The Potential Effects of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Freshwater Fisheries

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The Potential Effects of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Freshwater Fisheries





5 By


7 Ashley A. Ficke

8 Christopher A. Myrick, Ph.D.

2 1 Department of Fishery & Wildlife Biology 2 Colorado State University 3 Fort Collins CO 80523-1474 4 5 August 2004

1 2 1 2 ABSTRACT

The purpose of this review is to explore the likely effects of climate change on the world’s 3

freshwater fisheries. First, global warming will affect fish populations through direct 4

temperature effects on physiology. All freshwater fish are poikilothermic and their physiological 5

mechanisms are directly or indirectly temperature – dependent. The optimal physical and 6

biological ranges of a fish species are determined by temperatures that are conducive to efficient 7

metabolism, reproductive success, and disease resistance. Any changes in those temperatures, 8

including those predicted to result from global climate change, will result in local extirpations 9

and range shifts. Climate change is also expected to affect fish populations through its influence 10

on physical environmental factors such as water chemistry and physical limnology. Warmer 11

water contains less dissolved oxygen than colder water. Since fish metabolism increases with 12

elevated water temperature, climate change will likely result in increased oxygen demand and 13

reduced supply. Higher temperatures will tend to increase duration and strength of thermal 14

1 3 stratification in temperate zones. Lentic (lake) environments also depend upon wind – driven 1

mixing, so changes in weather patterns will affect their function. Mixing regimes strongly 2

influence the community of primary producers that in turn influence lentic food webs and their 3

associated fish communities. Hydrologic regimes may also be affected. Melting of polar ice 4

caps will result in a sea level rise that would inundate important freshwater habitats. Also, fish 5

have evolved with their current local hydrologic conditions—possible changes in these 6

environmental constraints will present them with new challenges to survival and reproductive 7

success. Finally, increased temperatures could also affect the toxicity and bioaccumulation of 8

anthropogenic pollutants. The socioeconomic importance of the world’s fisheries are also briefly 9

discussed in order to emphasize the stakes involved in a failure to manage greenhouse gas 10

emissions. 11


2Abstract...... 2

3Table of Contents...... 4

4Introduction – Predicting the magnitude of global climate change...... 1

5Fish Physiology...... 7

6 Temperate fishes...... 11

7 Tropical Fishes...... 15

8Water Chemistry...... 20

9 Dissolved Oxygen (DO)...... 20

10Eutrophication, Macrophyte Growth and Primary Productivity...... 27

11 Eutrophication...... 27

12 Water Temperature Effects on Limnology...... 30

13Thermal Habitat Space, Thermal Refuges, and Changes in Fish Communities...... 36

14Fish Distributions and Temperature Barriers...... 40

15Disease and Parasitism...... 45

16Water Balance: the hydrologic Cycle...... 48

17Temperature and Toxicology...... 54

18Socioeconomic Effects...... 58

19Conclusion...... 61

20Literature Cited...... 64

21Species...... 85




Following the Industrial Revolution, humans have increasingly relied on fossil fuels for 3

power and transportation. Currently, about 80% of the world’s power is generated from fossil 4

fuels (Bolin et al. 1986). While undoubtedly beneficial, combustion of fossil fuels produces 5

carbon dioxide (CO ), nitrous oxide (NO ), and methane (CH ), all commonly referred to as 6 2 X 4

“greenhouse gases.” In recent years, atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations have been 7

increasing; this has caused some concern because accumlations of these gases affect the global 8

climate (Bolin et al. 1986). Simulations of the Earth’s climate using models that tracked natural 9

variability in greenhouse gas concentrations could not account for recent climatic changes. 10

When anthropogenic perturbations (i.e., increased atmospheric CO concentrations) are 11 2

incorporated in the models, the predictions closely follow current conditions . 12

Predicting trends in the Earth’s climate is difficult, but it can be done using a variety of 13

techniques. Mathematical simulations of the Earth’s climate such as global circulation models 14

1 1 (GCMs) are one tool commonly used to predict changes in the earth’s climate. As is the case 1

with all models, GCMs require validation, most commonly achieved by comparing their 2

predictions with observed climatic conditions (Rodo and Comin 2003). These comparisons have 3

revealed that while GCMs work reasonably well on a global scale, their inability to work at a 4

finer resolution limits their ability to simulate climate on a regional scale (Bolin et al. 1986; 5

Melack et al. 1997). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2001) employed several 6

GCMs and found an increased likelihood of a 1 – 7°C increase in mean global tempeature within 7

the next hundred years. The magnitude of the temperature increase regionally is correlated with 8

latitude—higher latiitudes are predicted to experience a larger temperature change than tropical 9

and subtropical latitudes . Advances in modeling techniques and computer technology over the 10

last decade have increased the accuracy of global circulation models, and they are now 11

considered a powerful tool for tracking and predicting climate change. While these models 12

provide insight into future climate change, they do not predict what that altered climate will 13

1 2 mean for natural systems. 1

In order to predict the effects of climate change, techniques such as “forecasting by 2

analogy” are used. This method examines the changes observed during natural anomalous 3

warming events such as El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events (Gunn 2002), or artificial 4

situations where chronic temperature change occurs (e.g., thermal plumes from power plants) 5

(Langford 1983; Schindler 1997). The advantage of this technique is that it gives us the 6

opportunity to gather empirical data on how humans and environments react to thermal changes 7

of the same magnitude as those expected with global climate change (Glantz 1996). Data 8

collected using this technique spans short time intervals, as few anomalous events last for more 9

than a decade. Though observational studies can offer an integrated view of the effects of 10

“thermally enhanced” environments, mechanisms that increase water temperature carry their 11

own disruptions in addition to elevated temperatures. For example, thermal plumes often contain 12

pollutants (Langford 1983), and El Niño years are often characterized by anomalous weather 13

1 3 patterns (Rodo and Comin 2003; Timmermann et al. 1999). Furthermore, it is also quite possible 1

that climate change will alter existing weather patterns e.g. (Palmer and Räisänen 2002; 2

Timmermann et al. 1999). Therefore, teasing out the effects attributable solely to anthropogenic 3

forcing can prove to be difficult. 4

Paleoclimatic data, or information about prehistoric climatic conditions, can be obtained 5

from trees, glacial ice cores, sediment cores, and corals (Melack et al. 1997; Spray and 6

McGlothlin 2002). Data from these sources have shown that post–Industrial human actions have 7

greatly changed atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. The concentrations of CO , NO , 8 2 2

and CH remained more or less stable in the tens of thousands of years preceding the industrial 9 4

revolution . However, once humans began burning fossil fuels, levels of these gases began to 10

rise. Carbon dioxide concentrations are 31% higher than pre–industrial levels, NO is 16% 11 x

higher, and CH is 150% higher. The current concentrations are higher than any observed in the 12 4

last 42,000 years . 13

1 4 The effects of global climate change can also be studied through the examination of 1

recent trends in the earth’s climate. For example, the 1990’s was the warmest decade on record, 2

and 1998, an ENSO year, was the warmest year ever recorded . Mann et al. (1998) conclude that 3

the mean global temperature has risen by 0.3 – 0.4°C in the last 60 – 70 years (Mann et al. 1998). 4

Judging from paleoclimatic data, current temperatures have reached maximum temperatures seen 5

in other interglacial periods; this providessome further evidence that global warming is not 6

natural (Spray and McGlothlin 2002). In North America, mean annual temperatures have risen 7

by 1 – 2°C after having been fairly stable for the last 40 – 50 years (Schindler 1997). Though the 8

majority of studies on the magnitude of climate change have focused on changes in air 9

temperature, there should be substantial concern for aquatic ecosystems as well. Water 10

temperatures in aquatic systems, particularly in relatively shallow (compared to the ocean) rivers, 11

lakes, and ponds are highly dependent upon air temperature (Boyd and Tucker 1998; Meisner et 12

al. 1988). For example, the predicted increase in temperature in British Columbia lakes under an 13

1 5 average global warming scenario of +4°C ranged from 3 to 5°C depending upon lake depth. 1

Water temperatures at the surface of a lake with an average depth of 10 m would likely increase 2

by about 3°C with a 4° C increase in temperature (Northcote 1992). 3

Climate change has also affected hydrologic characteristics such as precipitation and 4

evaporation. On a global scale, precipitation is expected to increase ; however, this increase in 5

precipitation may come in the form of more frequent “extreme” events (Palmer and Räisänen 6

2002). On a regional scale, winter rainfall will most likely increase in the mid and high latitudes 7

of the Northern Hemisphere. As rain replaces snow as the dominant form of precipitation in 8

these regions, a change in hydrologic regimes can be expected. This will be discussed in more 9

detail in subsequent sections. Precipitation is expected to increasein the African tropics, and it 10

will likely decrease in Australia, South America, and southern Africa. Summer rainfall is 11

expected to increase in southern and eastern Asia (IPCC 2001). Current trends also show a 12

decrease in snowpack and ice cover. In the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, 13

1 6 snowpack has decreased by approximately 10% since the late 1960’s, and rivers and lakes have 1

lost, on average, 2 weeks of ice cover (Change 2001). These changes in global hydrologic 2

regimes and thermal regimes will impact the majority of aquatic ecosystems, including those that 3

support freshwater fisheries. 4

The global effects of climate change mean that freshwater ecosystems, and the fisheries 5

therein, will be affected to some degree. The purpose of this review is to address the question of 6

how much a variety of freshwater fisheries will be affected by global climate change. The 7

degree to which an individual system, a particular species, or even a single population will be 8

affected is difficult to predict. Researchers can use laboratory studies to try to isolate the causal 9

mechanisms behind temperature–related changes in behavior, physiology, or ecology. Field 10

experiments can be used to observe population–level or ecosystem–level responses to changes in 11

the thermal regime while integrating the effects of multiple variables. For this review we have 12

used a synthesis of data from both types of studies to help answer the question: what are the 13

1 7 potential effects of anthropogenic climate change on the world’s fisheries? 1



With the exception of a few marine pelagic species, fish are poikliotherms that 2

thermoregulate behaviorally but not physiologically (Moyle and Cech 1988). Behavioral 3

thermoregulation is constrained by the range of temperatures available in the environment, so a 4

fish’s temperature can be assumed to be very similar to the environmental temperature. Because 5

biochemical reaction rates are largely a function of temperature, all aspects of an individual 6

fish’s physiology are directly affected by changes in temperature. Biochemical and 7

physiological reactions occur can be quantified by the Q , a dimensionless number that 8 10

measures the magnitude of the rate change over a 10°C range (Franklin et al. 1995; Schmidt- 9

Nielsen 1990; Wohlschlag et al. 1968). The ramifications of this are obvious: global warming 10

will affect individual fish by altering physiological functions such as growth, metabolism, food 11

consumption, reproductive success, and the ability to maintain internal homeostasis in the face of 12

a variable external environment. This in turn means that global climate change will affect fish 13

1 9 populations, and ultimately fishery and ecosystem productivity as each component species 1

adjusts to the new thermal regime. 2

All fishes must allocate energy from consumed food to their energy budget, represented 3

by the equation below (Warren and Davis 1967): 4

C = (M + M + SDA) + (F + U) + (G + G ); 5 r a s r

where C = energy consumption rate, M = standard metabolic rate, M = metabolic rate increase 6 r a

because of activity, SDA = energy allocated to specific dynamic action (food digestion and 7

processing), F = waste losses due to fecal excretion rates, U = waste losses due to urinary 8

excretion rates, G = somatic tissue growth rate, and G = reproductive tissue growth rates. The 9 s r

amount of energy allocated to each of these compartments is temperature–dependent, and 10

generally increases with temperature. 11

1 10 FIGURE 1.—The energy budget of a yellow perch as a function of temperature. Note the rapid decline in growth as temperature increases 1 ° beyond 25 C. The vertical dotted line at 23° C indicates the optimal temperature and maximum metabolic scope for this species. From 2 Kitchell et al. 1977.

