dignity”, in Grainger, A. (Ed.) Essential Practice for Healthcare Assistants, Quay Books.

Baillie, L. (2009) “Practical nursing skills: a caring approach”, in Baillie, L. (Ed.) Developing Practical Adult Nursing Skills 3rd Edition, London: Arnold

Folan, P. and Baillie, L. (2009) “Preventing cross infection”, in Baillie, L. (Ed.) Developing Practical Adult Nursing Skills 3rd Edition, London: Hodder Arnold

Baillie, L. and Leaver, R. (2009) “Meeting elimination needs”, in Baillie, L. (Ed.) Developing Practical Adult Nursing Skills 3rd Edition, London: Hodder Arnold

Burrows, D. and Baillie, L. (2009) “Managing pain and promoting comfort”, in Baillie, L. (Ed.) Developing Practical Adult Nursing Skills 3rd Edition, London: Hodder Arnold

Burden, B. and Sapsed, S. (2010) Chapter 30 in ‘Fetal Skull’ Mayes Midwifery 13th edition, editors Sue Mac Donald & Julia Magill-Cuerden, Elsevier Ltd

Burden, B. and Simons, M. (2010) “Anatomy of female and male reproduction”, in MacDonald S, Magill-Cuerden J (eds.) Mayes Midwifery, 14th Edition, London, Elsevier

Burden, B. and Preston-Shoot, M. (2010) “Legal Frameworks for the Care of the Child”, in MacDonald S, Magill-Cuerden J (eds.) Mayes Midwifery, 14th Edition, London, Elsevier

Burden, B. and Jones, P. (2010) “Preconception Care”, in MacDonald S, Magill-Cuerden J (eds.) Mayes Midwifery, 14th Edition, London, Elsevier

Roberts, P. and Ertubey, C. (2010) “Engaging students in research: Developing a student research community”, Abstract in Atlay, M. and Coughlin, A. (eds) Creating communities: developing, enhancing and sustaining learning communities across the University of Bedfordshire

Johns, C. (2010) “Reflection as a way-of-being in practice”, in H Erickson [Eds] Exploring the interface between the philosophy and discipline of holistic nursing: modelling and role-modelling at work, Unicorms Ublimited, Cedar Park, Tx, p311-328

Johns ,C. (2009) “Journeying with Linda: a narrative approach to practice and research” in R Locsin & M Purnell [Eds] A Contemporary Nursing Process, Springer, New York, p205-224

Johns, C. (2009) “Reflective practice”, in J Hostad & L Foyle [eds] Illuminating cancer and palliative care education, Radcliffe Publishing, Oxford

Johns, C. (2009) “Clinical supervision, reflective practice, learning through experience”, in C Cox & M Hill [Eds] Professional issues in primary care nursing, Wiley- Blackwell, Oxford

Grant, L. and Kinman, G. (2010) “The challenge of equipping social work students with resilience to ensure employability” in Atlay, M. and Coughlin, A. (Eds.) Creating Communities: developing, enhancing and sustaining learning communities across the University of Bedfordshire: University of Bedfordshire Internal Publication

Kinman, G. and Jones, F. (2009) “A life beyond work? Job demands, work-life balance and wellbeing in UK academics” in D. Buckholdt and G. Miller (Eds.) Faculty Stress, USA, Routledge

Makaza, M. (2010) “Inspiring Registered Nurse Mentors through Creative Teaching and Learning” in Atlay, M. and Coughlin, A. (Eds) (2010) Creating Communities - Developing, enhancing and sustaining learning communities across the University of Bedfordshire, University of Bedfordshire Internal Publication

McGrath, A. (2010) “Abdominal Assessment in Cox”, CL (Ed) Physical Assessment for Nurses (2010) Blackwell Science Oxford

139 McGrath, A., “Male Genitalia Assessment” (Chapter) in Cox, CL (Ed) Physical Assessment for Nurses (2010) Blackwell Science Oxford

Leggetter, S. & Sapsed, S. (2010) “Identifying the challenges of developing research skills in e-learners: an action research student of Masters level public health students in the UK’”, in Atlay, M. (Ed.) Creating Bridges: A collections of articles relating to implementing the Curriculum Review 2008 (CRe8) from practitioner across the University of Bedfordshire, University of Bedfordshire Internal Publication

Morris, C. (2009) “Developing pedagogy for doctors-as-teachers: the role of activity theory”, in H. Daniels, H. Lauder and J. Porter, Knowledge, Values and Educational Policy. A critical perspective, Routledge: 273-281

Pellatt, G. (2009) “Caring for people with impaired mobility”, in Baillie, L. (Ed) Developing Practical Adult Nursing Skills 3rd Edn., Hodder Arnold, London, 213-246

Pellatt, G. (2009) “Nursing patients with intimate and sensitive care needs”, in Castledine G, Close A (Eds) Oxford Handbook of Adult Nursing, Oxford University Press, Oxford 735-759

Randhawa, G. (2010) “A specific approach in a multi-cultural context”, in Caille, Y. and Doucin, M. Ethical reflections on organ transplantation in Europe, Harmattan Publishers

Randhawa, G. (2009) “Diabetes in Special Circumstances: Diabetes complications in Ethnic Minority Populations”, in Sinclair, A. (Ed) Diabetes in old age, Wiley

Neale,N. and Sale J. (2009) “The nurse’s approach and communication: foundations for compassionate care”, in Baillie L, Ed Developing Practical Adult Nursing Skills,London; Hodder

Sapsed, S. (2010) “Beyond Competency: Spirituality and Failing Mental Health” in Atlay, M. (Ed.) Creating Bridges: A collections of articles relating to implementing the Curriculum Review 2008 (CRe8) from practitioner across the University of Bedfordshire, University of Bedfordshire Internal Publication

Lock, K. and Sim, F. (2009) “Public Health in the UK”, in Beaglehole R , Global Public Health: a new era, 2nd edition, OUP

Sinclair, A.J. (2008) “Management of the Elderly Infirm Patient”, in Evidenced-Based Diabetes, Home, P., Colagiuri, S., Blackwell Publishing

Sinclair, A.J., Croxson, S.C.M. (2009) “Diabetes mellitus in the older adult” in Brocklehurst, J., Tallis, R. and Fillit, H. (Eds) Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, Churchill Livingstone

Sinclair, A.J. (new edtion 2009) “Diabetes in Old Age”, in Pickup, J.C., Williams, G. (eds) Textbook of Diabetes, Third Edition, Blackwell Publishing

Sinclair, A.J. (2009) in Sodha M, Dhillon S (eds), Non-medical prescribing. Diabetes Mellitus, PP publishers, London

140 Refereed Journal Articles

Atkin, K. Ali, N. and Chu, C.E. (2009) The politics of difference: providing a cancer genetic service in a culturally and linguistically diverse society Diversity in Health and Care 6 (3) pp. 149-157

Craig, G. Adamson, S. Ali, N. and Demsash, F. (2010) Mapping rapidly changing minority ethnic populations: A case study of York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Ali, N. (2009) The Politics of Diaspora: A Case Study, Journal of South Asian Diaspora Vol. 1, No 2, September, pp118- 192

Baillie, L. (2009) Patient dignity in an acute hospital setting: a case study. International Journal of Nursing Studies 46, 22- 36.

Baillie, L., Ford, P., Gallagher, A. and Wainwright, P. (2009) Nurses’ perspectives of dignified care for children and young people, Paediatric Nursing 21, 24-8

Gallagher, A., Wainwright, P, Baillie, L., Ford, P. (2009) The RCN Dignity survey: implications for nurse leaders, Nursing Management 16:4, 12-16

Baillie, L., Ford, P., Gallagher, A. and Wainwright, P. (2009) Nurses’ views on dignified care, Nursing Older People 21:8, 22-29

Baillie, L. and Curzio, J. (2009) A survey of first year student nurses' experiences of learning blood pressure measurement, Nurse Education in Practice. 9, 61-71

Baillie, L. and Curzio, J. (2009) Students; and facilitators’ perceptions of simulation in practice learning, Nurse Education in Practice 9, 297-306

Baillie, L. and Gallagher, A. (2010) The RCN Dignity campaign: exploring enablers and challenges, Journal of Research in Nursing 15:1, 15-28

Baillie, L. and Illott, L. (2010) Promoting the dignity of patients in perioperative practice, Journal of Perioperative care 20(8), 278-282

Chater, A., Harcourt, D. and Turner-Cobb, J. (2009) Health Psychology in the media, Health Psychology Update 18, (2), 38-40

McPherson, K. and Chater, A. (2009) An interview with…Dr Angel Chater. Health Psychology Update 18, (1), 34-37.

Chater, A. (2009) A review of Health Psychology a Textbook (4th Edition) by Jane Ogden, Psychology Teaching Review, 15, 1, 81-83.

Cook, E. Self efficacy and self help. The Psychologist, 23 (3) 470.

Cook, E. and Chater, A. (2010) Are happier people, healthier people? The relationship between perceived happiness, personal control, BMI and health preventive behaviours, International Journal of Health Promotion and Education 48 (2), 58-64 Cook, E., Gaitán, A. and Chater, A. (2010) From unhelpful to helpful: The role of implementation intentions in a weight- loss intervention, Health Psychology Update 19 (1), 11-17 Cook, E. and O’Carroll, R. (2010) An interview with…Professor Ronan O’Carroll, Health Psychology Update, 19 (1), 40- 41

Johns, C., Blake, D., Sinclair, A. (2010) Can reflexology maintain or improve the well-being of people with Parkinson’s Disease? Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 16(2) 96-100

Johns, C. (2009) Reflection on my mother dying: a story of caring shame, Journal of Holistic Nursing 27(2) 136-140

141 Johns, C. (2009) Journeying with Alice: some things I do not know for certain, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice

Edwards, J. Van Laar, D., Easton, S. and Kinman, G. (2009) The Work-Related Quality of Life (WRQoL) scale for Higher Education Employees, Quality in Higher Education, 15, 3, 207-219

Kinman, G. and McDowall, A. (2009) Does work/life balance depend on where and how you work? EAWOPinPractice, 3, 3-11

Kinman, G. (2009) Emotional labour and strain in the front line: Does mode of delivery matter? Journal of Managerial Psychology 24, 2, 118-136

Leggetter, S. and Sapsed, S. (2010) Identifying the Challenges of Developing Research Skills in e-learners: an Action Research Study of Masters level Public Health Students in the UK http://www.g-casa.com, ISSN 1935-4819, Chinese American Scholars Association, New York, New York, USA, January Reflecting on the creation of on-line Distance Learning teaching & learning materials

Leggetter, S. and Sapsed, S. (January 2010) Identifying the Challenges of Developing Research Skills in e-learners: an Action Research Study of Masters level Public Health Students in the UK, Refereed CD-ROM of the E-Leader Conference at Singapore Management University, ISSN 1935-4800, Chinese American Scholars Association, New York, New York, USA

Thomas, E.L., Collins, A.L., McCarthy, J., Fitzpatrick, J., Durighel, G., Goldstone, A. P. and Bell, J.D. (2010) Estimation of abdominal fat compartments by bioelectrical impedance: the validity of the Viscan measurement system in comparison with MRI, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 64, 525-533

Watson, R., Pride, N., Thomas, E.L., Fitzpatrick, J., Durighel, G., McCarthy, J., Morin, S., Ind, P.W. and Bell, J. (2010) Reduction of total lung capacity in obese men: comparison of total intrathoracic and gas volumes, Journal of Applied Physiology, 108: 1605-161

Mehta, S.R., Thomas, E.L., Patel, N., Crofton, M.E., McCarthy, J., Eliahoo, J., Morin, S.X., Fitzpatrick, J., Durighel, G., Goldston, A.P., Johnstone, D.G., Bell, J.D. and Taylor-Robinson, S.D. (2010) Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and ultrasound for hepatic fat quantification, Hepatology Research, 40 (4) 39-406

McGrath, A. (2009) International Surgical Congress ASGBI 2009:34, Colorectal Disease 2009; 11 (S1): 37, and Colorectal Disease 2009; 11 (S2): 36.

Morris, C. and J. McKimm (2009). Becoming a digital tourist: a guide for clinical teachers, The Clinical Teacher 6: 51-55

Agius, M., Talwar, A., Murphy, S. and Zaman, R. (2010) Issues regarding the delivery of early intervention psychiatric services to the South Asian population in England, Psychiatria Danubina, 22(2), 266 - 269

Agius, M., Shah, S., Ramkisson, R., Murphy, S. and Zaman, R (2009) Developing outcome measures for serious mental illness; using early intervention as an example, Psychiatria Danubina, 21, suppl 1, 36-42

Wachter, T., Murphy, S., Kennerly, H. and Wachter, S. (2009) A preliminary study examining relationships between childhood maltreatment, dissociation and self-injury in psychiatric outpatients, Journal of Trauma and Dissociation 10(3), 261-275

Pellatt, G. (2008) Nontraumatic spinal cord injury, part 4: Degenerative disorders of the spine, British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 4(12)588-593

Pellatt, G. (2009) Nontraumatic spinal cord injury part 5: vascular causes and syringomyelia, British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 5(1) 16-21

142 Preston, R. M. and Flynn, D. (2010) Observations in Acute Care: evidence based approach to patient safety, British Journal of Nursing, 19 (7) 442 - 447

Neale, J., Worrell, M., and Randhawa, G. (2009) Breaking down barriers to accessing mental health support services: A qualitative study among young South Asian and African Caribbean communities in Luton, Journal of Public Mental Health 8, 15-25

Randhawa, G., Brocklehurst, A., Pateman, R., Kinsella, S. and Parry, V. (2010) Utilising faith communities in the UK to promote the organ donation debate: The views of UK faith leaders Journal of Diversity, Health and Care 7, 57-64

Randhawa, G., Jetha, C., Gill, B., Paramasivan, S., Lightstone, E. and Waqar, M. (2010) Understanding kidney disease and perceptions of kidney services among South Asians in West London: focus group study, British Journal of Renal Medicine 15, 23-28

Randhawa, G., Brocklehurst, A., Pateman, R., Kinsella, S. and Parry, V. (2010) Are religious communities useful in promoting the organ donation debate: Lessons from the United Kingdom. Organs, Tissues and Cells – Journal of the European Transplant Co-ordinator’s Association 13, 49-54

Randhawa, G., Brocklehurst, A., Pateman, R., Kinsella, S. and Parry, V. (2010) ‘Opting-in or Opting-out?’ The views of the UK’s Faith leaders in relation to organ donation, Journal of Health Policy 96, 36-44

Randhawa, G., Brocklehurst, A., Pateman, R., Kinsella, S. and Parry, V. (2010) Faith leaders united in their support for organ donation – Findings from the Organ Donation Taskforce’s Study of attitudes of UK faith and belief group leaders to an opt-out system, Transplant International 23, 140-146

