Ester Galeote Nadal

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Ester Galeote Nadal

Ester Galeote Nadal Scientific Translator

C/Andrade.Barcelona, Spain [email protected]

Personal Statement I am an efficient, meticulous and professional worker, equally comfortable working independently or as part of a team. As a translator, I am focused not only on precisely conveying the meaning of the original text but also on the linguistic quality of the resulting translation.

Work History

Scientific Translator (English to Spanish and Catalan); Writer, Proofreader and Editor (Spanish and Catalan). Freelance. Wellington, New Zealand/Barcelona,Spain. 2013 - present

 Medical and Scientific Translation. General Translation: I have experience translating Scientific and Legal Texts, Poetry and Commercial Websites.  Technical and General Writing, Proofreading and Editing: I have experience in proofreading and writing texts in the area of scientific and language education and written original content for commercial websites.

High School Teacher. Ministry of Education, Spain. Barcelona, Spain August 1999 - February 2014

This job consisted of:

 teaching biology, mathematics, physics, chemistry and ecology to students from 11 to 18 years old;  tailoring curriculums for different subjects and areas;  writing and designing new materials for general and specific areas and for students with special needs;  designing laboratory and field activities for different areas;  tutoring students. Private Spanish Teacher. February 2014 – Juny 2015

Teaching both individuals and groups in the Newtown Community Centre (Wellington) and on-line.


Master's degree, Medical and Healthcare Translation, Universitat Jaume I, Spain. 2013

Master's degree, Pedagogy for High School Teachers, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. 1999

Bachelor's degree, Biology, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. 1998


Manel Munoz. Edalia Consultoria Energetica. Barcelona [email protected]

Zack Qureshi. Destination English [email protected]

Pedro Burruezo. The Ecologist [email protected]

Thomas Robertson. Massey University [email protected] Ester Galeote Nadal Scientific Translator [email protected] C/Andrade.Barcelona, Spain


The Dalai Lama. Hope Comes from the Heart. Hylton Murray- Philipson. The Ecologist en Español. July 2014

Source Text. The Dalai Lama. Hope Comes from the Heart. Hylton Murray- Philipson wonders what keeps the Dalai Lama going. By any standards, the Dalai Lama’s life has been extraordinary. The early challenges were unusual enough – as a toddler, Tenzin Gyatso was identified as the reincarnation of Chenrezig, the Buddha of Compassion. He relocated from his birthplace in eastern Tibet to the capital, Lhasa, was enthroned on 24 February 1940 as the 14th Dalai Lama, and embarked on years of intense study in Buddhist religion and philosophy. As religious and temporal leader of the world’s last theocratic state, his position amongst world leaders was already unique, but he was thrust centre stage in 1949 when China’s People’s Liberation Army invaded Tibet. Aged just 14, he was forced to lead his people into the darkest chapter in their long history.

Translation: El Dalai Lama. La esperanza viene del corazón. Hylton Murray- Philipson se pregunta qué hace seguir adelante al Dalai Lama. Se mire como se mire, la vida del Dalai Lama ha sido extraordinaria. Los primeros desafíos a los que se enfrentó ya fueron extraordinarios, siendo reconocido, en su primera infancia, como la reencarnación de Chenrezig, el Buda de la Compasión. Se trasladó entonces desde su lugar natal en el este de Tíbet hasta la capital, Lhasa, y el 24 de febrero de 1940 fue entronado como decimocuarto Dalai Lama comenzando así un largo recorrido de años de intenso estudio del budismo y de la filosofía. Como líder temporal y religioso del último estado teocrático, su situación, respecto a la de otros líderes mundiales, ya era única. No obstante, se convirtió en el centro de atención cuando en 1949 el Ejercito Popular de Liberación de China invadió Tíbet. Con apenas catorce años se vio obligado a liderar a su pueblo en un viaje hacia el capítulo más oscuro de su larga historia. Destination English webpage.

Source Text General English. Typical Course Content. The General English Course is designed to give you the confidence to communicate effectively in real-life situations. The course provides a balanced programme, focusing on the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing, whilst covering essential grammar vocabulary, pronunciation, idioms and colloquial language. Who is the course for? It provides effective training for students who need English for work, study or travel and can provide preparation for a number of exams: IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, KET & PET.

Translation Inglés General.Contenido del curso. El Curso de Inglés General está diseñado para darte la confianza necesaria para comunicarte de manera efectiva en situaciones reales. El curso consiste en un programa equilibrado que se centra en desarrollar la fluidez verbal, la compresión auditiva y lectora y en mejorar la escritura. Al mismo tiempo, el programa cubre aspectos esenciales de la gramática, del vocabulario, del uso de expresiones idiomáticas y del lenguaje coloquial. ¿A quién está dirigido el curso? Este curso es efectivo para estudiantes que necesitan el inglés para trabajar, estudiar o viajar y proporciona la preparación necesaria para muchas pruebas como: IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, KET y PET.

Is Obama in a Kind of high noon enterprise? Edalia Barcelona Consultoría Energética blogspot.

Source Text So far, western countries have done a pretty poor job addressing climate change as an inequality issue. Rich countries promised $100 billion per year to help poor countries deal with the consequences of global warming, but most of the money hasn't been materialized. Any serious attempt to mitigate global warming would have to involve all the major emitters — not just the United States, but Europe, China, India, and so forth.

Translation Hasta este momento, en Occidente poco se ha hecho para abordar el cambio climático como un problema de desigualdades. Los países ricos prometieron 100 mil millones de dólares anuales para ayudar a los países pobres a afrontar las consecuencias del calentamiento global, pero la mayor parte de este dinero no se ha materializado. Cualquier intento serio de mitigar el calentamiento global debería involucrar a los principales emisores, no solamente a los Estados Unidos, sino también a Europa, China, India y otros. Mercury use in artisanal gold mining in Antioquia, Colombia. Consent forms and Information sheets. Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand.

Source Text Mercury use in artisanal gold mining in Antioquia, Colombia PARTICIPANT CONSENT FORM – INDIVIDUAL[GMP/oro verde employees] I have read the Information Sheet and have had the details of the study explained to me. My questions have been answered to my satisfaction, and I understand that I may ask further questions at any time. I agree/do not agree to the interview being sound recorded. I want/do not want to have my recordings or transcripts returned to me. I agree/do not agree to be named in any publications I agree to participate in this study under the conditions set out in the Information Sheet. Signature: Date:

Full Name - printed

Translation Empleo del mercurio en la minería artesanal de oro en Antioquía, Colombia CONSENTIMIENTO INFORMADO INDIVIDUAL [empleados de GMP/oro verde] He leído la Hoja Informativa y me han sido explicados los detalles del estudio. Han respondido a mis preguntas de manera satisfactoria y entiendo que puedo realizar nuevas preguntas en cualquier momento. Autorizo/no autorizo que se realice una grabación sonora de la entrevista. Deseo/no deseo que se me entreguen las transcripciones. Autorizo/no autorizo que se publique mi nombre. Accedo a participar en este estudio bajo las condiciones detalladas en la Hoja Informativa.

Firma: ………………………………………………….. Fecha : ………………………….

Nombre completo impreso: ………………………………………………………………..

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