Additionally, at any given temperature, fish must allocate energy to M . As long as the 3 r

consumption rate exceeds M , a fish can allocate energy to other compartments, and when there 4 r

is surplus energy, it can be used for activity or growth. This “surplus” energy is known as the 5

“metabolic scope”, and this tends to be highest at the fish’s metabolic optimum temperature. 6

Increases in temperature decrease the metabolic scope (Brett 1971; Elliot 1975a), through a 7

1 11 variety of mechanisms including cardiac inefficiency (Taylor et al. 1997) and an increased cost 1

of repairing heat–damaged proteins (Somero and Hofmann 1997). If fish are exposed to high 2

enough temperatures that they become thermally stressed, they experience problems with 3

osmoregulation (Boyd and Tucker 1998), possibly due to increased gill permeability at higher 4

temperatures (Somero and Hofmann 1997). In general, a reduction in metabolic scope leads to 5

decreased swimming performance (Brett 1971), reduced reproductive output (Van Der Kraak 6

and Pankhurst 1997; Webb et al. 2001), lower growth rates (Brett 1971; Kitchell et al. 1977), 7

and, in extreme cases, mortality (Kitchell et al. 1977). 8

All fish have a thermal range bounded on the upper end by their critical thermal maxima 9

(CT ) and on the lower end by their critical thermal minima (CT ) (Becker and Genoway 10 Max Min

1979; Fry 1971). These critical thermal limits represent temperatures that the fish can tolerate 11

for a few minutes, at best, and they can be slightly increased or decreased if the fish is acclimated 12

to a sub–lethal temperature approaching the lethal temperature (Myrick and Cech 2000; Myrick 13

1 12 and Cech 2003). Temperatures that fish can tolerate for a few minutes to a few days are referred 1

to as the incipient lower lethal temperatures (ILLT) and upper incipient lethal temperatures 2

(UILT) (Myrick and Cech 2000). Although fish will eventually perish at these temperatures, 3

they can tolerate them for longer intervals than their critical thermal limits. As temperatures 4

move farther away from the incipient lethal temperatures, they enter the suboptimal range where 5

physiological performance may be reduced, but the fish is not going to die. Finally, there is a 6

narrow range where physiological performance is near the optimum; temperatures within this 7

range are known as the optimal temperatures. Given enough time to acclimate to a changing 8

thermal regime, most fishes can adjust the ranges of their critical, incipient lethal, suboptimal, 9

and optimal temperatures up or down by a few degrees, but there are limits to the amount of and 10

speed at which thermal acclimation can occur. 11

Thermal ranges are species–specific, as there are stenothermal (narrow thermal range) 12

species like lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) and peacock pavon (Cichla ocellaris), and 13

1 13 eurythermal (wide tolerance range) species like common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and bluegill 1

(Lepomis macrochirus). Climate change–related increases in global temperature are a concern 2

because ambient thermal conditions may begin to approach suboptimal conditions for certain 3

fishes, or, in some cases, bring them closer to their incipient lethal temperatures. Faced with 4

such changes, one can expect fish populations to come to a new equilibrium dictated largely by 5

the energetic costs of coping with a new thermal environment. Some species may increase or 6

decrease in abundance, others may experience range expansions or contractions, and some 7

species may face extinction. The fate of a particular species will depend on the following 8

factors: 9

1. Whether it is stenothermal or eurythermal and what region it inhabits (arctic, subarctic, 10

temperate, subtropical, or tropical). 11

2. The magnitude of the change in the thermal regime in that ecosystem. 12

3. The rate of the thermal regime change. 13

1 14 4. Changes in the abundance of sympatric species that may be prey, predators, or 1

competitors for resources. 2

3 Temperate fishes

Fish growth is temperature–dependent and generally increases with temperature to an 4

optimal level before decreasing again (Kitchell et al. 1977; Myrick and Cech 2000). This 5

optimal growth temperature varies with species (Langford 1983). Fish in temperate ecosystems 6

undergo about 90% of their annual growth in the summer months (Wrenn et al. 1979) because 7

food availability tends to be highest and water temperatures approach growth optimums. In these 8

cases, a slight increase in water temperature could be beneficial because of the extension of their 9

growing season (Hill and Magnuson 1990; Kling et al. 2003), provided that food resources can 10

support a higher consumption rate (Shuter and Meisner 1992) and interspecific interactions are 11

not increased. Milder winters could also reduce overwintering stresses, such as food limitation, 12

that can be significant for some temperate fishes (Boyd and Tucker 1998). An increase in over– 13

1 15 winter survival combined with slightly elevated water temperatures could increase the 1

productivity of fisheries that are currently limited by temperatures below the species’ growth 2

optimum. 3

Regardless of the state of food resources, an increase in temperature causes an increase in 4

metabolic rate, and a subsequent increase in the amount of energy needed. For example, food 5

intake was found to be highly temperature dependent for five cyprinids from Lake Balaton 6

(Hungary). The daily intake of bream (Abramis brama), silver bream (Blikka bjoerkna), roach 7

(Rutilus rutilus), gibel (Auratus gibelio), and common carp increased exponentially when 8

temperatures were increased from 5 to 25°C (Specziár 2002). In sockeye salmon 9

(Oncorhynchus nerka), food consumption triples between 2.5 and 17.5°C, but decreases at 10

temperatures above 17.5°C (Brett 1971). Elliot (1975a, 1975b) found similar results in his 11

studies of brown trout (Salmo trutta). In food–limited environments, food intake cannot keep 12

pace with metabolic demand. For example, common carp cultured at 35°C developed a vitamin 13

1 16 C deficiency and grew more slowly than those cultured at 25°C when both experimental groups 1

received the same rations (Hwang and Lin 2002). In 1975, a pair of studies using brown trout 2

found that the temperature for optimum growth was 13–14°C when fish were fed on maximum 3

rations (Elliot 1975b) and 9–10°C when fish were fed on 50% rations (Elliot 1975c). A 1999 4

study using rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) found that fish fed limited rations experienced 5

significantly lower growth rates when held in water 2°C warmer than ambient temperatures 6

(Morgan et al. 1999). Since trout are often food–limited in the summer months (Morgan et al. 7

1999), climate change will probably lower the carrying capacity of trout–dominated systems. 8

Studies on cold– and cool–water species like lake trout, whitefish (Coregonus commersoni), and 9

perch (Perca spp.) only predict increased fish growth rates if the food supply meets increased 10

demand. Otherwise, decreased growth rates can be expected (Gerdaux 1998; Hill and Magnuson 11

1990). It should be noted, however, that if the temperature increase is large enough, no increase 12

in food availability will be sufficient to meet increased metabolic demand (Myrick and Cech 13

1 17 2000). In most species, feeding activity is depressed at temperatures above species–specific 1

optimum (Brett 1971; Kitchell et al. 1977). 2

The reproductive success of temperate fishes will be affected by changes in global 3

thermal regimes. Low overwinter temperatures are often essential for the spawning success of 4

cold water stenotherms such as salmonids (Gerdaux 1998; Langford 1983). Even temperate zone 5

eurytherms require relatively low temperatures to ensure reproductive success. Channel catfish 6

(Ictalurus punctatus) require several weeks of water temperatures below 15°C to stimulate 7

gametogenesis (Boyd and Tucker 1998), and female white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) 8

held at water temperatures of 12°C during vitellogenesis and follicle maturation experience 9

lower rates of ovarian regression and the ability to retain mature oocytes for a longer period of 10

time than those kept at higher temperatures (Webb et al. 2001). Therefore, increases in 11

temperature, especially in the colder months, may inhibit spawning of these economically 12

important temperate fishes near the southern edge of their range. Recruitment of juveniles into 13

1 18 the spawning population may also be affected by changing thermal regimes. Juvenile fish often 1

occupy a different thermal niche than adults of the same species; higher temperatures decreased 2

mortality and encouraged faster growth in juvenile northern pike (Esox lucius) and Eurasian 3

perch (Perca fluviatilis) in Lake Windermere, England (Craig and Kipling 1983). However, 4

Craig and Kipling (1983) studied these species and found that , with respect to age-1+ fish, 5

afaster–growing cohort had a shorter lifepsan and therefore a much lower reproductive potential 6

than a slow–growing one. Specifically, the authors developed a scenario where the adult 7

Eurasian perch and northern pike in Lake Windermere were much more short–lived than was 8

indicated by contemporary estimates. When the avereage age–at–death for both Eurasian perch 9

and northern pike were set at one–half of the currently estimated values, the reproductive 10

capacity of the Eurasian perch populations decreased by one–third while that of the northern pike 11

decreased by two–thirds. The reduction in juvenile mortality might compensate for the decreased 12

reproductive capacity, but this has not been experimentally tested. Unfortunately, we know 13

1 19 relatively little about the reproductive physiology of most fishes, so making predictions 1

concerning climate–induced alterations to their reproductive capacity is difficult. If we draw 2

inferences from the physiology of better–studied species from the same thermal environments, it 3

appears that some reduction of reproductive output may occur. 4

5 Tropical Fishes

Tropical fishes have evolved to survive in very warm water. For example, spotted tilapia, 6

(Tilapia mariae), native to the west central coast of Africa, prefer temperatures between 25 and 7

33°C, depending upon acclimation temperature, and have a critical thermal maxima of 37°C 8

(Siemien and Stauffer 1989). When provided with optimal temperatures, tropical fishes have 9

metabolic rates similar to those of temperate fishes (Val and Almeida-Val 1995). Unlike most 10

temperate fishes, however, tropical species live in systems where diurnal water temperature 11

fluctuations can approach their incipient upper lethal limits (Irion and Junk 1997; United Nations 12

Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East 1972). Though tropical fishes can endure 13

1 20 temperatures very near their IULT for short intervals (Milstein et al. 2000), a slight (1 – 2°C) 1

increase in regional temperatures may cause the daily temperature maxima to exceed these 2

limits. The resulting effectswould be similar to those predicted for temperate systems because 3

tropical fish exhibit similar physiological symptoms when subjected to superoptimal 4

temperatures. For example, temperatures of 39 – 40°C inhibited swimming in the tilapia 5

(Tilapia mossambica) (Kutty and Sukumaran 1975) despite the fact that many tilapia can survive 6

at temperatures up to 41–42°C (Chervinski 1982). Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) 7

experienced higher oxygen debt after exhaustive exercise at 33°C than at 23°C (McKenzie et al. 8

1996). An increase in these physiological stresses could increase the incidence of fish kills in 9

systems such as the Varzéa Lakes of the Amazon drainage, tropical aquaculture ponds, and the 10

stagnant pools characteristic of the Mekong drainage in the dry season. 11

It is not known whether the amplitude of daily temperature oscillations will also be 12

affected by climate change. If the diurnal fluctuations increase, an increase in fish kills will 13

1 21 ensue. But if they decrease, the new temperature regime may either offset or exacerbate the 1

effects of a mean annual temperature increase. If the diurnal fluctuations decrease such that the 2

daily high temperatures decrease, fisheries productivity would likely be unaffected. However, if 3

this damping effect involves a rise in the minimum daily temperatures, fish would experience 4

less time at optimal temperatures and fisheries productivity would likely decrease. 5

Few studies have been conducted to determine the effects of temperature on the 6

reproductive success on tropical fishes. Though temperature cues are not thought to play a large 7

role in gametogenesis and spawning behavior of tropical fishes (Moyle and Cech 1988), there are 8

some cases where reproductive output was reduced at higher temperatures. The commercially 9

raised guppy (Poecilia reticulata) achieved the highest fry production rates at 25 – 27°C. At 10

30°C, these fish experienced increased fry and female adult mortality, degeneration of ovaries, 11

and reduced brood size (Dzikowski et al. 2001). Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) also 12

experienced lower ovulation rates at 28°C (10%) than at 24°C (36%) (Glasser 2003). Further 13

1 22 studies on the effects of temperature on tropical fish reproduction are sorely needed. 1

While small increases (1 – 2°C) in temperature may not be sufficient to adversely affect 2

tropical fish reproduction, one cannot discount the effects of an altered hydrologic regime. 3

Spawning in many tropical fishes is cued by rising water levels (Hori 2000; Val and Almeida- 4

Val 1995). Many species of tropical fish that spawn in areas inundated by seasonal flooding 5

experience a recruitment bottleneck caused by the loss of juveniles in off–channel areas and 6

dessication of eggs exposed by receeding water levels (Welcomme 1979). Changing 7

hydrographs could create a recruitment bottleneck by exposing more eggs to dessication, or, if 8

flows increase, immersion of eggs in water too deep and too cool for the survival of eggs 9

andage–0 fish (Welcomme 1979). The effects of altered hydrographs will be discussed in further 10

detail in a subsequent section. 11

The effects of temperature change on tropical fish species are difficult to predict given 12

the resilience of these fishes (Kramer et al. 1978; Val and Almeida-Val 1995; Welcomme 1979) 13

1 23 and the uncertainty regarding the direction and magnitude of these possible changes. In tropical 1

systems it is quite possible that the effects of a small temperature increase (1 – 2°C) may be 2

minimal and overshadowed by other, larger disturbances such as deforestation and land–use 3

changes (Val and Almeida-Val 1995; Verschuren et al. 2002). Recent studies using GCMs 4

suggest that deforestation in the Amazon basin has the potential to increase precipitation in the 5

Parana and Paraguay River basins and decrease precipitation in the Uruguay and Negro River 6

basins (Genta et al. 1998). Therefore, these anthropogenic influences will affect fisheries 7

productivity through alteration of the flow regime. With a temperature change of only 1-2° C, 8

the changes brought about by deforestation would likely overshadow the effects of climate 9

change. However, a larger temperature increase will have heightened effects upon fish 10

physiology. Again, these effects will be species–specific and will depend upon how often 11

current water temperatures approach superoptimal temperatures for a given population. 12

Polar and High-Latitude Fishes 13

1 24 The freshwater fishes of high-latitude regions generally have ranges that extend into temperate 1

zones. These fishes include coldwater stenotherms such as salmonids and riverine sculpins 2

(Family Cottidae). Because fresh water freezes at 0°C, these fishes are limited on the northern or 3

southern extreme of their range by winterkill and by a short growing season. Winterkill occurs 4

when a body of water is covered with ice and the oxygen in the water column cannot be 5

replenished by photosynthesis or by diffusion from the atmosphere. However, biological oxygen 6

demand continues, and the resultant deoxygenation of the water column causes the asphyxiation 7

of aquatic organisms. High-latitude aquatic systems are covered with ice for enough of the year 8

that they cannot support fishes. Furthermore, fishes at high latitudes are also limited by a short 9

growing season, which will be discussed in a subsequent section. Because of these constraints, 10

all obligate polar fishes are marine species like the Antarctic plunderfish (Harpagifer 11

antarcticus) and the Arctic cod (Arctogadus glacialis). However, climate change could open 12

some of these habitats to colonization by coldwater stenotherms. Changes in global 13

1 25 temperature will affect fish communities through direct effects on fish physiology and through 1

effects on water quality, water chemistry, and hydrographs. These physical and chemical 2

characteristics are the driving factors in determining the well–being and composition of fish 3

communities and thus should be considered in any discussion concerning global climate change. 4



Increases in global temperature and water chemistry are intimately linked, because most 2

water chemistry parameters, including dissolved oxygen (DO) levels, pH, nutrient 3

concentrations, and the toxicity of natural and anthropogenic pollutants are affected by water 4

temperature. In addition, climate change will affect hydrographs that in turn influence water 5

chemistry through changes in water volume, introduction of nutrients, and flushing of pollutants 6

and metabolic byproducts. Dissolved oxygen concentrations are perhaps the most critical aspect 7

of water chemistry from a fishes’ standpoint. 8

9 Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

10 Adequate dissolved oxygen (DO) partial pressures are essential for most fishes, aquatic 11

insects, algae, and macrophytes. Oxygen enters the water column through diffusion from the 12

atmosphere, introduction by turbulence, and by photosynthetic production (Kalff 2000; Stickney 13

2000). Plant, animal, and microbial aerobic respiration all require DO, lowering its 14

1 27 concentration in the water column. Dissolved oxygen levels of about 4 mg/L are 41 – 44% of 1

saturation (Coutant 1985), and DO concentrations of 5 mg O /L or more are acceptable for most 2 2

aquatic organisms (Stickney 2000). When DO concentrations drop below 2 – 3 mg O /L, 3 2










0 10 20 30 40

FIGURE 2.—Relationship between dissolved oxygen solubility and water temperature. From Goldman and Horne 1986.

hypoxic conditions are present (Doudoroff and Warren; Kalff 2000). 5

Oxygen solubility in water has an inverse relationship with water temperature; for 6

example, water at 0°C holds about 14.6 mg O /L , but water at 25°C can only hold about 8.3 mg 7 2

1 28 O /L (Kalff 2000). Because the aerobic metabolic rates of most aquatic poikliotherms increase 1 2

with temperature, an increase in temperature both reduces the supply (through reduced saturation 2

concentrations) and increases the biological oxygen demand (Kalff 2000). Fishes exposed to 3

elevated water temperatures can face an “oxygen squeeze” where the decreased supply of 4

oxygen cannot meet increased demand. For example, an anomalously warm year (1983) in 5

southern Canada produced anoxic conditions in the hypolimnion of Lake Erie (Schertzer and 6

Sawchuk 1990). Dissolved oxygen concentrations in Lake Erie could be reduced by 1 – 2 mg/L 7

under a 3 –4°C warming scenario conducted by Blumberg and Di Toro (Blumberg and Di Toro 8

1990). This study indicated that warming of this magnitude would lead to DO levels below 5 9

mg/L in the summer months (July-September) and below 2 mg/L in late August to early 10

September. Climate models predict lower DO levels in Lake Suwa, Japan; predicted July levels 11

of DO under the warming scenario decrease from the current value of 6.1 mg/L to 2.0 mg/L 12

(Hassan et al. 1998). The ayu (Plecoglossus altivelus altivelus), the endemic masu salmon 13

1 29 (Oncorhynchus rhodurus), and the kokanee salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) are three fishes found 1

in the lacustrine environments of Japan. These species are valuable because they serve as food, 2

symbols in art and culture, and as target species in a recreational fishery (Fausch and Nakano 3

1998). A drop in DO concentrations to this level would result in local extirpation of these 4

species as salmonids cannot tolerate DO levels lower than 3 mg/L for an indefinite period of time 5

(Avault 1996). The extent and strength of lake stratification is also a major driving factor in 6

determining DO concentrations (Klapper 1991). The effects of this phenomenon will be 7

discussed in subsequent sections. However, it is important to note that current models predict 8

that stratification will increase in strength and duration (Topping and Bond 1988), thereby 9

decreasing DO concentrations in temperate lakes. 10

Environmental dissolved oxygen levels must be high enough to support aerobic 11

metabolism in fishes (Moyle and Cech 1988). Most fishes can maintain adequate levels of 12

oxygen uptake at DO concentrations above 5 mg/L (Brett and Groves 1979). When 13

1 30 concentrations drop below 5 mg/L, many species are able to use physiological and behavioral 1

adaptations to maintain adequate rates of oxygen uptake, but as DO concentrations drop below 2 2

– 3 mg/L, these adaptations often prove insufficient. For example, striped bass (Morone 3

saxatalis) experience physiological stress at dissolved oxygen concentrations below 2 – 3 mg/L 4

(Coutant 1985). Adaptations for dealing with hypoxia are most prevalent in tropical fishes, but 5

also occur in temperate species that naturally occur in habitats where environmental hypoxia is 6

commonplace. For example, some species can air–breathe through modified swim bladders (the 7

arapaima, Arapaima gigas (Val and Almeida-Val 1995) and the alligator gar Lepisosteus spatula 8

(Jenkins and Burkhead 1993)), others use aerial surface respiration (the tambaqui, Colossoma 9

macroponum (Val and Almeida-Val 1995)), others can use metabolic downregulation or 10

anaerobic metabolic pathways, and some have the ability to move short distances over land in 11

search of better habitat (United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East 1972; 12

Val and Almeida-Val 1995). Adaptations such as these allow fish to persist in hypoxic or even 13