Randhawa, G. (2010) Renal Health Disparities in the United Kingdom – A focus on ethnicity, Seminars in Nephrology 30, 8-11

Sapsed, S. and Leggeter, S. (June 2010) Reflecting on the creation of on-line Distance Learning teaching & learning materials, Refereed Program of the E-Leader Conference at Corvinus University, Budapest, Refereed CD-ROM of the E- Leader Conference at Budapest Management University, ISSN 1935-4800, Chinese American Scholars Association, New York, New York, USA

Sambala, E., Sapsed, S. and Mkandawire, M. (June 2010) Role of Primary Health Care in Ensuring Access to Medicines, Croatian Journal of Medicine

Sheard, P.W. and Paine, T.J. (2010) Optimal contraction intensity for maximized range of motion following proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 24(2):416-421

Sheard, P.W., Smith, P.M. and Paine, T.J. (2009) Athlete compliance to therapist requested contraction intensity during proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching, Manual Therapy 14(5):539-543

Short, E., Kinman, G. and Baker, S. (2010) Evaluating the impact of a peer coaching intervention on wellbeing amongst psychology undergraduate students, International Coaching Psychology Review, 5, 1, 29-37

Whybrow, A. and Short, E. (2009) What is research to the profession of coaching psychology and what is the SGCP doing to promote it? The Coaching psychologist Volume 4, No. 3

Sim, F. (Feb 2008) Health promotion and the general practitioner: Scope for a joined-up approach, General Practice Update 1(2):58-62

Sinclair, A., Bayer, T., Randhawa, G. and Armes, D. (2010) Caring for Older Adults with Diabetes Mellitus: Characteristics of Carers and their prime roles and responsibilities, Diabetic Medicine Sep; 27(9):1055-9

143 Abdelhafiz, A.H. and Sinclair, A.J. (2009 Jan) Hypoglycaemia in residential care homes, Br J Gen Pract, 59(558):49-50

Morley, J.E. and Sinclair, A.J. (2009) The metabolic syndrome in older persons: a loosely defined constellation of symptoms or a distinct entity? Age Ageing 38:494-497

Sanz, C., Sinclair, A.J. and Vellas, B. et al. (2009) Diabetes is associated with a slower rate of cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s Disease, Neurology 73: 1359-66

Sanz, C., Andrieu, S., Sinclair, A., Hanaire, H. and Vellas, B. (Oct 2009) REAL.FR Study Group , Neurology, 27;73(17):1359-66.

Marouf, E. and Sinclair, A.J. (May 2009) Use of short-acting insulin aspart in managing older people with diabetes, Clin Interv Aging, 2009;4(1):187-90. Epub

Paolisso, G. and Sinclair, A.J. (Jan 2010) Effective clinical practice for older people with type 2 diabetes. Glucose regulation is important but other strategies also need to be included, J Nutr Health Aging 14(1):3-4

Viljoens, A. and Sinclair, A.J. (2009) Safety and efficacy of rosiglitazone in the elderly diabetic patient, Vascular Health and Risk Management 5: 385-95

Sinclair, A. (2009) The metabolic syndrome in older persons: a loosely defined constellation of symptoms or a distinct entity? Age and Ageing 38: 494-497

Chowdhury, U., Chilvers, R., Goel, T. and Stein, S. (2009) Hypomelanosis of Ito and Autistic Traits, Advancing Practice in Bedfordshire 5(3), 124-126

144 Conference Papers

Ajaz, M. (2010) Consanguinity in the South Asian Population: Comparative Study of Britain and Canada, International Workshop on Consanguinity at the University of Geneva in Switzerland (May 3-7)

Ali, N. (2009) Uptake of self-management in patients with Heart Failure and their family / carers, British Heart Foundation Nurses’ and Health Professionals’ Conference,The Belfry, Birmingham (23 February)

Austin, T. (2010) Transition, Perspectives & Strategies: on the Process of Becoming a Teacher in HE, Working Lives Seminar, Cardiff University (14 May)

Austin, T. (2010) Transition, Perspectives & Strategies: on the Process of Becoming a Teacher in HE, Academic Identities Conference, Strathclyde University (16 – 18 June)

Austin, T., Behrens, M. and Parker C. (2010) Observations from a blog concerning the struggles & engagement in reflective writing of dental trainers in postgraduate education, 16th International Reflective practice conference Reflection in Action, University of Bedfordshire (23 – 25 June)

Austin, T. and Behrens, M. (2010) Transition, Perspectives & Strategies: on the Process of Becoming a Teacher in HE, Bridging the Gaps Conference, University of Bedfordshire (6 July)

Baillie, L. (2009) Learning about dignity in care: policy drivers and educational practices, Nurse Education Tomorrow conference, University of Cambridge (oral presentation)

Baillie, L. and Gallagher, A. (2009) Dignity at the heart of everything we do: Service Evaluation Preliminary Findings, Royal College of Nursing Congress, Harrogate (invited oral presentation)

Baillie, L. (2010) Leading, supporting and empowering frontline staff to provide care with compassion and dignity, Dignity in Care on the Wards 6th National conference (Invited speaker)

Baillie, L. (2010) Addressing dignity issues in diverse care settings in the UK: a qualitative case study evaluation, Royal College of Nursing International Research Society conference (oral presentation)

Baillie, L. and Gallagher, A. (2010) Using visual metaphors about indignity to move from defensiveness to reflection about healthcare practice, International reflective practice conference, University of Bedfordshire (oral presentation)

Bailie, L. (2010) Dignity of critically ill patients in emergency departments and ethical consultations, Best practices in clinical ethics consultations conference, London South Bank University (Workshop)

Beckwith, M. (2009) The Operating Department Practitioner course at the University of Bedfordshire, The Aimhigher Health and Social Care Conference, Putteridge Bury (18 May)

Behrens, M., Wilson, A. and Berlin, A. (2008) How work based assessments can make students feel more like doctors: the hidden potential, 13th Ottawa International Conference on Clinical Competencies, Melbourne Australia

Black, S. (2010) Applying Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics to interpret the mentor experience of failing pre- registration nursing students in their final placement, RCN International Nursing research Conference

Black, S. (2010) Gate keeping the profession: Mentors who fail student nurses in their final placement, RCN Education Conference

Black, S. (2010) Final Placement failure: The consequences of failing to challenge, University of Glamorgan Mentorship Conference

Camiah, S. (2010) A reflective account of the issues and constraints facing nursing lecturers within the field of pre- registration nursing, Reflective Practice Conference University of Bedfordshire (June)

Denton, S., Kerr, C., Savory, L., Bailey, D. and Chater, A. (2010) Examining the relationships between a revised Modified Social Learning Theory for children and objectively measured physical activity behaviours in 10-14 year olds [The HAPPY Study], BPS Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, Belfast (September)

145 Denton, S., Kerr, C., Savory, L., Bailey, D. and Chater, A. (2010) Investigating the predictability of a revised theory of planned behaviour on objectively measured physical activity behaviours [HAPPY Study]. European Health Psychology Society Annual Conference, Romania (September)

Chater, A. and Cook, E. (2010) In pursuit of control and happiness: The psychological way to lower Body Mass Index, but hold the dieting! 11th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D.C. (August)

Abdul-Aziz, B. and Chater, A. (2010) Exploring the determinants of healthy eating and physical activity: A cross-cultural perspective, European Health Psychology Society Annual Conference, Romania (September)

Cook, E., Gaitán, A. and Chater, A. (2010) Losing weight through simple pleasures. A qualitative investigation into the triggers and resources obese women identify that assist their weight loss process, BPS Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, Belfast (September)

Cook, E. and Chater, A. (2010) Can making people happy help them to lose weight? A pilot study, BPS Annual Conference, Stratford Upon Avon (April)

Cook, E. and Chater, A. (2009) Enhancing levels of happiness and personal self control to assist people in their weight loss process? An intervention approach, BPS PsyPAG Annual Conference, Cardiff (July)

Cross, D. (2009) Nurse Led Clinics, Opening for Cardiology Nurses Workshops, Manchester (March)

Dean, L. (2009) The Transition of the Child with a Spinal Cord Injury to Adult Services, Paediatric Spinal Cord Injury Conference, Aylesbury (June)

Ertubey, C. (2010) Utilising Item Response Theory (IRT) and Differential Item Functioning (DIF) for adaptation of a Perceived Control Scale between cultures and languages, The 7th conference of the ITC Challenges and Opportunities in Testing and Assessment in a Globalized Economy (June)

Roberts, P., Ertubey, C., Robertson, I. and Teoh, K. (2010) The effectiveness of computerised assessment technique (CAT) versus paper and pencil testing procedures in assessment of executive functions for brain injury, The 7th conference of the ITC Challenges and Opportunities in Testing and Assessment in a Globalized Economy (June)

Roberts, P., Ertubey, C., Robertson, I. and Teoh, K. (2010) Comparison Between the Presentation of Paper and Pencil and Electronic Executive Function Tests to Adult Populations by Baycrest-Berkeley The 20th Annual Rotman Research Institute Conference, The Frontal Lobes, Toronto, Canada (March)

Flynn, D. and Kane, C. (2010) Implementation of Student Support Groups in the Adult Acute Field of Nursing, RCN Education conference, Blackpool, workshop (10 February)

Johns, C. (2010) Key-note: Becoming a competent and caring practitioner through reflective practice, Global Vision Conference, Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Trust, London (29 Jan)

Johns, C. (2010) Key-note: Touching the spiritual through reflective practice, Society for Advancement of Modelling and Role Modelling Annual Conference, San Antonio, USA (8 April)

Johns, C. (2010) Invited Performance: Dwelling with the ancestors, Society for Advancement of Modelling and Role Modelling Annual Conference, San Antonio, USA (10 April)

Johns, C. (2010) Key-note: Reflective practice: what primary care nurses should know, Professional Issues in Primary Care Nursing Conference, City University, London (5 May)

Johns, C. (2010) Invited paper: Passing people by, Professional Issues in Primary Care Conference, City University, London (5 May)

Johns, C. (2010) Concurrent session/ performance: My mother’s death: a lament of caring shame [with Patrick Dean composer], IAHC Conference, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN (5 June)

146 Johns, C. (2010) Auditorium performance: My mother’s death: a lament of caring shame, Carers UK conference, Royal Armouries, Leeds (10 July)

Johns, C. (2009) My mum: a caring shame, Podium presentation/ performance at Celebration of Nursing conference hosted by the University of Malta, Malta (May)

Johns, C. (2009) Jane’s rap [performance and post peformance dialogue], Reflective practice conference, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario (May)

Johns, C. (2009) Key-note presentation/ performance, American Holistic Nurses Association conference – ‘Reflective practice, sacred space’, Madison Wisconsin (June)

Johns, C. (2009) The performance turn, Coimbhra - 15th International Reflective practice conference, University of Limerick (June)

Johns, C. (2009) My mother’s dying: a lament of caring shame – Public performance and post-performance dialogue of Jane’s rap- University of Colorado Springs, USA (September)

Johns, C. (2009) Key-note: performance of Jane’s rap [within 4 hour presentation including reflective theory and post- performance dialogue], Harriett Osborne Jeckell Conference, Providence St Vincent’s Medical Center, Portland Oregon [performed twice on consecutive days] (September)

Johns, C. (2009) Invitation: Solo performance of Dwelling with the ancestors [including presentation of reflective theory and post-performance dialogue [2 hrs30 minutes] Providence Medical Center, Palliative care services, Portland, Oregon [performed twice on consecutive days], (September)

Killing, S. (2009) Sixteenth Annual Meeting for the Conference for the Scientific Studies of Reading, Boston, Massachusetts.

Kinman, G. and Grant, L. (2010) Emotional competencies, resilience and wellbeing in trainee social workers, Proceedings of the British Psychological Society Division of Occupational Psychology Conference, Brighton (January)

Kinman, G., McFall, O. and Rodriguez, J. (2010) Emotional labour, wellbeing and the clergy, Proceedings of the British Psychological Society Division of Occupational Psychology Conference, Brighton (January)

Kinman, G. (2010) Utilising the HSE Management Standards approach to predict wellbeing in UK academic employees: the role of job-specific hazards, Institute of Work Psychology Conference 2010: Work, Well-being and Performance, Sheffield (July)

Mc Dowall and Kinman, G. (2010) An integrated approach to understanding work-life balance in the emergency services, Institute of Work Psychology Conference 2010: Work, Well-being and Performance, Sheffield (July)

Mc Dowall and Kinman, G. (2010) Work-life balance: what is the way forward for European/ Global research and practice? Round table discussion session, Institute of Work Psychology Conference 2010: Work, Well-being and Performance, Sheffield (July)

Kinman, G. and Grant, L. (2010) Emotional competencies, resilience and wellbeing in trainee social workers, Proceedings of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, Rome (March)

Kinman, G. (2010) Utilising the HSE Management Standards approach to predict wellbeing in UK academic employees: the role of job-specific hazards, Proceedings of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Rome (March)

Davies, S. and Kinman, G. (2010) Living in the present: Time perspective and spirituality as predictors of sobriety and anxiety in recovering alcoholics, BPS Annual Conference, Stratford upon Avon, (April)

Williams, L. and Kinman, G. (2010) Our furry friends? Pets as providers of social support, BPS Annual Conference, Stratford upon Avon (April)

147 Kinman, G., Grant, L. and Leggetter, S. (2010) Symposium: Enhancing reflective practice, resilience and wellbeing in the caring professions, 16th International Reflective Practice Conference, University of Bedfordshire (July)

Grant, L. and Kinman, G. (2009) How to facilitate and support social work students to become better reflective practitioners, 11th UK Joint Social Work Education Conference with the 3rd UK Social Work Research Conference, Hatfield (July)

Kinman, G. (2009) Emotional labour and the work-home interface in UK teachers. Invited Symposium “Does work/life balance depend on where and how you work?” XIV European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology Conference, Santiago, Spain (May)

Kinman, G. (2009) Blurring boundaries between the personal and the professional: work-life conflict and recovery in UK academic employees. Invited Symposium. “Recovery from Work: Definitions, antecedents, processes, environment and outcomes”, XIV European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology Conference, Santiago, Spain (May)

Flaxman, P., Kinman, G., and Menard, J. (2009) Weekend respite amongst Academic Employees, XIV European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology Conference, Santiago, Spain (May)

A. Karypidou and Kinman, G. (2009) Examining relationships between Trait Emotional Intelligence, empathetic concern, stress and job satisfaction amongst doctors, British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Brighton (March)

