Collegiate Chapters Council

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Collegiate Chapters Council

American Marketing Association Collegiate Chapters Council Meeting Minutes, December 1, 2007 Las Vegas NV

Attending: Council: Keith Niedermeier, President, Jimmy Peltier, President-Elect, Lucille Pointer, Past President, Tim Dugan Birrittella, Fred Honerkamp, Vish Iyer, Victoria Panzer, Jack Schibrowsky, Gail Zank Staff: Deb Billow, CCO, Teresa Bates, Manager, Collegiate Chapters

Saturday, December 1, 2007 Keith opened the meeting at 9:25 a.m. He introduced Tim and Deb to the council.

Fred moved to approve the minutes as written and Victoria 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

2008 Case Competition-Jack Schibrowsky and Gail Zank Reporting The case competition is going smoothly. Case inquiries were up this year with a total of 114 entries. Gail and Jack are in the process of recruiting judges. They would prefer to have judges that have internet access expertise. Judges will read 5 to 6 cases and usually takes 5 to 6 hours to read through them. It was suggested that faculty, book reps and professional chapter members be asked to judge. Judges will get the cases December 20th and return their scores by January 6th. The plan is to place the cases on a server and let the judges retrieve them.

Action Items: . CCC will open the judging opportunity to Faculty and Professional Chapter members. . Keith will extend an invitation to Michelle DeKinder-Smith (Professional Chapters Council President) and the Marketing Research Council. . Jack and Gail will assign CCC members and others to read the “no-chance” cases.

Conference Updates-Victoria Panzer and Tim Birrittella Reporting The committee has made great progress so far on the conference and has a lot of new things planned for the attendees. They have hired Kevin Snyder to speak as the Thursday Keynote Speaker. He is a great motivational speaker and the committee feels the students will relate well to this speaker. He will also do an experience speaks session. The committee walked through the schedule for the rest of the council.


For the opening session, they would like it to be exciting and fun. Deb will represent the AMA and say a few words.

The committee would like a bigger room to hold a better networking session. They want to really promote the networking session more at the conference so more people will attend. They would like the sponsors (CCP) to possibly do a raffle or drawing during the networking session. They will possibly look into promoting a “bring a friend” incentive for the networking session. Students would receive something based on the number of students they brought to the networking session that is not in their chapter. They would also like a sponsor to possibly sponsor this session.

1 The committee has moved the Chapter’s President Reception to Thursday to get the president’s to network earlier in the conference.

The committee requested the following ribbons to be printed. Chapter President and Alpha Mu Alpha ribbons.

The committee would also like to give AMA beads away during the opening networking session.


The career corner will be the same. The plan is for more companies will participate this year.

The committee will find out who will be the keynote for Friday morning speaker. It will either be Dan Silverburg or someone from his team (Doug H.) They would like them to talk about new media, the future of the digital age. The committee must make it clear that this presentation will be in front of students. They would like for McGraw-Hill to do some type of give away (ex. Thumbdrives) for this session.

The committee is wrapping up speakers for experience speaks. They have representatives from the Miami Heat, Wal-Mart, and various other industries.

There will be no speaker for the luncheon. There will be a game based on the game show 1 vs. 100. The committee hopes that an advisor will volunteer to be the “1”. If not, Jimmy volunteered to be the advisor (1). Each table will have a clicker to answer questions. Questions will be based on marketing concepts and principles. Tim and Victoria will act as hosts. During the luncheon, the exhibit, AMAF grants, simulation and website awards will be given tot the winners. The committee would also like to hold a poster session for the grant recipients.

They are adding a new session for judging the chapter plan and annual report. Fred will run this session along with other faculty. This session will run from 4:30 – 5:15 p.m.


The preparing the chapter plan and annual report will be rolled into a leadership session along with the New and Revitalized chapter session. The leadership sessions will be the following:

Programming and Speakers New and Revitalized Chapters Website (Marketingpower) Fundraising (repeated twice) Membership (repeated twice) Preparing and Chapter Plan (repeated twice)

For the case competition session, AV must be correct.

Faculty Track-Vish Iyer Reporting

8 papers were submitted for the faculty track. He is asking all council members to judge 2. The CCC will have the papers in their mailbox by Monday. The best paper will receive $500. The runner up will receive a longer timeframe for presentation purposes. Next year, the council will look into possibly having table topics.

2 McGraw-Hill will do a session for advisors, followed by the chapter awards judging session, and the new advisor session.

The faculty breakfast will be on Saturday from 8:30-10:15. Dennis will be participating in this breakfast.