1 31 anoxic environments, but not without a cost. The physiological and behavioral adaptations fish 1

use to deal with moderate levels of hypoxia can be energetically expensive, reducing the 2

metabolic scope (Campagna and Cech 1981). 3

Dissolved oxygen concentrations do not have to drop to very low levels before 4

physiological functions are affected. Sublethal hypoxia causes reduced feeding activity 5

(Stickney 2000), reduced swimming performance, and reduced fitness of emerging larvae 6

(Doudoroff and Warren). Low DO levels have also been linked to immunosuppression in fish 7

(Boyd and Tucker 1998; Stickney 2000); this has implications for aquaculture systems, because 8

the high fish densities increase the risk of disease transmission. Fish exposed to hypoxic 9

conditions are less tolerant of environmental stresses (e.g. disease, crowding, food limitation, 10

thermal stress, and natural and anthropogenic toxins) than fish in O –saturated water (Langford 11 2

1983). For example, Mississippi silversides (Menidia audens) select lower temperatures when 12

exposed to hypoxic conditions (27°C at 3 mg O /L as opposed to 29.5°C at 9 mg/L) (Schene and 13 2

1 32 Hill 1980). 1

Shallow ponds and lakes and tropical systems are highly dependent on photosynthesis to 2

replenish their DO supply because of their high productivity and biological oxygen demand 3

(Liang et al. 1981; Val and Almeida-Val 1995). In these ponds, critically low dissolved oxygen 4

concentrations are encountered overnight, and particularly just before sunrise (Liang et al. 1981; 5

United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East 1972; Val and Almeida-Val 6

1995). A temperature–related increase in biological oxygen demand could lengthen this critical 7

period, potentially altering the community structure and carrying capacity of these systems. 8

Larger systems such as the African and Laurentian Great Lakes experience some cycling 9

of DO levels in their epilimnions, but their DO concentrations are most affected by changes in 10

strength of stratification and wind–driven mixing (Klapper 1991; Kurki et al. 1999; Welcomme 11

1979). Tropical systems such as the Amazon River in South America and the Mekong River in 12

southeast Asia contain extremely diverse fish faunas. The Amazon River system contains 13

1 33 economically important characins such as the traira (Hoplias malabaricus) and approximately 1

1000 species of catfish of the order Siluriformes. The Mekong River is home to key species such 2

as the milkfish (Chanos chanos) and several species of featherbacks (Notopterus spp.) (Lowe- 3

McConnell 1975; Val and Almeida-Val 1995). These systems have low oxygen levels due to 4

high nutrient cycling, high rates of bacterial decomposition, and macrophyte shading and water 5

turbidity, both factors that can limit photosynthesis (Val and Almeida-Val 1995). Though some 6

tropical fishes have adaptations that allow them to use atmospheric oxygen, the majority rely on 7

the uptake of oxygen from the water, so they remain vulnerable to hypoxic and anoxic 8

conditions. 9

Increased incidence of hypoxia and anoxia in tropical freshwater systems is a likely symptom of 10

climate change due to the decreased DO concentrations and increased biological oxygen demand 11

that are typical of increasing temperatures. Wind-driven mixing and stratification will be 12

discussed in the following section. 13

1 34 1


In temperate and subarctic zones, researchers have found that changes in the global 2

climate can profoundly affect primary production and the trophic state of inland waters. In 3

temperate zones, temperature increases and stratification have appreciable impacts, whereas in 4

the tropics, wind, precipitation, and stratification may have a greater effect on the status of inland 5

water bodies. 6

7 Eutrophication

The trophic status of aquatic systems are defined by nutrient concentration. An 8

oligotrophic system has a low nutrient concentration, a mesotrophic system has a moderate 9

nutrient concentration, and a eutrophic system has a high nutrient concentration (Kalff 2000). 10

The natural trophic state of an aquatic system is a function of volume, water residence time, and 11

nutrient input from the surrounding watershed (Kalff 2000). However, human activity can also 12

affect the trophic status of aquatic systems through anthropogenic enrichment and climate 13

1 36 change. 1

Most cases of eutrophication in the developing and industrialized world result from the 2

input of excess nutrients from urban and agricultural runoff and from sewage discharge (Karabin 3

et al. 1997; Klapper 1991; Lammens 1990; Nicholls 1998). However, increases in temperature 4

can also augment the productivity of a body of water by increasing algal growth, bacterial 5

metabolism and nutrient cycling rates (Klapper 1991). When coupled with the input of 6

anthropogenic pollutants, temperature changes can both accelerate the eutrophication process 7

(Adrian et al. 1995; Klapper 1991) and delay recovery from anthropogenic eutrophication. For 8

example, in the El Niño years of 1983, 1987, and 1992, anomalously warm winters in 9

LakeHuron, North America caused reduced ice cover and allowed peturbation of the water 10

column during winter, thereby allowing increased transport of phosphorus. The introduction of 11

anthropogenic pollutants into new areas has caused eutrophication in formerly oligotrophic 12

waters (Nicholls 1998). 13

1 37 Increases in temperature may also enhance eutrophic conditions by stimulating explosive 1

macrophyte growth. A 2002 study found that a 2 – 3°C temperature increase could cause a 300– 2

500% increase in shoot biomass of the aquatic macrophyte Elodea canadensis (Kankaala et al. 3

2002). Macrophytes take up the phosphorus sequestered in the sediment and, upon 4

decomposition, release nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus into the water column (Cooper 5

1996; Kankaala et al. 2002). Introduction of high concentrations of nitrate and phosphate into 6

the water column encourages algae blooms and high macrophyte production. The increased 7

oxygen demand during the bacterial and fungal decomposition of these macrophytes increases 8

the amplitude of the diurnal oxygen cycle of a system. This can lead to depressed levels of DO 9

in the system, raising the probability of anoxia–related fish kills (Klapper 1991). Increased 10

macrophyte growth pushes aquatic systems toward a eutrophic state by trapping sediment and 11

preventing flushing of excess nutrients and pollutants from the system. 12

Increased production of aquatic macrophytes can have other indirect effects. Large rafts 13

1 38 of emergent, floating, or subsurface macrophytes can reduce wind mixing, increasing the 1

duration of periods of stratification (Welcomme 1979). An overabundance of macrophytes can 2

reduce the amount of fish habitat. This was the case in two Estonian lakes where increases in 3

macrophyte density resulting from eutrophication reduced the amount of northern pike habitat 4

(Kangur et al. 2002). 5

Australian freshwater systems appear to be particularly susceptible to eutrophication. 6

When Europeans first traveled to Australia, they observed signs of eutrophication, such as 7

persistent algal blooms. This implies that, in addition to the present environmental issue of 8

cultural eutrophication, the “slow flowing rivers of Australia’s arid inland” are naturally 9

susceptible to eutrophication (Banens and Davis 1998). Australian fishes have evolved to 10

withstand a specific set of harsh environmental conditions (Young 2001). For example, juvenile 11

spangled perch (Madigania unicolor) can tolerate temperatures between 5.3 and 39°C without 12

experiencing significant mortality rates (Llewellyn 1973), and when ephemeral pools dessicate in 13

1 39 the dry season, the Australian salamanderfish (Lepidogalaxias salamandroides) survive by 1

burrowing into moist substrate and breathing air by cutaneous respiration (Martin et al. 1993). 2

However, should eutrophication exceed pre–settlement levels, negative impacts on both native 3

and introduced fishes should be expected (Young 2001). 4

Changes in trophic state often negatively affect fish communities through direct effects 5

on macroinvertebrate prey and through effects on the algal community that support the 6

zooplankton (Adrian 1998). The general result of eutrophication in temperate lakes appears to 7

be the replacement of economically important species such as salmonids with smaller, less 8

desirable species such as some cyprinids (Persson et al. 1991). 9

10 Water Temperature Effects on Limnology

In temperate and subarctic zones, small annual temperature increases have a pronounced 11

effect on the timing and strength of stratification in lotic systems (Gaedke et al. 1998); as global 12

temperatures rise, stratification in temperate zone lakes will strengthen (Gaedke et al. 1998; 13

1 40 Topping and Bond 1988). In large lakes, the sun lacks sufficient energy to heat the entire system 1

(Kalff 2000). The deeper portion of the lake, the hypolimnion, contains water that is not directly 2

heated by solar radiation. At the same time, the warmer water in the eplimnion is continually 3

heated by the sun, and the density gradient between the two layers prevents mixing between 4

them (Kalff 2000). An increase in global temperatures will strengthen stratification because 5

increased heating of the epilimnion will intensify the temperature and density gradients between 6

the two compartments, making mixing more difficult. Climate change will also prolong 7

stratification events by heating the epilimnion sufficiently to form a density gradient earlier in 8

the year. For example, Lake Geneva in Switzerland has not experienced a complete turnover 9

since 1986; this is thought to be a result of climate warming (Gerdaux 1998). 10

Why does this matter? The epilimnion is exposed to the atmosphere and experiences 11

turbulence–induced mixing of O and sufficient light to stimulate algal photosynthesis. However, 12 2

since algal growth requires nutrients such as NO , PO , and Mg , the epilimnion is characterized +2 13 X 4

1 41 by limited amounts of nutrients (Goldman and Horne 1983). The hypolimnion does not receive 1

oxygen from the atmosphere, and low light prevents photosynthesis and algal use of nutrients so 2

it is characterized by a limited DO supply and a large store of nutrients (Goldman and Horne 3

1983). Lake mixing is essential for the movement of oxygen to the hypolimnion and nutrients to 4

the epilimnion, where they can be incorporated into the food web (George and Hewitt 1998; 5

Klapper 1991; Straile and Geller 1998). 6

Thermal stratification is a major driving force in determining algal assemblages. Longer 7

periods of stratification create favorable conditions for blue–green algae because these species 8

are naturally buoyant and have the ability to fix nitrogen in amictic, nutrient–limited conditions 9

(de Souza et al. 1998; George et al. 1990; Jones and Poplawski 1998). Blue–green algae are 10

inedible to most species of zooplankton that planktivorous fishes feed on (George et al. 1990; 11

Kangur et al. 2002), so a shift in phytoplankton composition can negatively affect fisheries 12

productivity. In addition, some species of blue–green algae produce alkaloids that are toxic to 13