Wilkins, C. and Kinman, G. (2009) “It’s a deadly disease”: Lay Beliefs of HIV/AIDS held by young people from Eastern and Central Europe, British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Brighton (March)

Kinman, G. (2009) Emotional labour and wellbeing in the teaching profession: the role of experience and job involvement, The British Psychological Society Division of Occupational Psychology Conference, Blackpool (January)

Kaur-Bola, K. (2010) Is ‘Gifting’ a Relevant Concept to Promote Organ Donation? The Views of UK’s Religious Leaders, international conference in Rotterdam on ‘Organ Transplantation: Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial Aspects’ (18 April)

Kaur-Bola, K. (2010) Is ‘Gifting’ a Relevant Concept to Promote Organ Donation? The Views of UK’s Religious Leaders, Senior Registrars Regional Training Event, Birmingham, (22 April)

Kaur-Bola, K. (2010) Faith and Belief Representatives’ Contribution to Organ Donation Promoting an improved understanding of organ donation amongst the UK’s multi-ethnic and multi-faith population, University of Bedfordshire Conference – Bridging the Gap (7 July)

Leggetter, S. and Sapsed, S. Identifying the Challenges of Developing Research Skills in e-learners: an Action Research Study of Masters level Public Health Students in the UK, Refereed Program of the E-Leader Conference at Singapore Management University, http://www.g-casa.com ISSN 1935-4819, Chinese American Scholars Association, New York, New York, USA (January)

Leggetter, S. and Kinman, G. (2009) Emotional Labour in Nursing & Midwifery Students – an undervalued skill? International Networking for Education in Healthcare (NET) Conference, Fitzwilliam College University of Cambridge, UK (September)

Makaza, M. (2010) Inspiring registered nurse mentors in teaching and learning, University of Bedfordshire Conference 2010 - Bridging the Gaps – (6 and 7 July)

Martin, D. (2009) Presented project on looking at selection of pre registration student nurses at “Journey of Change” Conference, at Putteridge Bury Campus (30 June)

McCarthy, J, Thomas, E.L., Collins, A., Fitzpatrick, J., Durighel, G., Frost, G., Goldstone, A.P. and Bell, J.D. (2010) Somatotyping as a health-related phenotype: The relationship between fat content and body shape (Talk), International Conference on Obesity, Stockholm (July)

McCarthy, J., Thomas, E.L., Collins, A., Fitzpatrick, J., Durighel, G., Goldstone, A.P. and Bell, J.D. (2010) Quantification of Asian Indian Adiposity in the young adult, International Conference on Obesity, Stockholm (July)

148 McCarthy, J.P., Thomas, E.L., Collins, A., Fitzpatrick, J., Durighel, G., Goldstone, A.P. and Bell, J.D. (2010) Comparison of 4 waist circumference measurement sites using MRI adiposity, International Conference on Obesity, Stockholm (July)

McCarthy, J.P., Davies, B., Thomas, E.L., Collins, A., Fitzpatrick, J., Durighel, G., Goldstone, A.P., Frost, G. and Bell, J.D. (2010) Validity of the 2C model in the Asian Indian adult, International Conference on Obesity, Stockholm (July)

Vasu, V., Thomas, E.L., Durighel, G., Doolan, A., McCarthy, J., Uthaya, S., Bell, J.D and Modi, N. (2009) Determinants of body fat content and distribution in preterm infants, European Congress on Obesity, Amsterdam (May)

O’Donovan, G., Thomas, E.L., McCarthy, J.P., Fitzpatrick, J., Durighel, G. and Bell, J.D. (2009) Fat Distribution in the ‘Fat-Fit’ as Determined by Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy, European Congress on Obesity, Amsterdam (May)

Thomas, E.L, McCarthy, J., Fitzpatrick, J., Durighel, G., and Bell, J.D. (2009) The TOFI Phenotype (Talk), European Congress on Obesity, Amsterdam (May)

Doolan, A., Thomas, E.L., Uthaya, S., Fitzpatrick, J., Durighel, G., McCarthy, J, Modi, N, and Bell, J.D. (2009)The preterm baby as a young adult: effect of prematurity on intrahepatocellular lipid (Talk) European Congress on Obesity, Amsterdam (May)

Doolan, A., Thomas, .WL., Uthaya, S., Fitzpatrick, J., Durighel, G., McCarthy, J., Bell, J. and Modi, N. (2009) Intrahepatocellular lipid (IHCL) content in young adults born below 33 weeks gestation, Neonatal Society

McGrath, A. and Porrett, T. (2009) Risk management in stoma care, 10th European ECET Congress, Porto, Portugal (June)

McGrath, A. and Porrett, T. (2009) I want to wear big knickers, 10th European ECET Congress, Porto, Portugal (June)

Nastro, P., Knowles, C. H., McGrath, A., Heyman, B., Porrett, T.R.C and Lunniss, P. J. (2009) Complications of intestinal stomata, The Association of Coloproctologists of Great Britain & Ireland, Harrogate (June)

Milligan, F., Kinman, G. and Ertubey, C. (2010) Postgraduate Medical School Senior House Officer Foundation 2 Workshop on Team Building, Luton & Dunstable (April 2010)

Morris, C. and Platts, M. (2009) Making workplace based assessment work, Peer reviewed workshop facilitated at the ASME Scientific Conference, Edinburgh (September)

Morris, C (2009) Digging where you stand: exploring faculty development through activity theory, ASME and Researching Medical Learning and Practice Conference, London (November)

Murphy, S. and Faulkner, D. (2009) Children’s Everyday Interactions and their Influence on Bullying Behaviour, XIVth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius (August)

Paine, T.J. (2010) Research talk, Differing effects of 4 variations of neuromuscular technique on range of motion in healthy athletes, European Society of Athletic Training & Therapy Conference, Jerzmanowice, Poland, (4 June)

Paine, T.J. (2009) Keynote presentation, Manual therapy and muscle architecture: implications for sports injury prevention and management, World Federation of Athletic Training and Therapy World Congress, San Antonio, Texas, USA (15-17 June)

Randhawa, G. (2010) Organ donation and transplantation among the UK’s diverse population, L’Agence De La Biomedicine, Paris (September)

Randhawa, G. (2010) Cultural factors impacting on end-of-life care. Supportive care for the renal patient, Hammersmith Conference Centre, London (July)

Randhawa, G. (2010) Service provision for BME cancer patients: Responding to the needs, desires and aspirations. Looking beyond cancer ‘survivorship: meeting the needs of a diverse, multi-ethnic society, Thackray Medical Museum (July)

149 Randhawa, G. (2010) Dignity and choice in end-of-life care: The role of Social Workers, Making Research Count Conference, King’s College, London (July)

Randhawa, G. (2010) Tackling health inequalities: underlying factors and approaches to addressing them – a case-study from Luton, UK, 4th World Forum on Human Rights, Nantes (July)

Randhawa, G. (2010) A struggle for recognition and understanding: significant issues facing Muslim communities in Luton, UK, 4th World Forum on Human Rights, Nantes (June)

Randhawa, G. (2010) Working with people from BME communities: Responding to the needs, desires and aspiration for end of life care. Dignity and Choice in End of Life Care: The role of social workers Conference, ORT House Conference Centre, London (April)

Randhawa, G. (2010) The views of UK Muslim Leaders towards organ donation – the position so far…… Ethical, legal, and psychosocial aspects of organ transplantation, 2nd ELPAT Congress, Rotterdam (April)

Randhawa, G. (2010) Organ Donation Taskforce: faith workstream findings, British Transplant Society, 13th Annual Congress, Kensington Town Hall (March)

Randhawa, G. (2010) Opinions among UK muslim leaders regarding organ donation, 29th Congress of the Egyptian Society of Nephrology and Transplantation, Cairo (March)

Randhawa, G. (2010) Effective collaboration with partner organizations to reduce inequality, HSJ Achieving equality in service delivery conference, ICO Conference Centre, London (February)

Randhawa, G. (2010) Cultural aspects of death and dying. Care at the end of life: The role of the primary care team , Royal Society of Medicine (February)

Cronin, A., Johnson, R., Birch, R., Lechler, R and Randhawa, G. (2010) Solving the kidney transplant crisis for minority ethnic groups in the UK: Is being transplanted overseas the answer? Ethical, legal, and psychosocial aspects of organ transplantation, 2nd ELPAT Congress, Rotterdam (April)

Cronin, A., Johnson, R., Birch, R., Lechler, R. and Randhawa, G. (2010) Solving the kidney transplant crisis for minority ethnic groups in the UK: is being transplanted overseas the answer? British Transplant Society, 13th Annual Congress, Kensington Town Hall (March)

Randhawa, G. (2009) Mainstreaming service responses to health inequalities – the challenges of Leadership, The Health Foundation Shared Leadership Event, Cedar Court Hotel, Wakefield (November)

Randhawa, G. (2009) Mainstreaming service responses to health inequalities – Lessons from Primary Care, A learning seminar: Delivering (e)Quality and excellence in emergency and urgent health care, Epsom Racecourse (October)

Randhawa, G. (2009) Mainstreaming service responses to health inequalities – Primary Care in Luton, NEDNET NHS Alliance Conference, WallaceSpace, London (October)

Randhawa, G. (2009) Religion, news and organ donation, Religion and the News Conference, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor (October)

Randhawa, G. (2009) Faith leaders united in their support for organ donation & transplantation – Findings from the Organ Donation Taskforce’s study of attitudes of UK faith leaders, International Society for Organ Donor Procurement. Congress Centre, Berlin (October)

Randhawa, G. (2009) Faith leaders united in their support for organ donation & transplantation – Findings from the Organ Donation Taskforce’s study of attitudes of UK faith leaders, British Association of Critical Care Nurses Annual Conference, Waterfront Hall, Belfast (September)

Randhawa, G. (2009) UK religious leaders united in their support for Organ Donation – The findings from the Organ Donation Taskforce, European Society of Transplantation, Palais De Congres, Paris (August)

150 Randhawa, G. (2009) End of life care – Culture/belief perspectives. Developing GMC guidance of end of life treatment and care, General Medical Council, London (June)

Randhawa, G. (2009) Ethnic differences in renal referral patterns following national CKD, World Congress of Nephrology – Disadvantaged populations, Milan (May)

Randhawa, G. (2009) A specific approach to a multi-cultural context. French Commission for UNESCO and the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. Diverse strategies for fighting against organ penury in Europe, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Campus des Cordeliers – Amphithéâtre Faraboeuf, Paris (May)

Randhawa, G. (2009) Mainstreaming service responses to health inequalities, Race Equality Foundation, King’s Fund (March)

Randhawa, G. (2009) Organ Donation – The views of the UK’s Faith Leaders, Organ Donor Campaign Conference, Portcullis House, House of Commons (January)

Sapsed, S. and Leggetter, S. (2009) Making research count via an online environment, 5th Education in a Changing Environment Conference, University of Salford, UK (September)

Sapsed, S. and Leggetter, S. (2009) Evaluating Communication with our E-Learners on the Public Health Masters Course, E- Leader Conference, University of Economics, Talin, Estonia

Bruno, L., Mrozkova, I, Hoo, Q., Sapsed, S., Keough, P. and Hsu, D. (2009) What Will the Students Do in a Down Economy Today, Panel Discussion and publication– on line, E- Leader Conference, University of Economics, Talin, Estonia

Sapsed, S. and Leggetter, S.(2009) Building learning communities: the value of learning together?, Teaching and Leaning Conference, University of Bedfordshire, Putteridge Bury

Sapsed, S. (2009) Spirituality and Failing Mental Health, 9th International Family Conference, Reykjavík, Iceland

Sapsed, S. (2010) Spirituality and Failing Mental Health – Oral presentation – 5th International Carers Conference, Leeds (July)

Sapsed, S. (2010) The Body: in illness - Oral presentation - 16th International Reflective Practice Conference, Puterridge Bury University of Bedfordshire (July)

Sapsed, S. and Leggetter, S. (2010) Employing Action Research to explore the challenges of developing research skills in Masters level students - Oral presentation Session 4D (Physical & Virtual Space:Enhancing the Curriculum) Bridging the Gaps Conference University of Bedfordshire (July)

Sapsed, S. and Leggetter, S. (2010) Reflecting on the creation of on-line Distance Learning teaching & learning materials, Refereed Program of the E-Leader Conference at Corvinus University, Budapest, http://www.g- casa.com, ISSN 1935-4819, Chinese American Scholars Association, New York, USA, (June)

Hartfree, C. and Sheard, P.W. (2009) Reliability of a novel position for the use of ultrasound for in vivo measurement of human muscle fibre pennation angle in Loland, S., Bo, K., Fasting, K., Hallen, J., Ommundsen, Y., Roberts, G. and Tsolakidis, E. The 14th European College of Sport Science Congress, Oslo, Norway, (June 24-27: 552)

Sheard, P.W., Pierozynski, L.C. and Paine, T.J. (2009) Contralateral effects of unilateral proprioceoptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching in Loland, S., Bo, K., Fasting, K., Hallen, J., Ommundsen, Y., Roberts, G. and Tsolakidis, E. The 14th European College of Sport Science Congress, Oslo, Norway (June 24-27: 82)

Williams, L., Sim, F., Ahmad, R., Hayter, A. and Charlesworth, K. (2009) Strategies to Building Public Health Capacity among the Wider Workforce in London, [Oral Presentation] UK Public Health Forum

Sinclair, A. (2009) Guest speaker and Abstract reviewer, World Diabetes Conference (International Diabetes Federation), Montreal, Canada (October)

Sinclair, A. (2009) Guest speaker, Symposium Chair and Member of Scientific Expert Committee, IAG (International Association of Geriatrics and Gerontology), Paris, France (July)

151 Sinclair, A. (2009) Invited lecture: Diabetes – Royal College of Physicians, London Symposium : Care Home Medicine (June)

Sinclair, A. (2009) Guest lecture : International Symposium on Nutrition, Verona, Italy (May)

Swailes, K. (2009) Listening to Adolescents Views of the Hospital Experience- Presentation of the user’s perspective of hospital services, exploring whether we are meeting the demands of the NSF, Conference on “Detecting the Evidence”, University of Northampton

Wilkinson, E., Randhawa, G., Farrington, K., Greenwood, R., Feehally, J. and Choi, P. (2010) Quality, access and experience of the diabetic renal disease care pathway: where are the gaps for White and South Asian patients? University of Bedfordshire Conference (July)

Wilkins, C., Randhawa, G. and Kaur-Bola, K. (2010) Gift-exchange, religion and organ donation: How do they connect? Presented at 'Diverse Populations' workshop, 2nd ELPAT Congress, Rotterdam (April)

