Lecture Test Dates Will Be Posted on Blackboard Before One Week

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Lecture Test Dates Will Be Posted on Blackboard Before One Week

Valencia College General Biology I–BSc 1010c CRN 15150 (08/28/ 2017 – 12/17/2017)

INSTRUCTOR Professor Nalini Odapalli OFFICE HSB 117 PHONE 330-789-2824 (Cell) 407-582-1809 (Office) E-MAIL [email protected]

OFFICE HOURS In office: Mon- 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM Wed, Fri-7:30 AM -8:30 AM Sat- 10AM -11:30 PM and 2:15 PM- 2:45 PM If I am not in the office, please text me. Usually I am answering student questions after class so there might be little delay to reach office. By email/text: Tue- 10:00 AM -5:00 PM

CLASS TIME AND Friday lab 11:30 AM-02:15 PM AHS 321 LOCATION Lecture part will be covered through videos on blackboard.

BIOGRAPHY My name is Nalini Odapalli and I am a biologist. I earned Bachelor’s from India and Master’s degree from UCF. I teach Biology I and Microbiology courses. Biology is a subject that helps us learn about our health, life, genetics and our environment. The basic fundaments of biology help you to keep yourself fit. It is basis for all life skills. This knowledge helps you to amplify your stamina when life demands more, on your paths of success.

HYBRID CLASS I have taught hybrid courses and with my experience I can say that hybrid course students have to be high in discipline. The reason being the lectures are online and lecture tests have due date. So it becomes totally your responsibility to take charge of learning the material and mastering the concepts before taking the lecture tests which are challenging. Your awareness should be high and in parallel to the rigor of this college level course to be successful in this course.

COURSE This hybrid course of 4 credit hours is a prerequisite for advanced biology DESCRIPTION courses. Introduction to fundamental biological principles emphasizing common attributes of all living organisms. Unifying concepts include chemical structure of living matter, structure and function of the cell, specialized cells, major metabolic functions, control systems, reproduction, genetics, evolution and ecology.

COURSE LEARNING 1.Understand and describe: Fundamental units or matter, life, OUTCOMES inheritance; Life processes such as cellular respiration, photosynthesis, cell division and regulation, cancer. DNA, RNA and protein structure, synthesis, function and regulation by living cells 2.Use laboratory equipment and techniques to imbibe the biological concepts 3. Appreciate the amazing biological world by understanding its microscopic and collaborative macroscopic functions 4.Understand that each living animal cell, plant cell and bacterial cell thinks, works, and collaborates to make our biosphere.

VALENCIA 1. Think: clearly, critically and creatively, analyze, synthesize, integrate and STUDENT CORE evaluate (lecture videos and examinations). COMPETENCIES 2. Value: make reasoned value judgment and responsible commitments (laboratory classes). 3. Communicate: with different audiences and using varied means (group work, written assignments and lab reports). 4. Act: purposefully, reflectively and responsibly (laboratory classes).

TEXT 1. Campbell Biology Volume 1 with mastering Biology new design, 11th edition, ISBN 1323744134. This is custom made for Valencia students. (Online source: Mastering Biology online access code. This is sold with textbook as a package in Valencia bookstore)

2. Lab Manual: General Biology I Laboratory Manual, third Edition, Lindbeck, ISBN 0738094005 This is custom made for Valencia West campus students

LABORATORY 1. Lab coat and Lab Manual (Valencia West bookstore) MATERIAL 2. Permanent marker (Sharpie) 3. Shoes

ATTENDANCE Regular attendance, self-discipline, interaction with professor and class participation are significant factors which promote success in college. Students are expected to attend all classes in which they are enrolled (Policy 6Hx28:10-22). Each instructor determines the specific attendance policy for his/her class, but attendance must be recorded for each student. Students in BSC1010c are expected to attend classes regularly and be on time. Students that are habitually late (3 times) will be dropped from the class. Quizzes and lab Tests cannot be made up on arriving late. In this class a student missing 4 hours of class time or who has 3 late entries or 3 early exits will be withdrawn from the class. Before withdrawing from the class you are advised to consult the professor and an advisor or counselor.

