Women Hold up Half the Sky

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Women Hold up Half the Sky

USA Girl Scouts Overseas - 2009 Based on the North Atlantic 2006 Annual Training Conference Course Outline for Women Hold Up Half the Sky Page 1 of 11 Theme: How to introduce the plight of women in the developing world to your troop

Learning Objectives: By the end of this session, participants will be able to

1. Disprove a myth about women’s work 2. List at least 3 activities for girls that illustrate women’s place in the world 3. Identify at least 2 sources for up-to-date statistics

TOPIC ADA METHOD OF DELIVERY FACILITATOR SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT TIME STEP Pre-session 12 Photographs hung around the room of Prepared photos, Post activity women from around the world doing things. its Participants should guess what the women are doing and put their guesses on post-its by photos Housekeeping, Needs Assessment, Learning 5 mins Objectives Intro ACT Divide into pairs and assign each pair a 15 mins photograph. Participants look at the photos and form opinions about what is happening, referring to the post-its as well. Then they are each given the real caption for the photograph.

DEB Each Pair briefly summarizes the “guessed” captions and the real ones. How did the “guesses” differ from the real captions? Did anyone guess what was really happening in your pictures? If you had to assign a “theme” to the photos, what would it be? (Women in developing countries succeeding.) Why would we show pictures like this to our girls? Cum 20 min. Trainer (s) originally written by Jill Duffey, Robin Goldston-Banning, and Katie Cox USAGSO-NA 10/05 #8896 USA Girl Scouts Overseas - 2009 Based on the North Atlantic 2006 Annual Training Conference Course Outline for Women Hold Up Half the Sky Page 2 of 11

TOPIC ADA METHOD OF DELIVERY FACILITATOR SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT TIME STEP APP How do you think girls in your troops would react to these photos? How would you change the activity to use with your troop? Girls at Work – ACT 4 cartoons with a myth (ie a room full of Prepared cartoons from 20 mins Myth or Fact children working with one boy and several girls UNICEF publications and an adult looking on saying “one child worker”) Divide into 4 groups and have each group discuss their myth and groups try to come up with the facts

DEB In large group, share what they thought about the cartoons – both the myth and the facts. What else would you say about this to debunk those myths? (If necessary, facilitators add to the facts the groups have discussed.) Newsprint

APP How can you adapt this to use with girls? Do you know of places where you can get more information? Blank newsprint with heading “More information” – add to list throughout course as participants add resources that they can add to list on handout to be given at the end Quiz ACT Hand out quiz sheets. Participants can work in Quiz handouts 10 mins pairs or 3’s on the quizzes.

DEB Give answers to quiz. Were there any answers that surprised you? Do you know of other facts about women you could use in a quiz like this?

Trainer (s) originally written by Jill Duffey, Robin Goldston-Banning, and Katie Cox USAGSO-NA 10/05 #8896 USA Girl Scouts Overseas - 2009 Based on the North Atlantic 2006 Annual Training Conference Course Outline for Women Hold Up Half the Sky Page 3 of 11

TOPIC ADA METHOD OF DELIVERY FACILITATOR SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT TIME STEP APP How can this be adapted to your own troop’s Cum 50 min. age level? Where could you obtain more information about this topic? (Add any new ideas to the “More Information” newsprint.) State of the ACT Play game: Divide the group into “boys” and 30 index cards – 10 10 mins world’s Women “girls” (ie half and half) and label them pink, 10 blue, 10 green accordingly. There are 10 index cards with shovels on (representing work), 10 index cards with $ signs (representing wealth) and 10 index cards with houses on (representing property). The cards are divided between the groups in proportion to the world situation – that is that the “girls” end up with more of the work cards, less of the wealth cards, and a tiny piece of one property card!

DEB What did you think of this game? Were you surprised about the division of work, property, and money between the sexes? Do you think the world situation is changing? How about in the USA? APP Again, how could you adapt this activity for your own troop? And, where could you get more information? (Add to “More Info.” newsprint.) Education of ACT Ask a series of questions about participants’ List of questions about 15 mins women in your female relatives’ educational experience such women and education family as “Was your grandmother/mother/aunt (copy for each group as educated in a one-room school house?” Ask well) participants to stand up if answer is yes. Cum 1 hr. 15 min. Trainer (s) originally written by Jill Duffey, Robin Goldston-Banning, and Katie Cox USAGSO-NA 10/05 #8896 USA Girl Scouts Overseas - 2009 Based on the North Atlantic 2006 Annual Training Conference Course Outline for Women Hold Up Half the Sky Page 4 of 11

TOPIC ADA METHOD OF DELIVERY FACILITATOR SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT TIME STEP DEB In small groups, women share what they know about the education of the women in their families – ie mothers, aunts, grandmothers, etc

Back in larger group, share a few interesting results. How has the education of women in American culture changed in the past few generations? How do you think it compares to the education of women around the world today? Why is literacy and education important?