1 42 fish (de Souza et al. 1998) or their prey items (Bucka 1998). Sublethal concentrations of these 1

toxins can remain in an organism for up to three months and have the potential to enter the 2

human food chain (Banens and Davis 1998). In a four–year study (1996–1999), fish (Tilapia 3

rendilli) harvested from Jacarepaguà Lagoon in Brazil were analyzed to determine the 4

concentration of hepatotoxins in their liver, viscera, and muscle tissue. The analyzed muscle 5

tissue was found to contain microcystin levels that reached or exceeded maximum concentrations 6

recommended for safe human consumption (de Magalhães et al. 2000). 7

The suitability of the hypolimnion, an important refuge for numerous cold stenothermal 8

fishes (Brett 1971; Coutant 1985) can be compromised by prolonged and more distinct periods of 9

stratfication. An increase in mean temperature will affect hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen 10

concentrations in two ways: increased fish metabolism in a slightly warmer hypolimnion will 11

lead to the faster depletion of the limited oxygen supply, and lake overturn, the primary means of 12

replenishing hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen, will occur less frequently. 13

1 43 There are some dramatic examples of how stratification also affects fisheries productivity 1

in tropical systems. Because tropical water temperatures do not fluctuate seasonally as in 2

temperate and subtropical zones, overturn, and therefore, nutrient cycling to the biota of the lake, 3

is a function of wind–induced mixing (Kurki et al. 1999; Vuorinen et al. 1999). The African 4

Great Lakes contain deep anoxic hypolimnia that serve as nutrient stores. For example, the 5

stratified northern end of Lake Tanganyika, Africa supports a less productive fishery than the 6

well–mixed southern arm and the main basins (Vuorinen et al. 1999). A comparative study of 7

historical and current levels of primary production in the north end of Lake Tanganyika indicated 8

that current levels are much lower as a result of strengthened stratification (Verburg et al. 2003). 9

This lack of mixing is attributable to a tripling in density gradients between 110-200 m and 10

between 200-800 m of depth since 1913 (Verburg et al. 2003). Because a small temperature 11

difference greatly affects water density at higher temperatures (22-26° C in this case), this 12

increase in gradient is attributable to a 0.7° C differential in heating between 100 and 900 m of 13

1 44 depth (Verburg et al. 2003). Recent changes in the limnology of Lake Victoria have also 1

negatively affected its fishery. In the 1980’s decreased turnover in the lake led to low levels and 2

dissolved oxygen and, consequently, fish kills. Stratification in this lake now appears to be 3

permanent (Kaufman et al. 1996). It is important to note that fish kills are common in tropical 4

lakes and often result from natural events such as storms. Data on these fish kills are scarce, but 5

a 1984 storm in the Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria resulted in the deoxygenation of the water 6

column and the subsequent death of 400,000 fish, mostly Nile perch and Nile tilapia (Ochumba 7

1990). Many authors argue that cultural eutrophication is a primary cause of many of these fish 8

kills (Ochumba 1990; Verschuren et al. 2002). However, climate change has the ability to affect 9

limnological features such as stratification and trophic status. Therefore, its contribution to fish 10

kills may be small at present but is still worthy of consideration. It is likely that other tropical 11

lakes will begin to exhibit limnological changes similar to those seen in lakes Tanganyika and 12

Victoria. Though the biological record for Lake Malawi is poor in comparison to that of 13

1 45 Tanganyika, recent studies suggest that its mixing rates have also declined (Verburg et al. 2003). 1

The amplitude and nature of changes in tropical weather patterns are the source of 2

considerable disagreement. Decreased incidence of wind in the tropics may lead to the 3

prevalence of conditions seen in Lake Victoria and their subsequent impacts on the fishery. On 4

the other hand, an increase in wind–driven overturn could have mixed effects. The increased 5

mixing would increase the productivity of lakes by cycling more nutrients, but this could 6

accelerate the rate of eutrophication. If changing weather patterns produce stronger winds, then 7

there is the risk that the increased mixing will resuspend anoxic sediments. The anoxic 8

hypolimnia of tropical lakes contain high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide. This chemical 9

compound is a byproduct of anaerobic decomposition of organic matter and is highly toxic to 10

fish. Total turnover of these lentic systems can result in a massive infusion of hydrogen sulphide 11

into the epilimnion, causing fish kills (Welcomme 1979). Turnovers resulting in fish kills 12

currently occur in the Amazon basin during friagem events. A friagem event occurs whencold 13

1 46 winds decrease the surface water temperature in lentic systems, thereby forcing mixing. The 1

resulting fish kills are caused by a combination of deoxygenation and introduction of hydrogen 2

sulphide into the epilimnion (Val and Almeida-Val 1995). 3

In addition to affecting trophic state of lotic systems, thermal stratification determines the 4

availability of coldwater refuges in the warm season. Thermal habitat space will be discussed in 5

the following section. 6



An increase in mean annual temperature will significantly alter the geographical ranges 3

of temperate and subarctic fish. This will occur through the compression or expansion of 4

thermal habitats, the alteration of thermal refuges, and the migration towards the poles of the 5

isolines that determine present species distributions. 6

In the temperate and subarctic lakes of North America and Europe, cold water 7

stenotherms such as arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus), lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), and 8

whitefish (Coregonus spp.) use the hypolimnion as a thermal refuge (Christie and Regier 1988; 9

Gerdaux 1998). However, more pronounced and longer–lasting stratification will reduce the 10

amount of oxygen exchange to the hypolimnion from the oxygen–rich epilimnion. When the 11

oxygen demand in the hypoliminion exceeds the supply, hypoxic or anoxic conditions will occur. 12

Fishes that depend upon these thermal compartments are then faced with a “temperature–oxygen 13

1 48 squeeze”; they are confined to a habitat whose boundaries are defined by the warm temperatures 1

in the epilimnion and the low levels of dissolved oxygen in the hypolimnion (Matthews et al. 2

1985). This severely limits their available spring and summer habitat, because increased ambient 3

temperatures thicken the epilimnion and cause accelerated oxygen depletion in the hypolimnion 4

(Christie and Regier 1988; Gerdaux 1998). This principle is also applicable to fishes introduced 5

beyond the edge of their optimal ranges. For example, the reservoirs of the southeastern United 6

States contain striped bass (Morone saxatilis), the target species of a lucrative sport fishery. The 7

striped bass is an anadramous fish (Moyle and Cech 1988) whose historical range included the 8

Gulf and Atlantic coastal regions (Coutant 1985). They have declined markedly throughout 9

much of this range due to a number of anthropogenic factors (such as dams). However, fishery 10

managers found that these fish could survive in reservoirs, so they were extensively stocked 11

throughout the southeastern U. S. and introduced to the Pacific Coast (Coutant 1985). Striped 12

bass survive in thereservoirs of the Southeastern U. S. by using thermal refugia such as springs 13

1 49 and dam tailwaters during the summer months (Cheek et al. 1985; Coutant 1990; Moss 1985). 1

As was discussed above, the size of these thermal refugia can be reduced by increased water 2

temperatures. When thermal refugia are reduced in size, the fish are crowded into a smaller 3

volume of water where factors such as rapid oxygen depletion, low prey availability, stress, and 4

the probability of increased disease transmission are present (Coutant 1985). 5

Increased strength and duration of thermal stratification could decrease access to prey for 6

cool and coldwater species or decrease the ability of a prey species to use the epilimnion as a 7

refuge. The kokanee salmon (landlocked sockeye salmon; Oncorhynchus nerka), an important 8

sport and forage fish in western North America, makes diel vertical migrations, partially to avoid 9

encounters with predatory lake trout that are largely confined to the hypolimnion during summer 10

stratification (Stockwell and Johnson 1999). If surface water temperatures become too warm, 11

kokanee salmon may not be able to use the epilimnion as a refuge from predators. 12

Coolwater fishes such as yellow perch (Perca flavescens) may experience an increase in 13

1 50 thermal habitat because of increased global temperatures. The hypolimnion of the Laurentian 1

Great Lakes is too cold for this species, but global warming would thicken the epilimnion, thus 2

increasing the amount of thermally–suitable habitat (Kling et al. 2003). Yellow perch are native 3

to the Great Lakes region, but their possible northward range expansion causes some concern. 4

The entry of yellow perch into the Laurentian Great Lakes would mean that they would compete 5

with the current fish assemblage for limited resources. The effects of this competition on yellow 6

perch or on the fishes currently inhabiting these lakes is not known. Because the coolwater 7

systems would still be subject to density–dependent controls such as inter– and intraspecific 8

competition, disease, and resource availability, careful modeling would be required to determine 9

if an increase in coolwater fish production would occur. 10

In North American stream systems, salmonid genera including Salmo, Oncorhynchus, 11

and Salvelinus rely on groundwater discharge for a summer refuge (Meisner et al. 1988), 12

especially in lower latitude and lower elevation streams (Meisner 1990). The availability of the 13

1 51 cold–water refugia will be decreased as groundwater temperatures are also expected to increase 1

(groundwater temperatures closely approximate mean annual temperatures in temperate zones) 2

(Meisner et al. 1988) with an increase in mean global temperatures. Climatic warming of 3.8°C 3

is expected to drastically reduce the range of brook trout (S. fontinalis) in the southeastern 4

United States (Flebbe 1993; Mulholland et al. 1997) and in southern Canada (Meisner 1990). 5

Specifically, 89% of thermally suitable brook trout habitat in North Carolina and Virginia, U. S. 6

A. could be lost (Flebbe 1993). The study of possible range contractions in two southern Ontario 7

indicated that these streams would experience a 42% and 30% loss of thermally suitable habitat 8

(Meisner 1990). These findings suggest that this pattern of habitat loss would also be 9

experienced in other temperate and subtropical areas. Trout (both brown and rainbow) 10

populations that support substantial recreational fisheries exist throughout the world’s temperate 11

regions with concentrations in Australia (Young 2001), New Zealand, southern South America, 12

the United States, and Europe (Dill 1993). We use trout as an example but any stenothermal 13

1 52 fishes living at the lower latitudinal edge of their range will probably experience a range 1

contraction as global temperatures increase. 2


The distributions of many freshwater fish species are determined by temperature isolines 2

instead of physical barriers. These isolines are both elevational and latitudinal in nature (Baltz et 3

al. 1987; Moyle and coauthors 1982). Fishes are limited at the highest latitudes and altitudes of 4

their range by cold temperatures, primarily because the growing seasons are too short to allow 5

juveniles to attain sufficient size in their first summer to stave off overwinter starvation (Kling et 6

al. 2003; McCauley and Beitinger 1992; Shuter and Post 1990). The warm water temperatures at 7

the lowest latitudes and elevations of their range also become limiting factors. 8

In some cases, the predicted shifts in range are quite dramatic. McCauley and Beitinger 9

(1992) argue that a temperature increase of 1°C would shift the range of channel catfish 10

(Ictalurus punctatus), a commercially raised fish, 240 km north; the northward expansion of the 11

range would also be accompanied by a parallel northward retreat of the southern edge of the 12

range. A global warming trend would result in the northward expansion of warmwater species in 13

1 54 North America, Europe, and Asia, and the southward expansion of warmwater species in 1

