Annual Report of the Colonies, Nigeria, 1923
COLONIAL REPORTS—ANNUAL. No. 1197. sxsifJrUJx A r UK I VZX (For Report for 1922 see No. 1155.) LONDON P PRINTED & PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OfflCH be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresser: Imperial House, Kingeway, London, W.C& and 28 Abbgdon Sfreei, London, S.W.I j Yorjc Street, Manchester$ 1 Sfc Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff j or 120 George Street, ' Edinburgh. 1924 Price 15. Orf. Net. 2 i . €0,LONIAL REPORTS—ANNUAL No. 1197. NIGERIA. ANNUAL GENERAL REPORT FOR 1923, 1. GEOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL NOTE. The Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria is situated on the northern shores of the Gulf of Guinea. It is bounded on the west and north by French territory and on the east by the former German Colony of the* Cameroons. Great Britain has recently received a mandate over a small portion of the Cameroons (31,150 square miles) which, for purposes of administration, has been placed under the Nigerian Government. The remainder of the Cameroons is administered by the French under a mandate, so, for all practical purposes, all the land frontiers of Nigeria march with French territory. ,.. 2. The area of Nigeria, induding the mandated area of the Cameroons, is approximately 367,928 square miles (Southern Provinces and Colony 91;894 square miles ; Northern Provinces 276,034 square miles), and it is thus larger than any British Dependency other than Tanganyika, India, and the self-governing Dominions. It is more than three times the size of the United Kingdom. Along the entire coast-line runs a belt, from 10 to 60 miles in width, of dense mangrqye forest and swamp intersected by the branches of the Niger defta, and other rivers, which are connected one with another by innumerable creeks, the whole constituting a continuous inland waterway from beyond the western boundary of Nigeria almost to the Cameroons.
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