152 Poster sessions

Beckwith, P. and Beckwith, M. (2009) A hybrid approach to reflection within the perioperative care pathway through the use of reflection for learning and the e-portfolio, Higher Education Academy – Festival of Learning 2009, http://www.health.heacademy.ac.uk/scevents/fol/2009/ppages09/7fol09

Cook, E., Large, S., Guppy, A. and Randhawa, G. (2010) Who uses NHS Direct? Geographical and socio-demographic characteristics of NHS Direct users, DHP Postgraduate Workshop, Middlesex University (July)

Cook, E., Large, S., Guppy, A. and Randhawa, G. (2010) Who uses NHS Direct? Investigating the geographical and socio-demographic characteristics of NHS Direct users, University of Bedfordshire Conference: Bridging the gaps, Luton

Flynn, D. (2009) The evaluation of change to Practice Educator support to pre registration nursing students whilst placed in an Acute Trust, DBfK Conference in Ulm, Germany (September)

Flynn, D. and Kane, C. (2010) Implementation of Student Support Groups in the Adult Acute Field of Nursing, RCN Education conference, Blackpool (10 February)

Flynn, D. and Kane, C. (2010) Implementation of Student Support Groups in the Adult Field of Practice by Practice Educators, using Lewins Framework, RCN Education conference, Blackpool (February 10)

Thomas, E.L., Collins, A., McCarthy, J., Fitzpatrick, J., Durighel, G. and Bell, J.D. (2009) Measurement of Abdominal Fat: Comparison of MRI and VISCAN (abstract selected as an International Scientific Committee’s Abstract Selected Poster and, won the ECO2009 EASO Poster Prize), European Congress on Obesity, Amsterdam (May)

Nastro, P., Knowles, C. H., McGrath, A., Heyman, B., Porrett, T.R.C. and Lunniss, P. J. (2009) Complications of intestinal stomata, The Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland, Glasgow (May)

Nastro, P., Knowles, C. H., McGrath, A., Heyman, B., Porrett, T.R.C. and Lunniss, P. J. (2009) Complications of intestinal stomata, The European Society of Coloproctolgy, Prague (September)

Phasey, E. (2009) Placements in the community, Blackpool

Sapsed, S. and Leggetter, S. (2010) Employing Action Research to explore the challenges of developing research skills in Masters level students, Eastern Region Research Group RCN Addenbrooke’s Hospital Poster Forum, Nursing and Allied Health (January)

Sapsed, S. and Leggetter, S. Reflecting on the creation of on-line Distance Learning teaching & learning materials, Bridging the Gap, Putteridge Bury University of Bedfordshire (July)

Wilkins, C., Randhawa, G. and Kaur-Bola, K. (2010) Gift-exchange, religion and organ donation: How do they connect? 2nd ELPAT Congress, Rotterdam (April)

Wilkins, C., Randhawa, G. and Kaur-Bola, K. (2010) Gift-exchange, religion and organ donation: How do they connect?' 'Bridging the Gaps' Conference, University of Bedfordshire (July)

Wilkins, C., Randhawa, G. and Kaur-Bola, K. (2010) Gift-exchange theory, organ donation and religion: How do they connect? DHP PsyPAG Conference, Middlesex (July)

Wilkinson, E., Randhawa, G., Farrington, K., Greenwood, R., Feehally, J. and Choi, P. (2010) Low awareness of renal complications in Indo-Asian and White European patients with Type 2 diabetes at referral to renal services, Diabetes UK Conference, Liverpool (March)

Wilkinson, E., Randhawa, G. and Roderick, P. (2010) Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) improves scope for effective management of Type 2 Indo-Asian patients with diabetes who are ten years younger at diagnosis than White European patients , Diabetes UK Conference, Liverpool (March) Wilkinson, E., Randhawa, G., Roderick, P. (2010) Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) improves scope for effective management of Typ2 South Asian patients with diabetes who are ten years younger at diagnosis than White European patients, University of Bedfordshire Conference (July)

153 Consultancy Activity:

Austin, T. Member of Management Committee overseeing the development of an MSc in Veterinary Education, Royal Veterinary College

Austin, T. Ad hoc workshops in developing educational skills to Faculty of Armed Forces Dentists, Royal Veterinary College, British School of Osteopathy and the Oxford Dental Deanery

Baillie, L. Reviewer for Nursing Ethics and International Journal of Urological Nursing.

Baillie, L. Expert advisor to Clinical SkillsNet Ltd.

Baillie, L. Scientific panel member for the Royal College of Nursing’s annual international research society conference

Barry-Wilson, S. Team GB Sports Therapist, World Triathlon Championships, Gold Coast, Australia, Sept 2009

Barry-Wilson, S. Team GB Sports Therapist, European Triathlon Championships, Holten, Holland, July 2009

Barry-Wilson, S. Team GB Sports Therapist, European Duathlon Championships, Budapest, Hungary, May 2009

Beckwith, P. Consultancy (2006-Present): Review applications for project grants for the Higher Education Academy, award grants then review the projects findings and advise were they should be disseminated.

Chater, A. Chair of Publicity and Liaison sub-committee of the Division of Health Psychology executive committee (DHP - BPS)

Chater, A. Invited member of the Scientific Board to review abstracts for the 1st International Congress of Coaching Psychology. Continuing as a council member for the Society for Coaching Psychology.

Chater, A. Editor for Durocobrivis Publications

Chater, A. Reviewer for British Journal of Health Psychology

Chater, A. Reviewer for Health Psychology Update

Chater, A. Reviewer for ESRC grant scheme

Chater, A. Reviewer for NIHR grant scheme

Chater, A. Contributor to NICE guidance and public health consultations on behalf of the BPS - in the areas of smoking cessation, alcohol misuse in children, physical activity in children and psychological aspects of obesity

Cousins, M. External Examiner, FD & BSc Sports Therapy programs, University of Cumbria

McCarthy, J. External Examiner, MSc Sports Science Program – Roehampton University

McCarthy, J. Research Nurse (Honorary Contract) – Department of Clinical Imaging, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Hammersmith Hospital, London

McCarthy, J. (2009-10). 4 TV show contributions (obesity & exercise research related): Anne Diamonds War on Fat : Sky Real Lives, Jamie Oliver’s Eat to Save Your Life : Channel 4 Junk Food Addicts Go Native : Channel 4, The Truth About Food Series: BBC Science & Nature (Andrea Oliver’s Diet, Metabolism & Weight)

McGrath, A. “Nurse for Life project” with Elsevier developing an online learning tool and book

Paine, T.J. Staff Representative on University Board of Governors, University of Bedfordshire

Paine, T.J. Advisor to Skills Active for review of National Occupational Standards, Sports Therapy

Paine, T.J. University of Bedfordshire representative to World Federation of Athletic Training and Therapists Members

154 Committee

Sapsed, S. 2009- ongoing Readers Panel for East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust coordinator Eleanor Reilly

Sheard, P. (2009) Country Walking Magazine, £12,570, Exercise of the Month series

Sheard, P. Reviewer to Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy (3 x 2009)

Sinclair, A. Appointed ‘Global Coordinator’ by EASD (European Association for the Study of Diabetes) for ‘Older Peoples’ Initiative – 2009

Sinclair, A. Appointed National Lead, Diabetes in Older People Initiative, Department of Health (NHS Diabetes, London 2009

Sinclair, A. Appointed East of England CLRN Lead for Age and Ageing, 2009

Sinclair, A. Currently Chair a European Diabetes Working Party for Older People which will publish a new Executive Summary of Type 2 Diabetes Guidelines ready for October 2010

Sinclair, A. Membership of the following journal editorial boards: J American Medical Directors Association – 2008 onwards, Diabetes/Metabolism: Research and Reviews - 1999 onwards, Br J Diabetes and Vascular Disease - 2006 onwards, J Nutr Health Aging – Section Editor: Geriatric Science - 2008 onwards

Wallace, B. (2009) invited presentation to Samaritans entitled 'Under an umbrella' [collaborative working with suicide as the focus]

Current Research Students

155 Reg No Name 1 Name 2 Institute Dir of studies mode degree Prof Gurch 0921709 AJAZ Mubasshir IHR Randhawa FT M/P Prof Christopher 0920286 AKINBODE Adenike IHR Johns PT M/P Prof Alan 0820000 ATKINSON Katherine IHR Sinclair PT PDHRS 0418281 BAKER Sarah IHR Dr Emma Short FT M/P 0925828 BLAXHILL Andrew IHR Dr Ron Driver PT PDHRS Prof Andrew 0816900 CLEMENTS Andrew IHR Guppy FT M/P Prof Gurch 0418224 COOK Erica IHR Randhawa FT M/P 96127171 DALLAS Theodora IHR Ron Driver FT PhD Prof Gurch 0923119 FERGUSON Jessie IHR Randhawa PT M/P Prof Christopher 99152633 FORDHAM Maria IHR Johns PT M/P Prof Christopher 94065024 FOSTER Lei IHR Johns PT M/P Prof Christopher 0718026 GRAHAM Margaret IHR Johns PT M/P Prof Andrew 0924542 HASHEMPOUR Faramarz IHR Guppy PT M/P Prof Gurch 95098693 HENDERSON Bernadette IHR Randhawa PT PDHRS 99075924 KARYPIDOU Anatoli IHR Dr Gail Kinman FT M/P Prof Christopher 0920296 MACRAE Colin IHR Johns PT M/P Prof Gurch 0925876 MCGOWAN Michael IHR Randhawa PT PDHRS Prof Gurch 99093738 MOSS Frances IHR Randhawa PT PDHRS Prof Gurch 0714781 MUNGROO Patnaraz IHR Randhawa FT M/P 99095007 NILSSON Lena IHR Dr Angel Chater FT M/P Prof Gurch 0925875 O'REGAN Kevin IHR Randhawa PT PDHRS Prof Gurch 0420700 OZUZU Juliet IHR Randhawa PT M/P 98170887 PENMAN Jean IHR Dr Glynis Pellatt PT PDHRS Prof Gurch 0605903 SEKIWA Yvonne IHR Randhawa FT M/P Prof Alan 0615175 TOMLIN Alexandra IHR Sinclair FT M/P Prof Gurch 99085217 WILKINS Chloe IHR Randhawa FT M/P Prof Gurch 0925808 WILLIAMS Augustina IHR Randhawa PT PDHRS Prof Andrew 0502782 WOOD Lynne IHR Guppy PT M/P

156 0925596 WYKES Kathryn IHR Nasreen Ali PT PDHRS Antigonos 0816902 YAHYA Fatahyah IHR Sochos FT M/P

157 Institute of Sports and Physical Activity Research Annual Research Report 2009 - 2010

158 University of Bedfordshire

Institute of Sport and Physical Activity Research

Annual Review 2009/2010


When the last academic year is being reviewed for ISPAR, it is important to note the significant changes that occurred in that time as regards the restructuring of the Departments whose staff belong to ISPAR. An academic presence in the area of physical activity and related disciplines has existed in Bedford for over 120 years (1882). As part of that tradition and the academic vision required for long-term survival, the Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences (SES) was created in 2009 following the restructuring of the School of Physical Education and Sport Science. At UoB, the staff profile of the Department was historically based on the Physical Education origins of the Bedford campus and has been dominated by the non-STEM arms (psychology, sociology) of the SES discipline. In recent years, there has been a major move into the STEM areas (physiology, biochemistry, genetics) as identified by the report into the discipline from the 2008 RAE. This has been recognized at UoB, with and all of the recent appointees have been in the STEM areas (Iain Fletcher (2008), Paul Castle (2008), Lex Mauger (2009), John Brewer (2009) and Mark Lewis (2009). This, along with the reorganizing of the faculty has meant that, for the first time, the majority of the staff expertise lies within the STEM areas.

At the same time as the above, the Institute for Sport and Physical Activity Research (ISPAR) was revitalized by both the research activity of the appointees listed above and also by the appointment of various staff in the Department of Physical Education and Sport Studies. This meant that ISPAR was led by Professor David Kirk and that the research group structure at the beginning of 2009/2010 was as follows:

 Muscle Cellular and Molecular Physiology (MCMP) – Lead: Professor Mark P Lewis  Applied Sport and Exercise Physiology (ASEP) – Lead: Professor John Brewer  Physical Activity and Health (PAH) – Lead: Dr Catherine Kerr  Social and Cultural Aspects of Physical Activity – Lead: Dr Paul Beedie  Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy – Lead: Professor David Kirk

As the year progressed, various new initiatives developed; Professor Mark Lewis was awarded a £500,000 grant in the STEM area, the number of STEM PhD students increased considerably, Professor David Kirk became the Director of the Institute for Research in Education (IRED), the nature of the way RAE spend could be allocated was under discussion and the wider STEM agenda was under discussion in the University generally. To this end, ISPAR was restructured in the summer of 2010 with the STEM groups (MCMP, ASEP, PAH) remaining part of the Institute and the social sciences groups moving together to a natural home in IRED. Professor Mark P Lewis was appointed the new Director.

In support of the STEM initiatives, major Capital items (to be used in ISPAR research) were bid for in the University process and were successful procured as shown in Table One. The total spend was £135,000.

Item Research Group Heraeus HERAsafe KS12 Class II Cabinet (2) MCMP Thermo Scientific Heracelli 240 CO2 incubators with MCMP USB port copper interior (2) Heraeus Pico 17 microlitre centrifuge MCMP Centrifuge Multifuge X3R research refrigerated 3L capacity MCMP Magnetic stirrer hotplate MCMP Heating Block MCMP Inverted Microscope inc. camera MCMP Refrigerators/freezer MCMP Refurbishment of existing lab space MCMP Ultrasound Upgrade: Vivid 7 Doppler Echocardiography (TDE) ASEP Portable Kistler Force Plate System ASEP Environmental Chamber Adaptions ASEP Smart speed sprint and agility timing system ASEP Polar Team2 Pro System ASEP

159 TABLE ONE: Capital items to be used for ISPAR research procured in the 2009/2010 Capital Bids round

The number of personnel involved in research increased considerably. This was due to the success of the Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences and its recruitment policy of only appointing research active staff with a doctorate.

Despite having state of the art laboratories, and the capacity to undertake both research and support services for external clients relating to sport and exercise science, little previous work had been undertaken by the university in these areas. However, in the last twelve months this has changed, following a more proactive approach to gaining commercial work from corporate clients. These include funding from the UK’s largest sports nutrition company, Maximuscle Ltd, who supported two successful research studies into the impact of sports nutrition supplements on metabolism and human performance, and the sports apparel company New Balance, who funded support work for their team of athletes training for the 2010 London Marathon. Other commercial clients include Milton Keynes Dons and Running Fitness magazine. Further on-going discussions are being held with other potential commercial partners to deliver future externally funded enterprise and research activity.