Australia and South America. Species such as Eurasian perch in Europe and Australia, and 2

yellow perch (Shuter and Post 1990) and smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui) (Jackson and 3

Mandrak 2002) in North America would be able to use habitats closer to the poles. These fish 4

would compete for space in their “new” ecosystems, possibly at the expense of native species 5

that share similar thermal requirements. The northern migration of predatory species could also 6

have a deleterious effect on native prey fish. Jackson and Mandrak (2002) argue that a 7

northward migration of species such as smallmouth bass would cause the extinction of as many 8

as 25,000 populations of native cyprinids (Phoxinus spp., Pimephales promelas, Margariscus 9

margarita) in the province of Ontario. Though the four cyprinid species are common to Ontario, 10

smallmouth bass are limited to environments where the average July temperature is in excess of 11

16°C (Jackson and Mandrak 2002). Increasing annual temperatures would also force a 12

northward retreat in the species range of economically valuable fishes such as northern pike, 13

1 55 whitefish, and salmonids such as lake trout (Kling et al. 2003). 1

Because global climate change will shift the ranges of temperate fishes in a poleward 2

direction, it could have potentially serious impacts on some stream fishes, fishes in 3

geographically isolated environments, and fish in lotic systems. The ranges of all species will 4

shift on a north–south axis, so fishes in lotic systems with an east–west orientation, 5

geographically isolated systems (i.e., those without connections to north–south oriented 6

waterways) and lakes will be essentially trapped and therefore faced with extinction. For 7

example, the diverse assemblage of fishes in the southwestern United States (Ono et al. 1983) 8

would not be able to migrate in response to climate change. The size of the stream systems in 9

the southern Great Plains of the United States precludes the possibility of migration. In order to 10

“track” their optimal thermal range as temperatures increased, these fishes would have to 11

undertake westward or eastward migrations of thousands of miles to reach more suitable 12

watersheds (Matthews and Zimmerman 1990). Even if these fish were to somehow “understand” 13

1 56 the necessity of migration and undertake these journeys, they would be hindered by man–made 1

barriers, such as dams, water diversions, and flood control structures (Bednarek 2001; Clarkson 2

and Childs 2000; Gehrke et al. 2002; Morita and Yamamoto 2002; Porto et al. 1999; Winter and 3

Van Densen 2001). In New Zealand, stream system size is less of a factor because most streams 4

in this country are short. However, the ocean would form a salinity barrier to migration for any 5

freshwater stenohaline fishes (McDowall 1992). 6

Fishes in relatively closed systems such as lakes will also be affected with potentially 7

detrimental results. Fisheries managers could alleviate this phenomenon by translocating 8

“trapped” fishes into more suitable watersheds. The introduction of fish to new environments is 9

not always successful and raises environmental, political, and ethical questions. When various 10

Colorado subspecies of cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki spp.) were introduced into fishless 11

or reclaimed waters, they experienced a success rate of less than 50% (Harig et al. 2000). The 12

introduction of fish into naive waters is not a decision to be made lightly because of the possible 13

1 57 negative consequences for organisms already in that environment. In addition, history has taught 1

us that introduction of nonindiginous species into natural ecosystems can have disastrous results. 2

For example, the Nile perch (Lates niloticus) was introduced into Lake Victoria in a well– 3

meaning effort to improve the fishery. The endemic cichlids had not evolved with a large, 4

cursorial predator and were subsequently decimated (Ribbink 1987). 5

Predictions of the effects of climate change will have on the distribution of tropical 6

fishes are few, because though the topic is of interest, relatively little is known about tropical 7

systems compared to those in temperate regions. Tropical species will likely experience a 8

poleward expansion as the thermal isolines are shifted (Mulholland et al. 1997). Resource 9

managers should be concerned because a small increase in temperature could be sufficient to 10

shift thermally optimal ranges. 11

Regardless of the type of system (tropical, subtropical, temperature, Arctic), it is 12

important to note that range shifts will occur at the species level, but not necessarily at the 13

1 58 community or ecosystem level. Fishes (and other organisms) in the same community may not 1

share the same thermal optima and tolerance limits. Stenothermal species (e.g., salmonids) are 2

most likely to experience range shifts while eurythermal species (e.g., common carp) may be 3

capable of adapting to a new thermal regime. This raises the possibility that ecosystem processes 4

like food webs, interspecific competition, and host–parasite interactions will be altered. Though 5

the altered ecosystems will, eventually, achieve a new steady state, the form this state will take 6

or the amount of time required to do so is completely unknown. 7


Parasite transmission depends on host condition, the presence of intermediate hosts 2

necessary for the parasite life cycle, water quality, and temperature (Marcogliese 2001). Climate 3

change will alter host–parasite dynamics by changing transmission opportunities and changing 4

host susceptibility. Temperate and subarctic zones fishes may experience increased parasite 5

loads due to increased transmission opportunity. Warmer winter temperatures may allow for 6

higher parasite survival, increasing the possibility of year–round infection and multiple 7

generations of parasites in a single year (Marcogliese 2001). In temperate and subarctic zones, 8

overwinter temperatures are a major limiting factor on the standing stock of parasites 9

(Marcogliese 2001), through both direct and indirect mechanisms. Conversely, in some 10

situations warmer winter temperatures could reduce the impact of disease and parasitism. In 11

temperate zones with large annual temperature ranges, many opportunistic parasites infect fishes 12

in the early spring, when they are still weakened from harsh winter conditions (Hefer and 13

1 60 Pruginin 1981; Ozer and Erdem 1999). Therefore, higher temperatures associated with milder 1

winters may lower infection rates by decreasing the stress experienced by overwintering fishes. 2

However, the possible larger standing stock of parasites and their own abilities to survive the 3

minimum temperature may outweigh the benefits of a warmer winter. 4

Changing global temperatures will also affect fish susceptibility as parasite abundances 5

and infectivity change. The immune function of fish is compromised in the presence of 6

stressors, including crowding, high temperatures, and osmotic stress. For example, rates of 7

bacterial disease (such as furunculosis) in aquaculture systems often peak at high temperature 8

(Hefer and Pruginin 1981; Wedemeyer 1996). The impact of whirling disease (Myxobolus 9

cerebralis) on juvenile rainbow trout and cutthroat trout (O. clarki subspp.) in the Rocky 10

Mountain region of the United States, is likely to become more severe as summer water 11

temperatures in the Rocky Mountains increase (Hiner and Moffitt 2001). Whirling disease was 12

introduced into North America from Europe, and it infects most North American salmonids. 13

1 61 Rainbow trout are the most susceptible to the disease, which causes skeletal deformities and 1

death in severe cases (Gilbert and Granath 2003). Whirling disease is particularly detrimental to 2

juvenile salmonids (Gilbert and Granath 2003), and can therefore severely limit recruitment. A 3

field study conducted in the Colorado River, Colorado found that experimental infection of 4

juvenile trout (rainbow, brook, brown, and four cutthroat subspecies) resulted in mortality rates 5

of approximately 89% within 4 weeks of infection (Gilbert and Granath 2003). It is difficult to 6

quantify the effects of this disease throughout western North America. However, due to its 7

ability to severely curtail recruitment, this disease threatens the viability of wild trout 8

populations. Furthermore,stress associated with increasing temperatures may degrade the ability 9

of coldwater stenotherms to resist and survive infection (Marcogliese 2001). 10

The changes in lake limnology accompanying climate change may also influence 11

transmission rates. The crowding of cool and coldwater fishes into smaller strata by 12

stratification could bolster parasite transmission (Marcogliese 2001) by virtue of the increased 13

1 62 density of potential hosts. Stream and river systems may also experience more frequent parasite 1

epizootics. Extended periods of low flows and elevated temperature have been linked to 2

increased parasitism and disease in rainbow and brown trout (Hiner and Moffitt 2001; Schisler et 3

al. 1999). The changes in fish communities brought about by individual species’ range shifts 4

will likely alter the composition of the parasite fauna of specific systems. Fish migrating from 5

warmer regions may serve as hosts or vectors for parasites and diseases that are novel to species 6

in the receiving environment. 7

Current data are insufficient to allow accurate predictions of the impacts of global climate 8

change on parasite and disease outbreaks. However, the observed thermal effects on parasites, 9

fishes, and water quality suggest that global warming may well increase the virulence of certain 10

fish pathogens and the transmission of some parasites. The implications of this are global in 11

nature and involve both wild and cultured fish. Parasitism and disease outbreaks can cause 12

increased mortality, slower growth rates, and low marketability in fishes (Hefer and Pruginin 13

1 63 1981). 1


Global climate change will also affect aquatic systems through changes in evaporation, 2

evapotranspiration, and precipitation patterns. Evaporation and evapotranspiration will have 3

significant effects in both tropical and temperate zones. Increased temperatures and exposure to 4

solar radiation will accelerate the rate of water loss from lakes, rivers and swamps. History has 5

not linked increased evapotranspiration with lower water levels in temperate lakes (Kling et al. 6

2003). However, higher temperatures and insolation should increase current water loss rates 7

from these systems; lower water levels would occur if evaporation rates outstrip input from 8

increased precipitation. Though precipitation is expected to increase in North America, the 9

continent will receive rain in fewer but more pronounced rainstorms; this is expected to lead to a 10

general drying of watersheds (Kling et al. 2003). This increase in water loss and probable 11

decrease in input does suggest a net reduction in lake levels; GCM models predict that water 12

levels in the Laurentian Great Lakes will drop by 0.23 to 2.48 m (Magnuson et al. 1997). 13

1 65 In tropical systems, evaporation and evapotranspiration often already exceed precipitation 1

in the dry season (Irion and Junk 1997; Welcomme 1979); it is also not known if increased water 2

loss to the atmosphere will be offset by rising precipitation rates (Hulme 1994). Evaporation 3

rates are a driving factor in tropical lakes. Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika are endorheic; their 4

only “outlet” is to the atmosphere. Therefore, changes in their water chemistry are largely driven 5

by inflows, evaporation and precipitation. Tropical systems may well experience faster water 6

loss to the atmosphere; GCMs indicate that a 2 – 3°C increase in ambient temperature in the 7

Mekong system would bring about a 10 – 15% increase in evapotranspiration (Jacobs 1992). 8

Small changes in water levels of lentic systems will likely have minimal impacts on 9

freshwater pelagic fishes. Changes in water level will have more serious consequences for 10

species with narrow bathymetric ranges, such as some of the cichlids in the African Great Lakes. 11

The traditional fishery in Lake Victoria consisted of two tilapiine species (Oreochromis 12

esculentis, Oreochromis variabilis) and about 300 species of the genus Haplochromis. Within 13

