Chapter 1: Early People Vocabulary s1

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Chapter 1: Early People Vocabulary s1

Chapter 4: Building the First Colonies Vocabulary

Chapter 4, Lesson 1 Chapter 4, Lesson 3 colony pilgrim plantation compact slavery self-government borderlands majority rule presidio mission hacienda Chapter 4, Lesson 4 internecine Chapter 4, Lesson 2 ally raw material proprietary colony stock cash crop indentured servant legislature represent established church royal colony governor primary source secondary source

1 Chapter 4, Lesson 1: The Spanish Colonies Battles over Claims  many countries had claimed the same lands, so Spain began setting up colonies to protect its claims New Spain  Spanish settlers set up plantations and needed workers so they enslaved the Indians  de las Casas fought for their freedom, and when they were freed, the Spanish found slaves in Africa to work the lands Settling the Borderlands  Spanish built presidios to protect the borderlands  first permanent settlement in present day US was in St. Augustine, Florida  built missions to convert Indians to Christianity

2 Chapter 4, Lesson 2: The Virginia Colony

The Lost Colony  Walter Raleigh was sent by Queen Elizabeth I to set up a colony in North America in the hopes of finding raw materials to export  first settlement failed and colonists left  John White set up a colony at Roanoke Island and left to get supplies, but when he returned, the colonists were gone and it became known as the Lost Colony

Jamestown  King James I allowed the Virginia Company to start a settlement in the Chesapeake Bay  Nearly failed, but John Smith took over and said if the colonists didn’t work, they didn’t eat  legend says he was captured by Powhatan and his daughter, Pocahontas, saved his life which led to a time of peace between the Indians and colonists where they cooperated and traded goods

3 Growth and Change  John Rolfe experimented with growing tobacco at Jamestown and it became Virginia’s major cash crop  Virginia Company hired indentured servants to grow tobacco for export, but eventually they used African slaves on their plantations

Early Government  Virginians set up the House of Burgesses as an early form of legislature, so that they could elect representatives to speak for them and pass laws

The Powhatan Wars  As more colonists arrived, they pushed farther into Powhatan lands, causing wars  Between the wars and the debts of the Virginia Company, the king took over the colony, appointing a governor to share the power with the House of Burgesses

4 Chapter 4, Lesson 3: The Plymouth Colony

The Pilgrims’ Journey  The pilgrims were a religious group who left England to go to the Netherlands for religious freedom, but didn’t like living there  The Virginia Company agreed to pay pilgrims passage to the new land if they agreed to make a settlement and give the VA Co furs and lumber for export

The Mayflower Compact  the pilgrims were blown off course and landed in Massachusetts instead of VA and set up a colony there  they made an agreement that set up a way to make laws and govern their new colony  only men could sign so women had no say in how the colony was run

Building a Colony  half the colonists died in the first winter  in spring Samoset arrived to welcome them and later brought Tisquantum to help them learn to plant and survive  both groups cooperated to help each other

5 Plymouth Grows  the colony divided up land and more people came to live there  new colonists fought with Indians, causing hard feeling between them

Chapter 4, Lesson 4: The French and the Dutch

New France  French made more colonies to get power in the fur trade  Samuel de Champlain was hired to make a settlement, which became Quebec  grew slowly due to most settlers living with Indians and profiting from the fur trade

New Netherland  Dutch settled New York and New Jersey, buying Manhattan Island from the Indians, the location being a great place for trade  New Sweden was settled in present day New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware  Eventually conflicts with Indians over the fur trade and land caused problems and wars, but a peace treaty was finally signed

6 Exploring New France  As the English and the French fought over the fur trade, allying Indian tribes (Huron and Iroquois) got involved  La Salle explored the Mississippi River, claiming it for France and naming the new land Louisiana after King Louis of France

A Colony and a Capital  Louisiana became a proprietary colony owned by John Law with many plantations  New Orleans was established as the capital  Few colonists lived in New France


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