LATE/TARDY After 3 minutes of class time is considered late/tardy and you will be marked absent. Be early to class in order to avoid loss of attendance. If you are late then please wait outside and I will Iet you in, do not interrupt the class. You will be asked to leave if you distract class by consistently entering late. Title IX (attached below) attendance policy is applied to pregnant students. Once the class begins refrain from exiting and entering the classroom, it is distracting. Distraction producers have to face serious consequences.

IMPORTANT Sep 4 Monday Labor Day -No classes DATES Oct 12 Thursday College Night -No classes Nov 22 Wed- Nov 26 Sun Thanks giving -No classes

Aug 28- Mon Semester begins Sep 5- Drop/Refund Deadline (11:59PM) Sep 6- Sep 15 No Show reporting by faculty Oct 13- Lab midterm Nov 10- Withdrawal Deadline - "W" Grade (11:59 PM) Dec 8- Final Lab test Dec 15- Final Lecture Test Wed 10 AM- 12:30 PM AHS 321 Note: The final tests’ date and time might change Dec 10- Faculty Final Date to Enter Withdrawal Dec 18 Mon at 9 AM Grades due

WITHDRAWAL “A student who withdraws from class before the withdrawal deadline will POLICY receive a grade of “W.” A faculty member is permitted to withdraw a student from the faculty member's class up to the beginning of the final Test period, for violation of the faculty member's attendance policy, as published in the faculty member's syllabus. A student is not permitted to withdraw from this class after the withdrawal deadline; if you remain in the class after the withdrawal deadline, you can only receive a grade of A, B, C, D, F or I. An I grade will only be assigned under extraordinary circumstances that occur near the end of the semester. If you receive an I, the work missed must be made up during the following semester, at which time you will get an A, B, C, D or F. Failure to make up the work during the following semester will result in you getting a grade of F in the course. Any student who withdraws from this class during a third or subsequent attempt in this course will be assigned a grade of “F.” (Valencia Policy 4-07 Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals).

FINANCIAL AID In order to academically maintain financial aid, students must meet all of the following requirements:  Complete 67% of all classes attempted, and  Maintain a Valencia GPA of 2.0 or higher, and  Maintain an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher, and  Complete degree within the 150% timeframe STUDENT Detailed information about maintaining satisfactory academic progress CONDUCT (SAP) can be found at http://valenciacollege.edu/finaid/satisfactory_progress.cfm No Food or Drink in the Lecture or Lab Rooms. The Student Code of Conduct is published in the Valencia Student Handbook. Violation of any of these rules may lead to disciplinary action and authorized penalty. No side discussions during class. It is considered as a distraction to learning. ELECTRONICS No electronics allowed. You can record lectures with my permission. Cell phones should be on silent, no texting during class. Cell phones must be out of sight for the duration of lecture, Tests and Test reviews. A hundred points are deducted first time a student uses a cell phone in the classroom. Second time a serious action is taken after meeting Dean. Please read ‘Dean’s letter’ at the end of the syllabus.

METHOD OF Lecture grade= 550. Lab grade= 450. Total= 1000 points COURSE Two Lab Tests 100 =200 EVALUATION Ten Lab Quizzes 20 =200 Genetics Lab Homework 50 = 50 Five Lecture Tests 25 =150 Sixteen Lecture Quizzes from Activity Sheets/online 10 =160 Sixteen Masteringbiology Quizzes 10 =170 Four Student presentations/ three Pop quizzes 10 =70 GRADING A: 90-100 C: 70-79 F: 0-59 SCALE: B: 80-89 D: 60-69

LAB GRADE Lab Quizzes are given in the lab and will begin on time. Lab Tests are given in the lab and include essays and multiple choice. You will be given good notice of the dates/times of Tests and quizzes Laboratory Tests contain actual specimens collected from laboratory exercises. Fill up and study ‘lab study guide’, previous lab results, and end of the packet questions for lab test/quiz.

LECTURE Lecture Tests are all multiple choice, online and are given in the testing GRADE center.

Online lecture quizzes: There will be quizzes from the activity sheets, for two or three chapters at a time, on blackboard, which you can take from home. Print out activity sheets from blackboard, answer the questions using the text book or PowerPoints and lecture videos. If there are any unanswered questions, then see me during office hours. Online lecture quizzes should be completed before the lecture tests.