1 66 the last 30–40 years, many of these fishes have become extinct or are near extinction due to 1

overfishing and introduction of nonnative fishes (Kudhongania and Chitamwebwa 1995). A 2

majority of the remaining species (a major food source for local peoples) inhabit shallow, sandy 3

areas that form a small percentage of the total lake habitat (Ribbink 1987). Small changes in 4

water levels will eliminate this habitat, forcing these fishes to use areas devoid of their vital 5

habitat structures; this would likely lead to population declines and might set off a cascade of 6

new interspecific interactions. 7

Large lakes tend to be fairly resistant to physical and chemical changes, primarily 8

because of the inertia or buffering capacity provided by their large volume. This environmental 9

stability is in part responsible for the large numbers of endemic fishes found in such systems; 10

Lakes Victoria, Tanganyika, Malawi, and Baikal have the highest occurrence of endemic fishes 11

in the world (Ribbink 1987). Unfortunately, the same stability that allows for high biodiversity 12

is also a liability for aquatic organisms in these systems, because they are not adapted to widely 13

1 67 fluctuating conditions (Ribbink 1987). Should global climate change manage to change the 1

physical or chemical characteristics of large systems like the Laurentian Great Lakes, the African 2

Great Lakes, and Lake Baikal, an overall loss in biodiversity would result because many endemic 3

species would be incapable of adapting to the changing conditions. 4

Obviously, precipitation is a major driving factor in aquatic systems; changes in annual 5

rain and snowfall totals can drastically affect aquatic ecosystems. In most major river systems 6

worldwide, the size of the seasonal flood is determined by precipitation. Tropical river systems 7

are usually pulse–dominated; the extent and duration of the seasonal flood determines the 8

success of the system’s fisheries (Welcomme 1979). Tropical “blackwater” habitats such as the 9

Amazon varzea lakes are inundated during flood stages and become isolated from the main 10

channel during the dry season (Val and Almeida-Val 1995). Seasonal floods flush toxins out of 11

these peripheral systems and reintroduce massive amounts of allochthonous material that form 12

the base of the system’s food chain (Welcomme 1979). Regular, predictable annual flooding 13

1 68 also ensures reproductive success; most tropical fishes leave the main river channel and enter the 1

inundated floodplain to spawn (Harper and Mavuti 1996; Welcomme 1979). 2

Tropical fishes and artisanal and commercial fisheries are adapted to this feast–and– 3

famine cycle and are equipped to deal with conditions that vary with season. During the flood 4

stage, opportunistic feeders build fat reserves to survive the dry season (Val and Almeida-Val 5

1995), spawning occurs, and human fishing effort is negligible due to the difficulties associated 6

with fishing at high water (Welcomme 1979). During the dry season, fish take refuge in 7

floodplain lakes (Val and Almeida-Val 1995) and large pools (United Nations Economic 8

Commission for Asia and the Far East 1972). Here they endure crowding, low DO, increased 9

levels of ammonia and nitrite, and increased risk of disease transmission (Welcomme 1979). The 10

confinement of fishes in these refuges provides increased foraging opportunities for obligate 11

piscivores (Val and Almeida-Val 1995) and better fishing success for artisanal and commercial 12

fisheries (Harper and Mavuti 1996; Welcomme 1979). 13

1 69 Predictive models do not agree on the exact effects of climate change on tropical systems. 1

Several models predict an increased flow amplitude for the Mekong River system; it would 2

experience higher flood stages and lower minimum flows (Nijssen et al. 2001). The implications 3

of an increased flow amplitude on the Mekong system are not insignificant; high flows would 4

bring an increase in catastrophic flooding, and low flows may affect the fishery by increasing the 5

length and severity of crowded, stressful conditions in refuge pools. On the other hand, a 6

decrease in flow amplitude may also negatively impact the fisheries in tropical systems. Smaller 7

flood stages would decrease the allochthonous input of material into the aquatic system. In 8

addition, a smaller inundated floodplain would also translate into reduced spawning habitat. It is 9

not known whether or not climate change has resulted in the decrease of the seasonal pulse in 10

tropical systems. This phenomenon has been observed in four major rivers in southern South 11

America, but it may be the result of land use changes and deforestation (Genta et al. 1998). 12

Some GCMs do agree on a small decrease in precipitation for the Amazon basin (Labraga 1997; 13

1 70 Meisner 1992). If these predictions are accurate, the Amazon fisheries may indeed suffer 1

because a change in rainfall of 2 or 3 mm/day over the Amazon drainage basin is enough to 2

drastically alter stream flows (Meisner 1992). 3

Changes in temperate rivers will involve precipitation in the form of rain and snow. 4

Reduced snowpacks will decrease spring flows, especially in systems that occupy regions that 5

are marginal with respect to snow storage; major rivers such as the Mississippi and the 6

Severnaya Dvina will be affected by the decrease in snowpack (Nijssen et al. 2001). Without 7

high spring flows, temperate stream systems may experience lower minimum flows (Nijssen et 8

al. 2001). This could negatively affect populations of economically important fishes. For 9

example, introduced chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in New Zealand migrate 10

during low flow periods; a further decrease in stream discharge during seasonal low flows may 11

block their migration (McDowall 1992). 12

Lower flows in tropical and temperate rivers may also present problems with respect to 13

1 71 seawater intrusion. For example, the Mekong and the Amazon are both extremely low gradient 1

rivers. In dry years, when the Mekong River’s discharge drops below 1500 m /s, seawater 2 3

penetrates the Mekong system as far as 50 km from the coast (Hori 2000) and inhibits rice 3

production in 1.7 – 2.1 million hectares (Jacobs 1992). The Amazon River also has a very low 4

slope (100 m per 4000 km) (Salati and Marques 1984), so a decrease in flows could 5

profoundlyaffect their lowland and deltaic regions by altering the water chemistry and allowing 6

more saltwater intrusion. This change in flows would be further exacerbated by a small rise in 7

sea level. Sea levels rose by 1 – 2 mm per year during the 20 century, much faster than 8 th

prehistoric fluctuation rates . Furthermore, sea level is expected to rise between 10 and 80cm by 9

2100 according to IPCC scenarios (IPCC 2001). 10


The effects of temperature on toxicity have been tested with a myriad of chemical 2

compounds and a diverse array of fish species. Unfortunately, much of the testing has involved 3

short–term acute toxicity determinations, often at concentrations higher than those found in 4

ecosystems (Nussey et al. 1996). In addition, the temperature–related toxicity effects often 5

decrease with time (Nussey et al. 1996; Seegert et al. 1979). There are some general trends that 6

can be identified with respect to toxicity, especially when considering the effect of temperature 7

on poikliotherm metabolism. 8

Studies that examine the toxicity of common pollutants (e.g., organophosphates and 9

heavy metals) to fish have generally found that toxic effects increase at higher temperatures 10

(Murty 1986). The increases in toxicity may result from the increased production of bioactivated 11

free radicals that are more toxic than the parent compound (Nemcsók et al. 1987). Studies on 12

bioaccumulation have shown a positive correlation between temperature and pollutant uptake; 13

1 73 this increased uptake is thought to result from increased gill ventilation rates at warmer 1

temperatures (Köck et al. 1996; Roch and Maly 1979). 2

An increase in fish metabolism also facilitates a faster depuration of toxicants (Huey et 3

al. 1984; MacLeod and Pessah 1973). For example, MacLeod and Pessah (1973) reported that 4

rainbow trout placed in mercury–contaminated water and subsequently moved to clean water 5

reduced their body burdens of the metal faster at higher temperatures; at 20°C, the reduction of 6

mercury concentrations in fish tissue became apparent after 10 days, as opposed to 20 to 30 days 7

for fish held at 5 and 10°C (MacLeod and Pessah 1973). However, despite their increased ability 8

to metabolize pollutants at warmer temperatures, fishes may still experience increased negative 9

effects at higher temperatures, but these effects may be toxicant–specific. Köck et al. (1996) 10

suggest that inessential metals such as cadmium and lead are difficult for fish to depurate 11

because no specific metabolic pathway exists to process them. Therefore, fish accumulate heavy 12

metals more quickly at higher temperatures. Köck et al. (1996) documented this effect with 13

1 74 arctic char. Fish exposed to cadmium and lead were unable to completely metabolize the metals, 1

resulting in positive correlations between metal body burdens and water temperature, as well as 2

metal concentrations and the age of the fish. The temperature–dependent accumulation of heavy 3

metals has large economic implications for the developed world. For example, mercury 4

accumulation in fish flesh is a common problem in areas of southern Canada, Japan, and 5

Scandinavia; it accumulates in muscle tissue and renders it unfit for human consumption 6

(Wobeser et al. 1970). Fish will accumulate mercury in greater concentrations at higher 7

temperatures, even if the water contains only low concentrations of the metal (Bodaly et al. 8

1993; MacLeod and Pessah 1973). The discovery of mercury contamination in Canada’s fish led 9

to a significant decline in recreational and commercial fisheries in the early seventies (Uthe and 10

Bligh 1971). 11

Even when fish can physiologically process toxicants present in the water or their food, 12

the processes used to depurate these compounds are energetically costly, and require energy that 13

1 75 could have been allocated to some other compartment of the energy budget. For example, 1

detoxification of ammonia in the common carp requires ATP (Jeney and Nemcsók 1992); this 2

increased cost of maintenance metabolism leaves less energy for other processes such as growth 3

and reproduction. 4

Increasing water temperatures will also alter the toxicity and uptake of natural 5

compounds such as ammonia. Accumulation of ammonia and its metabolites is a serious issue in 6

aquaculture systems. Increased temperatures lead to increased nitrite uptake rates in cultured 7

fishes such as channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) (Huey et al. 1984) and grass carp 8

(Ctenopharyngodon idella) (Alcaraz and Espina 1995). A combination of high temperature, low 9

dissolved oxygen concentration, and sublethal ammonia concentrations have been shown to 10

cause gill necrosis in common carp (Jeney and Nemcsók 1992). Increased uptake of natural 11

toxicants such as ammonia and the synergy existing between high temperatures, poor 12

environmental conditions, and the presence of ammonia suggest that an increase in global 13

1 76 temperatures has the potential to lower productivity in intensive aquaculture systems. 1

An increase in toxicant uptake rates has the potential to affect the quality of fish 2

populations worldwide. For example, though the acute toxicity of organochlorines (OC’s) 3

decreases at warmer temperatures (Murty 1986), accumulation of these compounds in fish tissue 4

increases (Murty 1986). These elevated tissue concentrations can have sublethal effects, 5

including the reduction of reproductive output. Westin et al. (1985) found that striped bass 6

carrying a high parental load of OC’s produced fewer viable offspring. Similar results have also 7

been reported in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) exposed to DDT (Westin et al. 1985) 8