Business Simulation-Keith Niedermeier Reporting

The council wanted to improve conference programming and increase competitions. The council wanted to model this competition after the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network. The AMA would have limited involvement and the company will run the entire thing. There will be 2 industries and 10 teams. It will begin at Thursday at 9:00 a.m. Students will have to bring their own laptops to load the software. Afterwards, they will be able to work where they like. They will be given 1 hour for each decision. There will be 2 winners (one from each industry) and one big winner. There will be prize money of $250 for the winners of each industry and $500 for the big winner.

The competition will go from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Teams will receive the game ahead of time. CCC teams will only participate if there are slots open. SABRE can also do a faculty session concurrent to the new advisor session.

Action Items: . Tim and Victoria will research the cost of custom AMA beads. . Teresa will speak with Cher about room possibilities for the Networking Session. . Teresa will order ribbons for Chapter President and Alpha Mu Alpha . Tim and Victoria will confirm the Case Competition Keynote Speaker and discuss giveaways for their session.

Website Competition-Jack Schibrowsky Reporting

The competition is going along smoothly. One announcement has gone out to chapters. AMA IH will send out two more before the deadline of December 11th. Jack will recruit judges for this competition. A few screenshots of the winning websites will be available during the awards presentation.

Chapter Awards-Fred Honerkamp Reporting

So far there has been only one complaint about the new judging system. Chapter plans and annual reports should be postmarked by the due date, not DUE by the due date. Judges will receive their reports by email and by CD. The CCC would like to open up judging opportunities to the professional chapters.

IH Update-Teresa Bates and Deb Billow Reporting

Teresa gave a presentation on her preliminary research on collegiate membership trends. Preliminary findings move towards advisors being the key to successful chapters. Many ideas were discussed to improve membership numbers. Ideas include:

. Offering seniors a discount on bridge membership at the conference

3 . AMA Advisor will receive a free membership if they have over 10 members. . New chapters would receive a free year of membership for starting their chapter. . A code should be established for EVERY school that sends in applications, not just active chapters. This way the council could see potential new chapters. . Create an alternative to the $75 bonus bucks coupon since many advisors get their membership paid through their university. . Collegiate members should have the ability to renew online. . Collegiate members should be allowed to pay local dues to AMA like professional chapters. Possibly if chapters have a certain number of students, they would get this option. . IH and CCC must create programs that nurture, grow, and recognize advisors. . Academics could promote AMA in their classes.

Teresa also gave an update on Sponsorship. The council felt there needs to be more communication about what is going on with sponsors. Glaxo Smith Kline was ready to sponsor the 2009 case and the council has heard nothing concerning progress. Deb will talk to sponsorship about giving collegiate an update once a month on progress.

The council felt that there was great improvement from previous years.

Other companies that should be targeted are Starwood Hotels, AOL, Yahoo, and Videogame companies.

Deb gave an update on the Marketing power upgrade. The new MP will be a customized and personalized experience. Collegiate members will be treated as any other member. The discussion included gating strategy, page layouts, etc. The soft launch is geared towards 2/18 and the hard launch will be 4/15. The AMA will be hiring someone to manage the content of the site.

Deb also gave a report on Mplanet 2009 and the First Quarter revenues.

Action Items: . IH will look into the pricing strategy for bridge membership . IH will look into why collegiate member local dues cannot be collected as professional chapter dues. . IH will look into the customer service coding issue. . IH will speak with sponsorship about monthly updates.

Ambassador Program-Gail Zank Reporting

The Ambassador program will have two goals. The first will be for stronger chapters to mentor weaker chapters. Second, it will serve as a recruitment tool for recruiting new collegiate chapters and members. A letter will be sent to the top 16 asking if they would like to participate as a mentor. A form will be up online in the next week. An incentive program still needs to be developed for the chapters that mentor or recruit. Incentive ideas include:

. Free memberships (conference or dues) . Membership fees go back to the chapter (both recruiting chapter and new chapter)

Action Items: . IH will determine the financial viability of the incentive options.

4 Communication Update-Vish Iyer Reporting

The first advisor newsletter went out earlier this semester. Terri Bar is also looking for articles for the January/February edition of the academic newsletter. The CCC will write articles on the progress of the collegiate division, a community service grant update, and the conference. For the issue. The deadline is January 20. Vish will ask if advisors would like to write for the advisor newsletter.

Action Items: Vish will recruit advisors to write in the newsletter.

Community Service Grant-Fred Honerkamp Reporting

There were 39 community service grant applications. There were 5 judges and one conflict of interest. They are awarding 15 community service grants. There were 8 absolute winners and 7 that the service activity was excellent but the write-up left a lot to be desired. One team received a perfect score from all the judges. There are also 3 alternates, if one of the winners cannot complete their project. IH will use University of WI-Whitewater’s as an example on the website. Ric Sweeney, University of Cincinnati’s advisor and former professional chapter board member would like to do more with community service.

Action Item: Fred will set up a time to speak with Ric about his community service ideas.