Online masteringbiology quizzes: Available on masteringbiology.com website, accessible through blackboard, which can be taken from home. Instructions to register are provided in the classroom during second week. Due date for each chapter’s online quiz will be announced in the TO DO list. You have to access this website through blackboard, do not access directly. Masteringbiology quizzes help students in understanding the lectures and do well in their lecture tests.

You are responsible for keeping a record of your own grades since any alleged ‘errors’ in my records must be substantiated. Make-up policy: You can make up only lecture Tests on the final lecture Test day. You cannot make up quizzes and lab Test. No lab or lecture or quiz grades will be dropped.

Test questions All tests and quizzes are timed. and time Each question only 1 minute. Lecture tests have 25 multiple choice questions and time 30 minutes. Lab tests can be multiple choice, blank and short essays, time 1-2 hours. Lecture and lab quizzes usually contain 10 multiple choice or fill in the blank questions, time 10 minutes.

For hybrid Classes lecture tests are given in the testing centers. You can take these lecture tests on any Valencia campus. More details about testing center will be provided on Blackboard. Lab quizzes, lab tests, lecture tests are not open book. You cannot use your books or notes for any in-class test or quiz. You have to know the material to take test and quizzes.

Online lecture quizzes and online masteringbiology quizzes are open book. Do not cheat on these tests as it will impact your lecture test scores and your learning.

LABORATORY Labs cannot be re-scheduled. The laboratory classes are an extremely CLASSES important part of the course. They are designed to develop your ability to think clearly and critically and to improve your analytical skills. Hence they must be taken seriously. In order to efficiently perform the lab exercises you should read the procedures of the scheduled labs BEFORE you attend the lab so that you will be able to UNDERSTAND fully the experiments you are to carry out and to perform them INTELLIGENTLY. Lab Schedule Date Experiments Sep 1 Reaction Times Sep 8 Atoms and Molecules Sep 15 Use of the Microscope Sep 22 The Cell Sep 29 Diffusion I Oct 6 Diffusion II, Lab midterm test review Oct 13 Lab Midterm Oct 20 Enzymes Oct 27 Respiration Nov 3 Photosynthesis Nov 10 Mitosis and Meiosis Nov 17 Genetics Problems Nov 22-26 No labs, Thanksgiving week, Lab final test review Dec 1 Human Phenotypes & chap 16 lecture Dec 8 Lab Final, Final lecture test review Dec 15 Final Lecture Test 10 AM

Lecture Test dates will be posted on Blackboard before one week Test 1 in Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 WEEK4 Test 2 in Chapters 5, 6, 7- WEEK 6 Test 3 in Chapters 8, 9, 10 WEEK8 Test 4 in Chapters 12, 13, 14 WEEK 10 Test 5 in Chapters 15, 16, 17 WEEK 11 Final Cumulative Chapters 1-17 WEEK12

PENALTY 1. You must be present for the complete class for your quiz and Test grades to be counted. 2. Failure to bring text book, lab manual, activity sheets, guides, lecture notes, scantrons, pencils will result in the loss of 10 points from your grade each time. 3. Hundred points are deducted for using cell phone in the lab 4. Hundred points are deducted for leaving the lab untidy.

ACADEMIC ANY WORK OBTAINED/PRODUCED BY DISHONEST MEANS WILL DISHONESTY NOT BE GRADED. Any act of academic dishonesty will be handled in accordance with Valencia policy as set forth in the Student Handbook and Catalog. First time you will be assigned zero and second time the student is withdrawn from the class after meeting with the Dean of Sciences.

ROUNDING If you have perfect attendance, active participation in class, no late entries, GRADE and a 69, 79 or 89% following the final Test, your grade will be rounded up POLICY but otherwise no rounding will occur.

STUDENTS Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must WITH provide a letter from the Office for Student with Disabilities (OSD) and DISABILITIES discuss specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities (SSB 102, Phone 407 582 1523, Fax: 407-582-1326, West Campus).

STUDENT We want to reassure you that our security officers are here around the SECURITY clock to ensure the safety and security of the campus community. It’s important to remain alert and aware of your surroundings, especially during the early morning or evening hours. Remember that you can always call security for an escort if you feel uncomfortable walking alone on campus. White security phones can also be found in many of our buildings; simply pick up the phone and security will answer. Finally, report any suspicious persons to West Campus Security at 407 582-1000, 407-582-1030 (after- hours number) or by using the yellow emergency call boxes located on light poles in the parking lots and along walkways.

