MONOCOT NURSERY '.1acklandc, Jacklands Bridge, Tickenham, Clevedon, Avon BS21 6S G, England.

Only the Narcissus pages are included here.

Plant List 1994 - 5

-131.4.464. 11,1_ .1.

"It . _ All listed are grown here on the nursery, the greater part from seed

which ensures robust virus-free stocks.

For conservation purposes, where stocks are from a known original source, this

is briefly given. Where stocks are from various sources these are also given

with collectors initials and collection numbers so that they may be precisely

identified from the collectors field notes.

This general list is without descriptions or cultural details as I expect

enthusiasts to have some idea of the they wish to grow. Reference is

recommended to:- 'The Book' by Rix & Phillips, 'Dwarf ' and 'Larger

Bulbs' both by Brian Mathew or 'Bulbs' by Grey-Wilson & Mathew for descrip-

tions and/or illustrations of most of the plants listed here. For Narcissus

'Narcissus' by John Blanchard or 'Modern Miniature Daffodils' by James

Wells are comprehensive and well illustrated. 'The Crocus' and 'The Iris'

both by Brian Mathew are the current handbooks on these genera.

All plants listed are top size unless otherwise stated but flowering is not

guaranteed as subsequent growing conditions are in the hands of the customer.

If you are not satisfied with the goods as received, please return and I will

replace or refund.

May I draw your attention to my seed list devoted entirely to bulbous and tuberous-rooted plants which is issued annually at the end of October. About

500 species are usually listed including many which are never available in my list as flowering size material. A stamped self addressed envelope would be appreciated.

2 Bulbs for, late summer - early autumn delivery.

Orders from March until August.


Amarine x fletcheri 4.00

Brunsvigia multiflora 6.50

multiflora alba 7.00

Brunsvigia roses minor 5.00

Galanthus elwesii 1.50

ikariae 1.75

nivalis flore pleno 1.25

reginae olgae 2.00

Haemanthus coccineus 5.00

IL 'King Albert' (coccineus K albiflos) 3.50

Hannonia hesperidum S.F.21 Tamri, Morocco 4.50

Lapiedra martinezii MS. 423 Sorbas, Spain 4.50

Leucoium autumnale oporanthum MS. 1061 Sancti Petrie, Spain 1.00

autumnale oporanthum S.F.342 Ceuta, Morocco 1.00

autumnale pulchellum A.B.S.4356 Ifrane, Morocco 1.00

longifolium Corsica 2.00

tingitanum J1413.8802 Chechaouen, Morocco 3.50

trichophyllum S.B.409 Coruche, Portugal 1.00

trichophyllum S.F . 382 Sidi Slimane, Morocco . 50

Lycoris squamigera 3.50

Narcissus albidus sbsp.occidentalis 9.F.15 Tamanar, Morocco 1.50

albidus sbsp.occidentalis S.F.16 Agadir-Tamri, Morocco 1.50

albidus sbsp.albidus S.F.110 Afourer, Morocco 2.00

it albidus sbsp.tananicus 5.F.44 Ida Dutenane, Morocco 2.50

fl albidus sbsp.foliosus S.F.284/2 Marble Mt, Morocco. 1.00

(Previously sent out as N.cantabricus sbsp.foliosus)