Alpha Mu Alpha-Lucille Pointer Reporting

Discussion was held about the cost of Alpha Mu Alpha. Some members felt that there should be a two tiered membership. It was decided that Alpha Mu Alpha will remain $30 for student members and non-student members. At the conference a blackberry will be given again to the advisor that wins the raffle. An advisor is eligible for the raffle if they have inducted 5 students into the society. This information will be place in the academic and advisor newsletter. Advisors that induct students will also receive a ribbon at the conference. It was also suggested in giving away a free bridge membership to an Alpha Mu Alpha inductee.

Action Item: . Teresa will figure out the real cost of running the Alpha Mu Alpha program. . Deb will look into the viability of giving away free bridge memberships to Alpha Mu Alpha inductees.

Regional Conferences-Keith Niedermeier Reporting Chapters are beginning to see the popularity and profitability of regional conferences. The Collegiate council and IH should support these conferences. They are not competing against the national AMA conference. Currently, there is a section of the website devoted to promoting regional conferences. Best practices should be put together to help chapters run these conferences if they are interested. In the future, seed money may be a great incentive to help chapters.

Direct Marketing Opportunity-Keith Niedermeier Reporting

The president and VP of DMA (Direct Marketing Association) approached Keith about a partnership deal since they do not have a collegiate division or collegiate members. They are

5 currently trying to raise the profile of DMA and they have internships and scholarships to offer along with a competition. This could be an opportunity to open the AMA collegiate students to other companies. Fred moved to accept the idea in spirit and then move on with IH approval. Motion was 2nd. Motion carried. Deb would like to see more detail on offering co-branding before committing to this idea.

Future Direction-Jimmy

Jimmy created a list during the meetings of various things to concentrate on for the new academic year for the AMA Collegiate Division and the Collegiate Council.

1. Don’t screw up the momentum. The council has taken a great turn and Jimmy doesn’t want to lose momentum. Currently they are understaffed as a council and they need to find competent people. The council should consider the non-academic member for a position. Deb suggested Colin Hageney, professional chapter’s council.

2. Continue to think about the Faculty Retention Program. This can be a huge benefit and may prove to keep chapters successful longer.

3. Continue brainstorming ways to recruit students. There needs to be a recruitment video contest for student chapters. Jimmy volunteered to run this competition.

4. Marketing Research program will need a big push. This could lead to strong sponsorship opportunities.

5. The Council needs to continually revisit the value proposition to ensure they are still providing value to the students.

6. AMA may want to start looking into creating some type of social networking initiative. (Ex. facebook, myspace, etc). These sites are extremely popular and AMA can use a social networking site as an added benefit to student members.

7. The council should look into the possibility of having a marketing simulation competition throughout the year, not just at the conference.

8. The council should look into offering Public Relations help to the chapters.

9. AMA should videotape the case competition session and place the PowerPoint online for other chapters to use as an aid in competing in the case competition.

10. AMA should begin to look into sponsoring or having sponsored an elevator pitch competition.

11. Placing video seminars and podcasts on the website and gating them for AMA student members only.

12. Creating a joint project between the CCC and PCC to bridge students to the professional membership.

Action Items: Jimmy will contact Teresa about the recruitment video competition. Jimmy and Teresa will handle all logistics for the competition.

6 Keith congratulated on the council for being positive and working together. Keith looked back over the strategic plan and the initiatives he set in place. The council has made progress on each and every initiative. The council should look into bringing on people that will continue the positive effort next year.

Adjournment. Keith adjourned the meeting at 5:08 pm.


Person Responsible Action Item Deadline Keith Contact Professional Chapters ASAP Council and Marketing Research Council presidents concerning judging the case competition entries. Jimmy Determine logistics for December 21, 2007 Recruitment Video contest and work with Teresa to start the competition in the spring Lucille Lucille will create January 3, 2008 announcements for Alpha Mu Alpha raffle for advisors Tim and Victoria - Research the cost of custom End of Semester AMA beads - Confirm Case Competition Keynote speaker and giveaways Jack and Gail - Recruit Case Competition December 20, 2007 Judges - Assign CCC members to read “no-chance” cases.

Fred - Recruit faculty for the End of February chapter awards session - Speak with Ric Sweeney about community service opportunities. Vish - Recruit advisors to write for Ongoing the advisor newsletter - Send faculty papers to CCC ASAP for them to judge Teresa - Speak with Cher about December 21, 2007 rooms for the conference - Order Ribbons for the conference (Alpha Mu Alpha, Chapter President, Alpha Mu Alpha advisor) - Determine cost of AMA IH to run Alpha Mu Alpha IH - Look into pricing strategy for End of February bridge membership - Look into why collegiate local dues cannot be collected by AMA IH - Talk with customer service about coding issue - Speak with sponsorship ASAP about providing monthly updates - Determine Financial Stability February 2008 of all initiatives.


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