STUDENT Baycare Behavioral Health’s Student Assistance Program: SUPPORT Valencia is committed to making sure all our students have a SOURCES rewarding and successful college experience. Valencia students can get immediate help that may assist them with psychological issues dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, adjustment difficulties, substance abuse, time management as well as relationship problems dealing with school, home or work. Students have 24-hour unlimited access to the Baycare Behavioral Health’s confidential student assistance program phone counseling services by calling (800) 878- 5470. Three free confidential face-to-face counseling sessions are also available to students.” Tutoring Center: Bldg 7: 240 (Phone: 407 582 1633) Testing Center: Bldg 7: 217 (Phone 407 582 1323) Valencia’s skillshop offerings present topics to address student success, goals and purpose. http://valenciacollege.edu/studentservices/skillshops.cfm Use smarthinking.com an online on-demand student support site.

DISCLAIMER Changes in the syllabus and/or schedule may be made at any time during the term at the discretion of the professor. Students will be notified of any changes in class and by email. Your continued participation in this class after the drop-add deadline period constitutes an agreement with and an acceptance of the conditions presented in this syllabus.

STUDY TIPS “LEARNING IS AN ACTION VERB!! Most students need to do more than watching the lecture videos and reread their notes. Spend 1-2 hour blocks of time EVERY DAY actively writing or discussing concepts to make them a part of your memory. Use the words you learn often, they will sink in better. Here are some study and classroom management tips that have assisted former students: - Attend every lab and don’t be tardy. - Watch lecture videos with complete focus. The introduction to each lecture explains the purpose of the entire lecture. Students who follow this rule won’t miss important information. - Fill up activity sheet before watching that chapter video. This helps you to understand the concepts better and note down questions relevant to lecture tests. - REWRITE YOUR NOTES soon after the lecture video; replay to refresh your memory when you rewrite your notes. - Create flash cards with questions you make up from the lecture and lab with answers on the back. - Use mnemonic devises and other games to remember concepts; go to Google images, YouTube and Khan Academy for additional pictures and videos to clarify concepts. - Make lists of confusing topics from your studying and ask questions. - Take advantage of the professor’s office hours. - JOIN A STUDY GROUP and predict what questions the professor could ask on the test. - Get the telephone number of three more classmates in case you are absent from a class. - Keep checking your grades on blackboard and motivate yourself to do better. - Prepare your own dictionary of words which includes both scientific terms and general vocabulary words For Lecture Test: 1. Study PowerPoint while reading the chapters from text book. Do not ignore PowerPoints or Text book, both are important. 2. Study activity sheets and test yourself again 3. Use practice tests available on masteringbiology website 4. Make sure you review class notes and your practice tests for achieving high score 5. Lecture test questions are not easy but when you prepare well using the activity sheets, online quizzes and practice tests then it is possible to ace these Tests. 6. After first test: Come see me if you got less than A. You will fill up a questionnaire which will help us see ways to improve score in coming tests. I have tips to help you improve your grades, such as which tests and assignments are easy scorers, how to study for next test, how to increase memory, types of distractions and how to avoid them, etc. There is CARE program in Valencia college for helping you in many different ways. Weather Emergencies: In the case of weather emergencies, you can find out about school closings by signing up to update your information for Valencia Alerts on Atlas. Absent: When you miss a class, it is your responsibility to get all the material missed, due dates of the quizzes, assignments dates upon return to class. This rule is applied to both excused and unexcused absences. Make sure you have taken 3 classmates contacts and ask all of them individually and learn everything you missed. This rule is applicable even to those who missed the very first class. Professor is not responsible to update you. Seating: You will be placed in different groups every time and will be asked to change seats based on the need of the learning activities. Come with open mind, flexible and humble personality with the mindset aimed at learning maximum from every class. Every moment in class is a precious learning moment. Drifting: Some students have the habit of constantly checking cell phones. This is the biggest distraction of this century. I want my students to learn and only learn during class time. If you are not in agreement with this rule please take a decision and chose another class. Pop quizzes: You will be given several chances to score activity points. Always be alert in class or video to score maximum activity points. These cannot be made up if you missed a class. Flight to catch: You already know the class schedule. Please do not schedule travel, ride to airport, pick up and drop off that might interfere with class times. Big Events: If you have weddings, birthdays, cruise, vacation preplanned which might interfere with our class then please withdraw the first week. To Do list: It is your duty to copy and maintain a log of “To Do” list written on the board or in blackboard. This list contains a chain of events and due dates of quizzes/tests coming up. It also gives you basic information to make a study plan every week. What to buy: Text book, Lab manual from West Valencia bookstore, ‘masteringbiology website code’ from Valencia bookstore only, 2 composition notebooks, 4 pencils, 4 packets of 882-E scantron. What to bring: Carry textbook, lab manual, scantrons, pencils, erasers, lecture notes and pens to every class and lab. Borrowing scantrons is not allowed once quiz begins Etiquettes: High etiquettes are expected from each and every student in class. Always place bags and bag tags away from walkways. Respect every class member and pay complete attention during lectures, presentations, questions and answer sessions. Extra Assessments: Bioreadiness assessment, GenED critical thinking assessment, Faculty evaluation survey. Complete these and turn in during the last week of the semester to gain 5 activity points. Whenever deemed these assessment links will be emailed to you by the college and or professor. I encourage you all to use media to post your evaluations such as ratemyprofessor website. Convey what is true about the course, college, learning experience and the teacher. Evaluations are an important source of information for future students. I do not appreciate either negative views or positive things. Negative evaluations are detrimental to our work and positive evaluations are embarrassing for me. What we want is a genuine reporting of what’s done, what is the value of what we have done and let the readers decide.