4 Narcissus alpestris MS.842 Pto.Oriel, Jaca, Spain 4.00

aureus sbsp. bertolonii Algeria 2.50

baeticus MS.656 Cabra l Spain 1.50

baeticus MS.548 Los Villares-Rute l Spain 1.50

bicolor B.5.448 Roiz, Spain 3.00

broussonetii S.F.269 Et Thine, Morocco 7.00

broussonetii EKB Morocco 3.00

bulbocodium sbsp. genuinus S.F.177 Taddert, Morocco 2.00

bulbocodium sbsp. mairei (nivalis) S.F. 181 Morocco 1.50

bulbocodium sbsp. nivalis MS.402 Mijares, Spain 1.50

bulbocodium sbsp. obesus MS.451 Alvados, Spain 1.00

bulbocodium sbsp. tenuifolius S.B.189 Travanca, Portug 1.00

calcicola MS. 450 Mira d' Aire, Portugal 3.00

it canaliculatus MS.517 Rapallo, Italy 2.00

cantabricus sbsp. cantabricus S.F.389 Jimenez, Spain 1.50

IE cantabricus sbsp. cantabricus S.F.354/2 Sefrou, Morocco 1. 50

cantabricus sbsp. cantabricus MS.424 Sa.los Filabres, Spain. 1.50

cantabricus sbsp. cantabricus MS.504 Castellar, Spain 1.50

IL cantabricus sbsp. eualbidus MS.657 Maestanza, Spain 1.50

It cantabricus sbsp. eualbidus MS.658 Benahavis, Spain 1.50

cantabricus sbsp. eualbidus S.F.362 Tazzeka, Morocco 1.50

cantabricus sbsp. eualbidus S.F.385 Riff, Morocco 1.75

cantabricus sbsp. eualbidus S.F.359 Tazzeka, Morocco 1.75

cantabricus sbsp. eualbidus S.F.353 Tazzeka, Morocco 1.75

cantabricus sbsp. laciniatus S.F.365 Sefrou, Morocco 3.00

cordubensis MS.434 Ubrique, Spain 2.00

11 cuatrecasasii MS. 429 Grazalerna, Spain 2.00

dubius sbsp. dubius MS.S12 Albaida, Spain 3.00

dubius sbsp. micranthus Avignon, France 3.00

elegans sbsp. elegans S.F.316 Tangier, Morocco 3.50

5 Narcissus elegans sbsp. fallax S.L.324 Sousse, Tunisia 4.00

elegans x serotinus S.F.287/1 Cafe Albatross, Morocco 2.50

fernandesii M9* 449 Samara, Portugal &. .00

11 fernandesii MS.414 Herrera, Spain 2.O0

1.1 fernandesii MS.546 Alcala, Spain 2.00

gaditanus MS.633 Otivar, Spain 1.50

humilis sbsp. humilis S. L.446 Bolonia, Spain 1.00

rr humilis sbsp. humilis S.F.317 Tangier, Morocco 1.00

humilis sbsp. humilis A.B.S.4301 Tangier, Morocco .50

humilis sbsp. mauretanicus S.F.260 Et Tnine, Morocco 3.00

hedreanthus MS.543 Tiscar, Spain 2.00

hedreanthus M5.419 Cazorla, Spain 2.00

rr henriquesii MS.445 Torraeo, Portugal 2a00

rr henriquesii B.S.410 Rio Alcacovas, Portugal 2.00

hispanicus sbsp. bujei MS.853 La Nava, Cabra, Spain 3.00

hispanicus sbsp. eugerriae MS.845 Valdelinares, Spain 3.00

/I hispanicus sbsp. pinetorum B.S.470 Sa.los Nieves, Spain 3. 00

LI x intermedius 2.50

jacetanus MS.580 Minchate, Spain 2. 50

jonquilla sbsp. jonquilla B. .420 Tamurejo, Spain 2.00

jonquilla sbsp. stellaris MS.466 Espada, Portugal 2.00

rr longispathus MS.546 Sa.Cazorla, Spain 3.00

marvieri S.F.126 Ait Darin, Morocco 4.00

minutiflorus B. .412 Alte, Portugal 2.00

obvallaris MS.560 Don Rodrigo, Spain 2.00

(This is now N.perez-chiscanoi)

papyraceus sbsp. papyraceus A.B.S.4399 Mediya, Morocco 2.00

papyraceus sbsp. papyraceus S.F.291 Cafe Albatross, Morocco 2.00 redinganorum BS.434 Aiwa, Spain 4.00 requienii (assoanus) MS.511 Estagol l France 1. 50 requienii (assoankis) MS.582 Binies, Spain 1.50

6 Narcissus requienii sbsp. fontanus S.F.393 El Burgo, Spain 1.00

requienii sbsp. minutus S.S.139 Torrelapaja, Spain 2.50

IP requienii sbsp. magnicoronatus 1MS.514 Monosque, France 2.00

FF romieuxii sbsp. romieuxii S.F.370 Sefrou, Morocco 1.00

FI romieuxii sbsp. romieuxii P.B.S.4384 in Leuh, Morocco .75

FF romieuxii var. mesatlanticus (of Trade) .50

serotinus sbsp. grandiflorus S.F.298 Villa Martin, Spain 2.50

FT serotinus sbsp. serotinus S.F.285 Marble Mt., Morocco 2.00

tazetta sbsp. tazetta MS.989 Monte Cavo, Italy 2.50

kk tazetta sbsp. tazetta MS. 719 Heraklion-Mires, Crete 2.50

tazetta sbsp. corcyrensis MS.519 San Remo, Italy 2.50

tazetta sbsp. italicus MS.520 Tende, France. 2.00

tazetta sbsp. tazetta PB.88 Majorca 2.00

triandrus sbsp. pallidulus S.B.191 Bobadela, Portugal 1.50

viridiflorus MS.500 Sancti Petri, Spain 3.00

FF wilkornmii (trade) 1.74

zaianicus S.F.374 Taztot, Morocco 1.50

zaianicus S.F.170 Oulmes, Morocco 1.50

zaianicus var. albus MS.168 Zaian Mts., Morocco 1.75

albidus x bulbocodium shsp. genuinus S.F.101 Morocco 1.50

albidus x romieuxii S.F. 126/1 Tizi ait Duirra, Morocco 2.50

(superior 'Julia Jane')

Nerine bowdenii var. wellsii 2.50

Nerine flexuosa var. flexuosa 2.00

flexuosa var. rosea 1.75

fothergillii (vermilion) 3.00

fothergillii x 'Queen Mary' (delft rose) 2.50

Pi humilis var. breachiae (pale carmine) 2.00

mansellii (pink) 1.50

It undulata (pale lilac rose) 1.50 7