APP How would you use these ideas with your girls? Would you have a discussion, have them invent a game, or do some other activity? Musical Rights ACT A game based on musical chairs, but each Labels with rights, CD or 15 mins person is assigned a right (some are tape player, CD or tape deliberately frivolous): freedom to food, of music (preferably GS religious beliefs, bicycles, vacations, education, music!) clean water, protection from abuse, medical care, free speech. As each chair is taken away, the group has to negotiate which right they are willing to give up.

DEB Share reactions. Did you feel that certain rights were more “valuable” than others? Did you all agree of the relative importance of all the rights? Do you think we take these rights for granted in everyday life? This might lead you to think about things we do have that we could really live without. Cum 1 hr. 30 min. Trainer (s) originally written by Jill Duffey, Robin Goldston-Banning, and Katie Cox USAGSO-NA 10/05 #8896 USA Girl Scouts Overseas - 2009 Based on the North Atlantic 2006 Annual Training Conference Course Outline for Women Hold Up Half the Sky Page 5 of 11

TOPIC ADA METHOD OF DELIVERY FACILITATOR SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT TIME STEP APP How would you use this with your troop? Would you change any of the rights? Break! 10 mins

Proverbs ACT Display proverbs about women from other Prepared proverbs on 10 mins countries. (ie a woman’s place is in the home) Overhead projector or Also display proverbs about men. with laptop/projector. (If no projector available, DEB How do you feel about these proverbs? print handouts for pairs What do these proverbs imply about women? to share while About men? If children (boys and girls) grow discussing) up hearing these proverbs, how will their values be affected? APP Do you know any other proverbs that are about the roles of women or men? How would you adapt this to use in your troop? Where could you find some proverbs to do this activity with your girls? (Add to “More Info.” newsprint.) Where does the ACT Divide into small groups of 4. Make a clock with 18 file size boxes, cheap 20 mins time go paper plates for clock faces. Do 2 clock faces, paper plates, 6 boxes of one to show the activities in the day of a girl crayons/pencils/markers and one a woman from different cultures/lifestyles/ times in history.

DEB Groups explain their clock faces to larger group. What sort of differences did you see in the clock faces? What could we learn from this? Cum 2 hr. 10 min. Trainer (s) originally written by Jill Duffey, Robin Goldston-Banning, and Katie Cox USAGSO-NA 10/05 #8896 USA Girl Scouts Overseas - 2009 Based on the North Atlantic 2006 Annual Training Conference Course Outline for Women Hold Up Half the Sky Page 6 of 11

TOPIC ADA METHOD OF DELIVERY FACILITATOR SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT TIME STEP APP Is this an activity you could do with your girls? How could you adjust to age levels? Explain how this is based on an activity to make a whole clock tower with 4 faces. Ask participants if they know sources for further information. (Add to “More Info.” newsprint.) Bandana Head ACT Participants take 2 bandanas (or bring other Both 2 Bandanas per 10 mins Carrying Game items as well – rags, triangular bandages, hand participant (might want towels, pieces of fabric) and wrap together in a to bring other fabric circle so it sits on their head and their crown is items as well – triangular not exposed. They use this to balance items to bandages, rags, hand carry – a book at first and then a ball which is towels, pieces of fabric, more difficult, and finally a pitcher (filled with etc.) DEB torn up paper, not water.) 6 basketball-size balls Did you enjoy this activity? What was difficult about it for you? How would you like to actually 4 plastic pitchers (tear have to carry pots of water or food instead of up paper to put inside APP balls? and act like water)

How will your girls like the game? How can you discuss with girls the difference in the game and the real lives of some women? Are there any safety concerns you have about doing this activity with girls? Where could you find more activities of this type to do with girls? (Add to “More Info. newsprint.) Where am I? ACT “Y Decisions” Draw a big Y On the left stem Paper, example of big Y 10 mins you write things that it WOULD BE GREAT if they happened. On the right stem, you write things that are MOST LIKELY to happen. The Cum 2 hr. 20 min. Trainer (s) originally written by Jill Duffey, Robin Goldston-Banning, and Katie Cox USAGSO-NA 10/05 #8896 USA Girl Scouts Overseas - 2009 Based on the North Atlantic 2006 Annual Training Conference Course Outline for Women Hold Up Half the Sky Page 7 of 11

TOPIC ADA METHOD OF DELIVERY FACILITATOR SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT TIME STEP Junction of the Y is where you are now. Bearing in mind all the subjects we have covered in the training, fill in the Y, and think about what you can do to make the things on the WOULD BE GREAT stem to be things on the MOST LIKELY stem. This is personal to keep, we will not ask everyone to share.

DEB Ask if one person would like to share one part of their ‘Y’. Discuss other ways to make WOULD BE GREAT things to MOST LIKELY things. What else can we do (Educate our girls to carry on!) (Tell Katie’s “orphanage” story here – how taking this class motivated her to help start a charitable group to help local Kazakh orphanages.)

APP How can you do this with girls, how can you help them to find ways to make a difference? Where can you go for more information? (Add to “More Info.” newsprint.)