Sample Activity: I)Answer these questions on a flash card and turn in first week, 1.Student name: 2.what was the previous science course taken and when? 3.what is your major? 4. What is your academic goal? 5. Did you take Bio-readiness assessment? What was the suggestion given based on your score? 6.What are some of the characteristics of professor Odapalli’s teaching style? 7.Did you read syllabus, letter from the Dean and lab rules?

II)Answer these questions and email ([email protected]) after every unit test 1.Student name: 2. Are you checking your grade on blackboard and are you completely happy with your grade? 3. If not what are you doing to make it better. 4. Did you fix an appointment with professor to discuss your grade? (Text or call her on 330-789-2824, or visit during office hours). 4. Describe below your “study plan schedule” before going to meet your professor. Show this plan to her and discuss what are the ways to bump up your grade. Take the responsibility of improving your grade. Take charge now.

First TO DO list for Weeks 1 and 2 1. Print syllabus, activity sheets, Lab guide, 2. Buy Text book, lab manual, 882 E scantrons, lab coat, sharpie, notebook, pencil, 1” folder, shoes, 3. Study for syllabus quiz and Lab 1 & 2 quizzes from Lab guide. Quiz will be in second week. 4. Be on time to class. Wear shoes to lab otherwise you will not be allowed to enter lab. 5. Read Chap2 from text book and study chap2 PowerPoint from blackboard, write notes and attempt the ‘end of the chapter questions’. 6. Fill up Chap 1, 2, 3, 4 activity sheets. Quiz will be in week 3 7. Watch six “How to study videos by Stephen Chew”. Write a list of 20 tips that you will use. https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=RH95h36NChI&list=PL338ADF5641FE7711 8. Check out blackboard for next to do list. Prepare your weekly plan using the TO DO list, include your fun activities too. VALENCIA COLLEGE LABORATORY RULES West Campus Prevention is the key to a safe and effective laboratory experience. General Safety Policies 1. Always follow all written and verbal instructors’ directions. If you do not understand a direction or part of a procedure, ask the instructor before proceeding.

2. No working in the lab without your instructor present.

3. No food or drink in the lab. No candy or gum in the lab.

4. Do not apply cosmetics in the lab.

5. No smoking in the lab.

6. Conduct only authorized experiments. Never do anything in the laboratory unless it has been explicitly called for in the laboratory procedures or by your instructor.

7. Be prepared for your work in the laboratory. Read all procedures thoroughly before entering the laboratory.

8. Never fool around in the laboratory. Horseplay, practical jokes, and pranks are dangerous and prohibited.

9. Observe good housekeeping practices. You must maintain an uncluttered area at all times. You must hang purses, backpacks, coats in the space provided and keep aisles between work benches free. Bring only your laboratory instructions, worksheets, and/or reports to the work area.