Research Activity

Muscle Cellular and Molecular Physiology

This research group was new to the Institute and University in 2009 after Professor Mark Lewis moved to the University after 15 years being based in biomedical departments. Within a month of his arrival, the great news arrived that Professor Lewis has been awarded a £0.5 million grant that is to develop a model of “laboratory muscle” that can be stimulated (exercised) like a human being. The grant was awarded by the NC3Rs, a Research Council UK group. The group is now applying this expertise and knowledge to questions relevant to the physiology of human exercise. A major component of the NC3Rs grant was to employ a Post-Doctoral Research Assistant and the group was joined in March 2010 by Dr Samantha Passey. After 4 months of planning, the tissue culture facilities opened for business at the beginning of February 2010.

The group was joined in September 2009 by University Bursary PhD students Darren Player (How can 3D-bioengineered skeletal muscle be used in sports performance research?) and Neil Martin (Satellite cell activation and its role in resistance training) and in January 2010 by University Bursary PhD student Paul Davies (Molecular mechanisms underlying deterioration of muscle performance with age). Neil and Darren are being supervised by Professor Mark Lewis and Dr Paul Castle whilst Paul is being supervised by Mark and Dr Nick Sculthorpe. In addition, James Tuttle (Contribution of Heat and Mechanical Stress to Heat Shock Protein gene expression) started his PhD in December 2009; his project is collaboration between this research group and Applied Sport and Exercise Physiology. His supervisors are Dr Paul Castle and Mark Lewis. To complete the picture, Krishan Vishnolia (Development and characterisation of a 3D culture system for fish muscle cells to investigate their adaptability to different environmental stresses) and Hossam Ali (Effect of different types of physical exercise on dopamine synthesis in MPTP-Induced Parkinson’s disease) joined as joint students with own Universities LIRANS (Institute of Research into Applied and Natural Sciences).

They joined 5 existing PhD students based at UCL where Mark Lewis was appointed as Honorary Professor in October 2009. Two of these UCL students successfully defended their PhD theses in 2010. The group has active collaborations with groups based at UCL, Loughborough University, Cardiff University and University of California, Davis and in this academic year, also developed important links with groups from Cranfield and Chichester Universities.

In a busy year of profile raising, the group attended and presented at the annual conferences of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM; Baltimore, USA), the Tissue and Cell Engineering Society (TCES; Manchester, UK), the Physiological Society (Manchester, UK) and the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Main (Glasgow, UK) and Student (Aberystwyth, UK) conferences.

Applied Sport and Exercise Physiology

The Applied Sport and Exercise Science group have had an exciting last twelve months, delivering research and support work that has had a positive impact on external clients, and made a major contribution to scientific understanding. The recent refurbishment of the heat chamber has enabled team members to work with the Great Britain Disabled Shooting squad, providing them with support for their 2009 World Championships, whilst obtaining unique data on the physiological adaptations of wheelchair athletes to exercise in the heat, which is currently being analysed for future publication. Corporate funding from Maximuscle Ltd has resulted in data which is now being used by the company to support product

160 claims, with an option for future publication. As well as publishing a number of full papers and abstracts in high impact Journals, the team members have also presented at key academic conferences such as the European College of Sports Sciences 2010 Annual Conference, and the 2010 Annual BASES Conference.

Physical Activity and Health

During 2009-2010 the Physical Activity and Health Research Group were particularly successful in undertaking and developing further research relating to the health of children and adolescents. Firstly, staff and postgraduate students completed a major 2 year intervention study aimed at increasing the physical activity levels of 10-14 year old schoolchildren in Bedfordshire (the Health and Physical Activity Promotion in Youth Study, HAPPY), funded by the Bedford Charity (£84,000 external funding). Some of the early findings from the study were presented at the recent International Congress of Obesity (Stockholm 2010), particularly in relation to the cardiovascular health and potential risk of developing type 2 diabetes, fitness and body composition of the 240 participants. Research was also recently completed to determine the contribution of physical education lessons to moderate and vigorous physical activity levels using objective physical activity monitoring techniques and articles have been submitted to Health Promotion related journals in this field. Both the PE setting research and HAPPY study have included consideration of the psychological determinants of physical activity and such work has recently been presented at the European Health Psychology Conference (Romania 2010), and the Division of Health Psychology Conference (Belfast 2010). Current projects which have attracted external funding (£28,000) include a study to investigate the effectiveness of physical activity and nutritional interventions in overweight post-pubertal adolescents with features of the Metabolic Syndrome. This is in collaboration with the Centre for Obesity Research at Luton and Dunstable Hospital, associated dieticians, and paediatric consultants.

Research Projects

Bid Title Applicants Research Funding Body Scheme Total Outcome (ISPAR in Group Applied bold) For Molecular Lewis, M.P., MCMP University of Bursary £62,370 Successful mechanisms Sculthorpe, Bedfordshire underlying N., deterioration of Ferguson, muscle R. performance with age How can 3D- Lewis, M.P., MCMP University of Bursary £62,370 Successful bioengineered Castle, P.C. Bedfordshire (2009- skeletal muscle and 2012) be used in Mudera, V. sports performance research? Satellite cell Lewis, M.P., MCMP University of Bursary £62,370 Successful activation and Castle, P.C. Bedfordshire (2009- its role in and 2012) resistance Mudera, V. training Engineering Lewis, M.P., MCMP NC3Rs Project £495,394 Successful fully functional, Mudera, V. Grant (2009 – integrated and 2012) skeletal muscle Greensmith, L. In-Vitro 3D Lewis, M.P., MCMP Biss-Davies Studentship £150,000 Successful tissue Salih, V., Charitable Trust (2009- modelling: Fedele, S., 2012) insights into Porter S.R. Ameloblastoma pathogenesis

161 Development Lewis, M.P., MCMP Overseas Scholarship £27,900 Successful and Spikings, E. Research (2010- characterisation Scholarship 2012) of a 3D culture (India); Match system for fish Funding by UoB muscle cells to investigate their adaptability to different environmental stresses Driving oral Lewis, M.P., MCMP Fight for Sight Project £159,992 Successful mucosal Daniels, J.T. Grant (2009- epithelial cells 2012) towards a corneal phenotype for therapeutic transplantation Ultrasound Sculthorpe, ASEP University of RiT £13,000 Successful upgrade N. Bedfordshire (2009- 2010) Exercise Slavin, J, ASEP Chartered Project £248,000 Awaiting Therapy in Lewis, M.P., MCMP Society of Outcome Sub- Fletcher, I. PAH Physiotherapists classifications and of chronic lower Sculthorpe, back pain N. (CLBP) Walking Leader Beedie P, ASEP Natural England Eastern Unsuccessful Training Mellor G, England Brewer, J. and London and Hall, N. Evaluation of Brewer, J. ASEP Maximuscle Ltd Corporate £9500 Successful sports nutrition (2009- supplements on 2010) human performance Validation and Brewer J. ASEP HFL Sport Partnership Successful sensitivity of and Castle, science LTD, regional sweat P.C. Cambridge swabs during exercise Improving staff Mauger, L. ASEP University of RiT £33,050 Successful and student MCMP Bedfordshire research PAH profiles within the Department of Sport & Exercise Sciences Can Wii-Fit Ross, E. ASEP Parkinson’s Studentship £154,000 Awaiting improve Smeeton, N. Disease Society outcome mobility and and Castle, UK stability in P.C. Parkinson’s disease?

An integrated Lewis, M.P. MCMP MRC Partnership £186,847 approach to Grant:

162 Outline muscle aging Application ASEP Fellows Brewer, J. LARCI Scheme 8,820 PAH Centre for Obesity Metabolic Research syndrome, Centre, Luton £15,448 physical activity Kerr, C. J., and Dunstable (2009- and children Savory, L.A. Hospital 2011) Successful Metabolic PAH syndrome, physical activity and Kerr, C.J., University of children Savory, L.A. Bedfordshire Bursary £15,448 successful ‘Evaluating the PAH Bursary psychological Scheme determinants (matched of physical funding to activity in 10- previously 14 year old successful schoolchildren’ Bedford Charity £14,000 Kerr, C.J., University of Grant (2010- Savory, L.A. Bedfordshire (£84,000) 2011) successful Project: PAH 'Valuing the physically active life: Developing and sustaining health-based physical Kirk,D. Kerr, education in C.J., Community primary and Haerens,L., Grants secondary Armour,K. Programme schools’ Harris, J. Bedford Charity (2010). £80,760 unsuccessful

163 Research Outcomes

Title Authors Year Journal Volume Page (ISPAR in Numbers bold) Journal Articles Oxidant Stress in Brown, L.A., 2009 Obesity 17 460-466 Healthy Normal- Kerr, C.J., weight, Overweight, Whiting, P., and Obese Finer, N., Individuals McEneny, J., Ashton, T. The effects of pre- Fletcher, I.M. 2010 J Strength Cond Res 24 1179- competition 1183 massage on the kinematic parameters of 20m sprint performance An investigation into Fletcher, 2010 J Strength Cond Res 24 2096- the effects of I.M., Monte- 2101 different warm-up Colombo, modalities on M.M. specific motor skills related to soccer performance An investigation into Fletcher, 2010 J App Physiol, Nut Metabolism 35 27-34 the possible I.M., Monte- physiological Colombo, mechanisms M.M. associated with changes in performance related to acute responses to different preactivity stretch modalities The effect of Fletcher, I.M. 2010 Eur J App Physiol 109 491-498 different dynamic stretch velocities on jump performance The Effect of Short Sculthorpe, 2010 J App Physiol, Nut Metabolism 35 I507-511 Term Creatine N., Grace, F., Loading on Active Jones, P., Range of Fletcher, I. Movement An Investigation Fletcher, I.M. 2010 J App Physiol, Nut Metabolism Accepted In the into the Effect that press Different Pre- Performance Preparation Strategies have on Jump Performance Evidence of Altered Sculthorpe, 2010 Cardiovascular Toxicology Accepted In the Cardiac N. press Electrophysiology Following Prolonged Androgenic

164 Anabolic Steroid (AAS) Use Influence of Mauger, 2009 Med Sci Sports Exerc 41 451-458 feedback and prior A.R., Jones, experience on A. Williams, pacing during a 4- C.A. km cycle time trial The Effect of Non- Mauger, A., 2009 British Journal of Sports Medicine Contingent and Jones, A. Accurate Williams, Performance C.A. Feedback on Pacing and Time Trial Performance in 4 km Track Cycling Influence of Mauger, A., 2010 J Appl Physiol. 108 98-104 acetaminophen on Jones, A. performance during and time trial cycling Williams, C.A Influence of Mauger, A., 2010 Eur J Appl Physiol. 108 1015- exercise variation Jones, A. 1023 on the retention of a Williams, pacing strategy C.A Precooling can Duffield, R., 2010 Medicine and Science in Sport and 42 577-584 prevent the Green, R., Exercise reduction of self Castle, P.C., paced exercise Maxwell, intensity in the heat N.S. Effect of capillary Mulhall, H., 2010 Journal of Tissue Engineering and Accepted In the shear stress on Patel, M., Regenerative Medicine press recovery and Alqahtani, osteogenic K., Mason, differentiation of C., Lewis, muscle-derived M.P., Wall, I. precursor cell populations The effect of cell Mudera, V., 2010 Journal of Cellular Physiology Accepted In the density on the Smith, press maturation and A.S.T., contractile ability of Brady, M. muscle derived Lewis, M.P. cells in a 3D tissue- engineered skeletal muscle model and determination of the cellular and mechanical stimuli required for the synthesis of a postural phenotype Effect of diabetes Retzepi, M., 2010 Clin Oral Implants Res. 21 71-79 and metabolic Lewis, M.P., control on de novo Donos, N. bone formation following guided bone regeneration Force generation Wall, I.B., 2009 J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 3 647-650 and protease gene Bhadal, N.,

165 expression in Broad, S., organotypic co- Whawell, cultures of S.A., fibroblasts and Mudera, V., keratinocytes Lewis, M.P. Motivational Appleton, P. 2009 Psychology of Sport and Exercise 10 457-465 Processes R., Hall, H. K., Influencing Athlete Hill, A, & Burnout Kozub, S. A.

The mediating Hall, H. K., 2009 Psychology of Sport and Exercise 10 35-44 influence of Hill, A., unconditional self- Appleton, P., acceptance on the & Kozub, S. relationship A. between perfectionism, labile self-esteem and exercise dependence Student investment Hall, H. K., 2009 Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & 8 2 in a research Hill, A. P., Tourism Education methods course: Appleton, P. The influence of R., & Kozub, achievement goals S. A. on motivational patterns

Can high group Rovio, E, 2009 Small Group Research 40 421-435 cohesion be Eskola J., harmful? A case Kozub, S., study of a junior ice- Duda, J., & hockey team Lintunen, T

Reviews Molecular Harzer, M., 2010 Seminars in Orthodontics 16 118-127 Diagnosis in Maricic, N., Orthodontics, Facial Gedrange, Orthopedics, and T., Lewis, Orthognathic M.P., Hunt, Surgery: N.P. Implications for Treatment Progress and Relapse The Role of Smith, 2010 Seminars in Orthodontics 16 135-142 Connective Tissue A.S.T., Shah, and Extracellular R., Matrix Signaling in Hunt, N.P., Controlling Muscle Lewis, M.P. Development, Function, and Response to Mechanical Forces Regeneration of Carlqvist, 2010 Seminars in Orthodontics 16 147-152 Jaw Muscle-- K.H., Lewis, Potential Cellular M.P., Hunt, Mechanisms N.P., Shah, R.