The preceeding sections have discussed how global climate change will affect freshwater 2

systems and the fishes therein. Because many of these freshwater systems support artisanal, 3

sport, and commercial fisheries, global climate change will impact those fisheries. Changes in 4

fishery productivity will in turn affect the human populations and economies that are reliant on 5

those resources. 6

Billions of people depend upon fish as their primary source of fish protein. Fish can be 7

easily harvested, or can often be produced quickly, cheaply, and with a minimum of husbandry. 8

For example, China has the world’s largest population and produces the world’s largest supply of 9

freshwater fish. China produces table–size fish primarily by stocking fingerlings in lakes and 10

reservoirs early in the year and collecting them by organized capture later in the year (Martin 11

2001). In developing countries, farmers often use small aquaculture ponds as part of an 12

integrated subsistence system. In Vietnam, fish are raised on agricultural waste products such as 13

1 78 rice hulls; this practice is also used in the Phillipines (Pekar et al. 2002; Prein et al. 2002). Cage 1

aquaculture is also employed in the lakes and rivers of Indonesia (Munzir and Heidhues 2002) 2

and China (Lu 1992). Because fish protein is affordable and easy to grow, many of the world’s 3

people depend heavily on freshwater fisheries. For example, in Manaus, Brazil, 70% of the 4

average annual animal protein intake comes from fish (Bayley 1981), and in Cambodia, fish is 5

the most important staple food after rice (van Zalinge 2002). 6

In addition to providing an essential affordable food source, fisheries also contributes 7

significantly to economies around the world. For example, fishing is the second–highest 8

producer of foreign exchange in Bangladesh at 12% (Hossain 1994). India is the world’s 9

second–largest producer of freshwater fish, which contributes a significant amount to the 10

economy (Chauhan 1994). Freshwater fisheries generated 8.8% of the Cambodian GNP in the 11

mid–1960’s (Hori 2000). 12

Industrialized countries also benefit financially from commercial–scale fisheries; the 13

1 79 channel catfish farming industry in the United States produces several hundred million dollars 1

annually (McCauley and Beitinger 1992). The freshwater recreational fisheries of the 2

industrialized world produce far more revenue than the commercial capture industries. It is 3

difficult to attach a dollar value to recreational fisheries because people participate in the sport 4

for unquantifiable reasons such as enjoyment of nature and relaxation (Rudd et al. 2002). 5

Nevertheless, the economic benefits of recreational fisheries are clear when considering the 6

money spent by anglers. In the Great Lakes region, recreational freshwater fisheries contribute 7

significantly to local economies. Nearly 10 million recreational anglers spent approximately 9.3 8

billion US dollars while fishing the Great Lakes (and the inland rivers, streams, and lakes in the 9

surrounding area) in the 1990’s (Kling et al. 2003). In the United Kingdom, recreational anglers 10

spend about 3.41 billion US dollars per year (Lyons et al. 2002). The levels of participation in 11

recreational fishing vary among countries, ranging from 1 – 2% of the population in Germany 12

(Rudd et al. 2002) to 24% of the population in Sweden (Dill 1993) and 50% in Norway 13

1 80 (Toivonen 2002). 1

Loss of productivity in or total collapse of subsistence or recreational fisheries poses 2

serious threats to humans worldwide. For example, a 2°C rise in temperature on the North 3

American continent may result in a major northward shift in the ranges of economically 4

important fish species. For example, as both the northern and southern boundary of their ranges 5

move toward the poles, North American fishes will either migrate northward or face extirpation. 6

Endemic species, particularly those in the species–rich southeastern United States, will likely 7

become extinct due to their specialized ecological niches. For example, the Suwanee bass 8

(Micropterus notius) is restricted to the Suwanee River (Florida, USA) and the Ochlockonee 9

River (Florida and Georgia, USA). Unlike many of its cogeners, this fish prefers a riverine 10

environment over lentic habitats (Hurst et al. 1975). The southern United States may lose the 11

ability to farm catfish. The valuable coldwater fish species of the Great Lakes region, such as 12

the lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) , may migrate northward, leaving behind the local 13

1 81 economies that depend so heavily upon them (Kling et al. 2003). 1


Currently, the magnitude of global climate change is such that most of its effects 2

on freshwater fisheries could be easily masked by or attributed to other anthropogenic influences, 3

such as deforestation, over–exploitation and land use change (Genta et al. 1998; McDowall 4

1992; Nobre et al. 2002). At this juncture, global climate change appears to represent an 5

additional stressor to the suite that includes pollution, overfishing, water diversion, and 6

introduction of nonnative fishes. For example, two formerly abundant tilapiine species in Lake 7

Victoria, Oreochromis esculentis and O. variabilis, have been subject to fishing pressure, 8

competition with introduced tilapiine species (e.g. O. niloticus) (Goudswaard et al. 2002), and 9

other anthropogenic changes such as pollution (Verschuren et al. 2002). These new challenges 10

predispose these populations for collapse, and climate change could create sufficient additional 11

disturbance to extirpate these species. Though these native populations have been much more 12

heavily impacted than many of the world’s fisheries, this principle of predisposition can be 13

1 83 applied worldwide.Large–scale human activities like water diversion, land–use changes, and 1

deforestation often have dramatic and rapid impacts on fish populations, while the effects 2

presently attributable to climate change exist in the background and may go unnoticed. 3

However, even though the effects of climate change have not yet manifested themselves through 4

large and widespread fish kills, the sublethal effects experienced by the world’s fish populations 5

have been, and will be, detrimental. Temperature increases, decreased DO levels, changes in 6

disease transmission, changes in toxicant stresses, and alterations to hydrographs all contribute to 7

the decreased productivity of native fish populations. Though the small temperature increases 8

seen in current years have not yet significantly decreased the productivity most fisheries, global 9

warming is expected to increase in magnitude in the near future (IPCC 2001), at which point it 10

will exert more influence upon the fishes of the world. Furthermore, human response to a hotter 11

planet will lead to secondary effects on fisheries. For example, increased demand for water will 12

lead to further water diversion, and increased waste heat loading that will exacerbate existing 13

1 84 environmental challenges (Mulholland et al. 1997; Vörösmarty et al. 2000). Fish are vitally 1

important as a protein source in developing countries. In industrialized countries, fish provide a 2

food source and numerous recreational opportunities. Loss of productivity in the world’s 3

fisheries could result in increasing food shortages in nonindustrialized countries, many of whom 4

are experiencing rapid human population growth. For example, the population of the Lake 5

Victoria basin is expected to reach 53 million people by the year 2020, a two–fold increase from 6

1995 levels (Verschuren et al. 2002). Though decreased fishery productivity would probably not 7

cause a crisis in industrialized countries, loss of recreational fisheries would have profound 8

negative economic effects. Given these stakes, it is vitally important to manage our emission of 9

greenhouse gases. 10





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2 Temperature SPECIES ILLT Optimum UILT 3 Guild temperature 4 range 5 Coldwater Rainbow trout 1 13–21 24–28 6 (Oncorhynchus mykiss) 7 Coolwater Yellow perch 0–3.7 19–21 21.3– 8 (Perca flavescens) 29.7 9 Bluegill 0–1.1 20.5–29 28–39 10 (Lepomis macrochirus) 11 Warmwater Largemouth bass 0–11.8 22.8–30 28.9– 12 (Micropterus salmoides) 38.9 13 Channel catfish 0–6 21–27 30.3–35 14 (Ictalurus punctatus) 15 Warmwater/ Common carp 0–0.7 26.7–29.4 31–35.7 16 tropical (Cyprinus carpio) 17 Tropical Blue tilapia 8.9–12.8 22.8–30 28.9– 18 (Tilapia aurea) 38.9 19 20 21 22TABLE 1.—Temperature tolerances of some common coldwater, coolwater, warmwater, and 23tropical fish species. All temperature values are given in degrees Celsius (°C). ILLT is the lower 24incipient lethal temperature, or the temperature below which a fish cannot survive for an 25indefinite time, and UILT is the upper incipient lethal temperature, or the temperature above 26which a fish cannot survive indefinitely. Variations in these values most likely occur because 27incipient lethal temperatures depend somewhat upon acclimation temperature. (Adapted from 28Stickney 2000 and McLarney 1996) 29

1 109 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PARASITE OR 12 HOST DISEASE 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ENVIRONMENT 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32FIGURE 3.—In order for a host fish to be infected by a parasite or disease organism, the two 33organisms must overlap in space and time. Large–scale environmental changes such as global 34warming will affect the host–parasite relationship by altering host and parasite range, host 35susceptibility, and transmission rates. Direct temperature effects upon the parasite may also 36affect this relationship. 37 38 39

1 110 1 2 Temperature Increase 3 4 5 6 7 8 Toxicity Increased 9 Uptake of Toxicant 10 11 12 13 14 15 Decreased Increased Increased Increased 16 toxicity toxicity depuration accumulation 17 18 19 20FIGURE 4.—The possible effects of climate change on toxicity of pollutants to fish are specific 21to the toxicant and the fish species. It is important to note that stress synergy, or the combined 22effects of increased temperature, decreased dissolved oxygen, and pollutant presence will have a 23deleterious effect on fish populations regardless of temperature effects on toxicity. Adapted 24from Langford 1983 and Murty 1986. 25 26 27 28 29

1 111 1 2 3 4 Dissolved Oxygen Concentration 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Sunrise 12:00p.m Sunset 21 22 23 24 25FIGURE 5.—Diurnal fluctuation in a small warm aquatic system. Due to high temperatures, 26community respiration would quickly deplete the O2 introduced into the system by surface 27turbulence or by diffusion from the atmosphere. Therefore, all of the aquatic organisms in a 28system such as this depend heavily upon algal or macrophytic photosynthesis to supply adequate 29oxygen. As a result, oxygen concentrations are highest during the day when photosynthetic rates 30are maximal and lowest at night when photosynthesis does not occur and the entire aquatic 31community consumes O2 through respiration. Adapted from Kalff 2002 and Goldman and Horne 321983.

1 112 1 2 Temperature Temperature 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Time Time 13 14 15FIGURE 6.—The distinction between an increase in average temperature (graph A) and an 16increase in the amplitude of daily fluctuations (graph B). The average temperature in graph B 17remains the same, but the daily maximum and minimum temperatures increase and decrease 18respectively. 19 20 21 22

1 113 1 2 Heated epilimnion 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Deoxygenated 12 water 13 14 15 16 17 Increased temperature 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Deoxygenation 28 29 30 31 32FIGURE 7.—Due to species–specific temperature and oxygen requirements, climate change may 33restrict pelagic habitat availability for many species. Increased solar radiation will thicken the 34epilimnion, and increased fish metabolism will result in decreased concentrations of dissolved 35oxygen. Adapted from Coutant 1985. 36

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