10.Keep aisles clear. Push your chair under the desk when not in use.

11.Know the locations and operating procedures of all safety equipment:

a. Fire blanket, eye wash station and safety shower d. Fire extinguisher

b. Know where the fire alarm and exits are located e. First Aid Kit

c. Spill absorbent and neutralization materials

12.Always work in a well-ventilated area. Use the fume hood (or snorkels) when working with volatile substances or poisonous vapors. Never place your head into the fume hood.

13.Notify the instructor immediately of any unsafe conditions you observe.

14.Dispose of all chemical and biological waste properly. Never mix chemicals in sink drains. Sinks are to be used only for water and those solutions designated by the instructor. Solid chemicals, metals, filter paper, and all other insoluble materials are to be disposed of in the proper waste containers, not in the sink. Check the label of all waste containers twice before adding your chemical or biological waste to the container.

15.Read carefully all labels and equipment instructions before use.

16.Keep hands away from face, eyes, mouth and body while using chemicals. Wash your hands with soap and water after performing all experiments. Clean and rinse your lab station at the end of the lab period. Keep all equipment clean.

17.Experiments must be personally monitored at all times. You will be assigned a laboratory station at which to work. Do not wander around the room, distract other students, or interfere with the laboratory experiments of others.

18.You may not enter the prep room area, other than in an emergency situation, without special advance permission.

19.Unauthorized visitors are not allowed.

20.Inform your instructor if you have any medical condition (including pregnancy) that may compromise your safety in laboratory. This can be done in a private meeting between you and your instructor. Ask your instructor for a list of chemicals used in the experiments to help determine in which experiments you may participate. Show the list to your physician and follow his/her recommendations.

You may be removed from the lab for inappropriate behavior! Eye protection/Clothing 21.For Chemistry and Microbiology laboratories, safety goggles are required. Other courses may require occasional use of goggles. Goggles are available in the lab or you may bring your own.

Goggles must meet ANSI Z87+D3 standards, protects against splash and high impact.

22.Contact lenses, especially soft lenses, can trap irritating vapors against the eye. Contact lenses should not be worn in the laboratory.

23.Dress properly during a laboratory activity: wear full-coverage clothing that covers shoulders, chest, abdomen, and legs to the knee or lower. Tie back long hair. Avoid clothing items that dangle.

24.You must wear shoes that fully enclose your feet: no sandals, flip-flops, or open- heeled slides are allowed in the laboratory rooms. 25.BSc1010c requires Knee-length lab coat. You will not be allowed into or remain in the lab if wearing inappropriate shoes or clothing. Accidents and Injuries 26.Report all accidents (spills, breakage, etc.) or injuries (cuts, burns, etc.) to the instructor immediately regardless of severity. In the event of true emergency, call 911after advising the instructor. In case the instructor is injured and unable to call 911, do not hesitate to dial 911 for emergency assistance. Campus security may be reached at 407-582-1000.

27.If a chemical should splash in your eye(s) or on your skin, immediately flush with running water from the eyewash station or safety shower for at least 15 minutes. Notify the instructor immediately. Handling Chemicals 28.All chemicals in the laboratory are to be considered dangerous. Do not touch, taste, or smell any chemicals unless specifically instructed to do so. You must avoid or minimize skin contact with all chemicals (gloves are available). The proper technique for smelling chemicals fumes will be demonstrated to you.

29.Check the label on chemical bottles twice before removing any of the contents. Take only as much chemical as you need and transfer to a labeled container. Keep caps on reagent bottles. Never switch caps.

30.Never return unused chemicals to their original containers.

31.Never use mouth suction to fill a pipette. Use a rubber bulb or pipette pump.

32.When transferring reagents from one container to another, hold the containers away from your body.

33.Handle flammable hazardous liquids over a pan to contain spills. Never dispense flammable liquids anywhere near an open flame or source of heat.

34.Never remove chemicals or other materials from the laboratory area.

35.Take great care when transferring acids and other chemicals from one part of the laboratory to another. Hold them securely and walk carefully.