Wrap up ACT In pairs or small groups, get together and Easel and paper 10 min. discuss: What information did you find surprising, enlightening, or disheartening today?

DEB Pairs/groups share the main points of their discussions - co-trainer writes these down on a graffitti sheet. How can we present issues such Cum 2 hr. 40 as these to girls honestly, but without min. Trainer (s) originally written by Jill Duffey, Robin Goldston-Banning, and Katie Cox USAGSO-NA 10/05 #8896 USA Girl Scouts Overseas - 2009 Based on the North Atlantic 2006 Annual Training Conference Course Outline for Women Hold Up Half the Sky Page 8 of 11


Bringing up these topics with girls could be considered "sensitive issues" and should be handled with care and appropriate guidelines. Mention GSUSA publications dealing with these issues.

APP Building on the activities we have done today, let's brainstorm some activities and projects girls/troops could do to make a difference to women and girls around the world"

Closing and eval Handout with list of activities done in training Both Prepared handouts 10 mins and a list of places where to find up-to-date statistics and more activities. Space on handout for them to add from the list created during the training.

Review Learning Objectives

Have participants fill out evaluations

Cum 2 hr. 50 min. Trainer (s) originally written by Jill Duffey, Robin Goldston-Banning, and Katie Cox USAGSO-NA 10/05 #8896 USA Girl Scouts Overseas - 2009 Based on the North Atlantic 2006 Annual Training Conference Course Outline for Women Hold Up Half the Sky Page 9 of 11


Extra or ACT Play a game. Basically – roll the dice and Both 6 copies of the game on Alternative move forward along the path from start to finish. double size paper, 6 10 mins Activities: However, some blocks you can land on say dice, game counters things like – there is a flood leading to disease, Community go back 2 spaces. Only a few places allow you (I don’t have this game Health Game to move ahead like a more traditional game. as it was developed by a Only play the game long enough for them to get troop and brought to the the idea of the frustration of not being able to training by Jill Duffey, get ahead one of the original trainers who designed DEB Trainers highlight the participants’ cries of this course in 2003-04, frustration. Discuss how this game is different but I can ask if we can from children’s games we know and how they get copies/borrow it, feel about this. etc.)

Ask how we can compare the frustration in the game to frustration some women must feel in their day to day lives. APP Ask how they would use this with their girls. Talk about how to make large, so that girls can be their own counters. Ask participants if they know sources of information, other similar games like the “No Chance game”

Scenarios for ACT Break into 3 groups and give a possible service Scenarios of overseas 15 min. service projects project or field trip scenario to each group. service projects and field and field trips Each group prepares and acts out their story trips and a possible solution to any problems OR invents one of their own that comes to mind Trainer (s) originally written by Jill Duffey, Robin Goldston-Banning, and Katie Cox USAGSO-NA 10/05 #8896 USA Girl Scouts Overseas - 2009 Based on the North Atlantic 2006 Annual Training Conference Course Outline for Women Hold Up Half the Sky Page 10 of 11

TOPIC ADA METHOD OF DELIVERY FACILITATOR SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT TIME STEP after reading the examples. OR If preferred, another possibility would be to have the groups take newsprint and write down the activity and possible problems due to being overseas and solutions, or list the problems that might need to be handled.

DEB Share skits/newsprints. Can you think of other solutions to the problems in these scenarios? What are some of the major problems that you run into in your overseas locations that prevent you from doing what the girls want to? Does anyone know of any similar examples of “problem” activities? Why is it important to try and solve some of these problems and proceed with the activities, when possible?

APP How can you apply this to activities with your own troop? Where can you find help in solving problems like these in your location? Skits ACT Break into 3 groups and give a story of Prepared stories, 15 min. successful action by women’s groups 1) construction paper for Women’s cooperative doing tailoring, spinning, props etc in India, 2) Swamp development to grow rice in Sierra Leone, 3) Union organization for women in a factory in Brazil. Each group prepares and acts out their story

DEB Share skits. What do the stories have in common? Why is it important for these women to organize themselves?” Trainer (s) originally written by Jill Duffey, Robin Goldston-Banning, and Katie Cox USAGSO-NA 10/05 #8896 USA Girl Scouts Overseas - 2009 Based on the North Atlantic 2006 Annual Training Conference Course Outline for Women Hold Up Half the Sky Page 11 of 11


APP How can you do this with girls? (ie make posters) Where can you find further information?

Poems ACT During break, handout poems written by Copies of poems for 10 mins women and about women around the world for participants to look at. participants to read.

DEB Ask participants for their reactions. In what ways do the authors understand their lives as women? In what ways do they see the contributions they can make as women?” Ask if anyone knows other poems to share.

Discuss how to use with girls, in particular, APP getting girls to write their own poetry. Ask participants if they know sources for more information

Trainer (s) originally written by Jill Duffey, Robin Goldston-Banning, and Katie Cox USAGSO-NA 10/05 #8896

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