166 Craniofacial Shah, R., 2010 Seminars in Orthodontics 16 153-162 Skeletal Muscle Lewis, M.P. Engineering as an Aid for the Management of Craniofacial Deformities Autologous Cell Kazmi, B., 2009 Wounds-A Compendium Of Clinical 21 234-242 Therapy: Current Inglefield, Research And Practice Treatments and C.J. Lewis, Future Prospects M.P. Book Chapters Muscle Tissue Lewis, M.P., 2009 in Meyer,U., Meyer, Th., Handschel,J., Heidelberg: 243-254 Engineering Mudera,V., Wiesmann,H.P., (ed.) Fundamentals of Springer Cheema, U., Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Shah,R. Medicine Published Abstracts Biodegradeable Perumal, S., 2010 Journal of Dental Research 89 (Spec Iss 3805 Scaffolds For Pulp Lakhani, S., B): Cell Growth Ashley, P., Shah, R., Lewis, M.P. Muscle precursor Martin, N.R., 2010 Proc Physiol Soc 19 PC67 cell number as a Castle, P.C., determinant of Mudera, V., skeletal muscle Lewis, M.P. hypertrophic potential Masseter muscle- Carlqvist, K., 2010 Journal of Dental Research 89 (Spec Iss 4438 derived stem cell Shah, R., B) behaviour on Ti Lewis, M.P., implant surfaces Brett, P. An In Vitro Model Player, D., 2010 Proc Physiol Soc 19 PC255 to Assess Muscle Castle, P.C., Adaptation Mudera, V., Following Exercise Lewis, M.P. Related Physiological Cues

A little bit of this and Lewis, M.P., 2009 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 153A S73-S73 a little bit of that! 3D Smith, A., A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology tissue engineered Shah, R., Al- skeletal muscle- Qahtani, K., Generating basic Sinanan, mechanisms in A.C.M., maintenance and Mudera, V. turnover Engineered Shah, R., 2009 European Cells and Materials 18 (Suppl. 2) 95 craniofacial muscle Knowles, constructs express J.C., Hunt, markers of muscle N.P., Lewis, differentiation M.P. Osteogenesis within Alqahtani, 2009 European Cells and Materials 18 (Suppl. 2) 43 muscle: craniofacial K., Buxton, vs. limb muscle P., Parkar, cells M., Wall, I.B., Lewis M.P. Creating viable Smith, 2009 European Cells and Materials 18 (Suppl. 2) 107 muscle-motor A.S.T., Patel, neurone synaptic A., Kalmar,

167 interactions in an in B., vitro 3D collagen Greensmith, co-culture gel L., Mudera, model V., Lewis, M.P. Do masticatory Ödman, A., 2009 European Journal of Orthodontics 31 e109 functional changes Hunt, N.P., influence contractile Matloub, H., protein gene Moawad, H., expression in the Kiliaridis, S., masseter muscle of Lewis, M.P. adult rats? A novel and rapid Carlqvist, K., 2009 European Cells and Materials 18 (Suppl. 2) 24 isolate method of Brett, P.M., human muscle Lewis, M.P derived subpopulations Engineering Shah, R., 2009 Journal of Dental Research 88 (Spec Iss 2831 Craniofacial Knowles, A) Skeletal Muscle for J.C., Hunt, In-Vitro Testing of N.P., Lewis, New Therapies M.P. Muscle-Nerve W. Hakim, 2009 Journal of Dental Research 88 (Spec Iss 390 Interactions in W., Smith, A) Chimaeric In Vitro A., Kazmi, 3D Collagen B., Kalmann, Models B., Solomon, A., Salih, V., Greensmith, L., Mudera, V., Lewis, M.P. Examining the Denton, S.J., 2010 Psychology & Health 25: 6, 15-100 relationships Kerr, C.J, (Supplement (p.28) between a revised Savory L.A, 1): Modified Social Bailey, D.P., Learning Theory for Chater, A children and objectively measured physical activity behaviours in 10-14 year olds [The HAPPY Study]

The prevalence of Kerr, C.J., 2010 Obesity Reviews 11 (Suppl. 1) 72-472 obesity and the Savory, L.A., (p. 274). Metabolic Denton. S.J., Syndrome (MetS) in Bailey.D.P Bedfordshire school children aged 10-14 years according to 3 definitions 1) the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), 2) modified criteria of the US Adult Treatment Panel III (ATPIII), and 3) the third National

168 Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANESIII).

Increasing physical Kerr, C.J., 2010 Obesity Reviews 11 (Suppl. 1) 72-472 activity levels in 10- Savory, L.A., (p. 274) 12 year-old Denton. S.J., schoolchildren: the Bailey.D.P effects of a playtime-based games intervention. Cardio-respiratory Kerr, C.J., 2010 Obesity Reviews 11 (Suppl. 1) 72-472 fitness levels in Savory, L.A., (p. 229). Bedfordshire Denton. S.J., school-children Bailey.D.P aged 10-14 years and associations with both anthropometric characteristics and total body fat. Gender differences Kerr, C.J., 2010 Obesity Reviews 11 (Suppl. 1) 72-472 in physical activity Savory, L.A., (p. 230). patterns measured Denton. S.J., objectively in 10-14 Bailey.D.P year-old schoolchildren [HAPPY Study]. Examining the Kerr, C.J., 2010 Poster Presentation Division of Health 11 (Suppl. 1) 72-472 relationships Savory, L.A., Psychology Annual Conference, Belfast, (p. 230) between a revised Denton. S.J., Northern Ireland Proceedings of the Modified Social Bailey.D.P British Psychological Society. Learning Theory for Chater, A. children and objectively measured physical activity behaviours in 10-14 year olds [The HAPPY Study]. Does Physical Smith, L.R., 2009 ‘Abstracts’ Journal of Sport Sciences Education (PE) Kerr, C.J., Make a Significant Brown, L.A., Contribution to the Denton. S.J., Recommended 60 Fairclough, Minutes of S.J. Moderate-Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA) Per Day? Validity of the 2C McCarthy 2010 Obesity Reviews 11 (Suppl. 1) 72-472 model in the Asian JP, Davies (p. 337) Indian population. B, Thomas EL, Collins A, Fitzpatrick J, Durighel G, Goldstone AP, Frost G and Bell JD Further Grace, F., 2009 Medicine and Science in Sports and 41 (5) 396-7

169 Considerations for Graham, M., Exercise the Diagnostic Sculthorpe, Evaluatiuon of N. et al., Anabolic Steroid (AAS) Assosciated Hepatotoxicity. Proceedings of the American College of Sport Medicine The Use Of Webborn, A 2009 Medicine and Science in Sports and 41 (5) 204 Diagnostic D., Castle, Exercise Ultrasound To P.C., Watt, Evaluate The P. Optimum Depth For Muscle Biopsy Of The Vastus Lateralis Muscle.: Proceedings of the American College of Sport Medicine

Presentations (Invited) From Jaws to Lewis, M.P. 2010 Doctoral Training Centre Lecture, Cranfield Jumpers: Health and School of Engineering, Cranfield bioengineered University, UK skeletal muscle and its applications from surgery to exercise physiology From Jaws to Lewis, M.P. 2010 Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Jumpers: Sciences Seminar Series, Liverpool JM bioengineered University, UK skeletal muscle and its applications from surgery to exercise physiology From Jaws to Lewis, M.P. 2009 School of Sport, Exercise and Health Jumpers: Sciences, Loughborough University, UK bioengineered skeletal muscle and its applications from surgery to exercise physiology What determines Mauger, A.R 2010 World Congress of Cycling Science, pacing - Edinburgh, UK understanding and overcoming central regulation Drugs in Sport Brewer, J. 2010 School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Loughborough University, UK Creating a healthier Brewer, J. 2010 University of Bedfordshire Knowledge workforce Hub Brewer, J. 2010 “ Innovation Champion”, University of Bedfordshire Innovation Hub, Innovations Day Lewis, M.P. 2010 “ Innovation Champion”, University of Bedfordshire Innovation Hub, Innovations Day Validity of the HFL Castle, P.C. 2010 HFL Sportsciecne Ltd

170 Sweat swab during exercise in the heat Presentations (Conference, Poster) An In Vitro Model to Player, D., 2010 British Association of Sport and Exercise Assess Muscle Castle P. C., Sciences, Glasgow UK Adaptation Mudera, V. Following Exercise Lewis M. P. Related Physiological Cues. Muscle precursor Martin, N. R. 2010 British Association of Sport and Exercise cell number as a Castle, P. C. Sciences, Glasgow UK determinant of Mudera, V. skeletal muscle Lewis, M. P. hypertrophic potential An In Vitro Model to Player, D. 2010 Physiological Society, Manchester UK Assess Muscle Castle, P. C. Adaptation Mudera, V., Following Exercise Lewis, M. P. Related Physiological Cues Muscle precursor Martin, N. R. 2010 Physiological Society, Manchester UK cell number as a Castle, P. C., determinant of Mudera, V., skeletal muscle Lewis, M. P. hypertrophic potential Collagen gel as a Raison, C., 2010 Tissue and Cell Engineering Society, 3D in vitro tissue Porter, S., Manchester UK model for Fedele, S., ameloblastoma M. P. Lewis, studies Salih, V. Use of an in vitro D.J. Player, 2010 Tissue and Cell Engineering Society, muscle model to N.R.W. Manchester UK investigate cellular Martin, P. and molecular Davies, N. aspects of exercise Sculthorpe, physiology: P.C. Castle, answering the key S. Passey, questions V. Mudera, R. Ferguson4 M.P. Lewis1,2 The prevalence of Kerr, C.J, 2010 11th International Congress on Obesity 11 (Suppl. 1) 72-472 obesity and the Savory, L.A, (Stockholm, Sweden) (p. 274). Metabolic Denton, S, Syndrome (MetS) in Bailey, D Bedfordshire school children aged 10-14 years according to 3 definitions 1) the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), 2) modified criteria of the US Adult Treatment Panel III (ATPIII), and 3) the third National

171 Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANESIII). Gender differences Denton, S.J., 2010 11th International Congress on Obesity in physical activity Kerr, C.J., (Stockholm, Sweden) patterns measured Savory, L.A., objectively in 10-14 Bailey, D.P. year old schoolchildren [HAPPY Study]

Increasing playtime Bailey, D.P., 2010 11th International Congress on Obesity physical activity Kerr, C.J., (Stockholm, Sweden) levels in 10-12 Savory, L.A., year-old Denton, S. schoolchildren: the effects of a playtime-based games intervention

Cardio-respiratory Savory, L.A., 2010 11th International Congress on Obesity fitness levels in Kerr, C.J., (Stockholm, Sweden) Bedfordshire Denton, S., school-children Bailey, D aged 10-14 years and associations with both anthropometric characteristics and total body fat.

Examining the Denton, S.J., 2010 Poster Presentation. Division of Health relationships Kerr, C.J., Psychology Annual Conference, Belfast, between a revised Savory, L.A., Northern Ireland. Modified Social Bailey, D.P., Learning Theory for Chater, A children and objectively measured physical activity behaviours in 10-14 year olds [The HAPPY Study] Examining the Denton SJ, 2010 [Online only abstract]. Paper presented at relationships Kerr, CJ, the Division of Health Psychology between a revised Savory, LA, Conference, Queens University, Belfast, Modified Social Bailey, DP 15-17 September, Proceedings of the Learning Theory for Chater, A British Psychological Society. Retrieved 30 children and September 2010: objectively http://www.bps.org.uk/conferences-and- measured physical events/proceedings/proceedings_home.cfm activity behaviours in 10-14 year olds [The HAPPY Study] Lucozade Alert Castle, P. C., 2010 European Congress of Sports Sciences, Improves vigilance Ratheram, Antalya, Turkey for decision making T., Brewer, in football referees. J. Hyperammonaemia Wilkinson 2010 The Physiological Society,Manchester induces sensations D.J.,

172 of fatigue in the Smeeton, absence of N.J., Castle, psychological P.C., Watt, impairment. P.W. Passive pre- Castle, P. C., 2009 BASES Annual Conference, Leeds UK. warming in the Snelling, A., morning increases Maxwell, N. rectal temperature S. to evening values, but does not increase repeated sprint ability of hockey players Do different forces Wyld, K., 2009 BASES Annual Conference, Leeds UK. in a patella tendon Fletcher, I., tap test elicit Castle, P.C., differing stretch Sculthorpe, reflex responses? N., Kerr, C.J., Riley, W.

Presentations (Conference, Oral) Anticipatory and Mauger, 2010 European College of Sports Science central regulation of A.R., Jones, Conference, Antalya, Turkey pacing strategies in A.M., time trial cycling Williams, C.A. Challenging Mauger, 2010 British Association of Sport and Exercise traditional methods: A.R., Sciences, Glasgow UK Using RPE to pace Sculthorpe, the VO2max test N. The effect of short Sculthorpe, 2010 Creatine 2010, Cambridge UK term creatine N., Grace, loading on active F., Jones, P range of movement and Fletcher I. The effect of Richards, J., 2010 Creatine 2010, Cambridge UK creatine Sculthorpe, monohydrate N., and supplementation on Fletcher, I. EMG response to passive dorsiflexion Deception of Castle, P.C., 2010 British Association of Sport and Exercise ambient and body Maxwell, N., Sciences, Glasgow UK core temperature Allchorn, improves self paced A., Mauger, cycling in hot, A . R., and humid conditions White. D. K. Deception of pre- Maxwell, N., 2010 British Association of Sport and Exercise heating and body Woolf1, C., Sciences, Glasgow UK core temperature Mee, J., improves self-paced Davison, T 3K running of Castle, P.C. females in hot, humid conditions The effect of pre- Duffield, R., 2009 European Congress of Sports Sciences. Oslo, cooling on Green, R., Norway performance, pacing Castle, P.C., strategy and Maxwell, N contractile function

173 during endurance cycling in the heat. Acute Hypoxia and Mackenzie 2009 Society for Endocrinology: British Exercise Improve R., Watt, P., Endocrinology Society Harrogate, UK Insulin Sensitivity Castle, P. C. 2* (SI ) in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes. Muscle-Motoneuron Patel, A British Orthodontic Society interactions: Smith, A Investigations Shah,R., utilising a three Kalmar, B. dimensional Greensmith, collagen co-culture L., model Lewis, M.P. An In Vitro Model to Player, D.J., 2010 University of Bedfordshire Conference Assess Skeletal Castle, P.C., Muscle Adaptation Mudera, V. Following Lewis, M.P. Exercise Related Physiological Cues; A Preliminary Methodological Investigation Optimising the P. Davies, R. 2010 University of Bedfordshire Conference myogenic to non- A. Ferguson, myogenic cell ratio N. for a skeletal Sculthorpe, muscle 3d culture M. P. Lewis model Effect of Metabolic J.A.Tuttle, 2010 University of Bedfordshire Conference and Mechanical P.Watt, Stress On Heat N.Maxwell, Shock Protein N.Webborn, (HSP) Gene M.P. Lewis, Expression P.C. Castle Satellite Cell N. Martin, P. 2010 University of Bedfordshire Conference Number as a Castle, S. Determinant of Passey, V. Skeletal Muscle Mudera, M. Hypertrophic Lewis Potential Endurance exercise H. Ali, J. 2010 University of Bedfordshire Conference promotes brain Langfort, B. dopamenirgic Ahmed , P.C neurons in the Castle chronic rat model of M.P. Lewis parkinsonism

Increasing Physical Bailey, D.P., 2010 University of Bedfordshire Conference Activity Levels in Kerr, C.J., 10-12 year-old Savory, L.A., Schoolchildren: The Denton, S.J Effects of a Playtime-Based Games Intervention

The Mediating Kerner, C., 2010 University of Bedfordshire Conference

174 Impact of Body Image on the Relationship Kirk, D., between Physical Education and Kerr, C.J., Leisure Time Physical Activity Haerens, L,

The prevalence of Kerr, C.J., 2010 University of Bedfordshire Conference obesity and the Metabolic Savory, L.A., Syndrome (MetS) in Denton, S.J., Bedfordshire school children aged 10-14 Bailey, D.P. years

The Relationship Richards, 2010 University of Bedfordshire Conference Between Cardiac J.C., Structure, VO2max Sculthorpe, and Body N., Kerr, C.J. Composition

Cardio-respiratory Savory, L.A., 2010 University of Bedfordshire Conference fitness levels in Bedfordshire Kerr, C.J., school-children aged 11-14 years Denton, S.J., and associations with both anthropometric Bailey, D.P. characteristics and total body fat Teaching Games Smith, L.R., 2010 University of Bedfordshire Conference for Understanding: Kerr, C.J., The Impact Upon Constructs of Self Savory, L.A., Determination Theory and Levels Kozub, S.A., of Physical Activity in Physical Education Fairclough, S.J.