36.Always know the hazards and physical and chemical properties of the materials used. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) (formerly called Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)) are located in the prep areas and are available by asking the instructor. There are also many sources available on the internet. Handling Glassware and Equipment 37.Never handle broken glass with your bare hands. Use a brush and dustpan to clean up broken glass. Place broken or waste glassware in the designated glass disposal container. Examine glassware before each use. Never use chipped or cracked glassware. Never use dirty glassware. 38.Before unplugging electrical equipment, turn equipment off. When removing an electrical plug from its socket, grasp the plug, not the electrical cord. Hands must be completely dry before touching an electrical switch, plug, or outlet. Do not use damaged electrical equipment. Heating Substances 39.Be cautious with flames and flammable solvents. Keep bags, purses, and papers away.

40.Never leave a lit burner unattended. Never leave anything that is being heated or is visibly reacting unattended. Always turn the burner or hot plate off when not in use.

41.Do not place hot crucible directly on the laboratory desk. Always use an insulating pad. Allow plenty of time for hot apparatus to cool before touching it.

Alternative Arrangements for Pregnant Students: The laboratory environment often times will involve the use of and/or exposure to chemicals or other substances. If you are pregnant and concerned about your exposure to these chemicals, please see your instructor, lab manager, or Dean to discuss possible alternative arrangements. Students are also invited to contact Mr. Ryan Kane, Title IX Coordinator/Equal Opportunity Officer, 407-582-3421, [email protected], regarding requests for alternative arrangements relating to pregnancy. Disclaimer: At times, your experiments may require additional safety measures not mentioned here. Follow all instructions given by your instructor in these situations.

Laboratory Safety Contract: Student copy

I, ______(student’s name) have read, understand and agree to follow all the laboratory rules set forth in this contract. To ensure my own safety as well as that of other students and instructors in my class, I understand that I must obey these rules, as well as additional verbal and written procedures set forth by my instructor. I understand that the laboratory can be a dangerous place and that following these laboratory rules is critical to my continued participation in lab activities. By agreeing to follow this Laboratory Safety Contract, I understand that my failure to follow the laboratory rules may result in serious consequences, including but not limited to a reprimand, removal from the course, student conduct proceeding, or other discipline as appropriate.

I understand that I am responsible for determining whether any medical conditions I may have, including pregnancy, will compromise my safety in the lab. It is my responsibility to ask my instructor for a list of chemicals used in the experiments and to consult my physician for his or her recommendations about my participation. ______Student Signature Note: A parent or legal guardian signature is required below for any student under the age of 18 years. ______Date

Instructor ______Course Name ______Course Number______CRN#______Lab Room______For the Parent or Guardian (if under 18 years old): I have read and reviewed the laboratory rules with my child and ensured that he/she understands them. I understand the behavior that is expected of my child and will ensure that he/she complies with the laboratory rules and any directives of the instructor. ______Parent/Guardian Signature for minor ______Date What does Title IX say about pregnant & parenting students?


Title IX specifically prohibits discrimination against a student based on pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from any of these conditions. It is illegal for schools to exclude a pregnant student from participating in any part of an educational program. Schools may implement special instructional programs or classes for a pregnant student, but participation must be completely voluntary on the part of the student, and the programs and classes must be comparable to those offered for other students. A school must excuse a student’s absences because of pregnancy or childbirth for as long as the student’s doctor deems the absences medically necessary. When a student returns to school, she must be allowed to return to the same academic and extracurricular status as before her medical leave began. An instructor may not refuse to allow a student to submit work after a deadline that she missed because of absences due to pregnancy or childbirth. If a teacher’s grade is based in part on attendance or participation, the student should be allowed to earn the credits missed. A school may require a pregnant student or student who has given birth to submit medical certification for school participation only if the school also requires such certification from all students with physical or emotional conditions requiring the attention of a physician. Harassment of a pregnant student could be a violation of Title IX. This includes peer or faculty to student harassment such as verbal name calling, graphic or written statements i.e. jokes, rumors, sexual propositions, etc. Institutions are required to provide assistance such as adjustments to the regular program that are reasonable and responsive to a student’s temporary pregnancy status i.e. larger desk, frequent trips to the bathrooms, etc. Institutions are expected to give the student an opportunity to make up any work missed. Alternatives such as retaking a semester, taking part in an online course, or allowing the student to have additional time in a program or class to continue at the same pace and finish at a later date. The student should be allowed to choose how to make up the work. If you have any Valencia College community members who have questions regarding this topic, please feel free to contact, or suggest that the student, faculty or staff member contact the College’s Title IX Coordinator/EO Officer at 407-582-3421. LETTER FROM THE DEAN Expectations of a Valencia College Science Student Welcome to the Science Division of Valencia College’s West Campus; we are enthused to have this opportunity to assist you in achieving your educational goals. Higher education is a privilege and an opportunity; it is your responsibility to realize that you are in control of those behaviors and actions that can enable success in this course. From your professors, you can expect the following: 1. They will be prompt, courteous and respectful.