Investigating the Denton, S.J., 24th European Health Psychology relationships Kerr, C.J., 2010 Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania between elements Savory, L.A., of a revised Theory Bailey, D.P., of Planned Chater, A. Behaviour and objectively measured physical activity behaviours [HAPPY Study].

Teaching Games Smith, L.R., 2010 European Health Psychology Conference,

175 for Understanding: Kerr, C.J., Cluj-Napoca, Romania The Impact Upon Savory, L.A., Constructs of Self Kozub, S.A., Determination Fairclough, Theory and Levels S.J. of Physical Activity in Physical Education.

Examining the Denton, S.J., 2010 Division of Health Psychology Conference, 6, 15-100 relationships Kerr, C.J., Belfast (Supplement (p.28) between a revised Savory, L.A., 1) Modified Social Bailey, D.P., Learning Theory for Chater, A. children and objectively measured physical activity behaviours in 10-14 year olds [The HAPPY Study]

Esteem Factors

176 Collaborating Institution Collaborators Researcher Research Group Loughborough Nimmo, M. Lewis, M.P. MCMP Ferguson, R. Lewis, M.P. MCMP Folland, J. Castle, P. ASEP California, Davis, USA Baar, K. Lewis, M.P. MCMP Philip, A. Castle, P. ASEP Brighton Webborn, N., Castle, P. ASEP Watt, P., Castle, P. ASEP Maxwell, N Castle, P. ASEP Ross, E. Castle, P. ASEP Mauger, L. Smeeton, N. Castle, P. ASEP UCL Mudera, V. Lewis, M.P. MCMP Greensmith, L. Lewis, M.P. MCMP Shah, R. Lewis, M.P. MCMP Hunt, N.P. Lewis, M.P. MCMP Porter, S.R. Lewis, M.P. MCMP Fedele, S. Lewis, M.P. MCMP Salih, V. Lewis, M.P. MCMP Daniels, J.T. Lewis, M.P. MCMP Wall, I. Lewis, M.P. MCMP Finer, N. Kerr, C. PAH Northumbria St.Clair Gibson, A Mauger, L. ASEP Cape Town, South Africa Noakes, T.D Mauger, L. ASEP Beltrami, F Mauger, L. ASEP Exeter Williams, C.A Mauger, L. ASEP Jones, A.M Mauger, L. ASEP Liverpool John Moores George, K. Sculthorpe, N. ASEP Fairclough, S. Kerr, C. PAH Luton and Dunstable NHS Trust Slavin, J. Sculthorpe, N. ASEP Nathwani, N. Kerr, C. PAH Young, L. Kerr, C. PAH Housely, D. Kerr, C. PAH Surrey Hughes, M. Lewis, M.P. MCMP Labeed, F. Lewis, M.P. MCMP Cardiff Stephens, P. Lewis, M.P. MCMP Sloan, A.J. Lewis, M.P. MCMP Chichester Myers, S. Lewis, M.P. MCMP Cranfield Aspinall, R. Lewis, M.P. MCMP UK Anti Doping Board member Brewer, J. ASEP British Olympic Association Member Brewer, J. ASEP National Olympic Committee Chair, British Handball Association Brewer, J. ASEP

177 Current Research Students

Dir of Reg No Name 1 Name 2 Institute studies mode degree Prof Mark 0613274 ALI* Hossam ISPAR Lewis FT PhD Dr Catherine 05299081 BAILEY Daniel ISPAR Kerr FT M/P Dr Paul 99152352 CARDWELL Denise ISPAR Beedie PT M/P Prof Mark 99106887 DAVIES Paul ISPAR Lewis FT M/P Dr Catherine 04269482 DAVIES Ben ISPAR Kerr FT M/P Dr Catherine 0711147 DENTON Sarah ISPAR Kerr FT M/P Prof Mark 0917066 MARTIN Neil ISPAR Lewis FT M/P Prof Mark 0612663 PLAYER Darren ISPAR Lewis FT M/P Dr Catherine 0425515X RICHARDS Joanna ISPAR Kerr FT M/P Dr Catherine 04252702 SMITH Lindsey ISPAR Kerr FT M/P Dr Paul 0613087 TUTTLE James ISPAR Castle PT M/P Dr Paul 0611160 WYLD Kevin ISPAR Castle PT MSc

*Student also based in LIRANS

178 Appendix A Institute for Tourism Research (INTOUR) Report for the period August 1 – October 31 2010

Institute Director: Professor Andrew Holden


INTOUR is the newest UoB Research Institute, officially reporting from the 1 August 2010. It is thus in an early formative stage with the first informal meeting of INTOUR members having taken place on 23 September 2010 and the first board meeting scheduled for 10th November 2010. Four key thematic foci of coalescence are recognised:

 Environment and sustainable development  Economic impact and regeneration  Heritage and cultural interpretation  Social inclusion and community cohesion

It is intended that research groups will be developed around these themes to give focus to research, consultancy income generation and progress towards the REF. Members of INTOUR were previously part of ISPAR, hence the inclusion of this appendix in the ISPAR annual report.


The staffing of INTOUR presently correlates to the Division of Tourism (DoT) with new staff being added as links are made to other parts of the university. As at October 2010, INTOUR has 11 FTE staff: Professors Andrew Holden and Keith Holllinshead; Dr. Sally Everett; Dr. Silvanos Gwiranda; Dr. Nazia Ali; Dr. Sherif Elroubi; Dr. Petia Petrova; Dr Davis Barasa; Dr Susan Slocum; Dr. Carol Tie; Denise Cardwell plus 9 research students. Seven of these staff have been in post for a year or less and subsequently require support to develop their research careers.

DoT went through a period of major change last year as it transferred from the Business School to the Faculty of Sport and Education as was on the 1 August 2009. Several staff, Professor Peter Mason, Professor Tony Seaton, Dr. Dorota Ujma, and Sean Gammon left the Division. Two new staff Dr. Ramesh Durbarry and Dr. Adi Weidenfeld also started and left during the course of the year. In this flux of change of personnel and organisational practice, the remaining staff were subsequently predominantly concerned with teaching, administration and student welfare, with research being marginalised.

179 Research Bids

Although INTOUR has existed since only the 1 August 2010, staff who are now members of the Institute were involved in the following research bids as detailed in Table 1 during the last academic year. As stated in the last paragraph these research bids were submitted in a pressurised environment of personnel and organisational change.

Table 1 Research Bids 2009-2010

Submission Type Title Proposer(s) Funding Body date Progress Amount Chapter on ‘Tourism’ for inclusion in the Green Economy United Report as part of the Nations World Green Economy Professor Tourism Proposal Initiative (GEI) Andrew Organisation November 1 Holden (UNWTO) 2009 Rejected £89, 767 Higher Education Academy Network for Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism - Facilitating local Pedagogic community tourism Research and development through Susan Development postgraduate student Slocum and Fund 2010/11 Full Rejected 2 Grant engagement Dorota Ujma (Round 11) 4/15/10 Proposal 30/4/2010 £3,000

Facilitating local community tourism development through Susan NERC, postgraduate student Slocum and Knowledge Rejected 3 Grant engagement Dorota Ujma Exchange 6/16/10 Outline 29/07/2010 £5,543 Local business engagement with Sally Everett Central Experience and Susan Bedfordshire Full Won - 4 Tender Bid Bedfordshire Slocum Council 7/10/10 Proposal 27/7/2010 £4,185.97 Returned for Best Practices in Sally Everett corrections Sustainable Food and Susan Full and 5 Grant Tourism Initiatives Slocum ESRC 7/16/10 Proposal resubmitted £23,720 Understanding Food Tourism: The meaning and role of local food to tourists visiting the Susan Full Project 6 Tender Bid UK Slocum DEFRA 8/1/10 Proposal cancelled ~£6,000 Attitudes and behavioural responses of budget airline users to adaptive strategies to Andrew reduce demand for an Holden and , emission-intensive Susan Nuffield Full Rejected - 7 Grant service Slocum, Foundation 6/16/10 Proposal 29/07/2010 £129,605

180 Attitudes and behavioural responses of budget airline users to adaptive strategies to Andrew reduce demand for an Holden, Joseph emission-intensive Susan Rowntree Rejected - 8 Grant service Slocum, Foundation 7/30/10 Outline 20/08/2010 £129,605

Comment on research bids

The success rate on these bids is very low which is attributable to two principal factors:

1) A lack of stability in personnel and organisational practice which restricted available resources, especially the establishment of partnerships and time for bid writing; and 2) A lack of a strategy of research themes and focus, resulting in an ad hoc approach to bids.

PhD Awards 2009/10

Six research students successfully completed their PhD programmes during the last academic year, details of which are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 PhD completions 2009/10

Candidate Topic: Director of Date of name: Studies completion:

Caroline Tie The influence of travel in formulating Prof Andrew 29-Jan-10 cultural identity: The case of the Holden Sarawakian-Chinese Sustainable tourism a tool for poverty Prof Andrew 28-Jun-10 Davis Barasa reduction in Msambweni District, Holden Kenya? The phenomological world of tour Prof Tony 21-Jul-10 Areej Aloudat guides Seaton Chunxiao Hou China as an imaginal realm: A study Prof Keith 23-Jul-10 of the representational framing of Hollinshead nation in/via tourism Joel Sonne The role of tourism in poverty Prof Andrew 05-May-10 reduction in Elmina Ghana Holden

QR related projects

INTOUR is in receipt of QR funding based upon the return from the last RAE submission. The following QR related projects have been identified for development in 2010/2010: (i) Early career research projects; (ii) Research culture development; (iii) International conference presentations leading to journal articles; (iv) Visiting professor programme; (v) Writing fellowships; (vi) United Nations World Tourism Organisation Research (UNWTO) recognition; and (vi) EU bidding development.

181 Aims for 2010/2011

Given the embryonic status of INTOUR, there is a need to secure a more solid foundation during 2010/2011. Key components to achieve this include:

1) Raising the internal/external profile of the Institute through networking; conference presentations; attaining UNWTO affiliation; and development of a research seminar series (a fully functioning website has now been developed); 2) Increasing income levels through consultancy activity; 3) Increasing the success rate of research bids and raising the income level of externally funded research; 4) Increasing the number of international fee-paying research students; 5) Development of a strategy for staff development to the next REF; and 6) Creating a thriving research environment.

Current Research Students

Dir of Reg No Name 1 Name 2 Institute studies mode degree Dr Sally 0916901 HERMANN Inge TOU Everett FT M/P Prof Keith 0500928 IVANOVA Milka TOU Hollinshead FT M/P Prof Andrew 0916904 KALEMO Zacharia TOU Holden FT MSc Res Dr Sally 0916367 LOW Tiffany TOU Everett FT M/P Malgorzata Prof Keith 0407375 NOWINSKA (Meg) TOU Hollinshead FT M/P Prof Andrew 0923497 PROYRUNGROJ Raweewan TOU Holden FT M/P Prof Andrew 0617578 TAYLOR Faye TOU Holden PT M/P Prof Keith 0407080 VELLAH Alfred TOU Hollinshead FT M/P Prof Tony 0610859 WEIPING Weiping TOU Seaton FT PhD Juan Dr Vassil 0514337 ZHUANG (Cynthia) TOU Girginov FT PhD

182 Institute for Research in Education Annual Research Report 2009 - 2010

183 Report from Institute for Research in Education (IRED), January, 2010

The activities of members of the Institute for Research in Education are reported below as follows: new appointments, publications, newly-funded research projects, completion of doctoral studies, progress to date on the use of QR funds (£25k), other activities.

1. New appointments

 Dr Marie-Pierre Moreau, senior research fellow, appointed from 1st October, 2009. Previous appointment: research fellow at London Metropolitan University  Dr Uvanney Maylor, Reader in Education, appointed from 1 st April, 2010. Previous appointment: senior lecturer at London Metropolitan University

2. Publications by Institute members from 2009 Janice Wearmouth: Wearmouth, J, & Berryman, M and Glynn, T, (2009) Inclusion as participation in communities of practice, Palmerston North, NZ: Dunmore Press Wearmouth, J (2009) A Beginning Teacher's Guide to Special Educational Needs, Buckingham: Open University Press1 Reid, G & Wearmouth, J (2009) ‘Identification and assessment of dyslexia and planning for learning’, in G. Reid, D. Knight, G. Elbeheri, and J. Wearmouth (2009) Routledge Dyslexia Handbook, London: RoutledgeFalmer Berryman, M. and Wearmouth, J. (2009) ‘Responsive approaches to literacy learning within cultural contexts’, in G. Reid, D. Knight, G. Elbeheri, and J. Wearmouth (2009) Routledge Dyslexia Handbook, London: RoutledgeFalmer Rix, J, Hall, K, Nind, M, Sheehy, K and Wearmouth, J (2009) What pedagogical approaches can effectively include children with special educational needs in mainstream classrooms? a systematic literature review. Support for Learning, 24, (2), 86-94 Wearmouth, J and Berryman, M (in press) ‘Parent, family and community support for addressing difficulties in literacy’, in C. Wyatt-Smith and J. Elkins, Making connections: Literacy, numeracy and difficulties in learning. ****: ****, Australia Wearmouth, J, Berryman, M & Whittle, L (submitted) ‘Shoot for the moon!’ Students’ identities as writers in the context of the classroom, British Journal of Special Education Bishop, R, Berryman, M & Wearmouth, J (in preparation) Te Kotahitanga six years on (provisional title), Wellington: NZCER Marie-Pierre Moreau Moreau, M.P., Mendick, H. & Epstein, D. (2010) Constructions of Mathematicians in Popular Culture and Learners’ Narratives: A study of mathematical and non-mathematical subjectivities, Cambridge Journal of Education 40 (1) Moreau, M.P., Mendick, H. et Epstein, D. (2009) ‘Constructions of Mathematical Masculinities in Popular Culture’, in E. Watson, Pimps, Wimps, Studs, Thugs and Gentlemen: Essays on media images of masculinity, Jefferson: McFarland Publishers Trevor Corner Abukari, A. and Corner, T., (in preparation) Tailoring higher education to meet local needs in a developing context; the quality dilemma. Update of Using Higher Education to Meet Local Developmental Aspirations: The Impact of International Constraints on the UDS in Ghana presented at the Comparative Educational Society in Europe XII Conference, Granada July 2006 Corner, T. and Abukari, A. (submitted) Service Engagement and Functions in Higher Education: Exploring Temporary and Emerging Models. Mn 27pp Submitted to Studies in Higher Education. Andrea Raiker Raiker, A. (2009) ‘Transformational learning and e-portfolios: a pedagogy for improving student experience and achievement’ in The International Journal of Learning. Melbourne: CG Publishing