2. They will provide a professional learning environment throughout the entire scheduled instructional period.

3. They will provide an up-to-date syllabus; when changes need to be made, they will announce changes in a manner that is conveyed to all students in their class.

4. They will provide you with a course that is of necessary rigor to prepare you for the career you have chosen; because the class you are taking transfers to a four-year college or university, it will be taught with the same academic expectations. The bonus of starting your education at Valencia, when compared to attending a four- year college, is you will be able to get more personal attention with small class sizes and you will be able to save money; the classes are not easier.

5. They will offer time outside of class to discuss your questions.

6. They will be available to discuss your class concerns in private, outside of class time; you should try to resolve your class concerns with your professor before you try to voice your concerns with administrators.

7. They will respond to emails within 2 business days.

8. They will expect from you what they have expected from the many students who passed their classes in the past.

In return, this is what your professor will expect from you: 1. You will be prompt, courteous and respectful.

Prompt means you come to class on time, ready to work, with all assignments completed before you enter class or lab. It means that you have studied, that all conversations, texting and diversions come to a stop and that you are ready to contribute to a positive learning environment from the beginning of the class or lab.

Courtesy means you are polite in your attitude and behavior towards your professor and classmates.

Respectfulness means that you regard everyone’s classroom experience as valuable to them, that you accept your professor’s expertise and experience to create relevant course objectives and that you treat college and personal property with care.

2. You will read your syllabus; your syllabus is a contract between your professor and you. Be aware of deadlines to complete assignments on time and know your professor’s attendance policy. You will need to attend class for the full length of time allotted to your science class and lab.

3. You will be aware of Valencia College policies and procedures found in the college catalog; ignorance of policies and procedures doesn’t mean they don’t apply.

4. You will be serious about learning; it is your responsibility to be an active participant in your own learning. You will need to devote sufficient time to learn the material presented by your professor; for most students, this means you will need to spend at least two hours studying for every hour of instruction. Learning is an action verb; you will need to do more than sit through class and reread your notes to be successful. To succeed in higher level classes, you must retain the information, concepts and skills you will learn; this can only happen if you work at learning to make the course content a part of your long term memory. Do not cram!!

5. You will be encouraged to produce your own study guides. Most college professors do not provide study guides, but they can give you tips that will help you produce your own study guides to gain a better understanding of the course content.

6. You will be expected to participate fully in classroom activities. The work you produce must be your own; cheating in any form is not tolerated. When you are caught cheating in class or after test then you will be given a zero on the test and withdrawn from class.

7. You will be expected to contribute to a positive learning environment. Avoid classmates who speak negatively, or who have a negative outlook, about your class or your professor. Instead, get to know your professor during office hours; you will learn much more with a positive attitude.

8. You will be held to a high standard of maturity and responsibility. Disruptive behaviors will not be tolerated in the classroom or lab. First time disruptions will be handled by your professor and may include a request that you leave the class or lab. Very serious or repeated disruptions will be reported, to the Dean of Science and the Dean of Students, with specific consequences that can include your permanent removal from the class. Disruptions include:

- Being noisy when arriving late to class or leaving early.

- Carrying on private conversations while the professor is talking.

- Disrespectful language, tone and mannerisms. - Sleeping or attempting to sleep in class.

- Repeatedly asking unnecessary or irrelevant questions.

My wish is that you get the best learning value from the science classes that you are taking. With everyone abiding by the expectations in this letter, your science classes at Valencia should be the next step in achieving your academic dreams. Dr. Robert Gessner West Campus Dean of Science Valencia College

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