1 Winner of 2009 NASEN book in the category teacher professional development.

184 Raiker, A. (2009) ‘A Personalised Approach to Improving Students’ Learning Outcomes’ in C. Nygaard, C. Holtham and N. Courtney (eds.) Improving Students’ Learning Outcomes. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press Raiker, A. (Accepted for UoB publication 2010) ‘Student and staff perceptions of Personal Development Planning (PDP) processes designed to support undergraduate dissertations’. In (ed. M. Atlay & A. Coughlin) Title to be identified. Luton: UoB. Neil Burton Dickson E & Burton, N (in press) Thirteen Year Old’s Ability To Encode and Decode Nonverbal Communication and Demonstrate ‘Emotional Literacy’. Education 3-13 N Burton (in press) Where did the science go?. Education 3-13 Erik Blair Blair, E. (2009) A Further Education college as a heterotopia, Research in Post-Compulsory Education, Volume 14, Number 1, pp. 93-101 Blair, E. (2009) How researchers might find the ‘truth’ and what they can do with it, Practical Research for Education,41, pp.22-27 Blair, E. (in press ) How does telling the truth help educational action research, Educational Action Research Blair, E., Cline, T. & Wallis, J. (in press) When do adults entering Higher Education begin to identify themselves as students? The Threshold-of-Induction model, Studies in Continuing Education Malini Mistry Grant, K & Mistry, M (in press) `How does the use of role play affect the learning of year four children in a predominately EAL class’, in Education 3-13 Mistry, M & Sood, K (in press) `English as an Additional Language: Challenges & Assumptions’, in Management in Education Sood, K & Mistry, M (in press) `English as an Additional Language: is there a need to embed cultural values and beliefs in institutional practice’, in Education 3-13 Mistry, M & Sood, K (2009) `English as an Additional Language: Assumptions & Challenges’, published proceedings of the British Educational Leadership & Management Association (BELMAS) International conference, Sheffield UK, 4 th – 6th July 2009.

3. Newly funded research projects External Staff Funding source Funding Title of project P Gardner Bedford Charity £35k Mind mapping M-P Moreau with UKRC £20k Monitoring the presence colleagues from and representation of Goldsmiths. (PI is at women in SET Goldsmiths) occupations in UK based online media Internal Staff Funding source Funding Title of project J Wearmouth, K CETL £20k Investigating the role of Hudson, M Rosamond, school placement in C Thornhill enhancing student learning in initial primary teacher education M Killingbeck CETL £7k Dance education interactive e-portfolio J Wearmouth, D Faculty of Ed, Sport & £5k Perception of effective Somerville, B Leedham, Tourism R & D fund mentoring, and their E O’Connell et al implications

185 4. Completion of PhD Marie-Pierre Moreau has been awarded her PhD: Comparer pour comprendre: La différentiation sexuée des parcours professionnels et familiaux des enseignant-e-s du second degré en France et en Angleterre' [Comparing to understand: The gender-differentiation of secondary school teachers' professional and family lives in France and England] - Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail (joint award with London Metropolitan University). Erik Blair will be submitting his thesis later on in 2010.

5. Progress to date on use of research funds To date we have:  organised a series of monthly research seminars from colleagues who can contribute in areas of interest to our colleagues and students. To date seminars have been presented by Dr Mere Berryman, University of Waikato, New Zealand (November), Dr Marie-Pierre Moreau, UoB (December). The seminar planned for January will be given by Dr Gabrielle Ivinson, Cardiff University, for February by Dr Sandra Davies (previously from the Open University) and for March by Prof Harry Torrance  launched the Doctorate in Education with a enrolment of 13 students, 9 of whom are UoB colleagues. Its overarching aim is to facilitate the creation of a new body of applied knowledge or theoretically-justified practice in education and provide evidence of the impact it has had, or could have, on the professional area. The ESRC (April, 2009) recently stated an intention to focus on professional Doctorates as well as PhDs and we will actively seek recognition of our EdD.  advertised small scale bursaries (10 x £1000) to support staff with their doctoral research with a clear agreement about on-going publications in the course of their studies.  developed and agreed criteria for the funding of a small grants scheme to provide seed corn funding for new small scale proposals for researchers with the potential for publications within 12 months, and advertised the scheme to colleagues.  advertised a writing weekend during January/February to colleagues who have the potential for publication of peer- reviewed journal articles. An external colleague who edits a high quality education journal has agreed to facilitate the weekend and support colleagues’ drafts to publication on a consultancy contract  planned in outline a session for research bid-training

6. Other activities IRED has been approached by the Bedford Charity to work with the that Charity in facilitating in-school research in Bedford schools. We hope to hold a joint meeting to discuss the possibilities at the end of January.

186 IRED

Report from Institute for Research in Education (IRED), May, 2010

The activities of members of the Institute for Research in Education are reported below as follows: new appointments, publications, newly-funded research projects, completion of doctoral studies, progress to date on the use of QR funds (£25k), other activities.

New appointments Dr Uvanney Maylor has been appointed as Reader in Education in the Education Studies department. She is an elected member of the Executive Council of the British Education Research Association (BERA). She was a former recipient of the Teaching and Learning Research Programme Meeting of Minds Fellowship (ESRC). She was formerly director of Multiverse (which provides information and resources on diversity issues for trainee teachers and teacher educators and is supported by the Training and Development Agency for Schools, UK). Uvanney specialises in research that focuses on issues of ethnicity, racism and culture as they impact on educational practice and student and staff experience. She has directed a number of research projects including for example: The impact of supplementary schools on pupils’ attainment: An investigation into what factors contribute to educational improvements (funded by the Department for Children, Schools and Families - DCSF); Evaluation of the Black Children’s (Primary) Achievement Programme (funded by the DCSF); The Diversity and Citizenship research review (funded by the Department for Education and Skills, DfES – the study supported the DCSF diversity and citizenship curriculum review undertaken by Sir Keith Ajegbo). Uvanney was part of a team commissioned in 2009 by the Equality Challenge Unit to undertake a literature review of the experiences of Black and Minority Ethnic staff working in higher education. She has also undertaken research in relation to for example, equality experiences of Black staff in further education (funded by the Commission for Black Staff in Further Education), factors affecting the recruitment and retention of Black teachers in London schools (funded by the Greater London Authority), supply teacher experiences of induction and continuing professional development (DfES funded), supplementary school teacher aspirations to teach community languages (CiLT funded), evaluation of the Teach First graduate teacher employment scheme, teacher experiences in relation to remodelling (DSCF funded), student experiences in higher education, the impact of education action zones and factors affecting middle ability pupil attainment in secondary schools. Outside of education, Uvanney has conducted research concerning nurse recruitment and retention, cancer health awareness and young people’s experiences of crime and policing – she was formerly a member of the Lambeth Police- Consultative Group working party which investigated deaths in police custody in London.

Publications by Institute members since January, 2010

Janice Wearmouth Wearmouth, J (in press) ‘Policy conflicts between the conventional SEN framework and ‘Every child matters’, in G Hallet & F Hallet (eds) Transforming the role of the SENCO, Buckingham: Open University Press Marie-Pierre Moreau Moreau, M.P., Mendick, H. & Epstein, D. (2010) Constructions of Mathematicians in Popular Culture and Learners’ Narratives: A study of mathematical and non-mathematical subjectivities, Cambridge Journal of Education 40 (1) Moreau, M.P. (in press) The societal construction of boys’ underachievement in educational policies: a cross-national comparison, Journal of Education Policy Trevor Corner Abukari, A. and Corner, T., (in preparation) Tailoring higher education to meet local needs in a developing context; the quality dilemma. Corner, T. and Abukari, A. (submitted) Service Engagement and Functions in Higher Education: Exploring Temporary and Emerging Models. Mn 27pp Submitted to Studies in Higher Education. Andrea Raiker Raiker, A. (Accepted for UoB publication 2010) ‘Student and staff perceptions of Personal Development Planning (PDP) processes designed to support undergraduate dissertations’. In (ed. M. Atlay & A. Coughlin) Title to be identified. Luton: UoB. Neil Burton Dickson E & Burton, N (in press) Thirteen Year Old’s Ability To Encode and Decode Nonverbal Communication and Demonstrate ‘Emotional Literacy’. Education 3-13 N Burton (in press) Where did the science go?. Education 3-13 Erik Blair Blair, E. (in press) How does telling the truth help educational action research, Educational Action Research

187 Blair, E., Cline, T. & Wallis, J. (in press) When do adults entering Higher Education begin to identify themselves as students? The Threshold-of-Induction model, Studies in Continuing Education Malini Mistry Grant, K & Mistry, M (in press) `How does the use of role play affect the learning of year four children in a predominately EAL class’, in Education 3-13 Mistry, M & Sood, K (in press) `English as an Additional Language: Challenges & Assumptions’, in Management in Education Sood, K & Mistry, M (in press) `English as an Additional Language: is there a need to embed cultural values and beliefs in institutional practice’, in Education 3-13 Uvanney Maylor (publications from 2009)

Maylor, U. (forthcoming) Notions of diversity, British identities and citizenship belonging, Race, Ethnicity and Education.

Maylor, U. & Williams, K. (forthcoming) Challenges in theorising the ‘Black middle class’ : Education, experience and authenticity’, Journal of Gender and Education.

Maylor, U., Tanner, E., Finch, S., Glass, K., Low, N., Minty, S., Purdon, S., Rose, A., Ross, Taylor, E. and Tipping, S. (2010) ‘The impact of supplementary schools on pupils’ attainment: An investigation into what factors contribute to educational improvements, Research Report 210, Nottingham : DCSF. Maylor, U. (2009) ‘They do not relate to people like us’: Black teachers as role models for Black pupils, Journal of Education Policy, 24 (1): 1-21. Maylor, U. (2009) What is the meaning of Black?: Researching ‘ Black’ respondents, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32 (2): 369 -387. Maylor, U. & Ross, A. (2009) Teacher education for multiple identities in Europe: a study, Special Issue : Social Science Tribune, (University of Thessaly, Greece), Vol 14, Issue 55, 229-245, Summer Maylor, U. (2009) Policy Context: New Labour, Social Inclusion and the Curriculum, in, D. Hill and L. Robertson (eds.) Equality in the Primary School. London & New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, pp. 41-53 Leathwood, C., Maylor, U. & Moreau, M. (2009) The Experience of Black and Minority Ethnic Staff Working in Higher Education, Literature Review, June. London: Equality Challenge Unit. Smart, S., Hutchings, M., Maylor, U., Mendick, H. & Menter, I. (2009) Processes of middle-class reproduction in a graduate teacher employment scheme, Journal of Education and Work, 22 (1): 35-53.

Newly funded research projects External Staff Funding source Funding Title of project J Wearmouth University of Waikato/New£40k Consultancy on R & D Zealand Min of Education project: Te Kotahitanga

Further progress on use of research funds Since January, 2010: the series of monthly research seminars continued in January with seminars by Dr Gabrielle Ivinson, Cardiff University, in February by Dr Sandra Davies (previously from the Open University), in early March by Prof Harry Torrance, and in late March by Prof Meg McGuire, London University. We are approaching Dr Rose Drury (Open University) and Dr Uvanney Maylor, for further seminars this academic year. advertised small scale bursaries (10 x £1000) to support staff with their doctoral research with a clear agreement about on-going publications in the course of their studies. developed and agreed criteria for the funding of a small grants scheme to provide seed corn funding for new small scale proposals for researchers with the potential for publications within 12 months, and advertised the scheme to colleagues. a writing weekend was held in February for colleagues who have the potential for publication of peer-reviewed journal articles. An external colleague co-facilitated the weekend and has been contracted to support colleagues’ drafts to publication on a consultancy contract the session on research bid-training was postponed because interested staff were committed to teaching duties.

Other activities Dr Marie-Pierre Moreau, on behalf of the comparative and international education Special Interest Group of the British Educational Research Association (BERA), has organised a seminar: New Paradigms and Challenges in Comparative and International Education for May 12th. Speakers will be Professor Karen Evans, Institute of Education (‘Comparative and International Education: past, present and new directions for the future?’) and Professor Alistair Ross, London Metropolitan University (‘Partnerships: Pitfalls and Pleasures’).

188 IRED has agreed to work with the Bedford Charity to facilitate in-school research in Bedford schools. We will be holding a meeting shortly to finalise the contractual arrangements.

Current Students

Reg No Name 1 Name 2 Institute Dir of studies mode degree Prof Janice 97163834 MILLS Jeanette ERI Wearmouth PT M/P Prof Janice 99140750 PAPE Nick ERI Wearmouth PT M/P Dr Trevor 0917393 CROFT Julia ERI Corner PT EdD Prof Janice 0917394 EDWARDS Wendy ERI Wearmouth PT EdD Prof Janice 0711837 HUDSON Kate ERI Wearmouth PT EdD Dr Trevor 0616256 MADIRI Sabina ERI Corner PT EdD Prof Janice 0909775 OLUGBARO Margaret ERI Wearmouth PT EdD Prof Janice 0916806 ROSAMUND Margaret ERI Wearmouth PT EdD Prof Janice 0916805 THORNHILL Catherine ERI Wearmouth PT EdD Prof Janice 0920602 CLUBB Gordon ERI Wearmouth PT EdD Dr Trevor 0815720 MOYA Mario ERI Corner PT EdD Prof Janice 0921905 DEAN Peter ERI Wearmouth PT EdD Elizabeth Prof Janice 0925258 SACH (Liz) ERI Wearmouth PT M/P Michael Prof Janice 0925448 AYLEN (Mike) ERI Wearmouth PT M/P Chang- Prof David 0917517 LEE Hyun ERI Kirk FT M/P Prof David 0922491 IVES Helen ERI Kirk FT M/P Prof David 0613035 KERNER Charlotte ERI Kirk FT M/P


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